Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • sbrownesbrowne Posts: 30
    I have been watching her all day and I think we shoud be careful, something is just not right about her.
    If she say that MJ is indeed dead then why didn't the family come forwars to stop the hoax. And if he is dead which he his not, wouldn't that be hurtfull to the family? think about it. Something is going on with that women that gives me the chills. So be careful guys. I think we need to ivestgate her and find out what her problem is.
  • usually when someone staarts trying to get you off theor backs, it is because you are very close to something. So they start ranting and raving about it, because you are too close in discovering something and they must cover their tracks. Personally i do not care about Karen Faye, she was just an employee and yes she has pictures with Mj, but Mj loved everybody so that is not strange to me at all. I said loves everybody, but he was not in love with her just FYI.
  • SangreSangre Posts: 648
    That woman's obsession. To a point it's unhealthy.
  • was karen faye at the memorial and the funeral?
  • my tweets:

    @wingheart Why you lied about preparing Michael to his final resting. We all know that you are not allowed to do such make-up. Why you lied?
    about 11 hours ago via web

    @neverendinghop it may not be allowed where you live, but this is a common request by established long time relationships here in LA
    about 11 hours ago via web
    Reply Retweet @neverendinghop I have done it twice now. I did it for Vincent Minnelli, when Liza requested me too. Several Hollywood makeup artists have
    about 11 hours ago via web

    Delete @wingheart Do you know how many proofs we have of him being alive?
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    @neverendinghop no I do not know.
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop

    @wingheart would you like to know then?
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    @neverendinghop of course, post a site of information for those who wish to understand your point of view.
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop

    @wingheart <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxdeath.net/forum/<!-- m -->
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    @wingheart So how its possible that we havent seen even ONE pic? Even ONE?Why??
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart
    @wingheart Karen, I guess,no way that its all just a coincidence....
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart
    @wingheart But you must admit that its strange, ISNT IT?
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    @neverendinghop I admit there are many strange things, but that does not change what I know to be true <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop

    @wingheart Just tell me- would you swear on your life that he's dead?
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    @neverendinghop yes
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop

    @wingheart Did you see TII after credits scene? You remember his words?
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart
    @wingheart Let me breathe in my own time and I'll come back in. I'll button my shirt, jacket, or whatever this is...
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart
    @wingheart so please watch just this <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byHz6xbbHO0<!-- m -->
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    Reply Retweet @neverendinghop this has NOTHING to do with me. These questions have no place being asked of me. Perhaps it is still just too painful.
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop
    Reply Retweet @neverendinghop I didn't see the end, I couldn't watch.
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop

    @wingheart Ok so just tell me how its possible that we didnt see even ONE pic of MJ? Not in ambulance,not in hostpial,not autpsy,not casket?
    about 9 hours ago via web
    @wingheart Its Michael Jackson. Its impossible to keep it in the closet... I cant believe you dont have such pics, if he is indeed dead.?
    about 9 hours ago via web

    @neverendinghop I understand where your question is coming from Please remember where I am, when you ask it.
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop

    @wingheart Please remember where we are, when you answer.
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    @wingheart What would u say if I say that you are on it? That you just play your part in this game/hoax? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart
    @wingheart Maybe youre part is to make peeps believe that he's dead....
    about 10 hours ago via web

    @neverendinghop I would say you are wrong..there is NOTHING to be "in on"...I am sorry, but I can not keep addressing this.
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to neverendinghop

    and more tweets of the others:

    @wingheart Karen, don't you think that if MJ was really dead his family would do something in order to shut down Hoax Forums?
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart

    @rubis1966 NO they buried their son, they probably do not know much about a hoax. No one would even have the heart to bring it up to them.
    about 10 hours ago via web in reply to rubis1966

    @wingheart But then Why there are so many strange things about his death ?
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to wingheart
    @wingheart I always thought that MJ was alive, but reading what you write, my hope is they are going. It hurts. I feel so sad !!
    about 11 hours ago via web

    @Christian2310 I have many unanswered questions also But the conclusions for me is not that he is still alive, because I have personal proof
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to Christian2310

    @worldofanja dah...cuz there is no hoax.
    about 12 hours ago via web in reply to worldofanja

    @worldofanja No, I do not believe in the hoax theory.
    about 11 hours ago via web in reply to worldofanja

    @BelieveInLove27 sorry I do not follow your theories, so I can not answer your questions.
    about 12 hours ago via web in reply to BelieveInLove27

    @TinchenR I am secure that I speak the truth. I am a target for everyone. I'm okay...Michael taught me how to stand up for the truth.
    about 12 hours ago via web in reply to TinchenR

    @normajean76 believe as you wish. I am not here to prove anything to you.
    about 13 hours ago via web in reply to normajean76

    @neverletyoupart no...just deleted them, because it was too difficult for me to deal with right after he died. I am stronger now.
    about 13 hours ago via web in reply to neverletyoupart

    any thoughts? conclusions? (invest-) (invest-)
  • ShoutShout Posts: 560

    This pretty much underlines that he is gone. if this is KF. She is right when she says that there are qustions and contradictions BUT it does not mean Michael Jackson is alive. It is just like that there are discrepancies, but it does not mean that it underlines that Michael Jackson is alive...

    But who knows maybe she just plays her part

  • she went on for ages after that too
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Joseph died, not Joe.
    If she's in love with Joseph, of course she's mourning.
  • Tina K.Tina K. Posts: 1,589
    was karen faye at the memorial and the funeral?
    yes she was.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    wow. i kinda feel bad for her. everyone seemed to be bombarding her with questions. maybe she lashed back like that because she was feeling defensive? you know, some people protect themselves by getting short and upset. i thought it was weird that she came on to twitter to debunk the hoax theory, but then she allowed someone to post a link to the forum. isn't that kind of contradicting the whole point of her rant? i dont know what to make of this guys. it could be bad news. on the positive side: shes the ONLY one who has come forth to say this. not family. if anything, the family says things to provoke the hoax theory. it's all confusing.

    but, like a previous poster said, usually people deny everything when someone gets close to the truth. maybe someone on here said something, posted something that was so spot on, michael had to send her out to the twitter universe to throw us off a little. You know this is on his time, and maybe we got something before we should have. it's just an idea. But oh, we're onto you Mr. Jackson.
  • I have noticed on her recent twitter rant.. she has denied being nasty about Tatiana. This is untrue.. i remember several unkind comment she made on her FB page about Tatiana.

    She lies.. or she is mad and forgets what she has already said in the past.
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    i agree with those that have said that Karen has reprised her role. First she got everyone all stirred up about the murder and now she has been charged with getting the hoax believers to quiet down. It's no coincidence that when TMZ posted the hoax site as a source of info and a British media outlet reported the story about Piano Games and Uri Geller, that Karen gets back out there to quiet things down. Really if Michael did hoax his death because he did want to escape the madness then we should be respecting his wishes. If we kick up too much of a fuss, then maybe we will ruin it for him. Also this is a little too graphic for me so it may offend and i am sorry for that but she said " i applied make up to "a" lifeless body. She didn't give the body a name which spoke volumes to me. It wasn't Michael's body and she knows it.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Seems Karen has been twittering again. This time @SueEtok told her to go to the DA if she had any information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Seems Karen has been twittering again. This time @SueEtok told her to go to the DA if she had any information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes the same Susan Etok she was slagging off on her FB. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    Seems Karen has been twittering again. This time @SueEtok told her to go to the DA if she had any information <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    Yes the same Susan Etok she was slagging off on her FB. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Perhaps Susan hasn't found out yet? Wonder what information she means
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I am watching twitter and they are certainly going fro it tonight she is saying that we are delaying our healing and she says about preparing his body for his final journey rubis has said why havent the family closed down the hoax sites

    How can the family shut down the hoax sites?
    How does the family not know about the hoax sites?

    What strange statements to me. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    by mjkate » Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:31 am

    i agree with those that have said that Karen has reprised her role. First she got everyone all stirred up about the murder and now she has been charged with getting the hoax believers to quiet down. It's no coincidence that when TMZ posted the hoax site as a source of info and a British media outlet reported the story about Piano Games and Uri Geller, that Karen gets back out there to quiet things down. Really if Michael did hoax his death because he did want to escape the madness then we should be respecting his wishes. If we kick up too much of a fuss, then maybe we will ruin it for him. Also this is a little too graphic for me so it may offend and i am sorry for that but she said " i applied make up to "a" lifeless body. She didn't give the body a name which spoke volumes to me. It wasn't Michael's body and she knows it.

    Huh, How has KF quieted down the hoaxer believers?
  • Huh, How has KF quieted down the hoaxer believers?

    I was thinking the samething as you, she hasn't quieted us down...More like stirred us up even more, lol. No offense to her, but she seems to be good at that.

    But, like most others have said, she could be playing a role. I guess that only time can tell.
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    i didn't say she DID quiet us down....just that maybe she was charged with that as part of her role.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    i didn't say she DID quiet us down....just that maybe she was charged with that as part of her role.

    Oh honey, I was not saying any wrong with your statement. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I thought it was a brillant statement. Thank you for bringing it on your post. She could be charged with that role. MJKate, I think that us believers will never be quieted down. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> We will to search for the truth together. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> God bless you, MJKate, being here on this journey with us! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    <!-- m -->http://truthprevails.heavenforum.com/forum.htm<!-- m -->
    pianogames weblog
  • Karen is going mental on twitter now.. i think she is going into meltdown.. her and that Samantha stalker girl.
    I mean.. what is going on?

    On twitter Karen has said that KEnny O is gay and not married.. but Kenny IS married and there are photos online of Kenny with his wife!!! WTH!!!

    Karen has denied writing a book and putting "hit lists" of people on FB.. but i used to be on her FB and i witnessed that she wrote she was writing a book and she did put a hit list out.

    What is wrong with the woman???
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I for one feel like Karen is a DRAMA QUEEN who seeks a lot of attention. Or there may be mental issues going on. Sometimes she totatlly contradicts herself! Also.....I see that she obviously was very much inlove (and still is ) with MJ but (even though we really dont know the significance of their relationship) I feel like she still is inluv with him and I personally do not feel MJ was inlove with this woman. Maybe things did not go as Karen wished with MJ? Maybe they rumpled the sack a bit and MJ lost interest? WHO knows! But there is attention seeking activity on her part. That is just my opinion though. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    I'll go read it...if you're away for a bit you're immediately behind...can't keep up <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    She should not go into fights with everyone, and not reply to people that attack her. She should be wiser with her age.
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> She miscounted the numbers of zero's in 2 billion
  • 8-) She miscounted the numbers of zero's in 2 billion

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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