Paris Jackson Twitter @ParisJackson



    Paris linked to this video...very impressive.<br /><br />
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    Bullying shocks me. I grew up in USSR and post-USSR Russia, and in my <br />school it was sooo mild, almost non-existent. And yet that mildest form of it<br />made me hate school and my teenage years.<br />I can't imagine how horrible life gets for kids like the boy from the video.  :cry:<br />My parents had no bullying in their school back then, my older cousins did not <br />have that. Now in modern Russia we do get it. Maybe not as bad as US or UK,<br /> but sure getting there FAST.<br />Society is SICK, so very very ILL. If only more teens were like Paris, aware and <br />against all kinds of that evil. <br />We are all ill from the very beginning, we grow with false values and treat others badly..  :(<br />- - -<br />Lol, "get over" thing annoys me - why on Earth should we "get over" ones we love<br />if they are no longer around [officially around anyway]? <br />This whole "get over!" concept is ridiculous! Should people "get over" Jesus then? You know,<br />he doesn't walk around anymore!<br />Being remembered and loved forever is being immortal and this is the only way<br />we should treat greatest humans we truly love. Why "get over"? I don't get it! Or<br />is it like forgetting history? Only embracing "the latest is the greatest"? <br />Oh that's a way to go, sure  :roll: Let's toss our grandparents away, they are so dated!<br />And who cares what happened to Europe in 1939! We were not around, why should<br />we care! Let's repeat history million times. Same logic.
  • on 1323166511:
    <br />Paris linked to this video...very impressive.<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />Ooooh..... this was also posted on Anonybook today or yesterday.
    on 1323171075:
    <br />Bullying shocks me. I grew up in USSR and post-USSR Russia, and in my <br />school it was sooo mild, almost non-existent. And yet that mildest form of it<br />made me hate school and my teenage years.<br />I can't imagine how horrible life gets for kids like the boy from the video.  :cry:<br />My parents had no bullying in their school back then, my older cousins did not <br />have that. Now in modern Russia we do get it. Maybe not as bad as US or UK,<br /> but sure getting there FAST.<br />Society is SICK, so very very ILL. If only more teens were like Paris, aware and <br />against all kinds of that evil. <br />We are all ill from the very beginning, we grow with false values and treat others badly..  :(<br />- - -<br />Lol, "get over" thing annoys me - why on Earth should we "get over" ones we love<br />if they are no longer around [officially around anyway]? <br />This whole "get over!" concept is ridiculous! Should people "get over" Jesus then? You know,<br />he doesn't walk around anymore!<br />Being remembered and loved forever is being immortal and this is the only way<br />we should treat greatest humans we truly love. Why "get over"? I don't get it! Or<br />is it like forgetting history? Only embracing "the latest is the greatest"? <br />Oh that's a way to go, sure  :roll: Let's toss our grandparents away, they are so dated!<br />And who cares what happened to Europe in 1939! We were not around, why should<br />we care! Let's repeat history million times. Same logic.<br />
    <br /><br />I don't even understand this concept of bullying, I had to look for it in the dictionary. I've never heard my son complaining about such things in his school. Thank God.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    I am bawling my eyes out now watching that video. <br /><br />I have a son the same age......I just feel like I have to hug that child, mother him, help him and protect him and look after him.......<br /><br />The world is just too cruel sometimes and especially when children suffer like this.<br /><br />He is strong in his message though.......but my heart bleeds for child should have to deal with that sh*t.
  • on 1323166511:
    <br />Paris linked to this video...very impressive.<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]Yes this world is so cruel sometimes,we are hurting true words one another,without thinking that maybe that words can actually kill that person,spiritually or physically  :'( !!!! It is so wrong,but nowadays is something regular unfortunately  :( . Almost all things are BACKwards and people are confused and lost ,in this madness.Words are very powerfull ,they can KILL or HEAL,depeneds of how YOU want to use them  :( .[/size]<br /><br />Words <br />
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    on 1323174202:
    <br />
    on 1323166511:
    <br />Paris linked to this video...very impressive.<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br /><br />'I saw this video,and it made me cry so hard.  @applehead250609 You r so right " Words are very powerfull, they can KILL or HEAL, depeneds of how YOU want to use them. I also wanted to add that. THINK BEFORE YOU talk,what you say to another person,can  give them scars for life. (My english sucks.but I think u get what Mean.<br />
  • on 1323166511:
    <br />Paris linked to this video...very impressive.<br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />Ooh, I feel so sorry for that boy :cry: I just want to give him a big and cordial hug bearhug. He's so strong and courageous! The world is horrible, gruesome, uncanny and all the similar synonyms you can find  :'(. No one should be approaching such things. People must consider what words are coming out from their mouth. I don't know if this video is real, but the bullying is a big issue today.<br /><br /><br />Much L.O.V.E. and respect to him and everybody else  respect/
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    This impressed me so much
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    Ok, now we're all crying. Bravo to Paris! I'm so glad she's bringing attention to bullying issues, the pain and damage it causes. <br />btw this may be not important, but after I asked twice who drew the lama she deleted it. Paris posted it when playing a random game with someone. If she drew it, she draws like her father, very similar. Done within one minute. Just one of those hmmmm moments.<br /><br />The girl replied MonroeJayy_MJ <br />@ParisJackson ;O its a llama in a sombrero!! Now that is one random llama! I love how you always have likt the perfect randomest pictures!<br />
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Pretty sure this is the video that turned out to be a hoax. <br /><br />
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    anyway, did someone see this?<br /><br />Paris favorited this twitt <br /><br />WannaBeAJackson Mrs. Jackson.<br />JB fans need to get over themselves. Telling us that we should get over Michael because he's not here, okay, remember that when Justin dies.
  • <br /><br />It may have been a fake video but this guy has a good point.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    This is Paris' REAL twitter account!/ParisJackson Her username USED to be pariisjaxn but after twitter changed it to ParisJackson due to too many imposters and to verify her soon, someone stole that username and is posing as her. Randy Jr., Donte, Jaafar, Taj, Austin, Prince, Latoya, Genevieve and Omer follow her REAL twitter. As well as her best friends Michaela and Shak. Prince's REAL twitter is the princemjjjaxon one.
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    on 1323192281:
    <br />Pretty sure this is the video that turned out to be a hoax. <br /><br />
    <br />
    <br /><br />I wonder how non-believers will react when they know Michael jackson is still alive (Especially those fans how stood outside courthouse on CM trial). Probably like I'm feeling now when I saw this video. I feel cheated, confused, Angry and like a big fool for believing his story.
  • Hold on guys. Try not to jump to conclusions. This "hoax" if it really is that, isn't necessarily a bad thing at all. If it was a performance, it was valiant. because it speaks from the heart and addresses the issue of harassment and bullying. On a side note, don't believe in the speculation. it is a RUMOR that it was hoaxed, so maybe this was a purported hoaxed hoax. (if that is sound logical) <br /><br /><br />But you have to look at it from a different perspective. His video went viral, he grabbed the attention of the media and even some celebrities like lady gaga. Don't you think after that much publicity he would gain some kind of inspiration from this and use it as some kind of uplifting opportunity to show the world he is resilient? Middle school is a tough time, and adolescence doesn't justify it either. What I saw from the kid was sincere and genuine. He was reaching out for comfort and attention four months before. and remember, he was in a transitional period moving from middle school to high school. (which is important) I remember being miserable ages ago. right before my transition to high school, I felt isolated and neglected. So i can wholeheartedly say i know what he was going through. I didn't have many friends at that time, and I didn't know what to do. I wasn't masochistic or really suicidal, but i felt like i was in despair. but the transition from the four months prior made the difference. I went to high school and found other people who were like me, we connected. and I became content. So a change like that could occur, especially with a stable support system.<br /><br /><br />oh and that guy in the hoax video looks like justin bieber lmao
  • on 1323196329:
    <br />
    <br /><br />It may have been a fake video but this guy has a good point.<br />
    <br />I agree. This guy probably does acting school, he knows how to give an impressive message. And at the same time it's a good example of how people easily can be fooled by emotions on video or tv, because they seem pretty real. Things are not always as they seem. Anyways, he got the attention on bullying, which is good. <br /><br /><br /><br />I don't know if there are still anti bullying programs running on high schools in the US, there are in the Netherlands. It is necessary to pay attention to bullying continuously. Bullying will never stop, it's even getting worse because of cyber bullying, which is inevitable but sad really :(. Twitter is MEGA popular for teens at high school, it can be fun but there's a lot of bad gossip and bullying too and it is shared with everyone, which is even worse for the "victim", who feels more excluded than ever.<br /><br />L.O.V.E.
    You guys think Paris knows we are "dissecting" her tweets here? It feels kind of weird that we do this and she is not aware...
  • on 1323196329:
    <br />
    <br /><br />It may have been a fake video but this guy has a good point.<br />
    <br /><br />[size=10pt]You are right Reveron1958,even if the video is fake, doesen't mean that these awful things doesent' happen :( !!!! In fact look at this girl,she deserves much respect  respect/ !!![/size]<br /><br />Me on news segment on bullying <br />
    <br /><br />It gets better<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    on 1323206787:
    <br />You guys think Paris knows we are "dissecting" her tweets here? It feels kind of weird that we do this and she is not aware...<br />
    <br />Oh I'm sure she's well aware! ;D  MJ too!<br /><br /><br />My thoughts on this video. I agree with the guy in the video that reveron1958 posted.  4 months of response/fame could have turned his life around, and perhaps now he’s feeling extra happy with his girl beside him. I’ve had 3 teens—lots of highs and lows.<br /><br />I think much of it is personality type (as well as age, sex, race, culture, love or abuse received as a child, IQ/EQ levels, and beliefs).  Choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic, and sanguine.  Eg. Some kids are sensitive and some aggressive.  One type doesn’t understand the other, and what we don’t understand we tend to criticize.  It seems this young man is gaining wisdom about his situation, and will probably grow up to be a people helper.  God bless him!<br /><br />This said, kids are smart and are learning the system of how to get easy fame via technology!
  • <br /><br />[/quote]<br /><br />.. he could have been acting on the previous vid or they were his genuine feelings... :? Actually, I feel more relieved that he's okay, than mad that I could have been fooled. It might have been turned out well for him a few months after the desperate vid.<br /><br />Nite<br /><br /> L.O.V.E.
  • I don't feel angry at all, if in fact it was an act. A message is a message and what he spoke people need to hear and think about. <br /><br />This kind of stuff does happen to kids every day - whether it happened to him or not. And, I tend to think it probably did because he showed his scars in the video. I think that he received a lot of love after he posted that 1st video and he realized that it was his perception of the situation and not necessarily reality. I'm just glad that he's okay.<br /><br />Gina - I really do hope you find peace in all of this hoax stuff. Love and hugs.<br /><br />Blessings
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1323222462:
    <br />I don't feel angry at all, if in fact it was an act. A message is a message and what he spoke people need to hear and think about. <br /><br />This kind of stuff does happen to kids every day - whether it happened to him or not. And, I tend to think it probably did because he showed his scars in the video. I think that he received a lot of love after he posted that 1st video and he realized that it was his perception of the situation and not necessarily reality. I'm just glad that he's okay.<br />
    <br /><br />I totally agree with you voice. The message he gave is important and it doesn't matter so much if it really happened to him or not. It happens to so many kids everyday. Even if it is a hoax, the message is important. Sounds familiar? ;)
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    Why should we be angry at all  confused/? Bullying exists and it does lead to<br />kids cutting themselves and killing themselves! I think now each of us<br />knows real life examples. If it takes acting skill to grab public attention, to highlight the issue, <br />well.. why not? This is what Michael is doing with so many issues, knowingly or not, right? <br />Are we mad at Michael? No way  bearhug<br />[BUT this is why it will never be safe for him to come back, enough people gonna be<br />mad]<br /> Oh. I see this is what PureLove just said  :oops: i'll try to read comments<br />before I post one  :lol:
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Regardless if this boy was acting or not....he still managed to convey an extremely important message and struck a chord in many people's hearts.<br /><br />IF it is a "hoax" then he is a damn fine actor - he got the message out which IS important and all kudos to him. He made people aware which is important. <br /><br />I have 3 son's (18, 15 and 12) and if any of them went through what was conveyed in this boy's video then I would do my damn hardest to help them.
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