Official back & Front thread



    Ginafelicia, laughing and crying at the same time is not actually showing a sain person. Since someone left the forum you look and act weird. Take a break, too much off topic.

    Please stop you guys.
    I look weird? Can you see me <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
    Please go back to the topic !!
  • back said something very interesting now that I think about it and with the recent TS redirect it popped up in my mind yesterday, I quote from memory ... "... there's definitely not stopping a 10 ton boulder falling from the sky"... can it be for real? I say that because it reminds me of my dream where I saw a meteorite falling from the sky...... Hi back if you read this can you tell me what you meant? ...

    @RunninGirl... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> back

    Hey! Sarahli,

    I also made a mental note of the "10 ton boulder" reference and I keep watchin'...

    The reference to a green fireball falling from the sky in the portal report is interesting. I have not yet excluded the possibility that "The Agency" may be MJ Hoax related. Some of the messages are "interesting"!
    Extract from - "The Agency message"
    A fireball [will] enter the atmosphere this year. You will not miss it. It will glow green. It will most assuredly be televised on every news network across the globe. This fireball is not a meteor. It is part of a larger plan which will precede further artificial astronomical and atmospheric anomalies. The object has already been launched, and we understand that it cannot be turned back or stopped, which is why we couldn't release this information before today (but now can). We do not know the date of impact with Earth's atmosphere, except that it will be this year. We do know why it was launched, but we cannot fully reveal that information in this message.

    There is also the inevitable link with the Book of Revelation...
    Revelation 8:6-13, King James version:

    "8:6 And the seven angels which had the seven trumpets prepared themselves to sound.
    7 The first angel sounded, and there followed hail and fire mingled with blood, and they were cast upon the earth: and the third part of trees was burnt up, and all green grass was burnt up.
    8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood;
    9 And the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, and had life, died; and the third part of the ships were destroyed.
    10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters;
    11 And the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
    12 And the fourth angel sounded, and the third part of the sun was smitten, and the third part of the moon, and the third part of the stars; so as the third part of them was darkened, and the day shone not for a third part of it, and the night likewise.
    13 And I beheld, and heard an angel flying through the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to the inhabiters of the earth by reason of the other voices of the trumpet of the three angels, which are yet to sound!"

    With L.O.V.E
    "I presume you have a Mother and Grandmother(s) somewhere in your lineage, or else you wouldn't exist. Bearing this in mind, why don't you think about them the next time you chose to demonstrate your ice-cold nature & approach towards Katherine Jackson.

    This issue is very much beyond a message board and recycling of responses...It's personal. I mean, really! There are various family members who frequent this board and that should come as a suprise to noone. So imagine the affect these constant, unchecked, verbal assaults are having on those who have reason to care for her. This very beautiful person should NEVER be subjected to such foolishness. NEVER--EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER----Dammit---EVER. Especially on a forum that ONCE stood on principle and supported Michael by also RESPECTING the ones he LOVED the most. Mr. Taylor, you should aknowledge that Michael would never have associated himself with any forum demeaning his mother. AT ALL..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quite frankly, I could give 2 _ _ _ _ _ about an opinion regarding different ventures and issues of money. Relegate that opinion to a gas can and set a match to it! Perhaps Levin will "report" it.

    I've continiously warned that this repeated lambasting of Katherine will end in regret. 24/7 Pressure, do you know what it feels like? After losing a Son nearly a year ago, you're reminded of just how fragile any element of life can be. Then you find yourself facing the fact that your youngest Son just had a medical scare. Do you know what that feels like? That being compounded pressure. Do you?

    Imagine anyone questioning the character, sincerity, competence and motivation of YOUR Mother.

    What would you do?

    Unfortunately, for me, I think resolution to this issue will only happen face-to-face.

    Pleading has only fanned the flames!

    Keep WATCHIN'....... "
    This was Back's last post on MJJC and he never joined the site again. Looks like he was too angry to join that site again.
    " Mr. Taylor, you should aknowledge that Michael would never have associated himself with any forum demeaning his mother. AT ALL..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    So I understand from this that Michael decided to dissociate himself from a forum demeaning his mother, so that's why he never joined it again after this post <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> ?!
    Or maybe Back is not Michael and he shows his support by leaving that forum.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Back is most definitely Michael and I believe MJJC was punished with the most latest feud that was sparked there over Breaking News.
  • BACK is MJ 100% He joined that forum because they were once a very well respected forum. The owner, Gaz made sure of that, but once MJ "died" many of the members became bitter towards the family and started to think of MJ as this poor victim who everyone used and died because of Sony, AEG, and all the other users. They seem to have even started blaming his family and yes, even mother Kate who just wanted to put out a postive book about her son, from a mother's view.
    It's a shame because MJ was willing to continue to post there under the name BACK, of course not ever saying who he was, but many of the members knew who he was. Some even started attacking BACK for defending mother Kate.
    MJ is not a victim. He is not some weak sad drug addict who died because he trusted a doctor he met a few times. He is a man in control who orchestated the greatest show/hoax of all times. He outlined his plan to those who were smart enough and who were willing to think wayyyy outside the box as BACK. He did not share the account. Anyone who knew MJ would know he would never allow someone to have control over something as important as this hoax and BACK was the one who started the 7 day theory and he is the one who continues to run this hoax.
    His love for him mother is without conditions. What ever she does is magic to him. So when this board allowed the members to continue to attack her, he left the board and our punishment is his silence. But he did not name himself BACK for nothing. If we want to know where this hoax is going, just read his post, and I mean really read them. They are filled with riddles and they are filled with the answers to this hoax. MJ is a prankster who loved the mystery and BACK is MJ once and for all.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Or maybe Back is not Michael and he shows his support by leaving that forum.
    Whether Back is Michael or not, we still have not heard of any candidate who better fits the character. "Guilty" until proven innocent (of being Back) in this case. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And I think it's perfectly acceptable in this hoax to laugh and cry at the same time, not a sign of insanity, but a sign of being completely immersed in MJ's world, and because he is an amazing unique person who has crazy effects on us.

    There was a thread way back talking about whether MJ was computer saavy, used a cell phone, on and on. Obviously he was very technologically saavy. We know he spoke to people on the phone constantly, always saying this is Michael. But when online does anybody have a record of him saying he was Michael? Not that I've heard of. So he must have gone on under various user names which everyone does, remaining hidden. I know with Poetry in Motion and Peter Pan in the Sky, it was said he was probably not Michael because MJ wouldn't make it so obvious that he was MJ. But this Back character is coming out pretty blatantly IMO sounding like Michael.

    I just want to add to my previous post, the page before, where I put the Youtube link to young Michael doing Math with Flip Wilson. We have talked about Michael planning/starting this hoax about 21 years ago, but this clip may show his mind strategy formulating much earlier. Unless someone else wrote his script, which is possible, but then again MJ said his songs just dropped into his head from above, so why not script lines too. He looks about 13/15 there, and says authoritatively to Flip, "Just watch this" and again "Watch", along the lines of Back's "Keep Watching". He says, "We'll keep the 2 for later," and then more figuring and, "Now we need the 2." Two's have played prominently in this hoax, talk of doubles, many aspects of the hoax came in two such as much clues of doubles, two 911 calls, 02 Arena and more. And the most important, "Seven goes into 21 three times", figuring prominently in this whole hoax. It may be nothing, but I think it is prophetic or clues.

    Thriller, "I'm not like other guys. I mean I'm different. " Clearly, and that's likely since birth in some aspects IMO. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Great catch TheRunningGirl! My question now is when was this photo taken? Was it before or after BACK posted that?

    This is the question looking4truth! And was the actual picture used by Back ever published?
    Back posted this same picture twice, the second time was on May 31st 2007 in an article about the Sony/ATV venture. With a few words towards the end " Momma didn't raise no Nut--- or fool." (So witty always! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> - I Love Back under any disguise.)
    I am not aware of Back posting any other pictures.

    With L.O.V.E

    P.S. @ Sarahli ---> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    RunningGirl: Great catch and good questions! Do you know (or is there a way to check) what year that Norwegian paper is from? My impression is that it's from the 1990s, so that would be long before 2007 (when BACK posted that picture). As for whether the exact photo posted by BACK is in the public domain, I don't know... I've never seen it myself. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    @ truthprevails ---> Unfortunately all I have is a photo of this Norwegian paper as posted - most probably 2000+ I guess (agree with Anna) - It is interesting that it is the only photo Back used, maybe a reference to Blue Gangster as Bec suggested. There maybe a bigger story behind it, I don't know...

    With L.O.V.E

    The photo was taken in April 2004
    when Bhatti visited Jackson before Easter, in connection with that he was in rehab.

    In English:
  • Whether Back is Michael or not, we still have not heard of any candidate who better fits the character. "Guilty" until proven innocent (of being Back) in this case. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> And I think it's perfectly acceptable in this hoax to laugh and cry at the same time, not a sign of insanity, but a sign of being completely immersed in MJ's world, and because he is an amazing unique person who has crazy effects on us.

    There was a thread way back talking about whether MJ was computer saavy, used a cell phone, on and on. Obviously he was very technologically saavy. We know he spoke to people on the phone constantly, always saying this is Michael. But when online does anybody have a record of him saying he was Michael? Not that I've heard of. So he must have gone on under various user names which everyone does, remaining hidden. I know with Poetry in Motion and Peter Pan in the Sky, it was said he was probably not Michael because MJ wouldn't make it so obvious that he was MJ. But this Back character is coming out pretty blatantly IMO sounding like Michael.

    I just want to add to my previous post, the page before, where I put the Youtube link to young Michael doing Math with Flip Wilson. We have talked about Michael planning/starting this hoax about 21 years ago, but this clip may show his mind strategy formulating much earlier. Unless someone else wrote his script, which is possible, but then again MJ said his songs just dropped into his head from above, so why not script lines too. He looks about 13/15 there, and says authoritatively to Flip, "Just watch this" and again "Watch", along the lines of Back's "Keep Watching". He says, "We'll keep the 2 for later," and then more figuring and, "Now we need the 2." Two's have played prominently in this hoax, talk of doubles, many aspects of the hoax came in two such as much clues of doubles, two 911 calls, 02 Arena and more. And the most important, "Seven goes into 21 three times", figuring prominently in this whole hoax. It may be nothing, but I think it is prophetic or clues.

    Thriller, "I'm not like other guys. I mean I'm different. " Clearly, and that's likely since birth in some aspects IMO. <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Great post.

    And given what im_convinced brought up, two comes up again here:

    Two witnesses are prophets described in the New Testament Book of Revelation[1] as part of a vision the author John received from an angel sent by God.[2] The two witnesses prophesy for 1,260 days (or 42 months, 3 1/2 years), are killed by their enemies and after three and a half days come to life and go up to Heaven.

    The witnesses are further associated with "two olive trees and the two lampstands" that have the power to destroy their enemies, control the weather and cause plagues.[3]

    Some Christians believe that the events described in the Book of Revelation will occur before and during the Second Coming of Christ and attempt to associate references in the Book of Revelation with historical or current happenings and people. The two witnesses have been identified by various theologians as real individuals, two groups of people, or as two concepts.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I read many times in this thread that Back is 100% MJ. If this is true, either MJ is alive and still posting or someone hacked his password in that forum and goes on writing as a mind phuck.

    Is anyone a member of that forum? If the answer is yes, have you tried to contact that "Back" and inform him about this forum?
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I read many times in this thread that Back is 100% MJ. If this is true, either MJ is alive and still posting or someone hacked his password in that forum and goes on writing as a mind phuck.

    Is anyone a member of that forum? If the answer is yes, have you tried to contact that "Back" and inform him about this forum?

    I think some people that tried to send a friend request(or private message...can't remember which one) to "BACK" on that forum were immediately banned. I am a member but I only joined in August of this year and I don't post there....or even go there anymore.

    I want to know who was part of that forum when BACK was posting in 2006-2008. It would be interesting to hear their thoughts.
    Gema Back never joined that forum again since the last post about his mother...the one I posted above, That was his last post there and he never accesed the forum again after that post. At least this is what I saw. I am a member there, I tried to pm Back but I couldn't. You can only leave a message to him on the visitors page messages, but this is public and I couldn't ask him there to join this forum.
    And if Back is Michael he doesn't NEED to be informed about HIS faked death forum <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    MJonmind I want to thank you for seeing my point. Thank you very much. That video with Michael doing HIS math is so funny!! I LOVE it!!
    I think the way Back says "Michael would never have associated himself with a forum demeaning his mother" sounds so Michael associated himslef with that forum before and now he regrets it and plans to dissociate from that forum......and Back leaves the forum.

    Of course this could only be my insane imagination...

    But reminds me of someones words: "mess with MJ and you're OUT!!!!!!!"
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    BACK is MJ 100% He joined that forum because they were once a very well respected forum. The owner, Gaz made sure of that, but once MJ "died" many of the members became bitter towards the family and started to think of MJ as this poor victim who everyone used and died because of Sony, AEG, and all the other users. They seem to have even started blaming his family and yes, even mother Kate who just wanted to put out a postive book about her son, from a mother's view.
    It's a shame because MJ was willing to continue to post there under the name BACK, of course not ever saying who he was, but many of the members knew who he was. Some even started attacking BACK for defending mother Kate.
    MJ is not a victim. He is not some weak sad drug addict who died because he trusted a doctor he met a few times. He is a man in control who orchestated the greatest show/hoax of all times. He outlined his plan to those who were smart enough and who were willing to think wayyyy outside the box as BACK. He did not share the account. Anyone who knew MJ would know he would never allow someone to have control over something as important as this hoax and BACK was the one who started the 7 day theory and he is the one who continues to run this hoax.
    His love for him mother is without conditions. What ever she does is magic to him. So when this board allowed the members to continue to attack her, he left the board and our punishment is his silence. But he did not name himself BACK for nothing. If we want to know where this hoax is going, just read his post, and I mean really read them. They are filled with riddles and they are filled with the answers to this hoax. MJ is a prankster who loved the mystery and BACK is MJ once and for all.

    I believe you speak the truth with this post.

    Their punishment is also getting mind fucked over by this Breaking News voice alteration game he's playing, compounded by the statements by Sony and the Estate and the family and Twitter wars with Riley and 3T. That board is was really thrown into complete turmoil starting on 11/5 (Opis None and "fake" vocals reports) and it's still going on. I'm convinced this why KJ was linked to the Opis None Song's e-release. He knew they would trash it since they already hate Mann and already bashed KJ for the book, the song is hippy dippy and they would call it "weird", it wasn't announced as a Destiny remix but he would know they would know that and be offended... it was like he was begging them to take the bait.

    Little did they know that Opis None was the only unaltered new MJ vocals they were going to hear that weekend lol.

    And they did take the bait. KJ got bashed, LaToya got bashed, Taryl and Taj got bashed, big Jackson fam bash fest over that one.

    Then we get altered vocals on the new album and all sorts of drama around that.

    I get the idea that MJ is fucking with the fans these days. Maybe some lessons are being taught.
  • Bec:

    If it's true that "MJ is fucking with the fans these days", I'm not sure that that's a smart or far-sighted thing to do. KJ might be Michael's mother, but the fans are also a kind of "momma bear" who will fight tooth and nail to protect Michael - even if they don't always do it in the nicest or even proper way. And the fans do things for Michael that many of his showbiz "friends" and even many of the Jacksons don't do... For instance, the fans seem to be responsible for the unveiling of MJ's name on that school auditorium... And the fans supported and sustained Michael throughout the 2005 trial in a very public way, something that many "friends" now singing Michael's praises DIDN'T do.

    Do you think it's Michael's voice on all the "Michael" album tracks? Then why is it that the credits don't reflect that? I bought that album despite not hearing Michael on some of the tracks... And I haven't changed my mind. I would need some serious evidence to believe it's him on, say, "Breaking News" or "Monster" (I mean 100%).
  • becbec Posts: 6,387

    If it's true that "MJ is fucking with the fans these days", I'm not sure that that's a smart or far-sighted thing to do. KJ might be Michael's mother, but the fans are also a kind of "momma bear" who will fight tooth and nail to protect Michael - even if they don't always do it in the nicest or even proper way. And the fans do things for Michael that many of his showbiz "friends" and even many of the Jacksons don't do... For instance, the fans seem to be responsible for the unveiling of MJ's name on that school auditorium... And the fans supported and sustained Michael throughout the 2005 trial in a very public way, something that many "friends" now singing Michael's praises DIDN'T do.

    Do you think it's Michael's voice on all the "Michael" album tracks? Then why is it that the credits don't reflect that? I bought that album despite not hearing Michael on some of the tracks... And I haven't changed my mind. I would need some serious evidence to believe it's him on, say, "Breaking News" or "Monster" (I mean 100%).

    True all true. I just get this feeling due to recent and current events with this album and back and MJJC and statements being made by the estate and family, and just everything right now. What's it look like he's doing? I don't think it's malicious the games he's playing, I think he's maybe making a point or 7. Besides, how much did these people all really support him, the real him? They think he's dead. How can they think that? After all the lessons he tried to teach them? They obviously weren't listening or paying attention and they obviously quit watchin'. Maybe they thought they were supporting MJ but what they were really supporting was just a Hollywood image.

    Why'd those fans wait til he was dead to rally to get his name reinstated on that school? If they really supported him why weren't they there the day the plywood went up?

    Why do I give a shit now that he's dead? Why didn't I care enough about what the real story was on MJ after the Bashir thing to look into it further and instead just walk away and go sorry MJ, too weird for me man...

    I dunno, I feel like a point has been made to me, a lesson learned, maybe a couple. It's been kind of like tough love, parts of it have been unpleasant even, but sometimes those are the longest lasting lessons and the most valuable.

    Do I think it's MJ? Yes, in the lead vocals. I assume back ups are as per usual. I believe MJs vocals have been altered on most of the tracks, some vocals on some tracks I believe go beyond editing and would be more accurately described as "disguised".
  • BACK is MJ 100% He joined that forum because they were once a very well respected forum. The owner, Gaz made sure of that, but once MJ "died" many of the members became bitter towards the family and started to think of MJ as this poor victim who everyone used and died because of Sony, AEG, and all the other users. They seem to have even started blaming his family and yes, even mother Kate who just wanted to put out a postive book about her son, from a mother's view.
    It's a shame because MJ was willing to continue to post there under the name BACK, of course not ever saying who he was, but many of the members knew who he was. Some even started attacking BACK for defending mother Kate.
    MJ is not a victim. He is not some weak sad drug addict who died because he trusted a doctor he met a few times. He is a man in control who orchestated the greatest show/hoax of all times. He outlined his plan to those who were smart enough and who were willing to think wayyyy outside the box as BACK. He did not share the account. Anyone who knew MJ would know he would never allow someone to have control over something as important as this hoax and BACK was the one who started the 7 day theory and he is the one who continues to run this hoax.
    His love for him mother is without conditions. What ever she does is magic to him. So when this board allowed the members to continue to attack her, he left the board and our punishment is his silence. But he did not name himself BACK for nothing. If we want to know where this hoax is going, just read his post, and I mean really read them. They are filled with riddles and they are filled with the answers to this hoax. MJ is a prankster who loved the mystery and BACK is MJ once and for all.

    Great post - thank you for sharing your thoughts.

    I totally agree with you. We do need to look really close at those posts. Also, there are posts from a SOTT that have surfaced which were posted around 2003-2004 on a Spanish site and they talk about coming back from the dead.

    I think the fans were given plenty of notice for those willing to open their eyes. This makes me wonder what other fan sites have similar posts that have maybe gone unnoticed?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    back said something very interesting now that I think about it and with the recent TS redirect it popped up in my mind yesterday, I quote from memory ... "... there's definitely not stopping a 10 ton boulder falling from the sky"... can it be for real? I say that because it reminds me of my dream where I saw a meteorite falling from the sky......  Hi back if you read this can you tell me what you meant? ... <br /><br />@RunninGirl...  ;)  back
    <br /><br />Hey! Sarahli,<br /><br />I also made a mental note of the "10 ton boulder"  reference and I keep watchin'... <br /><br />The reference to a green fireball falling from the sky in the portal report is interesting.  I have not yet excluded the possibility that "The Agency" may be MJ Hoax related.  Some of the messages are "interesting"!Reference: http://<br />
    Extract from - "The Agency message"<br />A fireball [will] enter the atmosphere this year. You will not miss it. It will glow green. It will most assuredly be televised on every news network across the globe. This fireball is not a meteor. It is part of a larger plan which will precede further artificial astronomical and atmospheric anomalies. The object has already been launched, and we understand that it cannot be turned back or stopped, which is why we couldn't release this information before today (but now can). We do not know the date of impact with Earth's atmosphere, except that it will be this year. We do know why it was launched, but we cannot fully reveal that information in this message.
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
    <br />Is this Back's green pic- a fireball?
    What will they do when that paradigm changes? What will happen to you when that protection ends? What will happen when it is time for you to stand up and demonstrate "your" accomplishments to the rest of the universe, who are all watching? Then you will truly understand the world that you created, and you will fall to your knees. You will fall to your knees, because you created nothing. You have nothing. When you fall to your knees (which is inevitable), who will you look to?...<br /><br />Do not follow any orders from this hierarchy. If they tell you to tern left, turn right. If they say "this is bad", then it is probably good. If they say "this is good", then it is probably bad. If they tell you that you must come with them, for your safety, do not believe them, because they wish to hurt you. If they tell you they want peace, treat it as a declaration of WAR! ...<br /><br />This website will not disappear, unless we decide that it should disappear, or unless the entire Internet is shut down, which may very well happen soon. At that time, you will all go running back to your televisions. We suggest that you do not do that, but instead turn to each other. It is YOU who will save "you", not your televisions. You must love each other, not your televisions. Your establishment certainly wont help you. They will laugh at you. They are laughing now. Do you think they are running and hiding? No, they are so far ahead of you, you should regard it as an eternal embarrassment....<br /><br />What if we make a giant letter "A" (for Agency) in the sky? Will you believe that we are "The Agency", "people in the know", then? Or, will you accuse someone of making a hoax?
  • back said something very interesting now that I think about it and with the recent TS redirect it popped up in my mind yesterday, I quote from memory ... "... there's definitely not stopping a 10 ton boulder falling from the sky"... can it be for real? I say that because it reminds me of my dream where I saw a meteorite falling from the sky......  Hi back if you read this can you tell me what you meant? ... <br /><br />@RunninGirl...  ;)  back
    <br /><br />Hey! Sarahli,<br /><br />I also made a mental note of the "10 ton boulder"  reference and I keep watchin'... <br />The reference to a green fireball falling from the sky in the portal report is interesting.  I have not yet excluded the possibility that "The Agency" may be MJ Hoax related.  Some of the messages are "interesting"!Reference: http://<br />
    Extract from - "The Agency message"<br />A fireball [will] enter the atmosphere this year. You will not miss it. It will glow green. It will most assuredly be televised on every news network across the globe. This fireball is not a meteor. It is part of a larger plan which will precede further artificial astronomical and atmospheric anomalies. The object has already been launched, and we understand that it cannot be turned back or stopped, which is why we couldn't release this information before today (but now can). We do not know the date of impact with Earth's atmosphere, except that it will be this year. We do know why it was launched, but we cannot fully reveal that information in this message.
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
    <br />Is this Back's green pic- a fireball?
    What will they do when that paradigm changes? What will happen to you when that protection ends? What will happen when it is time for you to stand up and demonstrate "your" accomplishments to the rest of the universe, who are all watching? Then you will truly understand the world that you created, and you will fall to your knees. You will fall to your knees, because you created nothing. You have nothing. When you fall to your knees (which is inevitable), who will you look to?...<br /><br />Do not follow any orders from this hierarchy. If they tell you to tern left, turn right.If they say "this is bad", then it is probably good. If they say "this is good", then it is probably bad. If they tell you that you must come with them, for your safety, do not believe them, because they wish to hurt you. If they tell you they want peace, treat it as a declaration of WAR! ...<br /><br />This website will not disappear, unless we decide that it should disappear, or unless the entire Internet is shut down, which may very well happen soon. At that time, you will all go running back to your televisions. We suggest that you do not do that, but instead turn to each other. It is YOU who will save "you", not your televisions. You must love each other, not your televisions. Your establishment certainly wont help you. They will laugh at you. They are laughing now. Do you think they are running and hiding? No, they are so far ahead of you, you should regard it as an eternal embarrassment....<br /><br />What if we make a giant letter "A" (for Agency) in the sky? Will you believe that we are "The Agency", "people in the know", then? Or, will you accuse someone of making a hoax?
    <br /><br />Yes!  Back's signature may be a green fireball!<br />"The Agency" is definitely worthwhile watching... It may or may not be related but it fits perfectly with the discussions on the book of Revelation that are taking place on the TS thread at the moment.<br />...And what about the parallel between the Agency quote below and Revelation 7!<br />
    ====The Event: <br /><br />Within 12 months of the green meteor, four large portals will open in places equally separated across the globe. We do not know the exact dates that they will open. It might be right after the meteor. It might be after 12 months. We do not know the exact locations of all of them, except that they will be close to the equator. These are not fake portals (ie: conspiratorial illusions). They are previously extinct, natural portals. There will be a lot of anomalies around these portals once they're opened, so you will know where these portals are at that time.<br /><br />They will not be overtly reported by news networks (as portals).Those that live within 100 miles of each portal will know about them, because activity will be visible around the portals. However, populations will be moved away from these areas due to manufactured disasters created by agencies who want to secure these portals for themselves, try to keep them secret, and use them for their own purposes.They will move populations away from these areas at all costs. We are with an agency that is working to ensure that these portals are not hijacked, but we can't secure them until we know exactly where they all are. <br /><br />What we need you to do is stay away from these portals, because at the time we secure the portals, it will not be safe to be near them due to conflict. Also, certain organizations will stop at nothing to keep the portals secret. We can't tell you where they are (because we don't know yet, precisely), except that those living near them will see them (and will be relocated), and that's how the locations will become apparent. You need to use the Internet to find and spread information about the locations. Once you know where they are, please stay away from them so that we can secure the portals. You must stay away from these portals. They are not inherently dangerous (themselves), and the activity around them will not be inherently dangerous, but a time will come when they will "attract" danger. We do not know exactly when that will be, so it's best to keep away from the portals. <br /><br />Recap: Keep an eye out for populations being moved (there are 4 locations). Once you know where these areas are, post the information to the Internet along with the message that people need to keep away from these areas (for a radius of 100 miles). Do not go to these areas, because once conflict starts, it will be extremely unsafe and we cannot ensure anyone's safety. Nevertheless, we must secure the portals. <br /><br />Signed, <br /><br />"The Agency" <br />********************************<br />
    <br /><br />
    Revelation 7 (King James Version)<br /><br /> 1And after these things I saw four angels standing on the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, that the wind should not blow on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    These portals make me think of the Gulf of Aden (Yemen)
    <!-- m --> ... -stargate/<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://thetruthbehindthescenes.wordpres ... ctivation/<!-- m -->
  • <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=49&t=15739&p=265342#p265342<!-- l --><br />Re: What did NASA find?<br />by Im_convincedmjalive » Sun Nov 14, 2010 5:03 pm <br />
    Bec - you mean this mysterious message circulated on the web by "The Agency" and warning about a green fireball entering our atmosphere this year, the need to stay indoor for 3 days when it happens. As evidence of their authenticity they also claim that they will "uncloak" one of their vehicle above Chicago on the 15th November.<br /><br />I don't know what to think about it! My initial thought was that it was a HOAX!<br /><br />Link: <!-- m --><!-- m --><br />
    ====Briefing: <br /><br />This is an utterly urgent message which we are relying on you to treat extremely seriously. We understand that you will experience the urge to delete what we have posted here, believing it to be fraudulent. However, we will provide evidence of foreknowledge of future events. We will provide unrefutable evidence that we are knowledgable with hidden matters that you know nothing about. ie: Black budget programs. <br /><br />We emphatically implore you to get this message out for us. Please, spread it far and wide. We understand the viral nature of the Internet, as our team is registered with (and monitors) many of the Internet's alternative media and truth websites. We believe you (on the Internet) have the power to get this message out for us, "if you believe us" (which you must). We will post this message on as many forums as we can today, but we need (and are requesting) your help for the message to continue. <br /><br />Please understand that if this message doesn't take off, there will be no second chance. We will not have the ability to try again. We repeat: This message must take off. There will be no second chances. We will lose access to the Internet for an unknown period of time in three hours from now and may not be able to access the Internet (properly) until January 2010 [They stated 2010 in the their OP but I think they mean 2011.]<br /><br />We cannot reveal where we are based as we are in active duty working under an international program that you are not aware exists. For our own safety, and for the safety of our team, we sincerely cannot disclose anything about our service. We understand that this will cause skepticism, but we do have knowledge of two events that will occur by the end of this year, 2010. These events will verify that we are indeed "in the know", and that what we are saying is factual. <br /><br />====Evidence (of our foreknowledge): <br /><br />A fireball enter the atmosphere this year. You will not miss it. It will glow green.It will most assuredly be televised on every news network across the globe. This fireball is not a meteor. It is part of a larger plan which will precede further artificial astronomical and atmospheric anomalies. The object has already been launched, and we understand that it cannot be turned back or stopped, which is why we couldn't release this information before today (but now can). We do not know the date of impact with Earth's atmosphere, except that it will be this year. We do know why it was launched, but we cannot fully reveal that information in this message.<br /><br />If we had written this message before today, the object would not have been launched. But now that the object is on its way, there's no way for it to be turned back.<br />However, it is necessary that the object is launched for reasons that we cannot disclose at this time. The information we are providing to you now is known by many in the scientific, military and black budget communities, and by certain branches of government. Our lives are not at risk by divulging this information, as many people know about it. We are divulging the information because we need to establish credibility (with you). We understand that you require some kind of evidence if you are to believe our message and requests. <br /><br />When the fireball enters Earth's atmosphere, you must go inside and stay inside for no less than three days. You need three days supply of water, food and any medication you require, in your home. You need to make sure you do not need to leave your home for three days, for any reason. If it is imperative that you leave your secure area, you must stay out of sunlight. This message is for the entire population, world wide. The air will be ok for the most part, but you need to stay inside for reasons we cannot disclose. There's no reason to panic or be alarmed if you simply stay inside. Do NOT go outside for any reason. Do not open your doors. Keep them locked. Close the blinds. Keep a TV or radio on. <br /><br />Once this event passes, you will know that you can take what we are saying now, seriously: <br /><br />====The Event: <br /><br />Within 12 months of the green meteor, four large portals will open in places equally separated across the globe. We do not know the exact dates that they will open. It might be right after the meteor. It might be after 12 months. We do not know the exact locations of all of them, except that they will be close to the equator. These are not fake portals (ie: conspiratorial illusions). They are previously extinct, natural portals. There will be a lot of anomalies around these portals once they're opened, so you will know where these portals are at that time.<br /><br />They will not be overtly reported by news networks (as portals).Those that live within 100 miles of each portal will know about them, because activity will be visible around the portals. However, populations will be moved away from these areas due to manufactured disasters created by agencies who want to secure these portals for themselves, try to keep them secret, and use them for their own purposes.They will move populations away from these areas at all costs. We are with an agency that is working to ensure that these portals are not hijacked, but we can't secure them until we know exactly where they all are. <br /><br />What we need you to do is stay away from these portals, because at the time we secure the portals, it will not be safe to be near them due to conflict. Also, certain organizations will stop at nothing to keep the portals secret. We can't tell you where they are (because we don't know yet, precisely), except that those living near them will see them (and will be relocated), and that's how the locations will become apparent. You need to use the Internet to find and spread information about the locations. Once you know where they are, please stay away from them so that we can secure the portals. You must stay away from these portals. They are not inherently dangerous (themselves), and the activity around them will not be inherently dangerous, but a time will come when they will "attract" danger. We do not know exactly when that will be, so it's best to keep away from the portals. <br /><br />Recap: Keep an eye out for populations being moved (there are 4 locations). Once you know where these areas are, post the information to the Internet along with the message that people need to keep away from these areas (for a radius of 100 miles). Do not go to these areas, because once conflict starts, it will be extremely unsafe and we cannot ensure anyone's safety. Nevertheless, we must secure the portals. <br /><br />Signed, <br /><br />"The Agency" <br />********************************<br /><br />This is a follow up remark days later. <br /><br />Update from the Agency #1<br />Posted by The Agency on October 15, 2010 at 4:30 AM  <br />We are exceptionally pleased with the enthusiasm you have portrayed, working on our website. We couldn't be happier with the work you've done. Congratulations. However, we are quite dismayed with the results of our review, regarding the dissemination of our message. We are concerned that the message has become stagnant due to the negativity of some, which has prospered. It is utterly imperative that this message propagates throughout the world, not just the Internet.This information MUST be known to everybody.<br /><br />====Update from The Agency:<br /><br />We've reviewed the progress of the dissemination of our message. We're not impressed with the way the information is being treated. Therefore, we're going to make a valuable (and painful) sacrifice and give you absolute proof that we are who we say we are.<br /><br />By revealing more information, we're putting ourselves, and our centuries old program at risk. However, if those who receive this message continue treating it as a work of fiction, and as a joke, we fear that we will not be able to ensure the safety of unwillingly ignorant people while securing the portals. So, we've weighed up our options.<br /><br />====Point Blank Forecast:<br /><br />15th November, 2010 (give or take 24 hours), we will decloak one of our vehicles above Chicago, United States. The entire city will see us "very clearly". We will not decloak for long, because other agencies will most assuredly send an attack out (particularly because they now know that we're going to appear, due to THIS message). But you WILL see our vehicle. We've chosen Chicago because we are aware of some grave plans for that city. We wish to highlight that city and point the world to that city.<br /><br />This is the best we can do in order to have you believe us. And quite frankly, if this message is treated as a joke after that date, you all deserve what's coming. There's a time to be skeptical and a time to listen and keep objections reserved. Now is a time to listen people. Listen! Listen carefully! That's all we're asking.<br />We've provided "two" tokens of evidence, that we're "in the know". We've provided an exact date for one of them and a window for the other. We've put ourselves in danger and made great sacrifices delivering this message, because the first message is NOT moving forward with nearly enough urgency. You have no idea how much we're going out on a limb for you, when we don't have to. We provided you with more than enough information in our first message. How is it that you don't understand?<br /><br />It is you who allowed these agencies to grow and prosper in the first place with your comatose state. If that same comatose state causes you to dismiss this message (again), then more the fool you. We are severely dismayed (*understatement) by the lack of urgency people have with getting this message out. You should understand the message. It is not the first time it has been propagated!<br /><br />We've been leaking related information for years. Has anyone listened? Is there anyone that understands? If you're not content with what we've been able to tell you (now), and if you do not find the information useful, then there's nothing more we can do. That's just going to have to be the way it is.<br /><br />Research the contents of our messages. There's answers written everywhere, all over the Internet. If you look! We're not going to explain 150 years of development to people who won't research basic history. We don't have the time to give history lessons. Time is short! All we have time for is to provide "pertinent" information. What we've provided is the skin on the pudding; but you need to listen to it. We know where the portals are, but we can't tell you because the other agencies will find out! Please, stop being so stubborn. <br /><br />We urge those who remain skeptical to refrain from attacking this message until the 15th of November. Attacking this message will significantly slow it down! Please, remain reserved. After the 15th of November, 2010, we expect every person who has knowledge of the original message to send it to everyone they know, so that the world can transition through to a better way of life. We can help you, but only if you snap out of your slumber and stop being so negative about everything. It's a grievance for us to have to deal with.<br /><br />We understand that one of the first responses to this message will be something along the lines of: "They have a vehicle that can cloak itself but they can't get a message out to the Internet". On the surface, it is a valid objection, but please take into consideration that you do not know who we are or why we have trouble communicating on the Internet. Due to the nature of our message, we can't give you our card and invite you over for a coffee and donuts. It's not rocket science people! This message is too important to complain about what you "perceive" to be inconsistencies, while time ticks away. We have answers for you and will explain in full at a later date. For now, we're not asking much:<br /><br />Just look up on the 15th (Chicago). Stay inside for three days after the meteor (we can't explain why, you wouldn't understand), and stay away from the portals. We're not asking you "to" do things, we're asking you to "refrain" from doing things (ie: from getting in the way!). We can't make it more plain than that. You WILL be hurt if you're outside during the 3 day period after the meteor. Just stay inside! Stay out of the sun, especially! There's no single reason why you need to stay inside. There are many, many reasons.<br /><br />We've provided more than enough information in this update. 15th! Chicago! Watch the sky! Then, please, let people know that they must stay inside for three days after the meteor, and to stay away from the portals. We can't give you more information than that. We understand that some people will act like children if we don't, but we CANNOT provide more information than we have, period.<br /><br />We're bending over backwards with this message, as it is. You wouldn't understand if we did tell you more. We're not being patronizing. You "would sincerely not understand". You would only become more confused and more skeptical, and our message would appear to me more far fetched; which will cause the dissemination of it to stall and become surrounded in negativity. That's how you are!The words we will leave you with is: This message contains MORE than enough information, and will prove that we are who we say we are (people that "know"). We're tired of spoon feeding you. If you do not heed our warning, we cannot ensure your safety. It is not our responsibility to look after you. We've sent this message as a token of good will for the future, where, hopefully, you can be taught the truth.<br /><br />We do care about you, but you need to care for yourselves. We're tired of your ignorance. We want to move forward. It is up to you if you want to move forward. We owe you nothing.<br /><br />Freedom is a responsibility, not a gift.<br />It's time for you to grow up. You've had the time.<br />The Agency<br />*****************************<br />For further info go to <!-- m --><!-- m --><br />
    <br /><br />With L.O.V.E
    <br /><br />Regarding the Green Fireball. This to me has Revelations all over it.<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... ersion=AMP<!-- m --><br />10 The third angel blew [his] trumpet, and a huge star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it dropped on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water--<br /><br />11 And the name of the star is Wormwood. A third part of the waters was changed into wormwood, and many people died from using the water, because it had become bitter.<br /><br />Regarding the four portals opening. Could this be the Four Angels?<br /><br /><!-- m --> ... ersion=AMP<!-- m --><br />Revelation 7<br />1 AFTER THIS I saw four angels stationed at the four corners of the earth, firmly holding back the four winds of the earth so that no wind should blow on the earth or sea or upon any tree.    <br /><br />2 Then I saw a second angel coming up from the east (the rising of the sun) and carrying the seal of the living God. And with a loud voice he called out to the four angels who had been given authority and power to injure earth and sea,<br /><br />3 Saying, Harm neither the earth nor the sea nor the trees, until we have sealed the bond servants of our God upon their foreheads.<br /><br />
    Update from the Agency #7 <br /> Posted by The Agency on October 24, 2010 at 4:15 AM  <br /><br />After much consideration, and taking into account that if you are to believe that we are "The Agency", "people in the know", you will require strong and plentiful evidence, we have decided to leave you with this message.<br /><br />We are watching your conversations on the Internet. Our credibility with you has suffered, and many of you have turned your backs, even before our token dates have passed. Time is very short, and we must gain your attention if you are to heed our warning. We remind you that the only date that has been affected up until now is the October 20th "passing through" date. Additionally, you have footage of our fleet being attacked, yet your turn your backs so readily?<br /><br />We cannot safely decloak anywhere in the world at a time and place that has been foretold to you,because if you know, "the enemy" knows also.The enemy has some very strong allies who are not from Earth. They do not originate from Earth, as we do. We cannot defend ourselves against them, as our decloaking technology is not sufficient. We cannot enter the Earth's atmosphere when they are present. So far, there are a few of them that have returned. But soon (around one year, maybe two), there will be many more, and we will no longer be able to communicate with you, at all. We will relocate to another place, permanently. It is urgent that you heed our advice, now.<br /><br />We must have you believe us if you are to heed our warnings, which can only be given during a small window of time, at a future date. We have devised a new strategy, in addition to our token dates, to prove to you that we are who we say we are, so that when we provide advice on what action to take, you will have a chance. This is our sole purpose in contacting you.<br /><br />Please understand that we can only reveal enough information to gain your attention. We have laws and codes like you do, and we're twisting them in order to gain your attention, so that we can help you. We should not be twisting the rules, but we care enough about you to take the risks. <br /><br />As we have stated previously, our aim is not to entertain you, or satisfy your curiosity. We're not a flying party trick. We have one aim: To help you into a better future. But you have to help yourselves. You have a saying that works well in this instance: "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink".<br /><br />Your establishment has gained some of our technology in recent years, and have had help developing other technology similar to ours. They are preparing to use that technology to fool you into following their plans, which are sympathetic to the plans of the old ones. Your establishment wish to worship the old ones in exchange for more power. They will give you signs and wonders, as was foretold a long time ago, but you must be careful, because what you see will be a trick. <br /><br />We especially insist that you do not believe a word you hear on your televisions, which will soon be used to fool you. Let us put it this way: If it is on your television, it is a lie. If it were truth, it would never make it onto your television. If you want to identify the lies, your TV will give you a comprehensive list of what not to believe. You need to be very careful.<br /><br />All of the above 2 paragraphs reminds me of the NWO. <!-- s:shock: --> :shock: <!-- s:shock: --> <br /><br />We are aware of your suggestions of what you think we should do, to prove that we are who we say we are, but you expect too much of us. We are not as powerful as you imagine. We are not what most of you imagine us to be. We are human, like you. We cannot do what many of you wish and expect us to do. Our options and power are limited. We are simply "The Agency", and we're trying to help you, but we know we can't help you unless you're listening, and we know you wont listen until you have proof, but providing proof is risky and difficult.<br /><br />Even with proof, many of you will ignore us. We know that. We're concerned at the possibility that we may not succeed in having you take notice of what we say until it's either too late, or because you simply don't believe the evidence once we are able to provide it.We can't decloak easily, but we can provide you with other proof, in quantity, without much danger to ourselves, and we can do it in patterns and numbers that will leave you with no doubt that we're the one's that left the evidence. If we can decloak over Chicago on the 15th, it's going to require thousands of vehicles for support. We do not wish to risk more lives, so we will only decloak if we're 100% certain that we can accomplish the feat without the loss of lives. However, we will send out drones, even if they are destroyed, which they probably will be, so keep an eye out for any anomalies close to, or high above Chicago on the 15th of November. <br /><br />We will perform the following patterns before the end of 2010, because there is no risk for us to perform them. Please keep watch.<br /><br />At dates that we cannot reveal, we will send the same fleet to four different locations on Earth, during the end of 2010. Keep an eye out.  We will endeavour to extend the duration of each appearance for as long as possible. You will know, by the end of this year, that we are who we say we are. That time frame might even be too late. However, as we've previously stated, we are not the rulers of your skies. <br /><br />We will turn the sky, at random locations, into a rainbow, four times. Much like the colors you see when oil is spread over water. We can't say when or where, but we will make sure that enough people notice so  that you will eventually find out.<br /><br />We will send a fleet of drones over New York, London, Paris and Munich. We will most likely lose the drones, as they will be destroyed, but we are content that by doing so, we will not risk our own lives. We will ensure that the drones are of similar altitude, speed and formation so that you can easily tie and relate the four events together.<br /><br />Additionally, we can easily find out where you live. We will send drones out to various people, on various dates, before the end of 2010. The reason we choose to do this is because it's difficult for the enemy to watch all of you at all times. All we ask is that you keep your cameras with you, and when you capture a picture, or footage, of the drone we send to you, add it to the Portal Report forums for others to see. We request that a new section is added for the photos and video.<br /><br />Is that so there is a witness to provide testimony of the Truth?  <!-- s:?: --> :?: <!-- s:?: --> <br /><br />Considering that your media has recently reported many airports closing, due to various objects approaching them, which is your establishment, we will also send as many drones out to as many airports as we can. If it is safe, we will also fire on the unmanned establishment vehicles. You can expect airport disturbances to increase dramatically, soon. We will make sure you know that we are "The Agency", one way or another. <!-- s:shock: --> :shock: <!-- s:shock: --> <br /><br />We also confirm that the date has been set for Lexington, Kentucky, on the 15th of November, 2010, between 9am and 10am. You should use the day to have a "BBQ" outside with friends and family, so that many will see.<br /><br />We are aware that you want to see our vehicle, flying over the treetops, so that you can see the detail on the bottom. However, that will prove nothing. Your establishment has the ability to perform this trick tomorrow, should they want to. We are not here to perform tricks. We are here to create a communication channel, via the Internet, direct to you, and we're bound by rules and codes. If we try to place our vehicle over the treetops, and decloak, we will lose it. Maybe not there and then, but when we're arriving or leaving the atmosphere, which is what happened during the October 20th preparations.<br /><br />It is not possible for someone making a website hoax to cause all of the above to occur. It is our intention that by January 1st, 2011, if it is not too late, you will know that the Portal Report website was indeed set up by us as a communication channel, and that we created it to give you advice and information regarding future events, to help you into a better future with us.<br /><!-- m --> ... e-agency-7<!-- m --><br />
    <br /><br />So this is my first time ever reading or hearing anything about this "Ageny" and portal report. I am thinking this is Revelations being played out by the enemy NWO and also the Angels (human and/or spiritual beings?) warning us of this event to come.<br /><br />Although they say they are human like us and then it appears they are saying they are E.T.'s also. If we think about it for a moment what does E.T. mean? What does U.F.O. really mean?<br /><br />Unidentified Flying Object which could be man made or God made?<br />Whoever this is giving us a warning they are blunt and to the point.<br /><br /> <!-- s:ugeek: --> :ugeek: <!-- s:ugeek: --> <br />This is alot to absorb and think about.<br />Peace
  • Bec:

    If it's true that "MJ is fucking with the fans these days", I'm not sure that that's a smart or far-sighted thing to do. KJ might be Michael's mother, but the fans are also a kind of "momma bear" who will fight tooth and nail to protect Michael - even if they don't always do it in the nicest or even proper way. And the fans do things for Michael that many of his showbiz "friends" and even many of the Jacksons don't do... For instance, the fans seem to be responsible for the unveiling of MJ's name on that school auditorium... And the fans supported and sustained Michael throughout the 2005 trial in a very public way, something that many "friends" now singing Michael's praises DIDN'T do.

    Do you think it's Michael's voice on all the "Michael" album tracks? Then why is it that the credits don't reflect that? I bought that album despite not hearing Michael on some of the tracks... And I haven't changed my mind. I would need some serious evidence to believe it's him on, say, "Breaking News" or "Monster" (I mean 100%).

    True all true. I just get this feeling due to recent and current events with this album and back and MJJC and statements being made by the estate and family, and just everything right now. What's it look like he's doing? I don't think it's malicious the games he's playing, I think he's maybe making a point or 7. Besides, how much did these people all really support him, the real him? They think he's dead. How can they think that? After all the lessons he tried to teach them? They obviously weren't listening or paying attention and they obviously quit watchin'. Maybe they thought they were supporting MJ but what they were really supporting was just a Hollywood image.

    Why'd those fans wait til he was dead to rally to get his name reinstated on that school? If they really supported him why weren't they there the day the plywood went up?

    Why do I give a shit now that he's dead? Why didn't I care enough about what the real story was on MJ after the Bashir thing to look into it further and instead just walk away and go sorry MJ, too weird for me man...

    I dunno, I feel like a point has been made to me, a lesson learned, maybe a couple. It's been kind of like tough love, parts of it have been unpleasant even, but sometimes those are the longest lasting lessons and the most valuable.

    Do I think it's MJ? Yes, in the lead vocals. I assume back ups are as per usual. I believe MJs vocals have been altered on most of the tracks, some vocals on some tracks I believe go beyond editing and would be more accurately described as "disguised".

    A lot of fans are taking the guilt trip. The fans/group that unveiled his name at the auditorium, although they did a great and amazing thing, are just a handful of those people. Thats JMO of course, but that's what I truly feel as well. What did they really do to stop the injustice besides talk while he was alive (figuratively speaking of course)?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    What did any of us do while he was figuratively alive?

    I mean really? By large we all practiced passive approval by doing/saying nothing when the the weirdo MJ show started playing. Just kind of sat back and watched or shock our heads and averted our eyes.

    MJ really has to be the second coming of Christ to want to come back to the humanity that crucified him once already.
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