Is this MJ or a Impersonator?

ForTheTruthForTheTruth Posts: 122
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Does anyone know when this video was made or if it is a fake?
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  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    whoa i've seen this video before i don't remember when and what redirected me there..
    In the description it said it's a guy who head a heart attack and was making his first moves...
    I can't find the video :/
  • Why am I having trouble loading video's from youtube tonight? I can't see it so can't really say. The photo's give me doubts but IDK...
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Where the heck did this video come from? It looks legit to me. It actually does look like MJ to me. He got an armband on his sweat shirt as well. It looks like he's on a surveillance camera. I wonder when this video was taken?
  • LUNALUNA Posts: 361
    is it possible he is a double?? he looks like mike!! (also if he reminds mike to me....his lips,his cheek-bones,his chin... don't you think??). propbably,this double has died after heart attack and not mj!! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    ok,it's just imagination.....

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I am subscribed to that account at youtube. This is the account of the "Andromeda" I mentioned before, the one who sings similar to MJ.

    IDK what to think about that video. It is too slow motion and blurred. Almost scary to be honest.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I don´t like the backround, looks like if he would be kidnapped or in a hospital and forced to do it. What the heck? and the video has no sound.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    OH wow! This is creepy. Where and when was this made? That looks like our Michael.
  • ForTheTruthForTheTruth Posts: 122
    I found two more links with the same video but the date is June 18 2010. Someone is trying to fool us or maybe that could be MJ..<!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • i dont see michael
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    Ok thats creepy...... it does look like MJ........also i think, is he singing ?

    that is very very strange to say the least
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I found two more links with the same video but the date is June 18 2010. Someone is trying to fool us or maybe that could be MJ..<!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    This vídeo comes from the youtube account
    LeachimNoskcaj | June 18, 2010

    the description comes written in Spanish <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    El video tiene un secreto muy fuerte e importante para el futuro.
    Muestra a una persona dentro de una habitación, tratando de bailar con dificultades.
    Este hombre estaba enfermo, Roco, y la recuperación de un paro cardíaco.
    Cuando sus pasos de baile han dado los primeros, una simple cámara grabó el momento.
    Antes de abandonar el sitio, vestía ropa holgada, atado el cinturón en la parte superior del vientre, llevaba una gorra y una blusa con largos toques fría para disfrazarse.
    Usaba gafas para ocultar sus ojos, y puso una máscara quirúrgica en la nariz y la boca para no ser reconocidos.
    Es posible ver una carita.
    Antes de usar la máscara, las imágenes fueron grabadas.
    y esto es lo que verás.
    Él se divertía tratando de cantar, incluso roco, lo intentaba.
    Él utilizó su brazo líder de la banda en el momento de la grabación, y se retiró y se fue.

    (I used google...too tired to translate)
    The video has a secret very strong and important to the future.
    Shows a person inside a room, trying to dance with difficulties.
    This man was sick, and recovery from cardiac arrest.
    When her dance moves have taken the first, a single camera recorded the moment.
    Before leaving the place, wearing loose clothes, tied the belt in the upper belly, wearing a cap and a blouse with long, cold touch to dress up.
    He wore sunglasses to hide his eyes, and put a surgical mask in the nose and mouth to avoid being recognized.
    You can see a face.
    Before using the mask, the images were recorded.
    and this is what you see.
    He had fun trying to sing, even dew, I tried.
    He used his arm band leader at the time of recording, and retired and went[/quote]

    This theory makes sene for some of us who, during the first months after MJ died, tought that he could have been in rehab after a coma.
  • awesome1awesome1 Posts: 565
    I found two more links with the same video but the date is June 18 2010. Someone is trying to fool us or maybe that could be MJ..<!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    This vídeo comes from the youtube account
    LeachimNoskcaj | June 18, 2010

    the description comes written in Spanish <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    El video tiene un secreto muy fuerte e importante para el futuro.
    Muestra a una persona dentro de una habitación, tratando de bailar con dificultades.
    Este hombre estaba enfermo, Roco, y la recuperación de un paro cardíaco.
    Cuando sus pasos de baile han dado los primeros, una simple cámara grabó el momento.
    Antes de abandonar el sitio, vestía ropa holgada, atado el cinturón en la parte superior del vientre, llevaba una gorra y una blusa con largos toques fría para disfrazarse.
    Usaba gafas para ocultar sus ojos, y puso una máscara quirúrgica en la nariz y la boca para no ser reconocidos.
    Es posible ver una carita.
    Antes de usar la máscara, las imágenes fueron grabadas.
    y esto es lo que verás.
    Él se divertía tratando de cantar, incluso roco, lo intentaba.
    Él utilizó su brazo líder de la banda en el momento de la grabación, y se retiró y se fue.

    (I used google...too tired to translate)
    The video has a secret very strong and important to the future.
    Shows a person inside a room, trying to dance with difficulties.
    This man was sick, and recovery from cardiac arrest.
    When her dance moves have taken the first, a single camera recorded the moment.
    Before leaving the place, wearing loose clothes, tied the belt in the upper belly, wearing a cap and a blouse with long, cold touch to dress up.
    He wore sunglasses to hide his eyes, and put a surgical mask in the nose and mouth to avoid being recognized.
    You can see a face.
    Before using the mask, the images were recorded.
    and this is what you see.
    He had fun trying to sing, even dew, I tried.
    He used his arm band leader at the time of recording, and retired and went

    This theory makes sene for some of us who, during the first months after MJ died, tought that he could have been in rehab after a coma.[/quote]

    so if the video is what the description says it is, and that that is in fact michael. is it entirely possible that his heart did stop, and they pronounced him dead, and then they were able to restart his heart again ?? and they just decided to go with the whole death thing so that he could recover.....
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I found two more links with the same video but the date is June 18 2010. Someone is trying to fool us or maybe that could be MJ..<!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    This vídeo comes from the youtube account
    LeachimNoskcaj | June 18, 2010

    the description comes written in Spanish <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    El video tiene un secreto muy fuerte e importante para el futuro.
    Muestra a una persona dentro de una habitación, tratando de bailar con dificultades.
    Este hombre estaba enfermo, Roco, y la recuperación de un paro cardíaco.
    Cuando sus pasos de baile han dado los primeros, una simple cámara grabó el momento.
    Antes de abandonar el sitio, vestía ropa holgada, atado el cinturón en la parte superior del vientre, llevaba una gorra y una blusa con largos toques fría para disfrazarse.
    Usaba gafas para ocultar sus ojos, y puso una máscara quirúrgica en la nariz y la boca para no ser reconocidos.
    Es posible ver una carita.
    Antes de usar la máscara, las imágenes fueron grabadas.
    y esto es lo que verás.
    Él se divertía tratando de cantar, incluso roco, lo intentaba.
    Él utilizó su brazo líder de la banda en el momento de la grabación, y se retiró y se fue.

    (I used google...too tired to translate)
    The video has a secret very strong and important to the future.
    Shows a person inside a room, trying to dance with difficulties.
    This man was sick, and recovery from cardiac arrest.
    When her dance moves have taken the first, a single camera recorded the moment.
    Before leaving the place, wearing loose clothes, tied the belt in the upper belly, wearing a cap and a blouse with long, cold touch to dress up.
    He wore sunglasses to hide his eyes, and put a surgical mask in the nose and mouth to avoid being recognized.
    You can see a face.
    Before using the mask, the images were recorded.
    and this is what you see.
    He had fun trying to sing, even dew, I tried.
    He used his arm band leader at the time of recording, and retired and went

    This theory makes sene for some of us who, during the first months after MJ died, tought that he could have been in rehab after a coma.

    so if the video is what the description says it is, and that that is in fact michael. is it entirely possible that his heart did stop, and they pronounced him dead, and then they were able to restart his heart again ?? and they just decided to go with the whole death thing so that he could recover.....

    I don't believe in this theory at all..that can't be Michael
    Do you think he could pull off this if he was in rehab and barely being able to move?
    I think this video has nothing to do with him..
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I posted a thread called Cardiac arrest does not equal to death and how resurrection techniques are applied succesfully to "clinically dead" people.

    I´ll try to find it.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Here it is.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=96&t=12089&p=200089&hilit=cardiac+arrest+does+not+equal+to+death#p200089<!-- l -->

    Some people "felt" that MJ could have been in rehab of some sort <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    If this was the case, MJ was in the need to "fake" his dead in order to live and find out "who is it".
    He said "50 concerts would kill me"...who knows what happened to his heart....

    Did MJ want to get in touch intentionally with dead to be reborn? may be to experience what is beyond? or did he really suffered cardiac arrest by propofol?

    We don´t know.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I followed some links on youtube and read some comments, there're people saying someone uploaded this video to make us believe it was Michael but seems Leachim is a MJ spanish impersonator..
    I'm not saying I believe this theory, because I don't either..I won't judge this video, no one knows what is it about and what was its purpose but it might be someone is trying to fool us..
  • whisperwhisper Posts: 630
    I don't think it's MJ...
    Post by Serenitys_Dream » Mon Apr 26, 2010 9:50 pm
    It is from this site, it plays when you go there. Selena1974 puts these youtube videos up and tries to fool people this is the second one she has done this with. She did it with another message he gave regarding a flood in Germany a few years, she posted it as a recent message.

    I have lightened and increased the speed of this video that youtuber LEAHCIM NOSKCAJ posted and once again SELANA1974 is trying to pass this off as Michael Jackson. This is not Michael, it is another a fake video created to confuse and mislead people. This is the third time SELENA1974 (aka Andromeda) has posted a fake video.

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    When she posted the flood Germany message she said that someone gave her the video.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    If it's a fake, it a very good one. It looks exactly like Michael in the still shot.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    If it's a fake, it a very good one. It looks exactly like Michael in the still shot.

    I believe that the still shot comes from an original MJ video and the video presented in this thread has a fake MJ. Like if was planned to make us believe that he was MJ.
  • When she posted the flood Germany message she said that someone gave her the video.
    Gema I know all about it. I found the original video and posted it to my youtube and confronted her. She then removed the one she had up.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    If it's a fake, it a very good one. It looks exactly like Michael in the still shot.

    I believe that the still shot comes from an original MJ video and the video presented in this thread has a fake MJ. Like if was planned to make us believe that he was MJ.

    Yes that is probaly it. The still shot is obviously MJ but the guy in the video looks nothing like him. It could even be a woman.
  • If it's a fake, it a very good one. It looks exactly like Michael in the still shot.

    If it is not fake then the circumstances in which it is being presented are not the truth just as the previous video from the flood in Germany was presented as a current message from Michael. When in fact it was several years old and had been edited so that it wasn't directed to the German flood victims but appeared to be directed towards fans in general.

    As can be seen from the increased speed version, the video is very short and is pieces that have been spliced together, it was then in slow motion to make it appear as one continuous video clip of an unhealthy person.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    When she posted the flood Germany message she said that someone gave her the video.
    Gema I know all about it. I found the original video and posted it to my youtube and confronted her. She then removed the one she had up.

    I saw the same video. She wrote that the video was given to her.
    I also remember me and more youtube users writing on her board that the message came from the Germany floding tragedy. She removed those comments first and about an hour after the video was gone.

    I would like to know what this person wants to achieve. She also has some videos on her chanel about fans asking MJ to come back.

    I read some of the comments. People think she is MJ or that MJ is with her.
This discussion has been closed.