Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • On Friday 28th January 2011, @wingheart said:
    (In reply to neverletyoupart)

    @neverletyoupart Oprah's network is getting very low ratings & viewership. I guess she is pulling rabbits out of her hat to boost her OWN name...and the rabbit's name is Michael Jackson.
  • New tweet from Karen, basically chewing out Oprah for having the kids and K on her OWN network, behind the scenes special tonight ( which, interestingly, Jackie promoted in a tweet today).

    KF chewed Oprah up and spit her out. But Jackie promoting this makes me believe that there has been some sort of forgiving process through this all, either between the Family and Oprah. Or Michael.
  • On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @wingheart said:

    Some people keep bringing up that I was reporting on my FB how excited and great rehearsals were. This was true. All was going really well IN THE BEGINNING. Everything went terribly wrong the week before Michael's death. I was being threatened to STAY OF THE INTERNET when I started trying to get my superiors to get help for Michael. They promised me they had hired the best doctor in the world for him...AND THEN HE WAS DEAD!!!!!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @wingheart said:

    Some people keep bringing up that I was reporting on my FB how excited and great rehearsals were. This was true. All was going really well IN THE BEGINNING. Everything went terribly wrong the week before Michael's death. I was being threatened to STAY OF THE INTERNET when I started trying to get my superiors to get help for Michael. They promised me they had hired the best doctor in the world for him...AND THEN HE WAS DEAD!!!!!

  • I thought she said the opposite before.. or am i wrong???

    Didnt she say MJ was ill and weak at the beginning... and then the last few days he was great???
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    She contradicts herself so many times that I lost track <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I remember reading from her that Michael was frail, not eating and that fans came to "feed him" and talk to him <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Did Karen ever address whether or not she got paid for her work on TII?
  • Did Karen ever address whether or not she got paid for her work on TII?

    Yes, i remember this one. She did get paid and she said this on her FB back in the day. She was angry at first because she didnt get paid, but then she shut up once she got her money.
  • Did Karen ever address whether or not she got paid for her work on TII?

    Yes, i remember this one. She did get paid and she said this on her FB back in the day. She was angry at first because she didnt get paid, but then she shut up once she got her money.

    So then, essentially she was paid with 'blood money' since she seems so hell-bent on blaming AEG and Sony for killing Michael. I hope she has enjoyed that blood money. I am all for people getting paid for their services, but if I truly believed that my friend/boss/whatever she wants to consider Michael was killed by our employer, the last thing I would do is accept money from them. She is such a hypocrite! I really wish she would just STFU!

    Of course I guess the same thing could be said about Taryll, who I'm assuming was paid by Sony for his contributions to Hollywood Tonight.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403

    So then, essentially she was paid with 'blood money' since she seems so hell-bent on blaming AEG and Sony for killing Michael. I hope she has enjoyed that blood money
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    mundoemoti_com046.gif That you think this Gema
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    mundoemoti_com046.gif That you think this Gema

    Totally, and with flies included! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Ma message to Karen <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) --> takes 20 extra lies to build a single one....she is losing track!
  • On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @wingheart said:

    It is very unusual that neither MLB or myself...who were closest, (actually TOUCHING) and were demanded and hired directly by MJ, have NOT been questioned by the attorneys in ANY case. APPEARS getting to the truth is not the IMPORTANT issue. Too many big guys with very deep pockets running the "truth about MJ" show.

    @Ivy_MJJC I was INTERROGATED by the LAPD, but never anything further. The TRUTH is as I said, I "could" be called as a witness.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    It is strange that she has not been called in as a witness
  • It is strange that she has not been called in as a witness

    Yes. I do not know how it works in USA, but in the UK she would know by now if she was in the witness list. She wouldnt know the dates, but the court would give out a pre-warning to say that she could get called up between so-and-so dates, so be prepared.

    I dont think she is going to get called, by the sounds of it.

    Then again, i only can comment on the UK court system and not the USA.
  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> So true!
    On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @wingheart said:

    Some people keep bringing up that I was reporting on my FB how excited and great rehearsals were. This was true. All was going really well IN THE BEGINNING. Everything went terribly wrong the week before Michael's death. I was being threatened to STAY OF THE INTERNET when I started trying to get my superiors to get help for Michael. They promised me they had hired the best doctor in the world for him...AND THEN HE WAS DEAD!!!!!
    So first, before June 25, 2009, she said everything's fine, MJ is brillant, the rehearsels are brillant... After June25, 2009 she says everything was bad, Michael was ill and frail, all others are murderers... And NOW she says, everthing was fine except of the last week before June 25?

    That totally contradicts with many others, who say he was brillant and fit especially on June 23 and 24.

    She contradicts herselfs the whole time.
    She's a liar.
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    I have always been intrigued by this Karen Kenny thing. Here we have 2 professionals (supposed) who both profess to have been very friendly with Michael for years and by all accounts they each were at least very involved in his working life. Really more than almost anyone on a consistent basis. We have those who spent a lot of time with Michael in his early days and then his middle days and then the later years. Karen and Kenny were 2 who were around for at least 2 of the 3. Not many in his life can say that. (I am not talking his personal life here) So then, moving along, we have their strange behaviour during TII - She says now that he Michael was great at the beginning although in her letters she states he missed a ton of rehearsals and that he went down hill at the end. She also said he wasn`t that great throughout at other points, needed an oxygen tank back stage. Then she attacks Kenny very viciously on twitter and other places and Kenny pretends he doesn`t know even though we know he does beacause the tweets were sent to him. She said things like `kenny was all happy and parading around promoting TII while Prince Jackson celebrates his first birthday without a father`OMG that is serious and if were Kenny I would do something to make that behaviour stop but he hasn`t and it has just continued to spew out of her. I have to wonder is Kenny the evil monster that Karen is protraying and if he is then wow I was really off the mark by thinking he was an alright guy....or is Karen playing a part and Kenny knows this and he is letting go on. I do have to think it`s the latter because he says....Michael was missing rehearsals, then he had one off day and then he had the best last 2 days and was back on his game - the exact opposite of Karen other than the missed rehearsals. Then in the middle of all of this we have Cherilyn Lee saying that the last weekend of MJ`s life - just before the great days Kenny said he had and the bad days Karen says he had, she says he had someone call and say that something was terribly wrong, he was cold on one side and hot on the other and she told him to go straight to the hospital. Then we have Conrad Murray giving him propofol for 2 months to sleep every night and we are told propofol wouldn`t have given him a restful sleep so michael would be a walking zombie after 2 months. If this wasn`t such a serious matter it would be insanely and hysterically just plain nuts!!!
  • I think just plain nuts is an excellent description!
    It seems like in the dirty world of music/ show business they will drop their so called friends on a dime...IE Karen/Kenny.

    About that oxygen tank at rehearsals or anywhere for that matter. I do not find that unusual ...Michael had chronically inflamed lungs according the autopsy report and due to the fact that he had Lupus it could have easily messed with
    his lungs....so sad.

    In the book Micheal Wrote ...the first one Moonwalker? Sorry I cannot recall the correct title right now...he himself tells about when he was walking along the beach and his lung collapsed and he could not breathe and he ran to Jermaine's house who took him to the hospital...so those issues started long ago...in his early 20's.

    We are just lucky he managed to be healthy enough to give us all the gifts he did.
    IMO that is one of the reasons he went Vegi'n and tried to take good care of his health...when you have a purpose ..that is a strong thing...and he had a love and a purpose.

    Somewhere else [you all have probably heard this too] he stated that he felt like an old man....I can understand where he was coming from.
    When you think of all of the adversities he went through in order to keep doing what he loved it is just shocking.
  • I don't think Karen is involved in the hoax at all.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    I don't see Karen in the hoax either, yeah, she was very close to MJ,after all she has worked with MJ since the Thriller era up to 2009, but i support the thory about a very few people aware of the hoax , the closest ones, IMO we can even count on one hand those who are envolved in it.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Then she should get good awards for acting if she is so convincing. I'm one that believes she's leader of the opposition, instigating the majority of fans to believe he's dead and to cry for justice. Just think if all the fans thought it was a hoax, how flat the whole trial would be. She's playing an important role. The fact Kenny doesn't respond to her horrible remarks tells a lot. OK so she's a little crazy, I think MJ has planned this hoax to use the natural personalities of the people in it.
  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    Then she should get good awards for acting if she is so convincing. I'm one that believes she's leader of the opposition, instigating the majority of fans to believe he's dead and to cry for justice. Just think if all the fans thought it was a hoax, how flat the whole trial would be. She's playing an important role. The fact Kenny doesn't respond to her horrible remarks tells a lot. OK so she's a little crazy, I think MJ has planned this hoax to use the natural personalities of the people in it.

    Oh, after all of this is over there should be a new Oscar category introduced: HOAXSCAR <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • shelby61shelby61 Posts: 305
    She doesn't really know what she means. Take at look at these tweets:

    On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @wingheart said:
    (In reply to MJ4EVER44)
    @MJ4EVER44 I can not speculate on what Michael's feelings would be. He is gone from us forever, and he can not tell us. His word is the only word I would trust, and he's dead.

    wingheart Karen Faye
    @hermanc3 I feel the same way as Michael did...20 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    That last tweet was recent (feb 2/11)

    So in a span of 24 hours she is contradicting herself. I am beginning to wonder why Michael would even befriend her for so long. She is either playing a good role or she is completely off her rocker and needs psychiatric help.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    shelby61 wrote:

    She doesn't really know what she means. Take at look at these tweets:

    On Wednesday 2nd February 2011, @wingheart said:
    (In reply to MJ4EVER44)
    @MJ4EVER44 I can not speculate on what Michael's feelings would be. He is gone from us forever, and he can not tell us. His word is the only word I would trust, and he's dead.

    wingheart Karen Faye
    @hermanc3 I feel the same way as Michael did...20 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    That last tweet was recent (feb 2/11)

    So in a span of 24 hours she is contradicting herself. I am beginning to wonder why Michael would even befriend her for so long. She is either playing a good role or she is completely off her rocker and needs psychiatric help.

    I do not think of this woman, to lie makes a very good memory, a liar contradicts constantly
  • I think Karen just likes the attention and tends to feed off or it. She isn't the only person who worked with/for Michael off and on throughout his career, yet she seems to be the only one chatting with fans on a routine basis, and has been doing it from the beginning. Why? I say it's for attention. I also think she may be in love with Michael and is having a hard time letting him go, hence her consistent discussions about him with total strangers on social networking sites.

    I certainly don't think Michael would have trusted her with the hoax. She's too much of a loose cannon, and her behavior in 2005 with Randy and the fan bracelets, or whatever it was, is reason enough for Michael to have questioned her loyalty and trustworthiness and thus her "hoax-worthiness". Now she could be playing a role, but unknowingly. Maybe Michael predicted she would carry on like she has.
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