Karen Faye - @wingheart



  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This photo was taken at some sort of Michael event, and it definitely was taken after Pearl released her Ebook....Did Michael Jackson fake is death to save his life..<br /><br />And from memory, this was after Jermaine knew about the book and adressed the beLIEvers....
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1328859921:
    <br />Has anyone on this forum seen the latest tweets between Karen Faye and Pearl Jr getting into it? Karen claims that she recently had lunch w/one of the Jackson's and they informed her that it hurts them when a beLIEver approaches them about MJ's death being a "hoax"....I wonder if she's telling the truth or just fabricating just to throw Pearl Jr off. [size=14pt]I still wonder why she's the ONLY one screaming the MJ is dead but yet none of his family members have confirmed that us beLIEvers are wrong. [/size]Now I don't agree with the way Pearl goes about some things as far as her money making schemes, but she really threw Karen under the bus in their back and forth tweets to each other. It's crazy..... :?<br />
    <br /><br />Actually Jermaine wrote that this is not a hoax and we believers are wrong.
  • PureLovePureLove Posts: 5,891
    on 1330778858:
    <br />This photo was taken at some sort of Michael event, and it definitely was taken after Pearl released her Ebook....Did Michael Jackson fake is death to save his life..<br /><br />And from memory, this was after Jermaine knew about the book and adressed the beLIEvers....<br />
    <br /><br />This pic was taken before Jermaine addressed the believers. He was also asked about this picture and he said that many people came and wanted to have a picture with him and he didn't know who Pearl was when he had this picture with her.
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Most recent tweet...<br /><br />
    It's me. I do not cater to MJ fans here, nor do they care or cater to me. I NEVER say ALL fans are crazy or rude....but some are. I personally placed Michael's body in his casket, and when SOME FANS post their BS @ me about him being alive, THAT is rude and hurtful to ME. But SOME FANS don't give a damn about my feelings. They just think "I am rude". GUESS WHAT! I am able to tell them THEY are rude and crazy... BECAUSE THEY ARE, to me. They follow me, or read my tweets. I don't ask them too. RT @MichaelJaxon7: @wingheart this rude to Michael's fans. If they wanna believe he's alive, let them. Plz don't call them/us crazy. What would Michael think??
    <br /><br />I thought she did his make-up? Has she ever said she placed his body in the casket? Is it normal for a make-up artist to do that? She must be pretty strong to put an adult male in his casket... I feel uneasy doubting her, though. She's really emotional about it.
  • In this hoax there must be people around Michael playing the role that supports Michael being alive, read: Teddy Riley, family slip-ups and tweets, etc and people playing the role that supports Michael being dead, read: Karen Faye, I guess, so we keep on doubting of Michael being dead or alive, IMO.  :moonwalk_:
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    She placed him in his casket? For real?<br /><br />Sniff sniff...<br /><br /> :icon_lol: :icon_lol:

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Michael Jackson's Inner Circle Address Rumors About King of Pop - ABC News Exclusive - ABC News<br /><br />In this article, it is stated that Michael Bush "even helped to lift and place the body in the coffin." Don't know if that's supposed to mean that he helped Karen do it or somebody else. Her placing the body is not mentioned.
    she is lucky. she had the honor "placed him in the cascket"  :D
  • TinkTink Posts: 1,175
    on 1336657955:
    <br />Most recent tweet...<br /><br />
    It's me. I do not cater to MJ fans here, nor do they care or cater to me. I NEVER say ALL fans are crazy or rude....but some are. I personally placed Michael's body in his casket, and when SOME FANS post their BS @ me about him being alive, THAT is rude and hurtful to ME. But SOME FANS don't give a damn about my feelings. They just think "I am rude". GUESS WHAT! I am able to tell them THEY are rude and crazy... BECAUSE THEY ARE, to me. They follow me, or read my tweets. I don't ask them too. RT @MichaelJaxon7: @wingheart this rude to Michael's fans. If they wanna believe he's alive, let them. Plz don't call them/us crazy. What would Michael think??
    <br /><br />I thought she did his make-up? Has she ever said she placed his body in the casket? Is it normal for a make-up artist to do that? She must be pretty strong to put an adult male in his casket... I feel uneasy doubting her, though. She's really emotional about it.<br />
    <br /><br />Absolutely NOT! After a body at a funeral parlor is dressed in it's slit clothes, family or the parlor will have a chance to do makeup on a metal table. After that, the funeral director will place the body into the casket, and re-arrange the clothes, so you can't tell it's been cut up the back - along with the slits up the back of the shoes. Also - the possibility of leakage of embalming fluid, and possibility of the spread of diseases from any tissue that wasn't properly sealed up right, should only be handled by the funeral director and his people! The #1 reason of embalming, is to stop the spreading of disease, because the deteriorating body is the perfect breeding ground for germs, that can infect family and friends.<br /><br />Ergo, for safety and health reasons, there's no way on this earth, are regular people going to be allowed to place a deceased person's body into a casket.<br /><br />Now of course, perhaps lending a hand to the living to get up and into a casket for photos, that's a different matter.<br /><br />I just don't bite any of this - nor do I buy it took NINE hours to dress, prep, and do makeup - and they said they were gagging on formaldehyde. Um, no - when done properly, it's quite mild. I didn't smell it on any of my family members, while we were doing their makeup, and the funeral parlor people were dressing them. That's because they sealed the bodies right.<br /><br />I smell something ROTTEN HERE.
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    How many times has she said "Michael is dead! you all are crazy!" once was enough, but I swear she just keeps going on. It's almost 3 years later, can you get over the fact that we'll always have our own beliefs? Just because she claims to put his body in the casket doesn't mean anything to us. I mean we've been shown pictures of "him" "dead" and still believe. I have respect for her because if my sources are right, she was there for Michael during the trial. But the length she goes to attempt to crush every hope the believers have just irritates me.  :icon_rolleyes:<br /><br />
  • Billie JBillie J Posts: 250
    Karen Faye Has noooooo idea of the hoax :thjajaja121:<br /><br />Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Is there ANYONE here, that actually believes his children would be on Twitter if he was alive? <br /><br /><br />I would love to write her a long tweet and tell her: Guess what Michael IS ALIVE and paris tweet is just for show :) <br />
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    Karen, really? LOL<br />Every teenager is on twitter/facebook, etc.<br />Paris and Prince are teenagers now I'm sure Michael allows them to do these things. Now if little Blanket had a twitter, then you can say something.
  • LoL<br />I would think no but if the 2 eldest were allowed to it would probably be under supervision.
  • sonson Posts: 182
    I've always been on the "there was a body" band wagon... <br /><br />The Hoax death is easier to believe than MJ controlling everyone around him. He couldn't even do that when he was "alive".
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Karen Knows. She must do because she was at Forest Lawn with Michael Bush where they supposedly dressed and  put make up on the body.<br />Now read the very hoaxy last line to an article from an recent interview with Mr Bush.<br /><br />Quote.....<br />In the meantime, Bush contents himself with the knowledge that he is impervious to conspiracy theories. "I've heard the talk -- there are those fans who think he's alive, that he's hanging out somewhere with Elvis," he says. "That day in the mortuary I got to see the truth."<br /><br />I think she wasn't in on it initially, but was brought on board along with Michael Bush that day at the mortuary. And then assumed the roll of whipping the deaders into a frenzy.<br />
  • LUNALUNA Posts: 361
    [size=12pt]last interesting tweets:<br /><br />-"What kind of idiot are you? I never bashed Paris. MJ doesn't have twitter? LMP has twitter? WTF??" (7/29) she's using the present tense.... mhhh...<br /><br />-"It is not a game. Some fans have turned these very emotional issues into an Internet sport"  :icon_rolleyes: is she talking about the hoax?<br /><br />-"Been looking at my pics of you and Mike tonight <3 Michael"  :icon_question:[/size]<br /><br />[size=14pt]**LUNA**[/size]
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Karen is now laying in bed with Gloria Alred apparently:<br /><br />http://www.twitlonger.com/show/iqac86<br /><br />Yes I do. I was hired by a company to do several court shows. I worked on the first show without any knowledge of the others that would be added. I must admit I was very surprised to hear about Gloria Allred being added. I was extremely conflicted. I decided within myself, that it would be a challenge that I was adult enough to confront. Upon meeting her the first time, I did not reveal my connection to Michael. I wanted to know her better.[size=12pt] She is a very sweet and intelligent woman who has fought her entire life for the underdog. I finally revealed myself, and she could have reviled me as much as I had hated what she did to Michael. We have had many debates regarding that time. I do understand that her heart and primary concern was with Michael's children...which it is for all of us now.[/size] There is a lot more regarding this, but not enough room on Twitter. RT @Rohangirl: @wingheart Do you feel that working for Gloria Allred was srtickly a business move? You can surely see why some MJ fans would disapprove.<br />http://tl.gd/iqac86 · Reply<br />Report post (?)<br /><br />http://www.twitlonger.com/show/iqagi8<br /><br />I do understand that fans disapprove, but I do not live my life according to Michael's fans approval. My life is about building bridges not tearing them down. Hating ppl is not an answer to anything. I hated LMP and she hated me. I have turned hate into understanding and friendship. This is the way I live my life. If fans want to live their life hating, that is their choice. It is not mine. I do not care if a random Michael fan does not understand. They are not my fans, they are Michaels. I don't require a fandom.[size=12pt] I cherish my friend's and Gloria and LMP have become very cherished to me.[/size] RT @Rohangirl: @wingheart Do you feel that working for Gloria Allred was srtickly a business move? You can surely see why some MJ fans would disapprove.<br />http://tl.gd/iqagi8 · Reply<br />Report post (?)<br /><br />http://www.twitlonger.com/show/iqam6j<br /><br />You are one of the random fans, I don't give a shit about what you think. I would never trade you for Gloria and LMP's friendship.[size=12pt] Gloria has helped me navigate some very difficult water, without judgement. She is valued, to me.[/size] You have nothing to offer me. RT @rockwitubaby: @wingheart Lisa never tried to destroy Michael's life, they just didn't work out. You couldn't of loved Michael that much.........<br />http://tl.gd/iqam6j · Reply<br />Report post (?)<br /><br />I agree with that last sentence, for her now sleeping with the enemy....<br /><br />
  • mjjtruthmjjtruth Posts: 11
    all i can say is  :LolLolLolLol:
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I would welcome any proof of this, but he felt this way before his dispute with Mottola. He wanted (cont) http://tl.gd/iutqn3 <br />Expand<br /> <br />3h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Yes, we have met and you are right, she is beautiful. RT @FaithMJsBabe: @wingheart @jonesstarla75 (cont) http://tl.gd/iutb8t <br />Expand<br /> <br />4h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Don't the ppl on Bachelor Pad realize it's a game to win money, and not a game of loyalty? When money is involved, loyalty looses.<br />Expand<br /> <br />6h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />He said he was not going to write any more music for Sony, all they could do was recycle what they (cont) http://tl.gd/iuqkkm <br />Expand<br /><br />6h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />The estate is doing a tremendous job at generating money. They are generating money...when even (cont) http://tl.gd/iuqhk5 <br />Expand<br /><br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Interesting, isn't it. I am not against the estate, I just don't understand some things. RT (cont) http://tl.gd/iuqci8 <br />Expand<br /> <br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Yes, I just saw that. I am still a bit baffled why the estate continue to partner with Sony every (cont) http://tl.gd/iuqb10 <br />Expand<br /><br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Knowing how much MJ was opposed to Sony, I would think there are other companies to consider partnering with to "administer" his music.<br />Expand<br /> <br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I can not speculate RT @fromGOD2yorhart: @wingheart how much do u think they w understand his (cont) http://tl.gd/iuq5nf <br />Expand<br /> <br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />This is my twitter account, not MJ's. I have never dated an African American woman, but I did marry (cont) http://tl.gd/iuq5aa <br />Expand<br /><br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I think it is sad his children aren't old enough to have a say in what is being done with their fathers art.<br />Expand<br /> <br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />That's a weird question. Interest? RT @ChowningKatina: @wingheart to ur knowledge did Mike ever show interest in black women beside Dianna?<br />Expand<br /> <br />7h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />It seems to me, this is what MJ did not want. http://www.eurweb.com/2012/08/michael-jacksons-mijac-music-catalog-moves-to-sonyatv/ … But hey...the estate runs the (cont) http://tl.gd/iupvn7 <br />Expand<br /><br />9h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />No, on my birthday in London in 2002 I believe. RT @P_Y_T29: @wingheart Hi Karen!when was the (cont) http://tl.gd/iuperd <br />Expand<br /><br />12h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />"The period of greatest gain in knowledge and experience is the most difficult period in one’s life." -- Dalai Lama<br />Expand<br /> <br />12h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Like-wise ;) RT @neverletyoupart: @wingheart thank you for keeping me company these days. And (cont) http://tl.gd/iuokuq <br />Expand<br /> <br />12h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />"In school you get the lesson and then take the test... In life you take the test and then get the lesson." -- Unknown Source<br />Expand<br /> <br />13h Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I have no idea. All I know is that he did not want to go back, because it was "tainted". (cont) http://tl.gd/iuo69l <br />Expand<br /> <br />20 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I would think they are quite cautious and search visitors quite well for things that could (cont) http://tl.gd/iu964s <br />Expand<br /> <br />20 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I don't know what it is, but it seems to be about naming songs? To be terribly honest here, I do (cont) http://tl.gd/iu95nl <br />Expand<br /><br />20 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Hi Annie. On my sofa, sipping on my espresso, with the sliding glass door open, over looking the (cont) http://tl.gd/iu6n5r <br />Expand<br /> <br />19 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />You may ask, but that doesn't guarantee an answer. RT @Jacksonchickk: @wingheart Karen, can I ask you something? :) I come in Peace :D<br />Expand<br /> <br />19 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />This is the one I meant to post that I found interesting. Sorry for the mix up. …<br /> View video<br /> <br />19 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I posted the wrong YouTube video. LOL RT @Pickle_06: @wingheart why would you say "interesting" to watch? You were a friend of Michael's.<br /><br /><br />19 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />Interesting watching someone else doing an interpretation of Michael's makeup on themselves. RT (cont) http://tl.gd/itpgoq <br />Expand<br /> Reply  Retweet  Like<br />19 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />This was interesting and sweet for me to watch. …<br /> View video<br /> <br />18 Aug Karen Faye ‏@wingheart<;br />I wish ppl could connect the dots, and see what is happening. RT @ChowningKatina: @wingheart Fans (cont) http://tl.gd/it4510 <br /><br /> <br /><br />https://twitter.com/wingheart
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Thanks 2good2btrue, I'm surprised we've not talked about her tweets before.<br /><br />
    Karen Faye (@wingheart)<;br />Posted Thursday 16th August 2012<br />Yes...that was very funny. Michael was so cute and such a gentleman, he didn't really know how to handle that. RT @KrJasko: @wingheart Hey Karen! Good morning! Yesterday I was reading this story/rumor that MJ complained to you that Naomi Campbell was "dirty" talking to him in the set of In The Closet... LOL... is it true? (from http://tl.gd/isgmca)<br /><br />Tuesday 14th August 2012<br />My boyfriend and I are living together (6 years). Michael gave me the nickname "Turkle" over 30 years ago. RT @ChowningKatina: @wingheart are you married? how did you get the name Turkle?<br /><br />Our relationship was perfect as it was. We were together for 27 years, longer than any of our spouses :) RT @shohretreda: @wingheart i'm really sorry...but i think u and mj would just be perfect together <br />RIP MJ <3
    <br /><br /> :LolLolLolLol:
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    http://www.twitlonger.com/show/it4510<br /><br />I wish ppl could connect the dots, and see what is happening. RT @ChowningKatina: @wingheart Fans cant c the same media that crucified mj is now going after his family? Sad
  • iloveyoumoreiloveyoumore Posts: 307
    Some of her tweets today from twitlonger<br /><br />001karentw_zps4d96c45b.png<br /><br />She's not convincing me at all! Sorry Karen.. lol.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    I assume she's talking about Pearl Jr - our leader hey??  LOL!  Well, no one's been in my pockets, that's all I can say.
  • iloveyoumoreiloveyoumore Posts: 307
    our leader is MICHAEL
  • blankieblankie Posts: 2,350
    on 1370037507:
    <br />our leader is MICHAEL<br />
    <br /><br /><br />Sure !!!!! <br /><br />                                      E_07FL%7E1.GIF
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