


  • newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
    You don't worry about me.....oh im sorry, nobody wasn't talking to YOU in the first place <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    It's maybe not my place to say this, but this is an ARMY OF LOVE you have joined here. It's sickening and disappointing, to say the least, to see these arguments taking place. I hope Michael doesn't see this. It's definitely not the kind of support he needs right now. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • A great day 4 my friend Treasure Dearsaw. Her surgery was a success. I want to thank LA Childrens hospital... 16 minutes ago via web

    and Dr. Panosian for doing a great Job. Check out the photo... <!-- m -->http://tweetphoto.com/42565420<!-- m --> God is good.


    god bless her
  • You don't worry about me.....oh im sorry, nobody wasn't talking to YOU in the first place <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    It's maybe not my place to say this, but this is an ARMY OF LOVE you have joined here. It's sickening and disappointing, to say the least, to see these arguments taking place. I hope Michael doesn't see this. It's definitely not the kind of support he needs right now. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    shit happens
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    'Treasure Dearsaw' anagrams to 'Rude as rare sweat.'
  • newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
    You don't worry about me.....oh im sorry, nobody wasn't talking to YOU in the first place <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    It's maybe not my place to say this, but this is an ARMY OF LOVE you have joined here. It's sickening and disappointing, to say the least, to see these arguments taking place. I hope Michael doesn't see this. It's definitely not the kind of support he needs right now. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    shit happens

    Shit doesn't just happen, it's usually man-made.
  • This comment isn't directed at anyone in particular but, if the shoe fits where it. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    First when I read comments that are negative nelly type and always expressing FEAR, doubt, or what not, that isn't in the Positive realm, I come to a conclusion that person is pre-judging. I don't necessarily have to "know" the person to come to a conclusion about their attitude.

    If I pay attention to detail and little details like how a person posts (attitude) is a big factor in drawing a conclusion about their personality.

    It is not rocket science when it comes to Human Nature. When a person like myself who deals with The Public on a daily basis, in the entertainment industry and etc. a skill is developed, the skill to read, in this case literally read people's personalities by paying attention to the details in their speach and movements, body language. Some stuff becomes predictable.

    I learn ALOT about a person by what they comment on and how they comment.
    I have also learned over time during this "hoax" that sometimes a persons first impression/opinion about anything can change.

    When I read comments of the impatient nature I wonder to myself, "Exactly what is it they expect at this moment in time?"

    "Is their LIFE going to be any different once Michael BAMS? I mean is he gonna come have tea at your house?"

    "I wonder why is it that it seems as though they can't continue to function or live unless Michael BAMS and does what for them exactly?"

    This Hoax is a mulititude of lessons on many levels and one of the lessons is patience.
    It takes TIME to accomplish somethings, it took 9 months for the average human to grow... I am sure mama wanted it over in 5 mins. lol

    Michael asked us in TII for our ENDURANCE, UNDERSTANDING, PATIENCE, and he THANKED US IN ADVANCE for that. Now can we give him that please?
    Enjoy the adventure and relax.
  • I really don't understand why some people are reacting negatively to this tweet. Haven't we all been wanting to hear something from Michaels family? So now we do and you say you don't trust Randy. Why? Because you think he has a hidden agenda? Has anyone taken into consideration that it may not be Randy tweeting, that maybe Michael could be using his account. I keep all options and possibilites open until things are proven otherwise.

    Everyone needs to have faith and trust in Michael and his family. Everyone has their part to play and the timeline for information being let out I'm sure is critical for Michaels safety.

    As for all things in this hoax, patience and an open mind and open heart are most important. Being a member of the "Army of Love" is not being a member of a "fan club". It should be a commitment to a lifestyle that shows love, respect and compassion for everyone, not just who you may think is deserving of it. Someone once said "It's All for L.O.V.E". Let's make him proud.

    Love and Blessings
  • newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
    This comment isn't directed at anyone in particular but, if the shoe fits where it. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    First when I read comments that are negative nelly type and always expressing FEAR, doubt, or what not, that isn't in the Positive realm, I come to a conclusion that person is pre-judging. I don't necessarily have to "know" the person to come to a conclusion about their attitude.

    If I pay attention to detail and little details like how a person posts (attitude) is a big factor in drawing a conclusion about their personality.

    It is not rocket science when it comes to Human Nature. When a person like myself who deals with The Public on a daily basis, in the entertainment industry and etc. a skill is developed, the skill to read, in this case literally read people's personalities by paying attention to the details in their speach and movements, body language. Some stuff becomes predictable.

    I learn ALOT about a person by what they comment on and how they comment.
    I have also learned over time during this "hoax" that sometimes a persons first impression/opinion about anything can change.

    When I read comments of the impatient nature I wonder to myself, "Exactly what is it they expect at this moment in time?"

    "Is their LIFE going to be any different once Michael BAMS? I mean is he gonna come have tea at your house?"

    "I wonder why is it that it seems as though they can't continue to function or live unless Michael BAMS and does what for them exactly?"

    This Hoax is a mulititude of lessons on many levels and one of the lessons is patience.
    It takes TIME to accomplish somethings, it took 9 months for the average human to grow... I am sure mama wanted it over in 5 mins. lol

    Michael asked us in TII for our ENDURANCE, UNDERSTANDING, PATIENCE, and he THANKED US IN ADVANCE for that. Now can we give him that please?
    Enjoy the adventure and relax.

    I don't come to the forum very often these days because I am too busy with other personal matters, but when I do I seem to pick up threads that are full of aggression and negativity. Why? The hoax is a journey for all of us but surely it should be one that is full of adventure, growth, understanding, perseverance, and, most of all, love.
  • newoldfannewoldfan Posts: 153
    I really don't understand why some people are reacting negatively to this tweet. Haven't we all been wanting to hear something from Michaels family? So now we do and you say you don't trust Randy. Why? Because you think he has a hidden agenda? Has anyone taken into consideration that it may not be Randy tweeting, that maybe Michael could be using his account. I keep all options and possibilites open until things are proven otherwise.

    Everyone needs to have faith and trust in Michael and his family. Everyone has their part to play and the timeline for information being let out I'm sure is critical for Michaels safety.

    As for all things in this hoax, patience and an open mind and open heart are most important. Being a member of the "Army of Love" is not being a member of a "fan club". It should be a commitment to a lifestyle that shows love, respect and compassion for everyone, not just who you may think is deserving of it. Someone once said "It's All for L.O.V.E". Let's make him proud.

    Love and Blessings

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    You don't worry about me.....oh im sorry, nobody wasn't talking to YOU in the first place <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    It's maybe not my place to say this, but this is an ARMY OF LOVE you have joined here. It's sickening and disappointing, to say the least, to see these arguments taking place. I hope Michael doesn't see this. It's definitely not the kind of support he needs right now. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    shit happens

    I have warned you a few times already, this is an official and also my last one. I don't like your attitude at all.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Randy just needs to stop with the suspense, that's it........ And again im not being impatient or judgmental, it just annoys when randy does that....he needs to stop it already
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Randy just needs to stop with the suspense, that's it........ And again im not being impatient or judgmental, it just annoys when randy does that....he needs to stop it already

    Because YOU demand that? Give me a break. Stop judging others if you don't want to be judged yourself. What do you want? Randy to tweet "Hey people, have you heard? My brother didn't die, he hoaxed his death." I got news for you: He ain't gonna do that. If you don't like his tweets or they are to confusing or difficult for you to understand, unfollow the man.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Lets connect another dot....he aint going to tell us shit! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Lets be realistic here

    And Janet really didnt tells us anything, she could be talking to anyone of her brothers. They all have twitter

    actually he did tell us that he and jermaine were in d.c. over the weekend.and he told us a little about himself.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlvY6qXtbTw<!-- m -->
  • Lets connect another dot....he aint going to tell us shit! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Lets be realistic here

    And Janet really didnt tells us anything, she could be talking to anyone of her brothers. They all have twitter

    actually he did tell us that he and jermaine were in d.c. over the weekend.and he told us a little about himself.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlvY6qXtbTw<!-- m -->
    i know...
  • Lets connect another dot....he aint going to tell us shit! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Lets be realistic here

    And Janet really didnt tells us anything, she could be talking to anyone of her brothers. They all have twitter

    actually he did tell us that he and jermaine were in d.c. over the weekend.and he told us a little about himself.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlvY6qXtbTw<!-- m -->
    i know...

    just relax. try on the jacket, see how it fits.try out some of the music therapy. you are in for a long bumpy ride. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • http://twitter.com/randyjackson8

    I know its been a long time since I've tweeted. But that does not mean that things are not happening...
    4 minutes ago via mobile web

    You will understand what that means shortly.
    4 minutes ago via mobile web

    Janet's tweet was about the interview Randy did with CNN. This is the tweet she sent before the one that is today's redirect:
    Hey @randyjackson8, I want to tell u that I saw ur piece on cnn and I thought u were great!
    10:27 PM Jun 14th via web

    Let's review that interview...



    Randy Jackson Interview on CNN June 10, 2010 Transcript

    HARRIS: Healing the world. It was the late Michael Jackson's mission and it has been taken up by Randy Jackson and the rest of the Jackson siblings. Recently Randy Jackson donated $60,000 in the hopes of saving 11-year-old Treasure Deersaw's (ph) life. Randy Jackson is here.

    Randy, look, tell me why you took on this cause. Why you decided you wanted to help little Treasure. And get beyond, look, I'm driving back home and I stop and I see this story and I'm moved. Tell me why you took this gesture, because a lot of people saw the story, and how this fits into this family's humanitarian mission.

    JACKSON: Well, first, let me thank you for allowing me to be here and it's a pleasure meeting you.

    HARRIS: Well, it's good to talk to you, man.

    JACKSON: It's good to talk to you.

    When I saw her story on the news, it penetrated my heart when she said to her mom that she was afraid she was going to die. And there's a -- she has a paper pinned up on her wall in her room that says still alive. And I said, I have to do what I can to help this little girl.

    Something that we've always done, something, of course, that my brother did all of his career and something that we stand for, just continuing what we do.

    HARRIS: Yes. Will you be moving forward with more efforts like this? Will the family continue to pick up this torch and run with it?

    JACKSON: Yes. We've spent a lot of our careers giving back. We've had a lot of success. God has been good to us. But I think there's another calling. And I've been discussing this with my brothers to get more involved with philanthropic charitable work.

    HARRIS: Here's the amazing thing. You decide you want to help Treasure, which in essence is helping her doctors save her life.

    JACKSON: That's right.

    HARRIS: Dr. Conrad Murray, in essence, when you cut through all of it, is charged with not doing enough to protect and even save your brother's life. So where do things stand in the investigation? What do you think of how the investigation is progressing at this point?

    JACKSON: Well, let me say that I have a great deal of faith in our judicial system, as well as the LAPD. And, of course, the deputy D.A. (ph). I just think that -- I wish they would have taken Murray's license away. I wish that. But there's a lot of unanswered questions around Murray. I think he's changed his story a lot of times and now he's talking about maybe my brother did it himself, which turns my stomach. But I think this goes beyond Murray even. I think Murray has a part in it, but I don't think he was acting alone.

    HARRIS: You don't think he was acting alone?

    JACKSON: No. No, I don't.

    HARRIS: You care to elaborate on that?

    JACKSON: Without saying too much, I started to question some of the people who were around my brother. And when you look at the environment around my brother leading up to his death, there's a lot of strange coincidences. He was very afraid for his life. He was threatened that his children would be taken away from him. He was threatened that his assets would be taken from him. He was threatened that they would take his home if he didn't do what was asked of him by the powers that be. Let's just say that.

    HARRIS: I certainly want to explore that a bit more, but let's isolate one moment in that. What do you believe was Conrad Murray's role in Michael's death?

    JACKSON: There are a lot of things that aren't quite clear about whether he -- what he did, because he changes his story constantly. Now he's saying -- at one time he said my brother did it to himself. And I thought that was crazy. Now he's saying that maybe he did a little bit and he wasn't the only one. Somebody else did this to him. I think Murray does play a part in it. I think he does know more. I don't think he's telling the full truth. I think that will come out in the investigation.

    HARRIS: OK. Do you think he should be facing an enhanced charge beyond involuntary manslaughter?

    JACKSON: Absolutely.

    HARRIS: What would be -- what would be appropriate in your mind?

    JACKSON: Well, first of all, just because the -- even the fact that they allow him to continue practicing. I mean, he's accused of --

    HARRIS: Involuntary manslaughter.

    JACKSON: Involuntary manslaughter with Propofol and to all allow him to continue with his practice I think is really not OK. And as the investigation unfolds, there will be more that will come out.

    HARRIS: OK. Second degree murder, would that feel more appropriate to you?

    JACKSON: First degree murder would be appropriate, yes.

    HARRIS: You also have some questions in your mind about the heavily contested will, Michael Jackson's will, don't you?

    JACKSON: Yes. Yes. I question the authenticity of the will and my family questions the authenticity of the will. I can't speak to in-depth about it, but let me go back -

    HARRIS: Sure.

    JACKSON: When my brother passed, we were all shocked, torn, just beside ourselves. It was a difficult time for my family. Before we could even begin to grieve, everything was sort of rushed on us. There was these lawyers and accountants pushing these papers on us of people showing up, faces that I knew that my brother didn't care for, people he wouldn't even let in his home pushing these documents, one of which was his will. And I don't think the will was even complete.

    I was at the Staples Center preparing for the memorial and I was talking to my sisters on the phone, Janet, La Toya and me, and they were telling me what's goes on. I was - I was shocked. It was almost like there was this big plan in place that we didn't know about. And there was a plan, but what they were pushing on us was very sloppy.

    My brother - I can say this much, my brother, he took pride in being a father. He loved his children. He would never misspelled his own children's name, nor would he allow the misspelling of his children's name to appear on document so important to their lives. That's one of the things I will say that's wrong with their wills, because there are many other things that will come out in the investigation.

    HARRIS: OK. Let's take a quick break and come back with more with Randy Jackson. You're in the CNN NEWSROOM.


    HARRIS: My special guest in the CNN NEWSROOM this hour, Michael Jackson's baby brother, Randy. His first interview since the tragedy almost a year ago.

    When you think of your brother these days, in the days since his death, where do your thoughts take you?

    JACKSON: I try to remember my brother -- let me tell you who my brother was. He was a great artist, great performer, dedicated to his career. Maybe the best that's ever stepped on the stage. A warrior at setting goals and accomplishing them. But more important, he was a great parent, a great son, a fun-loving jokester, crazy brother, hardheaded but fun. A man that dedicated his life in doing his part to improve the life of others. That's who he was.

    HARRIS: How will the family mark the anniversary in just a couple of weeks?

    JACKSON: It's a difficult month for me, a difficult month for my family. It's still in the planning stages, but we are going to have a memorial at Forest Lawn. I want to thank Forest Lawn. They've been wonderful. And thank the city of Glendale. We're going to have a memorial at Forest Lawn. We're expecting a large turnout of friends and fans. So I want to make it so that everybody can pay their respects. There will be a gathering afterward. Right now the fans can go beyond the gates of Forest Lawn and place their flowers. And so that will be a gift from them. I think the family is going to get together in the early part of the day, maybe the fans in the latter part of the day. And afterward we'll have kind of a small, intimate gathering.

    HARRIS: What is -- what's next? I know it's kind of a cliche question, but I need to ask it because the family goes on. So what's next for this family? Individually and collectively, what's next?

    JACKSON: You know, when you lose a brother or a son, it's something that no one, of course, you never expect that. And there's a grieving period. I know I -- for a year I've not wanted to do anything. But now I think that we've been talking and now we're going to continue with what he would want us to do, as well as just what we've always done. My brothers, we're going to get involved with my philanthropic charity work. We're forming a foundation that's yet to be named. There are some organizations out there but we - but that's not us. We have yet to name this. We have taken on some help from WME, Lance Klein, Ari Emanuel and Danielle Sutton, my brother.

    HARRIS: Right, that's William Morris Endeavor.

    JACKSON: Right.

    HARRIS: OK. So that -- will the family come together - I've got to ask this for everyone at home watching us -- will the family come together and perform again in a tour? JACKSON: Of course. That's -- that's -- that's in our blood. That is what God wants us to do. That is -- God has been good to this family and that is what we're supposed to do. We're supposed to continue with God's work. So that's what we're going to do.

    HARRIS: Randy, thanks for your time.

    JACKSON: Thank you.

    HARRIS: It's good to see you.

    JACKSON: It's good to see you too.

    HARRIS: And let's talk again soon.

    JACKSON: You got it, man.

    First Part that STANDS OUT:
    This part is describing to me "What Michael would do about this girl Treasure."

    JACKSON: It's good to talk to you.
    When I saw her story on the news, it penetrated my heart when she said to her mom that she was afraid she was going to die. And there's a -- she has a paper pinned up on her wall in her room that says still alive. And I said, I have to do what I can to help this little girl.

    Something that we've always done, something, of course, that my brother did all of his career and something that we stand for, just continuing what we do.
    This part reminds Me of This "hoax" and The fact that it is for a higher purpose, a calling on alot of people's lifes.

    HARRIS: Yes. Will you be moving forward with more efforts like this? Will the family continue to pick up this torch and run with it?

    JACKSON: Yes. We've spent a lot of our careers giving back. We've had a lot of success. God has been good to us. But I think there's another calling. And I've been discussing this with my brothers to get more involved with philanthropic charitable work.
    A great day 4 my friend Treasure Dearsaw. Her surgery was a success. I want to thank LA Childrens hospital... 16 minutes ago via web

    and Dr. Panosian for doing a great Job. Check out the photo... <!-- m -->http://tweetphoto.com/42565420<!-- m --> God is good.


    god bless her

    This is Treasure, the little girl he spoke about in his interview with CNN.

    His tweets make PERFECT sense.

    Thank you Randy <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    youngatheart, what you said is true, this is not a fan club, is the army of LOVE.
    We must have patience <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Can people stop judging Randy?

    I think it's interesting Randy tweets this now TS has announced a new post.

    I agree.

    Weren't we all waiting for an interesting tweet from the family members today after the TS redirect?

    Well I would say this tweet is interesting.

    I'm wondering how different this is from Tito, Jermaine, or any other family member's tweets? Why do we accept these cryptic messages from others and not Randy? Unless Michael himself says that Randy has been abusive to him we shouldn't judge. Blessings.
  • LilouLilou Posts: 319
    If we don't like the game,we are not patient!and we HAVE TO be ..! Michael has planned this for many years,he knows what he does..
    I don't want to judge Randy or others Jacksons,because they are Michael's family..
    We can't say "i don't like this" or whatever because i think it make a part of the story,of the hoax..please trust in Michael,understand his message and when he will be ready he will come back.
    It can be one million "soon" or "thing are happening" it doesn't make differences..we have to wait and see my friend..

    Please no fight betwen us we are here for the same thing..and above all,no fight against Michael's family <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> he doesn't like this i guess

    SMIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLLLLLEEEEEEEE and God bless you all <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • nick_93nick_93 Posts: 269
    Can people stop judging Randy?

    I think it's interesting Randy tweets this now TS has announced a new post.

    First TS wrote this:
    New TS post coming up.
    Once again, remember that Jermaine said: "It's all going to come out." Until then, keep the faith no matter what happens!

    Today he redirected to Janet's tweet:
    It's time the fans know the truth and ur one of the very few I trust n doing so. I got ur back all the way bro, whatever u need. I love u!

    and now we have Randy's tweets...

    Connect the dots... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Excuse my ignorance but could you please show me the website(s) where TS has posted these things? I'm a bit confused. Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Can people stop judging Randy?

    I think it's interesting Randy tweets this now TS has announced a new post.

    First TS wrote this:
    New TS post coming up.
    Once again, remember that Jermaine said: "It's all going to come out." Until then, keep the faith no matter what happens!

    Today he redirected to Janet's tweet:
    It's time the fans know the truth and ur one of the very few I trust n doing so. I got ur back all the way bro, whatever u need. I love u!

    and now we have Randy's tweets...

    Connect the dots... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Excuse my ignorance but could you please show me the website(s) where TS has posted these things? I'm a bit confused. Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    <!-- l -->search.php?author_id=1440&sr=posts<!-- l -->


    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ ... aled01.php<!-- m -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • nick_93nick_93 Posts: 269
    Can people stop judging Randy?

    I think it's interesting Randy tweets this now TS has announced a new post.

    First TS wrote this:
    New TS post coming up.
    Once again, remember that Jermaine said: "It's all going to come out." Until then, keep the faith no matter what happens!

    Today he redirected to Janet's tweet:
    It's time the fans know the truth and ur one of the very few I trust n doing so. I got ur back all the way bro, whatever u need. I love u!

    and now we have Randy's tweets...

    Connect the dots... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Excuse my ignorance but could you please show me the website(s) where TS has posted these things? I'm a bit confused. Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    <!-- l -->search.php?author_id=1440&sr=posts<!-- l -->


    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ ... aled01.php<!-- m -->

    Oh, I beg your pardon. I read it as TS had announced somewhere that he was going to create a new post shortly. I didn't realize it was his original posts. Haha I feel like such a goose. Thank you very much anyway! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Can people stop judging Randy?

    I think it's interesting Randy tweets this now TS has announced a new post.

    First TS wrote this:
    New TS post coming up.
    Once again, remember that Jermaine said: "It's all going to come out." Until then, keep the faith no matter what happens!

    Today he redirected to Janet's tweet:
    It's time the fans know the truth and ur one of the very few I trust n doing so. I got ur back all the way bro, whatever u need. I love u!

    and now we have Randy's tweets...

    Connect the dots... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Excuse my ignorance but could you please show me the website(s) where TS has posted these things? I'm a bit confused. Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    <!-- l -->search.php?author_id=1440&sr=posts<!-- l -->


    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ ... aled01.php<!-- m -->

    Oh, I beg your pardon. I read it as TS had announced somewhere that he was going to create a new post shortly. I didn't realize it was his original posts. Haha I feel like such a goose. Thank you very much anyway! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Yes, he announced a new post on TIAIrevealed YouTube Chanel. Here the link: <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/TIAIrevealed<!-- m -->
    Scroll down, check the comment page 4, you will find this:
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • nick_93nick_93 Posts: 269
    Can people stop judging Randy?

    I think it's interesting Randy tweets this now TS has announced a new post.

    First TS wrote this:
    New TS post coming up.
    Once again, remember that Jermaine said: "It's all going to come out." Until then, keep the faith no matter what happens!

    Today he redirected to Janet's tweet:
    It's time the fans know the truth and ur one of the very few I trust n doing so. I got ur back all the way bro, whatever u need. I love u!

    and now we have Randy's tweets...

    Connect the dots... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Excuse my ignorance but could you please show me the website(s) where TS has posted these things? I'm a bit confused. Thanks <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    <!-- l -->search.php?author_id=1440&sr=posts<!-- l -->


    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ ... aled01.php<!-- m -->

    Oh, I beg your pardon. I read it as TS had announced somewhere that he was going to create a new post shortly. I didn't realize it was his original posts. Haha I feel like such a goose. Thank you very much anyway! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Yes, he announced a new post on TIAIrevealed YouTube Chanel. Here the link: <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/TIAIrevealed<!-- m -->
    Scroll down, check the comment page 4, you will find this:
    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Ohh okay. Haha, cheers! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • "Some people just never learn."

    Randy, as usual, mysterious! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/randyjackson8<!-- m -->
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