Is this MJ or a Impersonator?



  • hmmm well some in the chat said they found out it was DOM in the video and that the video is not recent and andromeda closed her account on facebook and youtube... so i guess the truth came out. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes her youtube is gone.

    DOM being the guy who supposedly left messages that sounded like Michael on peterpanpyt's myspace, that DOM again?
  • ForTheTruthForTheTruth Posts: 122
    hmmm well some in the chat said they found out it was DOM in the video and that the video is not recent and andromeda closed her account on facebook and youtube... so i guess the truth came out. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes her youtube is gone.

    DOM being the guy who supposedly left messages that sounded like Michael on peterpanpyt's myspace, that DOM again?

  • hmmm well some in the chat said they found out it was DOM in the video and that the video is not recent and andromeda closed her account on facebook and youtube... so i guess the truth came out. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes her youtube is gone.

    DOM being the guy who supposedly left messages that sounded like Michael on peterpanpyt's myspace, that DOM again?

    Well, isn't that ironic. We are lead right back to the mysterious Peter on myspace again. Seems all the fake stuff has originated from either that page or the chat room on that myspace. I definitely see that something is going on with all that.
  • ForTheTruthForTheTruth Posts: 122
    hmmm well some in the chat said they found out it was DOM in the video and that the video is not recent and andromeda closed her account on facebook and youtube... so i guess the truth came out. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes her youtube is gone.

    DOM being the guy who supposedly left messages that sounded like Michael on peterpanpyt's myspace, that DOM again?

    Well, isn't that ironic. We are lead right back to the mysterious Peter on myspace again. Seems all the fake stuff has originated from either that page or the chat room on that myspace. I definitely see that something is going on with all that.

    Yep, the truth prevailed on this one.
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    When she posted the flood Germany message she said that someone gave her the video.
    Gema I know all about it. I found the original video and posted it to my youtube and confronted her. She then removed the one she had up.

    I did the same thing and then she blocked me. In my opinion you wouldn't need to go to that length if you truly believed what you posted was real.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    hmmm well some in the chat said they found out it was DOM in the video and that the video is not recent and andromeda closed her account on facebook and youtube... so i guess the truth came out. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes her youtube is gone.

    DOM being the guy who supposedly left messages that sounded like Michael on peterpanpyt's myspace, that DOM again?

    Well, isn't that ironic. We are lead right back to the mysterious Peter on myspace again. Seems all the fake stuff has originated from either that page or the chat room on that myspace. I definitely see that something is going on with all that.

    I am starting to suspect the same, Serenity.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Yesterday she said in twitter that people should met her at her chat room to talk about something very important.
    Her twitter is gone as well.
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    Here is lightened pictures taken from the video and the video ...IMO its him. Look at the mouth, chin, nose, jawline...I've never seen an impersonator that looks this much like MJ. Being video taped by security camera would explain the jerky movements

    You talk about DOM, do you have pictures or video of DOM??
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    The security camera theory has its lagoons.
    Why would a secutiry camera be spotting a white wall? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Also, the still shot it´s flipped. In the still shot the "W" on the t-shirt shows on the left to us (his right) and in the video the opposite, like a mirror image.

    This video is very disturbing.
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    The security camera theory has its lagoons.
    Why would a secutiry camera be spotting a white wall? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
    The white wall could be the end of a hallway corridor, or a stairwell, or a basement, there are many possible explanations.
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    Also, the still shot it´s flipped. In the still shot the "W" on the t-shirt shows on the left to us (his right) and in the video the opposite, like a mirror image.

    This video is very disturbing.
    I noticed the still is flipped too, but IMO not important becuz flipping a still is easy enuf to do in photoshop, IDK why they would feel the need to flip the still becuz it dont matter. The main thing is tht the still is taken from that video...can tell by his shirt, hat, hoodie.

    The only thing disturbing about this video, IMO, is that its leaked video & that in its self is disturbing.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    The pic reminds me of michael, but the video...not at all.

    Where can the video been taken?
    Considering that the accounts belonging to Andromeda are not open anymore, why all this madness?
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    The pic reminds me of michael, but the video...not at all.

    Where can the video been taken?
    Considering that the accounts belonging to Andromeda are not open anymore, why all this madness?
    The video is from LeachimNoskcaj youtube account.
    <!-- m --> ... re=related<!-- m -->

    LeachimNoskcaj is Michael Jackson spelt backwards. The video has been on internet for about a month, it says it was recorded in May, I just seen it last week for the first time.

    IDK if LeachimNoskcaj is the one that leaked the video. BTW LeachimNoskcaj also has facebook account.

    IMO the video looks like him, IMO it looks like hes laughing his ass off in the video.

    Yes, Andro did shut down accounts today.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Where is the video taken? in a basement?
  • OMG, it's actually a very scary video ... It seems that the person is "stuck" in a corridor of the hospital, clinic, or even a prison ... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Although that image more closely resembles the real Mike, than the images from the press conference in London ... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> If this is really an assembly, how can people be so evil, I really do not understand why. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    OMG, it's actually a very scary video ... It seems that the person is "stuck" in a corridor of the hospital, clinic, or even a prison ... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Although that image more closely resembles the real Mike, than the images from the press conference in London ... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> If this is really an assembly, how can people be so evil, I really do not understand why. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    That was the purpose of the video..make that person, allegedly Michael, look as if he was in a clinic or in a rehabillitation center but that's totally fake, people really enjoy hurting our feelings..
    That's sick.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    i saw this yesterday on the andromeda chat. i dunno what to think of it and the story that came with it. the 'security camera' is not right at all. no surveillance cam points straight at you. they're usually up in a corner somewhere. so this is def a very lousy cam or edited to make it look like surveillance footage. in the chat, it wasn't really much info given about it, all a big secret. of course, no names, a lot of drama cuz ppl were going nutz in there. altogether it was more like 'talkin' loud and sayin' nothin', to be honest. i also noticed some kind of rivalry going on between hoaxers, some bashing others. kind of unpleasant...

    about the coma/ clinic: i don't see a reason why they should go on with a hoax when mike was in a coma. why lie when you can just tell the truth? why put murray through the manslaughter trial if you could have just said he's in a coma? why go through all this memorial/ funeral action? just to make sure mike can recover? like he couldn't have otherwise? just won't make sense to me and it won't fit anything that was found so far regarding prior planning of timelines, clues given years ago etc. even if staying in some kind of rehab was part of the plan, it's not because of a coma, imo.

    regarding 'mike caught on tape': it does look a lot like mike and it was said so on the chat, like 'confirmed' by andromeda or rather her sources. but that's exactly the problem: i seriously, seriously doubt that mike would wear his signature armband and sunglasses if he's in hiding somewhere or in a clinic that's supposed to be secret. even if he was in a clinic, i doubt that at this point in time, he would wear clothes that would so easily identify him. i certainly wouldn't, unless i wanted the whole thing to blow up...

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    about the coma/ clinic: i don't see a reason why they should go on with a hoax when mike was in a coma. why lie when you can just tell the truth? why put murray through the manslaughter trial if you could have just said he's in a coma? why go through all this memorial/ funeral action? just to make sure mike can recover? like he couldn't have otherwise? just won't make sense to me and it won't fit anything that was found so far regarding prior planning of timelines, clues given years ago etc. even if staying in some kind of rehab was part of the plan, it's not because of a coma, imo.
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    i don´t think is him, but about the coma theory i think that maybe that is why jermaine say " bother the king of pop has died..." and randy (i think) say " brother donpt have a voice anymore---" or something like that... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> maybe a botched tracheotomy had damaged his vocal cords? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621

    still...the coma would have been an accident and all the results of that as well. like damage to the vocal chords etc. that would mean that each and every timeline, every date that was already confirmed to be a part of the hoax is null and void, if it happened that way. it just doesn't make sense if you look at all the information gathered so far. cuz it would mean that mike was possibly unconscious for quite some time, maybe months, and is now slowly recovering, so there is no way he could direct this hoax in any way or supervise anything if he was in a recovering state.

    i took care of a friend after 'only' a week of coma and it took months before he could walk straight and function right and a whole year for a full recovery. there would have been no way mike could be directing all this if he had been in a coma and is still not moving right by may 2010. no way.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    I think that is really our Michael, but so what? May be an image of any place whatsoever. I think he can be ensainado in your own home. After all there is also the security cameras.
    Someone threw it on the Net to play with us. The image can even be real, but the story about her seems fake. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136

    still...the coma would have been an accident and all the results of that as well. like damage to the vocal chords etc. that would mean that each and every timeline, every date that was already confirmed to be a part of the hoax is null and void, if it happened that way. it just doesn't make sense if you look at all the information gathered so far. cuz it would mean that mike was possibly unconscious for quite some time, maybe months, and is now slowly recovering, so there is no way he could direct this hoax in any way or supervise anything if he was in a recovering state.

    i took care of a friend after 'only' a week of coma and it took months before he could walk straight and function right and a whole year for a full recovery. there would have been no way mike could be directing all this if he had been in a coma and is still not moving right by may 2010. no way.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    sorry, i must say IF... i don´t believe in the coma theory but what IF then they come with this, like he was in coma and all that...?
  • libra8libra8 Posts: 170
    about the coma/ clinic: i don't see a reason why they should go on with a hoax when mike was in a coma. why lie when you can just tell the truth? why put murray through the manslaughter trial if you could have just said he's in a coma? why go through all this memorial/ funeral action? just to make sure mike can recover? like he couldn't have otherwise? just won't make sense to me and it won't fit anything that was found so far regarding prior planning of timelines, clues given years ago etc. even if staying in some kind of rehab was part of the plan, it's not because of a coma, imo.
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    i don´t think is him, but about the coma theory i think that maybe that is why jermaine say " bother the king of pop has died..." and randy (i think) say " brother donpt have a voice anymore---" or something like that... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> maybe a botched tracheotomy had damaged his vocal cords? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    Maybe it was 'Michael Joseph Jackson' the entertainer's passing/ died & 'Michael Joe Jackson' the man is still alive. And all the slip ups from family members...I remember when Joe was talking in an interview about Dr Murray saying something like ' after all Dr Murray is the reason Michaels unable to be with his family at this time'. I remember thinking at the time...if Michael had really passed, he would be with family, family that passed before him, but thats not what Joe said.

    BTW who is Peter & DOM are there pictures or videos of these people??

    As far as the coma & the time lines of MJ directing the hoax, it could be that hoax was directed by the family, after all Jermaine, Randy, Janet etc are all very creative people and they would do anything for Michael, maybe they were hoping at the time he would recover from coma & he did, it really could be that simple.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    i saw this yesterday on the andromeda chat.

    Do you know who Andromeda is? Why are all of Andromeda´s chat, channels, twitter...all deleted?

    What happened in that chat? what was the conclusion of all? a sick gaem by some bored attention seekers? haters may be?
  • From the other forum:
    *Bingoooo .....I think we have a winner here !!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    photoshoped ... next please !!!
    This image in NOT seen in the video provided. Therefore this person who was trying to fool people cropped and manipulated this photo which I know I seen before (Thanks squall ). Its a fake trying to resemble Michael and the person looking like Michael in the video.
    sweety ...this photo is not from the video! (k)
    have u been following us here ??

    "credits goes to a member in Arabic hoax forum"
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