Do you think Michael Jackson uses this forum?



  • michael's hoax or someone else's i seriously doubt he was on the property in any way that anyone would notice hime on that day.
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    allforlove, no, i don't find strange that they want to have this dialogue at all. Some probably simply want to make us look bad or sad or nuts, but not all. And i didn't see Key in this category. Also, he claims he worked for Michael, so i would love to hear what he has to say before being thrown away. I was also "welcomed" very cold but i didn't care because i wanted to really communicate with your group. And i am not sorry. I am not important, i am not a valuable guest, but some may be. Have you thought about it? So, let's treat them with respect and to be nice. We never know who we're talking to.
    I agree with you and I haven't been rude to anyone on this forum.We don't know who is on the other side that's true but that doens' t make a difference for me.I try to treat every one with respect and only ask to be treated the same way.
  • allforlove, i am so happy we agree on this, hope everyone feels the same:) Thank you.
    Some probably simply want to make us look bad or sad or nuts, but not all. And i didn't see Key in this category.

    That means you didn't read her first posts here.

    I admitt later she changed her tone but at first she came in just like the other non-believers, calling us fools.
  • Not being on devil's side but i've always had this feeling that both sides even before they meet come with this tension. I will re-read it, ty.
  • sandythymesandythyme Posts: 365
    Hey Guys...Question to my family.....I really wonder why these non-believers are really here? Perhaps it's a part of the process...debunking our theories, you know putting believers to the test???? But by whom <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> They are not answering any questions you asked, they just keep coming back with the same things over and over. So at this point we know they think he's dead. But what they are saying is what every non believer says. Nothing new, no brainer. So why are they really here. Bunch of kids or kid having fun with people who have worked very hard???? Or what? Take care, Love to All <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • I've reread some parts, i didn't see Key Master being rude but i think i know where the confusion came from. The moderator put all guests in one basket, telling us to stick to one name. I am sure he was confused because i was too in that basket and i give my word that i was only the username:"1guest". So, the moderators can be sometimes wrong, at least in my case was. Maybe it's the forum's policy to make all rude people look as 1, so their words to not weigh at all. Or maybe the mod didn't really verify and just figured. This is how a guest can be discredited and probably Key Master was one of them> Just a possibility. But it's members' choice in the end. If you want him out i am sure you know how to succeed it:)
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Can we get back on topic and open a new thread for the discussion whether or not people believe it's a hoax?

    This thread is about the question if you think MJ visits here.

    Thank you.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Quite right
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    hesouttamylife wrote:

    Key Master wrote:@hesouttamylife,

    To answer your question from page 8, I was at NeverLand December 14th, 20004 for the Christmas party he had and parents and kids were there as well, and I worked there for a while. He only trusted me with the keys/codes/etc. He is deceased and if you all want to believe he isn't, then you are entitled even though you know deep down you are wrong. I worked with him for a while, and I signed confidential papers regarding codes to the entrance and things like that, so don't even ask me what the code was. However, I am insulted at times, that people would make up such lies about him faking his death, but I understand why since they did this to Elvis as well. He was a terrific employer and very generous and kind. People who think he faked his death do not realise that this man would never put someone in prison who didn't not commit a crime, and he would not put his own people out of a job either. I am forced to find employment with other celebities but am finding it difficult since others are more....demanding in attitude. MJ was very sincere, kind and caring. Always checking to make sure his staff was happy in their work.

    Why would I ask you for the code? It’s obsolete. As fas as your conclusion of knowing deep down that I am wrong for believing he hoaxed his death, you are wrong. I have based my belief on the facts that have been presented, and none of them add up. I cannot look at this from an emotional standpoint. If I did, I would be at the same place that you are, disbelieving that Michael could ever do this,or he would never do that. However, people do what is necessary and in the best interest of themselves and their loved ones, not the world’s. I have gone over this a million times since 6/25/09. There is nothing that I have seen or heard that convinces me that Michael is dead. Working at Neverland for a time does not make you an expert on what Michael Jackson would do. Tangible facts support Michael faking his death. Why is yet to be known. Perhaps we’ll never know. He doesn’t owe us any apologies nor is he obligated to provide any reasons. It’s his life, after all and what ever he decides relative to announcing the whys and the hows is his decision and his alone. Yes, Michael Jackson was kind, loving, considerate and all of the above. And regardless of the outcome of June 25, 2009, he still is. But don’t forget to add courageous to that descriptive list . It certainly belongs there with the rest of them.

    Granted, the fact that someone has worked with MJ not to say that is an expert in your life !!!!! private !!!!, emotions, pain or plans.
    He not go around saying to all employees or people he knew, "know by mid-2009 I'll pretend I'm dead" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Michael, if you visit this place, give us a sign. Please.
    How? You 'll find a way. You're smarter than us:d
    Just don't say you're MJ , you might be banned before you know it:))
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    To answer the thread theme, one of the guests really could be Michael or TS playing devil's advocate to see how we react and debate persuasively.

    I think what we believe becomes a part of us, so if someone seems to attack what we believe, it feels like they are attacking us personally. We should always react with calmness, though some personalities really put out provocative, fists-up talk. I personally try to avoid confrontation, and can't even think clearly when someone aggressively argues. So I would say to the guests who have come here to declare that Michael is indeed dead and we are just poor gullible people deceiving ourselves with wishful thinking; that to be fair you have to put yourself in the other position for a while to really see what they are thinking. That means you need to do the real hard work of reading through all the excellent compliled material that Souza and others, plus TS have worked hard at. We have read through all the stuff you guys have read on the reasons you think he is dead. Believe me we have agonized over it all. On this forum we have discussed everything. It's your turn to do some hard research. We are obviously not going to convince you with with a few points in favor of the hoax. I think for most people who believe here, they may have initially thought MJ was dead, but from researching ALL the info out there have become convinced in our hearts that he is alive, from the sheer weight of evidence. So guests please do your homework, and enjoy your stay here. If one of you is TS or Michael I hope we are doing okay at keeping watch and loving.
  • Why do we always have this impression that non-believers didn't do their homework. What if they did reasearch and this is simply their conclusion? I never use a superior attitude in front of them, i am willing to listen just as i loved to listen to great members here who opened my eyes about the possibility of his return.
  • MJonmind, you seem to believe that TS is Michael. Is it correct?
  • But enough, back on topic. If you will open another thread i will love to join you. Till then, keep smiling, Michael is alive! Ciao!
  • In my opinion Key Master was not being rude at all, there was no name calling that I saw today at all. However, Key is right on with everything he/she said. Too many people would have to be involved and it would never work. But key forgot to mention that also the Judge in the upcoming trial would have to be involved and also taxpayers money wasted, so this would never happen. MJ is dead when you look at it logically.
  • starchildstarchild Posts: 374
    Michael, if you visit this place, give us a sign. Please.
    How? You 'll find a way. You're smarter than us:d
    Just don't say you're MJ , you might be banned before you know it:))

    Such very interesting dialogue in this thread.

    1guest, if MJ is on this forum incognito, it’s for a reason (so we wouldn’t want to attempt to out him by asking him to give us signs that he’s here, etc., right?). Perhaps another way that we can contribute to the process of the hoax and its ultimate end is by asking ourselves questions about who would want to conspire against MJ and why. In other words, who or what would lead MJ to participate in a hoax in the first place? (There’s probably already a thread regarding this topic that I am unaware of.) Anyway, it stands to reason that the hoax includes and concerns something much more serious than mere entertainment.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    MJ is dead when you look at it logically.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> April Foolsday was yesterday, wasn't it?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • You guys are funny though, you look at a lot of fake pics and think its MJ in the background when it is not, but you see a real pic of him in the EMS and don't want to think it's him, too funny.

    No matter how you toss the salad, it's the same salad, he is dead. LA already spend millions on the funeral procession in taxpayers money and now with the trial that's more money, and that would be fraud, they don't hold trials for people that have killed someone but oh they are faking, LOL
    Till then, keep smiling, Michael is alive!

    Actually what you just said gives me the same feeling like when I hear "Michael is dead" and besides I don't understand your position here.
    If you are a believer why you come here as a guest?

    I hope it is not another game or training the army of love or God knows what......

    You make me think you are TS or some of the TMZ guys who follow this site. I don't even know what to believe anymore.
  • Yes, it's me, I am in this forum, I don't want anyone to know though, so keep it a secret. I am alive and well. You are not alone I am here with you though we're far apart you're always in my heart. I am not dead. I am amazed that you could not be fooled. I guess I'm not very good at faking my death. Oh well, back to the drawing board. I will visit again. Shhhhh, dont tell anyone.
    Yes, it's me, I am in this forum, I don't want anyone to know though, so keep it a secret. I am alive and well. You are not alone I am here with you though we're far apart you're always in my heart. I am not dead. I am amazed that you could not be fooled. I guess I'm not very good at faking my death. Oh well, back to the drawing board. I will visit again. Shhhhh, dont tell anyone.

    welcome Michael, finally, you are here, what took you sooooo long <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
  • Yes, it's me, I am in this forum, I don't want anyone to know though, so keep it a secret. I am alive and well. You are not alone I am here with you though we're far apart you're always in my heart. I am not dead. I am amazed that you could not be fooled. I guess I'm not very good at faking my death. Oh well, back to the drawing board. I will visit again. Shhhhh, dont tell anyone.
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> what was that?
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    Oh God <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • "besides I don't understand your position here."

    I didn't know i had to have a position before joining. Now that i know i guess i can come back when i have one:) And it's not mandatory to be a member if you believe, by the way.
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