Do you think Michael Jackson uses this forum?



  • "others" planted symbolical clues to cultivate the idea that he is alive

    Yes. And yes, believers are in a small percentage, the BOOM was not as expected, probably that's why they stopped planting.
    Michael i alive to me but i don't buy any clues. If the clues are real and not just to mess with our heads, and he doesn't come back, then there is a nonsense and a big paradox.
    For me, Michael is alive because the funeral told me so and not some crazy fakers, insiders, birds, cryptical messages , you tube videos and all these stuff that's not even fun anymore, just boring. The funeral was for me the movie Michael directed and i got my answers there. I guess you are just as tired of fake clues and dots as i am.
    To sum up, my opinion is that Michael is alive, did it for himself, will never come back and all these clues are BS.

    I feel the exact same way. I just dont see this big comeback like everyone else is talking abt. if he indeed faked his death. i can never say im 100percent certain tho, but i believe it was for himself only. he wanted out of that 'life' and wanted to be a normal guy. maybe his family is giving clues that he's alive? idk. but the whole thing Jerm says "you will see the truth soon" makes me think that maybe 1 he will comeback...i truly doubt it tho. was it a big FU to the press? if so its a big FU to his fans aswell no? because some are not with this hoax stuff and are still grieving? how will he explain himself? its possible he will lose fans. its possible he would be hated even more. idk its so confusing to me. the only thing that keeps me coming back here and holding on this hoax thing is the fact that this website is still up and the family is allowing PEARL JR to write those hoax books. they never told this lady nothing. never answered the tweets the hoax believers and non HB tweeted them about this lady and the websites. also Teddy riley is another one that keeps me coming back aswell. he seems so serious in his tweets ya know?

    anyway, idk what to think anymore...i just want the trial to be over with and hopefull it will bring us closer to the truth. i dont care if i ever see MJ again or hear his voice. i just want him to be alive and watch his kids grow :(
  • I think he is done playing LIVE concerts...luckily I saw him with his brothers in parents were kind enough to allow that to happen..
    I think there are serious, dangerous reasons why this hoax occurred. Certainly, it has allowed us to learn about the NWO/ well as a way to prove the media wrong.
    This is what I think he intended us to see.
    Jermaine said he was in "safekeeping" I knew that meant he is alive..
    It made no sense that he wouldnt be in that context...Jermaine's wording is pretty clear...
    the hoax videos came later on for me, I had not been aware of them before that statement...which sent me on a search and here I am almost 16 months later...
    I feel bam will come sooner or later.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    So you think that he's going to stay gone forever and for whatever reason, and not live with his kids forever? Not be free to travel with them or go anyplace with them the entire rest of his/their lives? Not be free to see his grandkids and show them the world? Because of ANY reason? What could make him give up forever being free to go out into the world, travel, shop, movies, concerts, disney...whatever, forever with his kids and future grandkids? If he's alive we agree his kids know. What would make someone say, I love you so much, but I'm going to "die"/leave, and never come back again. Our lives together as a family is over forever. Sure, he could sneak and see them, but, forever??? FOREVER live in fear of being found out?? Eventually more and more people would know. It would branch out. Some people working for him, come and go, move. Airplane people...people in the homes he'd be name it. FOREVER? If his kids know...then he comes back. He can't leave them sneak around forever.
    TO ME.

    I think, as time goes on and people get wary and skeptical, that it's normal to just say he'll go on living in secret. Actually, that was my first thoughts, the first year. We can say that he chooses to live secretly, and thus protect our hearts. But, I really, now think, he wouldn't live forever HIDING even MORE than he's had to his whole life. He hated not being able to go anyplace. Now to LIVE DEAD??? Forever? Never outside? Forever sneaking to see his kids and family. No. I don't think so.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I don't pine for my life as it was pre-hoax because I will never be the same as I was then. This hoax has woke me up to many issues I was previously blind to. There is no implanting back into the matrix for me, even if the hoax should be over . The old saying' ignorance is bliss ' may be true for our emotions, but I think to be well informed and prepared as much as possible is a big advantage even if the knowledge gained can make me a little uncomfortable. I have been here for almost 2 years and I don't regret any of the rollercoaster. Mostly, I look back and smile about some of the crazy memories. Previously I had never participated in a forum, fan or otherwise, but I feel so strongly about the hoax and what I interprete the reasons for it, that I had to. I am persuaded that there will be a BAM!!! but if by some chance there wasn't, it would not stop me from knowing ( yes, for me, I don't seem to even question if MJ could have passed any more) that Michael did not die on 25th June 2009.
    @ Gina, I believe you are much stronger than your words convey. You are still here every day regardless of the waves of emotion. Actions do speak louder than words.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    After nearly two years in all this there is nothing that is published or said in the media that makes me think that Michael is dead. I'm not expecting to see him again, I think we will see at some point I do not know when, a very clear proof that he is alive.
  • sandythymesandythyme Posts: 365
    Souza I agree with you all the way. This hoax is bigger than we think it is and only Michael knows the real reason. I have always believed he is alive. However I never expected him to come back and do live performances again. That is all is the past. I am sure he has so much more to do, write...can you imagine the book from this whole thing, directing, producing. Or maybe not. I really don't think we will see much of him. But I am sure he is busy working as we speak. As for the hoax ending, Michael has chosen us so to speak to speak for him to help him change the world. I am totally sure of this. Look how all of this has changed us in a positive way. Also, there are questions and will always be questions of people wondering when he comes back will it really be him....That's where the faith comes in. We can pull out our tape measure, respectively and measure him from top to bottom.... are we really sure how tall he is after how many discussions? Check his hands, his eyes...I could go on. When he comes back and we get to see him if only for a moment, I will look for his smile and the smile on his childrens faces. I will know in my heart it is him. The only way I will deny it is him is if he has 3 heads and is a lovely shade of pink. I will not put myself through the over analyzing. I will believe it's him and go to the next phase, as I believe he has plans for us. If we never see him again and the hoax fades off into the sunset, we still have a job to do, that's why we are here, that's what we have been taught. Our lives have changed, Michael helped us change, so we will help others make that change. Simple whether he is here or not (Which I believe he is) he will always be in our hearts. So, let's sit back and continue to enjoy this ride. It's definitely not over yet. Take care, Love to All
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    You all have made some very valid points and I agree with so much that is said. I dont think Michael's BAM is what we all are expecting either I think he is past this part of his life and will not go back to the life that he had before this. I definitely know that he will reveal himself to us to let us know that he is alive and well but how he does that I cant say and I dont know. Whether he comes back or not I know for sure Michael will not leave us hanging and wondering like this he will show himself to us and what he does after that only Michael knows the answer to that. Much Love to all of you
  • So you think that he's going to stay gone forever and for whatever reason, and not live with his kids forever? Not be free to travel with them or go anyplace with them the entire rest of his/their lives? Not be free to see his grandkids and show them the world? Because of ANY reason? What could make him give up forever being free to go out into the world, travel, shop, movies, concerts, disney...whatever, forever with his kids and future grandkids? If he's alive we agree his kids know. What would make someone say, I love you so much, but I'm going to "die"/leave, and never come back again. Our lives together as a family is over forever. Sure, he could sneak and see them, but, forever??? FOREVER live in fear of being found out?? Eventually more and more people would know. It would branch out. Some people working for him, come and go, move. Airplane people...people in the homes he'd be name it. FOREVER? If his kids know...then he comes back. He can't leave them sneak around forever.
    TO ME.

    I think, as time goes on and people get wary and skeptical, that it's normal to just say he'll go on living in secret. Actually, that was my first thoughts, the first year. We can say that he chooses to live secretly, and thus protect our hearts. But, I really, now think, he wouldn't live forever HIDING even MORE than he's had to his whole life. He hated not being able to go anyplace. Now to LIVE DEAD??? Forever? Never outside? Forever sneaking to see his kids and family. No. I don't think so.

    That's what i was thinking too fordtocarr! There is NO way Michael would leave his kids, for 2,3 or 4 years maybe (but i'm sure he never missed an opportunity to meet them <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) but FOREVER to be in hiding??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> No way, nothing in the World would make Michael to leave his little ANGELS! That is he main reason i know that Michael will come back, not as a performer (i think), but someone who is much and much bigger than that! This hoax has changed my life forever, even though i'm a believer for only 1,5 month, during this time i've learned so much about the government, history, politics, media, art and a lot of other topics which are connected to the hoax. I have such a great respect for each and every member of this forum for trying to solve this puzzle. These 20 months must have been very difficult emotionally and physically, but all of you are still here and you do still BELIEVE! Thank you all so much for the work you've done so far, you are amazing! We must continue to keep our spirits up high that's the only way we can get through it. After Michael's BAM there will still be a plenty of work to do, because as many have said already here that this hoax is so much bigger than we can ever imagine and it's going to affect The World in a good way. I'm looking forward to see a BETTER WORLD! But what is also very important is that time to time we should take a break from the hoax, spend this time with your family and friends, those are the people who we must share our L.O.V.E with, if we don't do that then we are missing a key point of Michael's message to the World.

    Thank you everyone again! And thank you Michael for this amazing adventure! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    L.O.V.E lives forever. L.O.V.E is important.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    What Bec wrote made me very sad and i am sure a lot of people recognize themselves in those words. So why should we not leave a door open and consider the absence of his return just a missinterpretations of clues rather than 2 years wasted of (indeed not a movie, but our real life), stress, crying, hoping, believing, expecting, thinking, praying. MICHAEL JACKSON IS ALIVE. THAT IS THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS!

    Oh no, you misunderstand. These 2 years have not been wasted! I wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world. This has been the best adventure ever... and it still is. It's a personal journey, and it's not always been rainbows and hugs. I have learned a great deal about so many things I never would have explored had it not been for this hoax. I feel like a better person, I have made some very positive changes in my life and the way I treat other people, and I have changed some priorities that needed to be changed. But at the same time, this hoax has forced me to confront some demons that I have been running away from my whole life.

    I have pinned too much on this, I admit it. There's a back story explanation for that but I'll spare you. But regardless, the stakes are very high and I am having anxiety over having to pay the piper.

    The conventional wisdom if you get in too deep is to take a break, but I can't turn off my thoughts <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • The title of this thread is Do you think Michael Jackson uses this forum? This thread was started by a guest and shortly thereafter many different personalities bombarded the thread one after another mocking the hoaxers who responded to the comments. <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->

    Then a turn of events happened the thread got locked so maybe you could say the poster of many names thought it was over and went away or maybe has stayed quiet and continued to watch. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    Once this thread was reopened and Souza posted the Questions TS had given to us to use in such a case as this, no more opposition for the moment right? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    There is one guest who has continued to keep a conversation going and members have gracefully engaged in conversation as to whether or not Michael is coming back? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    This question is asked more than any other question I have read in over a year and the same lines are repeated over and over with maybe a few variances here and there. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    Original topics seem to not stay that way for long. Look at where this headed...
    Disagreements of 02 dude and picture comparisions, members questioning their own sanity when the end of this hoax comes or if there is no end in sight questioning themselves if they will ever be ok after this...or if they can ever fully trust themselves. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Reality should not have left your minds when playing in this alternate world. Blending/blurring the lines is and always will be dangerous if you allow it to consume you and it takes over. There has to be a balance. This thread did turn out to be a good place for people to express their fears and hopes. That is a good thing that members and guests could come together that way but it is also a bad thing when we can not stay focused on a task at hand. This thread may not have been a task but it did provide enough information to be examined by whoever... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    It accomplished one thing so far and that is the multiple personality hasn't been back, yet. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    I also want to point out that way back on page 9 I posted my comment and since then the conversation has now been mostly about Michael will reveal himself somehow to let us know he is alive and ok...Some people are so worried they will miss his reveal they may have failed to realize he may have already done so and you never noticed. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->


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  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I am sticking to my original belief that Michael will not come back the same as he left. I seriously believe he had his fill of shows and touring. He was sick of that. I don’t know if we will ever see him again, but his presence will be made known through other mediums. I believe that he will see his children and his family, possibly already is doing that. I also believe that most of the stigma will have been removed and that he will be able to help children in some manner. I remember Micael saying that if he could no longer help children there was no reason for him to live. The trials almost sealed that fate. However, since June 25, 2009, so many people have come to realize how biased the trials were, how bogus the charges were against him, and the magnitude of kindness and compassion shown to children both monetarily through charity, and personally through the hours and hours he spent visiting children’s hospitals, etc. that I feel that the stigma will be lifted or tremendously lessened and he will be able to go about doing what means more to him than life itself. Perhaps, working to better children’s causes will be his mantra. I don’t know, but I know that Michael cannot be happy unless helping children in some way is a part of the plan, either behind the scenes working to get legislation passed or ghost writing children’s literature. Something that matters and is close to his heart. What ever happens, we will know it. Just like we know that he is still alive. We haven’t seen nor heard from him, but there’s an energy that says he is still here. When he returns, even if it’s quietly, I think that energy will be even stronger. We will know. I love you Michael Jackson. Do what you need to do for as long as you need to do it. When it’s time, if I’m still able to take a breath on this planet, I’ll be there for you.
  • @hesouttamylife,

    To answer your question from page 8, I was at NeverLand December 14th, 20004 for the Christmas party he had and parents and kids were there as well, and I worked there for a while. He only trusted me with the keys/codes/etc. He is deceased and if you all want to believe he isn't, then you are entitled even though you know deep down you are wrong. I worked with him for a while, and I signed confidential papers regarding codes to the entrance and things like that, so don't even ask me what the code was. However, I am insulted at times, that people would make up such lies about him faking his death, but I understand why since they did this to Elvis as well. He was a terrific employer and very generous and kind. People who think he faked his death do not realise that this man would never put someone in prison who didn't not commit a crime, and he would not put his own people out of a job either. I am forced to find employment with other celebities but am finding it difficult since others are more....demanding in attitude. MJ was very sincere, kind and caring. Always checking to make sure his staff was happy in their work.
    I don't expect Michael to come and tour again. I don't expect the "old" Michael to be back.All I want is to know he is happy.

    Then I can go back to my life or, if indeed he has bigger plans, continue following him.

    Keymaster how do you know he is deceased? I mean you were there to see he died, or you saw his dead body with your own eyes or what makes you think he is dead?
    I just want to know the truth.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Key Master as you were an employee, are you one and the same poster as paul aka vangogh?
    Key Master as you were an employee, are you one and the same poster as paul aka vangogh?

    yes I want to know it too.
    who's on an unknown location in the west of Africa?

    There was someone viewing the forum from Bahrain today... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    hello Bahrain <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I agree this thread has meandered in lots of directions, but it's been interesting and some posts brought tears to my eyes. Key Master, thanks for confirming to us that MJ was a wonderful employer so kind and considerate. I love hearing those kinds of stories from people who directly knew him.
    I am happy that at least someone agrees with me but I'm gonna tell you I am very afraid we are now leaded to accept and endless hoax, we are asked to believe he is alive but he wil never come back. This is the scenario I am afraid of, a hoax without ending because I know I can't stay away of it and I know it will distroy my life competely.

    I pray to God TS is right and we'll have a BAM ....if not, God help us, at least me. I know a total nervous breakdown is just around the corner
    I agree that is what we all fear, and also what people have told me. But I can't stay away if I tried.
    Like others have said too, my life has been irrevocably changed, and I'm not regretting it one little bit. I have learned so much. It has been the ultimate experience for me, like a 2 year high of adrenaline rush. I've told my family that if there is ever solid proof that he is in fact dead and I'm convinced of it, I will feel like pain of withdrawal. But my heart, mind and intuition all tell me he is alive, going to BAM in some unexpected way, and the world will see it and be affected.
    No, that would not mean he is dead. Although I do have a strong feeling he will be back this year, I also know I could be wrong. I have a date in mind that will end at least my participation in all this like I have been doing the past 2 years, but it's not in the near future. We will see what happens, but my gut feeling is mostly right.
    I liked all your post above. I almost don't even want to ever talk BAM dates again, almost like saying a date will automatically cancel out the possibility of him choosing that day. He wants that day to be unexpected, so we should let him have that joy. Speculating on the year is as far as I would say is okay to do. After he BAMS, then we can figure out all the ways that day was perfect in numerology, etc.
    I'm with Gina. This is my cross to bear and I will bear it... but I'm afraid that without the light at the end of the tunnel that it will destroy not only my life and business and personal relationships, but also my mental health.

    I'm so sure... that if I'm wrong, I will forever doubt my judgment in the future. To live without confidence in your own grasp of reality is not really living. It is emotional and mental hell.
    Well we are definately risk-takers here, much like all those who choose death-defying sports like skydiving, racing, etc. I am choosing to risk my mental safety with this hoax, because of the thrill and I refuse to stop, because there's nothing else like it in the world for me. And I'm betting the world will love to see this thrill as it unfolds in the near future!
    by 1guest » Fri Apr 01, 2011 4:48 pm
    Sarahli, i'll be frank. I am very afraid of others reactions in an eventual return. Maybe this is why i never wanted to accept it as a possibility. Secondly, i am afraid of being dissapointed and going nuts and i will live in status pending if i take his comeback as a proof of this hoax. So i chose to be somewhere in the middle. Believing but protecting myself. I do believe in this hoax but I CHOOSE not to believe in his return. Either way, i'm a winner in my mental state.
    I’m wondering if part of the subconscious reason most MJ followers think he’s dead is because they don’t want to go through the pain of disappointment of believing and then being let down later. This way if he returns they’ll be happily shocked. But us, we’ve been happy all this time but might face the tsunami of letdown if he doesn’t show for a long time to come. So I can identify with this thought.
    I'm not saying it's easy, not at all, i'm just saying that we must put ourselves in Michael's shoes and when i do that i strongly feel that it must not be easy for him as well, he also must be in pain as we are at times. Don't you think that he would like to comeback to reassure us? I am sure he would want it but he just can't because the goal has to be achieved. It is an adventure yes, a real life adventure...with joy and sorrow, and i'm pretty sure that when Michael returns all the tears will be forgotten and the people who followed this hoax will be proud of themselves because they will have witnessed and have been part of the greatest show on earth. Blessings 1guest hope you feel better soon.
    Just like having a baby! And this is his baby, and at the right time, it will be delivered!! There will be joy---and lots of work ahead!
  • "RK&quot wrote:
    Key Master as you were an employee, are you one and the same poster as paul aka vangogh?

    yes I want to know it too.

    I can confirm that I am not keymaster.Only paul and vangoghs.
  • I think Key Master wants to tell us that unlike us he saw his behavior from the "direct source" and that he would never do this to Murray. But Murray is not in prison yet, right? We don't know how this case will end.
    Key Master, i would like to ask how would you explain the fact that we have never seen Michael's "dead" body?
  • vangogh, there you are:)
    you've created a 16 page thread and disappeared. Why don't you share more with us?
  • Just like having a baby! And this is his baby, and at the right time, it will be delivered!! There will be joy---and lots of work ahead!

    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> MJonmind, as a midwife I love this expression!

    Souza, thanks for your incredibly fantastic post on p16.
    Reading all posts I sometimes wonder what people exspect.
    If Michael really comes back, I agree with Souza and others, I think he probably won´t have gigs again, I think he will be recording and he will go on with his charity.
    That will be disappointing for lots of fans, but my God, the man is 53 now ( I say it with love Michael! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> )
    and he shouldn´t waste his agility on stage until everyone is satisfied which probably never happens.

    Why do so many of you want to know an exact BAM´s date?
    What does it do to you when Souza writes, it´s probably not this year?
    What will you do until then? Sit and wait, counting the days, the hours?

    I´m not MJ but I think probably he would beg you to go on with your lives, your hopes, your dreams. And there must be some beside MJ and the BAM.
    And thet´s what you should do anyway, with or without an exact date.

    Don´t misunderstand me, I love it to be here, the hoax is part of my life already, but definitely JUST a part.
    When the PC is switched off, my life and my thoughts go on with my 2 wonderful kids, my interesting job, my friends and my studies.
    I really beg some of you: please take care of yourself!

    OK the subject was: "do you think Michael Jackson uses this forum?"
    If he´s alive, then yes. Especially here with THIS question...
    Maybe it´s good to watch out for guests with an enourmous intelligent background...!?!
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393

    To answer your question from page 8, I was at NeverLand December 14th, 20004 for the Christmas party he had and parents and kids were there as well, and I worked there for a while. He only trusted me with the keys/codes/etc. He is deceased and if you all want to believe he isn't, then you are entitled even though you know deep down you are wrong. I worked with him for a while, and I signed confidential papers regarding codes to the entrance and things like that, so don't even ask me what the code was. However, I am insulted at times, that people would make up such lies about him faking his death, but I understand why since they did this to Elvis as well. He was a terrific employer and very generous and kind. People who think he faked his death do not realise that this man would never put someone in prison who didn't not commit a crime, and he would not put his own people out of a job either. I am forced to find employment with other celebities but am finding it difficult since others are more....demanding in attitude. MJ was very sincere, kind and caring. Always checking to make sure his staff was happy in their work.

    Why would I ask you for the code? It’s obsolete. As fas as your conclusion of knowing deep down that I am wrong for believing he hoaxed his death, you are wrong. I have based my belief on the facts that have been presented, and none of them add up. I cannot look at this from an emotional standpoint. If I did, I would be at the same place that you are, disbelieving that Michael could ever do this,or he would never do that. However, people do what is necessary and in the best interest of themselves and their loved ones, not the world’s. I have gone over this a million times since 6/25/09. There is nothing that I have seen or heard that convinces me that Michael is dead. Working at Neverland for a time does not make you an expert on what Michael Jackson would do. Tangible facts support Michael faking his death. Why is yet to be known. Perhaps we’ll never know. He doesn’t owe us any apologies nor is he obligated to provide any reasons. It’s his life, after all and what ever he decides relative to announcing the whys and the hows is his decision and his alone. Yes, Michael Jackson was kind, loving, considerate and all of the above. And regardless of the outcome of June 25, 2009, he still is. But don’t forget to add courageous to that descriptive list . It certainly belongs there with the rest of them.

    And btw, who’s going to prison who doesn’t belong there <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • You have no facts that he is alive, there are more facts that he is dead. If you have facts that he is alive, then bring it to the news for all to know about. And Murray is the one that might be sent to prison because of his negligence that killed MJ. If you think that MJ would put his kids and family thru the emotional rollercoaster they have been thru then you do not know MJ. He would not do that to his kids. The man is dead just like Elvis and everyone else. MJ would also not allow his kids to have been put on tv and exploited as they have been by Oprah and MJ would certainly not sit by and let his dad try to get his money. The LA coroner is not going to risk his career by faking documents, the police and forest lawn are not going to go along with crap like this either. The man is dead. I don't like it, you don't like it, but that's the way it is. No one has ever gotten away with faking a death, it just doesn't happen.

    I am not making fun of you, but it is what it is, he is dead. And like Elvis 34yrs later, you will see that MJ is....dead. You are all very young and I understand how you want to think he is alive and his is alive in all of our hearts.

    But, if you think you have facts then go to CNN and let the world know. But, I know you can't do that because you have no "facts" of him being alive. You will never see or hear from MJ again because he is really deceased. Once again, he would NEVER DO SUCH A THING TO HIS KIDS WHOM HE LOVED WITH ALL HIS HEART. And, also, he'd be sent to prison for doing it to, and he would never want to go to prison.

    But you are entitled to believe what ever helps you make it through the day. I give you credit for that.
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    Try to get a picture of Michael reading the posts of this forum on a computer. I can easily imagine, but no.. Just no. It's very unreal. He is working on something bigger, I doubt he has the time..
  • You guys, Key Master is right. MJ is dead. If he were ever found to have faked his death he would not only be sent to prison he'd be sued for every penny he ever had, no one would buy his music anymore and he'd be washed up for being a deceitful person (which he is not). And Key Master is correct, no one has ever faked a death and got away with it....ever. Even if you saw a body you would never want to believe it was mj anyway so that doesn't matter. People can make up bs and conspiracy about anything.

    Key Master, what you said was so right on. "What ever helps you make it through the day". That's what these people do and there is nothing wrong with that. Michael was not a deceitful person and insinuating he would do this is saying he was, and he was not.
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