Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1328128108:
    <br />Some Fans have been very stupid and asked Karen if she believes mj is alive and so on:<br /><br />Here is what she tweets:<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />He is NOT alive, and I block ppl who keep disrespecting his death by perpetuating these horrible and hurtful lies. RT @RebeccaBianca: @wingheart do u beLIEve that michael jackson is alive or dead :D<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />False hopes that are horrible & hurtful lies, that disrespect his passing. RT @WorriorQueenMJJ: @wingheart don't say "horrible and hurtful lies" please...<br />These are only hopes.<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />You know...it harms me, when they tweet me about it. RT @Tupacaveli: @wingheart continue to keep it real. Believers don't mean harm, they are just gullible & feel loss. I pity them but kinda understand too.<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />I can understand how most ppl are not affected by the beLievers and their incorrect theories. But I am sure his family and those who must live with the FACT he died, and how real that loss is everyday of our lives, to open your Twitter account and be confronted and attacked is hurtful. RT @MoondanceFairy: @wingheart Hi Karen...I agree with you ...<br />spreading lies, about false death only adds to pain<br />to pain :-((<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />Yes, there are FACTS. Not theories. He died @ the careless hands of Conrad Murray. Where have YOU BEEN? RT @Lady45Lady: @wingheart Do youn have any suggestion of correct theories ??<br /><br />Posted Wednesday 1st February 2012 from TweetList<br /><br />They do not have to make a statement or address such a idiotic theory. They might as well put out a statement that the world isn't flat; same waste of time. They would look as crazy as those who believe that he's alive. Are ppl really this dumb? RT @MyEndofTime: @wingheart / They need to make a statement and put these theories to rest once and for all and tell the truth / Hoax videos hold the fans<br /><br />what do you think about her tweets?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I see where @Tupacavelli tweeted her in regards to the hoax...for one, he's one that I made a reference about earlier within this site about how FAKE he is. I used to talk 2 him....and it seems like he either doesn't have a sense of direction on the issue , or either that he just jumps on any bandwagon he sees. How is he going to call us beLIEvers gullible when he's the MAIN ONE following all of the hoax sites? That's why I'm glad I blocked his @$$ a LONG time ago. He has no foundation. Sry for the rant but that just caught my attention.  And secondly, why is Karen the ONLY ONE confirming that us beLIEvers/hoaxers are wrong?! I will stand by this until the truth comes out: UNTIL THE FAMIILY CONFIRMS THAT WE'RE MAKING A MOCKERY OR SHOWING DISRESPECT TOWARDS HIS DEATH....UNTIL THEY CONFIRM THAT WE ARE DEAD WRONG, THEN I DON'T BELIEVE ANYTHING THAT KAREN SAYS.
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    Maybe these tweets from Karen are part of "dark times" Front mentioned..so please do not forget that light/sun will shine again in our land :)
  • marumjjmarumjj Posts: 1,027
    Hello! I saw your tweet last night, and she is the only one in the circle close to Michael, who says that Michael is dead. I do not believe anything. Often asked not to be asked about Michael, who just wants to talk about their work but ... mentions it whenever she can.  bearhug
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    on 1328173273:
    <br />Maybe these tweets from Karen are part of "dark times" Front mentioned..so please do not forget that light/sun will shine again in our land :)<br />
    To me it has always been sunny ever since I realized Michael is alive!  :)<br />What's happened in between was just an amazing, incredibly enriching and also very funny adventure, still is!<br /><br />Karen is playing a "bitchy" role  :lol: :lol:  and it looks like she intentionally supports non-believers! I guess it's all for a purpose! ;)<br />
  • I am sorry for my insensitivity, but I truly can't stomach Karen Faye.  I simply don't like her at all.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    on 1328173273:
    <br />Maybe these tweets from Karen are part of "dark times" Front mentioned..so please do not forget that light/sun will shine again in our land :)<br />
    <br /><br />LMAO don't worry! her tweets don't discourage me.. :lol:<br />Are there really people losing faith over these tweets?!  OMG!<br /><br />I just don't like her attitude about this. it's offensive and rude. If she's NOT in on the hoax, and strongly believes Michael is dead, then she should at least be more sensitive to these fans. Because if I were a nonbeliever (aka, brainwashed and too lazy to do research so i just go by what the media says) I would feel sympathy for believers and I would feel like their in denial or something. <br /><br />I could understand if Believers were going to her calling her stupid, and forcing their beliefs of MJ being alive onto her, but most of them are just asking "Do you think Michael is alive?" and she just attacks believers calling us idiotic and crazy. Um is that not what the media did to Michael?? :roll: <br /><br />I do appreciate how she was a true friend to Michael. In an interview she said she was with Michael every morning before the trial, and they would hug & pray (not sure if its true but w/e) So I do not hate Karen or anything, I have respect for her as a friend to Michael.  ;)
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1328189931:
    <br />
    on 1328173273:
    <br />Maybe these tweets from Karen are part of "dark times" Front mentioned..so please do not forget that light/sun will shine again in our land :)<br />
    To me it has always been sunny ever since I realized Michael is alive!  :)<br />What's happened in between was just an amazing, incredibly enriching and also very funny adventure, still is!<br /><br />Karen is playing a "bitchy" role  :lol: :lol:  and it looks like she intentionally supports non-believers! I guess it's all for a purpose! ;)<br />
    <br /><br />I agree.. penguin/
  • emulikemulik Posts: 1,009
    on 1328214171:
    <br /><br />LMAO don't worry! her tweets don't discourage me.. :lol:<br />Are there really people losing faith over these tweets?!  OMG!<br /><br />I do appreciate how she was a true friend to Michael. In an interview she said she was with Michael every morning before the trial, and they would hug & pray (not sure if its true but w/e) So I do not hate Karen or anything, I have respect for her as a friend to Michael.  ;)<br />
    <br /><br />that is true..she was near him for so many years,  I have respect for her because of that too.
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    Has anyone on this forum seen the latest tweets between Karen Faye and Pearl Jr getting into it? Karen claims that she recently had lunch w/one of the Jackson's and they informed her that it hurts them when a beLIEver approaches them about MJ's death being a "hoax"....I wonder if she's telling the truth or just fabricating just to throw Pearl Jr off. I still wonder why she's the ONLY one screaming the MJ is dead but yet none of his family members have confirmed that us beLIEvers are wrong. Now I don't agree with the way Pearl goes about some things as far as her money making schemes, but she really threw Karen under the bus in their back and forth tweets to each other. It's crazy..... :?
  • Aidan_81Aidan_81 Posts: 382
    on 1328859921:
    <br />Has anyone on this forum seen the latest tweets between Karen Faye and Pearl Jr getting into it? ...<br />
    <br /><br />- guess most of us had..?  :lol: It was big! lol<br /><br />Before, Paris' friend Madina said something similar about Paris telling her<br />"believers" and their theories hurt her [Paris].<br />So we have at least 2 claims from people around Jacksons that family asked<br />"believers" to leave them alone. And I truly believe that's exactly what believers should<br />do - I honestly don't get why would anyone approach a family member!  /overreacting/<br />All "believers" should hold back their teenage hype and just behave. And think, too.<br />Think twice. Think, period  :lol:<br /><br />I don't trust Pearl at all, she does what she does for all the wrong reasons,<br />but KF gets way too emotional at times. Maybe that's her temper and this is how<br />she reacts to BS, I dunno. But she talks too much about the subject, if she stopped<br />there would be less hatred between "believers" and "non-believers".
  • TinkTink Posts: 1,175
    Pearl needs to stop slumming!
  • Crazy things are happening on twitter.I personally don't like Karen Faye at all ...don't know her but I just don't trust her ! If Pearl and Karen have something to "share" on twitter is their business.And about the family, maybe they are asking the believers to calm down a bit bcos is not Michael's time yet to come back and we need to have more patience and keep our faith .If Michael was really dead I think they would do a press conference or something to say "stop, you are wrong , please ...MJ is not here with us " but they say nothing .They did not convince me on twitter, I'm talking about Jermaine now...he did not say a word for 2 years and after that he comes to "talk" about this asking people to understand...ya right ! bla bla Michael is so alive !
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1328883091:
    <br />
    on 1328859921:
    <br />Has anyone on this forum seen the latest tweets between Karen Faye and Pearl Jr getting into it? ...<br />
    <br /><br />- guess most of us had..?  :lol: It was big! lol<br /><br />Before, Paris' friend Madina said something similar about Paris telling her<br />"believers" and their theories hurt her [Paris].<br />So we have at least 2 claims from people around Jacksons that family asked<br />"believers" to leave them alone. And I truly believe that's exactly what believers should<br />do - I honestly don't get why would anyone approach a family member!  /overreacting/<br />All "believers" should hold back their teenage hype and just behave. And think, too.<br />Think twice. Think, period  :lol:<br /><br />I don't trust Pearl at all, she does what she does for all the wrong reasons,<br />but KF gets way too emotional at times. Maybe that's her temper and this is how<br />she reacts to BS, I dunno. But she talks too much about the subject, if she stopped<br />there would be less hatred between "believers" and "non-believers".<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I agree with you. I sometimes think that beLIEvers approaching the Jackson's will push them to a point of publicly confirming what we DON'T want to hear....and that right there scares me a bit. You're right...ppl need to be mature about the situation.<br /><br />About ms.karen faye.... :roll: I just don't understand why she would be so MEAN. I mean...when frank cascio was asked by pearl's radio friend about the hoax and us beLIEvers, he said, "it's good that they're enthusiastic"  . He didn't show any bitterness or anger at all but sounded as if he encouraged it. But when Karen gets asked, it's like world war 3. I don't think MJ would like her attitude.
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1328942823:
    <br />Crazy things are happening on twitter.I personally don't like Karen Faye at all ...don't know her but I just don't trust her ! If Pearl and Karen have something to "share" on twitter is their business.And about the family, maybe they are asking the believers to calm down a bit bcos is not Michael's time yet to come back and we need to have more patience and keep our faith .If Michael was really dead I think they would do a press conference or something to say "stop, you are wrong , please ...MJ is not here with us " but they say nothing .They did not convince me on twitter, I'm talking about Jermaine now...he did not say a word for 2 years and after that he comes to "talk" about this asking people to understand...ya right ! bla bla Michael is so alive !<br />
    <br /><br /><br />YES YES YES! U are absolutely right! Jermaine would MAINLY be the one to speak out on such issues that are going on and there has not been ONE TIME that he has confirmed that we were wrong. And as much as LaToya talks at times, she hasn't said anything about it either. BUT ...I do wonder why paris tweeted the SAME day when KF and Pearl got into it that she wasn't having a good day. I don't want to read too far into that tweet but I'm wondering if that was pertaining to what Pearl and KF were arguing about. Maybe she's the one who hates to see ppl inquiring about her father that way....
  • MaryKMaryK Posts: 1,732
    I know that quite a few people think that Karen is supporting the hoax and that she is in the know. <br />But...you know....somehow I get the feeling that Karen has been tricked by MJ. Meaning that she probably really believed that he had died. I don´t know whose corpse she (allegedly?) saw and prepared for the funeral but she definitely believed it was him. <br />Later on she probably realized that something just isn´t right and that she´s been fooled. <br />She might just be pissed off by that. And since she cannot admit that she´s reacting like this. With pure anger towards anyone who´s been smarter than herself ;-)<br />
  • shelby61shelby61 Posts: 305
    Also, don't forget it was Karen who put make-up on MJ after he had been on ice for 70 days.... now who the hell would do that - if he was dead they would not be re-applying his make-up OMG my stomach turns when I hear her name she is nasty and rude.
  • i really dont understand why everybody hates karen except Michael (confused face)
  • on 1328962655:
    <br />I know that quite a few people think that Karen is supporting the hoax and that she is in the know. <br />But...you know....somehow I get the feeling that Karen has been tricked by MJ. Meaning that she probably really believed that he had died. I don´t know whose corpse she (allegedly?) saw and prepared for the funeral but she definitely believed it was him. <br />Later on she probably realized that something just isn´t right and that she´s been fooled. <br />She might just be pissed off by that. And since she cannot admit that she´s reacting like this. With pure anger towards anyone who´s been smarter than herself ;-)<br /><br />
    or she is scared he is going to be held responsiible for whomever it is that she helped to bury.
  • And why is none of the Jacksons do not attack Pearl for her "Is MJ faked his dead" videos? Karen bears too  much on herself and she could not answer my question why her description of MJ in casket differs from what La Toya described to Barbara.
  • on 1328962057:
    <br />
    on 1328942823:
    <br />Crazy things are happening on twitter.I personally don't like Karen Faye at all ...don't know her but I just don't trust her ! If Pearl and Karen have something to "share" on twitter is their business.And about the family, maybe they are asking the believers to calm down a bit bcos is not Michael's time yet to come back and we need to have more patience and keep our faith .If Michael was really dead I think they would do a press conference or something to say "stop, you are wrong , please ...MJ is not here with us " but they say nothing .They did not convince me on twitter, I'm talking about Jermaine now...he did not say a word for 2 years and after that he comes to "talk" about this asking people to understand...ya right ! bla bla Michael is so alive !<br />
    <br /><br /><br />YES YES YES! U are absolutely right! Jermaine would MAINLY be the one to speak out on such issues that are going on and there has not been ONE TIME that he has confirmed that we were wrong. And as much as LaToya talks at times, she hasn't said anything about it either. BUT ...I do wonder why paris tweeted the SAME day when KF and Pearl got into it that she wasn't having a good day. I don't want to read too far into that tweet but I'm wondering if that was pertaining to what Pearl and KF were arguing about. Maybe she's the one who hates to see ppl inquiring about her father that way....<br />
    <br />yes ...i wonder about that too , another coincidence with Paris that day  ? ;) hmmm
    on 1328991004:
    <br />And why is none of the Jacksons do not attack Pearl for her "Is MJ faked his dead" videos? Karen bears too  much on herself and she could not answer my question why her description of MJ in casket differs from what La Toya described to Barbara.<br />
    <br />Exactly , why is that ? Maybe bcos Pearl is "aloud " to make this videos ;)  and Karen, well....she seems a bit lost here .I think she doesn't know much but she want's to look like she does.
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1328992901:
    <br />
    on 1328962057:
    <br />
    on 1328942823:
    <br />Crazy things are happening on twitter.I personally don't like Karen Faye at all ...don't know her but I just don't trust her ! If Pearl and Karen have something to "share" on twitter is their business.And about the family, maybe they are asking the believers to calm down a bit bcos is not Michael's time yet to come back and we need to have more patience and keep our faith .If Michael was really dead I think they would do a press conference or something to say "stop, you are wrong , please ...MJ is not here with us " but they say nothing .They did not convince me on twitter, I'm talking about Jermaine now...he did not say a word for 2 years and after that he comes to "talk" about this asking people to understand...ya right ! bla bla Michael is so alive !<br />
    <br /><br /><br />YES YES YES! U are absolutely right! Jermaine would MAINLY be the one to speak out on such issues that are going on and there has not been ONE TIME that he has confirmed that we were wrong. And as much as LaToya talks at times, she hasn't said anything about it either. BUT ...I do wonder why paris tweeted the SAME day when KF and Pearl got into it that she wasn't having a good day. I don't want to read too far into that tweet but I'm wondering if that was pertaining to what Pearl and KF were arguing about. Maybe she's the one who hates to see ppl inquiring about her father that way....<br />
    <br />yes ...i wonder about that too , another coincidence with Paris that day  ? ;) hmmm
    on 1328991004:
    <br />And why is none of the Jacksons do not attack Pearl for her "Is MJ faked his dead" videos? Karen bears too  much on herself and she could not answer my question why her description of MJ in casket differs from what La Toya described to Barbara.<br />
    <br />Exactly , why is that ? Maybe bcos Pearl is "aloud " to make this videos ;)  and Karen, well....she seems a bit lost here .I think she doesn't know much but she want's to look like she does.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Coincidence perhaps....I'm just hoping that it wasn't related to the issue....Bc if anything, she's been dropping a few clues too. Things are quite confusing.  bounce/
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1328977081:
    <br />Also, don't forget it was Karen who put make-up on MJ after he had been on ice for 70 days.... now who the hell would do that - if he was dead they would not be re-applying his make-up OMG my stomach turns when I hear her name she is nasty and rude.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />You know??? I forgot about the fact that she put make-up on him when he was "passed away"....I already know if that were me, I'd have to go to mental therapy bc that's just downright sad...:( I don't think I'd be able to do it.Maybe that's why she gets so angry at us beLIEvers....Maybe she's bitter because she had to experience that....Idk.... :cry:
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1328962655:
    <br />I know that quite a few people think that Karen is supporting the hoax and that she is in the know. <br />But...you know....somehow I get the feeling that Karen has been tricked by MJ. Meaning that she probably really believed that he had died. I don´t know whose corpse she (allegedly?) saw and prepared for the funeral but she definitely believed it was him. <br />Later on she probably realized that something just isn´t right and that she´s been fooled. <br />She might just be pissed off by that. And since she cannot admit that she´s reacting like this. With pure anger towards anyone who´s been smarter than herself ;-)<br />
    <br /><br />That must have been some highly paid trick to fool her then. lol. Like LaToya said, "ILLUSION".....HAHA.
  • alfarlealfarle Posts: 440
    on 1328991004:
    <br />And why is none of the Jacksons do not attack Pearl for her "Is MJ faked his dead" videos? Karen bears too  much on herself and she could not answer my question why her description of MJ in casket differs from what La Toya described to Barbara.<br />
    <br /><br />Your inquiry makes a lot of sense. :) Especially since pearl CLAIMS that she has a connection to Joe and maybe a couple of the other Jacksons that she refers to in some of her videos. Seems like they would try to sue her for slandering or mockery of their sons/brothers death....
  • SimPattyKSimPattyK Posts: 4,281
    On twitter: @seekingtruthMJ - "Photos licensed from Karen Faye- Hmmm- now THAT I didnt know.............."<br /><br />http://abcnews.go.com/2020/MichaelJackson/slideshow/exclusive-michael-jackson-images-11003372#.T1BC2OEDNIQ.twitter
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