Jermaine Jackson - @jermjackson5 (verified)



  • jermjackson5
    I am enjoying Paris very much, beautiful city and the architect is amazing.
    Seems like some things will never change...

    Hi Jermaine if you read this! Hope you're enjoying your stay in France, I bet that this tweet is a clue about the architecture of Paris. Wonder if it's about La Pyramide du Louvres?


    "I am enjoying Paris very much, beautiful city and the architect is amazing."

    Yes, the Louvre but also the Egyptian Obelisk in Paris that is one of 3 significant ones outside of Egypt.


    Place De La Concorde: Obélisque de Luxor
    The powerful Obelisk of Luxor, a pink granite monolith that was given to the French in 1829 by the viceroy of Egypt, Mehemet Ali. The edifice, which once marked the entrance to the Amon temple at Luxor, is more than 3,300 years old and is decorated with hieroglyphics portraying the reigns of the pharaohs Ramses II and Ramses III. Gilded images on the pedestal portray the monumental task of transporting the monolith to Paris and erecting it at the square. Installed in 1833, the Obelisk — weighing 230 tons and standing 22.83 meters (75 ft) high in the center of the Place — is flanked on both sides by two fountains constructed during the same period. Having survived more than 33 centuries, the Obelisk has suffered the greatest damage during the past half-century by air pollution from industry and motor vehicles.

    There is also Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile.


    Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile - Triumphal Arch of the Star
    The Arc de Triomphe de l'Etoile, the world's largest triumphal arch, forms the backdrop for an impressive urban ensemble in Paris. The monument surmounts the hill of Chaillot at the center of a star-shaped configuration of 12 radiating avenues. It is the climax of a vista seen the length of the Champs Elysées from the smaller Arc de Triomphe du Carrousel in the Tuileries gardens, and from the Obélisque de Luxor in the place de la Concorde.

    Screen Cap - History Teaser


    The city of Paris is actually named after the Goddess Isis, the woman who resurrected "Green Man" aka Osiris and they are parents of Horus. Horus' birth, life and death parallels Jesus'.

    Myth of Osiris and Isis

    Horus & Jesus Parallels

    The word "Paris" is derived from the French word "Para Isidore" literally meaning "the birth of Isis." The French words "Notre Dame" also refer to Isis. It simply means "Our Lady." This "Lady" was "Isis.";col1

    Literally, Isis means "she of the throne". Her original headdress was a throne. As the personification of the throne, she was an important representation of the pharaoh's power, as the pharaoh was depicted as her child, who sat on the throne she provided. Her cult was popular throughout Egypt

    The star Sept (which means "Seven") or Sirius is associated with Isis. The appearance of the star signified the advent of a new year and Isis was likewise considered the goddess of rebirth and reincarnation, and as a protector of the dead. The Book of the Dead outlines a particular ritual that would protect the dead, enabling travel anywhere in the underworld, and most of the titles Isis holds signify her as the goddess of protection of the dead.

    The Paris Meridian

    Meridian Room (or Cassini Room) at the Paris Observatory. The Paris Meridian is traced on the floor.

    The Paris Meridian is a meridian line running through the Paris Observatory in Paris, France—now longitude 2°20′14.025″ east. It was a long-standing rival to Greenwich as the prime meridian of the world, as was the Meridian of Antwerp in Antwerp, Belgium.

    One of the 135 Arago medallions. This one is located near the Louvre Pyramid

    In 1994 the Arago Association and the city of Paris commissioned a Dutch conceptual artist, Jan Dibbets, to create a memorial to Arago. Dibbets came up with the idea of setting 135 bronze medallions (although only 121 are documented in the official guide to the medallions) into the ground along the Paris Meridian between the northern and southern limits of Paris: a total distance of 9.2 kilometres/5.7 miles. Each medallion is 12 cm in diameter and marked with the name ARAGO plus N and S pointers.

    In certain circles, some kind of occult or esoteric significance is ascribed to the Paris Meridian; sometimes it is even perceived as a sinister axis. Dominique Stezepfandts, a French conspiracy theorist, attacks the Arago medallions that supposedly trace the route of "an occult geographical line"; to him the Paris Meridian is a "Masonic axis" or even "the heart of the Devil."

    Henry Lincoln, in his book The Holy Place, argues that various ancient structures are aligned according to the Paris Meridian. They even include medieval churches, built long before the meridian was established according to conventional history, and Lincoln finds it obvious that the meridian "was based upon the 'cromlech intersect division line'." David Wood, in his book Genisis, likewise ascribes a deeper significance to the Paris Meridian and takes it into account when trying to decipher the geometry of the myth-encrusted village of Rennes-le-Château: The meridian passes about 350 meters (1,150 ft) west of the site of the so-called "Poussin tomb," an important location in the legends and esoteric theories relating to that place.

    The Rose Line
    Rose Line is a name given to the Paris Meridian in the Priory of Sion mythology and popularized by Dan Brown in his novel The Da Vinci Code.

    The 1967 Priory of Sion document Au Pays de la Reine Blanche states that "Rennes-les-Bains is located precisely on the Zero Meridian, which connects Saint-Sulpice in Paris" adding that "the parish of Rennes-les-Bains guards the heart of Roseline", being a reference to Saint Roseline de Villeneuve. Au Pays de la Reine Blanche also referred to "the line of the Zero Meridian, that is to say the red line, in English: 'Rose-line'". Later in 1978, Pierre Plantard also referred to the "red line of the meridian, the 'Rose-Line'...since Roseline, the Abbess of the 'Celle aux Arcs', celebrates her feast day on 17 January... and her legend is well worth a read

    The Pont de l'Alma Tunnel
    On 31 August 1997, Diana, Princess of Wales, died as a result of injuries sustained in a car collision in the Pont de l'Alma road tunnel in Paris, France.,_Princess_of_Wales


    The Pont D’Alma Tunnel was a sacred site dedicated to the Moon Goddess Diana, where they used to practice ritual sacrifices. During those ceremonies, it was of an utmost importance that the sacrificed victim died inside the underground temple. The assassination of Diana was a reenactment of this ancient pagan tradition. Shortly after Diana was killed, Rayelan Allan (a researcher of esoteric history since the early 1970′s, who was also married to Gunther Russbacher, a deep cover CIA/ONI operative) wrote an article called “Diana, Queen of Heaven”. The article was picked up by numerous newspapers across the United States and Europe. Several authors who have written books about the death of Princess Diana used Rayelan’s article as reference. However, no one fully understood the deeper meaning of the article. Therefore, Rayelan decided to expand it into a book. The book states that in pre-Christian times, the Pont d’Alma area had been the site of a pagan temple of the goddess Diana and a direct gateway to heaven. Mindful of this safety net, the place was chosen by the Merovingian kings (AD500-751) to fight their duels, with the loser going directly to paradise. ”Pont” means “bridge” and “Alma” means “soul” and for Merovingians, the site was a bridge across the “river of souls”. So, Pont de L’Alma, the site of the accident which killed Princess Diana, means “Bridge of the Soul.”

    A visit to Paris by Jermaine, would be very "Hoax" significant IMO. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I am enjoying Paris very much, beautiful city and the architect is amazing.

    One of Jermaine's masterpieces.
    He did not mention the architecture. He spoke of the architect.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Good old Jermaine.
  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    has started tweets again
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    So Jermaine is saying he wasn't stuck in Africa?
    Jermaine Jackson
    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    have read erroneous reports of me being "stuck in Africa". Not true. I am traveling freely around Europe, and will be home soon
    9 hours ago via web
  • So Jermaine is saying he wasn't stuck in Africa?
    Jermaine Jackson
    @jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
    have read erroneous reports of me being "stuck in Africa". Not true. I am traveling freely around Europe, and will be home soon
    9 hours ago via web

    Yes that is what he is saying.

    Any of the European press reporting on this? He isnt in the UK, thats for sure.

    Oh, Jemaine... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> .. i will bite my tongue on this one!
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I went on twitter now and had a HUGE explosion against Jermaine's defend of Karen Faye and guess what, I mentioned the hoax and Michael being alive and he BLOCKED me. What do you think now?

    If he WASN'T bothered by what I said he woudn't have blocked me.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Maybe he blocked you because you said you had a HUGE explosion at him. If someone was ranting at me like that I'd block them too. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Yes, I had a rant on him, that's right. That's because I can't stand KF, and I don't think I am the only one. She has been bashing people for 20 months now.

    I just wanted to say this just because people think the family is supporting the ones who believe in the hoax. Not really. Because by the way, I haven't bashed Jermaine, but Karen. And I have told him that they say nothing to people who believe Michael is alive. So the reason why he blocked me deffinitely is not because I was disrespectful to him or the family.
  • @ Anna
    I have read your tweets.. well, I can understand why he had blocked you. He could have replied to you with HE IS NOT ALIVE AT ALL!
    IMHO Karen is playing her role too. She is a true friend of Michael, and is playing well.

    She is kind of TR for non believers. Have you thought about it?
    A sort of pillar for the ppl that are crying and mourning for Michael.

    As in theatre: there is a mix of protagonists that make the story believable.
    both BAD characters and GOOD ones.

    much LIGHT to you!
  • jermjackson5
    I am enjoying Paris very much, beautiful city and the architect is amazing.

    One of Jermaine's masterpieces.
    He did not mention the architecture. He spoke of the architect.

    Yes, why did Jermaine mention the architect? The architect of the Louvre or the Louvre museum Abu Dhabi? Jean Nouvel. Jermaine & The Emirates?

    I copy&pasted this part of the wiki page:

    Abu DhabiMain article: Louvre Abu Dhabi
    In March 2007, the Louvre announced that a Louvre museum would be completed by 2012 in Abu Dhabi. A 30-year agreement, signed by French Culture Minister Renaud Donnedieu de Vabres and Sheik Sultan bin Tahnoon Al Nahyan, will establish the museum in downtown Abu Dhabi in exchange for €832,000,000 (US$1.3 billion). The Louvre Abu Dhabi, designed by the French architect Jean Nouvel and the engineering firm of Buro Happold, will occupy 24,000 square metres (260,000 sq ft) and will be covered by a roof shaped like a flying saucer. France agreed to rotate between 200 and 300 artworks during a 10-year period; to provide management expertise; and to provide four temporary exhibitions a year for 15 years. The art will come from multiple museums, including the Louvre, the Georges Pompidou Centre, the Musée d'Orsay, Versailles, the Musée Guimet, the Musée Rodin, and the Musée du quai Branly.[39]

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Could be interesting. Next week Friday I'll visit the Louvre, may be I'll find out something interesting <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Btw does anyone know about the Arno Bani photo collection of MJ? My hotel isn't far from the Pierre Berge Auction House, but the auction of the MJ photo collection was only last December. Is there perhaps a exposition in Paris?
  • Jermaine's tweet
    "......beyond the day of justice, we shall all reach a true and final understanding of everything"
    What he meant by this final understanding? Hopefully it's not about the truth that actually Michael has dead and need our understanding why they didn't stop us from hoaxing now. I hope what he meant is the world to understand the truth that Michael is doing this hoax for something good. I don't know, I have a funny feeling about this, that this is to us not to the world. Please help me?
  • Jermaine's tweet
    "......beyond the day of justice, we shall all reach a true and final understanding of everything"
    What he meant by this final understanding? Hopefully it's not about the truth that actually Michael has dead and need our understanding why they didn't stop us from hoaxing now. I hope what he meant is the world to understand the truth that Michael is doing this hoax for something good. I don't know, I have a funny feeling about this, that this is to us not to the world. Please help me?

    I don't think you can find the whole truth in this world. But maybe what we need to move on. By beyond I think he means another lifetime. No suffering, poverty, diseases, etc.. But only LOVE!
  • We really need to copy Jermaines tweets as he tweets them for members here who cannot be online all the time (like me! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> )

    He has deleted some tweets. I know Im not going blind.

    There was a tweet to @sosodeaf stating that he hadnt DMd her... then i look a minute later and he has deleted it.

    So.. please... if people see the Jacksons tweeting, can they copy and paste them onto this thread? xx
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Yes, I had a rant on him, that's right. That's because I can't stand KF, and I don't think I am the only one. She has been bashing people for 20 months now.

    I just wanted to say this just because people think the family is supporting the ones who believe in the hoax. Not really. Because by the way, I haven't bashed Jermaine, but Karen. And I have told him that they say nothing to people who believe Michael is alive. So the reason why he blocked me deffinitely is not because I was disrespectful to him or the family.

    He deleted the tweet he wrote to Souza and now he blocked a believer. Hmmm it seems like Jermaine has a problem with the believers. He should have thought before he made all those slip-ups <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I still have a nagging feeling that he had a sex change. I don't know why but it just never stops playing over and over I think about it.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    OMG...that wicked thought crossed my mind before too....I feel so ashamed:(
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I love love love Michael with all of my heart and soul but my gay-dar has been off the charts with him for years. He was never happy in his own skin *and I don't mean the Vitiligo part*, but you could just tell it was like he was uncomfortable as hell and it's like nobody wants to consider this. This topic is avoided like the plague. Yes it would hurt like hell. I have adored him all these years as a sexy as heck male machine on stage and a giving adorable romantic male off stage, but a little bird in my head just keeps nagging at me. This may be the only thing he hid all these years. I would always love him no matter what though.
  • I still have a nagging feeling that he had a sex change. I don't know why but it just never stops playing over and over I think about it.

    Oh Come on guys! are you for real? This is insane. What else will you guys come out with. Based on what did you come to that conclusion? Since when Michael is gay. Michael was very happy about himself, he started to be miserable when they charged him of molestation. He did not know where he belonged to. What was his purpose in life. Please do not let this come out. He can disguise himself as a woman, but not have a sex operation. What are we going to call him Michaelina? Like the frozen food. This is purely ridiculous. Please I know that is your opinion, and it is ok to voice your opinion, but MICHAEL IS A PURE HOT MUCHACHO MAN.. HE IS HOT HOT HOT. MUY CALIENTE. ( This is spanish by the way
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I still have a nagging feeling that he had a sex change. I don't know why but it just never stops playing over and over I think about it.

    Oh Come on guys! are you for real? This is insane. What else will you guys come out with. Based on what did you come to that conclusion? Since when Michael is gay. Michael was very happy about himself, he started to be miserable when they charged him of molestation. He did not know where he belonged to. What was his purpose in life. Please do not let this come out. He can disguise himself as a woman, but not have a sex operation. What are we going to call him Michaelina? Like the frozen food. This is purely ridiculous. Please I know that is your opinion, and it is ok to voice your opinion, but MICHAEL IS A PURE HOT MUCHACHO MAN.. HE IS HOT HOT HOT. MUY CALIENTE. ( This is spanish by the way

    Agree with you all4loveandbelieve. We shouldn't be surprised to see other people defame him with being gay. His fans already think he could have changed his sex. This is out of the limits guys. Seriously? We all know that he is a womanizer. He always loved women. Why would he suddenly decide to become a woman? I hope he doesn't read the forum, especially this kind of insulting posts.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Is this for real? Jermaine having a sex change and MJ is gay? Are we becoming a tabloid?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    We don't believe it!!! It's just what a perfect lifelong disguise <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->))) Really, didn't the net run wild thinking he was the blond lady?? Honestly, I think we all need some genuine clues to tide us all over and get some fresh info <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Michael is dripping sexuality...beautiful and hot. I think he was just a good christian and a gentleman <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and kept out of the paps view with his women.
    Please don't start something on's not serious. Maybe he'd laugh and think, what a great disguise <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    Is this for real? Jermaine having a sex change and MJ is gay? Are we becoming a tabloid?

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Souza you brought a new dimension to the issue <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> God bless you girl, you made me laugh so hard <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Jermaine having a sex change <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Can you imagine him? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Is this for real? Jermaine having a sex change and MJ is gay? Are we becoming a tabloid?

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Souza you brought a new dimension to the issue <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> God bless you girl, you made me laugh so hard <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Jermaine having a sex change <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Can you imagine him? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I am rolling here, laughing so hard that I am crying at the same time.
    God bless.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    We don't believe it!!! It's just what a perfect lifelong disguise <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->))) Really, didn't the net run wild thinking he was the blond lady?? Honestly, I think we all need some genuine clues to tide us all over and get some fresh info <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Michael is dripping sexuality...beautiful and hot. I think he was just a good christian and a gentleman <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and kept out of the paps view with his women.
    Please don't start something on's not serious. Maybe he'd laugh and think, what a great disguise <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Not starting something. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> And btw I never thought that he was the blonde lady. But I thought he was the old man disguised at the memorial, not at the funeral. Just my opinion of course. It would make his life turn into a hell if he decided to have a sex change just for the disguise. He can use several disguises, he doesn't need to have a sex change.
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