Official back & Front thread



  • on 1356273598:
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    on 1356249908:
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    on 1356247554:
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    on 1356240954:
    <br /><br />I really want TS/Front to know that, if they have conveyed us a false Bam date (that is comeback within 2012) just to see who sticks to this hoax till the end, then you guys better know that we all are here till the very one of us would lose their beliefs, no one of us can. If this is mere better stop, let us know that this is false and never give any Bam date again...<br />And if you've put up this Bam date for us to discover be it, we are all ready to take in whatever information comes in our way.<br />But false dates just for 'play with us' purpose is wrong...not for me, but for the many others...who can't stop expecting (for whatever reasons they cannot let go of their expectations)<br />We can't tell them stop expecting, because we don't their lives and what they've been through...<br />So my humble request, no false dates...we are here as long as it takes...<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thriller4ever, please don't take this the wrong way, but oftentimes it's better to use the words 'I' and 'me' rather than 'we' and 'us'! With all due respect you are not speaking for 'us all' in this post.<br />
    <br /><br />Curls, My post was directly backing up people who are desperate about the Bam and indirectly for all the believers here on this forum. My post was also  representing people who are ready to wait, and that's why 'us' and 'we'.<br />Waiting for him and taking in this hoax patiently is not what I feel alone.<br />I do know that whatever post TS and front have given all had their own purpose...most of them were not random posts...and whatever these guys say does have a meaning...but in the rarest of the rare cases, I suspected whether 2012 was the year and that's why I requested Front to say something about this.<br />a date does have psychological effects on people (it had for 21, December, 2012)...<br />I don't know what you understood from my post, because it was for ALL the people in this forum...I don't really think that entertaining a false date is good either, and I was letting Front know, I don't know whether it's okay with you...<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thriller, it was the bits you didn't bold, that I've put in red, that I was referring to. No worries, I know what you meant to say and just for the record, no, it would not ok with me for TS to be handing out false dates.  Wait and see!<br />
    <br /><br />So, do you mean you are ready to lose your beliefs, ready to become a non-believer, not ready to take info that comes Ur way, and not here as long as it takes? Well, majority of us are and that's what I'm supporting...<br /><br />I think my post was way too clear...'don't support false dates' .....<br />I don't know what you mean by disagreeing then and agreeing now...because 'wait and see' is what I've been telling through out!<br />'with all due respect' my advice to you.. do think twice and reach to some stable conclusion before you post....will be good for you.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    MJonmind wrote:
    And Sim, better watch how much drink--you might fall off your chair and miss the Bam!  :errrr:
    <br />I'm afraid I didn't understand this.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356238917:
    Was it moldy cheese to go with people's whining?
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356242251:
    <br />[...]<br />Thanks!  I think that's a compilation video but I found the whole skit, it's not the greatest picture but the sound is better than a couple other ones I saw, this is the whole skit.  The MJ stuff starts just after 3:30, so I did miss over half of the skit when I started watching....weird that I would tune it right at the moment!<br />
    on 1356239864:
    <br /><br />I was going through the guide menu on my tv just now and saw SNL, haven't watched that in a while so I switched to it.  Bruno Mars is hosting and they were in the middle of a skit, and I apologize now for this really bad description but I came in half way through.  These guys worked at a radio station or something and the power was partly out (?) and they said the Michael Jackson channel went out and they started freaking out so they got their intern (Bruno) to sing MJ into a mike but he had to have an MJ glove and all the radio people had one for some reason.  The intern was nervous about singing but one of the other guys said, "It's now or never!" ( :icon_eek:) so Bruno (who does a pretty good MJ) started singing Billie Jean.  Then whoever was listening changed the song and it went to Man in the Mirror, then Smooth Criminal where one of the guys said he was singing the wrong lyrics and someone else said "nobody knows the lyrics to that!" (made me think Dr Murray resuscitation, lol) and then Beat It.  Then the power came back on and the intern (Bruno) immediately died but was looking around even though he was "dead" so the guy holding him shut Bruno's eyes and then started singing that Aerosmith song, Don't Wanna Miss A Thing.  <br /><br /><br />(It might be a re-run but it's from 2012 and they're choosing tonight to re-run that episode)<br />
    <br /><br />
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    Thanks for sharing Andrea!!  :thjajaja121:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356273723:
    <br />TNZ were eager to get a lot of followers and were following each and every VIP on myspace. They were said to be a group of Russian fans. They calmed a lot down, later.<br />I found interesting, though, that TII was leaked in full length, filmed in a movie theater with Russian subtitles.<br /><br />We discussed TNZ at length as of 2009, and some believed that MJ could be behind TNZ.<br /><br /><br />but there's also this:<br /><br /><br />Russian version of wikileaks ( carries MJ's silhouette in its logo.<br /><br />
    TKS for the links!  :icon_e_wink:
  • on 1356273723:
    <br />TNZ were eager to get a lot of followers and were following each and every VIP on myspace. They were said to be a group of Russian fans. They calmed a lot down, later.<br />I found interesting, though, that TII was leaked in full length, filmed in a movie theater with Russian subtitles.<br /><br />We discussed TNZ at length as of 2009, and some believed that MJ could be behind TNZ.<br /><br /><br />but there's also this:<br /><br /><br />Add:<br />Russian version of wikileaks ( carries MJ's silhouette in its logo.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I think the very statement by TNZ "TNZ is a believer and a knower" says that Michael maybe behind this all...<br /><br />Anyways I'll check these out...thanks <3<br /><br /><br />
    on 1356273769:
    <br />Is anyone following "Back" on twitter? (@GreatestBack)<;br />Is he real?<br /><br />If so, his last tweet was:<br /><br />Back‏@GreatestBack<;br />Tomorrow my friends <3<br /><br />Just 30 minutes ago.<br /><br />
    <br /><br />this twitter account is protected...
  • You Must register first to see his-her twitts...  :computer-losy-smiley:
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    on 1356273769:
    <br />Is anyone following "Back" on twitter? (@GreatestBack)<;br />Is he real?<br /><br />If so, his last tweet was:<br /><br />Back‏@GreatestBack<;br />Tomorrow my friends <3<br /><br />Just 30 minutes ago.<br />
    <br /><br />I don't trust this person , besides, in order for me to follow him / her , I was asked to wait until that person accepts me , then I started reading his tweets from the very beginning <br /><br />Here are some of his tweets that I found confusing : <br /><br />24 Nov 11 Back ‏@GreatestBack <br />Begins December 3, 2011<br /><br /><br />25 Nov 11 Back ‏@GreatestBack <br />" Once upon a time ", all beautiful story begins like that so once upon a time, a life, a glance on the world, a man ..<br /><br /><br />26 Nov 11 Back ‏@GreatestBack <br />you want a date? I have a date! Trust me and do not listen to the lies of the "pseudo" informant. 10122112 keep watching !!!!!!!<br /><br /><br />15 Dec Back ‏@GreatestBack <br />Oppa ComeBack Style !! hihihi ! M
  • All those ''INFORMERS'' are JUST Destroyers of His Real Come Back with the Fake Preictions and Dates... ''We'Ve Had Enough!!!!''  >:(
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    I agree with curls. I'm not ok with TS_comments handing out false dates either. I find it a bizarre notion that someone would go to these lengths to play around with the minds of a few people on the internet for these many years but I am not naive enough to think it impossible.<br /><br />Perhaps back was always a marketing tool invented by MJ. He gave MJ a "tougher" side to round out all the softness that could be associated with passivity, he drummed up excitement in the fan base for new and upcoming MJ things by eluding to something big coming MJ related, he retained that interest (keep watchin), he also gave MJ a voice during the trials; to speak out against the treatment he was being subjected to, and allowed him to vent without tainting his ever patient and polite public image. He also kept the fan base's spirits up during said trial.<br /><br />I mentioned it once so at risk of being repetitive; back never said much of anything in regards to a Bam. Yes he said the word "bam" but it wasn't in conjunction with a future event so in context it does not apply to a comeback clue. The context around which he used the word "bam" ONE time in his surviving posts has zero to do with the hoax. The greatest clue back gives us is the date of death (lacking a year) combined with his presence on the forum post-6/25/09, but those things do not mean MJ is alive and coming back.<br /><br />The presence of these clues make no sense without a comeback, that's pretty easy to say, but not everything in life "makes sense". People do weird things all the time for no particularly good reason. The biggest, strongest clue is the Liberian Girl pics used at the memorial and burial but there is precious little given recently. I suppose Jermaine constantly saying "it's all going to come out" is a strong clue as well but why hasn't he said this since Murray's trial? For someone who repeated this phrase like he was reading it off a cue card for his life, JJ sure has been silent regarding anything coming out in over a year. And whatever happened to "justice, then truth"?? I haven't seen any truth, has anyone else?<br /><br />Would the Jackson family perpetuate a false hoax to honor MJ's public life as the Man of Mystery? Maybe. Sure. Why not? They owe us nothing. Would MJ perpetuate false hope in a few conspiracy theorists online just for fun even though he had no intention of coming back... ever? MAYBE. He is a prankster. He does love a good story. All for love can = all for fun. Maybe he thinks it's fun? It's probably pretty good people watching.
  • on 1356260275:
    <br />Okay , so  I just wanted to ask you guys something i've been thinking of for quite a while now , while discussing the possibilities of Front/Back being Michael , has anyone figured out why that person chose those nicknames ? <br />If yes , please please post  the links .<br />
    <br /><br />Here you can find the links, for that I redirect you to the first page of this thread where I found all those connexions:<br /><br />,5167.msg81192.html#msg81192<br /><br />There is something that hasn't been said (or at least I didn't read it) and it's coming from my own harvest: I think that after Michael was acquitted from all those terrible child abuser molestation allegations he felt strong and ready to say: " LITERALLY THE KING IS BACK " which IMO has a double meaning: 1- King of Pop is back to his routine after being acquitted, 2- the King of Pop is BACK (his nickname in that site called MJJC---> "Michael Joe/Joseph Jackson Community"?).<br /><br /><br /><br />So all that written above makes me think that if the King of Pop(MJ) was BACK on the other site then on this hoax forum his nickname is FRONT (the man himself) totally the other side of the entertainer, hence the name of this thread: Back & Front thread hinting that both could be the same person MJ.<br /><br />That's my humble opinion but I could be wrong.
  • @Sim, I like your montages with Apollo.  I've been trying to figure this out on and off all year !  What do you think it all means ?  Michael being bathed and in water in those paintings ?  There's also Apollo having a bath.  <br />All I can think of is Baptism, and receiving the holy spirit.  Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.  Maybe there's a similar story about Apollo ?  I don't know.  Is the story of the Roman "Jupiter" similar too ?  So, is the story repeating itself again in our time ?  So it goes:<br />Jesus and John the Baptist-about 2,000 years ago when the age of Pisces started<br />Apollo/Jupiter/Zeus and friends ?-Greek/Roman Times ?<br />Michael and Elvis-our time when the age of aquarius is about to start.    :icon_idea:<br /><br /><br /> :multiplespotting:                :beerchug:                                  <br /><br /><br />Also, I read/saw somewhere (but I forget where),  that they thought Apollo was a hybrid between a human and an angel (like an E.T) and that's why he had super human powers ????<br />And Alaje the Pleidian says Jesus was a Pleidian or a cross between a Lyran mother and Pleidian or something like that.  I don't think I have that right so I have to listen to it again.  Aren't the Lyrans like the cat people ?  Alaje says the Gods that humans worshipped in ancient times were really E.T's/aliens.  People called them angels and Gods    Could be ???? <br /><br />What's real and what's fake ? Who's faking and who's not ?  Who is evil/good ?    "So much confusion, it makes you want to Scream".    Then who are the fallen angels ? The Watchers ?The nephilim ?  The Giants ?  The evil Nordics and Reptilians ????  The shadow government ? The Annunaki ?  <br />  <br /><br /><br />
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1356283577:
    <br /><br />Also, I read/saw somewhere (but I forget where),  that they thought Apollo was a hybrid between a human and an angel (like an E.T) and that's why he had super human powers ????<br />And Alaje the Pleidian says Jesus was a Pleidian or a cross between a Lyran mother and Pleidian or something like that.  I don't think I have that right so I have to listen to it again.  Aren't the Lyrans like the cat people ?  Alaje says the Gods that humans worshipped in ancient times were really E.T's/aliens.  People called them angels and Gods    Could be ???? <br /><br />What's real and what's fake ? Who's faking and who's not ?  Who is evil/good ?    "So much confusion, it makes you want to Scream".    Then who are the fallen angels ? The Watchers ?The nephilim ?  The Giants ?  The evil Nordics and Reptilians ????  The shadow government ? The Annunaki ?  <br /> <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Your comment reminded me of a Star Trek episode (showing my nerdiness here) called "Who Mourns for Adonais?" about a powerful alien claiming he is the Greek god Apollo and he holds members of the Enterprise captive to worship him.  I think that's interesting considering Star Trek predicted so much of the technology that we are currently using.  Also makes me think of the Mark Twain quote "Truth is stranger than fiction."  Here's a preview of that episode:<br /><br />
    <br /><br />
  • on 1356283577:
    <br />@Sim, I like your montages with Apollo.  I've been trying to figure this out on and off all year !  What do you think it all means ?  Michael being bathed and in water in those paintings ?  There's also Apollo having a bath.  <br />All I can think of is Baptism, and receiving the holy spirit.  Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.  Maybe there's a similar story about Apollo ?  I don't know.  Is the story of the Roman "Jupiter" similar too ?  So, is the story repeating itself again in our time ?  So it goes:<br />Jesus and John the Baptist-about 2,000 years ago when the age of Pisces started<br />Apollo/Jupiter/Zeus and friends ?-Greek/Roman Times ?<br />Michael and Elvis-our time when the age of aquarius is about to start.    :icon_idea:<br /><br /><br /> :multiplespotting:                :beerchug:                                  <br /><br /><br />Also, I read/saw somewhere (but I forget where),  that they thought Apollo was a hybrid between a human and an angel (like an E.T) and that's why he had super human powers ????<br />And Alaje the Pleidian says Jesus was a Pleidian or a cross between a Lyran mother and Pleidian or something like that.  I don't think I have that right so I have to listen to it again.  Aren't the Lyrans like the cat people ?  Alaje says the Gods that humans worshipped in ancient times were really E.T's/aliens.  People called them angels and Gods    Could be ???? <br /><br />What's real and what's fake ? Who's faking and who's not ?  Who is evil/good ?    "So much confusion, it makes you want to Scream".    Then who are the fallen angels ? The Watchers ?The nephilim ?  The Giants ?  The evil Nordics and Reptilians ????  The shadow government ? The Annunaki ?  <br /> <br />
    <br /><br />APOLLO has been variously recognized as a god of light and the SUN, truth and prophecy, HEALING, plague, MUSIC, poetry, FINE ARTS (this doesn't appear in the english wiki but in the spanish one) and more.<br /><br /><br /><br />
  • on 1356281888:
    <br />I agree with curls. I'm not ok with TS_comments handing out false dates either. I find it a bizarre notion that someone would go to these lengths to play around with the minds of a few people on the internet for these many years but I am not naive enough to think it impossible.<br /><br />Perhaps back was always a marketing tool invented by MJ. He gave MJ a "tougher" side to round out all the softness that could be associated with passivity, he drummed up excitement in the fan base for new and upcoming MJ things by eluding to something big coming MJ related, he retained that interest (keep watchin), he also gave MJ a voice during the trials; to speak out against the treatment he was being subjected to, and allowed him to vent without tainting his ever patient and polite public image. He also kept the fan base's spirits up during said trial.<br /><br />I mentioned it once so at risk of being repetitive; back never said much of anything in regards to a Bam. Yes he said the word "bam" but it wasn't in conjunction with a future event so in context it does not apply to a comeback clue. The context around which he used the word "bam" ONE time in his surviving posts has zero to do with the hoax. The greatest clue back gives us is the date of death (lacking a year) combined with his presence on the forum post-6/25/09, but those things do not mean MJ is alive and coming back.<br /><br />The presence of these clues make no sense without a comeback, that's pretty easy to say, but not everything in life "makes sense". People do weird things all the time for no particularly good reason. The biggest, strongest clue is the Liberian Girl pics used at the memorial and burial but there is precious little given recently. I suppose Jermaine constantly saying "it's all going to come out" is a strong clue as well but why hasn't he said this since Murray's trial? For someone who repeated this phrase like he was reading it off a cue card for his life, JJ sure has been silent regarding anything coming out in over a year. And whatever happened to "justice, then truth"?? I haven't seen any truth, has anyone else?<br /><br />Would the Jackson family perpetuate a false hoax to honor MJ's public life as the Man of Mystery? Maybe. Sure. Why not? They owe us nothing. Would MJ perpetuate false hope in a few conspiracy theorists online just for fun even though he had no intention of coming back... ever? MAYBE. He is a prankster. He does love a good story. All for love can = all for fun. Maybe he thinks it's fun? It's probably pretty good people watching.<br />
    <br /><br />I would agree with you if the game had been only played by Michael's brothers and sisters and even his father (Mr. Joe Jackson) I don't talk about the children because you know children can be easily manipulated, but sorry I can't entertain the idea of a mother (Mrs Katherine Jackson) playing the game and being disrespectful to the memory of his son just for fun, she would pay a different tribute to Michael and never a hoax, IMHO.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    If MJ wanted her to, do you doubt that she would? I do not.
  • on 1356240954:
    <br /><br /><br />I really want TS/Front to know that, if they have conveyed us a false Bam date (that is comeback within 2012) just to see who sticks to this hoax till the end, then you guys better know that we all are here till the very one of us would lose their beliefs, no one of us can. If this is mere better stop, let us know that this is false and never give any Bam date again...<br />And if you've put up this Bam date for us to discover be it, we are all ready to take in whatever information comes in our way.<br />But false dates just for 'play with us' purpose is wrong...not for me, but for the many others...who can't stop expecting (for whatever reasons they cannot let go of their expectations)<br />We can't tell them stop expecting, because we don't their lives and what they've been through...<br />So my humble request, no false dates...we are here as long as it takes...<br /><br /><br />
  • on 1356287961:
    <br />If MJ wanted her to, do you doubt that she would? I do not.<br />
    <br /><br />No I mean in case that Michael were dead, if Michael is alive of course I agree with you that she would play the game as she is doing.
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356283577:
    <br />@Sim, I like your montages with Apollo.  I've been trying to figure this out on and off all year !  <br />[size=12pt]What do you think it all means ?[/size] 
    <br />I think that strictly for hoax purposes, these APOLLO connections mean:<br /><br />- Michael representing the SUN, LIGHTMAN the Light of the world, RISING (resurrecting)... <br />and if we connect this to <br />- that article about Murray "coming home by Christmas", <br />- Paris twit of those lyrics from the song 'I miss you", containing that particular line "And we shall have Halloween on Christmas"<br />- Front wishing us "a very necessary early Merry Christmas"<br />- all the RESURRECTION references from 4 official sources<br />- Jermaine changing his name into JackSUN <br />- and all the information posted on the previous page from TNZ b][font=comic sans ms]Aurelian established [color=red]December 25[/color] as the birthday of the [color=red]INVINCIBLE [/color]SUN in the 3d century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations.[/font][/b<br />Therefore, IMO, December 25th is a highly possible BAM date.  :icon_bounce:<br /><br />And I also think that while all this time, we have wrongly interpreted all those December 21st & 22nd to be BAM-clues, they might actually have been intended to mean this:<br />
    tnz wrote:
    So for primitive man [size=12pt]Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning[/size] of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival.<br />---> That's WHY ^^ we had all those family twits containing the word BEGINNING, that @Thriller4ever put into a montage previous pages ago.<br /><br />Primitive men believed the Sun had died as they could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days. Solstice means 'a turning point'.<br />The early pre-Christians established rituals concerning this period: [size=12pt]the sun lays in a grave for 3 days, but then shall be resurrected.[/size]
    And that's WHY we had all those official references for the word RESURRECTED!<br />So, December 22nd clues + 3 days = December 25th ! ( BAM ?) I hope so!!  :bowdown:
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Well back did reference something in regards to "72 hours previous the logic of a moment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell".<br /><br />However, I doubt MJ would trample the God show with a Bam on Christmas Day.
  • on 1356289328:
    <br />
    on 1356283577:
    <br />@Sim, I like your montages with Apollo.  I've been trying to figure this out on and off all year !  <br />[size=12pt]What do you think it all means ?[/size] 
    <br />I think that strictly for hoax purposes, these APOLLO connections mean:<br /><br />- Michael representing the SUN, LIGHTMAN the Light of the world, RISING (resurrecting)... <br />and if we connect this to <br />- that article about Murray "coming home by Christmas", <br />- Paris twit of those lyrics from the song 'I miss you", containing that particular line "And we shall have Halloween on Christmas"<br />- Front wishing us "a very necessary early Merry Christmas"<br />- all the RESURRECTION references from 4 official sources<br />- Jermaine changing his name into JackSUN <br />- and all the information posted on the previous page from TNZ b][font=comic sans ms]Aurelian established [color=red]December 25[/color] as the birthday of the [color=red]INVINCIBLE [/color]SUN in the 3d century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations.[/font][/b<br />Therefore, IMO, December 25th is a highly possible BAM date.  :icon_bounce:<br /><br />And I also think that while all this time, we have wrongly interpreted all those December 21st & 22nd to be BAM-clues, they might actually have been intended to mean this:<br />
    tnz wrote:
    So for primitive man [size=12pt]Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning[/size] of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival.<br />---> That's WHY ^^ we had all those family twits containing the word BEGINNING, that @Thriller4ever put into a montage previous pages ago.<br /><br />Primitive men believed the Sun had died as they could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days. Solstice means 'a turning point'.<br />The early pre-Christians established rituals concerning this period: [size=12pt]the sun lays in a grave for 3 days, but then shall be resurrected.[/size]
    And that's WHY we had all those official references for the word RESURRECTED!<br />So, December 22nd clues + 3 days = December 25th ! ( BAM ?) I hope so!!  :bowdown:<br />
    <br /><br /> The light of the world? I don't think you should call Michael that. Maybe I'm being a bit over religious but I dont think you should consider another human, who cuts in bleeds in that sense at all. <br /><br />
  • on 1356289809:
    <br />Well back did reference something in regards to "72 hours previous the logic of a moment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell".<br /><br />However, I doubt MJ would trample the God show with a Bam on Christmas Day.<br />
    <br /><br />Do you mean he would never eclipse Christmas Day for the sake of his hoax and BAM and take away the importance that God has that day?
  • mindseyemindseye Posts: 980
    on 1356290448:
    <br />
    on 1356289809:
    <br />Well back did reference something in regards to "72 hours previous the logic of a moment etched within a 7 day theory, is possible, but only tIme will tell".<br /><br />However, I doubt MJ would trample the God show with a Bam on Christmas Day.<br />
    <br /><br />Do you mean he would never eclipse Christmas Day for the sake of his hoax and BAM and take away the importance of God has that day?<br />
    <br /><br />I agree, probably not Christmas... but maybe after a day of simmering. Thinking outside the box  :icon_geek: <br /><br />boxingday.jpg
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356290373:
    <br /> The light of the world? I don't think you should call Michael that. Maybe I'm being a bit over religious but I dont think you should consider another human, who cuts in bleeds in that sense at all.<br />
    I was PARAPHRASING the first lyrics of the song "This Is It" <br /><br />
    on 1356233137:
    <br />@ashprak247: What you posted fits with the news about Jermaine changing his name into [size=12pt]JackSUN[/size]<br />and also with the [size=12pt]Apollo (Sun GOD) [/size]connections!!<br /><br />The SUN = The LIGHT of the world! --->  [size=12pt]"This is IT! Here I stand! I'm the LIGHT of the World, I feel grand!"[/size]<br /><br />OMG!  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:<br /><br /><br />apolloxqx.jpg<br /><br />apollo003.jpg<br />
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Christmas has nothing to do with Jesus, or God. It's a pagan holiday that celebrates the 'resurrection' of the sun, the lenghtening of days. Jesus was born somewhere between spring and fall, Christmas has nothing to do with it, it was made into what it is today.<br /><br />I also think we are starting to overanalyze and this thread (for me at least) is not worth reading anymore. Paris is a teen and whatever she writes is being judged and scrutinized, big comparison pictures and I.M.H.O. no investigation of the stuff that really matters: MJ. His life, his trials, his pain, the vultures. Nothing. This thread is a circus and a competition, who will Front like best? I'm seriously considering closing this thread, no matter how entertaining Front is. <br /><br />As for TS, he was wrong on the date. So what? It's always so easy to remember the negative. Most people remembered just the negative about MJ too.<br /><br />I feel Michael needs more time, and I will give him that, whatever people say about being tired and whatever else. Being here is your own choice.<br /><br />

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

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