Official back & Front thread



  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I don't understand you bec. We are all here because we have chosen to be here, nobody forced us, if we are angry at ourselves for being addicted, we should own that. And obviously there is emotional investment from us all, saying the contrary would be a lie, so please don't say that some of us are not emotionally involved just because we prefer to stay positive. No matter how hard the Hoax journey is, one thing is certain, it is way more difficult for Michael than for anyone else.
    You ask to have answers but it is not possible to have them. This Hoax is not a just a game there are serious issues going on, so it should come to mind that Michael's enemies are reading and ready to have any glimpse of information that could possibly put him in danger. This is all for safety reasons, so we can't selfishly ask that answers are given to us on a silver plate. We are not supposed to have it all right, this is not a race nor a competition, we're all in this together.
  • I don't understand you bec. We are all here because we have chosen to be here, nobody forced us, if we are angry at ourselves for being addicted, we should own that. And obviously there is emotional investment from us all, saying the contrary would be a lie, so please don't say that some of us are not emotionally involved just because we prefer to stay positive. No matter how hard the Hoax journey is, one thing is certain, it is way more difficult for Michael than for anyone else.
    You ask to have answers but it is not possible to have them. This Hoax is not a just a game there are serious issues going on, so it should come to mind that Michael's enemies are reading and ready to have any glimpse of information that could possibly put him in danger. This is all for safety reasons, so we can't selfishly ask that answers are given to us on a silver plate. We are not supposed to have it all right, this is not a race nor a competition, we're all in this together.

    Very well said Sarahli.. I have been saying this for a long time. What if the people who are after him is reading out posts, and then what? I think we should let it be, not pressure anyone. I may go to the Jermaine concert on June 24 in Toronto, I would love to speak with him, I think I may just say hi, if I get the occasion and that is it. Even if I will ask him he will denie it. So let Michael come out on his own term. We are all addicted to this hoax, starting from me. I am a pshychologist, and I am trying to find out what is wrong with me for spending so much time into this forum. I am a busy person, I have my carreer, and I am a mother, why am I always drawn to this forum.. Is it curiosity, I want to know Michael is alive, Why is I do not accept my intuitions that he is alive, why is it that I need to have it in writting, or visualise that he is alive. My intuitions should be enough. What do we really know about Michael? We know he is a humanitarian, a wonderful human being that wouldn't hurt a fly.. This is what he portrayed, how about he had a secret that he did not want anyone to know. What I am trying to say is that we do not know a person even if we lived with that person. We do not know Michael 100%. So it could be Michael put himself into a predigament that he couldn't get out of and he had to fake his death. I am only speculating. Blessings
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    JMO, but if this is about safety concerns then Front/Back/Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Inside/Outside, or whatever his name is, should have just let it be. Wouldn’t that have made more sense if he was on MJ’s side? If one is to believe that MJ is in danger then one must immediately question the motives of Front.

    Ever heard the old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink? Yeah… me too. The only problem with this saying is it doesn’t take into consideration a horse who is thirsty/starving. If the horse is starving or thirsty enough for water it will drink anything, even to it’s own detriment. It makes it easy, for those who are doing the leading, to lead the horse straight to the poison.

    So Front/Back/Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Inside/Outside or whoever you are, even if you’re Michael Jackson himself, take note that you are leading people who are starving for the truth, as well as the end of this mess, and check your behavior accordingly. If you are on the up and up and are leading people to the truth then more power to you. However, if you are messing with us…well there are not enough expletives in any language to cover how I feel, so I'll just let that be for now. And don't you worry, I can and do think for myself. Which is exactly why I will not follow someone I don't know blindly, especially you. You can also be sure I will definitely be watching...though after 2 years of the same scenery I'm starting to get cranky. rant JMO, YMMV, and all that disclaimer jazz.
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    JMO, but if this is about safety concerns then Front/Back/Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Inside/Outside, or whatever his name is, should have just let it be. Wouldn’t that have made more sense if he was on MJ’s side? If one is to believe that MJ is in danger then one must immediately question the motives of Front.

    Ever heard the old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink? Yeah… me too. The only problem with this saying is it doesn’t take into consideration a horse who is thirsty/starving. If the horse is starving or thirsty enough for water it will drink anything, even to it’s own detriment. It makes it easy, for those who are doing the leading, to lead the horse straight to the poison.

    So Front/Back/Left/Right/Top/Bottom/Inside/Outside or whoever you are, even if you’re Michael Jackson himself, take note that you are leading people who are starving for the truth, as well as the end of this mess, and check your behavior accordingly. If you are on the up and up and are leading people to the truth then more power to you. However, if you are messing with us…well there are not enough expletives in any language to cover how I feel, so I'll just let that be for now. And don't you worry, I can and do think for myself. Which is exactly why I will not follow someone I don't know blindly, especially you. You can also be sure I will definitely be watching...though after 2 years of the same scenery I'm starting to get cranky. rant JMO, YMMV, and all that disclaimer jazz.

    wonderful post <!-- sparty/ -->party/<!-- sparty/ --> <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> <!-- sbeerchug -->beerchug<!-- sbeerchug --> make mine virgin
    Ever heard the old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink? Yeah… me too. The only problem with this saying is it doesn’t take into consideration a horse who is thirsty/starving. If the horse is starving or thirsty enough for water it will drink anything, even to it’s own detriment. It makes it easy, for those who are doing the leading, to lead the horse straight to the poison.

    Poison? Front made me feel good and happy. Was I wrong to feel good? Is he a faker? Is he geniune? We can't prove neither of these. At least not yet. Innocent until proven guilty should apply in his case as well.

    As about what we feel.......We are adults here. We know better it is a possibility that ALL THESE are a big lie, yet we made a choise to believe but some of us want to be proven right all the time, it's a sort like they can't lose over an idea. Is it that bad to be wrong sometimes? I think making THAT change also means to be strong enough to admit when you are wrong.We can learn better from mistakes. OK maybe I talk nonsense to others here...

    The fact is I like Front and I want him/her to be here with us. Unfortunately I see he left for the moment.
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    <br />Ever heard the old saying, you can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink? Yeah… me too. The only problem with this saying is it doesn’t take into consideration a horse who is thirsty/starving.  If the horse is starving or thirsty enough for water it will drink anything, even to it’s own detriment. It makes it easy, for those who are doing the leading, to lead the horse straight to the poison.  <br /><br />
    <br /><br />Poison? Front made me feel good and happy. Was I wrong to feel good? Is he a faker? Is he geniune? We can't prove neither of these. At least not yet. Innocent until proven guilty should apply in his case as well.<br /><br />As about what we feel.......We are adults here. We know better it is a possibility that ALL THESE are a big lie, yet we made a choise to believe but some of us want to be proven right all the time, it's a sort like they can't lose over an idea. Is it that bad to be wrong sometimes? I think making THAT change also means to be strong enough to admit when you are wrong.We can learn better from mistakes. OK  maybe I talk nonsense to others here...<br /><br />The fact is I like Front and I want him/her to be here with us. Unfortunately I see he left for the moment.
    <br /><br />Sir William Garrow didn't have to contend with the internet when he come up with that. And though I absolutely believe in presumed innocence in a court of law, there are no laws on the internet. Also, it's almost impossible to prove anything sitting behind a computer screen- which is one of my biggest problems with not just Front but other "informers" as well. I don't like guessing. I like proof and we have none.<br /><br />As for right or wrong? Usually I don't care one way or the other whether I'm right or wrong but when it comes to MJ being alive, I don't want to be wrong. I can't afford to be wrong. If I am, then there are some seriously messed up people screwing with us with questionable motives and that pisses me off. Not just because they've messed with me, but because they have messed with my family...MJ, you, and everybody else here on this forum. Everyone is free to believe what they want. Front may be one of the good guys and I hope that he is for everyone's sake. I just don't like seeing my family hurt.  bearhug  ...Maybe I should stay out of this thread.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Okay you know how MJ many times said that his music came from Above, or that God gave it to him, also that he loves God very much and talks to him every day. What if this whole dream/idea to hoax his death, create these disguises, one of whom is BACK, and all the numerology also ALL came from God.  In that case he would feel, much like a prophet would, that he has to do what he has to do regardless if people become consumed/addicted/neglecting the needs of their usual life. He may have been "pregnant" with this One Dream and going through labor pains while he birthed and is birthing it. If that is the case he can have no feelings of guilt if people are hurting because of it. Sure, 2 years has been a long time to try to find answers as to if he's alive and why he's doing this. If God is behind this, it's important. If MJ is merely another Rasputin with hypnotic charismatic powers over women, and seemed to have 9 lives, difficult to kill, we are in a sad pickle. I could be totally wrong, but I feel in my heart that we need to answer positively to MJ's question in his song, "Will you be there?"<br /><br />Bec, your off-topic words ring true to me as well, and we're probably all in the same boat (hopefully not the Titanic). The worst of it for me is guilt/sadness over the lack of proper cleaning and organizing in my house, and upkeep of the yard. I just keep up with the essentials. Whatever else I have to do whether job, family or socializing, I'm thinking about when I can get back here--the reward for getting things done or spending time elsewhere. Sometimes I wish I had no computer/internet crash/    errrr , but that is only for seconds before I start feeling panic at the thought.  pale/ :lol: So yeah, I can't leave if I tried.  ;) penguin/
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    Okay you know how MJ many times said that his music came from Above, or that God gave it to him, also that he loves God very much and talks to him every day. What if this whole dream/idea to hoax his death, create these disguises, one of whom is BACK, and all the numerology also ALL came from God. If MJ is merely another Rasputin with hypnotic charismatic powers over women, and seemed to have 9 lives, difficult to kill, we are in a sad pickle. I could be totally wrong, but I feel in my heart that we need to answer positively to MJ's question in his song, "Will you be there?"

    Oh NO, Michael is NOT Rasputin, he was immoral person. Name "Rasputin" is a russian word lewd. He did not have charismatic power, he was literally raping those women, he was hated.
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    bec, you said that my and some other people's posts were arrogant and that I made it sound like it is a character flaw to get too emotionally involved ... that is not what I meant to say at all. I was just trying to show people that there are other ways to look at things. You can just watch things a bit and remind yourself that it's the effing internet where nobody's identity can ever be proven beyond the shadow of a doubt. So you might as well change the way you look at things instead of - like bec said - letting it affect your health or people losing their job over this. That's not a character flaw, that's just a very sad and unhealthy way of dealing with it. The internet will always be a place full of fakes. Just a few weeks ago I read on some board how tons of people have been fooled by all kinds of fake MJ's for years before June 25 2009. So this is nothing new. What I was trying to say was ... try to look at it in a bit of a "healthier" way, then it won't be such an emotional rollercoaster ride.

    I know that I have a very different perspective ... is Front Back (no pun intended, that back username is very clever) or not? For me that's not really all that important, so far the whole thing has been entertaining (not the part with people getting too involved though), and then I have no idea who Back is or was either, so what if Front is Back? That begs the question who is Back and why is it important? I know that a lot of people believe or want to believe that Back is/was Michael, but with that we are back at square one ... we will never know who is behind an anonymous username. So in a way it's like chasing your own tail. If you run in circles for too long, you'll get dizzy. Being aware of that makes it pretty easy for me to step back and look at the circle, instead of running in it. It's a bit like Pleasantville with the road going in a circle and you can't get away. But maybe one day (can be tomorrow or in 50 years) something will happen and things will go from black and white to color, books will write themselves, but until then and as long as it all stays on internet boards/blogs with everybody being anonymous, I just don't feel like chasing my tail, or somebody else's tail for that matter. Not as long as I don't know who that tail belongs to anyway. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I think it's odd..the handwritting I mean

    ...I TRuly love you all... are My TRue inspiration...
    ...Animals sTRike...

    funny way of writting

    Was Back only imitating his master? Or was Back the master himself?

    Wasn't there a member called TR, and Souza banned him? can this be something in relation to TR? I am just thinking out loud.

    Let me get this straight. So, Back was MJ and left MJCC because there were rude comments about Katherine and TR, who could be also MJ on this site, was banned, but TS, who probably was MJ as some members thought, just left as Back did but we don't know why. Hmmmm Sounds like Abracadabra
    I think 90% of the internet identities are real.
    That's what I think.
    Because I believe it's not so easy to fake someone else or to display a different personality than your own. And not onlyu it's not easy but I don't see the motivation behind it.I think regular people in general want to show who they are, want to say what they really think, on the other hand MJ has to hide who he is.

    I trust an average of 90% of all of us here are honest and display their real personalities.
    Let me get this straight. So, Back was MJ and left MJCC because there were rude comments about Katherine and TR, who could be also MJ on this site, was banned, but TS, who probably was MJ as some members thought, just left as Back did but we don't know why.

    I think TS, whoever he/she might be, has never left, just like Back, and I think TS is watching the forum closely and I think some day TS will be back with some carefully drafted posts, just like in the past.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think 90% of the internet identities are real.
    That's what I think.
    Because I believe it's nor so easy to fake someone else or to display a different personality than your own.
    I trust an average of 90% of all of us here are honest and display their real personalities.

    I think regular people in general want to show who they are, on the other hand MJ has to hide who he is.

    That is where you hit the nail on the head. I also believe that 90% is real, but that other 10% is quite a large number. Then also take into account that on this forum you will have more fakes and posers than on for example a knitting club forum, where probably 100% is real because no one can pretent to be a knitting needle and there is no use in pretending to be MJ, Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga on there.

    As for TS, I also think he's still watching. Between the updates we never saw him either, just the daily redirects and he already said he would not redirect much more. Maybe his work is done on here and we will have to wait till Update 7 after the bam. His last thread is something he won't come and explain until all is wrapped up I think.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    I think 90% of the internet identities are real.
    That's what I think.
    Because I believe it's not so easy to fake someone else or to display a different personality than your own. And not onlyu it's not easy but I don't see the motivation behind it.I think regular people in general want to show who they are, want to say what they really think, on the other hand MJ has to hide who he is.

    I trust an average of 90% of all of us here are honest and display their real personalities.

    I don't know if it's 90 % or 10 %, I just know that I have come across so many fakes or people lying about all kinds of things in my 15 years on the net, that no "fantastic" story can shock me anymore. I'm very careful. It starts with people making up "tragedies" in their lives just to get attention and to get people to "care" and talk to them for hours, days and weeks, and ends with people stealing somebody else's pictures and putting them on their Facebook or Myspace page and actually following that person around for months all over the net just to steal more pictures in order to post "new" pictures on their Facebook or Myspace page every couple of days just to make it look more real. In between you have people or "characters" signing up to message boards just to cause trouble and derail discussions, people who are not trolls all the time, but still start flamewars out of boredom and because they can, of course people signing up with more than one username talking to themselves and to troll that way, people lying about their looks (never knew that there are that many tall blonde women with big boobs out there - until I got the internet - or tall muscular handsome guys - only problem with me is, they are not my type <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ), people saying or implying to be someone famous or someone in the inner circle, you get the picture, I could go on for hours. It's ridiculously easy to fake things or a different personality on the net.

    And then there are people like me, and I spoke to an online friend about that a while back - who are more themselves on the net than in real life, because you can be anonymous and can "hide" and totally be yourself. Before I start to believe that someone is "real" or not I have to have spoken to this person in private for months or longer. That's the only way to see if they are consistent or if they forget their own lies and then just hang themselves.
  • Sarah31Sarah31 Posts: 249
    Then also take into account that on this forum you will have more fakes and posers than on for example a knitting club forum, where probably 100% is real because no one can pretent to be a knitting needle and there is no use in pretending to be MJ, Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga on there.

    About the knitting club - you'd think that, but I have seen people trolling like crazy on one of those "knitting club forums". There were a couple of women who had problems with each other going back a few years, and they constantly started catfights, including signing up with new usernames every couple of days to derail discussions and just to generally troll. So yes, the internet IS a crazy place and you have to get used to it or just turn it off (which I actually do from time to time, sometimes the stupidity and insanity is too much for me).
  • I vote for Tale about Tail !

    <!-- sbeerchug -->beerchug<!-- sbeerchug --> Sarah31

    Front, are you backstage or soon back on stage ?

    (somebody kills me before i keep going with those poor jokes, i just can't help ! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> )
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    This is now going completely off-topic and it's a long one too.<br /><br />If you haven't read the following yet, go ahead.<br />If you have, go ahead again.<br />Keep in mind the posts of the last 20 or so pages and your personal feelings about them.<br />Compare. Connect the dots.<br /><br /><br />
    What is a Troll?<br />An Internet "troll" is a person who delights in sowing discord on the Internet. He (and it is usually he) tries to start arguments and upset people.<br /><br />Trolls see Internet communications services as convenient venues for their bizarre game. For some reason, they don't "get" that they are hurting real people. To them, other Internet users are not quite human but are a kind of digital abstraction. As a result, they feel no sorrow whatsoever for the pain they inflict. Indeed, the greater the suffering they cause, the greater their 'achievement' (as they see it). At the moment, the relative anonymity of the net allows trolls to flourish.<br /><br />Trolls are utterly impervious to criticism (constructive or otherwise). You cannot negotiate with them; you cannot cause them to feel shame or compassion; you cannot reason with them. They cannot be made to feel remorse. For some reason, trolls do not feel they are bound by the rules of courtesy or social responsibility.Perhaps this sounds inconceivable. You may think, "Surely there is something I can write that will change them." But a true troll can not be changed by mere words.<br /><br />Why Does it Matter?<br />Some people — particularly those who have been online for years — are not upset by trolls and consider them an inevitable hazard of using the net. As the saying goes, "You can't have a picnic without ants."<br /><br />It would be nice if everybody was so easy-going, but the sad fact is that trolls do discourage people. Established posters may leave a message board because of the arguments that trolls ignite, and lurkers (people who read but do not post) may decide that they do not want to expose themselves to abuse and thus never get involved.<br /><br />Another problem is that the negative emotions stirred up by trolls leak over into other discussions. Normally affable people can become bitter after reading an angry interchange between a troll and his victims, and this can poison previously friendly interactions between long-time users.<br /><br />Finally, trolls create a paranoid environment, such that a casual criticism by a new arrival can elicit a ferocious and inappropriate backlash.<br /><br /><br />What Can be Done about Trolls?<br /><br />When you suspect that somebody is a troll, you might try responding with a polite, mild message to see if it's just somebody in a bad mood. Internet users sometimes let their passions get away from them when seated safely behind their keyboard. If you ignore their bluster and respond in a pleasant manner, they usually calm down.<br /><br />However, if the person persists in being beastly, and seems to enjoy being unpleasant, the only effective position is summed up as follows:<br /><br />The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.<br /><br />When you try to reason with a troll, he wins. When you insult a troll, he wins. When you scream at a troll, he wins. <br />The only thing that trolls can't handle is being ignored.<br /><br />What Not to Do<br /><br />As already stated, it is futile to try to "cure" a troll of his obsession. But perhaps you simply cannot bear the hostile environment that the troll is creating and want to go away for a while.<br /><br />If you do that, then for the sake of the others on the system, please do not post a dramatic "Goodbye!" message. This convinces the troll that he is winning the battle. There is, perhaps, no message you can write on a message system that is as damaging as an announcement that you are leaving because of the hostility that the troll has kindled.<br /><br />If you feel you must say something, a discreet message to the system operator (and some of the others users, if you have their email addresses) is the best course of action. Incidentally, if you are writing the letter in an agitated state, it is a good idea to wait an hour and then give it one last review before you actually send it. That might spare you the pain of saying things that you don't really mean to people you like.<br /><br />Why Do They Do It?<br /><br />Affirmation.<br /><br />Regular net users know how delightful it is when somebody responds to something they have written. It is a meeting of the minds, which is an intellectual thrill, but it is also an acknowledgement of one's value — and that can be a very satisfying emotional reward.<br /><br />Trolls crave attention, and they care not whether it is positive or negative. They see the Internet as a mirror into which they can gaze in narcissistic rapture.<br /><br /><br />Conclusion<br /><br />Next time you are on a message board and you see a post by somebody whom you think is a troll, and you feel you must reply, simply write a follow-up message entitled "Troll Alert" and type only this:<br /><br />The only way to deal with trolls is to limit your reaction to reminding others not to respond to trolls.<br /><br />By posting such a message, you let the troll know that you know what he is, and that you are not going to get dragged into his twisted little hobby.<br /><br />The Internet is a splendidly haphazard collection of both serious and silly material. Because it is so free, there are bound to be problems. I think that we can best enjoy it if we deal with everything that happens online with a wry grin and a ready shrug.<br /><br /><br />More info here:<br />http://<br /><br />Troll-web.jpg
    <br />http://<br /><br /><br />Even if Michael Jackson himself would visit this board he would know what to do and what not to do.<br />I would be very reluctant to imply he would abuse this board for his aims. Maybe he would be the bad guy to do it, maybe not. But he'd have to tell me this face to face or I won't imply.<br /><br />However, I would NOT HESITATE one second to think of those hundreds of lunatics out there eager to abuse Michael, his name, influence and impact on his fans and those standing by his side on this board. <br />These weeks are giving a first class prey time as everybody is waiting, impatient, cannot stand the slow-fox we have to do. I do firmly believe that there are enough out there wanting to harm MJ's family and friends ON INTENTION since I have seen this happened many times in the past.<br /><br /><br />We talk about folks wanting to control us by this and that means and express our worries about that but we allow others to control us just by their sheer appearance ? We feel wrong and small and ugly and out of place and worn out and tired and fed up and yet cling to each word of any potential opinion leader we follow? How's that possible? Guru time? Why do we to authorize any abuse of ourselves here? Addicted? Obsessed? And that's kinda funny in addition because we have to laugh when naming it? Are we druggies? Will this test have a positive outcome for you or will it describe a suppressed reality?<br />http://<br />If this test did not have a positive outcome for you, this likely means it's 5 before 12 and last call to let go and be it Michael Jackson or whoever is currently impacting your life in the web or elsewhere. Do you think Michael wants anybody to give up his/her own life "for" Michael? <br />Take a break, step back, open the window, breathe, raise your hands, let go. <br />If you can't, love yourself enough to get help. <br />I mean this with the L.O.V.E.<br /><br /><br />In the end, only - and I say this one more time: ONLY Michael's words do count and none of the distributed proposed hear-say or in-which-kind-ever-promoted propaganda or predictions <br />are worth an ear. <br /><br /><br />[highlight=#ff4040:roj1rgxn]"I am tired, I am really tired of manipulation."<br />Michael Jackson, Harlem, New York, NY, July 6, 2002[/highlight:roj1rgxn]<br /><br /> /><br /><br />Do you believe that Michael would come here and screw his friends in this house? Do you believe that Michael would come here and had nothing better to do than to impress as an imposter of Michael Jackson just to get cryptic messages off his chest? Good gracious. <br />He'd probably be happy to change for once with John Doe having a beer belly, a wife, two daughters, two dogs, three cats and a racoon in his back yard. And maybe he'd enjoy also giving Maureen with those impeccable red nails and "Sally have you been at Cindy's beauty studio lately geez there are these phantastic french nails there you know you have to go see them they are sooooo amazing you know I loooove them really I do yes at Cindy's you know she's closed Wednesday but yes Joe won't be in town on Thursday so maybe Thursday ok sweetheart so Thursday and don't forget your new tupper catalogue I need a new bowl for the family barbecue next month Marilyn is coming too and you know how she's gossipping around if you don't have anything new on the table yes sweetheart you will see these nails they are really really phantastic really love you take care ciao ciao see you then...."<br />LOL<br /><br /><br />Ranting using one more alias because "he's still dead" and "Back's gone" and getting into speaking just because we hoaxers don't get his explanation for his plan that he had elaborated for so long? Do you believe Michael would feel the need to have to explain his plan to us "afterwards" or "in the middle of" when his words had missed our ears for decades? <br />Numerology btw. as such is not a plan, not even a structure of a plan but is in this journey giving a very pragmatic, applicable and comprehensive (for most readers comprehensive yet not always logical) theory of a potentially feasible logic of sequences of events in the past - a spoon-fed explanation which in this case was twisted more than once to make it fit to the [assumed / expressed / planted --> manipulated] conclusions and which in addition prepares perfectly the path to further in-depth conditioning - watch yourself - predictions are a powerful conditioning method to get you hooked and your mind following certain thinking patterns in the future. If combined with "you better listen or..." when there's no classroom, "prove me the opposite" when there's nothing to be proven, "you don't want to look silly do you" and "but I told you so" - especially if you don't check again if true or not - it is an abusive reinforcement of an obviously to be "imprinted" pre-designed thinking pattern. Watch for this. Use numerology and all other theories wisely.<br /><br /><br />Then we still have the most appealing question of interest simmering through this thread and making it a perfect target for anybody wanting to mess around: what if?<br /><br />What if Michael is not Back and Back is not Front and Front is not Michael? <br />I couldn't care less.<br />Are they more than just other members of boards who should read the terms of use before clicking "yes"?<br />Did they give more than interesting variations of something we already knew? And if yes, is there any sticker glued to them saying "follow me because I am not just a member"? Are members with cryptic messages more important than Michael's original and very distinctive, very clear messages? <br />Last but not least, why do we need a confirmation on a daily basis that we are not mistaken and why are we receptive to cryptic messages thinking of them as "maybe", and off we are, awaiting their next post? <br />What if we are mistaken? The world will not fall off the universe, will it? <br /><br /><br />What if Back and/or Front are real MJ messengers, they are in the know and we really should listen?<br />I couldn't care less.<br />If Michael wants somebody to work with him and speak on his behalf, he will not choose Willy of the springs fountain but someone who is trustworthy to ensure not to utter other things than agreed, who is classy enough to do the job properly on behalf of and who will not give in his personal emotions.<br />There are persons who have worked with Michael and who have proven being classy and trustworthy.<br />Everybody else - well...<br /><br /><br />What if Michael is Back and Back is Front so Michael is posting here? <br />I couldn't care less.<br />If Michael would come up with several of those phrases I had to set my eyes on here, I'd be done with him. <br />He could go to Timbuktu and learn from the folks there. <br />Frustration, anger, ranting, pushing - go ahead - but not in another one's house.<br /><br /><br />Don't allow your culture and balance of valuation and basic values to get destroyed. NEVER. No matter who.<br /><br /><br />Can we please go back to BACK's posts again ?<br /><br />Blessings to all.  <br />Sending out a rainbow to everybody. With the L.O.V.E. <br /> bearhug
    Wow Grace, what a post!

    We are so different, at least for the moment...because I realize I care very much on all issues you said "I couldn't care less".

    Time...time will tell.

    Michael, I love you, dead or alive... <!-- sbearhug -->bearhug<!-- sbearhug -->
  • Hey Grace – well put. I agree. Can we get back to BACK please? <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    I’ve spent more time watching and posting on this forum the last two weeks than I have since I registered 18 months ago. BACK has always been one of the main reasons I've 'kept watching' since this craziness began. Putting aside my suspicion that this thread has "paw-prints" all over it these past two weeks, I read Front’s last post and I interpret this as an admission to him being “the” BACK.
    To expect everything to be EXACTLY as it was 5 years ago with absolutely NO deviations is a precursor for failure to comprehend and decipher. There is logic and reason in everything I have posted…according to PLAN. You'll see. Wait until the "PIE" is done before you predict the "taste" with haste. Please be patient as the NEW 7DT continues…………….

    By the way, if Front=BACK=MJ <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> then one would assume he’s posting behind a hidden or re-routed IP address. I wonder if that’s him lurking just south of Liberia - yes, I kid you not <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> - take a gander at the map on the footer. Sometimes that little star saying “Unknown” shows up west of Africa in the armpit (in fact just now I clicked on the map again and there was the hidemyass url <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ --> showing up under users <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> - where the hell are you MJ? Living on a yacht or secret island in the Gulf of Guinea?)
    <!-- smj_bad/ -->mj_bad/<!-- smj_bad/ -->

    But seriously, as I’ve already posted here, I don’t believe BACK was MJ – all of the time. Some of you guys have stated how much time it takes to be on this forum keeping up with the news. Just think how much time it would have taken for MJ to monitor and post on not just one, but at least two (that we know of) and possibly more fan forums during the trial. (BACK on KOP in 2005 said he was on THREE boards and about to join a FOURTH!!) You think MJ could do that by himself? Hardly. And think how massive the MJJC forum is. Imagine how many people would have been posting during the trial – NO WAY would MJ be able to do the job of stemming the tide of mis-information on that forum by himself! Just think about that. And doing it on TWO forums? While he was in court and all hell was breaking loose around him every day with the idiotic, mind numbing media attention? Not possible. That’s why I think he may have posted SOME of the time – because some of BACK's posts slipped into first person when referring to MJ, and some of the insider knowledge was just way too intimate for anyone else to have written it. I believe he directed his staff/someone who was right in the thick of things to cover this important task and maybe someone from T-Mez’s team was posting for him too. <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ -->

    But getting BACK TO FRONT. A friend wrote to me today and she reminded me of the 3 bodyguards interviewed on GMA where they said MJ spent a lot of time reading the bible in 2007-2008. Remember that? She said she imagined MJ sitting with pencil and pad taking notes for his BACK posts. And it started me thinking about all those biblical references in BACK’s and FRONT’s posts. How much time would it take to find the psalms and versus that BACK/FRONT used in his posts with these veiled and not so veiled references to his N7DT? I’m not a bible reader so I don’t know, but I pose that question to the faithful here who follow these things. Has anyone checked to see if the biblical references in Front’s posts are authentic? <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> I don’t have the time although I presume a quick Google search would do the job.

    I like Front’s style, some of his posts are intriguing. I even like the 'softer' style to a degree. He's mellowed! <!-- spenguin/ -->penguin/<!-- spenguin/ --> However, like the others who have studied BACK, I picked apart his posts, foregoing the maths as I don’t have the time or inclination to get hooked on digits again. My main reason for being skeptical is I can’t for the life of me think of one good reason why BACK would want to post on a board that doesn’t have a large audience anymore and he's posting mostly in this thread. Ask youself why? So I reserve the right to keep a can of industrial-strength flea repellent handy. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I think BACK/FRONT’s cryptic numbers, theories, riddles and jokes are wearing thin. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> But take heart in knowing you don’t have to wait long to find out if that friggin' overcooked custard pie is ready to burst out of the oven. <!-- ssuspicious// -->suspicious//<!-- ssuspicious// --> August is just around the corner. I’ll Keep Watchin’ because this has provided a couple of really healthy belly laughs so far. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    And I’m not immune to wondering (and I don’t mind admitting this) that I’m genuinely intrigued if BACK’s JUDGEMENT DAY post is the reason behind any of this. Nothing, and I mean, NOTHING would give me greater pleasure than knowing MJ had something up his sleeve that would set the record straight - alive or dead! Man wouldn’t that be something! <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> I only have to remember Jermaine’s knowing (and TOTALLY out of place) grin on LKL to wonder – WTF is really going on? We know it’s something, right?

    Thank goodness I'm no longer emotionally invested in all this but I do feel for the one's who are because I was once obsessed too. Meanwhile, I'll enjoy some more belly laughs, there's some great chuckles to be had reading the "mutt" right now.
    <!-- slolol/ -->lolol/<!-- slolol/ -->

    Bring it on Front - it's one thing to claim The King Is BACK And He Never Left - now prove it!
    With the l-e-r-v-e... L.Oh.V.E. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Just reading through the updates singing to myself.....might as well face it your addicted to love...might as well face it your addicted to love. <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I wonder if the Black Eyed Peas wrote that song for us, "I'm addicted and I just can't get enough". J/k... sort of? Yes, j/k.
  • images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT9MhfCAYZjGIWQ4QLj6DKwfesuwbylZuPFoBTgZUJRd1_R3o_5

    Always good to chill-out whilst keeping an open mind!
    Whatever this "Hoax" is about, the only thing we have control on are our emotions. Let's make it a POSITIVE experience as much as we can without being too gullible!
    Cakes fresh from the oven anybody?
    <!-- sparty/ -->party/<!-- sparty/ -->

    Hopefully the Green men are here to save us as they did back at the end of Toy Story 3!

    With L.O.V.E
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    Hey Grace – well put. I agree. Can we get back to BACK please? <!-- smj_dance/ -->mj_dance/<!-- smj_dance/ -->

    I’ve spent more time watching and posting on this forum the last two weeks than I have since I registered 18 months ago. BACK has always been one of the main reasons I've 'kept watching' since this craziness began. Putting aside my suspicion that this thread has "paw-prints" all over it these past two weeks, I read Front’s last post and I interpret this as an admission to him being “the” BACK.
    To expect everything to be EXACTLY as it was 5 years ago with absolutely NO deviations is a precursor for failure to comprehend and decipher. There is logic and reason in everything I have posted…according to PLAN. You'll see. Wait until the "PIE" is done before you predict the "taste" with haste. Please be patient as the NEW 7DT continues…………….

    By the way, if Front=BACK=MJ <!-- sbow/ -->bow/<!-- sbow/ --> then one would assume he’s posting behind a hidden or re-routed IP address. I wonder if that’s him lurking just south of Liberia - yes, I kid you not <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> - take a gander at the map on the footer. Sometimes that little star saying “Unknown” shows up west of Africa in the armpit (in fact just now I clicked on the map again and there was the hidemyass url <!-- styping/ -->typing/<!-- styping/ --> showing up under users <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> - where the hell are you MJ? Living on a yacht or secret island in the Gulf of Guinea?)

    Where exactly is this map?

    *edited to shorten post.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    click on the left bottom of your page where it says 39 with the person icon and that will bring up a section that shows you who is on line all over the world. That's me waving to you from the flashing silver star in Australia. Hello mdc.
    And yes, I have seen that star off the west african coast before too.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @Front...Although you said your posting may be 'scarce'...I have a feeling that you, yourself, are still 'watchin'.

    I don't post much but a day does not go by without me 'watchin' and your posts are right up there with those that I've been keeping a close eye on for the past little while. As I'm sure you know, based on your time on this thread, most of us have been quite impressed with Back and his posts. Apart from being an incredibly talented writer (his wording is language on ecstasy)...his posts are very indicative of someone with very close 'ties' to MJ, hence the deep fascination most of us have with Back.

    I will premise what I'm about to suggest by saying that I do NOT believe anyone has a duty, or an obligation, to prove who they are on here. Every one of us has the right to enjoy the anonymity that this medium allows. However, given the sensititvity and real, deep, raw emotion(s) of the situation, in which we all have found ourselves in for the past 2 years, for anyone to come along and infer that they are Back and who desires to be believed...well, it's just not that simple. Why? Because for most of us who have studied, read, re-read, have folders on our pc's named 'BACK', and have spent many a countless nights trying to 'decode' his messages...Back, much like MJ, has been someone we've followed from afar. To have you suddently appear on the board sounding Back-like, and clearly inferring that you are, in fact, Back....well, it's only natural for us to be a little skeptical. There is, of course, the wondering as to why you decided to join this forum now, not to mention the slight differences in the overall nuance(s) of your posts here under the name Front, as compared to your posts as Back. Yes, a difference of 5 years can do wonders to change a person but writing style doesn't seem to change that much...

    So here's my suggestion: If you are Back and, therefore, here with good intentions (I don't for one second believe that the real Back would have bad intentions), and your purpose involves giving us a message that you want us to hear and believe...then you have the power to ensure that you are heard and that you do not fail in the 'role' you are here to fulfill. It's quite simple actually...involving nothing more than 2 minutes (tops) of your time and whatever energy you expend through your fingers in hitting some keys on your keyboard...sign on to MJJC as Back. Back hasn't signed on since June 22, it's quite safe to say that if Back signed on today or tomorrow, then Front (most definitely) = Back. You do that, and I can promise you that you will have everyone's undivided attention. You don't do that and well...considering the fact that I value 'time' and how precious it is, I will allocate my very minimal 'time' to any messages you decide to share.

    With L.O.V.E. always.
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