Official back & Front thread



  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I used to think the new 7 day theory had something to do with the 70 days between hoax events that we were witnessing in 2009 and 2010. Now 2011 rolls around and the 70 day cycle appears to be broken... but as with everything, time will tell.

    We were rolling right along until: 5/25/11 aka the 700th day of hoax or the end of the 10th 70 day cycle. As near as I could tell, no event occurred large enough and important enough to designate a cycle ending and another beginning... at least to my knowledge and in my opinion.

    5/26/11 started the 11th 70 day cycle which ends 8/3/11, aka the 770th day of hoax.

    So we are within an interesting period, perhaps an important one, but who knows? Maybe it's all my imagination.

    Front just said xx days + __ for simmering... which is different then he's said before; 7 does not = xx, does it?

    The problem with math gymnastics (great term curls) is that it is difficult to use the formulas independently... it's not always predictable or reproducible without the master's hand (and brain) leading the way. Regular math is infinity reproducible; forwards, backwards, etc, the result is always the same, and is therefore predictable; the rules never change. Back's math seems to be flexible, and the rules can change as the situation warrants; whether you add (+) or subtract (-) depends on ?? The goal is to create or find 7s.

    I have a feeling we don't have all the information yet. Front's most recent post lends suggestion to that thought. It's so cliche at this point but I feel we have to choice BUT to keep watching to learn more.

    Ps. I too see no point in endless identity speculation. It's as if everyone is falling all over each other to state on the record that THEY do NOT believe and so therefore at some later date in the future will be able to PROVE that THEY were NOT fooled. Well whatever, I believe, and I'm going on the record. Will I look foolish at some later date? Oh god who cares at this point.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Perfection is the Child of Time.
    I guess only time will tell, and imperfection is what's obvious while we wait the full completion of time.

    My post on Michael and Religious Symbolism has everything to do with assessing Back's posts epecially the 7DT one about 6/25/09.

    Sarahli, you wanted to discuss Back's post:
    ""Exit Angel Gabriel----enter Angel Michael

    Luke 1:36

    "And in the sixth month the angel (Gabri)el was sent from God unto a city......
    .........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph..."
    And in the sixth month the angel (Micha)el was “statused” by God in a city...(of Angels)
    .........espoused to a man whose name was Joseph. "
    Just like Back doesn't follow math rules (like MJ in the funny clip), neither does he follow linguistics rules but does his own thing, which makes it extrememely difficult to understand. Well the first thing I noticed was that it is Luke 1:26, not 36. Hmm...but maybe he has a reason for that who knows. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> This is also why Back's style is so difficult to mimic--he thinks in a disjointed sort of way, (sorry) like a prophetic madman. <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> Again that is a protection to the Back brand.
    He's got the 2 angel's names that say God -(el) separated. It seems to me he's comparing Bethlehem the city Gabriel was sent to, and Los Angeles as the city Michael was sent to <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> . The first was Mary espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, but the second implies it is Katherine espoused to a man whose name was Joseph. The rest of Back's post which talks of comparisons between Michael Jackson and Christ and angel Michael is so confusing and hard to decipher. Personally I feel that if Back were Michael the first statement about messages being received in "jolts" implies that he is communicating with God about things, but that the things were not entirely clear to him either, since he says at one point,
    As one who embodies "vision" past 20/20, occurrences of the future are often "experienced". But many times this "experience" comes in the form of internal jolts, indicative of something of great significance. Séance hoaxes are not applicable.There are tIMEs when details are sparse, but abundant enough to "see" the grandness, just as it was in this magnetism towards the tHeOrY of sEVEN.
    On 6-25-09, tIME took a literal backseat to the mOMENt. I could always "see" a Silhouette on a Grand-stage, once again taking over the World. Perhaps also parallel in holding to our proclamation that this was NOT a "comeback", but a take-over. This was it. And in a thunderous sense,
    it was. It just didn't dawn on me that that Grand Stage would be in the Heavens; A visual Staple-d to the Center of our minds for all eternity.
    Following are 2 other discussions on that Back post, and Wiki on the 2 angels mentioned. Somewhere buried in the entire message to me, or the hidden picture embedded in the overall jumble of images is a message of MJ's messianic purposes. I feel this is deliberate, and the lyrics in many of Michael's own songs, reflect this same style.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=174&t=18786&p=325095&hilit=statused#p325095<!-- l -->
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    <!-- m --><!-- m -->)
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    FACTS vs. ILLusion…….<br /><br />By listening, one will learn truths.<br />By hearing, one will only learn half truths.<br />By watching, one will learn to decipher between the two. <br /><br /><br />TRUTH.......<br /><br />".....But first I will tell you what is written in the Book of Truth. <br />No one supports me against them....<br />except Michael, your Prince"----(King).<br />---- Daniel 10:21<br /><br /><br />A VISION.........<br /><br />"At that time Michael shall stand up…...the great prince (King) who stands watch(ing)……<br />And there shall be a time of trouble…..<br />And at that time……" ---Daniel 12:1<br /><br /><br />…deLIVEerance! <br /><br />"Michael in contending with the dEVIL…..<br />dared not bring against him a reviling accusation……" -Jude 9<br /><br /><br />REVELATION...... <<<justice prevails.<br /><br />"War broke out in heaven….Michael and his angels fought with the dragons and his angels ---but they did NOT prevail…" ---Revelation 12:7-8<br /><br /><br />They say History repeats itself; it's already written.<br /><br /><br />"We're takin' over, we have the TRUTH<br />This IS the Mission."
    The Greatest (on Hiatus)
    <br /><br />Archangel Michael:<br />
    Canonical New Testament<br /><br />In the Epistle of Jude St Michael disputes with the Devil over the body of Moses.[22] In the Book of Revelation "...there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. The great dragon was hurled down - that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray. He was hurled to the earth, and his angels with him."[23] Saint John describes Satan being thrown out of heaven three and a half years from the end of the age, "a time, times and half a time".[24] Satan being thrown from heaven coincides with the "abomination that causes desolation" spoken of by Daniel.[25] In Catholic teachings, Saint Michael will also triumph at the end times when he defeats Antichrist.[26] The Book of Daniel (12:1) states: "At that time Michael, the great prince who protects your people, will arise."[21]
    <br /><!-- m --><!-- m --><br /><br />Gabriel is worth looking at too <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    <br />FrenchBraid, I appreciate your healthy scepticism and caution to avoid disappointment at being deceived, but in 2 years I have not come across really any others besides TS, Michael, BACK and FRONT really pushing the Michael Jackson as earth 'savior' and Biblical end of the world stuff. Almost nobody is discussing this stuff you will find on this 8 pages long very detailed thread on 'Michael Jackson and Religious Symbolism',  <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=144&t=14516<!-- l --> and several other long detailed threads. Most either think it is art, ignore it or jest with it if they are atheists/non religious, treat it as blasphemous or merely pointing to Jesus (IMO clearly not) if they are Christians. BACK and FRONT are in my mind clearly dealing with sensitive subjects that I don't know who else would flaunt in your face as they do. It's not just the cursing and colorful speech that sets it apart.
    <br /><br />just curious do you guys see ts talking about these connections in the same way as back and front?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I'm missing of kindness and intelligence of TS!

    We can not deny that he was the most convincing to date, is not it?

    Souza, Doesn't he no more spoken to you? <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Well he hasn't logged in after May 1, so no I haven't talked to him either. To be honest: I think TS won't come back until after the bam. I think he has given us all the info he needed us to have. One of the few questions remaining is when bamsday will be, and he is not going to give us that on a silver plate. In fact, I think he already gave us something so we could figure it out, but I'm not so sure we will.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Souza you have something against housewives <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?

    Actually Front's advice to never ASSume anything is not that bad, even TS told us to try to find at least 2 good arguments to sustain a theory.

    I don't think Front really meant it about the whippin', I took it as a joke.....I would say more but I better shut up NOW <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->

    I didn't say housewives, I said DESPERATE housewives. It's a certain type that I can't stand, no.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

    TS_comments didn't log in since he posted the last TIAI, so it seems.
    TS didn't log in since april.
    But this is not relevant. He can be here under another username.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    TS_comments didn't log in since he posted the last TIAI, so it seems.
    TS didn't log in since april.
    But this is not relevant. He can be here under another username.
    Quietly reading--waiting---on Michael's command. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->
    suspicious mind
    just curious do you guys see ts talking about these connections in the same way as back and front?
    I know you were probably wanting other's thoughts and not mine again, but I just wanted to say that I found the same "spiritual" message particularly in TS's scriptural redirects and his list of the death hoax purposes (also throughout). Since I already had my basic theory of Michael and the hoax long before TIAI even came along, it seemed to me that everything TS said verified it, though I was constantly adding to and refining it. It's also why I kept thinking TS was Michael because what he said so matched everything I had learned that far, only TS's writing style was so formal and succinct. But I know many here interpret the overall "message" that Michael, BACK and TS are saying in various different ways and are also very confident they are right. That's why we're here, to compare thoughts and ideas, and even FRONT said we should interpret as we think, since we each come from different backgrounds and ways of thinking. What seems so very obvious to me and a very few others, but not to the majority is what confuses me, so I think maybe I'm crazy and deluded. <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ -->
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    TS_comments didn't log in since he posted the last TIAI, so it seems.
    TS didn't log in since april.
    But this is not relevant. He can be here under another username.
    Quietly reading--waiting---on Michael's command. <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->
    suspicious mind
    just curious do you guys see ts talking about these connections in the same way as back and front?
    I know you were probably wanting other's thoughts and not mine again, but I just wanted to say that I found the same "spiritual" message particularly in TS's scriptural redirects and his list of the death hoax purposes (also throughout). Since I already had my basic theory of Michael and the hoax long before TIAI even came along, it seemed to me that everything TS said verified it, though I was constantly adding to and refining it. It's also why I kept thinking TS was Michael because what he said so matched everything I had learned that far, only TS's writing style was so formal and succinct. But I know many here interpret the overall "message" that Michael, BACK and TS are saying in various different ways and are also very confident they are right. That's why we're here, to compare thoughts and ideas, and even FRONT said we should interpret as we think, since we each come from different backgrounds and ways of thinking. What seems so very obvious to me and a very few others, but not to the majority is what confuses me, so I think maybe I'm crazy and deluded. <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ -->

    all input is valuable. i just do not know enough about micheal to decide anything for sure. i will just probably keep watching along with everyone else and see what pans out. i would say we all look at it with our preconcieved notions and no one is probably going to experience like a major conversion or anything. jmo
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Who thinks that bad language is "manly" or an expression of "being someone important" or thinks this is something "cool" is coquetting with the undisciplined and weak and not with the relevant.

    I am observing a loss of "awakeness".

    Too much detergent and too little water does result in a loss of colour.
    Would you allow everybody to take your personal underwear to the laundrette?
    So why do you allow this wash then?

    "Water.... water..."

    i would also like to add...

    Please allow me to introduce myself jh33VRM837596723.gif
    Im a man of wealth and taste
    Ive been around for a long, long year <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
    Stole many a mans soul and faith

    And I was round when jesus christ
    Had his moment of doubt and pain
    Made damn sure that pilate
    Washed his hands and sealed his fate

    Pleased to meet you <!-- sbeerchug -->beerchug<!-- sbeerchug -->
    Hope you guess my name <!-- srr/ -->rr/<!-- srr/ -->
    But what's puzzling you <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
    Is the nature of my game jh33VRM837596723.gif

  • Who thinks that bad language is "manly" or an expression of "being someone important" or thinks this is something "cool" is coquetting with the undisciplined and weak and not with the relevant.

    I am observing a loss of "awakeness".

    Too much detergent and too little water does result in a loss of colour.
    Would you allow everybody to take your personal underwear to the laundrette?
    So why do you allow this wash then?

    "Water.... water..."
    <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug --> Amen Grace!
    And Souza thank you for being wary all the time
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    just as another one of my curiosities did back mention in any of his post the noi involvement with michael during the trial time pro or con? just wondering did he address it at all?
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Thank you MJonmind for your comment.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I used to think the new 7 day theory had something to do with the 70 days between hoax events that we were witnessing in 2009 and 2010. Now 2011 rolls around and the 70 day cycle appears to be broken... but as with everything, time will tell.

    We were rolling right along until: 5/25/11 aka the 700th day of hoax or the end of the 10th 70 day cycle. As near as I could tell, no event occurred large enough and important enough to designate a cycle ending and another beginning... at least to my knowledge and in my opinion.

    5/26/11 started the 11th 70 day cycle which ends 8/3/11, aka the 770th day of hoax.

    So we are within an interesting period, perhaps an important one, but who knows? Maybe it's all my imagination.

    Front just said xx days + __ for simmering... which is different then he's said before; 7 does not = xx, does it?

    Thanks for your thoughts Bec. So no real explanation was ever given in any of Back's posts? Haha, did I really expect there would've been?! Back to just watching again then .... seeing as any speculation invariably involves a heavy dose of assumption!
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I don't get why people jump to conclusions so fast before they wait and see what someone is really saying. Does it really matter who the person is as long as what he writes worths reading and thinking about. I'm not a math expert and get lost if someone doesn't explain the calculation and what the numbers are for and my english fails me to understand the cryptic messages but still I'm watching out this thread with a big interest. Being cautious is good but it shouldn't make you ignore or reject the person so soon. Wait and see. Before you make probably false assumptions, maybe it is better to be patient. Remember; All good things come to those who wait.
    Do you follow your own instructions selectively, PureLove?:)
    Do I have to be bound to be someone who writes cryptic messages for you to stop making false (silly:)) acussations about me?
    Or should I post my PMs with Heartphantom for all the people to see what a silly girl you really are?:)

    I hate being offtopic, folks and Iam sorry but I just don't understand this lady at all. She seems to be a lil bit obsessed with me lately and keeps accusing me of some really stupid things that have nothing to do with reality:)

    It seems like you want to get into a catfight with me heart/jentle but you will not get what you want. Every single person on this forum can easily see the truth about you. You're too negative and need someone to back you up and support you all the time and that's why you created more than one account. I'm fed up with your lies and negativity. Stay away from me and the threads I create because I don't want to see your negative posts all the time. You do not have a right to annoy people like this. You annoy me all the time but at least don't do this to everyone on the forum.
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    I'm missing of kindness and intelligence of TS!

    We can not deny that he was the most convincing to date, is not it?

    Souza, Doesn't he no more spoken to you? <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Well he hasn't logged in after May 1, so no I haven't talked to him either. To be honest: I think TS won't come back until after the bam. I think he has given us all the info he needed us to have. One of the few questions remaining is when bamsday will be, and he is not going to give us that on a silver plate. In fact, I think he already gave us something so we could figure it out, but I'm not so sure we will.

    That must be it, Souza.
    I remember that in the last post,TS said that if we have reply about the trial (fake or sting), we would also reply to other levels. So to me it means that whatever the option, the FBI is involved and participated in the arrangement of all events, then no matter the means, what counts here is the final result.
    When we go to the topic of May 1, we see many interesting responses, which can reach a good theory. More details, perhaps we never will.
    I think that added to the fact that TS has nothing more to say and we were also quite rude to him, maybe he does not more want to come here.
    It is a shame because the game was more fun and exciting with him.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I'm missing of kindness and intelligence of TS!

    We can not deny that he was the most convincing to date, is not it?

    Souza, Doesn't he no more spoken to you? <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Well he hasn't logged in after May 1, so no I haven't talked to him either. To be honest: I think TS won't come back until after the bam. I think he has given us all the info he needed us to have. One of the few questions remaining is when bamsday will be, and he is not going to give us that on a silver plate. In fact, I think he already gave us something so we could figure it out, but I'm not so sure we will.

    That must be it, Souza.
    I remember that in the last post,TS said that if we have reply about the trial (fake or sting), we would also reply to other levels. So to me it means that whatever the option, the FBI is involved and participated in the arrangement of all events, then no matter the means, what counts here is the final result.
    When we go to the topic of May 1, we see many interesting responses, which can reach a good theory. More details, perhaps we never will.
    I think that added to the fact that TS has nothing more to say and we were also quite rude to him, maybe he does not more want to come here.
    It is a shame because the game was more fun and exciting with him.

    I do believe that TS will be back when the trial begins. I do remember him saying, "I won't be posting too much till the trial begins" or did he say "You will be busy enough with the trial, so I won't be posting much"? Which one was it? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Sorry for the off topic but i don't think TS left because of the rude people..maybe it's all in his agenda.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    I'm missing of kindness and intelligence of TS!

    We can not deny that he was the most convincing to date, is not it?

    Souza, Doesn't he no more spoken to you? <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Well he hasn't logged in after May 1, so no I haven't talked to him either. To be honest: I think TS won't come back until after the bam. I think he has given us all the info he needed us to have. One of the few questions remaining is when bamsday will be, and he is not going to give us that on a silver plate. In fact, I think he already gave us something so we could figure it out, but I'm not so sure we will.

    That must be it, Souza.
    I remember that in the last post,TS said that if we have reply about the trial (fake or sting), we would also reply to other levels. So to me it means that whatever the option, the FBI is involved and participated in the arrangement of all events, then no matter the means, what counts here is the final result.
    When we go to the topic of May 1, we see many interesting responses, which can reach a good theory. More details, perhaps we never will.
    I think that added to the fact that TS has nothing more to say and we were also quite rude to him, maybe he does not more want to come here.
    It is a shame because the game was more fun and exciting with him.

    I do believe that TS will be back when the trial begins. I do remember him saying, "I won't be posting too much till the trial begins" or did he say "You will be busy enough with the trial, so I won't be posting much"? Which one was it? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    i may be wrong but i think he gave the hoax trial/ sting trial question to hopefully have figured out before the trial as we would be busy getting new info during the trial , if i remember correctly. but then again perhaps he said more than one thing and that is why it is hard for us to put our finger on which. then i could be confused because i thought there would be no more updates until the bam. but then again we went from ts and tiai to ts comments sometime in the interum so wow. that ts is a hard dude to keep up with. <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ -->
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I'm missing of kindness and intelligence of TS!

    We can not deny that he was the most convincing to date, is not it?

    Souza, Doesn't he no more spoken to you? <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Well he hasn't logged in after May 1, so no I haven't talked to him either. To be honest: I think TS won't come back until after the bam. I think he has given us all the info he needed us to have. One of the few questions remaining is when bamsday will be, and he is not going to give us that on a silver plate. In fact, I think he already gave us something so we could figure it out, but I'm not so sure we will.

    That must be it, Souza.
    I remember that in the last post,TS said that if we have reply about the trial (fake or sting), we would also reply to other levels. So to me it means that whatever the option, the FBI is involved and participated in the arrangement of all events, then no matter the means, what counts here is the final result.
    When we go to the topic of May 1, we see many interesting responses, which can reach a good theory. More details, perhaps we never will.
    I think that added to the fact that TS has nothing more to say and we were also quite rude to him, maybe he does not more want to come here.
    It is a shame because the game was more fun and exciting with him.

    I do believe that TS will be back when the trial begins. I do remember him saying, "I won't be posting too much till the trial begins" or did he say "You will be busy enough with the trial, so I won't be posting much"? Which one was it? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    i may be wrong but i think he gave the hoax trial/ sting trial question to hopefully have figured out before the trial as we would be busy getting new info during the trial , if i remember correctly.

    Yes, you're right suspicious. And he wrote that he won't be posting much during the trial. So, Souza can be right and TS probably won't post till the BAM or maybe he never posts again. He disappeared in a 'mysterious' way. We'll wait and see what happens.
  • curls, I stopped researching all this a long time ago and have deleted all my notes so some of this is hazy. The interpretation of the NEW 7 Day Theory came with BACK's cryptic reference to Tupac's album The Don Killuminati, The 7 Day Theory.

    Here is a wiki blurb to explain -
    While incarcerated in Clinton Correctional Facility, Shakur read and studied Niccolò Machiavelli and other published works, which inspired his pseudonym "Makaveli" under which he released the record album The Don Killuminati: The 7 Day Theory. The album presents a stark contrast to previous works. Throughout the album, Shakur continues to focus on the themes of pain and aggression, making this album one of the emotionally darker works of his career. Shakur wrote and recorded all the lyrics in only three days and the production took another four days, combining for a total of seven days to complete the album (hence the name).

    The rumours about Tupac faking his death to fool his enemies are well documented urban legend. But what was even more interesting was the link to Machievelli, who was ALSO rumoured to have faked his death at one time during his life because in his most famous work titled The Prince he advocated deception "in order to fool one's enemies". But of course this is not proven, it's just a lot of speculation.

    So with some of BACK's more cryptic posts about future history books, not a comeback but a takeover, the world will tremble and so on, coupled with the relapse to 6/25/2006 post - the interpretation of the NEW 7 day theory was that MJ faked his death too. We saw what happened - the world did tremble and Google had a meltdown on 25th June 2009. The media went into overdrive for weeks afterwards - Larry King Live featured MJ every night without a break for nearly FIVE weeks! I doubt there is another living person who could hold the media's attention for that long after their death. We're still waiting on what the "future history books" are going to say because it's not over yet. Will the earth rock one more time and the internet crash and the media go haywire? Only time will tell.

    After reading BACK's posts that he made following the release of the court documents, it's clear the NEW 7 Day Theory was NOT about an album. Far from it. However ALL of it, every single cryptic post is open to interpretation based on what you want to believe, especially the last one about the N7DT, where BACK posted he was wrong and that MJ really died.
  • FrontFront Posts: 155
    SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

    That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

    tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

    uhmmm…I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that……….

    <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    p.s. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
  • SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

    That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

    tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

    uhmmm…I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that……….

    <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    p.s. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->
    Re: For those of you losing faith, take a look "BACK" shall

    Postby Front » Sat Jun 11, 2011 6:21 pm
    The sun will rise again, bigger and brighter, emblazoned in gold…like a beacon whose physical existence was provisionally "extinguished"…but never forgotten. Those "flames" are the heart of the passionate inferno of resurgence that awaits. Some things are not meant to be ascertained but to be envisaged through delicate whispers. Just as the Earth is sure to rotate on its axis, the resurrection of a true King will indeed proclaim Hi(s)Story…and the truth shall be heard in ALL corners of the Earth. Momentarily, the world will quake, for there will be a cosmic shift in "dogma". Time is of the essence, but patience is a viture in [r]evolutionary milestones. Until then, from beyond the gates of that KINGdom----> whispers shall be heard…………….

    relapse back to Aug 25 2006……….today's post, Jun 11 2011

    21---> 7+7+7
    13+8=21---> 7+7+7

    and so the Theory of 7 continues.................

    So more information will be given August 10th or August 11th?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    SERIOUSLY! if suspicions were entirely absent, there would DEFINITELY be something mentally askew with that picture. A circumspect approach will harvest the most profitable rewards, to those who use said approach, when the seeds that are "planted" come to fruition.

    That said, I guess some people didn't sense the humor & sarcasm in my previous post. Perhaps it hasn't "simmered" long enough yet. 60-day old chili, anyone? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Remember these numbers---if you don't, your understanding of the 7DT will be irretrievable and you will be perpetually "BAM"-boozled as you try to comprehend events and the why's, when's, how's, etc. etc. etc.

    tuck them away in a dark, safe place in the BACK of your memory banks. Jun 11 2011 post + 60 days (+1 day of Simmering), resurrect them----> to the FRONT. My presence here may be scarce from now until then.

    uhmmm…I VAGUELY recall seeing some posts touching on the subject of how it's "possible" that meticulously planned events/dates, such as the Pure Genius that we are dealing with here in the wake of 6-25-09, "MIGHT" not have been in the planning stages for an extensive period of time. Please allow me to state my opinion on that……….

    <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: -->

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    p.s. <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    I can't see a thing in those numbers. Maybe you could be so kind to at least give us a chance to understand them?

    And yes, I do see the humor and sarcasm, but others don't.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    TS_comments didn't log in since he posted the last TIAI, so it seems.
    TS didn't log in since april.
    But this is not relevant. He can be here under another username.

    Or as a guest most probably.
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    I can't see a thing in those numbers. Maybe you could be so kind to at least give us a chance to understand them?


    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Maybe it's a phone number? This is starting to look more and more like those "escape the room" games with all the codes, can someone post a walkthrough?
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