Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    wasn't there a person who was talking about pearls book who didn't like it. that person made some refereance to how karen made micheal look sometimes or something maybe the term used was like a drag queen. please don't get mad. it just seems like i remember it .you guys are better at actually finding this stuff. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    There was a member on the other forum who posted a video on all of the reasons why she didn't approve of the book. Is this what you're referring to?

    And why ? btw lol just wondering

    only that it would be human nature to lash out at pearl jr. for that .
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    wasn't there a person who was talking about pearls book who didn't like it. that person made some refereance to how karen made micheal look sometimes or something maybe the term used was like a drag queen. please don't get mad. it just seems like i remember it .you guys are better at actually finding this stuff. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    There was a member on the other forum who posted a video on all of the reasons why she didn't approve of the book. Is this what you're referring to?

    And why ? btw lol just wondering

    only that it would be human nature to lash out at pearl jr. for that .

    That's true.
    She could just be speaking of what she says about her <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • foreverkingforeverking Posts: 206
    I read Pearl's book and there were somethings I think were a bit unnecessary,but it's her book and she's free to write what she wants.

    What I find interesting about her is that she is the first person who has some close ties with the family who believes MJ is alive and hoaxed his death.

    She has proof of her ties to the family with videos and interviews and photos.

    Karen of course does not like her due to the reallly bad things she wrote in the book about Karen.

    I know Karen did MJ's make-up, but it took 9 hours and when she was done it has to pass the Randy Jackson test before anyone could see him at the private service.

    Karen also sold a pic to TMZ and she is working on a book, along with others who are close to MJ.

    The truth about these two is somewhere in the middle. Both know something, one is a beLIEver and the other is not.
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    I read Pearl's book and there were somethings I think were a bit unnecessary,but it's her book and she's free to write what she wants.

    What I find interesting about her is that she is the first person who has some close ties with the family who believes MJ is alive and hoaxed his death.

    She has proof of her ties to the family with videos and interviews and photos.

    Karen of course does not like her due to the reallly bad things she wrote in the book about Karen.

    I know Karen did MJ's make-up, but it took 9 hours and when she was done it has to pass the Randy Jackson test before anyone could see him at the private service.

    Karen also sold a pic to TMZ and she is working on a book, along with others who are close to MJ.

    The truth about these two is somewhere in the middle. Both know something, one is a beLIEver and the other is not.

    True. I think both should be watched ...
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    "@MicheleKC61187 Pearl Jr. "knows" nothing. She is making up stuff to sell her book. Don't be so gullible."

    She was referring to Pearl Jr. whom apparently stated that she knows why Karen Faye was rehired.

    <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    By the way, its very ummmmm interesting to say the least in reading Pearl Jr tweets! LOL Lordy I am always surprised at how vocal some folks are on twitter;)

    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/Pearljr<!-- m -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I have heard this name before Pearl Jr. but I'm not familiar with this person. Can someone explain who they are exactly and how this person knows the Jackson family?
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I believe Karen is a liar and a drunk. She is selling her video archive and pictures of Michael NOW to make money.

    Have you ever wondered why Karen is hated by so many people?? By fans and insiders?? There has to be something in that... no one seems to like her at all.

    Also.. why wasnt Karen at the VIP event and Pearl was???

    Pearl was invited to Forest Lawn on June 25th by Randy Jackson for heavens sakes.... this is confusing me so much. There has to be a reason for this... or as people have said, wouldnt the family just come out and denounce Pearl?
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    I have not read Pearl Jr. book yet because I do not have one of the book reader need to read emovie books. But, I will get one. I have recently
    purchased Michael Jackson: The Trial and Triumph of The King of Pop by Pearl Jr., and I love it. I believe Pearl Jr. I also believed that only FL beautican would do the make-up of a dead person coming into their funeral home, and not an outside person. For me, MJ is alive. Too many missing pieces of the jigsaw, for me, since June 25, 2009! MJ, Daddy, I love you, and I am praying for your safe return home to your loved ones. Do not worry, baby, we have your back forever! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    I have heard this name before Pearl Jr. but I'm not familiar with this person. Can someone explain who they are exactly and how this person knows the Jackson family?

    <!-- m -->http://www.blackwomenneedlovetoo.com/aboutus.html<!-- m -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I believe Karen is a liar and a drunk. She is selling her video archive and pictures of Michael NOW to make money.

    Have you ever wondered why Karen is hated by so many people?? By fans and insiders?? There has to be something in that... no one seems to like her at all.

    Also.. why wasnt Karen at the VIP event and Pearl was???

    Pearl was invited to Forest Lawn on June 25th by Randy Jackson for heavens sakes.... this is confusing me so much. There has to be a reason for this... or as people have said, wouldnt the family just come out and denounce Pearl?
    Ersh, she's not one of my favorite people, either, and the thing that really stumps me the most is how she can continue to lash out at all of these other people when she has lied so much herself- unless she's in on it, which is so hard to say..
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    I have heard this name before Pearl Jr. but I'm not familiar with this person. Can someone explain who they are exactly and how this person knows the Jackson family?

    <!-- m -->http://www.blackwomenneedlovetoo.com/aboutus.html<!-- m -->

    Wow thank you for posting this link about Pearl Jr. I'm a black female and I'm suprised that I didn't know who she was. She seem like a very accomplished lady. I was impressed looking at her bio. She seem like the real deal. I would like to read those other books she wrote about black women need love and how to train a dawg. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm not trying to be mean but I think this lady would have more insight than Karen Faye who is just a make up artist. I saw Karen Faye on 20/20 and she seem fake to me. I can't believe she flashed her panties to MJ when she first met him. That tell you right there what type of female she is. I bet MJ wouldn't give her the time of day. I'm sorry but that's straight tacky.
  • ER911ER911 Posts: 248
    I have heard this name before Pearl Jr. but I'm not familiar with this person. Can someone explain who they are exactly and how this person knows the Jackson family?

    <!-- m -->http://www.blackwomenneedlovetoo.com/aboutus.html<!-- m -->

    Wow thank you for posting this link about Pearl Jr. I'm a black female and I'm suprised that I didn't know who she was. She seem like a very accomplished lady. I was impressed looking at her bio. She seem like the real deal. I would like to read those other books she wrote about black women need love and how to train a dawg. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm not trying to be mean but I think this lady would have more insight than Karen Faye who is just a make up artist. I saw Karen Faye on 20/20 and she seem fake to me. I can't believe she flashed her panties to MJ when she first met him. That tell you right there what type of female she is. I bet MJ wouldn't give her the time of day. I'm sorry but that's straight tacky.

    You are most welcome. Don't be too surprised that you did not know whom she is, as I'm Jewish & I can assure you that there are alot of Jewish folks out there that I should also know about:)

    I did not view KF on 20/20, but I have followed her words on twitter. I think that she truly cared about Michael, but I must agree with some others in that she was very much so wanting to be with Michael.

    I think that her grief is real, but her inability to convey her feeling w/o anger is very sad. She is not open whatsoever to anyone that attempts to disagree with her. Sad really.
  • hopehope Posts: 543
    Well, if it comes to Karen Faye or Pearl, I chose Pearl <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> When I met Pearl, I actually liked her. I do trust her beliefs and think she knows way more than she is saying. I know alot of people here were upset with her for using their stuff, and I can truely understand that, but at least she is getting it out there for the world to see and read. I know of a few that questioned his death after talking to her. And if only five people change their minds after reading her book, then thats 5 more than we had.
  • mirandacncmirandacnc Posts: 405
    hmmm...february 14th eh?? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> well he does say ITS ALL FOR L.O.V.E!!!!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I believe Karen is a liar and a drunk. She is selling her video archive and pictures of Michael NOW to make money.

    Have you ever wondered why Karen is hated by so many people?? By fans and insiders?? There has to be something in that... no one seems to like her at all.

    Also.. why wasnt Karen at the VIP event and Pearl was???

    Pearl was invited to Forest Lawn on June 25th by Randy Jackson for heavens sakes.... this is confusing me so much. There has to be a reason for this... or as people have said, wouldnt the family just come out and denounce Pearl?
    What a cow how the hell can you sell things that are so dear to your heart woudnt you want to treasure them she can't be that broke what a user sponger I have zero time for her now and it looks like pearl is twittering back at her showing us what she is really like. I always thought people dissliked Karen because she was close to michael and they were jealous this is not the case they know what she is like I thought she was in on the hoax but she is not she is to busy going to the bank
  • I read Pearl's book and I find her credible. Her support of Michael during the trial and her reporting is honorable. I'm sure the family and MJ took notice of that.
    She remarks knowing Joe pretty well and being invited to a couple of his birthday parties.
    Pearl Jr. is extremely critical of Karen Faye. She speaks negatively of no other person like she does Karen. Pearl's daughter use to hang out with Karen's daughter and Pearl states in the book that she saw some things that were disturbing about Karen. She also posts in the book a letter that she felt compelled to write Michael warning him to stay away from Karen.

    IMPORTANT. As for February 14, 2011, here's info from the book as to why Pearl focuses on this date:

    What she points out at the beginning of the book and the end are the number of domains registered to discuss a hoax or something similar all registered on the same day, June 25th, 2009.

    Here's some of what she says in the last chapter of the book titled, "MJ and Disguises"

    "Check out the fourth person to register another domain about Michael not being dead on the day he dies.Below is the screen of the reigstration from godaddy.com for MichaelJacksonAlive.com:

    Domain Name: MichaelJacksonAlive.com

    Creation Date: June 25, 2009
    Expiration Date: June 25, 2010

    "The <!-- m -->http://www.MichaelJacksonAlive.com<!-- m --> website is up and running, but <!-- m -->http://www.MJisALive.com<!-- m --> is not, yet it was also created on (drum roll please!) June 25, 2009:

    Registrant: Domains by Proxy, Inc.
    Registered Through GoDaddy.com, Inc.
    Domain Name: MJISALIVE.COM
    Created on: June 25, 2009
    Expires on: June 25, 2010

    "Remember DomainsbyProxy is used to keep someone's identity private. I heard through the grapevine that AEG or Sony have purchased these sites."

    "The domains listed below are the MOST telling!"

    Registered through: GoDaddy.com, Inc.
    Created on: June 25, 2009
    Expires on: June 25, 2010

    "http://www.COMEBACKMICHAELJACKSON.com would make the 6th domain registration pertaining to Michael not being dead, registered the same day as his passing. (What Pearl Jr. means by 6 domains: she talks about the other two at the beginning of the book and is refers there to Amy's site and then Mo and Souza's as the first two sites registered on June 25, 2009.)

    According to Pearl Jr about the next domain: "This domain is a parked page."

    Registrar: GODADDY.COM, INC.
    Creation Date: 14-feb-2007
    Expiration Date: 14-feb-2011

    Pearl Jr. goes on to say, "All this domain registration business must be indicative of The Biggest Come Back in History. Here's what I'm figuring...

    "www.COMEBACKMICHAELJACKSON.com was registered on June 25th, 2009 as a request.
    <!-- m -->http://www.MICHAELJACKSONCOMEBACK.com<!-- m --> registered on
    February 14, 2007 --Valentine's Day as an EVENT. Michael stressed in "This Is It", "It's all for L.O.V.E." there is no other day that symbolizes LOVE more than February 14th - Valentine's Day!"

    "Could Michael make a Come Back on Valentine's Day 2011?"

    "Michael said in This Is It 'we've got 4 years to get it right.' Four years after the creation date of the website, <!-- m -->http://www.MichaelJacksonComeback.com<!-- m --> is 2011! Look at when this domain expires. Michael could also be using this website simply to indicate a Come Back will happen. I guess we'll just have to wait and see!"

    Then Pearl says this which is fascinating: "Just in case anyone forgot who the heck Michael Jackson is, I refer them to the 7th website registered on June 25, 2009: Iam-MichaelJackson.com"

    Registrar: ENOM, INC.
    Creation Date: 25-june-2009
    Expiration Date: 25-june-2010

    End of excerpt from book.

    Okay, that's all I'll say in this note. I will add other things in a different note so that this one isn't too much longer (including how Pearl Jr. knows Michael JOE Jackson. She makes sure to emphasize his real name, too!)

    I'm intrigued because it is quite a coincidence that a domain about Michael was created on February 14th, which happens to be the day of Love. I mean there are just too many coincidences.

    And the fact that there are SEVEN domains. Wow.
  • HazzelyHazzely Posts: 1,443
    PearlJr's tweets

    Karen Faye wrote to me "You heard that from a woman who slept with my husband" & Karen flashed MJ the first day she met him--NASTY NUDIST!!!
    about 12 hours ago via web

    Karen Faye did do what is written in the EmovieBook, Pseudocide. She better shut up-there's more & the child suffers due to her-I'm ANGRY!
    about 12 hours ago via web
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    hope wrote:

    I was at the "Forever Michael" tribute. Pearl was invited as a VIP by the family. I find it strange that they would invite Pearl to this event if they had a problem with her. Pearl is a part of this. She was openly and freely walking around promoting her book and selling CDs. And was eagerly talking to anyone that had questions. She stated that she is 90% sure he is alive.
    We were also told by a FL employee that he knows for a fact that ONLY the mortician does the make-up on FL bodies. No one is brought in from the outside to do the make-up.

    If the subject of makeup is so, Karen is lying, and I imagined it <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    PearlJr's tweets

    Karen Faye wrote to me "You heard that from a woman who slept with my husband" & Karen flashed MJ the first day she met him--NASTY NUDIST!!!
    about 12 hours ago via web

    Karen Faye did do what is written in the EmovieBook, Pseudocide. She better shut up-there's more & the child suffers due to her-I'm ANGRY!
    about 12 hours ago via web

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> Loving it. Karen is about to be put on blast

    I was looking through some of my MJ albums today and you know at the end when MJ thanks people and sends love.. he always sends love to his family, Liz taylor, Liza minnelli, Diana Ross, Berry Gordy.. etc, etc.. the list is long.. ive yet to see a thankyou and love to Karen Faye
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    I have read Pearl's book as well. I think she is very credible. I'll believe her anyday befor Karen.
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    I have not read Pearl Jr. book yet because I do not have one of the book reader need to read emovie books. But, I will get one. I have recently
    purchased Michael Jackson: The Trial and Triumph of The King of Pop by Pearl Jr., and I love it. I believe Pearl Jr. I also believed that only FL beautican would do the make-up of a dead person coming into their funeral home, and not an outside person. For me, MJ is alive. Too many missing pieces of the jigsaw, for me, since June 25, 2009! MJ, Daddy, I love you, and I am praying for your safe return home to your loved ones. Do not worry, baby, we have your back forever! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    It can be downloaded from Amazon on to your PC and it as at a lower price now. Worth reading in my opinion. I agree with you also about the missing jigsaw pieces.
  • I just saw the side michaeljacksonalive.com

    If the side was registered on 25.June, how could the admin leave this message:

    Michael Jackson is dead!!

    By admin on May 29, 2009 | In Background | 39 feedbacks »

    O MY GOD Michael Jackson the king of pop is dead what do you think about it?
  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    I just saw the side michaeljacksonalive.com

    If the side was registered on 25.June, how could the admin leave this message:

    Michael Jackson is dead!!

    By admin on May 29, 2009 | In Background | 39 feedbacks »

    O MY GOD Michael Jackson the king of pop is dead what do you think about it?


    Is there a way to check if the dates were changed?

    Does anyone know how to do that?
  • Magnolia1791Magnolia1791 Posts: 139
    I just saw the side michaeljacksonalive.com

    If the side was registered on 25.June, how could the admin leave this message:

    Michael Jackson is dead!!

    By admin on May 29, 2009 | In Background | 39 feedbacks »

    O MY GOD Michael Jackson the king of pop is dead what do you think about it?


    Is there a way to check if the dates were changed?

    Does anyone know how to do that?

    I was also surprised and found the following:

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=7660&p=124870&hilit=michaeljacksonalive.com#p124870<!-- l -->

    Maybe the link can answer your question...?!?
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