Official back & Front thread



  • No worries guys. <br /><br />I found those quotes about the sun Apollo and Michae which now leads me to think Christmas dayncpuldmbe the next possible bam date. <br /><br />The this it's musical director posted this on twitter. The words thriller and time came to light for me. Don't knowing they are linked to the hoax. <br /><br />“@MichaelBearden: @ArsenioOFFICIAL Cool! Why do I have the urge to jump on my keyboards and strike up some 'Thriller' chords?! Nice promo. It's time now!  m~”
  • Plus it ties in with the black or white single cover on the official mj Facebook/Twitter account. <br /><br /> Hint: a little sun symbol on the intersection of black & white, dark & light. Today is Winter Solstice = The Sun stands still.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Hi all!<br /><br />Many pages written and too little time to read them all deeply  :-\<br /><br />It is the 23rd already. No Bam nor Boom <---such as EOW  :icon_lol: <br /><br />I guess Michael did not show up  :icon_e_geek:<br /><br />Happy holidays!
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    on 1356261486:
    <br /><br /> Hint: a little sun symbol on the intersection of black & white, dark & light. Today is Winter Solstice = The Sun stands still.<br />
    <br /><br />And it stays still for 3 days of (relative) darkness until the 25th.
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1356265173:
    <br />Hi all!<br /><br />Many pages written and too little time to read them all deeply  :-\<br /><br />It is the 23rd already. No Bam nor Boom <---such as EOW  :icon_lol: <br /><br />I guess Michael did not show up  :icon_e_geek:<br /><br />Happy holidays!<br />
    <br /><br />oh....yes.....LOL at us all .... Happy holidays to you as well sweetie.....<br /><br />
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    on 1356228576:
    <br />Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the INVINCIBLE SUN in the 3d century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations.<br /><br />In 273 the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336 this Roman solar feast day was Christianized.<br /><br />Ancient men feared the darkness for it was personified death to them. In the absence of light from the Sun man was vulnerable to  bad things.<br /><br />We get the term "the devil" from this concept as the Ancients connected the ideas of "evil" and "darkness" together. Dark + evil = devil.<br /><br />Sun, the provider of light, security, safety, heat, and photosynthesis and the abundance of food stuffs was the Savior of the Ancients.<br /><br />So for primitive man Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival.<br /><br />Primitive men believed the Sun had died as they could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days. Solstice means 'a turning point'.<br /><br />The early pre-Christians established rituals concerning this period: the sun lays in a grave for 3 days, but then shall be resurrected.<br /><br />When the pre-Christians wrote of the resurrection of the Sun, they meant exactly that. It did not refer to a person, but to the Solar Sun.<br /><br />Later Gentile ancestors had changed the Sun to Son. The priesthood told the pagans the SON (Christ) was born on Dec 25, just like their SUN.<br /><br />So most of the customs, symbols & rituals associated with Christmas actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagans.<br /><br />"The sun will rise again, bigger and brighter, emblazoned in gold…like a beacon whose physical existence was provisionally "extinguished"…but never forgotten. Those "flames" are the heart of the passionate inferno of resurgence that awaits....<br /><br /><br />... Just as the Earth is sure to rotate on its axis, the resurrection of a true King will indeed proclaim Hi(s)Story…and the truth shall be heard in ALL corners of the Earth. Momentarily, the world will quake, for there will be a cosmic shift in "dogma"."<br /><br />/ Front /<br />
    <br /><br />I think it's from this twitter account:
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    ^^^^ TNZ twitter is the place I read that 1st.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Even if BAMzified I also entertain the idea that nothing can happen. Nothing is 100% certain. I don't see many desperate people wanting or needing a BAM by all means. Just going along the Hoax' scenario imo. I also do not think that it's going to pressurize Michael -- maybe he enjoys our guessings who knows lol it will not speed up the process this is sure, it's more like a game really. At least from my perspective.
  • Yes that's right guys follow tnx person. <br /><br />He or she has nailed it and it all makes sense now. <br /><br />Front always posted about the sun and this ties in with TS bam end date of MJ coming back by 01.01.13
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    on 1356267643:
    <br />Yes that's right guys follow tnx person. <br /><br />He or she has nailed it and it all makes sense now. <br /><br />Front always posted about the sun and this ties in with TS bam end date of MJ coming back by 01.01.13<br />
    <br /><br />who is tnx person?
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1356228576:
    <br />Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the INVINCIBLE SUN in the 3d century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations.<br /><br />In 273 the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336 this Roman solar feast day was Christianized.<br /><br />Ancient men feared the darkness for it was personified death to them. In the absence of light from the Sun man was vulnerable to  bad things.<br /><br />We get the term "the devil" from this concept as the Ancients connected the ideas of "evil" and "darkness" together. Dark + evil = devil.<br /><br />Sun, the provider of light, security, safety, heat, and photosynthesis and the abundance of food stuffs was the Savior of the Ancients.<br /><br />So for primitive man Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival.<br /><br />Primitive men believed the Sun had died as they could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days. Solstice means 'a turning point'.<br /><br />The early pre-Christians established rituals concerning this period: the sun lays in a grave for 3 days, but then shall be resurrected.<br /><br />When the pre-Christians wrote of the resurrection of the Sun, they meant exactly that. It did not refer to a person, but to the Solar Sun.<br /><br />Later Gentile ancestors had changed the Sun to Son. The priesthood told the pagans the SON (Christ) was born on Dec 25, just like their SUN.<br /><br />So most of the customs, symbols & rituals associated with Christmas actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagans.<br /><br />"The sun will rise again, bigger and brighter, emblazoned in gold…like a beacon whose physical existence was provisionally "extinguished"…but never forgotten. Those "flames" are the heart of the passionate inferno of resurgence that awaits....<br /><br /><br />... Just as the Earth is sure to rotate on its axis, the resurrection of a true King will indeed proclaim Hi(s)Story…and the truth shall be heard in ALL corners of the Earth. Momentarily, the world will quake, for there will be a cosmic shift in "dogma"."<br /><br />/ Front /<br />
    <br /><br />Yeah right Adi.....<br /><br />@ashprak247 I can see that your post here has been...uhm..."inspired" (to say the least  :icon_e_wink: ) by Hoax Beast ‏@TrueNewsZone on Twitter.<br /><br />Would you please be so kind as to mention them as your "source of inspiration" next time?<br /><br />Thank you.
  • Hi Mary yeah so so sorry about that i as reading late last nit 2.30am and found that, straight away wanted to post here so I didn't post the source but this person is right on the money thanks true news zone. <br /><br />Pls follow that person amazing simply amazing guys. <br /><br />I'm so stupid reading that late at night lol<br /><br />This is what michael does to us lol
  • Is the person behind TNZ front?
  • I'm so excited. I can't stop smiling!  :) BUUUUUUT  :icon_e_confused: I know that I can't put my exceptions too high, because then I might set myself up for the worse. Though I believe with all my heart Michael is coming back. I have to be cautious, so I don't loose all hope. I so disparately want to go (BAM!)> :affraid: ...but I'm going to stay level headed and whatever happens; happens and I just have to keep looking for clues and believing it in my heart. I also have to remember that he might not show up how I think he is. So  :icon_exclaim: :icon_exclaim: :icon_exclaim: :icon_exclaim: :icon_exclaim: NTS: Patients is key. :)
  •<br /><br />No idea if it's front but this person is ace. <br /><br />Just be patient guys to me it seems all these clues may have been pointing tomxmas after all. <br /><br />Not long to go but even if mj does not bam this year I know he's alive and that's enough for me although I want Michael to bam and come back in the flesh to show the world the TRUTH and TAKEOVER!!!
  • on 1356269319:
    <br /><br /><br />No idea if it's front but this person is ace. <br /><br />Just be patient guys to me it seems all these clues may have been pointing tomxmas after all. <br /><br />Not long to go but even if mj does not bam this year I know he's alive and that's enough for me although I want Michael to bam and come back in the flesh to show the world the TRUTH and TAKEOVER!!!<br />
    <br /><br />so YOU are the one talking to TNZ!!! LOL!!! <br /><br />ashprak --> prakash ...aren't u trying to get some info from TNZ, in the hope of some 'slip up'? haha!!
  • AdiAdi Posts: 1,834
    TNZ have been around for ages and ages, since the dawn of the hoax ( :icon_lol:) don't give 'em too much credit......they are interesting and funny and intriguing to read.......but that just about sums it up.
  • on 1356269733:
    <br />TNZ have been around for ages and ages, since the dawn of the hoax ( :icon_lol:) don't give 'em too much credit......they are interesting and funny and intriguing to read.......but that just about sums it up.<br />
    <br /><br />But I don't know why I've always felt that...TNZ and Front both of have the same kind of writing style though...
  • Look guys we are all in this hoax for Michael together so let's all work with each to solve the hoax. <br /><br />Wherever the info comes from its credit to that person yeah. <br /><br />I'm not trying to get info from anyone I'm just trying to figure this all out with the clues micahel has left behind. <br /><br />Let's not fight or argue but rejoice as one yeah
  • I just wanna remind you guys of this >>>><br /><br />02c17-d7f73b35-ee6f-44b2-9216-174c8840ef4b.png
  • Thriller for ever ;0)<br /><br />Good spot mate. <br /><br />Apollo ties in well with the sun
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1356249908:
    <br />
    on 1356247554:
    <br />
    on 1356240954:
    <br /><br />I really want TS/Front to know that, if they have conveyed us a false Bam date (that is comeback within 2012) just to see who sticks to this hoax till the end, then you guys better know that we all are here till the very one of us would lose their beliefs, no one of us can. If this is mere better stop, let us know that this is false and never give any Bam date again...<br />And if you've put up this Bam date for us to discover be it, we are all ready to take in whatever information comes in our way.<br />But false dates just for 'play with us' purpose is wrong...not for me, but for the many others...who can't stop expecting (for whatever reasons they cannot let go of their expectations)<br />We can't tell them stop expecting, because we don't their lives and what they've been through...<br />So my humble request, no false dates...we are here as long as it takes...<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thriller4ever, please don't take this the wrong way, but oftentimes it's better to use the words 'I' and 'me' rather than 'we' and 'us'! With all due respect you are not speaking for 'us all' in this post.<br />
    <br /><br />Curls, My post was directly backing up people who are desperate about the Bam and indirectly for all the believers here on this forum. My post was also  representing people who are ready to wait, and that's why 'us' and 'we'.<br />Waiting for him and taking in this hoax patiently is not what I feel alone.<br />I do know that whatever post TS and front have given all had their own purpose...most of them were not random posts...and whatever these guys say does have a meaning...but in the rarest of the rare cases, I suspected whether 2012 was the year and that's why I requested Front to say something about this.<br />a date does have psychological effects on people (it had for 21, December, 2012)...<br />I don't know what you understood from my post, because it was for ALL the people in this forum...I don't really think that entertaining a false date is good either, and I was letting Front know, I don't know whether it's okay with you...<br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thriller, it was the bits you didn't bold, that I've put in red, that I was referring to. No worries, I know what you meant to say and just for the record, no, it would not ok with me for TS to be handing out false dates.  Wait and see!
  • ellydellyd Posts: 220
    TNZ were eager to get a lot of followers and were following each and every VIP on myspace. They were said to be a group of Russian fans. They calmed a lot down, later.<br />I found interesting, though, that TII was leaked in full length, filmed in a movie theater with Russian subtitles.<br /><br />We discussed TNZ at length as of 2009, and some believed that MJ could be behind TNZ.<br /><br /><br />but there's also this:<br /><br /><br />Add:<br />Russian version of wikileaks ( carries MJ's silhouette in its logo.<br />
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    Is anyone following "Back" on twitter? (@GreatestBack)<;br />Is he real?<br /><br />If so, his last tweet was:<br /><br />Back‏@GreatestBack<;br />Tomorrow my friends <3<br /><br />Just 30 minutes ago.<br />
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    apollo002.jpg<br /><br />apolloaha.jpg<br /><br />apollo005.jpg<br /><br />apolloxhx.jpg
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