Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • Maybe he is behaving like this for a reason... i have thought of so many scenarios....

    im trying to get things right in my head and Jermaine is one of these people who is acting oddly.

    I also dont care for his concerts that are him singing MJ songs and wearing his costumes. Those are my feelings on the matter and i cant help those feelings.

    This isnt "bashing", this is trying to sort out my head and my feelings. Not everyone is innocent in all this, i am afraid, and i am trying to decipher who is who in this big mess. I dont trust anyone right now.. and MJ would know how that feels!!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Maybe he is behaving like this for a reason... i have thought of so many scenarios....

    im trying to get things right in my head and Jermaine is one of these people who is acting oddly.

    I also dont care for his concerts that are him singing MJ songs and wearing his costumes. Those are my feelings on the matter and i cant help those feelings.

    This isnt "bashing", this is trying to sort out my head and my feelings. Not everyone is innocent in all this, i am afraid, and i am trying to decipher who is who in this big mess. I dont trust anyone right now.. and MJ would know how that feels!!

    I think it's time for you to let go of YOUR feelings. This is not about you or your feelings. It is HIS family, his life, his brother, his hoax and he is doing this for you, for me, and for every other decent and loving person on this planet, so we can grow old in a healthy and free world equally together. We can only accomplish that if we get rid of the "I' and "me". There is no "I" in TEAM. Jermaine is helping him. Does he get paid? Who knows? Maybe he does get paid, but he has to take a LOT of shit from the fans and maybe he spends a lot of time on this as well. Why shouldn't he get paid? I don't have a problem with it. If I would start my own business tomorrow and I would ask my brother to work for me, should he do that for free? No, I would want to pay him and I would not feel comfortable if I didn't. He has a rent to pay as well. So whatever agreement they have made, it's THEIR (so also Mike's) choice and it is really NONE of our business.

    As harsh at it may sound, you are not a part of his life, other than that you are a fan who appreciates him and loves his music. You don't know Mike, you don't know his family and you don't know what relationship they all have. Jermaine said he's Mike's backbone, Mike said he loved his brothers and sisters and that his family is important. Is that a lie? Maybe, but I believe this until I hear them say otherwise and as long as that doesn't happen I don't judge. I have had my share of problems with one of my brothers as well, some also involving money. That doesn't mean I love him less for it.

    All we can do here is investigate the circumstances surrounding his 'death' and life. If there is one thing that Mike made very clear is that people should not judging others they have never spoken to one-on-one. Of course there are exceptions like Tom Sneddon, Diane Demon, Martin Batshit and all the other snakes and leeches who have proven to be evil to the bone.

    And again: I advise you to read TS' posts, because it seems you still haven't.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    'I am enjoying Paris very much, beautiful city and the architect is amazing.'
    I think Jermaine possibly made a simple spelling error, which everyone does in fast-paced typing of tweets, emails, posts here, etc. On the other hand he may intentionally be meaning the occupation of architect, as a double meaning, but I doubt it. I think he means the architecture is beautiful which is obvious to any tourist travelling to Europe.

    I think Michael, in creating this hoax, and employing his family and some friends, associates in the carrying out of the plan, knows full well that he is placing certain ones out in the front lines of battle. Jermaine is such a one. And I believe he can handle it well. So we can fire away; goodness, he knows what bashing, judging, and lying media, fans, etc. are all about. We are trying to find truth, and I'm thinking the people who posted the initial offending comments were not offensive to me at all. They reflected what loads of people probably think, but obviously not all people. And so some people responded with comebacks putting things into better perspective. That's what healthy debate is all about. If I start feeling afraid to post here, because I might get attacked as being offensive, it will have the effect of making me feel afraid to post this and that because who knows what someone might think, since I'm not always good at predicting how others will feel about something. I don't have the ability to read people's minds. Anyway, I'll end with the little thing TS said this last post of his.
    However, I’m going to add a few replies of my own. And let me make it clear that I don’t mind sincere criticism, because truth can stand up to questions and objections—the truth will prevail! The problem is when people make empty accusations, with no evidence, such as “TS is nonsense”; statements like this with no evidence are useless, and I won’t even try to respond to them....

    Passing the test does not mean gullibly believing anything and everything that TS says, merely because TS is the one who says it; you have always been asked to verify the evidence for yourself, and debunk it if you can, etc. However, those who refuse anything and everything that TS says, merely because TS is the one who says it—regardless of any and all evidence that has never yet been debunked—they are not at the A+ level on the report card!

    What I get from that is that any criticism is acceptable as long as there is legitimate reasoning behind it, and it's not just mudslinging. I mean I've had my moments wondering about Jermaine, and I study people's comments, compare, think, theorize and sometimes have commented. IDK it's a tricky thing criticising criticism. Here's my <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> , <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> That being said I'm always grateful for this site, the owners and moderators. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • If you just Google "the architect" you get a wide array of matches....films, newspapers etc.....
    anyone have thoughts?
    It's a good tweet...........
  • LilouLilou Posts: 319
    These days some people speak about a jermaine's tweet...apparently he said "my brother is alive" and then,deleted it...Does anybody have seen it on twitter ??? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    They also said,a change is preparing for the end of the month and some journalist would have seen Michael in wheelchair ... ???
  • Hello,
    I have wanted to write you privately for some time now to tell you how much I enjoy your posts and your writing style, in general. You have a wonderful talent for expressing yourself and I always look forward to reading what you have to say about this Crazy Hoax!

    Keep up the good work!
    Best Regards,
    Heisinme09 AKA Bridget
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    sorry if this is a double post.

    according to jermaine's twitter, he's in london. apparently he did something on x factor? do all my european people on here know about this?

    Hello, I'm in London, enjoying the cold weather, Love to all here. 6:25 PM Oct 16th via web

    link: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    and i know this is mentioned on another topic but, jackie tweets today:

    Stay tuned guys! This week is going to be GREAT!! about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

    what's going on??

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Jermaine visits London/Europe quite often, and Jackie might as well talk about something sports-related.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Jermaine visits London/Europe quite often, and Jackie might as well talk about something sports-related.

    Yeah Jermaine always in another country like dang why does he travel so much? Then there be rumors about him not making child support payments. I hope he is paying since he got so much money to be traveling all the time. I kinda feel sorry for MJ mom being held financially responsible for all those kids staying at the Encino compound. Anyway the brothers have their own way of tweeting that's for sure. Jermaine always talk about traveling and his concerts, Jackie always talking about sports and his kids, Tito always macking to females talking about can you feel it and eating Marlon never tweets, and Randy he just tweets when he is gong off about something or putting somebody on blast. Sometimes it's funny to look at how different they I would love to spend a day with all the brothers in one room including MJ. I think they would actually be halarious especially with Jermaine. Jermaine and Marlon be making me laugh. Mostly Jermaine though because he just funny the way he acts.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I think the problem is Jermaine spends all of his money on his hair. He probably flys to London just to go to some special salon <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • HollieHollie Posts: 119
    Yeah Jermaine was on the Xtra Factor on last nights show for literally 5 minutes just aswering questions about the contestants nothing interesting here at all, although he did look strangely happy <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Jermaine visits London/Europe quite often, and Jackie might as well talk about something sports-related.

    Yeah Jermaine always in another country like dang why does he travel so much? Then there be rumors about him not making child support payments. I hope he is paying since he got so much money to be traveling all the time. I kinda feel sorry for MJ mom being held financially responsible for all those kids staying at the Encino compound.

    You said the right word - RUMORS. Don't base your opinion on them, do not judge Jermaine, you might burn your fingers.

    Yeah Jermaine was on the Xtra Factor on last nights show for literally 5 minutes just aswering questions about the contestants nothing interesting here at all, although he did look strangely happy <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Thank you Hollie.

    Since Jermaine was a celebrity panelist on the Xtra Factor ITV 2 show it's normal procedure that his trip was paid for by Xtra Factor.
  • HollieHollie Posts: 119
    <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • sorry if this is a double post.

    according to jermaine's twitter, he's in london. apparently he did something on x factor? do all my european people on here know about this?

    Hello, I'm in London, enjoying the cold weather, Love to all here. 6:25 PM Oct 16th via web

    link: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    and i know this is mentioned on another topic but, jackie tweets today:

    Stay tuned guys! This week is going to be GREAT!! about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

    what's going on??

    I remember one of the "informers" said something about Oct 23rd 2010 which is this week...Could it be?? Or maybe not <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • sorry if this is a double post.

    according to jermaine's twitter, he's in london. apparently he did something on x factor? do all my european people on here know about this?

    Hello, I'm in London, enjoying the cold weather, Love to all here. 6:25 PM Oct 16th via web

    link: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    and i know this is mentioned on another topic but, jackie tweets today:

    Stay tuned guys! This week is going to be GREAT!! about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

    what's going on??

    Love to All Here....LOOK AT THE TIME 6-25 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    sorry if this is a double post.

    according to jermaine's twitter, he's in london. apparently he did something on x factor? do all my european people on here know about this?

    Hello, I'm in London, enjoying the cold weather, Love to all here. 6:25 PM Oct 16th via web

    link: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    and i know this is mentioned on another topic but, jackie tweets today:

    Stay tuned guys! This week is going to be GREAT!! about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

    what's going on??

    Love to All Here....LOOK AT THE TIME 6-25 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Only if mjfansince4 is located near California, or at least in the same timezone. If that is the case, it's even more interesting:

    10/16 at 6:25

    1+1+6+6+2+5=21 (or 777)

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Jermaine visits London/Europe quite often, and Jackie might as well talk about something sports-related.

    Yeah Jermaine always in another country like dang why does he travel so much? Then there be rumors about him not making child support payments. I hope he is paying since he got so much money to be traveling all the time. I kinda feel sorry for MJ mom being held financially responsible for all those kids staying at the Encino compound.

    You said the right word - RUMORS. Don't base your opinion on them, do not judge Jermaine, you might burn your fingers.

    Yeah Jermaine was on the Xtra Factor on last nights show for literally 5 minutes just aswering questions about the contestants nothing interesting here at all, although he did look strangely happy <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Thank you Hollie.

    That's why I said rumors I didn't say it was a fact about Jermaine not paying child support. My statement was made based on if they are true. Not to be rude but don't over analyze people's statements. We need to lighten up a little. Just my opinion I didn't mean any harm towards Jermaine Jackson.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    sorry if this is a double post.

    according to jermaine's twitter, he's in london. apparently he did something on x factor? do all my european people on here know about this?

    Hello, I'm in London, enjoying the cold weather, Love to all here. 6:25 PM Oct 16th via web

    link: <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    and i know this is mentioned on another topic but, jackie tweets today:

    Stay tuned guys! This week is going to be GREAT!! about 12 hours ago via TweetDeck

    what's going on??

    Love to All Here....LOOK AT THE TIME 6-25 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Only if mjfansince4 is located near California, or at least in the same timezone. If that is the case, it's even more interesting:

    10/16 at 6:25

    1+1+6+6+2+5=21 (or 777)

    from southern california to be exact. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> interesting indeed.
  • And Lotoya always tweeting about what store she is either shopping or eating in.

    Who cares what about Justice for MJ.
  • He is back:

    They also did not want to call the album the King, because of Elvis, no disrespect to Elvis Michael Jackson id the KING!!! 2 minutes ago via web

    as you can see this was done for GREED!!! 3 minutes ago via web

    Sony should have known you can't fool the family and our fans, we are against this 1000% 4 minutes ago via web

    I agree with you all, these vocal that we are hearing on the new release of my brother Michael, is not 100% him 4 minutes ago via web
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I Love you all, thank you for your Love and support...Always
    6 minutes ago via web

    They also did not want to call the album the King, because of Elvis, no disrespect to Elvis Michael Jackson id the KING!!!
    11 minutes ago via web

    as you can see this was done for GREED!!!
    12 minutes ago via web

    Sony should have known you can't fool the family and our fans, we are against this 1000%
    13 minutes ago via web

    I agree with you all, these vocal that we are hearing on the new release of my brother Michael, is not 100% him
    14 minutes ago via web

    Hello, I miss you all, just been busy traveling
    14 minutes ago via web

    Do not ask me anything. I feel like being part of a SF movie. I can't believe my eyes. they all bash it on twitter but no one goes leagal. If it is a FRAUD why don't they go legal? This speak volumes. It's just unbelievable
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Do you find it as ABSURD as I do? Another family member screaming on TWITTER about the fraud but why on earth don't they go legal if they did such a fraud??!

    Am I the only one who finds all this simply absurd?! I mean if they did such a fraud and the family tries to instigate the fans against it and IF supposedly Sony did such a fraud in selling fake songs to the fans, then why don't they go and fill a court case?! I don't understand! Do they really think we are going to just swallow it? IF IT'S LEGAL CASE THEN WHY THE HELL DON'T YOU MEET IN COURT?! I'm sorry, I feel like exploding!
  • @Tarja. I posted them above you? <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    And yes... Jermaine has done the wrong thing here on twitter. Sometimes it is like the Jacksons really dont get the fans emotions and feelings. He has timed this wrong and all he has done is stir up more emotions without giving any answers.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Ah sorry. I didn't see. I was a bit angry coming back from twitter.

    Anyway... about what he said only one thing works for me right now: MINDCONTROL. This i all I can see from this. because if this would be a FRAUD, any normal human being would go and fill the docs against SONY. But they keep it to twitter and nothing else. just.. pfffffffffff. I feel like releasing my mouth and tell them something. I am not an idiot. I can make my own opinion out of everything and I won't believe a shit just because the family said so. I won't take as fact "It is 1000% not Michael" just because the family states it. I have a brain, I have ears to hear IT IS Michael on the song and it enrages me to see they trully believe we are all stupid probably, to believe ANYTHING we are told. I think this is absolutelly a move to see how many people are still believing ANYTHING they're being told.. And sadly there are still thousands of poeple who took for a fact what the family said and didn't even question it, didn't even TRY to have a personal opinion, their brain didn't work this out under any circumstance
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    He is back:

    I agree with you all, these vocal that we are hearing on the new release of my brother Michael, is not 100% him 4 minutes ago via web


    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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