


  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Im_convincedmjalive, it's ok. God bless you.
  • New Tweet:

    "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation".

    Finally, a quote from Michael Jackson! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    " love is the most wonderful God could create "
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation".Beautifully said Michael.

    A new era is coming, an era where we can truly love from the soul and not let prejudices divide us. This is true love, pure love. Exciting !
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Latest twitter
    "What if half the things ever said turned out 2 B a lie, how will you know the truth?"
  • Latest twitter
    "What if half the things ever said turned out 2 B a lie, how will you know the truth?"
    Can anyone find the source of this quote? I'm not seeing it. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->
  • Latest twitter
    "What if half the things ever said turned out 2 B a lie, how will you know the truth?"
    Can anyone find the source of this quote? I'm not seeing it. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    The Truth
    What if half the things ever said turned out to be a lie?
    How will you know the truth?

    If you were given all the answers when you stopped to wonder why
    But how will you know the truth?

    Everybody's got a right to love
    Everybody's got a right to lie
    But the choice you make, it ain't no piece of cake
    It ain't no motherfuckin' piece of pie

    What if time's only reason was to give us all somethin' to fear?
    And if so, y'all, the end of the journey's so clear

    Questionnaire - "What did you stand for?"
    Questionnaire - "Who did for save?"
    When it gets right down to it
    Wait a minute
    When it gets right down to the nitty of the gritty
    When it gets right down to it
    Did you take more than you gave?

    Everybody's got a right to love
    Everybody's got a right to lie
    But the choice you make, it ain't no piece of cake
    It ain't no motherfuckin', motherfuckin' piece of pie!

    Mm, well
    Gotta tell the truth, y'all, gotta tell the truth! {x3}

    If there was just one day when everybody told the truth
    We'd all trade bank accounts and move to Neptune

    ~ Prince
  • @ Serenitys_Dream -- Thankyou!
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    "What if half the things ever said turned out 2 B a lie, how will you know the truth?"

    I often ask myself this question because in my quest for the truth I realize that even what seems to be the truth is not the truth in reality. The truth is not always the opposite of the lie, it's not black or white, it's not as easy and there are a lot of false prophets playing a double game in which message lies are diluted in truths. So how can someone make the difference between a lie and a truth ? By basing ourselves only on the evidence, the rest is only speculations and should not be considered as the ultimate truth.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    The lie is a ghost that never leave you in peace, while only you know the truth... and this does not mean that we have to tell the truth but doing things with honesty .
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    by Sarahli » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:35 am

    thisisalmostit "To dismiss something without an investigation of the evidence is the height of ignorance."

    I understand that even the evidence has to be investigated. We musn't take things for granted and always scratch beyond the surface, even the surface of what seems to be the evidence.

    Yup! Because ignorance is bliss!

    "Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril." --Oscar Wilde

    New Tweet:

    "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation".

    Finally, a quote from Michael Jackson! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    One of my favorite quote by MJ. This is why I have it at the bottom of my siggie. Love is the most important thing in the world. God is Love <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ! Blessings to all
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    "What if half the things ever said turned out 2 B a lie, how will you know the truth?"

    I often ask myself this question because in my quest for the truth I realize that even what seems to be the truth is not the truth in reality. The truth is not always the opposite of the lie, it's not black or white, it's not as easy and there are a lot of false prophets playing a double game in which message lies are diluted in truths. So how can someone make the difference between a lie and a truth ? By basing ourselves only on the evidence, the rest is only speculations and should not be considered as the ultimate truth.

    I agree. We have to go deeper than surface. These last 4/5 tweets all seem to go together, clarifying the collective message. MJ loves God's Word the Bible, but he sees a bigger picture, that is LOVE--God's love. That will ultimately unfold, after all the messy history of humanity with Satan's half truths woven into the fabric is done. The consumation of all, the restoration, when all shall be made new again. The Etch-a-stetch is shaken and we start again with a clean slate.

    I also agree with you Sarahli that John 3:7 is also talking about resurrection and the glorified bodies we will receive, as well as a change of heart. John 12:24

    "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."

    Interesting the quote about half being a lie. God might not be lying or capable, but He assignes Satan to do the lying half and gets away with it. It's all a giant drama and the Bible is part of the plot. IMO
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    "What if half the things ever said turned out 2 B a lie, how will you know the truth?"

    I often ask myself this question because in my quest for the truth I realize that even what seems to be the truth is not the truth in reality. The truth is not always the opposite of the lie, it's not black or white, it's not as easy and there are a lot of false prophets playing a double game in which message lies are diluted in truths. So how can someone make the difference between a lie and a truth ? By basing ourselves only on the evidence, the rest is only speculations and should not be considered as the ultimate truth.

    I agree. We have to go deeper than surface. These last 4/5 tweets all seem to go together, clarifying the collective message. MJ loves God's Word the Bible, but he sees a bigger picture, that is LOVE--God's love. That will ultimately unfold, after all the messy history of humanity with Satan's half truths woven into the fabric is done. The consumation of all, the restoration, when all shall be made new again. The Etch-a-stetch is shaken and we start again with a clean slate.

    I also agree with you Sarahli that John 3:7 is also talking about resurrection and the glorified bodies we will receive, as well as a change of heart. John 12:24

    "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."

    Interesting the quote about half being a lie. God might not be lying or capable, but He assignes Satan to do the lying half and gets away with it. It's all a giant drama and the Bible is part of the plot. IMO

    I don't know who said that but Satan is in the detail especially with the believers but God protects those who seek for His protection so there is nothing to be worried about. I see it like that: we are here on earth because of our polytheistic tendencies. God gave us a second chance to repent that's why we are here. God is testing us, is testing our faith in Him and allowed Satan, who thought that he could be a god, to lead astray those who hesitated to reject Satan's claim when in Heaven, and who now on earth do not seek for God, those who think arrogantly that they are sufficient to themselves, those who straight worship Satan.

    As God is all about Justice and Truth, Satan is the contrary, injustice and lies. He is wise enough to melt the two so that in final he is the winner because The Truth must be clear and pure not tainted with lies. If people are served half-truths can we say that they have the truth or even a part of it ? I would say no because a single lie insidiously hidden within the truth don't make it a truth anymore. That's why I say and feel that the evidence is the key. Only the evidence can make something be stamped as being a truth.

    Now what about the evidence ? It makes me remember the theory of evolution (Darwin). When we used to learn it at school I remember that the teacher used to show us "evidences", like pictures of skulls and skeletons, even man made drawings of "creatures" half-monkey half-man in caverns...it makes me laugh today because these are no way evidences. Even one of the skull has been fabricated by Darwin to support his claims and is now known to be a fake but this has been discovered many years later only, which means that for a long period of time Darwin duped people with a fake evidence. <!-- m -->http://www.nwcreation.net/evolutionfraud.html<!-- m -->
    But I asked myself why did Darwin so wanted his theory to be true ? If it is not an inspiration of Satan...
    There isn't always an answer for everything so I follow this rule: as my Guidance is God, things which do not contrary His message are "Ok". I always try to see things in this perspective.

    I know that a lot of people in the Christian world think that there is only one way. A lot of Muslims also think the same and a lot of Jews too. But I don't. I deeply believe that everyone who seeks God whatever way it is will find an answer from God and God will guide him/her in the right way and there's not only one. We are billions of people in this planet, with different traditions, languages, cultures, there can't be just one way leading to God. Well this is just my opinion.

    I know that Michael reads the Bible and is more familiar with it and it's message. This is his hoax and the Bible, through TS posts, is a part of it and I deeply respect that. I myself want to learn what is in the Bible. I just hope that Michael doesn't mind if sometimes I quote the Quran... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    "Do not argue with the people of the scripture (Jews, Christians, and Muslims) except in the nicest possible manner—unless they transgress—and say, "We believe in what was revealed to us and in what was revealed to you, and our God and your God is one and the same; to Him we are submitters." (29:46) Quran.

    God bless you Mjonmind I love your open mind and tolerance. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • New Tweet:

    "Ready for a new paradigm?"
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Greek Paradeima PARADIGMA = model, type, sample. A paradigm is the result of the uses and customs, established beliefs of truths half a paradigm is law, until it is superseded by another. The paradigms have imposed us them the gods first, and then we we we created others to hold the first, and so on.

    If I'm ready, ... I want to know
  • New Tweet:

    "Ready for a new paradigm?"

    The word paradigm refers to a dynamic field or "world" of concepts —such that it represents a union between intelligent inquiry and some particular kind of world view. The term has been used in linguistics and science to describe distinct concepts. It comes from Greek (paradeigma), "pattern, example, sample" from the verb (paradeiknumi), "exhibit, represent, expose" and that from (para), "beside, by" + (deiknumi), "to show, to point out".

    Until the 1960s, the word was specific to grammar: the 1900 Merriam-Webster dictionary defines its technical use only in the context of grammar or, in rhetoric, as a term for an illustrative parable or fable. In linguistics, Ferdinand de Saussure used paradigm to refer to a class of elements with similarities.

    From the 1960s onward, the word has referred to thought pattern in any scientific discipline or other epistemological context. The Merriam-Webster Online dictionary defines this usage as "a philosophical and theoretical framework of a scientific school or discipline within which theories, laws, and generalizations and the experiments performed in support of them are formulated; broadly : a philosophical or theoretical framework of any kind.

    Paradigm shift
    Paradigm shift (or revolutionary science) is the term first coined by Thomas Kuhn in his influential book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1962) to describe a change in basic assumptions within the ruling theory of science. It is in contrast to his idea of normal science.

    Since the 1960s, the term has been found useful to thinkers in numerous non-scientific contexts. Compare as a structured form of Zeitgeist.

    Zeitgeist ( listen) is "the spirit of the times" or "the spirit of the age." Zeitgeist is the general cultural, intellectual, ethical, spiritual, and/or political climate within a nation or even specific groups, along with the general ambiance, morals, sociocultural direction or mood of an era.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    My interpretation: Ready for a dramatic shift in the way the world perceives or looks at things. New age, an upsidedown world, new aion, presuppositions changed, revolutionary change, orthodox considered backward and an unforeseen way of thinking becomes the generally accepted norm, the very building blocks of society and tools of gaining knowledge are replaced with something else, the very revered elite may be replaced by the ones at the bottom, the pyramid inverted...

    Something BIG is going to happen. The best is yet to come. And everything else Michael said! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • by Sarahli » Mon Aug 02, 2010 9:35 am

    thisisalmostit "To dismiss something without an investigation of the evidence is the height of ignorance."

    I understand that even the evidence has to be investigated. We musn't take things for granted and always scratch beyond the surface, even the surface of what seems to be the evidence.

    Yup! Because ignorance is bliss!

    "Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril." --Oscar Wilde

    New Tweet:

    "Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation".

    Finally, a quote from Michael Jackson! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    One of my favorite quote by MJ. This is why I have it at the bottom of my siggie. Love is the most important thing in the world. God is Love <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> ! Blessings to all

    Yes it is, I am so connected with what you just said... There is nothing more important than LOVE, without it we our souls are dead.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    New Tweet:

    "Ready for a new paradigm?"

    It's interesting that you especially quoted this tweet because your nic is meaningful mjintrigue2012...
  • who is TIAI?
  • New Tweet:

    "Ready for a new paradigm?"

    It's interesting that you especially quoted this tweet because your nic is meaningful mjintrigue2012...
    @Sarahli -- lol -- I guess I was taking a risk when I set up my mjintrigue2012 name. I used it to set up my first YT account. It was soon after I saw "This Is It". I was truly intrigued by Michael's comment about "4 years" to get it right. It seems my gamble may have turned out right! Love to you.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    New Tweet:

    "Ready for a new paradigm?"

    It's interesting that you especially quoted this tweet because your nic is meaningful mjintrigue2012...
    @Sarahli -- lol -- I guess I was taking a risk when I set up my mjintrigue2012 name. I used it to set up my first YT account. It was soon after I saw "This Is It". I was truly intrigued by Michael's comment about "4 years" to get it right. It seems my gamble may have turned out right! Love to you.

    Right there's no coincidence! Much love to you <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    New Tweet "The Law of Time" see <!-- m -->http://www.13moon.com/LAW%20OF%20TIME.htm<!-- m -->
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    New Tweet "The Law of Time" see <!-- m -->http://www.13moon.com/LAW%20OF%20TIME.htm<!-- m -->
    Sorry, to be completely accurate the Tweet is "Law of time"
  • <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
    <!-- m -->http://www.lawoftime.org/home.html<!-- m -->

    Something else to review and consider. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

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