Official back & Front thread



  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Post from BACK - 1 March 2008 -

    Drama shall soon be met with that Glorious shield of silence, while simultaneously being FOREVER replaced by that "square" of thunder, just around the corner. A man who believes such as I, that this World can indeed Change, shall make HiStory in this new Year 2008.
    The Beginning of the theOrY---until the End....
    That timE has come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Keep WATCHIN'.....................
    That video is so cheeky/clever against the likes of Maura. Almost sounds like MJ's behind it.
    I'm just thinking about the Back post--"that Glorious shield of silence" is obviously right NOW as MJ's voice is so to speak silent, and "that 'quare' of thunder", is obviously BAM. A shield is for defense for a warrior as he goes out to conquer his enemies, but I'm wondering what is the "square"? Thunder is obviously a loud BAM or BOOM and unmistakable! These are the Dict. definitions of square that seemed appropriate:

    --Military . (formerly) a body of troops drawn up in quadrilateral form. (MJ's army of love meaning we are part of his BAM)
    --to even the score of (a contest): to square a game.
    --a rectangularly shaped area on a game board, as in chess or checkers.
    --to balance; pay off; settle: to square a debt.
    -- to settle, even, or balance a matter, as by paying a bill, returning a favor, or tying a score.
    --just, fair, or honest.
    --to assume a position of defense or offense: The wrestlers squared away for the first fall.
    --square the circle, to strive without chance of success; attempt the impossible.

    I have been thinking about that exact post from Back lately trying to figure out what it means. I see "square" and "time" in that quote. Could it have something to do with Times Square?

    I have also been thinking about his post about The New Seven Day Theory and how the scab is being pulled off. (meaning the media will be exposed) And the fact that he said the 7 days plus one day of simmering. November 8th is 8 days after Halloween...and if this is the real-life Thriller....and so much is going down tomorrow..... maybe tomorrow is BAMS Day?

    I know...I shouldn't get my hopes up. What are your thoughts?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I'm still working off the theory that 7 days plus one day of simmering refers to the 70 day periods as exposed by death/burial span and the Murray court dates. We are in the beginning of what I interpret as the one day of simmering 70 day period which is effectively the 8th 70 day period. The 7th 70 day period we just ended on either 10-28-10 or 10-26-10 depending on whether you are counting from the burial or from the slightly altered period pertaining to Murray's first court date. Regardless, 490 days or 70 weeks or (7) 70 day periods was 10/28/10. 71 weeks was November 3rd. 72 weeks will be November 10th.

    But if you count from Murray's court dates, the 7th 70 day period ended on 10-26, actually a shortened 64 day period which more or less starts to realign the 70 day periods with the death/burial time line, which was altered after Holiday break 74 day period of 09/10 between 11/12/10 (TII closes in theaters) and 1/25/10 (7 month anniversary). Everything before and after that break lines up perfectly with the 70 day pattern, until this past 64 day period, which leaves it stand to reason that it will zero out in the end.

    Lost yet? lol.

    This 70 day period (the one day of simmering after the 7 days) ends on January 6th, 2 days after the Murray hearing.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I think I get it..........I would like it to be tomorrow, though... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • awww.jpg

    Posting this here as well as the other thread, it really belongs here... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    What do you see? I see a puppetmaster having some fun! There is simply NO conventional reason for doing this. The puppetmaster knows that every new pic of MJ will be scrutinised to within a megapixel.

    So who stuck MJ's head onto someone else's BACK thus transforming him into a 'MONSTER'?

    A sexy, good looking beast too.... he's a real head turner! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • awww.jpg

    Posting this here as well as the other thread, it really belongs here... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    What do you see? I see a puppetmaster having some fun! There is simply NO conventional reason for doing this. The puppetmaster knows that every new pic of MJ will be scrutinised to within a megapixel.

    So who stuck MJ's head onto someone else's BACK thus transforming him into a 'MONSTER'?

    A sexy, good looking beast too.... he's a real head turner! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think MJ's photo on the right is the real deal - body and all. Look at the neckline and the feet! Now I don't know if MJ's photo was inspired by that of that Asian dude or vice-versa... It's probably vice-versa (unless someone knows better and can correct me). <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787

    Posting this here as well as the other thread, it really belongs here... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    What do you see? I see a puppetmaster having some fun! There is simply NO conventional reason for doing this. The puppetmaster knows that every new pic of MJ will be scrutinised to within a megapixel.

    So who stuck MJ's head onto someone else's BACK thus transforming him into a 'MONSTER'?

    A sexy, good looking beast too.... he's a real head turner! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think MJ's photo on the right is the real deal - body and all. Look at the neckline and the feet! Now I don't know if MJ's photo was inspired by that of that Asian dude or vice-versa... It's probably vice-versa (unless someone knows better and can correct me). <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think Michael's is photoshopped. The crease lines on the sides match up pretty much exactly (like you could put one on top of the other exactly) and Michael's body is completely "blacked out" so it was easy to photoshop all the suit creases out of it. Even parts of the hair look photoshopped. And the neckline looks fuzzy...I wish this photo was the real deal but unfortunately I don't think it is. And did Sony actually use this photo or did someone photoshop that too? And for what purpose??
  • becbec Posts: 6,387

    Posting this here as well as the other thread, it really belongs here... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    What do you see? I see a puppetmaster having some fun! There is simply NO conventional reason for doing this. The puppetmaster knows that every new pic of MJ will be scrutinised to within a megapixel.

    So who stuck MJ's head onto someone else's BACK thus transforming him into a 'MONSTER'?

    A sexy, good looking beast too.... he's a real head turner! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think MJ's photo on the right is the real deal - body and all. Look at the neckline and the feet! Now I don't know if MJ's photo was inspired by that of that Asian dude or vice-versa... It's probably vice-versa (unless someone knows better and can correct me). <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    This is the most obvious photoshop in the world.

    Now, maybe it's fan art. Do we know this is Sony? Because that's pretty outrageous if it's verified.
  • If that pic is photoshopped, where do you think the "culprit" might have taken MJ's head from? I'm not aware of any MJ pic that looks like that... Not saying none exists, but if there's none to be found in the public domain, it becomes unlikely that a "fan" did this.
  • julia142julia142 Posts: 195
    Maybe it is a way to tell us that the asian guy that disguised himself into the airplane should make us aware that it is really possible to disguise without being recognized? Cause it is the only thing I fell by looking at this picture... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    If that pic is photoshopped, where do you think the "culprit" might have taken MJ's head from? I'm not aware of any MJ pic that looks like that... Not saying none exists, but if there's none to be found in the public domain, it becomes unlikely that a "fan" did this.

    Very good point.
  • If that pic is photoshopped, where do you think the "culprit" might have taken MJ's head from? I'm not aware of any MJ pic that looks like that... Not saying none exists, but if there's none to be found in the public domain, it becomes unlikely that a "fan" did this.

    Very good point.

    I can see the fuzziness to the photo, but one possibility is that it's real and made to look like it's photoshopped. Illusions, illusions... "abracadabra", as MJ said.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    If that pic is photoshopped, where do you think the "culprit" might have taken MJ's head from? I'm not aware of any MJ pic that looks like that... Not saying none exists, but if there's none to be found in the public domain, it becomes unlikely that a "fan" did this.

    Very good point.

    I can see the fuzziness to the photo, but one possibility is that it's real and made to look like it's photoshopped. Illusions, illusions... "abracadabra", as MJ said.

    Yes, I follow you. I think you're right.

    Posting this here as well as the other thread, it really belongs here... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    What do you see? I see a puppetmaster having some fun! There is simply NO conventional reason for doing this. The puppetmaster knows that every new pic of MJ will be scrutinised to within a megapixel.

    So who stuck MJ's head onto someone else's BACK thus transforming him into a 'MONSTER'?

    A sexy, good looking beast too.... he's a real head turner! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think MJ's photo on the right is the real deal - body and all. Look at the neckline and the feet! Now I don't know if MJ's photo was inspired by that of that Asian dude or vice-versa... It's probably vice-versa (unless someone knows better and can correct me). <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I think the Asian dude it's a girl ...
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    At the beginning I thought it was taken from 1995 MTV Video Music Awards but the strange thing is that in none of the photos from there he has this face (profile and not smilling). I really don't know. They could have taken only the face and keep the guy's hair and photoshop, but still, I don't recall that photo from where they could have taken his face/head. I looked at all the photos from here an it's not that face. They could have photoshopped another face and then photoshop the sunglasses on, but after all so much struggle for just a photo? It's strange, because I see it's photoshopped. Just that I don't know the photo it was taken from.
  • Only MJ's face and hairline has been photoshopped into the original picture - you can see the Asian model's hair is intact - the whole thing is suspicious and looks like a prank to me. It's also very clever. If we believe in BACK then this to me smacks of someone's wicked sense of humour. I also think it's a woman, look at the curve at the top of the thighs to the hips.

    A head-turning prankster
    And a 50 Cent gangster
    Makes a Monster no less
    Should be wearing a dress
    We got your number baby
    Can see this is a lady
    Your too clever by half
    Trust you're having a laugh
    Keep watchin' you say
    And we can't turn away
    Still looking for clues
    MJ's BACK in the news
    ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Only MJ's face and hairline has been photoshopped into the original picture - you can see the Asian model's hair is intact - the whole thing is suspicious and looks like a prank to me.
    That's what I say too, just that Michael's face is nowhere to be found. I don't understand where did they come up with his face, because it happens to have a very good photographic memory and I don't know where it was taken from.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    me too, but it is also possible to have photoshopped his face from totally another year than 1995 and his hair was added from an 1995 photo.
  • Even the face, without the hair and/or the sunglasses, is unknown to me - i.e. I don't know where it could have come from. Does anyone have another (better) version of the pic? I enlarged this one, but it's a mess (all fuzzy) and I can't tell what's been done to it. I thought for a moment that it could even be a drawing or watercolor painting ( <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ), but probably not.

    Oh, and who provided the picture of the Asian man/woman, for comparison purposes? Is it just somewhere on the Internet?

    Talking about pranks and pranksters: See attached photo. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    truthprevails, in the photo you posted is Michael
  • truthprevails, in the photo you posted is Michael

    I know it's Michael... I posted this photo as an example of him being playful/"pranky". <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    Oh, sorry. I understood bad, then. I thought you were saying it is not Mike there
  • OK, I remembered where I first saw that pic we discussed... I'd actually saved it. See attached. Michael's head faces the other direction, and the body seems to be the front rather than the back. Look at the shoulders. What do you think? Is it merely a mirror image of the other pic? If so, how do we know which one is real and which one is "mirrored" and manipulated?!
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    I stared at it with mycroscopic eyes and it is just optical illusion because the suit is made in high contrast and you can't see any shadow on it, it's full black, no light. If you take and darken the original photo until it becomes dark black you'll see it looks the same. I tell you because I work with these since years and it is just an optical illusion.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    The body always looked (looked doesn't mean that it really was. I say it is an optical illusion here) from front as well as his face. But it was all modified in photoshop, so the body that on the original was from the back it was made to look as photographed from the front.

    Look at this. I made it to show you.


    If you don't see the head of the guy you would tell it is a photo taken from the front and not from behind- Photoshop tricks. But I have a too trained eye as to be fooled by them. I don't know who did this and why. The fact that it was mirrored doesn't change its features. It remains the same but mirrored. It doesn't look photographed from front or behind because it was mirrored. It's not because of this.

    Look, here I moved Michael's head to the original photo on which I darkened the suit of the guy.

  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    That's very clever tarja.

    I think all that remains as far as questions is WHY?
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