Is this MJ or a Impersonator?



  • I can honestly say that there are parts of this where I can see MJ, but I am also looking at every single feature that he had. I really think this is an impersonator.

    Posted on the other site:

    by kingwillreturn » Fri Jul 16, 2010 3:44 pm
    I don't know what to think, i have took screenshots of the vid, Check them out.

  • Doesn't Michael have the armband on the right arm. This video is showing the left arm.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669[/quote]

    This theory makes sene for some of us who, during the first months after MJ died, tought that he could have been in rehab after a coma.[/quote]

    You just described one of my scary thoughts long time ago. I have had thoughts Michael has a psychological problem as a propofol and other medication overdose consequense and he is recovering in the apropriate clinic. If this is the case, I hope not, he will never be back. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I posted a thread called Cardiac arrest does not equal to death and how resurrection techniques are applied succesfully to "clinically dead" people.

    I´ll try to find it.

    There's a special coming on CNN tomorrow which is dealing with Cardiac arrest and this subject with Dr. Sanjuay Gupta. I think this will be a good program to check out.
    His facial features kinda reminds me of Dave Dave. Lol! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    Who is this person?
    wasnt there talk a very long time ago of a very close double by the name of jonathon it was a long time ago before the barry shaw stuff

    WeAreHisVoice is Maura.
    thankyou for finding the link
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    Who is this person?
    wasnt there talk a very long time ago of a very close double by the name of jonathon it was a long time ago before the barry shaw stuff

    WeAreHisVoice is Maura.
    thankyou for finding the link

    I know WeAreHisVoice is Maura, what I didn't know was who Annimunchkin is <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Who is this person?
    wasnt there talk a very long time ago of a very close double by the name of jonathon it was a long time ago before the barry shaw stuff

    WeAreHisVoice is Maura.
    thankyou for finding the link

    I know WeAreHisVoice is Maura, what I didn't know was who Annimunchkin is <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I have no idea who Anniemunchkin is. She is just some girl who lives in Alberta, Canada that MHA had an affair with, that ended his engagement, to the mother of his baby girl. They were all chatters in the meebo chat room that is on peterpanpyt's myspace. Peter sings Michael's songs in this chat sometimes and many people think he is Michael which he isn't. Just as they think MHA is Michael, which he isn't. Just as the think Leachim is Michael which he isn't. But all these fakers let everyone think that they are Michael.

    This sounds like one big huge soap opera.

    Did anyone notice that the youtube account that posted that video originally was LeachimNoskcaj which is Michael Jackson backwards?

    If the youtuber is fake isn't it also logical that the video is fake too?
  • SiMTiiSiMTii Posts: 59
    Well I have to say that the sill shots look almost identical to Michael. Having said that, they are taken from a shot and angle that is not seen in the video. I wonder what the deal is with that?
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    But peterpanpyt already said he wasn't Michael and even uploaded a conversation he had with a friend of his and doesn't sound at all like him

    ..I don't know what other proof do they need to believe that's not Michael.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • But peterpanpyt already said he wasn't Michael and even uploaded a conversation he had with a friend of his and doesn't sound at all like him

    ..I don't know what other proof do they need to believe that's not Michael.. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I listened to most of that conversation and the guy he talked with has never seen Peter. The guy was also asking why he let's people think he is Michael and why he does things that make people think he is and he suggested that Peter stop putting up pictures of Michael and put up one of his own. Peter had no answer for any of that. Peter says he isn't Michael but he does things to make them think he is and I believe he loves the attention.

    When Leachim was on hyves he would say he wasn't Michael on his page but would claim to be on Michael in his chat or in pm's and he would do things to imply that he was.

    The Leachim on youtube has said in the comments on this video when asked about their name:

    MJisALIVEru 1 day ago
    LeachimNoskcaj is an anagram of Michael Jackson.

    LeachimNoskcaj 1 day ago
    It is not an anagram.
    This is me.

    If that isn't implying that you are Michael Jackson I don't know what is.

    And ALL of these people started out in Peterpanpyt's chat room on his myspace. So what does that mean?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Good observation Serenity. Why there? and for what?

    Could it be the same person all over?
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Reminds me of this:
  • Reminds me of this:

    Look, the person who originally put up the video is LeachimNoskcaj which is Michael Jackson backwards. Do you honestly believe that he is really Michael? I hope not. So if he isn't, then the circumstances that have been given as to how this video was recorded, where it was recorded etc are untrue. Therefore the video is a fake even if it is Michael which it sure doesn't look like it to me. Plus, the video has been manipulated as I have already said.

    As for Andromeda, she stated she took it off Leachim's youtube, then she says someone gave it to her. She has previously uploaded a video claiming some guy gave it to her and it was a MESSAGE from Michael recorded AFTER June 25th 2009. I found the original video and it was a message Michael made years ago for his German fans because of a devastating flood in Germany. Andromeda also uploaded a video with an audio Message she claimed was also RECORDED AFTER June 25th 2009. I found the web page in which the original audio is and it a site which was offering bracelets in support of Michael at one time (I think maybe during the trial or something) and Michael had recorded a message for them in his appreciation.

    Andromeda is full of BS and if you want to believe what she is feeding you then so be it that is your right but do so being aware that she plays with people. I have no idea why she has done these things, I don't even know who she is, it was her false videos that brought her to my attention.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Reminds me of this:

    Look, the person who originally put up the video is LeachimNoskcaj which is Michael Jackson backwards. Do you honestly believe that he is really Michael? I hope not. So if he isn't, then the circumstances that have been given as to how this video was recorded, where it was recorded etc are untrue. Therefore the video is a fake even if it is Michael which it sure doesn't look like it to me. Plus, the video has been manipulated as I have already said.

    As for Andromeda, she stated she took it off Leachim's youtube, then she says someone gave it to her. She has previously uploaded a video claiming some guy gave it to her and it was a MESSAGE from Michael recorded AFTER June 25th 2009. I found the original video and it was a message Michael made years ago for his German fans because of a devastating flood in Germany. Andromeda also uploaded a video with an audio Message she claimed was also RECORDED AFTER June 25th 2009. I found the web page in which the original audio is and it a site which was offering bracelets in support of Michael at one time (I think maybe during the trial or something) and Michael had recorded a message for them in his appreciation.

    Andromeda is full of BS and if you want to believe what she is feeding you then so be it that is your right but do so being aware that she plays with people. I have no idea why she has done these things, I don't even know who she is, it was her false videos that brought her to my attention.

    UUHH.. where did i say i believed her? Think i might have posted those pics to debunk.. yes i did.
  • Reminds me of this:

    Look, the person who originally put up the video is LeachimNoskcaj which is Michael Jackson backwards. Do you honestly believe that he is really Michael? I hope not. So if he isn't, then the circumstances that have been given as to how this video was recorded, where it was recorded etc are untrue. Therefore the video is a fake even if it is Michael which it sure doesn't look like it to me. Plus, the video has been manipulated as I have already said.

    As for Andromeda, she stated she took it off Leachim's youtube, then she says someone gave it to her. She has previously uploaded a video claiming some guy gave it to her and it was a MESSAGE from Michael recorded AFTER June 25th 2009. I found the original video and it was a message Michael made years ago for his German fans because of a devastating flood in Germany. Andromeda also uploaded a video with an audio Message she claimed was also RECORDED AFTER June 25th 2009. I found the web page in which the original audio is and it a site which was offering bracelets in support of Michael at one time (I think maybe during the trial or something) and Michael had recorded a message for them in his appreciation.

    Andromeda is full of BS and if you want to believe what she is feeding you then so be it that is your right but do so being aware that she plays with people. I have no idea why she has done these things, I don't even know who she is, it was her false videos that brought her to my attention.

    UUHH.. where did i say i believed her? Think i might have posted those pics to debunk.. yes i did.
    You never stated your intentions and as the photos seem to be similar to what is in the video, I don't think it unreasonable for me to have thought you were posting the photos in support of the video. The rest of what I said was in general so everyone knows what Andromeda and Leachim have been up to and not necessarily directed at you.
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    If it's a fake, it a very good one. It looks exactly like Michael in the still shot.

    If it is not fake then the circumstances in which it is being presented are not the truth just as the previous video from the flood in Germany was presented as a current message from Michael. When in fact it was several years old and had been edited so that it wasn't directed to the German flood victims but appeared to be directed towards fans in general.

    As can be seen from the increased speed version, the video is very short and is pieces that have been spliced together, it was then in slow motion to make it appear as one continuous video clip of an unhealthy person.

    No, you are mistaken about the intention. Being in video, my husband is very accustomed to surveillance video. It could be a fake, but what they would be faking is a real security cam sequence. Most good security cams take video by image sequences (every 3 seconds). A real security cam image sequence would look jumpy like this.

    The part that makes him think it is fake is logical questions:

    1. Why is the subject centered? Most cams do not catch people this way.

    2. Where is anything else in the room?

    3. Why is the lighting overexposed?

    Edited to say: I think I actually remember some footage of MJ that looks like this. He was dancing in sweat jacket, but this video has been so overexposed you can't tell if it is what I am remembering or something totally different like not him at all.
  • If it's a fake, it a very good one. It looks exactly like Michael in the still shot.

    If it is not fake then the circumstances in which it is being presented are not the truth just as the previous video from the flood in Germany was presented as a current message from Michael. When in fact it was several years old and had been edited so that it wasn't directed to the German flood victims but appeared to be directed towards fans in general.

    As can be seen from the increased speed version, the video is very short and is pieces that have been spliced together, it was then in slow motion to make it appear as one continuous video clip of an unhealthy person.

    No, you are mistaken about the intention.

    no you are wrong about what I meant about "Intention"

    This is the intention:

    I found two more links with the same video but the date is June 18 2010. Someone is trying to fool us or maybe that could be MJ..<!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    This vídeo comes from the youtube account
    LeachimNoskcaj | June 18, 2010

    the description comes written in Spanish <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    (I used google...too tired to translate)
    The video has a secret very strong and important to the future.
    Shows a person inside a room, trying to dance with difficulties.
    This man was sick, and recovery from cardiac arrest.
    When her dance moves have taken the first, a single camera recorded the moment.
    Before leaving the place, wearing loose clothes, tied the belt in the upper belly, wearing a cap and a blouse with long, cold touch to dress up.
    He wore sunglasses to hide his eyes, and put a surgical mask in the nose and mouth to avoid being recognized.
    You can see a face.
    Before using the mask, the images were recorded.
    and this is what you see.
    He had fun trying to sing, even dew, I tried.
    He used his arm band leader at the time of recording, and retired and went

    They tell us Michael was in a clinic after a coma and decided to jump up and start dancing and singing and that this was recorded after June 25th 2009 and the person who originally uploaded the video is implying that he is Michael Jackson.
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    If it's a fake, it a very good one. It looks exactly like Michael in the still shot.

    If it is not fake then the circumstances in which it is being presented are not the truth just as the previous video from the flood in Germany was presented as a current message from Michael. When in fact it was several years old and had been edited so that it wasn't directed to the German flood victims but appeared to be directed towards fans in general.

    As can be seen from the increased speed version, the video is very short and is pieces that have been spliced together, it was then in slow motion to make it appear as one continuous video clip of an unhealthy person.

    No, you are mistaken about the intention.

    no you are wrong about what I meant about "Intention"

    This is the intention:

    I found two more links with the same video but the date is June 18 2010. Someone is trying to fool us or maybe that could be MJ..<!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    This vídeo comes from the youtube account
    LeachimNoskcaj | June 18, 2010

    the description comes written in Spanish <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    (I used google...too tired to translate)
    The video has a secret very strong and important to the future.
    Shows a person inside a room, trying to dance with difficulties.
    This man was sick, and recovery from cardiac arrest.
    When her dance moves have taken the first, a single camera recorded the moment.
    Before leaving the place, wearing loose clothes, tied the belt in the upper belly, wearing a cap and a blouse with long, cold touch to dress up.
    He wore sunglasses to hide his eyes, and put a surgical mask in the nose and mouth to avoid being recognized.
    You can see a face.
    Before using the mask, the images were recorded.
    and this is what you see.
    He had fun trying to sing, even dew, I tried.
    He used his arm band leader at the time of recording, and retired and went

    They tell us Michael was in a clinic after a coma and decided to jump up and start dancing and singing and that this was recorded after June 25th 2009 and the person who originally uploaded the video is implying that he is Michael Jackson.

    That's not what I meant. I know they want us to believe that he was sick. I am saying they want us also to believe it is a security camera, so they must present it in a fashion that resembles image sequences from this type of camera.

    It is absolutely, positively and without a doubt footage trying to mimic a security camera. Either it is a real security camera or it mimics one.

    Oh BTW, does this person ever say this is Michael or just say somebody.
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    In the end, the movements resemble Michael completely.
    The neck, chin and lips is also Michael!
    But I can never be sure when it's a fake or is Mike : <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • reading_onreading_on Posts: 463
    Food for thought. Michael is sitting with K.O. in TII. He has a hood over his head, he is laughing and falls sort of forward. These frames could have been skewed and reedited. Then they could have added the bottom.
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    Strange video but I don't think it's Michael.
    hey I can't watch the video but if is the one of the pics he does look like michael look at his mouth
  • ForTheTruthForTheTruth Posts: 122
    hmmm well some in the chat said they found out it was DOM in the video and that the video is not recent and andromeda closed her account on facebook and youtube... so i guess the truth came out. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
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