Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    But that pic is from the 80s and I understand that the fan fraud was in 2005?
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    IMO, Karen was hired as his MAKE-UP ARTIST. NOTHING more. But she was attracted to Michael, so she wanted to be more than that. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> And now Michael probably didn't include her on his plan and now she's mad. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • But that pic is from the 80s and I understand that the fan fraud was in 2005?

    That's right. Wow. This woman is mad.
    I wish someone on twitter would bring this up to her that he must have felt very betrayed and then could no longer trust her even if they were still friends at some point. I've maintained acquaintance or a working relationship with people that I could no longer trust -strictly business. Wonder if she's every thought about how she betrayed his trust??? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Karen keeps showing "proofs of frienship" in the form of pics and videos that are obsolete.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    SOL I doubt she thinks about anything but herself. Mind readers probably charge her half price.
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    SOL I doubt she thinks about anything but herself. Mind readers probably charge her half price.

    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    Karen keeps showing "proofs of frienship" in the form of pics and videos that are obsolete.

    #2 so she can keep her name associated with MJ (because without him, she's just another makeup tech who'd be forgotten)

    #3 it makes her appear more relevant to Michael's legacy than she really is.

    If you have to constantly convince people of something to be real, then it probably didn't exist to begin with. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    It makes you wonder...between Karen and Arnold, who did Michael the most "damage"? With friends like this, who needed enemies? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    SOL I doubt she thinks about anything but herself. Mind readers probably charge her half price.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I am not on twitter so I only read what different people say when it is posted on the forums, but I read on the other hoax forum that Karen refers to her "followers" as MINIONS. If this is true, I think that is awfully rude. So she not only slams believers, but she also belittles people who actually like her. I don't know what is worse, her rudeness and smugness or the people who actually hang on her every word!
  • I am not on twitter so I only read what different people say when it is posted on the forums, but I read on the other hoax forum that Karen refers to her "followers" as MINIONS. If this is true, I think that is awfully rude. So she not only slams believers, but she also belittles people who actually like her. I don't know what is worse, her rudeness and smugness or the people who actually hang on her every word!

    Agh.,. ignore them.
  • finfinfinfin Posts: 648
    Karen Faye's latest statement via Twitter regarding the new album and Sony etc etc


    <!-- m -->http://www.twitlonger.com/show/7j7ufk<!-- m -->
    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/wingheart<!-- m -->

    Karen Faye
    On Sunday 19th December 2010, @wingheart said:

    Thank you Sandra RT @QuenchMyDesire: Okay. This album...I need to get what's in my head out. This will probably not even be read or heeded by many, but I need to word purge. I need to, or I'll explode.

    Having left certain groups on Facebook a while ago that originally sounded great, but turned out to be the complete opposite of what I believe regarding certain issues and people, maybe I shouldn't be surprised that they are celebrating the release of this album. But, well...I am.

    I know everyone is different but there is NOTHING to celebrate about this record. It's a product of greed, manipulation, corruption and selfishness, and it's basically just the continuation of the bullshit that was This Is It. Michael is DEAD, that is the ONLY reason this album exists. How can it be something to celebrate? HE is not here anymore so HE did not release this album. This is a Sony album, not a Michael Jackson one, and more than that, it's a slap in the face and an insult both to everything he stood for, as well as to those of us that see this for what it really is.

    Michael's legacy does not stand and fall with this album; nor will it stand and fall with any future Sony releases. His legacy was created (and secured) BY HIM, decades ago. DECADES. His songs are timeless, he's Michael Jackson for God's sake. His philanthropy, his human rights work, his donations...they're all there, and they are set in stone. Any posthumous releases of any of "his" works (*cough*JasonMalachi*coughs*) will not change that. In any direction.

    He shared his talent with us for forty years. It is naïve, and, to be honest, disrespectful to everything he achieved and gave us during those four decades to think that all of it would just disappear because we don't keep buying whatever is put out there and that has his name on it. HE did not release this album, so refraining from buying it will not hurt HIM.

    I may come across as arrogant or as if I am telling people what to think and feel. This is not my intention, but to be honest, this isn't even a matter of "maybe" to me. We don't have to guess how he's feel about Sony getting the hands on these recordings because HE TOLD US! In case anyone forgot:

    <!-- m -->http://www.mj-777.com/wp-content/upload ... 00x288.jpg<!-- m -->

    I honestly don't understand how people seem to forget the above so easily. Michael was clear BEYOND THE SHADOW OF A DOUBT how he felt about Sony, yet people are queueing up like lemmings outside the stores to get this album. Why would anyone want to do that when he told us so clearly how he felt?

    The general public not knowing - or caring - about the Sony feud is one thing, but the fans? We were supposed to stand by him. He was supposed to be able to trust us.

    I'm completely amazed by how so many of the people that I managed to sort of 'open up the eyes of' (regarding TINI and everything around what possibly happened in Michel's last time alive that is so suspicious and contradictive) are now running to the store to get the album, the DVD boxset, AND the game. Hello?? Have people not been listening?! This is exactly the same! This album is a continuation to all the vile, grotesque, corrupt bullshit that "This is it" was about, how can people not see that?? We would never have had this album if Michael was still alive, and he would never, EVER have let them near his art again. He TOLD us that!

    This record is a bribe. It was released to keep the general public happy so that they can listen to 'new' songs from Michael Jackson the superstar, while they continue covering up the murder of Michael Jackson the man. In the meantime, his family and friends are still struggling every single day to come to terms with the void that was left in their lives the day he was taken from them. They have to sit there, time after time after time, in the same room as one of the men that murdered their brother, son, friend, or mentor, and they have to wake up to a world without someone whose energy was so vibrant you could feel it physically, but that is now gone. Gone, only to leave a deafening silence in a world that was once filled with his laughter and his tears. So forgive me if I'm having a little bit of a hard time finding a reason to celebrate.

    Whatever Sony decides to release in his name in the future will have nothing to do with Michael's legacy, and everything to do with money. Lie for it, spy for it, kill for it...die for it.

    He died for it. When will we stop making it worth it for the people that took his life? (from <!-- m -->http://tl.gd/7j234c<!-- m -->)
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    What surprises me is that Karen talks very bad about Sony and sony does nothing. She and the rest are claiming that SONY are murderers for heavens sake!! That can be punishable by law, it is a defamation.

    Sony has not been taking any legal actions as far as I am concerned.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Good point Gema but a lot of the fans blame Sony/AEG too so Sony can't go after all of them, plus she hasn't named actual individuals, conveniently enough. Once actual names are mentioned then the lawsuits would be flying! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Good point Gema but a lot of the fans blame Sony/AEG too so Sony can't go after all of them, plus she hasn't named actual individuals, conveniently enough. Once actual names are mentioned then the lawsuits would be flying! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    She mentioned Motolla many times <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    I am torn yet again. Though I don't agree that Michael is dead, I do have bad feelings about Sony and what they are trying to do to the fans in Michael's name. The worse thing is that I feel that I in a big way wronged Michael by purchasing this cd when I swore that I would NEVER buy anything that Sony released until I was absolutely sure that they had nothing to do with the conspiracy against Michael. I feel like the disciple who denied Jesus 3 times before the cock crowed. I betrayed Michael and I am sorry for that <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I will never betray him again. I hope he can forgive me.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Y'all know what i'm gonna say...

    Fuck Karen Faye.
    She needs to zip her trap and stop talking,no one cares.Go back to telling stories from the 80's when you thought you were in with a chance of being Mrs Jackson.
    The coroner have their own make up and people who prepare/dress the body.They would NEVER allow a close personal friend or family 'LaToya' in to do it.This is absolute bullshit.I can't even cope with the fact people believe what she says..

    [edit:"I read on the other hoax forum that Karen refers to her "followers" as MINIONS"
    does she now...interesting... ]
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    min·ion   /ˈmɪnyən/ pronounced [min-yuhn]

    1. a servile follower or subordinate of a person in power.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ...wow....someone thinks highly of themselves!
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    Y'all know what i'm gonna say...

    Fuck Karen Faye.
    I agree. I don't believe anything Karen Faye says, she's a liar.
    And I don't think Michael would appreciate her spreading hate and negativity.
    I trust much more in people like the Cascios, I think they are true friends and supported him always.

    And does Karen Faye think even for one second? If all the fans would boycott the album, the tabloids would write stories like "No one wants to hear him, he's forgotten". <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    I hope many many fans will buy the album. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Let's show the world that he has millions and millions of fans!

    And yes, he had a fight with Sony, but especially with Mottola. Maybe things went better between MJ and Sony after Mottola was fired?

    In this interview (at about 1:30), he says, "I didn't say Sony was racist, I said Tommy Mottola is racist!"

  • Y'all know what i'm gonna say...

    Fuck Karen Faye.
    She needs to zip her trap and stop talking,no one cares.Go back to telling stories from the 80's when you thought you were in with a chance of being Mrs Jackson.
    The coroner have their own make up and people who prepare/dress the body.They would NEVER allow a close personal friend or family 'LaToya' in to do it.This is absolute bullshit.I can't even cope with the fact people believe what she says..

    [edit:"I read on the other hoax forum that Karen refers to her "followers" as MINIONS"
    does she now...interesting... ]

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Couldn't have said it better, Sinderella!

    @outofmylife: it is curious about MJ's relationship to Sony. are they still wrestling over control or was a compromise of some kind reached? is it possible that MJ outplayed Sony, faked his death and won the war/takeover, but MJ allowed Sony to have a couple of battles that they negotiated a bit. Ultimately MJ wants to be free of Sony forever, but after 6/25/09 MJ agreed to give them this album with some old stuff and songs that he promised the Cascios as recognition of their devotion. but, maybe MJ wouldn't agree to negotiate with all his music and he's holding on to a lot more Sony wanted (Blue Gangsta, Do You Know Where Your Children Are, etc. Anything with Will.i.am and probably countless new ideas) <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> The more I listen to the album the more I love it but I have this feeling that MJ held back due to some sort of negotiation and that MJ will release even greater material when he's completely free of the label but for now, he's fine with his fans buying this album as part of the 'deal'. What do you think?
  • I think Karen Faye is respecting Michael's decision.
    If Michael faked his death, if the family created a stage, then probably she is supporting them by being on the same stage. Eventually, maybe we should all learn to do so.
    After all, she spent some time with Michael Jackson.
    Not us.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I think Karen Faye is respecting Michael's decision.
    If Michael faked his death, if the family created a stage, then probably she is supporting them by being on the same stage. Eventually, maybe we should all learn to do so.
    After all, she spent some time with Michael Jackson.
    Not us.

    She is also a liar,a shit stirrer,a jealous wench,and has leaked out photos,info,stories and things that if she was ANY sort of a true friend would have kept private.
    Every second/inch/fact of his life is out there to be read about,she could of just kept her mouth shut and fingers off twitter/facebook/myspace and not added to the MJ fact file.
    She is a total sell out.Using his image to sell perfume-womens perfume might I add,using stories to increase her 'fame' and credibility.

    I have zero respect for the woman,if you can even call her a woman.
    Consorting with the psycho stalker fans,creating Ganesha om and calling her 'followers' minions does not strike me as being on Michael's side.

    No offense,but just because she put make up on him and spent time with him doesn't make me want to believe what she says.
    I stand by my opinion on her.She needs to shut her mouth and respect his privacy.
  • She needs to shut her mouth and respect his privacy.
    This i agree.
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    After all, she spent some time with Michael Jackson.
    Not us.
    That makes her bad behaviour even worse. I don't understand how someone, who had the privilege to spend time with MJ, can spread so much hate, negativity and lies. Karen Faye obviously learned nothing from Michael. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> I don't trust her at all.
  • Ok, this woman is getting on my wick tonight:

    On Tuesday 4th January 2011, @wingheart said:
    (In reply to Lladylon)

    @Lladylon that is a ridiculous deduction. Of course I support the prosecution. I just have a better understanding of the judicial system and their political posture. I don't think I have "fans". I have made several very good friends that are Michael fans.

    Who the F is she to state she has better understanding of the judicial system>??? She is a goddam hairdresser.
    What now.. she is a legal expert???? I wish she would shut up.
  • On Tuesday 4th January 2011, @wingheart said:
    (In reply to dllzz)

    @dllzz it is immature and dangerous to falsely report from the courtroom. We witnessed this behavior by the media during Michael's trial in 2005. I hope the fans do not repeat this behavior. Maybe the ones who maybe doing this were not around back then, and do not understand.
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