Official back & Front thread



  • Aurelian established December 25 as the birthday of the INVINCIBLE SUN in the 3d century as part of the Roman Winter Solstice celebrations.<br /><br />In 273 the Christian church selected this day to represent the birthday of Jesus, and by 336 this Roman solar feast day was Christianized.<br /><br />Ancient men feared the darkness for it was personified death to them. In the absence of light from the Sun man was vulnerable to  bad things.<br /><br />We get the term "the devil" from this concept as the Ancients connected the ideas of "evil" and "darkness" together. Dark + evil = devil.<br /><br />Sun, the provider of light, security, safety, heat, and photosynthesis and the abundance of food stuffs was the Savior of the Ancients.<br /><br />So for primitive man Dec. 22 was the start of winter and marked the beginning of the worst stage of his yearly struggle for survival.<br /><br />Primitive men believed the Sun had died as they could detect no movement of the Sun in the sky for 3 days. Solstice means 'a turning point'.<br /><br />The early pre-Christians established rituals concerning this period: the sun lays in a grave for 3 days, but then shall be resurrected.<br /><br />When the pre-Christians wrote of the resurrection of the Sun, they meant exactly that. It did not refer to a person, but to the Solar Sun.<br /><br />Later Gentile ancestors had changed the Sun to Son. The priesthood told the pagans the SON (Christ) was born on Dec 25, just like their SUN.<br /><br />So most of the customs, symbols & rituals associated with Christmas actually are linked to Winter Solstice celebrations of ancient Pagans.<br /><br />"The sun will rise again, bigger and brighter, emblazoned in gold…like a beacon whose physical existence was provisionally "extinguished"…but never forgotten. Those "flames" are the heart of the passionate inferno of resurgence that awaits....<br /><br /><br />... Just as the Earth is sure to rotate on its axis, the resurrection of a true King will indeed proclaim Hi(s)Story…and the truth shall be heard in ALL corners of the Earth. Momentarily, the world will quake, for there will be a cosmic shift in "dogma"."<br /><br />/ Front /<br /><br /><br /><br /><br /><br />
  • Anyone else think BAM could be Christmas Day with this link to the sun I've posted above?<br /><br />Plus I remember the Christmas decorations and reefs at the house and neverland remember?<br /><br />Maybe 22nd is the start of a new dawn and era but Michael<br />comes back on 25th Dec Christmas Day?
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356229853:
    <br />Anyone else think BAM could be Christmas Day with this link to the sun I've posted above?<br /><br />Plus I remember the Christmas decorations and reefs at the house and neverland remember?<br /><br />Maybe 22nd is the start of a new dawn and era but Michael<br />comes back on 25th Dec Christmas Day?<br />
    <br />cligne-oui-491.gif [size=14pt]"And we'll have HALLOWEEN on Christmas!!!"[/size] U_JUMP%7E1.GIF yahoo-supercontent.gif
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @ashprak247: What you posted fits with the news about Jermaine changing his name into [size=12pt]JackSUN[/size]<br />and also with the [size=12pt]Apollo (Sun GOD) [/size]connections!!<br /><br />The SUN = The LIGHT of the world! ---> "This is IT! Here I am! I'm the LIGHT of the World, I feel grand!"<br /><br />OMG!  :icon_bounce: :icon_bounce:<br /><br /><br />apolloxqx.jpg<br /><br />apollo003.jpg
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    And.....while I am here.....gematria for JackSUN<br /><br />79 = JackSUN = Billie Jean<br /><br />In the words of Elvis.......Thank you, thank you very much! <br /><br /> :thjajaja121:<br /><br />PS> awesome montages Sim......just amazing! Thank you!!!!!!
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Wishy: you cracked me up, HONEY  :thjajaja121:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1356233705:
    <br />@Wishy: you cracked me up, HONEY  :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br /><br />67 = HONEY = Elvis <br /><br /> :fresse:
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1356233921:
    <br />
    on 1356233705:
    <br />@Wishy: you cracked me up, HONEY  :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br /><br />67 = HONEY = Elvis <br /><br /> :fresse:<br />
      :affraid: OMG! Stop it Wish! I'm dying here! :thjajaja121:
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    on 1356234071:
    <br />
    on 1356233921:
    <br />
    on 1356233705:
    <br />@Wishy: you cracked me up, HONEY  :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br /><br />67 = HONEY = Elvis <br /><br /> :fresse:<br />
      :affraid: OMG! Stop it Wish! I'm dying here! :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br />Oh OK OK OK .....just had to throw that last one in, lol......<br /><br />I'd love to hear from Front, this IS a thread about him right?  <br />I guess we should discuss Front things.....maybe a Frontal lobotomy at this point........<br />If Front's not going to post, we'll have to make our own Front Fun.....<br />who's up for Front (and Back) trivia?<br /><br />What was the moldy food item Front once posted? And why?
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    @Wishy: I searched Gematria for APOLLO  :affraid: ---><br /><br />APOLLO = 211 = Romania  :icon_eek:<br />APOLLO = 774 = I'm Alive  :icon_eek:<br />APOLLO = 229 = ORION  :icon_eek:<br /><br /> :thjajaja121:
  • on 1356234663:
    <br />
    on 1356234071:
    <br />
    on 1356233921:
    <br />
    on 1356233705:
    <br />@Wishy: you cracked me up, HONEY  :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br /><br />67 = HONEY = Elvis <br /><br /> :fresse:<br />
      :affraid: OMG! Stop it Wish! I'm dying here! :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br />Oh OK OK OK .....just had to throw that last one in, lol......<br /><br />I'd love to hear from Front, this IS a thread about him right?  <br />I guess we should discuss Front things.....maybe a Frontal lobotomy at this point........<br />If Front's not going to post, we'll have to make our own Front Fun.....<br />who's up for Front (and Back) trivia?<br /><br />What was the moldy food item Front once posted? And why? <br />
    <br /><br />I'll play! Was it moldy cheese to go with people's whining? I also think Christmas is next most likely BAM date!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br />
    Was it moldy cheese to go with people's whining?
    <br /><br /><br />  :thjajaja121:
  • on 1356237260:
    <br />
    on 1356234663:
    <br />
    on 1356234071:
    <br />
    on 1356233921:
    <br />
    on 1356233705:
    <br />@Wishy: you cracked me up, HONEY  :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br /><br />67 = HONEY = Elvis <br /><br /> :fresse:<br />
      :affraid: OMG! Stop it Wish! I'm dying here! :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br />Oh OK OK OK .....just had to throw that last one in, lol......<br /><br />I'd love to hear from Front, this IS a thread about him right?  <br />I guess we should discuss Front things.....maybe a Frontal lobotomy at this point........<br />If Front's not going to post, we'll have to make our own Front Fun.....<br />who's up for Front (and Back) trivia?<br /><br />What was the moldy food item Front once posted? And why? <br />
    <br /><br />I'll play! Was it moldy cheese to go with people's whining? I also think Christmas is next most likely BAM date!<br />
    <br />I Sure hope so.<br />Maybe we'll react like this.<br />ap73.gif<br /> :woohoo2:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br />I was going through the guide menu on my tv just now and saw SNL, haven't watched that in a while so I switched to it.  Bruno Mars is hosting and they were in the middle of a skit, and I apologize now for this really bad description but I came in half way through.  These guys worked at a radio station or something and the power was partly out (?) and they said the Michael Jackson channel went out and they started freaking out so they got their intern (Bruno) to sing MJ into a mike but he had to have an MJ glove and all the radio people had one for some reason.  The intern was nervous about singing but one of the other guys said, "It's now or never!" ( :icon_eek:) so Bruno (who does a pretty good MJ) started singing Billie Jean.  Then whoever was listening changed the song and it went to Man in the Mirror, then Smooth Criminal where one of the guys said he was singing the wrong lyrics and someone else said "nobody knows the lyrics to that!" (made me think Dr Murray resuscitation, lol) and then Beat It.  Then the power came back on and the intern (Bruno) immediately died but was looking around even though he was "dead" so the guy holding him shut Bruno's eyes and then started singing that Aerosmith song, Don't Wanna Miss A Thing.  <br /><br /><br />(It might be a re-run but it's from 2012 and they're choosing tonight to re-run that episode)
  • on 1356209622:
    <br />
    on 1356208031:
    <br />there won't be any disappointments, when there are no expectations...<br />
    <br /><br />So true.  Seems like some are letting their personal expectations get the better of them  :icon_e_sad:  Funny can be positive in the sense of looking forward and happily anticipating...or it can take darker meaning in the sense that one is owed something or something is demanded of another.  I hope that everyone keeps their expectations in the former category because to me the latter is detrimental to ones peace of mind and not fair to Michael either.<br />
    <br /><br />Love4Michael, I was not letting anything get the better of me...nor I'm expecting anything any more. I had posted that for others who might be expecting Michael's Bam this year. Yesterday, I sat a while and thought about all of this, the hoax, the comeback, the revolution. And only one thing came to my mind...risk.<br /><br />If Michael risked everything, dedicated decades in planning the hoax and that too for us all...I think it's our least duty to just keep waiting for him,<br /><br />"Let him bathe in his own time"<br />                    [size=8pt] til he comes back[/size]<br /><br /> Not any common man can fake his death so grand...not any man can make a comeback, knowing there would heck a lot of revolution. And that's not it, the RISK that is involved (life threats) after he comes back...what about that?<br /><br /><br />It was like a realization for me of how some of us were trying to speed this Bam process up...for what? Just to see Michael Back...I'm not saying the wish to see Michael back is wrong, but if you were Michael, you would have known the pains you are taking to do all of this...this is not at all a mean job...<br /><br />I really want TS/Front to know that, if they have conveyed us a false Bam date (that is comeback within 2012) just to see who sticks to this hoax till the end, then you guys better know that we all are here till the very one of us would lose their beliefs, no one of us can. If this is mere better stop, let us know that this is false and never give any Bam date again...<br />And if you've put up this Bam date for us to discover be it, we are all ready to take in whatever information comes in our way.<br />But false dates just for 'play with us' purpose is wrong...not for me, but for the many others...who can't stop expecting (for whatever reasons they cannot let go of their expectations)<br />We can't tell them stop expecting, because we don't their lives and what they've been through...<br />So my humble request, no false dates...we are here as long as it takes...<br /><br /><br />
    on 1356213458:
    <br />
    on 1355258489:
    <br />
    on 1355209534:
    [....]And it's true, there will be a lot going on after the bam....
    yes! Reminds me of: "What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isn’t. It’s the beginning."
    @Thriller4ever : I just noticed your signature ... Did you have it all the time? or was it after this ^^ ? loll<br />
    <br /><br />No Sim, I had it all the time...i even Laughed out after I saw your post "  Reminds me of: "What you have just witnessed could be the end of a particularly terrifying nightmare. It isn't. It’s the beginning." "  , cause its my very signature ... <333<br /><br /><br /><br />
    on 1356239864:
    <br /><br />I was going through the guide menu on my tv just now and saw SNL, haven't watched that in a while so I switched to it.  Bruno Mars is hosting and they were in the middle of a skit, and I apologize now for this really bad description but I came in half way through.  These guys worked at a radio station or something and the power was partly out (?) and they said the Michael Jackson channel went out and they started freaking out so they got their intern (Bruno) to sing MJ into a mike but he had to have an MJ glove and all the radio people had one for some reason.  The intern was nervous about singing but one of the other guys said, "It's now or never!" ( :icon_eek:) so Bruno (who does a pretty good MJ) started singing Billie Jean.  Then whoever was listening changed the song and it went to Man in the Mirror, then Smooth Criminal where one of the guys said he was singing the wrong lyrics and someone else said "nobody knows the lyrics to that!" (made me think Dr Murray resuscitation, lol) and then Beat It.  Then the power came back on and the intern (Bruno) immediately died but was looking around even though he was "dead" so the guy holding him shut Bruno's eyes and then started singing that Aerosmith song, Don't Wanna Miss A Thing.  <br /><br /><br />(It might be a re-run but it's from 2012 and they're choosing tonight to re-run that episode)<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Andrea if that show has been broadcasted before then there's a chance that it's uploaded in YouTube...what's the name of the show?<br /><br /><br />
  • <br /><br />Andrea...i guess this is the one ur talking about....
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1356241550:
    <br />
    <br /><br />Andrea...i guess this is the one ur talking about....<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Thanks!  I think that's a compilation video but I found the whole skit, it's not the greatest picture but the sound is better than a couple other ones I saw, this is the whole skit.  The MJ stuff starts just after 3:30, so I did miss over half of the skit when I started watching....weird that I would tune it right at the moment!<br />
    on 1356239864:
    <br /><br />I was going through the guide menu on my tv just now and saw SNL, haven't watched that in a while so I switched to it.  Bruno Mars is hosting and they were in the middle of a skit, and I apologize now for this really bad description but I came in half way through.  These guys worked at a radio station or something and the power was partly out (?) and they said the Michael Jackson channel went out and they started freaking out so they got their intern (Bruno) to sing MJ into a mike but he had to have an MJ glove and all the radio people had one for some reason.  The intern was nervous about singing but one of the other guys said, "It's now or never!" ( :icon_eek:) so Bruno (who does a pretty good MJ) started singing Billie Jean.  Then whoever was listening changed the song and it went to Man in the Mirror, then Smooth Criminal where one of the guys said he was singing the wrong lyrics and someone else said "nobody knows the lyrics to that!" (made me think Dr Murray resuscitation, lol) and then Beat It.  Then the power came back on and the intern (Bruno) immediately died but was looking around even though he was "dead" so the guy holding him shut Bruno's eyes and then started singing that Aerosmith song, Don't Wanna Miss A Thing.  <br /><br /><br />(It might be a re-run but it's from 2012 and they're choosing tonight to re-run that episode)<br />
    <br /><br />
  • on 1356241550:
    <br />
    <br /><br />Andrea...i guess this is the one ur talking about....<br />
    <br /><br /> :thjajaja121:
  • gwynnedgwynned Posts: 1,361
    on 1356242349:
    <br />
    on 1356241550:
    <br />
    <br /><br />Andrea...i guess this is the one ur talking about....<br />
    <br /><br /> :thjajaja121:<br />
    <br /><br />OMG.....NO ONE knows the lyrics to Smooth Criminal?  His rendition was equally garbled as the original!
  • on 1356240954:
    <br />
    on 1356209622:
    <br />
    on 1356208031:
    <br />there won't be any disappointments, when there are no expectations...<br />
    <br /><br />So true.  Seems like some are letting their personal expectations get the better of them  :icon_e_sad:  Funny can be positive in the sense of looking forward and happily anticipating...or it can take darker meaning in the sense that one is owed something or something is demanded of another.  I hope that everyone keeps their expectations in the former category because to me the latter is detrimental to ones peace of mind and not fair to Michael either.<br />
    <br /><br />Love4Michael, I was not letting anything get the better of me...nor I'm expecting anything any more. I had posted that for others who might be expecting Michael's Bam this year. Yesterday, I sat a while and thought about all of this, the hoax, the comeback, the revolution. And only one thing came to my mind...risk.<br /><br />If Michael risked everything, dedicated decades in planning the hoax and that too for us all...I think it's our least duty to just keep waiting for him,<br /><br />"Let him bathe in his own time"<br />                    [size=8pt] til he comes back[/size]<br /><br /> Not any common man can fake his death so grand...not any man can make a comeback, knowing there would heck a lot of revolution. And that's not it, the RISK that is involved (life threats) after he comes back...what about that?<br /><br /><br />It was like a realization for me of how some of us were trying to speed this Bam process up...for what? Just to see Michael Back...I'm not saying the wish to see Michael back is wrong, but if you were Michael, you would have known the pains you are taking to do all of this...this is not at all a mean job...<br /><br />I really want TS/Front to know that, if they have conveyed us a false Bam date (that is comeback within 2012) just to see who sticks to this hoax till the end, then you guys better know that we all are here till the very one of us would lose their beliefs, no one of us can. If this is mere better stop, let us know that this is false and never give any Bam date again...<br />And if you've put up this Bam date for us to discover be it, we are all ready to take in whatever information comes in our way.<br />But false dates just for 'play with us' purpose is wrong...not for me, but for the many others...who can't stop expecting (for whatever reasons they cannot let go of their expectations)<br />We can't tell them stop expecting, because we don't their lives and what they've been through...<br />So my humble request, no false dates...we are here as long as it takes...<br /><br />
    <br /><br />I think you misunderstood my comment.  It was not directed at you...just a general opinion of the feeling here lately.  I think that one of the reasons for the short fuse some seem to have lately is from letting their expectations fall into the second type of description of the word.  In essence I am in agreement with your statement.  We've discovered insights into many things during the course of the last 3+ years but we still aren't privy to all of the details...only Michael and whomever he trusts hold those keys.  I just think he needs a free rein to play this out as he sees fit without the nearly constant rumbling from the crowd to "hurry it up".  If Front speaks for Michael in any capacity I'd say his post spoke volumes in that while the clamoring for his return is appreciated on certain levels it's also causing undue pressure.  I could be wrong of course but that's how it felt to me.  If we are in fact nearing the finale of this adventure...we can ill afford a sudden lack of patience to break down the whole positive flow here between members or with those who've been whispering to us for so long.  Events will unfold only if and when they are supposed to...remembering that has kept me from the extremes of emotions that some of the members seem to have had to maneuver.  This is of course just my opinion and likely some will disagree.<br /><br /><br />
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    on 1356240954:
    <br /><br />I really want TS/Front to know that, if they have conveyed us a false Bam date (that is comeback within 2012) just to see who sticks to this hoax till the end, then you guys better know that we all are here till the very one of us would lose their beliefs, no one of us can. If this is mere better stop, let us know that this is false and never give any Bam date again...<br />And if you've put up this Bam date for us to discover be it, we are all ready to take in whatever information comes in our way.<br />But false dates just for 'play with us' purpose is wrong...not for me, but for the many others...who can't stop expecting (for whatever reasons they cannot let go of their expectations)<br />We can't tell them stop expecting, because we don't their lives and what they've been through...<br />So my humble request, no false dates...we are here as long as it takes...<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thriller4ever, please don't take this the wrong way, but oftentimes it's better to use the words 'I' and 'me' rather than 'we' and 'us'! With all due respect you are not speaking for 'us all' in this post.
  • on 1356247554:
    <br />
    on 1356240954:
    <br /><br />I really want TS/Front to know that, if they have conveyed us a false Bam date (that is comeback within 2012) just to see who sticks to this hoax till the end, then you guys better know that we all are here till the very one of us would lose their beliefs, no one of us can. If this is mere better stop, let us know that this is false and never give any Bam date again...<br />And if you've put up this Bam date for us to discover be it, we are all ready to take in whatever information comes in our way.<br />But false dates just for 'play with us' purpose is wrong...not for me, but for the many others...who can't stop expecting (for whatever reasons they cannot let go of their expectations)<br />We can't tell them stop expecting, because we don't their lives and what they've been through...<br />So my humble request, no false dates...we are here as long as it takes...<br /><br /><br />
    <br /><br />Thriller4ever, please don't take this the wrong way, but oftentimes it's better to use the words 'I' and 'me' rather than 'we' and 'us'! With all due respect you are not speaking for 'us all' in this post.<br />
    <br /><br />Curls, My post was directly backing up people who are desperate about the Bam and indirectly for all the believers here on this forum. My post was also  representing people who are ready to wait, and that's why 'us' and 'we'.<br />Waiting for him and taking in this hoax patiently is not what I feel alone.<br />I do know that whatever post TS and front have given all had their own purpose...most of them were not random posts...and whatever these guys say does have a meaning...but in the rarest of the rare cases, I suspected whether 2012 was the year and that's why I requested Front to say something about this.<br />a date does have psychological effects on people (it had for 21, December, 2012)...<br />I don't know what you understood from my post, because it was for ALL the people in this forum...I don't really think that entertaining a false date is good either, and I was letting Front know, I don't know whether it's okay with you...<br /><br /><br />
    I think you misunderstood my comment.  It was not directed at you...just a general opinion of the feeling here lately.  I think that one of the reasons for the short fuse some seem to have lately is from letting their expectations fall into the second type of description of the word.  In essence I am in agreement with your statement.  We've discovered insights into many things during the course of the last 3+ years but we still aren't privy to all of the details...only Michael and whomever he trusts hold those keys.  I just think he needs a free rein to play this out as he sees fit without the nearly constant rumbling from the crowd to "hurry it up".  If Front speaks for Michael in any capacity I'd say his post spoke volumes in that while the clamoring for his return is appreciated on certain levels it's also causing undue pressure.  I could be wrong of course but that's how it felt to me.  If we are in fact nearing the finale of this adventure...we can ill afford a sudden lack of patience to break down the whole positive flow here between members or with those who've been whispering to us for so long.  Events will unfold only if and when they are supposed to...remembering that has kept me from the extremes of emotions that some of the members seem to have had to maneuver.  This is of course just my opinion and likely some will disagree.<br />
    <br /><br />Oh. No....i didn't misunderstand, was just stating...<br />any ways, I do agree with all that you said..In fact the very thought that "everything has it's own place" is calming me. We can't hurry anything.<br />and that's why I had posted "there won't be any disappointments, when there are no expectations..."<br />Just a reminder we need to calm down... <333
  • diggyondiggyon Posts: 1,376
    Thriller4ever:<br /><br />
    "there won't be any disappointments, when there are no expectations..."
    <br /><br />Very well said!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Jono, thanks for posting all that from TS.  I told my hubby that I’ve never felt such utter confidence and authority before from any person before.  Judging from everything else he’s written and the timing of his posts, it gives me confidence he will carry out everything he promised.  Although knowing his penchant for slipping out of things he's said, he would have an unexpected explanation for Bam-ing after Jan 1, 2013, and even that 'he's not MJ'.  Anything's possible, and I'm not ruling anything out.  One reason I still think TS could be MJ is the comments on the NOTW pic.<br /><br /><br /><br />If Jesse P. is Elvis, and Lisa is Lisa Marie, then why is Study talking like Back/Front who TS said recently was MJ.  In this 'trinity' who else could Study be but MJ?  Well I guess you might argue in this comment that Study was merely quoting Back/Front, but why. <br /><br />I thought it interesting in Front's post on Dec 17, 2012:<br />
    Now, before anyone jumps on the "we've-been-patient-for-3-plus-years" bandwagon and "you don't understand" la la la….."you haven't been here the whooooole timE" etc etc etc…..oh, really! MAY I suggest that you take a look back and READ my posts.
    <br />Officially Front joined us June 1, 2011, but from what he's saying he was here from the beginning, which could possibly be inferring through TS's posts. His very first post says,<br />June 1, 2011<br />
    He never left! <br />The King is King of making magic
    Front, Back, Sideways, Left and Center. NEVER forget that!<br />The GREATEST entertainer in the world makes the world his stage........on an ILLusional Front.<br />Bad health? I don't think so!
    <br />I went through the posts to see who he was responding to, and the only one logical is 2 posts before from Gina,<br />Gina<br />
    Anyway, what puzzles me the most is how comes such a dieheart fan like Back vanished from all MJ forums. <br />Because once an MJ fan, always an MJ fan.<br /><br />The fact that Back is not to be found on the MJ forums anymore is suspicious to me. Makes him a good candidate to be MJ but again, we can know nothing for sure.
    <br />I realize that MJ could have been hiding behind other user names as well from June 25,09 to June 1, 11.  Does anyone remember any suspicions of any usernames before TIAI started Oct 29th approx.?<br /><br />Emulik, I guess I’m a little more old-school than you since I’m still into snail-mail, but we do love our pearls don’t we!  :icon_lol: And Sim, better watch how much drink--you might fall off your chair and miss the Bam!  :errrr:<br /><br />Andrea, I saw that SNL with Bruno Mars too. Pretty funny--he's quite the comedian (also where he was acting like a 17 year old girl, just before!)  It did almost seem Bam related to me too.  Also you didn’t say that when he dies, the guy holding him says twice, “He didn’t die for nothing.” Then, “And we don’t want to miss a thing.”  :icon_eek:
  • JowayriaJowayria Posts: 163
    Okay , so  I just wanted to ask you guys something i've been thinking of for quite a while now , while discussing the possibilities of Front/Back being Michael , has anyone figured out why that person chose those nicknames ? <br />If yes , please please post  the links . <br />
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