Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • DancerDancer Posts: 1,225
    Karen is a liar,always has been.There was no way she did any make up on any body.
    I agree with you.

    And Karen's description of doing make up on dead bodies doesn't sound to me as if she really knew what she's talking about. It sounds to me as if she had to google it.
    I don't believe her one word.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    I am just not sure if an untrained person in that field would be allowed prepare a body if it has been through 2 autopsies i would have thought you would need very special training as it is just to traumatic for a person who knows the deceased personally but I but i dont know that for a fact
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Sinders, you're worrying me - I keep bumping into your posts tonight, and you're letting KF get to you - big time! Why do you follow her so avidly if she annoys you so much? If I could find a smilie that looked like 'chilling', I'd post it for you! Guess a cool moonwalk might do the trick! <!-- smoonwalk_/ -->moonwalk_/<!-- smoonwalk_/ -->

    Worrying you?I think that is a little over the top but thanks for the concern.I'm fine,I just don't like the woman in any shape or form.
    I do not follow her 'avidly' I find that quite an offensive thing to say,she is spread across my twitter in every other post,RT,mention and has been for 3days SOLID.If you had noticed,I haven't been here very much the past 2months as I've been busy working and I really don't bother myself with what Karen is doing or saying but atm she is rife,like a virus and I have the right to voice my opinion on it and her.
    It it no secret I don't like her.I have never liked her.Look back at posts from 2010...they are in exactly the same tone.
    She is no better now than she was then.Giving out to fans like she has some given right and using Michael's name as an indication to start tweeting about herself and her relationship to him,to his fans who only follow her to gain an insight to him.

    I don't need a chill smilie,I am perfectly fine,why I face such protest when I voice my opinion I will never know...especially since this is a forum for that purpose and everyone else does so day after day and has done for 2years.
    Sorry if that sounds dramatic and harsh for the comment you left me but I really am getting bored of it all.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111

    I don't need a chill smilie,I am perfectly fine,why I face such protest when I voice my opinion I will never know...especially since this is a forum for that purpose and everyone else does so day after day and has done for 2years.
    Sorry if that sounds dramatic and harsh for the comment you left me but I really am getting bored of it all.

    Opinions are fine. Spewing hate and venom is not. That's MY opinion.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I was beginning to wonder about this too. I don't know much about KF and everything she has or has not done. Sinders has me curious enough to go back and read this thread in its entirety (when I have time).

    You should do,it isn't a pleasant read but you will find out what kind of person she is.

    ANY kind of REAL friend would keep quiet about thier private memories/times/relationship/secets shared with Michael before any of this happened...but no,not Karen,as soon as she gets the chance,she's there spamming people with BS about her love for him,things about him she shouldn't share and how she did the after care on his body because they were soooo close (when in reality she is a liar and was fired way back for stealing money from his website via fans) and so on and so on and then...interjects herself into a situation like now with Jermaine's tweets which she has no authority to do-she is not a Jackson,she is not his ex gf/wife/widow/she is not an employee anymore,and she is not his friend and talks to his fans like something on the bottom of her shoe.

    She gave her story to TMZ I don't care how much she denies it,she did,she cleary was pissed at being left out of the prelim and off the witness list for the trial-because obviously she was/is so important in Michael's life she should have been included-and decided to gain her own attention by getting her name on the TMZ website via a whole story about her...and it worked,there was a whole day of KF related talk/tweets.

    Has she been spotted at FL since 2009 visiting/laying flowers?
    Has she attended ANY event where vindication for Michael's name has occured ie like the school name being uncovered again?or the dot project-she doesn't have a dot btw...
    Has she done ANYTHING to help gain an ounce of justice for him,his family or his children?
    Has she done anything at all to make her worthy of being called his friend since-way back in 2005
    Has she offered any support to Michael's children?
    Put any time into anything that gains a positive light on his name,legacy,life?


    She has though,associated with his stalkers,she did set up ganesha OM-some weird society-she did go to TMZ -she has lied about doing the makeup on the body and dressing it because it has now been proven she has no qualification or skill to do such a thing-she does talk to his fans like absolute shit and has now been labelled a racist-nice work Karen-she does not carry his messages of love and respect-she does use his name and her past association with him in a professional capacity to her advantage either for fame,attention,fans,followers,MINIONS-yep....she calls them minions indicating she believes she is somewhere above everyone else because the definition of a minion is somewhere between a slave and a servant and someone who has a master and is there at their beck and call
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    A minion is a follower devoted to serving his master relentlessly.

    and I do believe she believes in her own head she has the right to talk and behave like some sort of mourning ex wife or widow.
    This is only a short list of what she does and does not do in the name of being Karen Faye and knowing Michael Jackson.I am disgusted in her,I can only imagine how he would feel seeing how she is talking to and dividing up his fans which he deems as his family and loves dearly.
    In my opinion,she is nothing to anyone in this saga.She is not family or friend.
    I think only Jermaine follows her out of the entire family,but they let her 'work' on their son/brother/father/uncle??
    That to me does not add up-preparing a body is a huge task to be given and then none of the family have talked to her since?Not very polite is it...or,it is,because they have no reason to talk to her because she never worked on any body.

    My anger and hatred towards her is not unjust and I truly do detest the woman and have no apologies for it.
    She may have been there for him at one time long ago,but since she was fired and really lost that relationship she had with Michael and then this happened in 2009,it appears to me,that she is craving attention and the only way to do that is to use Michael's name,and his fans/supporters.

    Thought i'd explain in a more formal,less aggressive format.
  • eternalflameeternalflame Posts: 195
    It´s ok Sind, obviously you have your reasons for your opinion.

    You made me curious, I´ll start researching and get my own opinion. I already read some tweets, they weren´t very nice...

    Did you ever meet her personally? Did anybody?
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    so what are the details , if anyone knows when was the last kf did work with and for michael prior to tii? we know it was as late as that bashir thing. how much later?
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    She was featured at the end of TII and listed in the credits.
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Karen Faye

    On Monday 9th May 2011, @wingheart said:

    Funny you said that, but yes, he had such a beautiful smile, it lit up the universe. And you know what he always wanted of mine? My nose <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> RT @bjhickman7: @wingheart Like Michael's smile? <!-- s:-( -->:-(<!-- s:-( -->
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    She was featured at the end of TII and listed in the credits.

    So she was with Michael still in TII? She was not fired in 2005?
    I do not know why the fans believers give ibope to this woman.

    This is for you, KF:


    Sorry, but what the hell!
  • Karen Faye

    On Monday 9th May 2011, @wingheart said:

    Funny you said that, but yes, he had such a beautiful smile, it lit up the universe. And you know what he always wanted of mine? My nose <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> RT @bjhickman7: @wingheart Like Michael's smile? <!-- s:-( -->:-(<!-- s:-( -->

    Karen is such a bitch! Is it really necessary for her to point out Michael's insecurities with his nose? Or is she just too stupid to realize that his insecurities are the reason he liked her nose and disliked his own?

    On another note, I think most everyone knows (thanks to Karen's constant ramblings) that she was involved in TII, but like another poster, I wonder if Michael used her for any other events between the Bashir interview and TII. And if not, I wonder why.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    It seems that to do the work of make up people who have died to have license and preparation, anyone knows anything more than this <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    Meet with family, funeral director, and medical doctor to discuss needs of the deceased
    Drain vital fluids from body
    Preserve body by injecting germicidal solutions
    Perform necessary restorative work to improve appearance (makeup and hair)
    Dress deceased persons and place them in caskets
    Maintain records and equipment
    Supervise assistants
    The typical day for an embalmer involves working closely with one or more bodies, readying them for burial. They must also order supplies, clean and repair equipment, and meet with other funeral home staff and family members to discuss plans and requests. They spend most of each day at work indoors, and don't have many opportunities for travel.

    Embalmers can become funeral directors, makeup artists or cosmetologists. They can become counselors, and assist people in their grieving and bereavement process.

    <!-- m -->http://www.schoolsintheusa.com/careerpr ... carid=1457<!-- m -->
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    On Monday 9th May 2011, @wingheart said:

    I would very much like to get away from this line of questioning. RT @JoanneDoreen: @wingheart Did you have specialist training to do mortician make up and how did you obtain the specialist make up?

    On Monday 9th May 2011, @wingheart said:

    I have said enough. I have told the truth. I have no obligation to fans to answer questions to verify their own fabrications. RT @JoanneDoreen: @wingheart i guess if you answer it, then people will stop wondering about the hows and whys of it all.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    She was featured at the end of TII and listed in the credits.
    So she was with Michael still in TII? She was not fired in 2005?
    I do not know why the fans believers give hope to this woman.
    Sorry, but what the hell!

    She was 'hired in' for it I don't think it was by Michael though-look into that one,she WAS fired and barely spoke to him until TII.She has said this herself many times when speaking about getting sacked and how broken her heart was not having contact with him . #vomit
    She was hired to do make up and that's it,but she talks like she was drafted in because she is the only one who could do anything and that without her,rehearsals wouldn't have been possible

    and I seriously doubt he wanted her nose or ANY part of her..infact we all know he never....ha,gutted Karen.

    On Monday 9th May 2011, @wingheart said:

    I would very much like to get away from this line of questioning. RT @JoanneDoreen: @wingheart Did you have specialist training to do mortician make up and how did you obtain the specialist make up?

    On Monday 9th May 2011, @wingheart said:

    I have said enough. I have told the truth. I have no obligation to fans to answer questions to verify their own fabrications. RT @JoanneDoreen: @wingheart i guess if you answer it, then people will stop wondering about the hows and whys of it all.

    She can't answer it because she knows she is a liar and has been found out.
    I have a friend lets call her 'abbey' who wants to do all that,work on the bodies,do the makeup and prep them for their funerals,she is already a make up artist....to do what she wants to do though she has had to go back to university in the UK to do a degree in it!Nowhere will hire her without it,you need to be a specialist in corpse prep.
    So I KNOW she is a liar.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    What i detest about this winch after having read a lot of her posts, is that she sees herself as priviledged and better than Michael’s “fans” because she worked close to him, blah, blah, blah. She can feel whatever she wants to. That’s her perrogative. However, for her to spew venom with forced authority about who is doing this or who is doing that to Michael and his family because she “KNOWS” he would NEVER do certain things, and then calls us NAMES <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> infuriates the hell out of me. Who does she think she is? She is NOBODY to most everybody. She doesn’t get it. Michael has told the world a million times over, HE LOVES THE FANS. WE are the reason that he works his body relentlessly. US and the CHILDREN. Not her dumb ass. She thinks she is all that because she WAS EMPLOYED by Michael. If she doesn’t know what employee means she needs to consult a dictionary. I am sure that Michael respected her and considered her a friend, because that’s who he is. But for crying out loud, know your damn place. Judging Michael’s fans is NOT IT regardless of what we believe. She’s a glorified hairdresser/makeup artist. Albeit that she was lucky enough and in the right place at the right time to snag the greatest employerr known to man. But the bottom line is still that she was an employee. She’s stepping out of line. I’m trying to hold my peace on twtter, but she’s pushing the envelope because when she lumps everybody who believes as delusional and stupid and a lot of other names, she’s stepping into my territory and I kinda take it personally <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> She is not family. She ain’t and never will be. I need a Jason from Halloween yype smilie for this one. Would definitely relay my state of mind. Okay. I can breathe now.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Re: Karen Faye - @wingheart

    Postby hesouttamylife » Mon May 09, 2011 3:06 pm
    What i detest about this winch after having read a lot of her posts, is that she sees herself as priviledged and better than Michael’s “fans” because she worked close to him, blah, blah, blah. She can feel whatever she wants to. That’s her perrogative. However, for her to spew venom with forced authority about who is doing this or who is doing that to Michael and his family because she “KNOWS” he would NEVER do certain things, and then calls us NAMES <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> infuriates the hell out of me. Who does she think she is? She is NOBODY to most everybody. She doesn’t get it. Michael has told the world a million times over, HE LOVES THE FANS. WE are the reason that he works his body relentlessly. US and the CHILDREN. Not her dumb ass. She thinks she is all that because she WAS EMPLOYED by Michael. If she doesn’t know what employee means she needs to consult a dictionary. I am sure that Michael respected her and considered her a friend, because that’s who he is. But for crying out loud, know your damn place. Judging Michael’s fans is NOT IT regardless of what we believe. She’s a glorified hairdresser/makeup artist. Albeit that she was lucky enough and in the right place at the right time to snag the greatest employerr known to man. But the bottom line is still that she was an employee. She’s stepping out of line. I’m trying to hold my peace on twtter, but she’s pushing the envelope because when she lumps everybody who believes as delusional and stupid and a lot of other names, she’s stepping into my territory and I kinda take it personally <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> She is not family. She ain’t and never will be. I need a Jason from Halloween yype smilie for this one. Would definitely relay my state of mind. Okay. I can breathe now.

    You are also on the anti KF board. haha

    No seriously though this is exactly what I've been saying...she WAS an employee is no longer,hasn't been for years,he might have loved her as a friend but he didn't LOVE her like he wanted to marry her-if he did he would have im sure,she is NOT a Jackson.
    Everything I said in my post still stands-why do none of them follow her apart from Jermaine?If she worked on Michael's 'body' surely she would be considered close enough to follow on twitter after it?NOPE.
    Apart from the fact no other Jackson has addressed the hoax/backed Jermaine up in ANY way,I find it annoying she feels like it is her duty or right because she worked for him for the time she did to treat his fans so badly and talk down to them in such a disgusting way..
    She comes across as a scorned widow or something,honestly that is the vibe I get from her tweets.

    I too have refrained from attacking her-I honestly have,I've sent tweets directed to her and they've been RTd to her haha but not @ her directly because she will just block me,she blocks anyone who spouts the truth at her and when she has no answer for you because she knows you are right-and stops you in your tracks.My tweet would be a twitlonger and would not be a pleasant read....

    When is the last time she saw Michael's children...or mom...or any Jackson infact?
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    uhh ok karen was fired and rehired, john branca was fired and rehired . any idea if they were both fired around the same time?so it sounds and looks like he didn't use karen for what a 4 yr. period right. she was around for the trial or not ? we know michael bush was unless he lied about the suit for court.this rehiring thing is curious to me.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    I’m trying to follow the old addage “let your haters be your motivaters”. She only moves me to believe more in what she negates. Early on I fell into her sympathy trap and felt a little sorry for her. I admit, I was played. But little by little, and piece by piece, the real Karen Faye started to emerge. And what she became made me wonder how in the name of all that is holy did Michael put up with her whining and imposing herself into his space for all those years. Proves even more what a patient, kind human being he is. I don’t follow her until I start seeing posts from people being attacked vehemently by her. Then I wish I hadn’t even bothered. She must be miserable.
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    Michael is moody <!-- sgeek/ -->geek/<!-- sgeek/ -->
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    How could he not be? Sick and tired of all the bull. If it were me I would be more than moody, I would be a raging bull.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Well,all I know is she needs to not bump into me lol
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    This is my location today. I am not stressin' over fan drama. Trust me. It isn't effecting my life answering between shots.

    <!-- m -->http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/ ... XGwxDrU%3D<!-- m -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    This is my location today. I am not stressin' over fan drama. Trust me. It isn't effecting my life answering between shots.

    <!-- m -->http://s3.amazonaws.com/twitpic/photos/ ... XGwxDrU%3D<!-- m -->

    1.Can't see it
    2.Noone cares karen
    3.Cheeky bitch,it's her who encouraged and caused most of the drama after JJ's tweets :@:@:@:@:@:
    'fan drama' THEY AREN'T HER FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    How dare she say it isn't effecting her life-what life?she is a makeup artist.....who are her global celebrity clients since she got fired?ER.....lets count them


    SERIOUSLY.Someone needs to smack her upside the head with a reality check or give her some medication and a slap....or all of the above.
  • eternalflameeternalflame Posts: 195
    I´ve just read some of her tweets about her flappy upper arm skin and how MJ liked to play with it...
    <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- safraid/ -->afraid/<!-- safraid/ --> <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr --> <!-- serrrr -->errrr<!-- serrrr -->

    O my gosh maybe I´m old fashioned but if this had happened to me I would be like <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> , go straight to a gym and have LOTS of workouts and never ever mention it anywhere, and certainly not on Twitter...
  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    I´ve just read some of her tweets about her flappy upper arm skin and how MJ liked to play with it...
    how cute
    <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
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