Is this MJ or a Impersonator?



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    The video, sold? it is free all over youtube.
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170

    We have Jermaine & Randy CONFIRMING in their tweeting, that the video IS MJ.

    So, connect the adds up, its him in the video & its recent.

    Jermaine & Randy jus confirmed thru twitter

    They didn't confirm anything about THAT video.....

    Sorry but Randy tweetd this:
    Someone I considered very close and dear to me sold video of my brother behind my back for profit.

    What did he prove about THAT video?
    Did he talk about THAT video?
    Did he say the man is his brother?
    I don't think he was talking about THAT video
    You're right he didnt confirm THAT video.

    THAT video is the most recent MJ video I know of.

    And its a recent video Randys talkin about becuz he hasnt tweeted about it till now.

    Its free on youtube...It could have been sold & then put on youtube, becuz it would have to be sold first to even get on youtube.

  • We have Jermaine & Randy CONFIRMING in their tweeting, that the video IS MJ.

    So, connect the adds up, its him in the video & its recent.

    Jermaine & Randy jus confirmed thru twitter

    They didn't confirm anything about THAT video.....

    Sorry but Randy tweetd this:
    Someone I considered very close and dear to me sold video of my brother behind my back for profit.

    What did he prove about THAT video?
    Did he talk about THAT video?
    Did he say the man is his brother?
    I don't think he was talking about THAT video
    You're right he didnt confirm THAT video.

    THAT video is the most recent MJ video I know of.

    And its a recent video Randys talkin about becuz he hasnt tweeted about it till now.

    Its free on youtube...It could have been sold & then put on youtube, becuz it would have to be sold first to even get on youtube.
    There is no profit in putting a video on youtube, it is free and Randy said a video Sold for Profit

    The seller would want to make a profitof course.

    But so would the Buyer. If this is a video that was sold to the media they get money from advertisements etc.

    So if the video was sold to say, TMZ, the more click on their site to watch this video the more profit for them from the advertisers on the site the video is located on.
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I've been going back & forth on the video, fake, not fake & then finally I was convinced its fake. And then yesterday Randy Jackson tweets:

    randyjackson8 I've known about this for a few days. I can't take it anymore it's tearing me apart.
    about 14 hours ago via web

    randyjackson8 I know everyone wants to know who it is. Im still trying to deal with it in my heart...
    about 14 hours ago via web

    randyjackson8 Someone I considered very close and dear to me sold video of my brother behind my back for profit.
    about 15 hours ago via web

    randyjackson8 Once again I am so so so disappointed and saddened.
    about 15 hours ago via web

    my comment: I'm trying to figure out what video Randy is talking about, & then I wonder is he talking about that video??

    Not the whole video, but some parts of the video, the ones that looks like MJ, can be a video taken before by someone, and then sold. Makes sense to me.
    & then Jermaines tweets back to Randy:
    jermjackson5 @randyjackson8 you should not be Surprised, this is the world we live in, "Money knows no friend"
    about 14 hours ago via web
    my comment: maybe Pearl Jr is the friend Randy & Jermaine are tweeting about, mayb she blew LeachimNoskcaj's cover.

    LeachimNoskcaj says hes not MJ. He says the video was done in May 2010.

    We have Jermaine & Randy CONFIRMING in their tweeting, that the video IS MJ.

    So, connect the adds up, its him in the video & its recent.

    Jermaine & Randy jus confirmed thru twitter.

    Are you saying that Jermaine and Randy are confirming via twitter that this video is MJ? If it is true! I am truly speechless, but I am not shocked. I just want MJ to be safe, and to come home in his own time. Daddy, I love you, and I pray for my heavenly Father to protect you and to cover you in His Love daily. xxxxxx
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I saw the long version of this video that someone posted on here in a different thread. The video has been looped to show the same footage over and over. I believe there is a possibility of that being MJ on this video due to the still photo. It's harder to tell when watching the actual video. However at this point I believe anything could happen regarding MJ. I think it's odd that Randy just happens to tweet about a video after this one is released on Youtube. You never know someone with this footage could have sold it to someone and then the person could have put it on Youtube. I don't think it should be ruled out that it could be MJ even though some may disagree.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    I've been going back & forth on the video, fake, not fake & then finally I was convinced its fake. And then yesterday Randy Jackson tweets:

    randyjackson8 I've known about this for a few days. I can't take it anymore it's tearing me apart.
    about 14 hours ago via web

    randyjackson8 I know everyone wants to know who it is. Im still trying to deal with it in my heart...
    about 14 hours ago via web

    randyjackson8 Someone I considered very close and dear to me sold video of my brother behind my back for profit.
    about 15 hours ago via web

    randyjackson8 Once again I am so so so disappointed and saddened.
    about 15 hours ago via web

    my comment: I'm trying to figure out what video Randy is talking about, & then I wonder is he talking about that video??

    Not the whole video, but some parts of the video, the ones that looks like MJ, can be a video taken before by someone, and then sold. Makes sense to me.
    & then Jermaines tweets back to Randy:
    jermjackson5 @randyjackson8 you should not be Surprised, this is the world we live in, "Money knows no friend"
    about 14 hours ago via web
    my comment: maybe Pearl Jr is the friend Randy & Jermaine are tweeting about, mayb she blew LeachimNoskcaj's cover.

    LeachimNoskcaj says hes not MJ. He says the video was done in May 2010.

    We have Jermaine & Randy CONFIRMING in their tweeting, that the video IS MJ.

    So, connect the adds up, its him in the video & its recent.

    Jermaine & Randy jus confirmed thru twitter.

    Are you saying that Jermaine and Randy are confirming via twitter that this video is MJ? If it is true! I am truly speechless, but I am not shocked. I just want MJ to be safe, and to come home in his own time. Daddy, I love you, and I pray for my heavenly Father to protect you and to cover you in His Love daily. xxxxxx

    They said the person Randy gave the video to sold it so I very much doubt this is the video they are talking about
    No one confirmed anything, they totally ignored our questions, as usual..
  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    When there are no questions answered you have to find the answers yourself.

    They cannot say anything straight out, the media is watching, fans are watching..
    even friends and so called friends are watching.
    Difficult, but im happy with the answers they give.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    the door
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Im still really confused over this. It looks like MJ to me, yet everyone says its fake. Im sorry that i still dont understand

  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    the door

    Still means nothing, anyone can have doors like that.

    That video reminds me of chewinggum mj..

    What i also dont understand, what is the purpose of dancing with your face hidden and sunglasses and all <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    I mean if you are at home no need to hide your face right?

    'The camera that is used is crappy quality, i think its a web-cam.
    I think its fake, but i could be wrong about it too.
    The truth will come out anyway.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    maybe we have seen the door before. a video, during the jackson reality show.somewhere.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    What about this:
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    What i also dont understand, what is the purpose of dancing with your face hidden and sunglasses and all <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    I mean if you are at home no need to hide your face right?


    But MJ did that all the time.. In TII he has sunglasses on a lot.. and even if you go as far back as the BAD rehearsals, he wears sunglasses.
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582

    What i also dont understand, what is the purpose of dancing with your face hidden and sunglasses and all <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    I mean if you are at home no need to hide your face right?


    But MJ did that all the time.. In TII he has sunglasses on a lot.. and even if you go as far back as the BAD rehearsals, he wears sunglasses.
    But why wear sunglasses inside ... hahahah xD
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923

    What i also dont understand, what is the purpose of dancing with your face hidden and sunglasses and all <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    I mean if you are at home no need to hide your face right?


    But MJ did that all the time.. In TII he has sunglasses on a lot.. and even if you go as far back as the BAD rehearsals, he wears sunglasses.
    But why wear sunglasses inside ... hahahah xD

    Michael wore sunglasses inside all the time. I dont know why.. you would have to ask him.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    From the other forum:
    *Bingoooo .....I think we have a winner here !!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    photoshoped ... next please !!!

    I dont buy that this proves its photoshopped... if someone took a photograph of my face at the same angle, its going to look the same... as my face doesnt change. If anything, the fact the photos match up gives more proof that this IS Michael Jackson.
  • VictorVictor Posts: 582
    one thing that annoy me is that some people says it was "recorded" on a security camera , but IT LOOKS like a regular video camera on a tripod , dont you think <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    From the other forum:
    *Bingoooo .....I think we have a winner here !!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    photoshoped ... next please !!!

    I dont buy that this proves its photoshopped... if someone took a photograph of my face at the same angle, its going to look the same... as my face doesnt change. If anything, the fact the photos match up gives more proof that this IS Michael Jackson.
    The photos arent even the same, in one photo his mouth is open & the other mouth is closed, nose angle is different etc. Anyways comparing these 2 photos convinces me even more tht the black & white photo IS him becuz I can see the resemblance to the colored MJ photo..So, comparing these two photos doesnt debunk anything. I lightened the can even see the pixels...its not photoshopped.
    BTW notice the longer fingernails? MJ wears his nails longer, check out his nails in TII.

  • GlindaGlinda Posts: 658
    From the other forum:
    *Bingoooo .....I think we have a winner here !!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    photoshoped ... next please !!!

    I dont buy that this proves its photoshopped... if someone took a photograph of my face at the same angle, its going to look the same... as my face doesnt change. If anything, the fact the photos match up gives more proof that this IS Michael Jackson.
    The photos arent even the same, in one photo his mouth is open & the other mouth is closed, nose angle is different etc. Anyways comparing these 2 photos convinces me even more tht the black & white photo IS him becuz I can see the resemblance to the colored MJ photo..So, comparing these two photos doesnt debunk anything. I lightened the can even see the pixels...its not photoshopped.
    BTW notice the longer fingernails? MJ wears his nails longer, check out his nails in TII.


    Sorry but I dont see nails.. Maybe my eyes are getting bad ..
    ( glasses on) <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    No does not work.
  • I lightened the can even see the pixels...its not photoshopped.
    BTW notice the longer fingernails? MJ wears his nails longer, check out his nails in TII. [/color]

    This photo you have posted has been photoshopped itself <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Notice the hand?
    Whatever the person in it, was originally holding, has been removed through photographic manipulation and editing software.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    The hand hasnt been photoshopped.. here is another still with the same hand in a slightly different position
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    The hand hasnt been photoshopped.. here is another still with the same hand in a slightly different position
    I lightened the photo, nope, no photoshop.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Also.. the bit where he is holding a can.. is that a Coke can????
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    Also.. the bit where he is holding a can.. is that a Coke can????
    IDK if its Coke there a still of that?
This discussion has been closed.