Official back & Front thread



  • on 1355537793:
    <br />At this time of unfathomable, sickening, heartbreaking news, I would like to make a small request---if I may? <br /><br />I would like us all to join (virtual) hands in a vigil tomorrow --- time zones make it difficult, so please let's do it whenever we can…it doesn't matter WHEN…let's just DO it. Let's pray for those sweet, innocent children who lost their lives much, MUCH too soon, as well as their mourning families. <br /><br />Having children of my own, I cannot imagine the immense piercing anguish and scorching pain that these parents are going through right now. They need our love & support -- they will feel it…somehow, through God's Grace…..they will feel it. I believe that with all my heart. <br /><br />I would also like us to pray for Adam and his family. That young man obviously needed some help ---- and he didn't get it in time. <br /><br />It's devastating when we live in a world where you say "I love you" to your children and you're not even sure if it will be the last time you get to say that to them. <br /><br />L.O.V.E. to all of you and your children. <br />from your friend always, <br />Front xo<br />
          I will be there tomorrow with my thoughts and prayers, along with a heavy heart.  So sad,  unbeliveable, I think this is the time we all could use a big  :bearhug:    Thank you Front,  with L.O.V.E.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I've had about enough of the passive-aggressive insults.
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    @bec...I would ask if that's directed at me...but I just don't give a f*ck<br /><br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    <br /><br />
  • hopihopi Posts: 195
    Lenny Kravitz on his FB page:<br /><br />I appreciate our American rights but this is, again, why[size=12pt] guns should go[/size]. Doesn't ONE child's life outweigh that right? Wouldn't you give it up to bring them back? Let love rule. Lenny<br /><br />nothing to add...
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Mjj4ever777<br />
    Stay strong, and LOVE the Hell out of your Family, friends and everyone you come in contact with,
    <br />Mjselfsweet<br />
    It hurts beyond measure to lose a child,,I know,, at least I had my son until into his adult days.. these children were just babies...:
    <br />I don't think it matters the age, my heart goes out to you and others here who have lost a child.<br />BTC<br />
    .not to mention the thousands of children that die each day all over the world and don't make any headlines…<br />@Front...thanks for including Adam, also a victim of the 'village' that failed him.
    <br />Most definitely children equally loved are dying by the thousands around the world each and every day, and the families grieve unknown to the world.<br />Suffering and death are never far away from each of us--part of being human. So we must continue to love, love, love each person while they are alive.<br /><br />Front, I will pray throughout today for these hurting families, with you and the others.<br /><br />Bec, I agree that ‘may’ is a synonym for ‘be allowed’.  If TS and Front are the authentic Michael himself, I'm perfectly fine with Bam not happening this year or ever, and we had an interesting ARG/Thriller 2/bonding time.  But if TS and Front are some clever genius communicator from TPTB/Sony/FBI/Branca who paid off the Jackson family enough for them to be willing to use their dead son/brother/father and be a willing participant, I think all of us in hoaxland would shake the dust off our virtual shoes at them, that we used as we traveled this 3 1/2 year journey.  None of us purchased anything because of their work, so all they would have gained for all their hard work and time, would be the apparently heady sensation that they were able to fool MJ's loyal fans and call us a bunch of losers.  All of our hearts have nothing to be ashamed of--we simply loved this man Michael Jackson for the beautiful person he is-- no more no less, and made friends along the way.  Also about Front posting the gif of MJ eating popcorn; human conversation ALWAYS has to be taken in context, and the context was light-hearted anticipation of TS's post, and THAT's what he was responding to IMO.,21319.msg430442.html#msg430442<br /><br />Bec, all I can offer at this point is encouragement to not give up hope.  We are all in this together.<br /> :bearhug:<br />Love to all of you!<br /> 0002043B.gif<br /><br />
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    I can't begin to imagine the despair, loss and heartbreak these families are going through right now. It is just so sad and words seem inadequate. <br /><br />I have 3 kids and the thought of this happening to them is unbearable. When this type of horror happens in the world, it puts alot of insignificant crap in my life which I worry about, into perspective.<br /><br />Thank you Front.....I will join everyone here in sending prayers and positive healing thoughts to these families.
  • <br />This is so heartbreaking. Sending my love, thoughts, and prayers.<br />sending-prayers.gif  <br />
  • Regardless of whether the BAM happens in the the time frame or not that TS talked about doesn't necessarily mean he is a fake informer. I'm sure most of us will still believe he isn't, just like Front, because we've seen the verification  of these two umm characters by family members of the Jax clan. Anyway like TS claimed, if MJ doesnt BAM by then than TS is a fake informer. Then he went on to add, then Paris' Twitter clues and La Toya's verification are just as false, and ha, we really know that's true. I had a smirk on my face when I read that LITTLE addition from TS. Not sure if its manipulation of our thinking, if its an assurance or if its a, 'no matter how this plays out, I'm still not a fake informer'.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    After hearing those terrible news I must say I am that can be done to children? as a mother of one little daughter and son is on the way, I can not imagine to happen something bad to any child, they are so innocent, all they want is to love them wholeheartedly....<br />Front, I am here and will be joining prayer today! may those sweet little angels find peace and comfort in heaven...<br /><br />you are right Andrea, this world needs Michael Jackson, to listen him and throw all guns away!
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    My condolences go to the families and friends of the victims.<br /><br />Still.<br /><br />Who's going to weep over the children keeping sheep and goats stumbling over cluster bombs and land mines.<br />Who's going to weep over child soldiers.<br />Who's going to weep over sexually assaulted girls and women in warland.<br />Who's going to weep over AIDS orphans.<br />Who's going to weep over people having to live on land poisoned by petrol production for our cars getting stuck in traffic jam.<br />Who's going to weep over people feeding from garbage.<br />Who's going to weep over children dying from hunger.<br /><br />Weapons are a conscious choice for an American dream, are a typical American issue which could be eliminated by the responsible if there would be a respective will to do so.<br /><br />All of the above mentioned issues cannot be eliminated by a decision only but by a decrease of arrogance of the so called "civilized world".<br />I am weeping for and holding hands with all those suffering needlessly who are voiceless.<br />
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Wow, 22 more children in China??  So much tragedy for one day! BTC is right though, we have to remember that 1000's of "unknown, or "Lost" children, die every day,and as my husband pointed out just now,most of our world's children that die daily, die after extreme suffering, due to starvation, or disease, is just WRONG that in this day and age,we can still sit by while the rich get richer and the poor children die!<br /><br />The public outcry at today's tragedy, just go to show that "Change" IS happening!! More and more people are finding today's Tragedy, to be affecting them more then others in the past. This World wide, coming together of Hearts is a good thing, in the wake of today, as "WE" as a collective, can do soooooo much good, with our LOVING Prayers and Intentions! <br /><br />It is great to see people standing up and supporting each other in this time of need, but it would have been even greater if this tragedy didn't have to happen before we came together as a Human Family...We all need to continue "feeling" for each other, without the need of something bad happening first!<br /><br />Maybe we can all learn from this, and keep the LOVING Prayers going everyday, and start building a Brighter future for our "Family!".<br /><br />anyway...You can count on me continuing the Prayers and Healing for all of us!! I LOVE you guys...thanks for opening your hearts! <br /><br />I definitely think a lot more of the world "woke up" today, so onward and upward we shall go!!!<br /><br />God Bless the Children!
  • AdoreAdore Posts: 44
    @bec<;br /><br /> :smiley_abuv: :bearhug: . I hear ya
  • I only in the last hour heard the news and with every sentence I read breaks my heart into tinier pieces, my heart goes out to all of them :'(
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I should of explained that the Chinese children were wounded and some are in  critical condition, but no fatalities in this attack. Thank goodness.
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    @ ellyd<br />Thank you very much for your post. I couldn't agree more.<br /><br />@ Mr Front,<br />thank you so much for your kind initiative. I will also include other children in my prayers, children who died in the last couple of weeks in tragic accedents but the news didn't cover these  accidents!<br /><br />Blessings<br /><br />
  • A world not fit to exist, is a world not fit to live in.
  • Can’t believe these massacres in US and China are happening. Nothing would possibly be worse than experiencing your own child pass away. Such a piercing anguish and scorching pain the parents have to endure and the children are gone much, much too soon, as Front expressed. Innocent and beautiful kids have lost their lives. They had their entire future to look forward to. My heart is bleeding and breaking. :icon_e_sad: I can’t grasp the fact that people are investing a great amount of money on guns and rifles. The purpose of carrying a weapon is to harm/kill or frighten someone. This is truly sad. Let love, reliance and bliss rule instead.[size=12pt] ♥[/size]<br /><br />I’ll be with you Front and everybody else. I’m sending my condolences, thoughts and love to all the suffering people.<br /><br />Much peace and L.O.V.E.<br />xoxo<br />
  • Joining the prayer I don't even want to imagine what those families are going through right now and for the rest of their lives. Of all my heart I wish those people strength and the Lord´s help to overcome their meaningless losses.<br />Here I promise not to complain about snowchaoses, hard work and little money, extra efforts and small uncomfortabilities but to love my kid untill insanity and make him feel loved to the moon and back.<br /><br />Thanks Front for the reminder!<br /><br />LOVE is all we have left.
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    on 1355550068:
    <br />We can also pray for these 22 Chinese school children stabbed today as well.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />RK OMG! which is the general madness? did not know of children in China, thank God, did not die either, but this attack stay in her memory for a long time, the prayer will be for them too.  :(
  • still doesn't make it any less terrible :( my heart goes out to them and their families,:(
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Ellyd, yes, yes!<br /><br />Turn guns into tools to make food, clothes, shelter, education, art and general improvements!<br /><br />Heal the World --MJ.<br />
    spoken: <br />Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better <br />world for our children and our children's children. So that they know <br />it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better <br />place. <br /><br />There's a place in your heart <br />And I know that it is love <br />And this place could be much <br />Brighter than tomorrow. <br />And if you really try <br />You'll find there's no need to cry <br />In this place you'll feel <br />There's no hurt or sorrow. <br />There are ways to get there <br />If you care enough for the living <br />Make a little space, make a better place. <br /><br />Chorus: <br />Heal the world <br />Make it a better place <br />For you and for me and the entire human race <br />There are people dying <br />If you care enough for the living <br />Make a better place for <br />You and for me. <br /><br />If you want to know why <br />There's a love that cannot lie <br />Love is strong <br />It only cares for joyful giving. <br />If we try we shall see <br />In this bliss we cannot feel <br />Fear or dread <br />We stop existing and start living <br />Then it feels that always <br />Love's enough for us growing <br />Make a better world, make a better world. <br /><br />Chorus: <br />Heal the world <br />Make it a better place <br />For you and for me and the entire human race. <br />There are people dying <br />If you care enough for the living <br />Make a better place for <br />You and for me. <br /><br />Bridge: <br />And the dream we would conceived in <br />Will reveal a joyful face <br />And the world we once believed in <br />Will shine again in grace <br />Then why do we keep strangling life <br />Wound this earth, crucify it's soul <br />Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly <br />Be God's glow. <br /><br />We could fly so high <br />Let our spirits never die <br />In my heart I feel <br />You are all my brothers <br />[size=12pt]Create a world with no fear <br />Together we'll cry happy tears <br />See the nations turn <br />Their swords into plowshares [/size]<br />We could really get there <br />If you cared enough for the living <br />Make a little space to make a better place....
    <br /><br />This is a quote from the Bible concerning a future time when the Messiah comes to rule the earth.  Isaiah 2:4<br />
    4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
    <br /><br /><br />
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    Omg ! Wtf is going on in our world ?! why can't people just live in peace and harmony ? <br />I feel so sorry for those parents who lost their kids , but I am more sorry to have nothing to offer  these families but my prayers !  I just fail to understand how a such horrible thing could happen to children ! they are just babies for heaven's sake ! <br />But again , the problem is THEY always say THEY're going to take meaningful actions to prevent such things from happening again , but THEY never do !! <br /><br />@ Andrea You're so right ! Our world does definitely need Michael ! <br />@Front ; I'll surely be with you and with everyone else . Thank you for your initiative , kindness and for your reminder . <br /><br />I want you guys to know that you all matter and that you are so loved and respected ! I love you all <br /> :bearhug:<br /><br />God bless you <br />love
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355575058:
    Ellyd, yes, yes!<br /><br />Turn guns into tools to make food, clothes, shelter, education, art and general improvements!<br /><br />Heal the World --MJ.<br />
    spoken: <br />Think about the generations and to say we want to make it a better <br />world for our children and our children's children. So that they know <br />it's a better world for them; and think if they can make it a better <br />place. <br /><br />There's a place in your heart <br />And I know that it is love <br />And this place could be much <br />Brighter than tomorrow. <br />And if you really try <br />You'll find there's no need to cry <br />In this place you'll feel <br />There's no hurt or sorrow. <br />There are ways to get there <br />If you care enough for the living <br />Make a little space, make a better place. <br /><br />Chorus: <br />Heal the world <br />Make it a better place <br />For you and for me and the entire human race <br />There are people dying <br />If you care enough for the living <br />Make a better place for <br />You and for me. <br /><br />If you want to know why <br />There's a love that cannot lie <br />Love is strong <br />It only cares for joyful giving. <br />If we try we shall see <br />In this bliss we cannot feel <br />Fear or dread <br />We stop existing and start living <br />Then it feels that always <br />Love's enough for us growing <br />Make a better world, make a better world. <br /><br />Chorus: <br />Heal the world <br />Make it a better place <br />For you and for me and the entire human race. <br />There are people dying <br />If you care enough for the living <br />Make a better place for <br />You and for me. <br /><br />Bridge: <br />And the dream we would conceived in <br />Will reveal a joyful face <br />And the world we once believed in <br />Will shine again in grace <br />Then why do we keep strangling life <br />Wound this earth, crucify it's soul <br />Though it's plain to see, this world is heavenly <br />Be God's glow. <br /><br />We could fly so high <br />Let our spirits never die <br />In my heart I feel <br />You are all my brothers <br />[size=12pt]Create a world with no fear <br />Together we'll cry happy tears <br />See the nations turn <br />Their swords into plowshares [/size]<br />We could really get there <br />If you cared enough for the living <br />Make a little space to make a better place....
    <br /><br />This is a quote from the Bible concerning a future time when the Messiah comes to rule the earth.  Isaiah 2:4<br />
    4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more.
    <br /><br /><br />Michael in "This Is It":  <br /><br />[size=12pt][...]That's why it makes me so angry when I see these things that are happening,<br />[...]  <br />I mean, that kind of stuff really bothers me.<br />That's why I write these kinds of songs, you know.<br />It gives some sense of awareness and awakening and hope to people.<br />[...]<br />Because the planet is sick. Like a fever.<br />If we don't fix it now, it's at the point of no return.<br />This is our last chance to fix this problem that we have, <br />where it's like a runaway train and the time has come.<br />This is it.  <br />I love you.<br />[...]<br />People are always saying, "They'll take care of it.<br /> The government'll... Don't worry. They'll..."<br />"They" who? It starts with us. It's us.<br />Or else it'll never be done.[/size]<br /><br />
  • @Front or should I say Michael? always know how to chose beautiful words to describe anything I love the way your brain works and how you show your huge endlessly love to everyone I sometimes feel kinda healthy jealousy I hope you understand what I mean, you can count on me for the vigil prayers tomorrow I will be here with the rest of this beautiful family and we will virtually be holding hands and sending healing thoughts to these little angels parents and families.<br /><br />MJonmind:<br />
    Turn guns into tools to make food, clothes, shelter, education, art and general improvements!
    <br /><br />Yes you are right that money should be used for children education and to ensure a job for them in the future.<br /><br />diggyon:<br />
    @ Mr Front,<br />thank you so much for your kind initiative. I will also include other children in my prayers, children who died in the last couple of weeks in tragic accedents but the news didn't cover these  accidents!<br />
    <br /><br />If you are talking about the 47 children who died in a train accident in Egypt and 20 more children in Syria then I am well aware of it and I will pray for them too.
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