Official back & Front thread



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    @scorpion, you don't have to read 26 pages, just read the first post and follow all the links. Before you know it you'll spend 2 hours there and be fascinated every second. You owe it to yourself as a hoaxer to become familiar with back.

    No one knew about back except MJJC members until fall 2009, when a hoaxer discovered it presumably, and alerted us all on MJKit with the post that is linked in the OP here. The "keep watchin" beat box in the TII trailer (at :18) wasn't discovered until sometime in 2010.

    That discovery confirmed it. MJ=back=MJ.

    Back predicted the 6/25 date in 2007. Back posted equations and series of numbers with his own brand of math and numerology. Back posted many times after 6/25/09. Late summer 2009, he deleted a whole bunch of his posts, with the total remaining post number reducing to 14 (608=14=7x7). Then shortly after TII came out he did it again, deleting about 100 more posts, leaving a post total that reduced to 7 (489=16=7). I wouldn't say he is gone from MJJC, he always posted infrequently, here n there, with many months in between posts. He last posted, to my knowledge, June-ish 2010. Seems everytime he posts, he deletes an old post, to ensure the post total adds to 7 or multiple of 7.

    Back was always an interesting character, considering the 6/25 prediction, the numerology, and the posts he made, but when the :18 Keep Watchin beat box in TII trailer was discovered, back became more then that. Back=MJ.
  • MJhunnyMJhunny Posts: 239
    @scorpion, you don't have to read 26 pages, just read the first post and follow all the links. Before you know it you'll spend 2 hours there and be fascinated every second. You owe it to yourself as a hoaxer to become familiar with back.

    No one knew about back except MJJC members until fall 2009, when a hoaxer discovered it presumably, and alerted us all on MJKit with the post that is linked in the OP here. The "keep watchin" beat box in the TII trailer (at :18) wasn't discovered until sometime in 2010.

    That discovery confirmed it. MJ=back=MJ.

    Back predicted the 6/25 date in 2007. Back posted equations and series of numbers with his own brand of math and numerology. Back posted many times after 6/25/09. Late summer 2009, he deleted a whole bunch of his posts, with the total remaining post number reducing to 14 (608=14=7x7). Then shortly after TII came out he did it again, deleting about 100 more posts, leaving a post total that reduced to 7 (489=16=7). I wouldn't say he is gone from MJJC, he always posted infrequently, here n there, with many months in between posts. He last posted, to my knowledge, June-ish 2010. Seems everytime he posts, he deletes an old post, to ensure the post total adds to 7 or multiple of 7.

    Back was always an interesting character, considering the 6/25 prediction, the numerology, and the posts he made, but when the :18 Keep Watchin beat box in TII trailer was discovered, back became more then that. Back=MJ.

    I was the proud discoverer of that little sneeky "keep watchin" in the trailer! I'm so glad we're looking into this again, originally not much was done with the info! Cheers! <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • Feeling guilty? for what?

    MJ had millions of people loving him, and he knew it.

    I surely don´t feel guilty. I always believed that MJ was innocent even if I did not shout in the streets or joined fan forums.

    Most of the people here want to know what happened to MJ. If we are mistaken and he is in deed dead, justice must be done. I don´t think that MJ injected himslef with propofol and I don´t think that Murray killed him either. But the result is that MJ is gone, that´s the end of the equation. Do we miss him? yes, why? every person will have their own theory, but the common factor is that Michael has been with us for decades, he is part of our lifes more than we are of his, that´s why, even after "dead", we stick around.

    Has nothing to do with guilt, has to do with love.

    Gema - Thank you for these words. They are my thoughts as well.

    I read in one of the posts above that the admin on the MJJC site knew Michael's user name. If that is the case then he would know if BACK were Michael, correct? And, since BACK posted after 6/25/09, the admin would also know if that were Michael. If I'm not mistake hasn't the admin squelched the hoax talk?

    Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    @scorpion, you don't have to read 26 pages, just read the first post and follow all the links. Before you know it you'll spend 2 hours there and be fascinated every second. You owe it to yourself as a hoaxer to become familiar with back.

    No one knew about back except MJJC members until fall 2009, when a hoaxer discovered it presumably, and alerted us all on MJKit with the post that is linked in the OP here. The "keep watchin" beat box in the TII trailer (at :18) wasn't discovered until sometime in 2010.

    That discovery confirmed it. MJ=back=MJ.

    Back predicted the 6/25 date in 2007. Back posted equations and series of numbers with his own brand of math and numerology. Back posted many times after 6/25/09. Late summer 2009, he deleted a whole bunch of his posts, with the total remaining post number reducing to 14 (608=14=7x7). Then shortly after TII came out he did it again, deleting about 100 more posts, leaving a post total that reduced to 7 (489=16=7). I wouldn't say he is gone from MJJC, he always posted infrequently, here n there, with many months in between posts. He last posted, to my knowledge, June-ish 2010. Seems everytime he posts, he deletes an old post, to ensure the post total adds to 7 or multiple of 7.

    Back was always an interesting character, considering the 6/25 prediction, the numerology, and the posts he made, but when the :18 Keep Watchin beat box in TII trailer was discovered, back became more then that. Back=MJ.

    Wow, I didn't know all this stuff. When I have the time I will read his posts. <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Yes and MJJC admin originally came out and said the Cascio tracks on Michael album were fake vocals... and then completely flip flopped on it a week later.
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    Okay, that's suspicious to say the least. One other thing: Does anyone have a clue why he stopped posting since june 2010?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Back never posted very often before either. I wouldn't say he has stopped...
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    Back never posted very often before either. I wouldn't say he has stopped...

    I guess I have to stay alert.I don't want to miss anything anymore. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I'm not really up to speed on Back either.

    I remember saying ages ago that the 'keep watchin' on the TII trailer just sounded like MJ skatting (especially with the 'ch' sound) like he does on many records (either that or I just can't hear clearly enough to know what he's saying!) Not saying it isn't him saying 'keep watchin' but not convinced either. I know our minds can allow us to hear what we want to hear.

    I also remember reading one of Back's posts that said something along the lines of 'forget about a comeback, it's a takeover', and not liking what that infered.

    Anyway I ought to go and read all these old posts of his to form a better opinion. I just hope I won't be wasting my time on an old attention seeker. It's bad enough trying to keep up with the current ones!
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    No it's clearly Keep Watchin.
  • allforloveallforlove Posts: 299
    No it's clearly Keep Watchin.

    729986912_m.gif <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Thank you Gina, Bec. I heard "keep watching", it is Michael whispering.
    I have to register to read "backs" ' posts.
    Gina, what you mean by "The funny part is that Back kept on posting EVEN AFTER June 25th 2009, BUT NOT TO THIS VERY DAY"? Is that a hoax site or just MJ's fans site? Why would hoax site (if it is) exist before June 25?
    Bec as far as I know Back's last post was about Ms. Katherine. He was very upset and said something about MJ who could never associate himself with a forum demeaning his Mother.

    I know after that Back stopped posting on MJJC.

    Today I was there to see his last posts but this one about Ms. Katherine was deleted or I couldn't find it. The post was made in June 2010.

    @Scorpion I just wanted to say that Back posted after Michael's death, so if Back was Michael = Michael is alive, because he posted after his own death.

    Back only posted on MJJC forum. As far as I know.
    I don't know why TR is using the same "keep watchin' ". Maybe because it sounds very well, it's like a motto, I also like it and I used to say "keep watchin' " just because I liked it.
    I found Back's last post on MJJC forum. I donm't know if he ever posted again after this but I doubt it.
    "I presume you have a Mother and Grandmother(s) somewhere in your lineage, or else you wouldn't exist. Bearing this in mind, why don't you think about them the next time you chose to demonstrate your ice-cold nature & approach towards Katherine Jackson.

    This issue is very much beyond a message board and recycling of responses...It's personal. I mean, really! There are various family members who frequent this board and that should come as a suprise to noone. So imagine the affect these constant, unchecked, verbal assaults are having on those who have reason to care for her. This very beautiful person should NEVER be subjected to such foolishness. NEVER--EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER----Dammit---EVER. Especially on a forum that ONCE stood on principle and supported Michael by also RESPECTING the ones he LOVED the most. Mr. Taylor, you should aknowledge that Michael would never have associated himself with any forum demeaning his mother. AT ALL..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Quite frankly, I could give 2 _ _ _ _ _ about an opinion regarding different ventures and issues of money. Relegate that opinion to a gas can and set a match to it! Perhaps Levin will "report" it.

    I've continiously warned that this repeated lambasting of Katherine will end in regret. 24/7 Pressure, do you know what it feels like? After losing a Son nearly a year ago, you're reminded of just how fragile any element of life can be. Then you find yourself facing the fact that your youngest Son just had a medical scare. Do you know what that feels like? That being compounded pressure. Do you?

    Imagine anyone questioning the character, sincerity, competence and motivation of YOUR Mother.

    What would you do?

    Unfortunately, for me, I think resolution to this issue will only happen face-to-face.

    Pleading has only fanned the flames!

    Keep WATCHIN'....... "
    This was Back's last post on MJJC and he never joined the site again. Looks like he was too angry to join that site again.
  • Kristina4LOVEKristina4LOVE Posts: 622
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    I found Back's last post on MJJC forum. I donm't know if he ever posted again after this but I doubt it.<br /><br />
    "I presume you have a Mother and Grandmother(s) somewhere in your lineage, or else you wouldn't exist. Bearing this in mind, why don't you think about them the next time you chose to demonstrate your ice-cold nature & approach towards Katherine Jackson. <br /><br />This issue is very much beyond a message board and recycling of responses...It's personal. I mean, really! There are various family members who frequent this board and that should come as a suprise to noone. So imagine the affect these constant, unchecked, verbal assaults are having on those who have reason to care for her. This very beautiful person should NEVER be subjected to such foolishness. NEVER--EVER-EVER-EVER-EVER----Dammit---EVER. Especially on a forum that ONCE stood on principle and supported Michael by also RESPECTING the ones he LOVED the most. Mr. Taylor, you should aknowledge that Michael would never have associated himself with any forum demeaning his mother. AT ALL..PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <br /><br />Quite frankly, I could give 2 _ _ _ _ _ about an opinion regarding different ventures and issues of money. Relegate that opinion to a gas can and set a match to it! Perhaps Levin will "report" it.<br /><br />I've continiously warned that this repeated lambasting of Katherine will end in regret. 24/7 Pressure, do you know what it feels like?After losing a Son nearly a year ago, you're reminded of just how fragile any element of life can be. Then you find yourself facing the fact that your youngest Son just had a medical scare. Do you know what that feels like? That being compounded pressure. Do you?<br /><br />Imagine anyone questioning the character, sincerity, competence and motivation of YOUR Mother.<br /><br />What would you do?<br /><br />Unfortunately, for me, I think resolution to this issue will only happen face-to-face.<br /><br />Pleading has only fanned the flames!<br /><br />Keep WATCHIN'....... "<br />This was Back's last post on MJJC and he never joined the site again. Looks like he was too angry to join that site again.
    <br /><br />According to this Back thought MJ was dead...Did Back ever post anything after June 25, 2009 that gave any indication that he thought MJ was still alive?
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    yes MDC, there are posts until 2010.  Here is one of the "BACK" s posts about Conrad Murray:<br /><br /><br />03-01-2010 05:53 AM #252 back <br /> View Profile  View Forum Posts  View Blog Entries  Visit Homepage  View Articles  Add as Contact<br /><br /><br />    Achievements:<br />
    <br />:Join Date:Apr 2005<br />Posts:489<br /><br />Points:4,868<br />Level:44 Re: Dr. Conrad Murray to Avoid Murder Charge? <br />Justice WILL be served on the<br /><br />perpetrators of this contrived circumstance.<br /><br />Michael Jackson very much deserves it.......and shall receive!<br /><br />It doesn't matter the time interval or smoke-screened projections and barriers erected to usurp this occurrence.<br />Etch it to stone.......They will face accountability!<br /><br />Perhaps the FEDs will feel so inclined to lend the LAPD another one of its "hands" in a matter that actually warrants it.<br /><br />perhaps.......<br /><br />Keep WATCHIN'.......  <br /><br /><br />KEEP--WATCHIN' Blog this Post        .<br />
    Actually in my opinion Back never said Michael is alive.<br />In fact in one post he says Michael is not with us anymore.<br /><br />"Of a tHeOrY or Vision <br />As one who embodies "vision" past 20/20, occurrences of the future are often "experienced". But many times this "experience" comes in the form of internal jolts, indicative of something of great significance. Séance hoaxes are not applicable.There are tIMEs when details are sparse, but abundant enough to "see" the grandness, just as it was in this magnetism towards the tHeOrY of sEVEN. <br /><br />Exit Angel Gabriel----enter Angel Michael<br /><br />Luke 1:36 <br /><br />"And in the sixth month the angel (Gabri)el was sent from God unto a city......<br />.........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph..."<br />And in the sixth month the angel (Micha)el was “statused” by God in a city...(of Angels)<br />.........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph.<br /><br />On 6-25-09, tIME took a literal backseat to the mOMENt. I could always "see" a Silhouette on a Grand-stage, once again taking over the World. Perhaps also parallel in holding to our proclamation that this was NOT a "comeback", but a take-over. This was it. And in a thunderous sense,
    it was. It just didn't dawn on me that that Grand Stage would be in the Heavens; A visual Staple-d to the Center of our minds for all eternity. <br /><br />Physically--no more, but with us in an eternal Angelic presence. We witnessed the beginning of this transfer on 7/7 of this historical year.<br /><br />As History has shown, reflected through the books and logics of many faiths, Prophets do and have walked amongst us. They have sometimes been Angels in the temporary casts of both tIME and human flesh. And in their allotted tIME, their purposes have most often been message DeLIVErance. <br /><br /><br />In the separation of major tIME factions in our planetary HiStory, specifically Birth of Christ (BC) To nearly 2009 years post his physical exit (AD), there's only one other Worldly figure that has been bestowed the powers to reach EVERY corner of the globe. And that Heavenly Gift was the Incomparable Michael Jackson. <br /><br />2+5, The days of Christ and Michael.<br /><br />Although many other Great Worldly figures, ranging from Martin to Mother Teresa, have graced this Earth with soul driven purposes that have benefited humanity, there have ONLY been two who have been subjected to literal crucifixions; before, during and after their deaths. And even in the face of these crucifixions, they both maintained hearts filled with love, sensitivity and care for all man/woman-kind. They carried rare emotional connections to and concerns for every single poor and sick person on the planet; Especially the children. They were in-tune with the necessary nurturance that this magnificent creation we inhabit requires for survival. They both never stopped giving and wanting to give more! They even carried compassion and hope for those who were consumed with evil and sought to do them both harm. An EXTREME rarity!<br /><br />Christ was the savior of lives once as a physical being <br />So too was Michael Jackson.<br />I’m sure there are “many” here on this very board who can attest to that. My word itself does not have to be taken as conclusive. The proof will be provided through acknowledgement.<br /><br />Throughout the decades of the modern tIMEs we live, many Great figures have suffered untIMEly demises. Deep reflection of these occurrences will or should give you great pause. The easiest approach up until about 20 years ago was always by the bullet. What changed the trend? Well, along came awareness, suspicion, and non-acceptance of "stories" that carry potholes in logic. Thus, it demanded a necessity for more elaborate plans of execution that are now used as a means of thwarting the full truth. This process had to be in magnification ten fold in order to end the physical existence of the most famous person walking this Earth. Many OTHER attempts had failed, even though they left enormous wounds. You see, evil always goes for the jugular by attacking a person's greatest strength. Michael Jackson's greatest strength was pure love. The antagonist of such a principle is hate. So they used that pure love and coupled it with another of his strengths towards healing and caring for sick children to formulate perhaps the most wickedly contrived fiction in history. The goal was to create the most egregious of perceptions and marvel with pleasure and amusement at its historically noted difficulty to disprove. But I'm of the vision that this stain too shall be removed in due course. In fact, I have intuition that the subject of the first narrative has already, years ago, righted that wrong behind the scenes. For that individual or even those of his acquaintance, who are ambivalent about the “open” approach & legalities, these initials (T-M) are your "key". Trust ME!<br /><br />Though the hands of tIME still move incrementally, tick-tock, tick-tock, it is quickly running thin on the 2 decade long, elaborate planning that culminated in this execution. I can now understand that "vision" of 6/25/06 relapse", with CLARITY. This is no conspiracy theory! However, believe as you may. But believing and knowing--- are two different things. <br /><br /><br />Arms, wrist and feet. Bludgeoned through the veins. <br />Arms, wrist and feet, Poisoned through the veins. <br />Two different Kings, with different Reigns.<br />And The End result shall be the same.<br /><br />JUSTICE........For it is already written!<br /><br />And shall be illUMINATED! (E. Chandler— I hope you left proper notice repenting---the inferno awaits and you shall become a believer in what you didn’t before. HELL is your EQUALIZER. You’ve earned it!<br /><br />“With all the ingredients—is it Simmering---can you smell it—how long before the “pie” is done.” – As many have realized, IT would have been greatness to an infinite degree.<br /><br />Mr. Jackson--- you know I still have your back--- until my end.<br />Connected<br /><br />KEEP Watchin'.......<br />"This is my planet. You're ONE of Us" --- The Greatest  <br />KEEP--WATCHIN'  "<br /><br />I can hardly understand something of this post but he says Michael is dead.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I think he says "PHYSICALLY NOT HERE" means for PEOPLE not for real since he is in hiding.
    Did you read his post about Conrad I posted above where he wrote in "present' tense about MJ?
    Whoever it is, he is an intelligent person and I enjoy having conversation with this type of people, esp. face-to-face. He is very angry about Katherine post and he says "losing a son year ago" associated with feelings how would the person feel losing its child. How he can be sure how Katherine feels if she was able go shopping in June 29 and was not looking a person with eyes cried out of grief. Sorry, that's what all see. This part is strange, maybe associated with keeping hoax in secret.
    Could "back" be one of MJ brothers or sisters? Sorry, but I don't think they can write posts of this level of intelligence, IMO.MAYBE Janet......... ONE OF THE "BACK"POSTS ENDS "MICHAEL, YOU KNOW YOU ALAWAYS HAVE MY BACK"..
    But Michael is different and special though, it looks more Michael. He might sometimes post expressions to avoid thoughts that it can MJ.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I'm not really up to speed on Back either.

    I remember saying ages ago that the 'keep watchin' on the TII trailer just sounded like MJ skatting (especially with the 'ch' sound) like he does on many records (either that or I just can't hear clearly enough to know what he's saying!) Not saying it isn't him saying 'keep watchin' but not convinced either. I know our minds can allow us to hear what we want to hear.

    I also remember reading one of Back's posts that said something along the lines of 'forget about a comeback, it's a takeover', and not liking what that infered.

    Anyway I ought to go and read all these old posts of his to form a better opinion. I just hope I won't be wasting my time on an old attention seeker. It's bad enough trying to keep up with the current ones!

    Exactly curls. I do not hear Michael saying "Keep watching" there. And if we believe what this person says, we must forget the come back. He says that there will be no come back because this is a take over.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    ok, now i have to ask this: what is a comeback? what is a takeover?
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    Let's not give anyone idea...... You know some attention-seeker will be signing up trying to sound like BACK....wait a minute......... <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669

    Let's not give anyone idea...... You know some attention-seeker will be signing up trying to sound like BACK....wait a minute......... <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->

    Stranger can't write as intelligent posts as "black" did. The difference will be obvious, no worries.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    ok, now i have to ask this: what is a comeback? what is a takeover?

    I would assume it means - Michael is not going to come back because by hoaxing death, he fooled his enemies and leeches (take over) that were sucking his blood and money.

    @Pure Love, are you serious that you don't hear whisper? I clearly hear "Keep Watching".
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    Let's not give anyone idea...... You know some attention-seeker will be signing up trying to sound like BACK....wait a minute......... <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- sfresse/ -->fresse/<!-- sfresse/ --> <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->

    Stranger can't write as intelligent posts as "black" did. The difference will be obvious, no worries.

    You're is obvious. Happy Saturday to you all. <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->
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