Do you think Michael Jackson uses this forum?



  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    You have no facts that he is alive, there are more facts that he is dead. If you have facts that he is alive, then bring it to the news for all to know about. And Murray is the one that might be sent to prison because of his negligence that killed MJ. If you think that MJ would put his kids and family thru the emotional rollercoaster they have been thru then you do not know MJ. He would not do that to his kids. The man is dead just like Elvis and everyone else. MJ would also not allow his kids to have been put on tv and exploited as they have been by Oprah and MJ would certainly not sit by and let his dad try to get his money. The LA coroner is not going to risk his career by faking documents, the police and forest lawn are not going to go along with crap like this either. The man is dead. I don't like it, you don't like it, but that's the way it is. No one has ever gotten away with faking a death, it just doesn't happen.

    I am not making fun of you, but it is what it is, he is dead. And like Elvis 34yrs later, you will see that MJ is....dead. You are all very young and I understand how you want to think he is alive and his is alive in all of our hearts.

    But, if you think you have facts then go to CNN and let the world know. But, I know you can't do that because you have no "facts" of him being alive. You will never see or hear from MJ again because he is really deceased. Once again, he would NEVER DO SUCH A THING TO HIS KIDS WHOM HE LOVED WITH ALL HIS HEART. And, also, he'd be sent to prison for doing it to, and he would never want to go to prison.

    But you are entitled to believe what ever helps you make it through the day. I give you credit for that.
    OMG, here we go AGAIN!!!! Why are you on our site if you think he's dead???? This is a site for believers!!! SHOOOO!!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    So Key Master and Gate Keeper, if Michael is so dead...

    then why is the ambulance pic fake?

    How, and why would Ben Evenstad fake a pic of Michael in the ambulance on 6/25/09, when no such pic was actually taken?

    How in the world could he have done that... without Michael's help?

    Ps. what's up with the Ghostbusters screennames?
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    You guys, Key Master is right. MJ is dead. If he were ever found to have faked his death he would not only be sent to prison he'd be sued for every penny he ever had, no one would buy his music anymore and he'd be washed up for being a deceitful person (which he is not). And Key Master is correct, no one has ever faked a death and got away with it....ever. Even if you saw a body you would never want to believe it was mj anyway so that doesn't matter. People can make up bs and conspiracy about anything.

    Key Master, what you said was so right on. "What ever helps you make it through the day". That's what these people do and there is nothing wrong with that. Michael was not a deceitful person and insinuating he would do this is saying he was, and he was not.
    The paper which showed his information when he died didn't say his name, which is "Michael Joe Jackson". Instead it showed one that is "Michael Joseph Jackson". This will prevent him from being sent to prison even though many commited suicide when MJ died.. it's not MJ's problem, if some people are that obsessed about him then they're 99.9% insane (in my eyes).

    Also, if we got back the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.. I doubt they'd sent him back to the prison. Everything would be explained after the Illuminati has been downed. Right?
    So Key Master and Gate Keeper, if Michael is so dead...

    then why is the ambulance pic fake?

    How, and why would Ben Evenstad fake a pic of Michael in the ambulance on 6/25/09, when no such pic was actually taken?

    How in the world could he have done that... without Michael's help?

    Ps. what's up with the Ghostbusters screennames?
    Good point!
  • Let these people have their fun, if they want to believe such non sense let them. Everyone has an imagination, so let them. In their hearts they know that all the people that would have to be involved could never keep a secret like that. Here are all the people that would have to keep that lie going and it would never work.

    LA Coroner
    LA Police Department
    Forest Lawn Cemetary (all the people that run it)
    MJ's whole family
    EMS drivers/workers/techicians
    The 911 operator that was called when MJ was found dead
    MJ's security people
    The UCLA Hospital (doctors, nurses, etc.)
    The Lawyers for MJ estate
    All MJ's close friends
    Conrad Murray
    Grace the nanny
    Kai Chase the personal cook

    You people aren't this stupid. This is WAY to many people that would have had to be involved if MJ faked his death, and it's not possible, all these people would not be able to keep a secret like that, and especially, NONE of them would risk their careers and go to prison for fraud and deception.

    But, like Key Master said "whatever helps you make it through the day".

    MJ is dead.
  • You are an idiot.

    Joe is a nickname for Joseph

    Michael Joe Jackson and Michael Joseph Jackson is the same person, fools, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    What makes you think we are all young - I'm not. How do you know what MJ would do? Has he told you himself? if not, then you don't know any more than we do - you don't know that he is dead - you just think he is, the same way we think he's alive.
  • The ambulance pic is real. But if you want to think it's fake then go ahead, your only fooling yourself. You people are so gullible its very sad. You'd believe anything someone would toss at you. There is no where that man could hide and you all know it. Plus, he'd never do that to his kids. Its sad you think so little of Michael to think he'd do such a thing. But, whatever gets you thru the day.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Then why is the ambulance pic fake.

    It's clearly fake. The monitor is ON in the video of the ambulance leaving Carrolwood... and very obviously OFF in the still pic. That pic was not taken outside the house on 6/25/09. It must have taken quite a bit of planning to pull off such a deception... yet within hours, that pic was distributed to the media.

    How could Ben have A. thought to create a fake, and B. created an elaborate fake (including obtaining an image of Michael Jackson lying prone, at exactly the right angle), and still had enough time to negotiate it's alleged sale to the media.

    It's an excellent fake, this was not a quicky photoshop job. The reflections match the scene to a T, and the interior of the ambulance matches the interior of ambulance 71 that was on scene. Except for one very obvious problem... the monitor is turned off in the still. Oops!

    So how do you explain that my Ghostbusting friends?
  • Too many people could not keep this secret and all would lose their jobs. You all probably have told a secret to just one or two people and they could not keep it a secret.

    I give you credit for your wanting to keep him alive in your hearts. Wonderful.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    You're not answering the question. I'm sorry you disregard facts for emotion in your debate. Fail.
  • I will repost this because it's the truth. I agree, these people would not risk their jobs especially the coroner and the Police department (which we know would never do ANY favors for MJ)

    Here are all the people that would have to keep that lie going and it would never work.

    LA Coroner
    LA Police Department
    Forest Lawn Cemetary (all the people that run it)
    MJ's whole family
    EMS drivers/workers/techicians
    The 911 operator that was called when MJ was found dead
    MJ's security people
    The UCLA Hospital (doctors, nurses, etc.)
    The Lawyers for MJ estate
    All MJ's close friends
    Conrad Murray
    Grace the nanny
    Kai Chase the personal cook

    You people aren't this stupid. This is WAY to many people that would have had to be involved if MJ faked his death, and it's not possible, all these people would not be able to keep a secret like that, and especially, NONE of them would risk their careers and go to prison for fraud and deception.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Only needs two or three people to help out:

    1. Police boss
    2. Coroner boss
    3. Hospital boss
  • Wrong, all the people listed would have to be involved.

    Police Boss
    Coroner Boss
    Hospital Boss
    911 operators Boss
    Kai Chase
    Conrad Murray
    MJ's whole family
    Security and body guards
    Ambulance EMS techicians
    Forest Lawn Cemetary Boss
    The Mayor of LA to allow the procession for funeral
    etc, etc, ect.

    Too many people. And the police aren't going to do MJ ANY favors at all they hated him. It would never be allowed and people aren't foolish, mj is dead.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Ok, next question, what fraud?

    I'm sorry you don't want to have an intelligent debate. I have presented a very strong fact and yet you have completely glossed over it. Perhaps it is because you have no answer?
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    Wrong, all the people listed would have to be involved.

    Police Boss
    Coroner Boss
    Hospital Boss
    911 operators Boss
    Kai Chase
    Conrad Murray
    MJ's whole family
    Security and body guards
    Ambulance EMS techicians
    Forest Lawn Cemetary Boss
    The Mayor of LA to allow the procession for funeral
    etc, etc, ect.

    Too many people. And the police aren't going to do MJ ANY favors at all they hated him. It would never be allowed and people aren't foolish, mj is dead.
    Uhm, many are involved in the hoax but if the police-, coroner-, and hospital boss are willing to give out real information without lying.. then we don't need anybody else.

    Also, Murray & MJ's family wouldn't tell the truth, because MJ isn't ready.
    You are an idiot.

    Joe is a nickname for Joseph

    Michael Joe Jackson and Michael Joseph Jackson is the same person, fools, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Idiot? Only idiot I see is you. If you don't dare to believe, then you shouldn't dare to say anything for not knowing. Get your facts right, son.. I'll give you a lesson.

    Michael Joe Jackson was in every single "document", even FBI. That's gotta be pretty serious now, huh? But why now.. when he "dies", the king of pop's name would be written wrong? His family saw the document where it said "Michael Joseph Jackson", they didn't even mention anything about it or blame against because it's a part of the hoax.

    Get it? Now.. go sleep.
  • Dear Guests please stop just saying that we are wrong just because you think so. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Just wanted to remind you about Souza's post.
    I will reopen this thread. Let them show their true colors, we know who will have the best laugh in the end.

    For the non-believers stalking this forum, I have a few questions to start with, to give you a chance to show us why we are nutcases. If you can answer all these questions with a good argumented answer, I will have some more for you, but I don't think I will have to.


    M1. After watching MJ videos including Thriller and Ghosts: is there any reason why MJ would not have thought to do a real life Thriller—especially since he was married to LMP, and the Elvis hoax death theory is very well known?

    M2. If MJ did plan a hoax death, is there any time that would fit better with a full moon (Thriller) and 777 than: 6-25-09 death (77 days to 9-9-09), 7-7-09 memorial (full moon & 7 years from will), 9-3-09 burial (7 days to 9-9-09, & almost full moon), and all the other numerology?

    M3. Being a big fan of old movies, and also choosing to remake Gilda in TII: it’s not possible that MJ was unaware of Mundson/Macready faking his death in Gilda (and also sharing MJ’s birthday). So if MJ was not planning on faking his death: would he be so cruel as to include Gilda in TII, and make his fans think he was planning a hoax death when in reality he was not?


    S1. Even if MJ was unaware of the hoax death in Gilda: what are the chances that he accidentally did a remake of a fake death by an actor sharing his own birthday?

    S2. What are the odds that all the hoax numerology and timing is merely coincidence (and show your calculations, not just your answer)? (see challenge in quotes below).

    S3. Things which occur randomly, and are not planned, will happen more than once. So can you give at least one example of a similar death timing, that happened by chance—where the timing repeatedly fit with specific three-digit and/or four-digit numbers (not single-digit numbers), numbers that were emphasized by that same person before the death (hint: neither Elvis nor 2pac come anywhere close)?


    F1. From the death to the burial more than two months later, why did we never see a single tear shed from a single family member (not even Paris, in her touching speech at the memorial)? And why did the children looked bored at the memorial? And why did the adults all wear dark glasses (so that we could not see the tears, or not see the lack of tears)?

    F2. Are we to believe that MJ’s own family is ignorant of his role in the Liberian Girl video? And if not, then why did they allow Liberian Girl pictures to dominate both the memorial and the burial? Would they be so cruel, as to send fans the message that he is hiding behind the camera and running The Show—if in reality MJ was actually dead???

    F3. Why was the burial delayed for a world-record longest time? And why did the family schedule it for 9-3-09: unless it had to do with the 7 days to 9-9-09, and the full moon (on 9-4-09)?

    F4. Why was the funeral recorded on a movie set? (see video).


    $999 Reward!!!

    On the one year anniversary of 9-9-09, this is a very fitting time to offer this $999 reward. The reward will go to the first person who can show mathematically and statistically, that there is one chance in any number less than a million (1 chance in 999,999 or 1 chance in 500,000, etc), that all the MJ numerology listed in step 3 below happened by chance.

    Anyone can accept this offer, but they must do each of the following 5 steps.

    Step 1: Carefully read each of the following three times: all of this post, and TIAI Updates #4b, #4c, #5a, #5d, #6 (especially #6-8 & #6-9).

    Step 2: Start a post (in the TIAI subforum) titled: “$999 Claim, By John Doe [don’t use this name, use your own username]”. Include in your post steps 3 and 4, below; also, any discussion regarding step 5 should be done in this same thread.

    Step 3: Show your calculations for each separate numerology (a. to l.) happening by chance {for an example, see the 12:21 phone call time,}.
    Be sure to include:
    a. The 911 call was in the first few seconds of 12:21
    b. 12:21 to 2:26 is 2 hours and 5 minutes on June 25; 2 + 5 = 7
    c. 1,221 + 226 = 1447; 1 + 4 + 4 + 7 = 16; 1 + 6 = 7
    d. Memorial 7th day of 7th month, 7 years after will (and full moon)
    e. 77 days from “death” to 9-9-09
    f. 7 days from “burial” to 9-9-09 (and almost full moon)
    g. THIS IS IT vowels = 999
    h. HIS (HIStory and THIS IS IT) backwards = 1998
    i. 1998 autograph; 1998 - 666 = 1332 / 4 = 333 + 666 = 999
    j. 777 + 999 = 1776
    k. All of these numbers (333, 666, 777, 999, 1221, 1776, 1998) are divisible by 111
    l. 8 + 16 + 1977 = 2001; 6 + 25 + 2009 = 2040 (space intros for Elvis and MJ)

    Step 4: Show your calculations for the combination of all these numerologies happening by chance. Your answer here at step 4 must be 1 chance in 999,999 or less (because one chance in a million or more does not qualify for the reward).

    Step 5: Allow me to question/challenge your calculations.

    If you can defend your calculations and statistics by answering my questions/challenges: then PM your mailing address to me, and I will send you $999 (U.S. dollars) via Western Union!
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Nice try - but I will find the truth for myself - I won't be told to believe he's dead just because you tell me to. I have an enquiring mind and don't just accept things if I feel there is something not quite right about it.
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    Brian Oxman "IT IS A FAKE"

    Go to the 32 second mark...
  • Lovely OneLovely One Posts: 430
    And this ???

  • hope everyone knows the word respect.
    First, to those non-believers will tell you that then I do not understand because they come into these forums, but I think they do because deep down they suspect the same as what we believe is still alive, what happens is hoping to find a "test "that will ultimately confirm their suspicions, and do not realize that evidence that he still lives there are many.
    What will they do when he appears? To say that they also believed.
    To those who still do not believe I tell you, it is true that Joe and Joseph are the same person: Michael of course, but for legal purposes is not the same.
    It may not mean anything, but Michael lives.
    Tell them to non-believers, which only his family, his children, and very few know who still lives nearby. None that someone mentioned before, never say anything, first because they only worked, and have not been informed that he still lives, though I suspect: UCLA, his nurse, the cook ... and please Grace , it's like the mother of the children, and one of his best friends, how do you think she will say something? She loves Michael, whether we like her or not. And all they are protecting him.They work to protect you.
    Michael knew he would be murdered and he was ahead of it.
    Michael knew many things of concern to the state, Michael is friends with a lot of power in the world. And he is under the state protection. Neither he nor anyone in this fake death will go to jail, because THEY ARE THE LAW. I think here the ignorant are those who non-believers.
    What I feel is that all these people on the day of his comeback will be screaming his name
  • angranityangranity Posts: 339
    I think these guests (especially Gate Keeper and Key Master or w/e their names were) haven't read the whole big thing on this site's homepage. It explains -everything-, and did surely take a long time to write!

    If you don't believe.. go and read it for the sake of god. It's so obvious. The 911 call wasn't even from where the ambulance went to. It was from a hotel.. and check out the "weird list" videos on YouTube.
    If Michael really comes back, I agree with Souza and others, I think he probably won´t have gigs again, I think he will be recording and he will go on with his charity.
    That will be disappointing for lots of fans, but my God, the man is 53 now ( I say it with love Michael! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> )
    and he shouldn´t waste his agility on stage until everyone is satisfied which probably never happens.

    Who's expecting him to have gigs again? You should understand this is not why we want him back.
    I´m not MJ but I think probably he would beg you to go on with your lives, your hopes, your dreams.

    Well he would be wrong thinking that now we can do that so easy.Don't know why this makes me think of "Pygmalion" by Bernard Shaw - in a symbolical way of course.
    Don´t misunderstand me, I love it to be here, the hoax is part of my life already, but definitely JUST a part.
    When the PC is switched off, my life and my thoughts go on with my 2 wonderful kids, my interesting job, my friends and my studies.

    I don't know if I should say lucky you or not.
    Probably you are lucky to be able to do that.
    I won't comment about my kid but my job is Michael, my friend is Michael and my studies.....what else, Michael. I just can't think of anything else.
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    I have a question for the non believers on this forum. Why are you all here? If you don't believe he has hoaxed his death then why visit a hoax forum, to try to convince us we are wrong? We don't visit non believers forums to tell every member there Michael is still alive.
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