Official back & Front thread



  • Hi everyone although I don't feel strong enough to post not because I drank too much last night (that it isn't the case) but because there is no trace of Michael dead or alive after all, I don't know what to think anymore, last night I was ridiculed by my people who told me: ok it's Jan 1st 2013 and where is MJ? in that very moment I realised that the hoax was just a HOAX and I really had no more arguments to explain to them, I felt moron like when I was a little child lying to my parents and suddenly I got caught by them, it's an unexplainable feeling.<br />Nevertheless on the other hand if we are following TS's word about his deadline we have to take into account his last post with those MMcParland tweets talking about CM's appeal and you know as always: I don't know what to do of it, is it real that "failure to file a brief"? If it's real then it means that BAM has been postponed, are we able to keep on trusting in TS/Front's words? I deep inside myself feel they are legit since there is a connexion between them and Jackson family tweets /TMZ/ MJ's FB.... so the only thing left we have is just wait and see how this unfolds.<br />Have a Happy New Year 2013!!
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    On another angle... <br /><br /><br />wasn't he late to court? back in 2005<br />Turned up late to the O2 announcement?<br />Wasn't "This is it" Delayed 4 days?<br />And his funeral delayed?<br />and the autopsy?<br />FBI files came out later?<br />The Jacksons cancelling places due to not having their album done.. <br />the phone call to the paramedics was delayed<br />the announcement of death was delayed<br />Now Murray getting his brief in... <br /><br /><br />there is a theme of delays and later schedules and late times...When you actually think about it there has been a lot more delays than I mentioned above.. maybe this is just one more delay?<br />
  • angelangel Posts: 349
    I believe TS has as much as told us the deadline has been extended.  Although Michael controls his plan, some things are beyond his reach.  The extra dose of time is necessary for a good reason.  He needs perfection of this thing more than meeting a deadline.  It's all about faith AND flexibility.  L.O.V.E.
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    this made me smile... <br /><br />appearance on MTV with Nsync in 2001 :D The audience didn't know he would be there.<br /><br /> /><br />
  • susieMJsusieMJ Posts: 43
    The thing that always made me wonder about TS is that the guy has been constantly posting/redirecting for almost 3,5 years... So whenever I felt disappointed or "betrayed" by TS, I always came back to that thought... Because it just seems so unbelievable to consider someone who's done such a great work (redirects every day (sometimes it lasted months), looong posts, debunks etc) as fake. There were many fake informers, but none of them gave us so much info and stayed on this journey for so long, posting things at exact timings etc... I mean, a troll also has a life - and if TS only wanted to play with us, he could have done it in a far less intense/time-consuming way.... I may be wrong, and throughout all this time i've never based my conviction that MJ is alive only upon TS words - i've always considered him as a "bonus" that made this journey even more mysterious and interesting... <br />I'm still hoping for a bam, as imo it has to happen one day... Of course I'm disappointed but it isn't a tragedy for me, I even find it exciting to see how all of this is going to end - so I'll stay on this crazy ride, bcs it isn't worth starting something if you're not here till the end ;)<br />So don't worry guys..time will tell the truth ;)
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1357046895:
    <br />On another angle... <br /><br />wasn't he late to court? back in 2005<br />Turned up late to the O2 announcement?<br />Wasn't "This is it" Delayed 4 days?<br />And his funeral delayed?<br />and the autopsy?<br />FBI files came out later?<br />The Jacksons cancelling places due to not having their album done.. <br />the phone call to the paramedics was delayed<br />the announcement of death was delayed<br />Now Murray getting his brief in... <br /><br />[size=12pt]There is a theme of delays[/size] and later schedules and late times...When you actually think about it there has been a lot more delays than I mentioned above.. maybe this is just one more delay?
    leilani81 !!  :icon_e_wink:<br />That is so Michael-ish!!  :icon_e_wink: Michael is such a teaser! he likes to 'torture' his audience by making the public wait for him, feel the thrills and chills of the suspense he's creating!<br /><br />The beginning of JAM live is another example of how he loves to feel the pulse going high...even after he BAMs on that stage, he then freezes like a statue, there, doing nothing, while the fans are going mad!  :icon_lol: :icon_lol: He just throws them a look or his glasses, and they go wild with every of his moves! That's totally our MIKE!!!  :affraid:<br /><br />
  • JosJos Posts: 360
    susieMJ, thank you. I was trying to write the same thing, but couldn't typ it :) I agree with you a 100%<br /><br /><br />Last night I waited 'till 6:21am (that's 12:21am NY-time) to see what happens.. <br />The only channel I could find was CNN, so I watched (I think his name is) Anderson (or something like that) with this "Kathy".<br />Man, she was annoying!  ::)<br />But anyway I wanted to see the Crystal Ball drop. 2 Bad nothing happened,.<br /><br />Now let's see what today will bring us, and if nothing happens, let's see what the (near) future has to offer.<br />IMO a troll wouldn't go that deep to research everything, before playing with us.<br />For example the DWD post, with all the documents and information.... would a troll do that? I can't believe that.<br /><br />Family: hang in there, keep the faith!<br /> :bearhug:
  • Been away camping for a few days. A few comments:<br /><br />a) Christmas is FAR from a God day - Its commercialized paganism at its best! Not only is the date wrong, but for the most part, instead of lauding Jesus they over indulge their children in expected gifts. (Not talking abt ppl here, just making a general comment about what I saw amongst people I KNOW who have young children) Those kids dont even know wh Jesus is? Really a shame.<br /><br />b) Yay we survived the so called Mayan EOW - Woo hoo!<br /><br />c) MJ didnt Bam - the lesson "In HIS OWN TIME" <br /><br />d) Welcome all to 2013 - I hope you all have an awesome year and your bamish wishes come true.<br /><br />e) It was SOOOOOO time for Young Mack to go! Been annoying since he got here. But then again, I have been called annoying many a time too! LOL. Ultimately, he chose the action from Souza by his repeat offending.<br /><br />f) How I reconcile MJ "No Show" with TS - It's not over yet. Do we just walk out of a movie because we think its not ending right.... And the movie isnt over. Just hold on. The whole hoax clues are pointless if there is no bam planned. They just might be futher out than (obviously incorrectly) expected.  Does it mean TS is a fraud? Or are we not understanding something, or missing soemthing, not seeing the entirety.. Or have adjustments re time needed to be made? (Don't get me wrong I am KEEEEEEEEEN as to hear what TS and Front have to say, but not about to abandon. It is clear that there is inside knowledge, and at the least the soul searching, the cryptic, the thinking, the research its all been a great adventure we are lucky to be a part of. Look at all the other MJ fans in the world. This will all be over one day - and we will then remember these times and be grateful to be a part of this.<br /><br />g) 2Good2betrue - Just in case you are reading replies, I am both sad and dissapointed you are checking out. I loved your contribution to this place. All the best, but really, mostly hope that we see you back here  :icon_e_wink:<br /><br /><br /><br /><br />It is NOT our place to give ultimatums. Remember we are the player / viewer whatever, not the creator / director / puppetmaster (insert appropriate according to whatever theory you believe)<br /><br />We simply don't know all the answers yet. It simply isnt time. We simply need to wait and continue researching, reading, and hoaxing, because the BOSS says it's simply not over yet.<br /><br />The Best IS yet to come... But in MJs own words, IN HIS OWN TIME...<br /><br /><br />Love to you all x
  • if this isn't mike, he's the next best thing  :)<br /><br />   :th_bravo: <br /><br />HAPPY NEW YEAR  !!!  :multiplespotting: <br /><br />(NOTICE WHAT IS SAID @ THE END)  :ghsdf:
  • Additional note: I personally was not expecting a bam this year - (LOL I got knocked for such comments a week ago, when I said, I am not going to the waiting room, its Business as usual for me!) Anyways, I was thinking re: TS date / dealine, I was at my JW meeting the other day and we were discussing bible time calculations: Example: Day for a year = Israelite winderness times (40 days / 40 years) as well as the term (in relation to babalonic destruciton prohecy) the term "Weeks" which referred to "weeks of years" not "weeks of days" as in how we refer to the term "weeks" in modern times..<br /><br />You can read more here if you like:<br /><br />Anyways, I am rambling, but my point is, I know that TS gave a straight up statement of "If MJ doesnt bam by 31.12.12 then consider me a fake informer" but perhaps we are missing something. Maybe there the date deadline / 4 years isnt to be taken literally. Maybe like in the biblical examples I gave, there is more to it and it isnt so literal. Maybe the "waitomg" period is a long way off. Maybe we are reading it too literally.<br /><br />What the exact meaning is, I don't know. I am just trying to be postive and think outside the square. The disussions we had at the Kingdom Hall the other day, made me think abt MJ / Bam and perhaps we are not looking at it properly.<br /><br />If I am right off, then I apologise. I'm kinda stabbing in the dark, without a calcuation or theory to support it, I know. :icon_redface: But it is better than bailing out just because "I can't take it anymore" <br /><br /><br />We choose to be here. No one should feel victim. <br /><br />
  • <br />
    on 1357052355:
    <br />if this isn't mike, he's the next best thing  :)<br /><br />   :th_bravo: <br /><br />HAPPY NEW YEAR  !!!  :multiplespotting: <br /><br />(NOTICE WHAT IS SAID @ THE END) <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Just be careful. This individual does not wish to be discussed on the forum and the mods are all supportive of that.<br /><br />Also, It's not MJ. If I turn out to be wrong, then I'll eat my hat. I don't see MJ. I do see an incredibly good dancer with a profitable career in MJ impersonation.<br /><br />He is good, but no MJ. Not sharp enough. If I am wrong so be it.
  • Good morning hoax family...for some reason the following bits of lyrics keep running through my head, so I thought I would share:<br /><br />And Get Your Mind On Track<br /> Dust Off Your Butt<br /> And Get Your Self-Respect Back<br /> You've Known Me Long Enough<br /> To Know That I Don't Play<br /> Take It Like You Want It<br /> But You Got To Keep The Faith Gon'<br /> Don't Let Nobody Take You Down<br /> Just Keep Your Eyes On The Prize<br /> And Get Your Feet Back On The Ground<br /> Keep The Faith, Baby, Yea<br /> Because It's Just A Matter Of Time
  • AUSTRALIANMJBELIEVER - wasn't aware of the not wanting to be discussed.  i don't know if it's him or not but he FEELS like mike (2 me). as far as being sharp...i'm now 50+ also,  and not as sharp as i use to be.  but still.....he's nice  :icon_bounce:
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    on 1357053009:
    <br /><br />
    on 1357052355:
    <br />if this isn't mike, he's the next best thing  :)<br /><br />   :th_bravo: <br /><br />HAPPY NEW YEAR  !!!  :multiplespotting: <br /><br />(NOTICE WHAT IS SAID @ THE END) <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Just be careful. This individual does not wish to be discussed on the forum and the mods are all supportive of that.<br /><br />Also, It's not MJ. If I turn out to be wrong, then I'll eat my hat. I don't see MJ. I do see an incredibly good dancer with a profitable career in MJ impersonation.<br /><br />He is good, but no MJ. Not sharp enough. If I am wrong so be it.<br />
    <br /><br />anim_smileyThumbsUp.gif<br /><br /> :icon_lol:
  • on 1357053140:
    <br />Good morning hoax family...for some reason the following bits of lyrics keep running through my head, so I thought I would share:<br /><br />And Get Your Mind On Track<br /> Dust Off Your Butt<br /> And Get Your Self-Respect Back<br /> You've Known Me Long Enough<br /> To Know That I Don't Play<br /> Take It Like You Want It<br /> But You Got To Keep The Faith Gon'<br /> Don't Let Nobody Take You Down<br /> Just Keep Your Eyes On The Prize<br /> And Get Your Feet Back On The Ground<br /> Keep The Faith, Baby, Yea<br /> Because It's Just A Matter Of Time<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Yeah, Ive been thinking of that. And to add to that one:<br /><br />He got kicked in the back<br /> He say that he needed that<br /> He hot willed in the face<br /> Keep daring to motivate<br /> He say one day you will see<br /> His place in world history<br /> He dares to be recognized<br /> The fires deep in his eyes<br /><br /><br />Don't let no one get you down<br /> Keep movin' on higher ground<br /> Keep flying until<br /> You are the king of the hill<br /> No force of nature can break<br /> Your will to self motivate<br /> She say this face that you see<br /> Is destined for history
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    This day's not over yet and I am still expecting an update from TS. <br />I'm here with  hope still intact.  Nothing could convince me that Michael did pass away in June 25th 2009 under those strange  circumstances.  <br />BAM or not today does not change what I know with every fibre of my being.....namely, that MJ did hoax his death. <br />Friends can laugh and make fun if they want.... doesn't faze me.  I am  not worried about being an old lady years  down the track and still waiting for a BAM cause I'm no spring chicken now. <br />So to all those amazing members who have posted positivity and faith in the face of derision and depression, I am honored to call you my family and fellow soldiers of LOVE. You guys are awesome. <br /><br />Michael....You are the man with the plan. I'm still expecting that BAM. If not soon then later.<br />Meanwhile.....Hey's that update coming along?<br />
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    TS_comments being a fake informer doesn't mean MJ is dead because TS_comments being a real informer didn't make MJ alive.<br /><br />However it does mean the DWD theory is officially bogus.<br /><br />And that makes me very happy.<br /><br />TS_comments may be a fake informer but that doesn't mean he doesn't work for MJ, my friends.<br /><br />Remember: it's a GAME... and never were we, the players, to be spoon fed from the silver platter. The whole point was to figure out what was BS and what wasn't. Never take anyone's word for it--even IF they are a trusted source. Some of the biggest loads of garbage come of the mouths of "a source close to the investigation".
  • kinda reminds me of this. again.<br /><br />“Artists use lies to tell the truth. Yes, I created a lie. But because you believed it, you found something true about yourself.”
  • on 1357035963:
    <br />OK now in California it's 02:26 a.m.<br />TS said the hoax is planned according to California time zone. And that BAM will be by January 1st. So starting from now, there are still 22 hours.... We'll see...At least TODAY we'll know one way or the other: BAM or no BAM! lol  :icon_lol: :bowdown: :affraid: :icon_bounce:<br />
    <br /><br />That's right Sim.  It's only about 8:00 a.m. in California right now.  We are all in different time zones so we really have all day today.  Also, sometimes things happen and it takes a while for us to find it.  We are spread out throughout the whole world.    So, Keep the Faith.  <br /><br />This is BIG and will effect the whole world so we have to be patient.  It's better to have the plan work out than to just meet a deadline.  This may go piece by piece just like Kenny Ortega said in This Is It. <br /> Remember TS giving us information about Noah and the ark.  It happened in stages.  <br /><br />On the first day of the first month the water receded.  So maybe something will occur today or the near future to make the water recede ?  The water went down but Noah couldn't leave the ark yet.  <br /><br />So, Michael I'm still here for you.  I'd rather you take your time than "drown".<br /><br />Love You All<br /><br /> :bearhug:<br /><br /> 
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    <br /><br />Ok so TS's deadline came and went, it's not the end of the world. Ha!<br /><br />I think the "fall" of TS may have been deliberate but I don't think anyone should abandon the hoax because his prediction didn't come true.  It shouldn't distract us from what we already know.  I also don't think we've heard the last from him, this isn't over. <br /><br />This is one of my favourite posts of Front, I think it's just as applicable today as it was a year and a half ago.  (Sorry the smilies are messed up, they were the old forum coding)<br /><br />
    on 1310775444:
    <br />Anna, hello!  <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <br />EXCUSE me, but I THINK you may have misunderstood. Allow me to make myself CLEAR. No one is here is stating any BAM dates or "magical predictions" about said date(s), mmmkay? Instead, perhaps it should be said that THOSE dates give meaning to a different kind of "BAM"--- to Be Aware the Most. Capiche? <br /><br />Are you ready for "The Voyage to Continue"………… or will you jump ship before it's OVER?<br /><br /> <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: --> Perhaps on said date(s), one should be become remarkably aware and dissect the events that have already unfolded and WILL continue to unfold on those particular dates. <br /><br />Allow me to reiterate what I stated some pages back----> Some things are not meant to be ascertained in the MOMENT…but to be envisaged through delicate whispers. <br /><br />Yes, doubt me.<br />Doubt me with anger.<br />Doubt me with passion.<br />Doubt me with contempt. <br />Doubt me with love.<br />Doubt me with animosity.<br />Doubt me with understanding.<br />Doubt me with frustration.  <br />Doubt me.<br />Doubt Back.<br />Doubt Front.<br />Doubt MJ.<br />Doubt the trolls.<br />Doubt the hoax. <br />Doubt yourselves. <br /><br />THAT, my friends, is the best advice anyone can offer right now. Doubt is the greatest self motivator. Ever heard that saying before?<br /><br /> <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> Allow me to make another suggestion….. Instead of focusing on who's wrong and who's right, why not alternatively pivot to the central point of this forum and this thread----> the hoax! Remember the trees in that forest? Some of them have just begun to grow; some of them have already been planted years ago and have sprouted up LONG before Jun 25…can you SEE them or are you too busy swinging from branch to branch that you never actually STOP and LOOK at each one? <br /><br />Do NOT let the trojan horse jockeys ruin your peripheral vision to attune your perspective in order to put the pieces of the puzzle together.  <!-- sargue/ -->argue/<!-- sargue/ -->  <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ --> <br /><br />The point is…..sometimes, as human nature is, we tend to get a little overly circumspect and we spend WAY too much time walking on eggshells when that time COULD be used more efficiently to uhmm…shall I say, use those eggs to bake the pie!<br /><br />DOUBT indeed………<br />but don't choke on your own pie<br /><br />Again, for the 9837615th TIME… one from THIS end of the screen ever ever---do I make myself clear?---EVER! said to take these words as dogmatic Truth. Au contraire! Be aware. Doubt. Observe. Analyze every letter/number/keystroke. The PROOF will be---yes, in the custard pie! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> --- but also in the proclamation of The King's return. <br /><br />Like I said some pages back, and Souza has stated it as well on page 77, there is no "spoon". Only small crumbs to digest along the pathway. Sometimes it is only when we BACKtrack that we find ourselves standing in the foreFRONT of cognizance, which would otherwise be A-B-S-T-R-A-C-T. <br /><br />p.s. Souza, this post (and others) also contains the answer to your question. <br /><br />p.s.s. Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta get back to my magic 8-Ball……………  <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --><br />
    <br /><br /><br /><br />ps @ bec - I am very happy what TS's informer status means for the DWD theory too.  :D  I see TS as both a "fake" and real informant, doing what he's supposed to do.  So we've reached a new level of the game.  :compute:
  • BeTheChangeBeTheChange Posts: 1,569
    I'm not ready to call BS on anything just yet...including TS, Front, and/or any 'theory' (I'm failing to understand how TS' deadline passing proves or disproves anything other than what he said about the deadline...i.e. that there would be a BAM before Jan 1st and that the Signs and Updates would be wrapped up by that date as well....but then again, the day isn't over yet either).  In many instances, calling BS would involve disregarding or ignoring MANY 'dots' that have very little to do with TS or Front's presence or anything they've shared....some 'dots' that were present/evident long before either appeared.  The fact that they HAVE been 'confirmed' through many other 'dots' from the Jackson family...puts a hold (even if just temporarily while I keep watchin') on my calling BS on anything.  <br /><br />Of course, none of us can possibly know what happened on 'their' end re: the 'failed' deadline....and I'm not gonna make excuses for TS (Lord knows HE has made that difficult to do now more than ever before lol)...but we have had MANY clues pointing to 1) how important tIME and timing has been throughout this adventure and 2) the mindblowing extent of the planned detail of it all.  I have a feeling that TS giving a 'deadline' also had/has something to do with either of those points...or both.  <br /><br />I thought I'd be feeling really 'down' today if the day came and went with 'nothing'.  But I'm actually feeling more sure than ever in the knowledge that Mike IS alive and that he knows exactly what he's doing.  That knowledge...combined with my utter faith in Mike...greatly quiets any doubts, uncertainties, and/or disappointment about anything else.  <br /><br />And it's that knowledge and faith that will sustain me.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    I woke this morning with 2 words running my head "fake informer"<br />Take it literally.....yes, TS is a "fake informer".....informing on the fakes, the hoax......<br />Hoax means fake.......fake informer/hoax informer can literally mean the same thing.  <br />Nice word play......<br />So, perhaps with hours left in the day, January1, we will come to find TS as a "fake informer"indeed......<br />I hope so!  <br /><br />*More coffee needed*<br />Blessings!
  • leilani81leilani81 Posts: 484
    on 1357063590:
    <br />I woke this morning with 2 words running my head "fake informer"<br />Take it literally.....yes, TS is a "fake informer".....informing on the fakes, the hoax......<br />Hoax means fake.......fake informer/hoax informer can literally mean the same thing.  <br />Nice word play......<br />So, perhaps with hours left in the day, January1, we will come to find TS as a "fake informer"indeed......<br />I hope so!  <br /><br />*More coffee needed*<br />Blessings!<br />
    <br /><br /> :bearhug:
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    on 1357063413:
    <br />I'm not ready to call BS on anything just yet...including TS, Front, and/or any 'theory' (I'm failing to understand how TS' deadline passing proves or disproves anything other than what he said about the deadline...i.e. that there would be a BAM before Jan 1st and that the Signs and Updates would be wrapped up by that date as well....but then again, the day isn't over yet either).  In many instances, calling BS would involve disregarding or ignoring MANY 'dots' that have very little to do with TS or Front's presence or anything they've shared....some 'dots' that were present/evident long before either appeared.  The fact that they HAVE been 'confirmed' through many other 'dots' from the Jackson family...puts a hold (even if just temporarily while I keep watchin') on my calling BS on anything.  <br /><br />Of course, none of us can possibly know what happened on 'their' end re: the 'failed' deadline....and I'm not gonna make excuses for TS (Lord knows HE has made that difficult to do now more than ever before lol)...but we have had MANY clues pointing to 1) how important tIME and timing has been throughout this adventure and 2) the mindblowing extent of the planned detail of it all.  I have a feeling that TS giving a 'deadline' also had/has something to do with either of those points...or both.  <br /><br />I thought I'd be feeling really 'down' today if the day came and went with 'nothing'.  But I'm actually feeling more sure than ever in the knowledge that Mike IS alive and that he knows exactly what he's doing.  That knowledge...combined with my utter faith in Mike...greatly quiets any doubts, uncertainties, and/or disappointment about anything else.  <br /><br />And it's that knowledge and faith that will sustain me.<br /><br />With L.O.V.E. always.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Yep BTC, my faith has, if anything, been renewed.<br /><br /><br />About calling BS on, for example, the DWD theory because TS failed to meet his own BAM/Update/Sign/Level deadline...well, I called BS on that theory already and so have a few others.  That debate will "live on" until we know the truth of it all.  Until then... :compute:
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