

  • whoa have u seen the votes on this matter on tmz its nearly neck and neck bs or plausable is the vote,first thing whos to say the bottle under the table wasnt planted? and has anyone bothered to cheak it for michaels finger prints inless michael slept with rubber gloves on,also if michael did this himself why was murray panicing and hiding evidence an accident is an accident right,there is so much more to this story surely someone under anaesthetic wouldnt just wake becuase someone left the room,ever had an operation and woken feeling groggy and slow? so he was using something he shouldnt of been using but when a mans life hangs in the balance you forget all that and save the person.something very fishy going on here

    Maybe Murray was panicking because he knew he was in the wrong for administering Propofol in the first place. As a Doctor, he knew he was enabling and doing the wrong thing.. thats why he hid the bottles.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I'd rather see a poll:

    "Do you believe in TMZ lies?"

    I wonder how many would say "yes". Just to put the record straight.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I'd rather see a poll:

    "Do you believe in TMZ lies?"

    I wonder how many would say "yes". Just to put the record straight.

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    TMZ is having a "hey day" with MJ fans, especially "believers". It's all about getting "hits" to their website and money, if you ask me.
  • This was tweeted by Arnold Klein:

    As Michael Jackson's physician for 25 years i can assure the world he could never self-inject. He was needle phobic.
    about 1 hour ago via web
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Once an IV needle is set, it is set.
    If you inject then via syringe a certain anaestetic, the person will just fall off the chair - speaking in images.
    I have seen my daughter sitting in a bed and falling down within seconds after a syringe "shot" into IV needle for an operation and it scared the hell out of me.
    There is NOOOOOOOO way somebody could inject himself with an anaestetic.

    They are all lying.
    They are all keeping their backs clean because each and everybody wants to profit and cash in on Michael.
    Each and everybody that is going to media on whatever channel to produce his pink bubble of "this is the truth now!" is lying.
    I do not exclude ANYBODY in here.

    Arnie Klein should know better and he DOES know better.
    The reason why it is not feasible is not a personal dislike.
    It is purely impossible.
    The reason why he is twisting the truth is that he needs to keep his back clean because he has a lot of dirt there to be discovered with a closer look.

    Like everybody else.

    All are cashing in on Michael.
    That's why we are being fed the immense amount of lies and twists and distractions and shows and entertainment and crap, garbage and more garbage.

    The vultures have multiplied and each one wants his share.
    God bless those who just love him for nothing. They are few.
  • Grace,
    Amen, Sister! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • This was tweeted by Arnold Klein:

    As Michael Jackson's physician for 25 years i can assure the world he could never self-inject. He was needle phobic.
    about 1 hour ago via web

    arnie speak up man
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Arnie's car sale didn't yet meet the reserve price - that's all.

    Why should he speak up if he can tell so nice fairy tales? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    He would put all left to sleep...
    (except when it comes to MJ's longjohns LOL)
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    This was tweeted by Arnold Klein:

    As Michael Jackson's physician for 25 years i can assure the world he could never self-inject. He was needle phobic.
    about 1 hour ago via web
    The theory is he injected via the IV, not straight in his skin, so the needle phobia does not apply in that case.
  • This was tweeted by Arnold Klein:

    As Michael Jackson's physician for 25 years i can assure the world he could never self-inject. He was needle phobic.
    about 1 hour ago via web
    The theory is he injected via the IV, not straight in his skin, so the needle phobia does not apply in that case.

    These are my thoughts too
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    And again: Prop-of-fool is said to hurt the veins during injection. For that reason usually you would use a high solution percentage.
    This "hurting the vein" is NOT fun stuff.
  • but how would he know to do that,

    after waking up in the morning - he would be disorientated
  • But come on, I've read about the strong sedatives and discussed medicine with several people in the medical field. My research and experiences via people in the medical field have said many times that for Michael to be addicted to Propofol he wouldn't be functioning at all.

    They said he was addicted to the sedatives during the filming of "This Is It" right? So we would've seen some effects of it, right? There's no way he would've been that active and alert if he was receiving injections of Propofl.
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    I think Arnie is just covering his back & trying to point ALL fingers at CM. However, I do believe the needle phobia thing. I've heard many times that MJ was afraid of needles, so I don't think he'd be able to do it himself & just jab it into his arm. Not likely at all. Also, it was said by TMZ when they did their live show & answered questions on the 5th, that MJ injected the rest of the propofol that was in the vial directly into his arm when he woke up & was "frustrated" that he couldn't sleep. So Arnie was probably referring to what they said.

    On to another note, this whole thing about the bottle being on the nightstand, how is that possible? IF MJ had woken up, probably groggy, noticed CM was nowhere around, he was supposedly frustrated he couldn't sleep, was unaware of how long he had been asleep, saw the propofol bottle sitting there, took the syringe & injected himself, which is said to have killed Did he reach over & put the bottle back on the nightstand? Even though the propofol acted quickly enough to kill him instantly, leaving his eyes wide open? What would be more likely IF they want people to believe that story, is to say the bottle was dropped on the floor & rolled under the bed, fell to the floor & crashed or was laying next to his body on the bed, his arm extended, hand opened...You know?! LOL They are so stupid. & So are the people who voted that this bullsh*t story was plausible. PLUS did everyone forget, that just last week Murray SWORE that MJ was alive at UCLA? If he overdosed & "killed himself" instantly how could he be alive at UCLA? How would they even be able to revive him if that's the case? When they TMZ did the live show online & were talking about their story they just broke about MJ killing himself, Harvey sounded really surprised when talking about the poll. He was saying how 41% of people said yes it was a plausible story. He really sounded shocked & amused, probably because it was completely fabricated by him & his staff. If you can still see it, go listen to that live show online.

    Stupid, stupid TMZ. Also, I think CM's either going to end up off the hook because this case will not go to trial or it's going to take forever & he's still going to get off. I mean really, it took 10 months for this court date where at least his license would be revoked only to have it all put off until a later date AGAIN?! RIDICULOUS.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    According to this: <!-- m --><!-- m --> it's not possible to get an overdose from 20ml with his weight <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Edit: 17,5 ml, he already had 2,5ml.

    When will people see that those stories are BS? This can't go to trial, the DA would make a fool out of himself with the 20ml propofol.

    Besides that, propofol works VERY quick, I wonder if someone would be able to administer 20ml himself... Does anyone know?

    you have about 5 seconds before you can't move a muscle anymore, once the drip starts. and i believe that amount would need more than 2 minutes to empty. not possible IMO.

    tabloid BS, the usual... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MrJosephJMrJosephJ Posts: 46
    Hahaha! Do I sense desperation in the defense? This is Murray's last ditch effort to prove that he is innocent.
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