Do you think Michael Jackson uses this forum?



    Gina, you don't leave me any chance here. Why don't you just leave a door open just in case he doesn't come back?

    It hurts just the thought of it ....... how could I do that <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ?!
    Wrong answer again <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> now you'll tell me it's all about him not about us and I can't argue with this
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Explain me how these pictures of Michael resembles themselves. That is not the same Michael. Look at the picture at your right, look at the nose, just the nose can tell you it is not the same person. The face is totally different, and it is not by lighting.

    Those are all Michael himself. I did take photography lessons and as my profession was filmmaking, I was behind the camera many many times. Sometimes people ask you to make the shooting from the other side because they believe that they look different from the other side of their faces. Lighting has a HUGE effect on pictures. The cam angle too. Do you look the same in every single of your picture? I don't. Nobody can look the same always. I checked all of these pictures many times. I played with their contrast, brightness etc. And I'm sure that he is Michael in all of them as in the pictures I posted on the previous page. This is my opinion. Would you believe this is the same Latoya on the same day or would you think that she used a double too? In the first and the third pictures, she looks so different but in the second and fourth she looks like herself.

    oszpqd.jpg 2d91n4p.jpg a2f6ag.jpg
  • Gina, i totally understand your feelings. But we are almost sure (if not sure) that he faked his death. If you hate the end of the movie it's still a movie, whether it hurts or not. Allow me ask you : would his return be a confirmation for you? Is this your proof?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I am happy that at least someone agrees with me but I'm gonna tell you I am very afraid we are now leaded to accept and endless hoax, we are asked to believe he is alive but he wil never come back. This is the scenario I am afraid of, a hoax without ending because I know I can't stay away of it and I know it will distroy my life competely.

    I pray to God TS is right and we'll have a BAM ....if not, God help us, at least me. I know a total nervous breakdown is just around the corner

    I'm with Gina. This is my cross to bear and I will bear it... but I'm afraid that without the light at the end of the tunnel that it will destroy not only my life and business and personal relationships, but also my mental health.

    I'm so sure... that if I'm wrong, I will forever doubt my judgment in the future. To live without confidence in your own grasp of reality is not really living. It is emotional and mental hell.
  • Bec, why can't we just consider that we missunderstood the reasons of this hoax instead? Why should we consider it quit?
    Bec, why can't we just consider that we missunderstood the reasons of this hoax instead? Why should we consider it quit?

    Why do I see a verdict in your words?
    You scare me.
  • No, no, actually i saw a verdict in Bec's words and my opinion is that we should not change our mind about this hoax no matter what. It's still a hoax with or without his return.
  • That's only my opinion, of course.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Maybe we should ask the question: why wouldn't there be a comeback? The hoax is very elaborated and the comeback is a part of it because the clues points clearly to there being a return of Michael in the end. If we accepted this to be a hoax based on the clues and evidences researched why would we not consider and accept the clues pointing to the return as well? Or we believe this to be a hoax and that there is a comeback or we don't believe this to be hoax at all because the clues and evidences like the numerology are not accepted/understood for example. What I'm trying to say is just that we cannot accept the hoax part (Michael faked his death) without including the comeback part (Michael's return to public view), both go hand in hand so to speak.
    Gina, i totally understand your feelings. But we are almost sure (if not sure) that he faked his death. If you hate the end of the movie it's still a movie, whether it hurts or not. Allow me ask you : would his return be a confirmation for you? Is this your proof?

    A movie ?!
    This is not a movie, these are 2 years of my life damn it!!

    How can I be sure he is alive without seeing him back?! Or hearing him or having some physical evidence of his presence on this earth ?!
    No that is not my proof but at least he could give us a sign he is OK, but a REAL sign...and yes I know he doesn't owe anything to us.
    sorry....I'm really having a bad moment here.
  • Sarahli, i agree.
    Gina,i agree.

  • You know, i felt better back with my old thoughts when his comeback wasnt implied with his faked death. Now it's like this is conditioned by the existence of the hoax.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Sarahli, i agree.
    Gina,i agree.

    <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    You would prefer Michael to not return?
    So tonight conclusion is a sad one.... I don't even dare to say "I hope"...

    good night everyone, good night dear Michael, wherever you might be .......
    You know, i felt better back with my old thoughts when his comeback wasnt implied with his faked death. Now it's like this is conditioned by the existence of the hoax.

    in no way I would want him to feel forced to come back just to comfort us if the comeback is a danger to his life or to his happiness.

    still....he could have mercy and let us know somehow he is OK
  • Sarahli, i'll be frank. I am very afraid of others reactions in an eventual return. Maybe this is why i never wanted to accept it as a possibility. Secondly, i am afraid of being dissapointed and going nuts and i will live in status pending if i take his comeback as a proof of this hoax. So i chose to be somewhere in the middle. Believing but protecting myself. I do believe in this hoax but I CHOOSE not to believe in his return. Either way, i'm a winner in my mental state.
  • "still....he could have mercy and let us know somehow he is OK"

    How could he let us know? Clues seem to be the best way, he can't show us in our face. Maybe that were the clues for(if we accept them as clues for real). And maybe, just maybe, that was all we needed to know.
  • Yes, i know, you're afraid of an endless hoax. I think we all are, even if we admit it or not. But...what can we do?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Sarahli, i'll be frank. I am very afraid of others reactions in an eventual return. Maybe this is why i never wanted to accept it as a possibility. Secondly, i am afraid of being dissapointed and going nuts and i will live in status pending if i take his comeback as a proof of this hoax. So i chose to be somewhere in the middle. Believing but protecting myself. I do believe in this hoax but I CHOOSE not to believe in his return. Either way, i'm a winner in my mental state.

    lol this is cute. I understand you, we have discussed about the potential reactions of the people when Michael returns. In reality it's difficult to predict with accuracy, we never know what can happen and under which circumtances this will happen. I for one am someone who strongly believes in God and i'm sure that whatever happens Michael will be protected by God. My saying this will not really help you or comfort you but this is what i believe in. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I think that it's been difficult for everyone, we all have had our "off days" even if we don't show it but we must stay strong and keep on believing for Michael because he asked "will you be there?". I don't doubt there's gonna be an end, it cannot last forever.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    I mean about bad talking his family.
    As for your other answer, If he never comes back, i still believe he faked his death, we just missunderstood the reasons of the hoax and probably was forced to do it an dissapear. And if so, i wish he finds an easy way to reunite with his children as soon as possible, maybe when things cool down a little (we don't help him here lol) and live a happy peaceful life till the end.

    No. This is just not possible. Maybe your Michael is like that, my Michael is not like that and if he doesn't come back I will know he is dead because he's not a coward.
    There were easier ways to dissapear, without all the circus, if he really wanted a secluded life somewhere out of the public eye. But a show-man can't live without "performing" one way or another. He was made to "shine" in the spotlight, not to hide somewhere in the dark.

    I'm going to agree with you Gina <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Ever since i saw "Thriller" for the first time, at age of 9, Michael became my hero! I was terrified to look on the screen (as i am scared of the dark, can't handle ghost stories, horror movies ect.) but the dance moves and the energy made me stare at it. It was something that i've never seen before and since then i could not get enough of MJ, he was ALWAYS surprising me with unique ideas. Michael is a GENIES and he could never stop "performing" one way or another and every time make us go like this <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
    I can't even imagine what kind of face expressions we'll have on BAMsday! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I am happy that at least someone agrees with me but I'm gonna tell you I am very afraid we are now leaded to accept and endless hoax, we are asked to believe he is alive but he wil never come back. This is the scenario I am afraid of, a hoax without ending because I know I can't stay away of it and I know it will distroy my life competely.

    I pray to God TS is right and we'll have a BAM ....if not, God help us, at least me. I know a total nervous breakdown is just around the corner

    Gina...I KNOW how you feel. I too am drawn to this site, to the internet, to the hoax. I've thought, what if he just stays gone..for whatever reasons. Part of the world will just be in limbo waiting and wasting our lives waiting and wondering. But, then I think, what are these continuing signs for? Other celebs have died..and do they have all this CIRCUS?? Some have had discrepancies and court, but, cover ups, different stories from one day to the next, even from family? Some have tried to prosecute doctors, but, did they have toys in court? With other celebs, was it 2 years and NEW clues to them being alive were still coming? I think the continuation of clues tells me he'll be back. NORMAL LIFE for Michael Jackson IS in the spotlight, for good or bad, it's his normal.
  • Sarahli, i see a lot of members think about his return as part of the hoax. When i joined the conversation with your group i said no way. While Souza and other members, including you, came with very strong arguments i said to myself "hm..this really makes sense". Until now i was very sure that even if he bams or not, this hoax is real. And i still do. But what about the other members who see his return as a natural ending of the hoax? What will happen to them? Sure, everyone is free to think and feel what they want, but i wouldn't want people who love Michael as part of their family, who feel like they're loosing their minds after 2 years of trying to understand the hoax and waiting, who felt this like an adventure, to turn it into a nightmare where they feel like they've wasted the time with their families, with their own children, with them in the first place. As Gina said, the thought of an endless hoax is scary and not only scary but cancelling this adventure. What Bec wrote made me very sad and i am sure a lot of people recognize themselves in those words. So why should we not leave a door open and consider the absence of his return just a missinterpretations of clues rather than 2 years wasted of (indeed not a movie, but our real life), stress, crying, hoping, believing, expecting, thinking, praying. MICHAEL JACKSON IS ALIVE. THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Sarahli, i see a lot of members think about his return as part of the hoax. When i joined the conversation with your group i said no way. While Souza and other members, including you, came with very strong arguments i said to myself "hm..this really makes sense". Until now i was very sure that even if he bams or not, this hoax is real. And i still do. But what about the other members who see his return as a natural ending of the hoax? What will happen to them? Sure, everyone is free to think and feel what they want, but i wouldn't want people who love Michael as part of their family, who feel like they're loosing their minds after 2 years of trying to understand the hoax and waiting, who felt this like an adventure, to turn it into a nightmare where they feel like they've wasted the time with their families, with their own children, with them in the first place. As Gina said, the thought of an endless hoax is scary and not only scary but cancelling this adventure. What Bec wrote made me very sad and i am sure a lot of people recognize themselves in those words. So why should we not leave a door open and consider the absence of his return just a missinterpretations of clues rather than 2 years wasted of (indeed not a movie, but our real life), stress, crying, hoping, believing, expecting, thinking, praying. MICHAEL JACKSON IS ALIVE. THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!

    Well...yes if people find it easier to handle it that way of course they can. It is not compulsory to believe in the return I guess <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> they can just say to themselves that Michael is alive and not follow the hoax anymore (until BAM happens and surprises them <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ). But you know in reality leaving room for the absence of a return leaves room for an endless hoax <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> . The thing is that if we understand and believe the reasons for the hoax maybe it will be easier to have patience because in my understanding this is not just for untertainment, this is not just to make a movie (even if it's already great) but the purpose is multiple and concerns all the people, not just the fans. We believe that the hoax has been in the planning since many years, it cannot all unfold in just a few months.

    I'm not saying it's easy, not at all, i'm just saying that we must put ourselves in Michael's shoes and when i do that i strongly feel that it must not be easy for him as well, he also must be in pain as we are at times. Don't you think that he would like to comeback to reassure us? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I am sure he would want it but he just can't because the goal has to be achieved. It is an adventure yes, a real life adventure...with joy and sorrow, and i'm pretty sure that when Michael returns all the tears will be forgotten and the people who followed this hoax will be proud of themselves because they will have witnessed and have been part of the greatest show on earth. Blessings 1guest hope you feel better soon.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400

    I think the problem with many people in the hoax community is that they are too focussed on a return, instead of the meaning of the 'end' of this hoax, because it will not be the end, it will only be the start of a rollercoaster even bigger than any we have been on the past 2 years. I get the feeling that many think he will bam, everything will be okay and they can buy a ticket to one of his gigs again. I don't think people realize that bam probably will not be like that. Although I am sure that bamsday will mean absolute certainty to every soul on this planet that he is alive, I am not so sure about his appearance in public after that. I am not excited for a bam because "I will see Michael again" as so many hoaxers are, although I would like to now, to show some people I'm not insane. I am excited because of what will happen after the bam. How this will have an effect on the world and hopefully bring some hope, awareness and awakening to people. There is a job to be done after the bam, and that is not making fans cry and drewl at one of his gigs. He's passed that, he has done that, and I don't believe he will get back into that again. As i have never seen any of his concerts, I would love that, but I highly doubt that. Like I said, I am not even sure we will see him 'live' at all.

    People also need to take a serious break from the hoax if it is effecting their personal life in a negative way. I have put so many hours, days, months, even years into this and I had my share of getting close to depression while researching certain topics. But if it got too much, I would stay away from my computer for a few days and get out with friends. Keep your social life close as well, don't let this effect you in a negative way, because it should effect you in a positive way. If not, you're in too deep and you need a break. Some of the comments on this forum scare me, I can tell you that.

    Looking back at the past almost 2 years, I have been in a rollercoaster. I have laughed, I have cried, I have banged my head against the wall, I have been amazed, I have been sad, I have listened, I have questioned and I have learned. So the bad stuff in this hoax is soon forgotten, because in the end it changed my life in a very positive way. And that's what it should do to you. And the best is still to come, so I'm holding my breath!

    If he doesn't come back and shock the world? Then he must have died somewhere in between. That is how certain I am about the reasons for this hoax. I just know he can do this and I think he knows it too.

    And no, I am not going to share the date. I can tell you that it is not this year, so I'll stick a little longer then my gut tells me what is needed. I have been off with other dates in the past, although those were not based on gut feeling, but calculations.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • it changed my life in a very positive way. And that's what it should do to you. And the best is still to come, so I'm holding my breath

    Same here, Souza. I agree with your post.
    If he doesn't come back and shock the world? Then he must have died somewhere in between.
    It's also possible that it isn't Michael's plan to return to public, which I'd respect. It depends on Michael's reason of the hoax.
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