Official back & Front thread



  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1355942501:
    <br /> :errrr: :icon_e_confused: <br /><br />Sounds like you got it all figured out, bec: Front is a fake, which would mean that Paris, Jermaine, La Toya, the official MJ FB page, the handwritten notes, etc. etc. are also fake--- and yep, MJ did indeed depart from this world on June 25, 2009. <br /><br />:icon_rolleyes:[size=12pt][/size]<br /><br />…..although I seriously doubt that you honestly believe any of that.<br /><br /><br />It's clear that you have misinterpreted my words--- AGAIN--- after reading your previous post…..hence the magnifying glass---NOT because you haven't "tried hard enough" in the past 3+ years. <br /><br />Get back on the horse--both literally & figuratively. We both know you can--- and WILL. <br /><br />Don't lose your faith in MJ now…..not now.<br />
    <br /><br />Am I the only one who noticed that Front didn't mention TS in there ? Is it possibly  that because Front and TS are the very same person ? or two different people with the very same intentionS ?<br />  <br />For me , " necessarily early " and " not now " have the same implications . Something is on the way !! humm could it be that Michael is cooking a little BAM cake for us while we're waiting in the "waiting room " ? just one little question Front , is the cake going to be shared with the Arab countries as well ? people are here are very hungry for a BAM ! <br /><br />Front , it's not that we're losing faith in Michael or anything , we just trust in you so much that we're afraid to be disappointed ! <br /><br />love
  • SunnieSunnie Posts: 29
    on 1355940610:
    <br />If he read the posts he would know how hard we have worked on this and how devoted we are to discovering the truth. Knowing how much we have applied ourselves to this cause, and so thoroughly, it ought to be cringe-worthy to suggest that we aren't working hard enough. You figure, there is no consensus. We are all over the map in our thoughts n feelings n "hunches" regarding these mysteries laid out before us. Some believe X, some believe Y, some believe Z. If there were truth to be learned beyond a shadow of a doubt, you'd think there ought to be a collectively accept brand of it floating around this board somewhere. As it is, that is not the case... obviously... since we are being told to try harder. Or maybe just I. I remember how it turned out the LAST time I was singled out. You (collective: TS n co.) won't fool me so easily a second time.<br /><br />Unfortunately, @Front, I have reread the posts. back's posts as well. And upon utilizing a fresh perspective, you do not seem like back. You're an excellent copy, however, as it took more then a year of posts to be able to catch a whiff of that.<br /><br />Further, back said nothing about an impending Bam. He made precious few posts regarding a mysterious event upcoming and the few that he did could have easily been referring to what ultimately became slated to be the TII concert series. Post 6/25/09, he made only one reference to such an event still forthcoming and that was in the Vision post regarding two kings, Jesus & Michael. The line "and the end result shall be the same" COULD very easily without any massaging, mean MJ's ascension into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God. Which could have just been a bestowment of respect for MJ, dearly departed.<br /><br />Beyond that back said more then once, NOT a comeback, but a TAKEover. So back says no comeback. That statement sort of cancels Bam so it starts to boil down to what you WANT to believe. Word games no doubt, this one plays on the power of wishful thinking. However it is unfortunate, that if wishful thinking had any true power, MJ would have shocked the world by the time of this writing and been returned to his rightful place in our culture, where he belongs; a figure to be revered. <br /><br />Lastly, back made a prophecy that the stain shall be removed in due course. Have we seen any movement in this arena? NO. Am I giving up hope that this prophecy will ever be realized? You bet. Wishful thinking indeed, I hung my hoax hat on this promise for 3 years now. I will probably never give up hope for this, until I'm old n grey n utterly jaded by this world and it's complete lack of fairness and righteousness in even the most basic things. <br /><br />There's nothing worse then a game designed to sabotage the player. No matter how well you hone your skills and apply yourself to learn the rules and parameters you are destined to fail. Games like this are NO FUN and upon discovering the built-in design to ensure failure by the player, are quickly abandoned for more fruitful and positive pursuits. No one likes to feel like a loser.<br /><br />I have built my career and so therefore my worth on an art form that eludes perfection completely. No matter how hard you work or how diligently you devote yourself, you will never achieve perfection on the back of a horse... simply due to the nature of the sport. Riding properly is all about nuances. You must influence the horse to cooperate with you to achieve your goals. You may not demand or dictate, you must massage and encourage, request and suggest. Some days, no matter how hard you try, horsey will have none of it, so we put off the pursuit for perfection to a later date. There is no part of my DNA that accepts failure with this venture because although perfection remains forever outside of my grasp, I can continue to move towards it, and the goal remains to come within a stone's throw at the end of one's lifetime; or the end of one's soundness (UGH).<br /><br />But I know enough when to throw in the towel. If I encounter a horse who's personal quirks involve sabotaging me as a rider, I wash my hands of him. Life is too short, and full of too many GOOD horses, to waste my precious fleeting time here on earth (and my precious fragile BODY) with a dink. The wisdom to discern between a troubled soul who needs a little coaxing and a villain looking to dump me at the first opportunity is crucial, as our time here can be shortened in the blink of an eye, and some things in life do not have an abort button.<br /><br />So please, Mr. Front, do not suggest that I am not and have not tried hard enough because that may be the grandest, most deeply personal insult ever thrown my way.<br />
                                                            Hi bec! i just wanted to say that i've been reading your posts lately and to me they seem apprehensive. I'd like to know why you feel that way. Also, it is expected of us to be suspiciuous but not to the extent of cynicism. The whispsers and clues have been verified adequatetly.& I just hope you haven't given up on Believing,you've been a major contributor it would be sad to see everything you worked so hard for go to waste.
  • I keep trying to have faith. I have always believed in Michael and how he really was and what he stood for, I never ever believed the media.,,but,,,  I understand how Bec feels though.<br /><br />@Front, i will wish you a Happy Christmas and Merry New Year also.<br /><br />and it would be nice Front , to have you answer the questions that have been asked of you about TS. <br /><br />I personally dont think TS and you Front are the same person, it would be nice to start getting a few more answers though, and not just word play games.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I personally don't think there's anything wrong with sussing out that metaphorical exit door while in the waiting room - just in case it's needed, you know, in case of a fire alarm or some such unexpected occurence - especially if one has been burnt before. It's called looking after oneself and should in no way be seen as pressurising who/what ever one is 'waiting for'.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    mjtweet19d.jpg<br /><br />mjfb19dec.jpg<br /><br /><br /><br />To me, that pose encourages and shows faith.<br /><br /><br /> /><br />
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    @Bec, I know how you feel...come on, I picked myself up and so can you!<br />@Front and hoax-family: I am hanging in there!  I don't exactly know why but I feel this poem of Michael is fitting right now:<br /><br />Are You Listening?<br /><br />Who am I?<br />Who are you?<br />Where did we come from?<br />Where are we going?<br />What's it all about?<br />Do you have the answers?<br /><br />Immortality's my game<br />From Bliss I came<br />In Bliss I am sustained<br />To Bliss I return<br />If you don't know it now<br />It's a shame<br />Are you listening?<br /><br />This body of mine<br />Is a flux of energy<br />In the river of time<br />Eons pass, ages come and go<br />I appear and disappear<br />Playing hide-and-seek<br />In the twinkling of an eye<br /><br />I am the particle<br />I am the wave<br />Whirling at lightning speed<br />I am the fluctuation<br />That takes the lead<br />I am the Prince<br />I am the Knave<br />I am the doing<br />That is the deed<br />I am the galaxy, the void of space<br />In the Milky Way<br />I am the craze<br /><br />I am the thinker, the thinking, the thought<br />I am the seeker, the seeking, the sought<br />I am the dewdrop, the sunshine, the storm<br />I am the phenomenon, the field, the form<br />I am the desert, the ocean, the sky<br />I am the Primeval Self<br />In you and I<br /><br />Pure unbounded consciousness<br />Truth, existence, Bliss am I<br />In infinite expressions I come and go<br />Playing hide-and-seek<br />In the twinkling of an eye<br />But immortality's my game<br /><br />Eons pass<br />Deep inside<br />I remain<br />Ever the same<br />From Bliss I came<br />In Bliss I am sustained<br /><br />Join me in my dance<br />Please join me now<br />If you forget yourself<br />You'll never know how<br />This game is played<br />In the ocean bed of Eternity<br /><br />Stop this agony of wishing<br />Play it out<br />Don't think, don't hesitate<br />Curving back within yourself<br />Just create...just create<br /><br />Immortality's my game<br />From Bliss I came<br />In Bliss I'm sustained<br />To Bliss I return<br />If you don't know it now<br />It's a shame<br />Are you listening?<br /><br />Michael Jackson<br />
  • on 1355940610:
    <br />If he read the posts he would know how hard we have worked on this and how devoted we are to discovering the truth. Knowing how much we have applied ourselves to this cause, and so thoroughly, it ought to be cringe-worthy to suggest that we aren't working hard enough. You figure, there is no consensus. We are all over the map in our thoughts n feelings n "hunches" regarding these mysteries laid out before us. Some believe X, some believe Y, some believe Z. If there were truth to be learned beyond a shadow of a doubt, you'd think there ought to be a collectively accept brand of it floating around this board somewhere. As it is, that is not the case... obviously... since we are being told to try harder. Or maybe just I. I remember how it turned out the LAST time I was singled out. You (collective: TS n co.) won't fool me so easily a second time.<br /><br />Unfortunately, @Front, I have reread the posts. back's posts as well. And upon utilizing a fresh perspective, you do not seem like back. You're an excellent copy, however, as it took more then a year of posts to be able to catch a whiff of that.<br /><br />Further, back said nothing about an impending Bam. He made precious few posts regarding a mysterious event upcoming and the few that he did could have easily been referring to what ultimately became slated to be the TII concert series. Post 6/25/09, he made only one reference to such an event still forthcoming and that was in the Vision post regarding two kings, Jesus & Michael. The line "and the end result shall be the same" COULD very easily without any massaging, mean MJ's ascension into heaven to be seated at the right hand of God. Which could have just been a bestowment of respect for MJ, dearly departed.<br /><br />Beyond that back said more then once, NOT a comeback, but a TAKEover. So back says no comeback. That statement sort of cancels Bam so it starts to boil down to what you WANT to believe. Word games no doubt, this one plays on the power of wishful thinking. However it is unfortunate, that if wishful thinking had any true power, MJ would have shocked the world by the time of this writing and been returned to his rightful place in our culture, where he belongs; a figure to be revered. <br /><br />Lastly, back made a prophecy that the stain shall be removed in due course. Have we seen any movement in this arena? NO. Am I giving up hope that this prophecy will ever be realized? You bet. Wishful thinking indeed, I hung my hoax hat on this promise for 3 years now. I will probably never give up hope for this, until I'm old n grey n utterly jaded by this world and it's complete lack of fairness and righteousness in even the most basic things. <br /><br />There's nothing worse then a game designed to sabotage the player. No matter how well you hone your skills and apply yourself to learn the rules and parameters you are destined to fail. Games like this are NO FUN and upon discovering the built-in design to ensure failure by the player, are quickly abandoned for more fruitful and positive pursuits. No one likes to feel like a loser.<br /><br />I have built my career and so therefore my worth on an art form that eludes perfection completely. No matter how hard you work or how diligently you devote yourself, you will never achieve perfection on the back of a horse... simply due to the nature of the sport. Riding properly is all about nuances. You must influence the horse to cooperate with you to achieve your goals. You may not demand or dictate, you must massage and encourage, request and suggest. Some days, no matter how hard you try, horsey will have none of it, so we put off the pursuit for perfection to a later date. There is no part of my DNA that accepts failure with this venture because although perfection remains forever outside of my grasp, I can continue to move towards it, and the goal remains to come within a stone's throw at the end of one's lifetime; or the end of one's soundness (UGH).<br /><br />But I know enough when to throw in the towel. If I encounter a horse who's personal quirks involve sabotaging me as a rider, I wash my hands of him. Life is too short, and full of too many GOOD horses, to waste my precious fleeting time here on earth (and my precious fragile BODY) with a dink. The wisdom to discern between a troubled soul who needs a little coaxing and a villain looking to dump me at the first opportunity is crucial, as our time here can be shortened in the blink of an eye, and some things in life do not have an abort button.<br /><br />So please, Mr. Front, do not suggest that I am not and have not tried hard enough because that may be the grandest, most deeply personal insult ever thrown my way.<br />
    <br /><br />Feel sick to my stomach right now... The uncertainty and doubt when one of the forums strongest wants out...
  • I still have faith but I'm on my last legs...<br /> :abouttime:
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Do, I so love that poem of MJ's!<br /><br />glasshalffull-300x216.jpg<br /><br />Is Your Glass Half Full or Is It Half Empty?<br />Positive or Negative? Optimist or Pessimist?<br />Our brains work in different ways.<br /><br />Front, have a very merry necessary early Christmas holiday time with all you hold dear!<br />I'm holding my breath.......................!!! :icon_pale: :icon_lol:<br />
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Thank you Front! (even though you never reply to me...  :over-react-smiley:  :icon_lol: ) Just kidding!! Happy Holidays to you and yours as well!!  :bearhug:<br /><br />Also, how are some of you losing faith? After 3 and a half years of collecting as much convincing evidence as we have to prove bam.. you're losing faith because he hasn't BAM-ed yet? TS gave a deadline of 01/01/2013... its only the 19th of December... I think some of us need to relax and go back and review everything we've been told... as Jaafar's tweet said. Does anyone need a bearhug?  :icon_albino: :bearhug: :bearhug:<br /><br />
  • With all due respect Katy re: the ones who are 'struggling' (in want of a better word) I dnt think its abt losing faith nor abt lack of MJ DH evidence. And Bec out of everyone is one to review everything weve been told with a fine tooth comb...
  • Whichever way well have our answer re fake informer within 11 days....
  • ShrimpShrimp Posts: 27
    @Bec<;br />After reading your last post I feel so sorry for you. You must go through a difficult time, you come across as hurt, frustrated and sad. I really hope you feel better soon.  :bearhug:<br />Nevertheless, I also think you should try to stick around just a little longer. You have come such a long way, and have proven to be such a good investigator in this hoax. To me, your posts were one of the most valuable on this board, really.<br /><br />Regardless of how you think about Front and TS now, you cannot start to assume that MJ did die in June 2009. There is so much more than Front's posts that suggests otherwise. And really, that could not all be coincidences. No way! <br /><br />When I started reading on this board, I neglected this thread (and also the section of thisisalsoit) for a long time, because it wasn't clear for me then what is was about, and there was so much more to read. Being a Michael Jackson fan since childhood, I wanted nothing more but him to be alive. But the realist in me didn't give it much chance. It was a coincidence (yes, really!  :icon_mrgreen:) I came across this board (I didn't even know many people thought he hoaxed his death  :icon_redface:, in my defense: I was VERY busy with my baby and toddler, work, trying to prevent my home from becoming a total chaos and trying to deal with the very many sleep-deprived nights). Anyway, I was intrigued by the idea of Michael still being alive, and I started reading. Although being skeptical at first, I very soon turned into a believer. Afterwards I started reading this thread and TS's comments and of course they only strengthened my believe. In my opinion, Front has said enough to prove he's not just another believer. But I'm sure you have read that in his previous post.<br /><br />So please, don't allow yourself to abandon this hoax like this. Michael is not dead. You know that. <br /><br />@ all of you (also you, Mr. Front, you already have a very special place in my heart): Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays! I wish you and your family all the best. May 2013 be a happy, healthy and extraordinary year full of love!<br />
  • To Bec, I hear you! But understand the the contributions you have made to this site are tremendous! You are not alone! Hang in there, and know that a lot of us are hanging with you to see what the end wil be!<br /><br />Much blessings to you!<br /><br />OnTheWingsOfLove
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355850449:
    paristfxf.jpg<br />---><br />tickets to the BELIEVE tour  :icon_lol:<br /><br />[size=12pt]Halloween on Christmas![/size]  :affraid: :woohoo2:<br />We MISS you too Michael!  :bearhug:
    <br /><br />
    on 1355928102:
    [size=12pt]Wishing everyone a (necessary early) very Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays![/size]
    <br /><br />
    [size=14pt]HAPPY necessary LATE HALLOWEEN, Front  :icon_albino: :icon_geek: <br />and HAPPY HOLIDAYS to EVERYBODY  :bearhug:[/size]
    <br /><br /><br /><br />And... a little something for bored BAMzified people  :icon_lol:  :icon_lol: 0016.gif<br /><br />bamzifcgc.jpg<br /><br /> :icon_lol: :icon_lol:<br />bamzifdjd.jpg
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Mr Front - I am intrigued.... "necessary early" Christmas.....hmmmm.......I'll keep watchin' <br /><br />Glad you found those La Toya tweets interesting too....they're no coincidence in my opinion.<br /><br />Wishing you and your family very merry, safe and happy (nesessary early) Christmas too Front <br /><br /> :icon_mrgreen:  :icon_albino:
  • jonojono Posts: 279
    This is a time to rejoice. BAM is near. I can feel it... Hang in there !<br /><br />A big  :bearhug: to you all!
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    on 1355945877:
    <br />I keep trying to have faith. I have always believed in Michael and how he really was and what he stood for, I never ever believed the media.,,but,,,  I understand how Bec feels though.<br /><br />@Front, i will wish you a Happy Christmas and Merry New Year also.<br /><br />and it would be nice Front , to have you answer the questions that have been asked of you about TS. <br /><br />I personally dont think TS and you Front are the same person, it would be nice to start getting a few more answers though, and not just word play games.
    <br /><br />Indeed
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    Don't lose your faith in MJ now…..not now.
    <br /><br />This sounds almost like a plea or a heads please don't abandon MJ or lose faith as he is  gonna be needing us soon.......for the "necessary early" Christmas<br /><br />that's how I read it anyway.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355888049:
    :thjajaja121: :thjajaja121:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355892670:
    <br />Hey guys...count me in, I'm gonna be in the waiting room... til then ...  :compute:<br />Here's a vid...ENJOY!!<br /><br />
    <br /><br />hope u like it :))  :bearhug:  :bearhug:  :bearhug:
    LOVE IT!  :michael-jackson:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355912073:
    Front has never never--never ONCE!!--asked anyone to believe his words based on his words alone. And that REMAINs the case. Evidence speaks for itself... Don'T take mere words at face value.
    <br />In other words Front's words have been backed up by MJ FB, Paris' tweets, TMZ, MJ's lyrics, other Jackson tweets, Back's/SOTT's posts, family and insider interviews, and more.  If we do our homework, re-read and re-read as in 'hind-sight', which takes a lot of commitment and is no easy task, then we will KNOW that he is telling us as  he says the "words of truth".  But the job of us convincing ourselves has to come from our own selves, not him.  I think he's waiting to see if we can make those connections and then stand with it, which is different than just blind leaps of faith.  This is deep calling to deep.  JMT
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    Sounds like you got it all figured out: Front is a fake, which would mean that Paris, Jermaine, La Toya, the official MJ FB page, the handwritten notes, etc. etc. are also fake--- and yep, MJ did indeed depart from this world on June 25, 2009.
    <br /><br />Not necessarily the right order of reasoning and much assuming.<br />You have a real heart that gets disturbed and beats up, and you make mistakes, too.<br />That's  - positive. <br />A relief.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @GodhaschosenMJ:  :icon_e_wink:  :bearhug:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355929622:
    @Sim...I'm in  :icon_razz:
    9.gif LOVE YA SIS'  :bearhug: <br /><br /><br />
    on 1355936614:
    <br />images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ5Yi0LBvzUIP5tsvMy7rrKPjN8bYKZUl1quegebyT9VEaj9dOriw<br /><br />I'm leaving Oreos for milk, Front? <br />Merry Christmas to this big, beautiful group I call my hoax family.....<br />Love you much.  May you be blessed with love and kindness always....<br /><br />Keep the faith, hold the truth in your heart<br />and never doubt Michael's love for humanity......<br />it's all for L.O.V.E.<br /><br />Blessings Always
    SWEET as always Wishy  :) :bearhug:<br />Until Front brings the milk, I'll steal one of those delicious cookies up there ^^  :icon_geek:<br /><br /><br />
    on 1355946653:
    mjfb19dec.jpg<br /><br />[size=12pt]To me, that pose encourages and shows faith.[/size]<br /><br /> />
    <br /><br />YEP! Faith! but also RESURRECTION! ---> Christ ---> Christmas <br />A hint maybe ? IDK...
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I'm scared - there I said it!
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    @Curls, please, can you explain why and for what? If you don't want 2 tell on-topic, a PM is fine.<br />Just curious  :bearhug:<br /><br />@Sim: first thing I thought about when a looked at that pic. could it be ??
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1355957324:
    on 1355946653:
    mjfb19dec.jpg<br /><br />[size=12pt]To me, that pose encourages and shows faith.[/size]<br /><br /> />
    <br /><br />YEP! Faith! but also RESURRECTION! ---> Christ ---> Christmas <br />A hint maybe ? IDK...
    <br /><br />bam006.jpg<br /><br />---><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />@Curls: "There's nothing to be nervous about. It's an adventure. A Great adventure" [MJ - TII - Thriller II  :icon_albino: :icon_e_biggrin: ]<br /><br />@Jos: anything's possible with Michael !  :icon_e_wink:<br />
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