TIAI May 1



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh trust me I'm aware I'm no angel. As far as how you feel you are received, if it's a repeated pattern with a general collective everyone, why do you think that could be? Just saying. I have no fight with you, you just seem to be seeking explanations and this is what I can offer you.
  • Oh trust me I'm aware I'm no angel. As far as how you feel you are received, if it's a repeated pattern with a general collective everyone, why do you think that could be? Just saying. I have no fight with you, you just seem to be seeking explanations and this is what I can offer you.
    Here is my thing bec I do not feel anything about how I am being received. I am stating an observation of others patterns not mine. That is were the problem is. It is not me who has the issue when it concerns owning my own thoughts or opinions, it is how others perceive what I have said. When you state I am wrong or that you think people are this way; that is how YOU perceive things not what I meant. I appreciate you thinking I was looking for answers or explanations but I merely was posting questions for others to think about. I never expect an answer to the questions I ask. When someone does respond I take what they say into consideration.

    This will be my last post about this so the thread can continue on topic (hopefully) <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
  • eternalflameeternalflame Posts: 195
    Gooood Morning everybody!

    After having read over the last three pages I´d like to post the idea that you could solve your differences by PM or in the chatroom also.

    With all my respect to everyone of you wonderful and unique people here, I can´t get rid of the feeling that the atmo in the whole forum is going to be very tight and nervous, for what reason ever.

    I´d like to remind you that we probably have a lot of new guests here, everyone can read here, and probably Michael is reading here, too. I´m not the first one to mention that.

    I´m posting this because I found another thread this morning which had to be locked by Souza, for exactly the same reason.

    Well, I łl have my coffee now in the sun,on this extremely wonderful German morning, and when I come back I hope this thread isn´t locked as well.

    Peace! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Ok, i use a different logic. If it were a sting court and TS knows it, he wouldn't even bring it up on a highly rated forum for security reasons (i don't think anyone on this board is ill intent). So...no, if TS is an insider i don't believe it's a sting operation.
    But even if it were, we wouldn't have a clue because that would be the opposite of what a sting operation is: TOP SECRET. In my small opinion this is the reason why you are stucked. It's a problematical question from the start.

    Makes sense. So, it's like chasing our own tails....keeps us busy....but we don't really accomplish anything.

    Well, so, we are bored now <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> we need more of TS <!-- sparty/ -->party/<!-- sparty/ -->
  • Is this the last level TS?
  • I really believe TS is showing us enough so that we still see flaws in the "Death" of MJ. But is also showing us this is something very serious going down that it is involving the F.B.I. None of us here are true investigators that i know of,but yet we have enough proof in our own minds that the man is still alive. A reason Jermaine may have said what he did on twitter may be because they need to make him seem dead to catch whoever the sting is for. We will never have enough proof that he is alive until he returns with a BAM. If they did show us undeniable proof,the BAM would not work,plus the criminals would not do the crimes because they would know they were being set up.Even with all we know right now When the BAM does happen we all will be shocked because there was just enough doubt. I am just waiting and feel we are almost there,the excitement is building in me. I am sure it is for all of you as well. God bless you all, Peace and Love. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    Welcome to this forum We LIVE Forever <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    I agree. I think we've come so far with our investigation that now we've reached a point that we have to put things on hold, or slow down a bit, because there must be still doubt or confusion and tension in order to reach the BAM effect. If there won't be a BAM, or even a return, we will never know if we were on the right track. That's fine with me, because I have a great time with this hoax family and I've learned a lot. Though, like you said, WeLiveForever, the exicement is building in me and I feel something is simmering 'I can feel it in the air'(of the song 'Monster').
    So *sigh*.. we'll have to wait (not tooo long please <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) L.O.V.E. you all.
  • Maybe today is the day for our next level TS? 3 x 7 = 21 <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ -->

    <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> to you all

    <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    TS_comments wrote:

    michaelsupporter wrote:TS,

    Are you at liberty to disclose any information on Thome and his involvement-good or bad-in this matter? ...


    Also, I would like to keep this thread on topic: paramedics, and staged photo done in LAFD #71, or a different ambulance, etc.

    TS was referring here to the issue of paramedics, and staged photo done in LAFD # 71, or A Different ambulance. Tohme is the person who least mentioned in all this, why?
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Does anyone else think that TS may have just evaporated like other "informers"???
    Things may've just not panned out so he skipped out on us.....
    I haven't been on almost at all lately, moving, new pet to train...and not much going on in the Michaeling dept, outside of speculation or world news I can find on TV, so perhaps, TS is feeling the same. His life has become too full to keep giving us clues.
    What do you think?
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    fordtocarr wrote:

    Does anyone else think that TS may have just evaporated like other "informers"???
    Things may've just not panned out so he skipped out on us.....
    I haven't been on almost at all lately, moving, new pet to train...and not much going on in the Michaeling dept, outside of speculation or world news I can find on TV, so perhaps, TS is feeling the same. His life has become too full to keep giving us clues.
    What do you think?

    confundido_emoticon_no_entender_www_trucoslive_x10hosting_com.gif I do not know, but just as we can go forward without TS <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    He'll be back.
    it's not that we can't go forward without TS but the ride is funnier with him around <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    For a long time I never really understood what the relevance of the phrase "time heals all wounds" really meant. Now I do. The more time you put between you and an event, be it painful or joyous, the easier it becomes to accept the outcome. I guess that's where I am now. I can accept what ever the outcome will be.
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    it's not that we can't go forward without TS but the ride is funnier with him around <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->

    Not only funnier, but also more interesting and exciting.
    I think we were trapped at this level.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    It seems to me like everything stopped after Jermaine said michael wasn't alive on twitter. :/
  • eternalflameeternalflame Posts: 195
    It seems to me like everything stopped after Jermaine said michael wasn't alive on twitter. :/
    Funny, that´s my feeling as well.
    It´s quiet here, apart from the fact that some users are arguing more.

    Could be a test: who will loose faith now?

    I won´t.

    On the other hand I appreciate the "slow motion", the other TS threads were quite speedy and sometimes hard to follow when you are new and don´t have very much basic knowledge yet.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    It seems to me like everything stopped after Jermaine said michael wasn't alive on twitter. :/
    Funny, that´s my feeling as well.
    It´s quiet here, apart from the fact that some users are arguing more.

    Could be a test: who will loose faith now?

    I won´t.

    On the other hand I appreciate the "slow motion", the other TS threads were quite speedy and sometimes hard to follow when you are new and don´t have very much basic knowledge yet.

    I'll never lose faith, it just seems like there's nothing happening. Maybe we're in the eye of the hurricane... calm before the storm? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Hello, TS!
    Since I always read your posts with a great interest and appreciate your time and efforts you put into all this, I want to ask you a question if you let me.
    Have you ever considered the possibility of the family being NOT in the know? I mean not one of them. Not even Katherine.
    Thanx in advance.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Hello, TS!
    Since I always read your posts with a great interest and appreciate your time and efforts you put into all this, I want to ask you a question if you let me.
    Have you ever considered the possibility of the family being NOT in the know? I mean not one of them. Not even Katherine.
    Thanx in advance.

    TS wrote about it in his updates. Maybe you haven't read them yet. Here: <!-- l -->viewforum.php?f=125<!-- l -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    It seems like we are on our own. At least for a while. I wonder why TS didn't make any new post. He could be busy with his life etc but how long would it take to make a post and explain what's going on. At least he could tell that he wasn't going to make any posts till the trial begins. I don't get this silence. I don't believe that any of us would lose our hope or faith if TS doesn't write again but still I wonder if his sudden disappearance is related with Jermaine's tweets.
  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    Hello, TS!
    Since I always read your posts with a great interest and appreciate your time and efforts you put into all this, I want to ask you a question if you let me.
    Have you ever considered the possibility of the family being NOT in the know? I mean not one of them. Not even Katherine.
    Thanx in advance.

    TS wrote about it in his updates. Maybe you haven't read them yet. Here: <!-- l -->viewforum.php?f=125<!-- l -->
    Thank you, PureLove. I read some, but not all of them.
    If you could tell me what's the TS's opinion considering my question it would be greatly appreciated.
    It's just there are so many threads with his updates, Im afraid I will lost into them. <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ -->
  • TheMoonIsDancingTheMoonIsDancing Posts: 1,003
    I believe, and always will believe, that the reasons for Mike's disappearance is all in his music. Ecspecially HIStory, BOTDF and Invincible albums. Extortion, Assassination Attempts, Death Threats, Corruption (both related and unrelated to his own life), Destroying all lies and propaganda. As we sleep, people are kidnapped, murdered, blackmailed, hunted and sold by those they trust. A sting operation would have more purpose in his life than just a 'mind game', if Michael is the man I believe he is, this would seem much more plausible than any other theory. He has seen more in his life, good and bad, than any of us can ever imagine. TS will come back, I'm sure of it! June 1 is 9 days away. Lets be patient because its really our only option. Go for a jog, talk to a neighbor you haven't met already, call an old friend, pray to God, pray to Allah, pray to Buddha, a Pagan God, Moses, Mother Mary, whoever your god or messenger is, may they bring you relief and comfort. Whatever you do, don't stress over TS' absence from the forum. Its hard for me to believe its because he is 'busy', he hasn't had a problem in any of the other TIAI posts. June is around the corner, the 3rd anniversary of Michael's rebirth. Could it be related? IDK, who knows if TS really is an insider, who knows if the moon is really made of cheese lol who knows?!? I'm just tired of the hating and arguing, I'm not sure how old each of you are, but in the words of Prince "Act your age, not your shoe size"
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    here we go again i will be the guilty one to get us off topic , maybe . has anyone seen this ? do you think there is any possible way there could be a connection? probably not , but since we are already in the crapper , why not <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->

    <!-- m -->http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110523/ap_ ... ob_arrests<!-- m -->
  • TheMoonIsDancingTheMoonIsDancing Posts: 1,003
    here we go again i will be the guilty one to get us off topic , maybe . has anyone seen this ? do you think there is any possible way there could be a connection? probably not , but since we are already in the crapper , why not <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->

    <!-- m -->http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20110523/ap_ ... ob_arrests<!-- m -->

    Who knows? This goes on so much, its probably unrelated. But good story, I'm glad they got their crooked asses!
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