5Alive DoDo's new FB Status



  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    has anyone seen certain video, on Dodo's official FB? I saw it now, first time. And it's showed there clearily that he doesn't moonwalk, but doing another dance move

    <!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video. ... 5156197142<!-- m -->

    although how the guys moves and how the Dodo was computerized doesn't look the same for me. they could have made Dodo jump and not drag his feet as in moonwalk. Anyway
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Over the past couple of days, actually since Teddy seems to have sort of backed off of his alive opinions the DoDo has stopped talking about Michael all together. I'm waiting to see if that changes any time soon but it's just sort of odd, almost like someone yanked a noose and pulled them in like....."keep your mouths and beaks shut".
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I noticed it immediatelly. I don't think it's linked to teddy but Dodo changed suddenly.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    DoDo is at it again lol
    I'm glad his silence didn't last too long. At least he's fun.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    5 Alive Dodo
    Wishes all the juice in the world for the thirsty of another little paradise island, Northern Ireland
    20mins ago

    Oh Mr DD....you are seriously pushing this MJ thing to the max..
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Yeah I hope if we have any members in Northern Ireland they aren't going through too much hardship with the water rationing, some families have been without water for over 8 days over Christmas, must have been awful. Our (Scottish) government has sent 160,000 litres of water but doubt that'll go very far really. I hope it gets sorted soon, love to any of our members who may live there!! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • New one:

    5 Alive Dodo
    Happy New Year and here's to one full of life, fun, dance, song and juice. I love you all.
  • 777777 Posts: 51
    Dodo has an iphone, that was posted via an iphone... Would Michael have an Iphone? It means that this person was not able to acces his/her computer and must have been outside. Could Michael have been outside?
  • I heard that Michael did have an Iphone at one point.

    However I don't know how accurate that is.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Dodo has an iphone, that was posted via an iphone... Would Michael have an Iphone? It means that this person was not able to acces his/her computer and must have been outside. Could Michael have been outside?

    The 5alive Dodo campaign is more orchestrated around Michael Jackson rather than it being him behind the facebook,pretty sure he has better things to do than pretend to be a bird on an island haha
  • 777777 Posts: 51
    well, i think that orchestrated would mean people are involved, that would mean that people wouldtalk, there should have been a leak by now.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Orchestrated in the way that they use what is in the news/floating around twitter and facebook in their status updates.
    The Dodo never says anything before it happens so I wouldn't say anyone there is '
    in the know',they are just using Michael's hoax,image and persona with the image of the dodo...for whatever reason.Might be part of it,might be a gimmick...needs to be figured out but as I have said before it doesn't really seem to be about getting people to drink the product...there is literally no marketing of the drink being done AT ALL which is really not the norm for a product which is being RELAUNCHED to a newer,younger market.Not making me wanna drink it I know that much.
    The hoax/it's controversey is current,MJ is a big deal and since believer fans have latched on in their hundreds to the moonwalking,alive singing character,and it is a Coca cola product,they just seem to be running with it IMO.
    There is barely a comment on there from a 5alive jusice drinker just saying...I like your product.MJ fans have literally taken over the entire group.

    Some fans of the page are happily running with it..some are starting to get a bit pissed off with it...2011 will show where they intend to take it next I guess.
  • [youtube:1kyrj33v]
  • Orchestrated in the way that they use what is in the news/floating around twitter and facebook in their status updates.
    The Dodo never says anything before it happens so I wouldn't say anyone there is '
    in the know',they are just using Michael's hoax,image and persona with the image of the dodo...for whatever reason.Might be part of it,might be a gimmick...needs to be figured out but as I have said before it doesn't really seem to be about getting people to drink the product...there is literally no marketing of the drink being done AT ALL which is really not the norm for a product which is being RELAUNCHED to a newer,younger market.Not making me wanna drink it I know that much.
    The hoax/it's controversey is current,MJ is a big deal and since believer fans have latched on in their hundreds to the moonwalking,alive singing character,and it is a Coca cola product,they just seem to be running with it IMO.
    There is barely a comment on there from a 5alive jusice drinker just saying...I like your product.MJ fans have literally taken over the entire group.

    Some fans of the page are happily running with it..some are starting to get a bit pissed off with it...2011 will show where they intend to take it next I guess.

    Tito's 3 sons used to refer to Michael as uncle dodo so i'm assuming that is why the 5 alive dodo bird is taking on the MJ persona...not sure why 5 alive choose a dodo bird to represent it's product though...
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Well I think they are going to push some crazed MJ fan too far soon if they aren't careful and the bird will be extinct again LOL
  • I think it was "doo-doo" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    We've actually turned a few Non BeLIEvers into BeLIEvers over there, not because of the bird but because one dude actually thought he caught a glimpse of someone who looked like Michael somewhere. I know I know, impersonators everywhere but still if that's what it takes to make someone start looking closer and coming over to see things more clear then so be it.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Number 22
    5seconds ago

    Smooth Criminal Dodo is back.
  • Twitter
    Number 22
    5seconds ago

    Smooth Criminal Dodo is back.

    22nd letter in the standard alphabet = the letter V
  • Maybe Dodo's into spiritual numerology!

    "In numerology 22 is often called the Master Builder or Spiritual Master in Form. This 'master number' includes all the attributes of the number 2, twice over, and also those of the 4. People who are 22s are said to find themselves feeling as if they live in two worlds, one which is overwhelmed by the mundane, and the other by the fantastic. In the divinatory Tarot, there are 22 major arcana cards. These cards are numbered 0-21, so it is a matter of interpretation whether The Fool or The World is card number 22. The latter card is almost always associated with hard workers, a red-gold color, and a rose-gold gemstone. Interestingly, the digital root of the 22 is the 4, which is the number of hard work.

    Twenty-two is a higher octave of four. It contains the secrets to many esoteric questions, as evidenced by the fact that there are twenty two letters in the Hebrew alphabet, twenty two pathways in many versions of the Kabbalah, and twenty two cards in the Major Arcana. Twenty two carries with it psychic gifts such as heightened sensitivity, intuition and psychic awareness, but is also predisposed to pitfalls such as treachery from hidden enemies and over sensitivity.

    22 represents practical idealism - practical genius, creator of the future, power on all levels, master of the material, philanthropy, universality, international direction, and service to mankind.

    In religion:

    There are 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet
    There are 22 chapters of the Revelation of John Bible
    In the Kabbalah, there are 22 paths between the Sephiroth
    In mathematics

    Twenty-two is a composite number, its proper divisors being 1, 2 and 11. 22 is the sixth discrete bi-prime and the fourth in the (2.q) family. With 21 it forms the second discrete bi-prime pair. 22 has an aliquot sum of 14 and is the fifth composite number found in the 7-aliquot tree. It has a 7- member aliquot sequence 22,14,10,8,7,1,0 of which the next two members are themselves discrete biprimes, 22 is the first discrete biprime exhibiting this property. 169 also has 14 as its aliquot sum. 22 is itself the aliquot sum of two numbers 20,38.
    Twenty-two is a pentagonal number and a centered heptagonal number.
    When cutting a circle with just six line segments, the maximum number of pieces that can be so created is 22, thus 22 is a central polygonal number .
    The sum of the totient function for the first eight integers is 22.
    22 is a Perrin number, preceded in the sequence by 10, 12, 17.
    It is a Smith number in base 10.
    22 divided by 7 approximates the number ¼, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.
    In astronomy - Messier object M22, a magnitude 6.5 globular cluster in the constellation Sagittarius

    22=2+2=4=Time." (<!-- m -->http://www.crystalinks.com/numerology4.html<!-- m -->)

    22 is only divisible by 1, 2, 11. The date today is 1/02/11. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Number 22
    5seconds ago

    Smooth Criminal Dodo is back.

    22nd letter in the standard alphabet = the letter V

    Oh well he'll be in a V for V mask next LOL
  • I heard that Michael did have an Iphone at one point.

    However I don't know how accurate that is.

    I spoke to Michael weeks before he passed away on the phone. He had invited me to the opening show in London but due to family obligations, I told him I would not have been able to attend. We spoke about MJJC and MJJForum (which he asked me to reopen lol) and he told me personally how he loved the MJJC site and that he and some others occasionally visited. He also spoke about one of his favorite threads in Michaelmania - which was the Curls thread or something about curly hair.

    Gary was also in communication with his team and they worked together to stop the person who was impersonating Michael. They (his team and Michael) was always aware of and visited MJJForum, MJNewsonline, MJFC and MJJC.

    Make no mistake, Michael had a blackberry and computers. He was internet savvy and he always cruised the internet lol. He loved eBay, youtube, and was a search-engine fanatic."

    I found this on a forum .
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Make no mistake, Michael had a blackberry and computers. He was internet savvy and he always cruised the internet lol. He loved eBay, youtube, and was a search-engine fanatic." [/i][/b]
    I found this on a forum .

    I never doubted it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Not saying he's not computer and technical devices savvy, but who said that quote and why take it for real?

    And I also know the "Curls for my girls" thread on MJJC (although I never posted on the forum, but I have an account there) and it's a thread about him wearing his hair curly again in 2009, and starting probably because of the shirt that he received with the message "curls for my girls" at the TII rehearsal place, supposedly by the actual TINI founders, which means Samantha de Gosson and his clan of stalkers. I start to guess who might have written that quote now.

    It's not about him being internet/computer savvy here, I'm just talking about that quote. Why believe it.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Not saying he's not computer and technical devices savvy, but who said that quote and why take it for real?
    And I also know the "Curls for my girls" thread on MJJC (although I never posted on the forum, but I have an account there) and it's a thread about him wearing his hair curly again in 2009, and starting probably because of the shirt that he received with the message "curls for my girls" at the TII rehearsal place, supposedly by the actual TINI founders, which means Samantha de Gosson and his clan of stalkers. I start to guess who might have written that quote now.

    It's not about him being internet/computer savvy here, I'm just talking about that quote. Why believe it.
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