Official back & Front thread



  • I've been reading back's post about charities.
    If he's Michael, how comes he does not know if he donated to wwf?!
    Quite possibly. He's an animal lover and really cares for their welfare. If you find any info on his contributions to wildlife federation, post it here plz.

    It is just a way to keep the thread alive, he may or may not have contributed to the WWF and just brushes the question off... or he may genuinely not remember.
    This is all I am reading into this <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • I've been reading back's post about charities.
    If he's Michael, how comes he does not know if he donated to wwf?!
    Quite possibly. He's an animal lover and really cares for their welfare. If you find any info on his contributions to wildlife federation, post it here plz.

    It is just a way to keep the thread alive, he may or may not have contributed to the WWF and just brushes the question off... or he may genuinely not remember.
    This is all I am reading into this <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    Hmm, I think he honestly doesn't remember. I mean, if you would share at least one million dollars per month to charities, and someone else does you finances, I think you wouldn't remember it either right <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I've been reading back's post about charities.<br />If he's Michael, how comes he does not know if he donated to wwf?!
    <br /><br />
    Quite possibly. He's an animal lover and really cares for their welfare.If you find any info on his contributions to wildlife federation, post it here plz.
    <br /><br />It is just a way to keep the thread alive, he may or may not have contributed to the WWF and just brushes the question off... or he may genuinely not remember.  <br />This is all I am reading into this  <!-- s;) --> ;) <!-- s;) --> <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
    <br /><br />That would be funny.
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    or he may genuinely not remember.  <br />This is all I am reading into this  ;) <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
    <br /><br />That would be funny.<br /><br />  :lol: :lol: :lol:
  • yes he may not remember
  • hmmm..

    I don't know but I would like to know how this person has avatar about "Forever Michael 2009" in year 2006....

    This is freaky.....
    Since it is a post of 2006.... Or ist it because she changed it later and it's just actual?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    She has changed it later. If you change your signature here, it will change for all your posts, also the old ones.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Thank you
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    http://<br /><br />Here is an old post by Back calling Oxman an azz clown. (You will have to scroll around to read the entire thing.)<br /><br /> <br /><br />Now read what TMZ says about the judge, Bruno, on Dancing With the Stars.<br /><br />0929-bruno-michael-bolton-dwts-bn-getty.jpg<br /><br />"DWTS" producers tell us, "While we respect the feelings of our celebrities and dancers, we don’t feel Bruno should be expected to apologize for doing his job.”<br /><br />As you probably heard, Bruno told Bolton that his jive was the worst jive he's ever seen -- and Bolton responded by calling the judge "inappropriate and disrespectful."<br /><br />But show producers note, "Bruno’s role as a judge is to give his honest opinions on the quality of the dances he’s judging, which is what he did in this case."<br /><br />At least Bruno didn't call him a no-talent ass clown. <br /><br /><br />Does anyone know if Bruno has called a former contestant an azz clown before? I don't watch it regularly enough to know. I found it quite interesting that he used the same phrase that MJ used. It's not a phrase I ever least not in my neck of the woods. Any thoughts?
  • <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Look at the date of this post: 18-09-2007. This is 9 -9 -9.

    And look at the time of this post: 09:39 means 9+3+9=21 = 777

    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • look at this post:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    "It's just tHEORY-s take time to peak......."

    ts ?! <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Michael is TS, Michael is Back, Michael is .....who else?!

    But we are not here to find Michael - it's written on the first page of this site <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Michael does not want to be found?!....... many secrets on this site
  • http://<br /><br />Here is an old post by Back calling Oxman an azz clown. (You will have to scroll around to read the entire thing.)<br /><br />0929-bruno-michael-bolton-dwts-bn-getty.jpg<br /><br />"DWTS" producers tell us, "While we respect the feelings of our celebrities and dancers, we don’t feel Bruno should be expected to apologize for doing his job.”<br /><br />As you probably heard, Bruno told Bolton that his jive was the worst jive he's ever seen -- and Bolton responded by calling the judge "inappropriate and disrespectful."<br /><br />But show producers note, "Bruno’s role as a judge is to give his honest opinions on the quality of the dances he’s judging, which is what he did in this case."<br /><br />At least Bruno didn't call him a no-talent ass clown. Does anyone know if Bruno has called a former contestant an azz clown before? I don't watch it regularly enough to know. I found it quite interesting that he used the same phrase that MJ used. It's not a phrase I ever least not in my neck of the woods. Any thoughts?
    <br /><br />The Ass Clown reference from TMZ in the Bolton article is more likely to refer to the quote used in the 1999 Office space film, where a character named Michael Bolton (a computer programmer) makes disparaging remarks about the singer, calling him a "no-talent ass clown." When asked about this scene in an interview, the real-life Bolton replied that he has never seen the film but has autographed many copies of the DVD.<br /><br />But again, there may be more into it...<br /><br />With L.O.V.E
  •<br /><br />Look at the date of this post: 18-09-2007. This is 9 -9 -9.<br /><br />And look at the time of this post: 09:39 means 9+3+9=21 = 777<br /><br /> <!-- s:o --> :o <!-- s:o -->
    <br /><br />
    Keep your will<br />Keep your strength<br />Keep your hopes<br />Keep your focus<br />Keep your faith<br />Keep your integrity<br />Keep your intensity<br /><br />Brighter days lie ahead. Alpha --Omega cycles repeat themselves.<br /><br />Keep WATCHIN' .......................................... .
    <br /><br />I agree Ginafelicia, I believe this is an important post from Back because the Alpha -- Omega cycles reference brings us back to the Holy Grail, to the book of Revelation, to the cycles of time, to Jesus, to Egypt...etc; it is at the essence of it all. <br />I found a website which provides an interesting theory on the Alpha-Omega cycle and I have pasted some of the easier to read/most relevant elements of it below, there is however much more on the site itself (Including a detailed explanation on the time cycles themselves and level of awareness...), and for those interested in expanding their knowledge, it makes for an interesting reading. The theory as explained may not be 100% correct but I believe it is taking us in the right direction!  <!-- s;) --> ;) <!-- s;) --> <br /><br />Source: http:// <br /><br />
    I am the Alpha and the Omega", saith the Lord, "the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.
    <br /><br />The Grail and the Alpha-Omega<br />What is the Grail? For many the Grail or ‘Holy Grail’ symbolises ‘perfection’ or a ‘state of excellence’ and primarily in the spiritual and mystical sense. The symbol for the Grail is often a cup, chalice or vessel that one drinks from. The meaning is simple and clear; the cup symbolises one’s own sustenance or nourishment and this means in the spiritual context. Taking things to the highest level, the Grail really symbolises ’enlightenment’ and inner spiritual illumination – and there really is such an experience – an experience that has been behind the religious impulse of man throughout history. <br />In all the stories that feature the Grail, it is this experience that is always being alluded to along with the physical and internal psychical processes associated with it. One’s own realization of this is the ‘highest level’ one can reach in regard to the knowledge and wisdom being imparted via this symbol of the Grail – again, traditionally a cup, chalice or vessel containing ‘All that is’. However, the Grail works on several levels of initiation, and there’s one level I would like to bring attention to here and which has never been ‘overtly’ presented before.<br />The ‘sudden appearance’ of the Grail in the stories dedicated to it, is really associated with bringing attention to cyclical phenomena and for good reason, because knowledge of cycles and their three phases is paramount in understanding the dynamic processes underlying reality as linked to human consciousness and more importantly the attainment of enlightenment and gnosis of the spiritual source to which we are all connected.<br />In-depth analysis of these stories reveal that in many different ways, the ancients were really conveying knowledge about cycles and more importantly, the crucial point in the cycle – known esoterically as the ‘Alpha and the Omega’ ‘the beginning and the end’.<br />The Grail, actually symbolised this crucial point in the cycle through which it was believed a regular ‘pulse’ of energy (life force) from the ’source-centre of creation’ (which many of us would identify with ’God’) is delivered. It was believed that it is through this same point or 'portal' that we receive our intelligence and guidance through our intuitive senses, and that through it one’s consciousness; one's soul, can ultimately ascend back to the source.<br />In searching for the origin of this ancient understanding, it would appear that at sometime in the deepest reaches of our past, certain people understood that reality is a ‘re-creative’ process intimately related to our own consciousness and that like a beating heart, the source of this pulse is within everything; every cell, every molecule, every atom and subatomic body, and is what sustains our very existence. So, following is a brand new interpretation of the Grail – and one which has been completely overlooked. We have to approach the clues we are given ‘laterally’ to see exactly what is being alluded to in many of these stories. <br /><br />The Cauldron, the Grail and the Void<br /><br />Firstly, we are told that the Celtic cauldron, which has been compared to the Grail, is associated with healing, renewal and fertility. <br /><br />1) The cauldron would spew forth copious amounts of ‘wondrous food and drink’ for the victors of battle and would also ‘resurrect’ the dead soldiers. <br />2) The Grail is similarly said to produce an abundance of food and drink. <br /><br />Again, the Grail, like the Celtic cauldron, is associated with fertility, regeneration, replenishment and sustenance, and it appears suddenly, as if from nowhere . . . <br /><br />We find that by all accounts and descriptions the Cauldron which contains ‘everything’, corresponds with the philosophical and mystical descriptions concerning the ’Transcendental Void’ of Eastern tradition – the “nothing”, the ‘infinite’ - the source-center of creation. Today, our physicists speculate on an ultimate ground-state of reality they call the ‘aether’, the ‘vacuum’, the 'quantum potential’, the ‘non-local’, the ‘zero-point field’  - all of which correspond with 'the Void' of mystical tradition. In psychology this would be the ‘collective unconscious’ - again, the ‘source-center’ from which ‘everything’ in the universe originates and manifests – hence the power of the cauldron to heal, regenerate and grant new life.<br /><br />The Void is ‘nothing’ and ‘everything’ at the same time and so here we can see that both the Cauldron and the Grail symbolise the Void from which everything in creation manifests and comes into being. However, as said, we are being told that the Grail is also associated with cycles - and that point in the cycle which is believed to signify a ‘doorway’, ‘portal’ . . . “stargate”, into the ‘otherworld’ (other dimensions) and ultimately back to the source-center of creation to which we are all linked.<br /><br />The Grail and the Two Crucial Points in the Cycle<br /><br />As many of us will know, a fixed pendulum will only start swinging if we give it a gentle push, and it will only keep swinging if we keep ‘tapping’ it at regular intervals. <br />In this analogy, and in the context of both ‘consciousness' and 'physical processes’, the Grail symbolises the moments in the cycle ‘where’ and ‘when’ the pendulum is being ‘tapped’ to keep it swinging – moving. Similarly, we could say that everything in the universe – from the microcosm of spinning subatomic particles to the macrocosm of swirling galaxies – is being "pushed" or ‘tapped’ by a ‘pulse’ of energy sent out from the source-centre at regular intervals to keep everything oscillating, vibrating, moving, revolving, active, and in existence.<br />Dual%20Ouroborus.jpg<br />[/color]Dual Ouroborus - showing the two points in the cycle where positive crosses into negative and vice-versa.[/color]A. Eleazar, Uraltes Chymisches Werk, Leipzig, 1760.<br /><br />These pulses of energy are represented by the ‘transliminal phases’ in travelling waves, ‘the nodes’ in standing wave phenomena and all periodic systems, oscillations and frequencies. And close examination of the religious and mystical symbolism and also what is being alluded to in many textual sources, reveals that it was/is believed that whatever this 'transliminal phase' is, it represents whatever is actually driving these waves and cycles onward and keeps them in motion. <br />From their observation of cyclical phenomena, our ancient ancestors understood this dynamic in the cycle and this dynamic came to be symbolised in later times by the Cauldron and its religio-mystical counterpart, the Grail – its limitless "source of nourishment" symbolising the pulse of ‘infinite energy’ that keeps everything in motion. We can see that being associated with the resurrection of the dead, that the Cauldron/Grail is also associated with the cycle of ‘life-death-rebirth’ as expressed in the never-ending cycle of the seasons, and we see this with the appearance of the ‘Resurrection god’ every year. <br /><br />Within the yearly cycle, followers of religions from around the world celebrate the Spring or Vernal Equinox which now falls on or around 21 March. This is one of only two days in the year when day and night are equal in length – the other being the Autumnal Equinox which falls on or around Sept 21st – exactly six months later. These celebrations are said to be pagan in essence, but are more likely to have a shamanic origin.<br /><br />The zero-node in the cycle therefore represents the ‘Eternal Now’ and the ‘Eternal Return’ of esoteric tradition – and is the Alpha-Omega spoken of by Christ – the ‘resurrection god’ in one of his many incarnations. Again, like the Grail this individual (“son of god” – “son of the sun” – meaning the ‘inner sun’) personifies this ‘pulse of creation’ sent by the source-centre (the Father and Heavenly Kingdom) at crucial times in history – traditionally at the end-beginning point of each of the 12 zodiac ages in the larger Precessional Cycle consisting of 25,920 years according to tradition. So we can conclude that this crucial ‘pulse-point’ in each and every cycle was also symbolised in various cultures by the resurrection or rebirth of a ‘slain god’ or ‘vegetation god’ (e.g. the Green Man) and at the precise moment ‘where’ and ‘when’ it was believed that a pulse of energy was delivered by the source-centre of creation to replenish the earth in abundance – continual rebirth.<br /><br />As said, the Cauldron also represents ‘the Void’ and we find that these pulses of energy (zero-point energy) are delivered from the Void. If we go back to our analogy of the pendulum which is swinging between two extremes (opposites), the pulse that keeps the pendulum moving would be delivered everytime the pendulum crosses the neutral mid-point or ‘balance point’ and where these opposites are fused or cancelled out altogether. Again, this ‘center-point’ or ‘balance point’, crossed over twice in every cycle or swing, would represent the ‘portal’ or ‘gateway’ into the void at the center, and in this analogy, the void or center would be where the pendulum is being held above.<br /><br />The swing of the pendulum creates a triangular pattern, and we see here a correspondence between the point where the pendulum is being held, with the white, snowy apex of the mountain and the capstone of the pyramid – both of which represent zero-point. It should be noted that we also use a pendulum for dowsing – i.e., picking up those vibrations and frequencies that resonate with our thoughts and what we already know at a subconscious or unconscious level.<br />balanceandeyeinthecente.jpg<br />The cycle in balance indicated by the balance scales, and the ’All-Seeing Eye’ in the center symbolizing the Void and source. The reef, which is associated with death, took the place of the Ouroborus serpent, and again we see the two neutral points of the cycle represented by the two ties around the reef - top and bottom. (Photograph by Philip Gardiner.)With L.O.V.E
  • I have to make time to read that much. Thank you for posting.
    But I take my words back: Back is not Michael. Because Back believes Michael is dead, physically <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    I agree his posts are more than interesting, especially the part about numbers, about 25-06, about the Theory of Seven, but how comes he thinks Michael is gone if he knows all those things about numbers?

    I don't understand what's going on with Back <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    He should be a believer, if he relates so much on numbers...
    He should be a believer because he is very intuitive...
    He should be a believer for many reasons.......
    How comes he's not ?!
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    <!-- m --> ... ost2315214<!-- m --><br /><br />
    This obvious "stealth" campaign of around the clock attacks on Mr. Jackson's family, especially through the posting of self absorbant drivel from that "rinse and repeat rag" will eventually cause major contentions that some don't see coming.<br /><br />The final potshot quoted in that write-up should serve notice to authority here. That single line was implanted only to further push their agenda. Whether it's the work of staff from that cesspool of an organization who're masquerading as principled observer here remains to be seen. But whatever the case, it's sick and below the gutter to keep using a Wonderful Mother as the lynchpin to progress a divide and conquer narrative against certain members. It is done with hopes that many will take the bait and support their effort.<br /><br />TMZ IS tabloid with a slick tongued unethical owner who likes to profess his "lawyer" background repeatedly. Well LEVIN, pimping GARBAGE should be against the law. Perhaps you need to revisit ethics 101 before spouting off credentials that actually showcase a flawed, money hungry media whore. Hypocrite! You and your cohorts have my permission to use that as a sensationalized headline.<br /><br /><br />I hasten to predict that if something isn't done to contain this effort, fireworks will fly.<br /><br />We're watching<br /><br />Keep WATCHIN'.......
    <br /><br />I visited what "ethics 101" was. It's a book written by John C. Maxwell and it's very interesting, excerpt here: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  •<br /><br />
    This obvious "stealth" campaign of around the clock attacks on Mr. Jackson's family, especially through the posting of self absorbant drivel from that "rinse and repeat rag" will eventually cause major contentions that some don't see coming.<br /><br />The final potshot quoted in that write-up should serve notice to authority here. That single line was implanted only to further push their agenda. Whether it's the work of staff from that cesspool of an organization who're masquerading as principled observer here remains to be seen. But whatever the case, it's sick and below the gutter to keep using a Wonderful Mother as the lynchpin to progress a divide and conquer narrative against certain members. It is done with hopes that many will take the bait and support their effort.<br /><br />TMZ IS tabloid with a slick tongued unethical owner who likes to profess his "lawyer" background repeatedly. Well LEVIN, pimping GARBAGE should be against the law. Perhaps you need to revisit ethics 101 before spouting off credentials that actually showcase a flawed, money hungry media whore. Hypocrite! You and your cohorts have my permission to use that as a sensationalized headline.<br /><br /><br />I hasten to predict that if something isn't done to contain this effort, fireworks will fly.<br /><br />We're watching<br /><br />Keep WATCHIN'.......
    <br /><br />I visited what "ethics 101" was. It's a book written by John C. Maxwell and it's very interesting, excerpt here: <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    <br /><br />It reminds me of the play "Enron" we went to see last night!  A story of money, greed and big egos! I stroke your back, you stroke mine! ...unfortunately, no lessons learnt here ...Lehman Brothers! Oh yeah! <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
  • well, TMZ DID posted something today <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Maybe Mr. Jackson communicates with us through numbers. It's a code .......
    And the previous article was there for 7 days, just like TS' post about Elvis&MJ

    the article is full of three 333333333333333 LOL

    I think now we can see how right TS was. The use of numbers in this story is just brilliant, because we can see all these numbers having sense is not just coincidence.
    The most powerful proof it was all planned.

    I am AMAZED and happy. It's an adventure, a great adventure, thank you Michael <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> yes and the 333 are meant to flip the 666 into a 999! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> So clever!

    And one of the article posted by TMZ today is about Arnie Klein... I am not surprised that he is now being portrait as a "bad guy"... Remember this post from Back on the 9th November 2009?
    Calm thy nerves.......
    Arnie IS on the de-Klein
    He's desperate and scared sh*tless
    Because he knows it's just a matter of tImE.......

    Tables are meant to be turned!
    And lying backstabbers shall reap what they sow.

    Keep WATCHIN'.......

    "Back" never ceases to amaze me, even the dots on the 1st, 4th and 7th lines have 7 dots each and there are 7 lines to the post (777-7)! It was an important post!

    Sometime I wonder whether "Back" is relaying real emotions and truthful statements (the reality of the Hoax) or playing a certain character to progress the hoax or doing a mixture of both? ... I do believe that those posts were meant to be found and that Back is Michael but the above question remains the same! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->


    P.S. Michael if my smilies tool box had a hug, I would send you a huge one to say Thank You for this Awakening... but it hasn't... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    With L.O.V.E

    In regards to what "Back" said about backstabbers reaping what they sow.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=107&t=14289&p=238705#p238705<!-- l -->

    YIKES I wouldn’t want to be on Michael’s bad side…
    Pay BACK is coming.
    I am so sorry, Michael <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I am so sorry.

    I cannot sit here and read through this and still convince myself that you are still here. I want to, but my heart is telling me no, Michael is gone <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> It's sad and it's heart wrenching. I am virtually balled up and on the floor reading what happened to Michael partially because it has been in the back of my mind that AEG and all those phony, shady characters were in Michael's life for one thing, to ruin him. And got dammit they did <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    I am so fucking angry right now. If I could be one thing at this moment, it would be a guided missile with its sight set on totally demolishing everyone who played a part in this conspiracy to kill Michael Jackson. My God, what is sacred anymore?

    I've told myself from the start of this journey that if I ever left the investigation of the hoax I would work diligently towards fighting for Michael's justice. I think it's time I started doing that now because there is no way that these people based solely on the fact that they have money and power, should get away with systematically killing and living off of the blood of Michael Jackson. What did he ever do to deserve this?

    So for now, I'm just gonna bid my goodbyes to everyone here. I really hope I'm leaving for the wrong reason and that miraculously the tides will turn. I would be one of the happiest people in the world to be wrong. But right now, I just cannot ignore what seems to be screaming at me. He was murdered. I've got to do my part what ever that might be.

    Good luck to you all. I pray that you are right and I am wrong.

    First I want to say that my comment isn't going to be directed at you only. I quoted your post because it was sincere and you stated how fucking angry you were at the people who murdered Michael.

    Hmmm... IMAGINE for a second How ANGRY Michael is. He has ENDURED a LIFETIME Of SHIT.

    I would like for people to watch this video from MYWHOISIT.
    Look At Michael... see him... and see How ANGRY he was/is.

    That is him displaying a knife across the throat in his Hot Gold pants. lol
    He flips off someone or many someones in his Scream video, he does it a few ways and he also jestures the knife across the throat.

    Michael was NOT playin around when he jestured those THREATS.

    He was dead serious on payBACK.
    I am confidant that Michael out played, out smarted, and out scammed ( "death") his enemies.

    I am very confidant that his enemies are getting their just deserved.
    Do NOT underestimate "sweet" Mike.


    In regards to "Back" posts meant to be found:

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=46&t=9246&p=202619#p202619<!-- l -->

    Alot of info there in that article to tell us how to find clues.

    FROM MY POST ON DaveDave is a liar thread:
    There was alot of statements made by Dave and clues given in this interview that kicked off the actual hint that THIS is a "hoax".

    One was referencing to Paul Mc Cartney.

    After the tweeter came online named thisisalmostit he or she gave a clue tweet about

    Did Paul die at 09-11-'66 ?
    1:21 PM May 3rd via web

    I found this on May 4th, my bad I am late to reveal. OOPS sorry.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Have fun reading.


    I couldn't help myself... I went back to the article again to re read it, the statement below is from that article when the Paul "hoax" happened, sound familiar?

    'Wow, that's an incredible idea!' We realized it would be great fun to have all those clues sitting there undiscovered until people started going nuts looking for them all."

    Paul McCartney Admits Beatles Planned Death Hoax
    by Bruce Spizer

    (Originally Published April 1, 2004)

    While on a recent quick vacation in New Orleans, Paul McCartney let his guard down and admitted what some Beatles fans have suspected for years. He confirmed that the "Paul is dead" clues found in several Beatles album covers and songs were deliberately planted by the group as part of an elaborate scheme dating back to the summer of 1966.

    According to McCartney, the plan was formulated by manager Brian Epstein. "Brian dropped by the studio to hear the playback of our latest single, 'Paperback Writer.' He didn't like it one bit. 'Not a love song,' he said. He was concerned that the press and our fans wouldn't get it. He told us, 'People want love songs. They won't spend money for a song about a novel writer. You boys are gonna blow it with this one.' But by this time, we were running the show, not Brian. We insisted that 'Paperback Writer' would be our next single and told him that the song represented the new direction our songwriting was going in."

    When contacted in London, former Beatles press agent Tony Barrow confirmed Brian's concerns. "Brian was into traditional love songs. He had told Paul to come up with another 'Yesterday' or 'Michelle' for the next single. Imagine his shock when he heard 'Paperback Writer' and 'Rain.' Not only were they not love songs, but they were so loud! We didn't know it at the time, but the Beatles had recorded the first heavy metal single. Not exactly 'Till There Was You' or 'A Taste Of Honey.' I was worried, too. I wondered, 'Had the boys gone too far this time?'"

    Brian became even more concerned when he imagined an album full of unconventional songs. While a fan might take a chance on a single, an album purchase was a big thing in those days. Due to its higher price, youngsters, particularly those in the U.K., were very careful about buying albums. That is why the Beatles often issued an EP from an album containing four of its best tracks. So Brian came up with a plan to help sell albums in the event he was right about the dangerous new direction the group was heading in. Paul explained, "When I told him our future albums would be dominated by songs about interesting people and places, his heart sank. He didn't think people would buy such albums and came up with this great idea to push sales in the event he was right and we were wrong. The idea was that we would plant clues in our songs and album covers that one of us had died in a car wreck. If after a few albums, our records weren't selling well, we'd leak out word about the clues and let our fans and the press take over. People would buy the albums to see and hear the clues. We thought, 'Wow, that's an incredible idea!' We realized it would be great fun to have all those clues sitting there undiscovered until people started going nuts looking for them all."

    Tony Barrow also thought the plan was brilliant. "Nothing re-energizes a singer's career like his death. Do you really think Buddy Holly would have been so famous had he not died in that plane crash? Same for Richie Valens and certainly that one-hit wonder Big Bopper with his 'Chantilly Lace' song. And how about Otis Redding? He never had a number one hit till after he died in a plane crash. The fact that Brian came up with a car crash shows his genius. Airplane crashes were the norm."

    Having sold the group on the idea, the Beatles had to decide which one of them was to "die." Brian wanted the victim to be Ringo because he was the most popular Beatle in the all-important U.S. market, but the drummer wanted nothing to do with it. Tony Barrow recalls, "Ringo flat out refused to be the one. He said, 'Being painted red in a movie is one thing, but pretending to be dead's another. I'm superstitious. Those clues might make it happen.' Brian was disappointed because he knew Ringo was the most sympathetic Beatle. You know Ringo got more mail from America than the other members of the group combined." [Author's Note: Ringo was unavailable for comment.]

    After Ringo turned down the "opportunity" to die, the honor of being a dead Beatle was up for grabs. According to Paul, "George said right away he didn't feel comfortable faking his death. But it sure got him thinking. A few days later he showed up at a session with a new song called 'The Art Of Dying.' We didn't think it was that good a song, so we never recorded it. George later improved the lyrics and included it on his first album."

    Paul's recollections are backed by the original lyrics to the song, which appear in George's "I Me Mine" book. The 1966 version of the song referred to Brian Epstein, who was the mastermind behind the death clues. It contained the line "Then nothing Mr. Epstein can do will keep me here with you."

    With Ringo and George not willing to "die" for the good of the group, it came down to John and Paul, with both thinking it would be fab to be "dead." Paul recalls, "John wanted to be the dead Beatle, but this time I didn't cave in to John like I did on the songwriter credits. I thought it should be me because I was the second most popular Beatle. Brian agreed it should be me because he was worried that once the clues became known, people might think it was a John practical joke if John was supposedly dead. But me...Brian thought, 'No one would suspect Paul for rigging his own death. They think John's the clever one.' So I got to die."

    A few days after the "Paperback Writer" listening session, the group was at Brian's office when photographer Bob Whitaker dropped by with the pictures from the butcher session. Brian asked Whitaker to shoot a picture of Paul in steamer trunk to symbolize his lying dead in a coffin. Paul picks up the story. "Bob thought it was too direct, so he suggested we stand the truck upwards and have me sit in it with the other standing around. That way, it would only look like I was lying in a coffin if the cover was turned sideways. Bob had Ringo place his hand on the trunk lid like he was closing the coffin. Brilliant! Brian told us to throw some clues into our songs. Right away John came up with 'I'm Only Sleeping,' as if 'Paul isn't dead, he's only sleeping.' Pretty subtle. Most people missed that clue, and that was one of the first!"

    The "coffin trunk" photo was sent to Capitol to serve as the cover for the American album "Yesterday And Today." But when Brian saw the cover mock-up, he began having second thoughts about using the photo so early in the game. He was concerned that people might suspect Paul was dead a lot sooner than the group wanted to clues to be discovered. So Brian sent Capitol the butcher photo, knowing that it might ultimately be rejected, but at least it would deflect attention away from the provocative coffin trunk cover. The plan worked to perfection with the Butcher cover causing so much controversy that when it was "replaced" by the trunk cover, no one noticed it showed Paul lying in a coffin!

    A sample of what is written in the article.

    Peace and hairgrease fellow "hoaxers" and beLIEvers. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->


    Except for the fact that one of the Beatles actually did die... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    The Ass Clown reference from TMZ in the Bolton article is more likely to refer to the quote used in the 1999 Office space film, where a character named Michael Bolton (a computer programmer) makes disparaging remarks about the singer, calling him a "no-talent ass clown." When asked about this scene in an interview, the real-life Bolton replied that he has never seen the film but has autographed many copies of the DVD.

    But again, there may be more into it...

    With L.O.V.E

    You are probably right. I forgot that the dude on Office Space was named Michael Bolton. It's been a long time since I've seen that movie. I think it's a pretty funny movie! Thanks for the info!
  • [youtube:28g1ph4b]
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Do you mean that BACK is DD?
    He never leaves home without his ?!?!? His hat?
  • Great job Le Papillon Bleu! It's funny because when I first discovered DD on LKL (or MJ looking like DD on LKL <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->), I thought that BACK could be him but I had no proof or any real reason to think that besides my gut. I then wondered if BACK was DD and MJ. This is making think that I could've been right all along. Thanks again, Bleu! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    look at those pictures: blue eyes - black eyes- blue eyes - blue eyes - blue eyes <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Love you Michael <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Do you mean that BACK is DD?
    It can be..after all i don't see any resemblance of MJ in none of his posts.
    Also this "back" posts in special days (?)
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