Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • JentleTouchJentleTouch Posts: 244
    I came across this blog and again tried to understand why she kept doing it and I couldn't. Again.

    Friday 6th May 2011 - I owe it to Michael and myself to stand up against the ignorance. I have ignored most of it for two years...but sometimes you have to expose it, in order to purge it from your soul"

    "There is no reason to address a theory, when the facts are already facts. I am sorry that fans believe a fallacy.

    Can you imagine how this hoax stuff would hurt his children?

    The concept the beLievers are pursuing is painful, for those who Michael's death is very real for. His family, his children and me, for instance. It is even more painful to see how Pearl Jr, is exploiting this theory and the fans to attempt to build her career as a "producer". She knows he is gone, and claims she is just "reporting" the theory. This is just not kind to those who are grieving, ESPECIALLY his children. I don't think she is GIVING her material away. She is exploiting the time and hearts of MICHAEL's fans.

    I do not have a problem with BeLievers. Just the THOUGHT of their their theories is extremely painful...when I held his dead body in my arms. Can you NOT give me a little consideration? Paris placed half a heart necklace with him before closing the lid. Have some common decency to consider his CHILDREN! I draw a heavy line of what I will accept from people. EXPLOITING my friends death, and the theory he is still ALIVE is at the top of my list.

    The Jackson family shared their son, their brother, their father with the world...they owe nothing more.

    There is a trial...if someone had all the answers, there would be no need for a trial. There will NEVER be enough answers to satisfy the fans. I have EXPERIENCED the truth that he is gone, so I can not even entertain your hoax. PERIOD!"

    Source: Karen Faye

    <!-- m -->http://michaeljacksonmiracle.blogspot.c ... -hoax.html<!-- m -->

    BTW, was she asked to entertain "our" hoax? I must of skipped that.
    If Michael didn't see fit to let her in why would we?

    What she's doing is not right. I mean her playing with the fans emotions. All those talks about Paris putting a necklace with him or her holding and makeuping his dead body must be stopped once and for all.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    JentleTouch wrote:

    I came across this blog and again tried to understand why she kept doing it and I couldn't. Again.

    Friday 6th May 2011 - I owe it to Michael and myself to stand up against the ignorance. I have ignored most of it for two years...but sometimes you have to expose it, in order to purge it from your soul"

    "There is no reason to address a theory, when the facts are already facts. I am sorry that fans believe a fallacy.

    Can you imagine how this hoax stuff would hurt his children?

    The concept the beLievers are pursuing is painful, for those who Michael's death is very real for. His family, his children and me, for instance. It is even more painful to see how Pearl Jr, is exploiting this theory and the fans to attempt to build her career as a "producer". She knows he is gone, and claims she is just "reporting" the theory. This is just not kind to those who are grieving, ESPECIALLY his children. I don't think she is GIVING her material away. She is exploiting the time and hearts of MICHAEL's fans.

    I do not have a problem with BeLievers. Just the THOUGHT of their their theories is extremely painful...when I held his dead body in my arms. Can you NOT give me a little consideration? Paris placed half a heart necklace with him before closing the lid. Have some common decency to consider his CHILDREN! I draw a heavy line of what I will accept from people. EXPLOITING my friends death, and the theory he is still ALIVE is at the top of my list.

    The Jackson family shared their son, their brother, their father with the world...they owe nothing more.

    There is a trial...if someone had all the answers, there would be no need for a trial. There will NEVER be enough answers to satisfy the fans. I have EXPERIENCED the truth that he is gone, so I can not even entertain your hoax. PERIOD!"

    Source: Karen Faye

    <!-- m -->http://michaeljacksonmiracle.blogspot.c<!-- m --> ... -hoax.html

    BTW, was she asked to entertain "our" hoax? I must of skipped that.
    If Michael didn't see fit to let her in why would we?

    What she's doing is not right. I mean her playing with the fans emotions. All those talks about Paris putting a necklace with him or her holding and makeuping his dead body must be stopped once and for all.

    when she held her body, "dead" .. until when? <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Miss.PeppersMiss.Peppers Posts: 998
    Karen Faye

    On Friday 27th May 2011, @wingheart said:

    Just when I was working with my other clients...he had to find me. RT @Technicalitiez: Did you ever play hide and go seek with Michael? @wingheart
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Stumbled over more drama. The pace makers are reliable.
    On Monday 6th June 2011, @wingheart said:

    Someone alerted me to that. I do not have that...Lynda Parrish, who did his hair briefly, the woman who displayed it in Atlanta has it. I would NEVER do that.


    RT @PepzMachine: @wingheart Have you heard they are auctioning off MJs O2 wig? It makes me feel wierd - its too personal to sell off. <!-- s:-( -->:-(<!-- s:-( -->

  • heartphantomheartphantom Posts: 722
    wingheart Karen Faye
    She lives in the UK now...we only text. (she's talking about Lisa Marie P )

    Someone asks Karen: Did Tatiana and MJ have so good chemistry as she constantly brags about? Now she says he grabbed her ass and legs at TWYMMF ?

    Karen's answer: I refuse to speak about T delusions any longer. Believe what you wish.

    Someone asks Karen: Have you heard they are auctioning off MJs O2 wig? It makes me feel wierd - its too personal to sell off. <!-- s:-( -->:-(<!-- s:-( -->

    Karen's answer: Someone alerted me to that. I do not have that...Lynda Parrish, who did his hair briefly, the woman who displayed it in Atlanta has it. I would NEVER do that.

    Someone asks Karen: Have you heard they are auctioning off MJs O2 wig? It makes me feel wierd - its too personal to sell off. <!-- s:-( -->:-(<!-- s:-( -->

    Karen's answer: Lynda Parrish was a friend of Raymone Bain

    wingheart Karen Faye
    This behavior by a supposedly "good friend, and professional" is a desperate and poor judgement decision. Very sad for Michael...

    Someone says: Of all the things I've seen go up for auction, that one makes me the saddest. I can't imagine he'd have wanted it on display. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Karen's answer: Of course not. He was very sensitive about this. I am quite appalled, because she would have known how private he was about this. To display this is the worst possible betrayal.

    Someone: I dont understand something : to me MJ had to wear a half or quarter wig, I Heard it because of arno bani's relationship With him.(dont remember well) cause of pepsi accident. But why this one is a complet one?

    Karen's answer: This is NO ONE'S BUSINESS!!! This is something Michael wanted to keep private. Even when others want to betray this I WILL NOT! It just really hurts me that something that was so personal and private to Michael has been used to boost this woman's ego & next career move. This makes me cry, and I haven't been brought to tears for a while now....but THIS BREAKS MY HEART! This is ONE THING, one thing he wanted so much to be private. This woman even uses my work with Michael to advertise as her own. This unethical behavior is so low...I must stop tweeting today, cuz it is making me sick in my stomach with sadness.

    On Tuesday 7th June 2011, @wingheart said:

    I think Michael would understand selling a jacket...he gave many away himself... if someone, one of his dear friends, needed the money for some reason. He would help his friends. But selling his personal privacy is a totally different situation. The Thriller jacket was an iconic publicized and merchandised item. I know you understand the difference. I am sorry if people misunderstood. I know your heart is in the right place. Thank you for always supporting me.
  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
    That is low of Lynda Parrish IMO. Many medications taken for lupus thins out the hair. Why Karen Faye is getting so up in arms because she was asked a question, who knows. She is a drama queen. And besides she has divulged more personal stuff than that over the years. so why stop now <!-- scrash/ -->crash/<!-- scrash/ -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Auctioning off MJs O2 wig is tasteless <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
    I understand Karen´s concern, if MJ was private about it (according to her).
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    Selling the wig is tasteless (if, in fact, it is being sold). Most people were aware MJ wore wigs so I doubt he would be worried that people knew it. I hope not anyway.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I don't look at this wig sales auction with a negative impact.<br />I always wondered in general WHO would be in possession of personal MJ items to be able to sell them.<br /><br />As to this specific wig, the answer for "who is the possessor?" would be: its owner. Right?<br />Except: the wig had a "reserve" wig double kept by the makeup stylist - just in case the first one would develop an issue. However - the owner would still be ... the person the wig was made for and the person who paid the making of the wig. Right?<br /><br />So if this wig - an item of disguise in the public eye as a certain branded character - can be auctioned, this can only happen because:<br />- the wig would have had no use anymore neither for Michael nor for the scaffolding stylist after March 2009<br />- the wig was handed over to Julien's<br />- Julien's decided or was ordered to create an auction with this item.<br /><br />Alternatives for the reasons of getting the wig into public eye:<br />- the style of the wig owner has changed and therefore the owner authorized the sale.<br />- the wig was stolen from the owner and the true owner cannot stop the auction because he's "still dead".<br />- showing the wig to the public again has another and deeper intention than an auction.<br />- the media report is faked.<br /><br />I do not go with alternative 2 because Michael has shown to be in control. Even if Michael could not utter one single word as MJ right now, there would be means and measures and friends etc. to stop an unauthorized sales event.<br />Alternative 1 would be simple and neat and just be signal of a personal development.<br />Alternative 3 would go with a different meaning and would require some research.<br />Alternative 4 is very convenient now. I don't go with this - too flat.<br /><br />Going back to basics, this is a wig:<br />
    A wig is a head of hair made from horsehair, human hair, wool, feathers, yak hair, buffalo hair, or synthetic materials which is worn on the head for fashion or various other aesthetic and stylistic reasons, including cultural and religious observance. The word wig is short for periwig and first appeared in the English language around 1675.<br /><br />Some people wear wigs to disguise the fact that they are bald; a wig may be used as a less intrusive and less expensive alternative to therapies for restoring hair. Wigs may also be used as a cosmetic accessory, sometimes in a religious context. Actors often wear costume wigs in order to better portray a character.
    <br />http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wig<br /><br />I think the old disguise is just not needed anymore - except for turning up the heat of emotional revival of what it feels (felt) like losing Michael  in the upcoming days until June 25. I might be wrong but I think it just has a memory effect background "don't forget" why the wig is surfacing now.
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    i'm with you on that one Grace. This wig was something he bought in the late 08 to use for his appearance in london in march. The funky (Rockstar) new hairstyle, i think, was used to make a point and to make people take notice and start to ask questions... "who is this" "is this michel" "whats up with his hair" and so on....
    I dont think this wig was so personal as Karen want us to think. She is probably just a bit upset not being the one in posession of it. Private would be to sell photos of a bald MJ. I think Mj is well aware of whats happening.... I think he has moved on from this wig...
  • In TII, MJ is shown the ENTIRE movie without a wig. Not one scene does he have a wig on, you can tell: its not exactly rocket science. He's not BALD! He still has hair, it has thinned from aging and any sort of medication he may or may not have been taken as hesouttamylife has said. This is normal. How did anyone not know Mike has worn wigs? Who cares?! KF is very melodramatic. I really hope she is putting on an act, because if this is really her personality she needs Jesus. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Take a look at my Avatar picture. I'll give you a hint, I'm NOT a blonde. Do the math! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->



    Not A Wig

    I've never understood why MJ wears wigs. His wigs are beautiful and very well made, but his natural hair is so pretty and looks soft and I want to braid it and play with it <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> oh where am i?! I got lost there for a minute <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Even if he would use a wig, is nothing wrong about it. I for sure won´t buy anybody elses wig, not even Michael´s <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I will start saving my used wax papers just in case i become famous one day!
  • suspicious mindsuspicious mind Posts: 5,984
    he has been busy being the primary caretaker for three children. not to mention all of the other things in his life. it would be so easy and make so much sense to do it this way whether or not he could grow hair down his backside or not.i also don't think grace is too far off either.
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    Some Fans have been very stupid and asked Karen if she believes mj is alive and so on:<br /><br />Here is what she tweets:<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />He is NOT alive, and I block ppl who keep disrespecting his death by perpetuating these horrible and hurtful lies. RT @RebeccaBianca: @wingheart do u beLIEve that michael jackson is alive or dead :D<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />False hopes that are horrible & hurtful lies, that disrespect his passing. RT @WorriorQueenMJJ: @wingheart don't say "horrible and hurtful lies" please...<br />These are only hopes.<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />You know...it harms me, when they tweet me about it. RT @Tupacaveli: @wingheart continue to keep it real. Believers don't mean harm, they are just gullible & feel loss. I pity them but kinda understand too.<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />I can understand how most ppl are not affected by the beLievers and their incorrect theories. But I am sure his family and those who must live with the FACT he died, and how real that loss is everyday of our lives, to open your Twitter account and be confronted and attacked is hurtful. RT @MoondanceFairy: @wingheart Hi Karen...I agree with you ...<br />spreading lies, about false death only adds to pain<br />to pain :-((<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />Yes, there are FACTS. Not theories. He died @ the careless hands of Conrad Murray. Where have YOU BEEN? RT @Lady45Lady: @wingheart Do youn have any suggestion of correct theories ??<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />They do not have to make a statement or address such a idiotic theory. They might as well put out a statement that the world isn't flat; same waste of time. They would look as crazy as those who believe that he's alive. Are ppl really this dumb? RT @MyEndofTime: @wingheart / They need to make a statement and put these theories to rest once and for all and tell the truth / Hoax videos hold the fans<br /><br />what do you think about her tweets?<br />
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    She's doing an awesome job for Michael! She's tough as nails, and makes me laugh! She's controlling the majority of non-beLIEvers by her hurt feelings and drama. Maybe she'll get an best actress award! :D
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1328132053:
    <br />She's doing an awesome job for Michael! She's tough as nails, and makes me laugh! She's controlling the majority of non-beLIEvers by her hurt feelings and drama. Maybe she'll get an best actress award! :D <br />
    <br /><br /><br />Great MJonmind  :lol:...agreeeeeee.....  mj_dance/ moonwalk_/
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    I wish to see her dumb face when MJ comes back. I wonder what she's going to say then?  :twisted:
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Whether she's in on it or not, I don't like her attitude about this. She needs to chill out, seriously. These theories are NOT new, so why is she acting like it's the first time she's heard them? I don't like the way she represents her personality on twitter..
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    She talks about incorrect theories, ???/ it seems that reads the forums hoax smiley_spider
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    Karen always says same things, I can't believe some "believers" keep bothering her!<br />She made it all clear months ago.<br /><br />Or do people enjoy being called crazy and DUMB over and over again?<br />* facepalm * Crazy is not that bad, we all are in a way, but asking Karen<br />same questions repeatedly indeed makes the word "dumb" highlighted, and I don't<br />like that word!  :lol: <br /><br />Elsewhere, risking to sound truly insensitive and dumb now, I lost my father years ago<br />too,<br />and if someone came to me and told me "You know he is not really dead! You do know,<br />don't you! Tell me the truth!", it won't<br />hurt me a second, as I know for sure he is dead and I saw his dead body. I would think the person<br />is either misinformed or nuts, and that's about it. After telling the person once what I do know,<br />I'd ignore person's future attempts to get the truth from me. I suppose this is what family<br />and Karen have to do, any scenario. Can't see how existence of such theories might "hurt"<br />them as they do know the truth. She really should quietly block "believers" and that's about it,<br />she gets too emotional, wasting too much time explaining and b*tching about it, it<br />changes nothing, only makes everyone angry, especially if there are truly unstable people<br />involved.<br /><br />But she can do whatever she wants of course.<br /><br />
  • The fact that she described Michael in casket in one appearance, la Toya in different appearance and she could  not answer my question I tweeted, plus her tweet to ME  on hoax subject before she blocked me (I posted it here) "EVEN IF HE DOES THAT (HOAX HIS DEATH), YOU WOULD KNOW SHIT", says a lot to me.
  • Ah. I don't think Karen's a bad person. She seems to be rude only to the people who ask her about Michael faking his death. I think she's vigorously protecting him. Maybe she's intimidated by people knowing. Or she's scared that something not good will happen if too many people know. (I know I am) Maybe she really doesn't know anything.  confused/<br />
    It's sad that Karen keeps telling the same story. <br />How can she say she hold his dead body if it weren't true :-\ :-\ :-\????<br />OMG sometimes I am really so scared
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    May God bless her...but I just can't STAND Karen Faye.....#thatisall :x
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    Okey karen is protecting Michael FINE by me.BUT she doing a little bit too good work in protecting Michael. Something is very wrong, I think! and like  @ginafelicia said "How can she say she hold his dead body if it weren't true?"<br />It just don't make any sense at all.
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