
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    But how will Murray prove that, if MJ is (?) dead???? A dead person cannot testify against this accusation.........As always with L.O.V.E xox

    (Sorry if someone else mentioned this)
    hahahahahaha lol hahaha, it is a possibility if we wouldn't have so many stories about it, but what is wrong with the time line it has been changed many times <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> hehehe so now is suicided??? <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ugggg. sometimes TMZ (which I think should be called The Media Zone) should just stop messing with us <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> makes me wanna gag <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> ... but on the other hand, they are helping us, I think <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • JacksonologyJacksonology Posts: 1,548
    ugggg. sometimes TMZ (which I think should be called The Media Zone) should just stop messing with us <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> makes me wanna gag <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> ... but on the other hand, they are helping us, I think <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    i refer them as ''The Michael Zone'' TMZ <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • But how will Murray prove that, if MJ is (?) dead???? A dead person cannot testify against this accusation.........As always with L.O.V.E xox

    (Sorry if someone else mentioned this)

    A simple way would be to fingerprint the empty bottle of propofol that was left under the table. If its got MJs fingerprints on it, then that would prove at least that he picked it up at some point. Also.. if his fingerprints were on the syringe and plunger on the IV.

    That empty bottle has made me think.. If Dr Murray did panick and started to hide the propofol bottles.. and he missed this one.. was this the reason he fessed up two days later?

    But then why hide them.. we have been told Dr Murray returned to the house to retrieve the "special" cream.. why not take all the propofol out of the house at this point and dispose of it?

    Nothing makes sense right now
  • Medically this is BS.

    Propofol or any anaesthetic works in less than 15 secs. If any one has gone under for any procedure - you are actually asked to count to 10 and you rarely reach 10. You get groggy by 5 or so.

    So if Michael had to inject himself he could not have done so coherrently for more than 5 seconds. After which there would have been a spill / the syringe or bottle would have fallen down before it was fully injected. Even if Michael really pushed it, he would have gone into cardiac arrest with convulsions and his body would have been contorted and not just lying straight with his mouth and eyes agape.

    A man cannot inject something that works that fast and lie back flat so that the Doc does not know what you did, all under two minutes.

    Very, very good points, I totally agree... There is not way that he would be lying there body completly straight, and If I remember one report said his arms were laying out away from him. If he had self injected, I would think his body position would have been very different.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Sorry to post again but I find it VERY amusing that TMZ are the only people reporting on MJ/CM anymore.

    There is "no perfect crime" - or let's put it less dramatically:
    everybody doing something will leave traces. Sometimes even patterns.

    Unfortunately, TMZ are now caught in a cage of what they started and have to finish it no matter how. So is TIAI and so is TS. Either they continue in this game or they will lose strings and control. They have become somewhat predictable. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I do not know what the reward for e.g. Harvey is. It cannot be sufficient to have the MJ die hard hoax believers click on his site. This is worth some $$ but would this be sufficient to continue the imaginatory stories about MJ?

    Maybe he has a "nondisclosure exclusive publishing contract" in the drawers to be the first to report exclusively about MJ's return.
    The only problem: nobody with a thinking brain does believe TMZ and Harvey and is laughing about them. The world will know that one of the worst tabloids on this planet claims the story. So even if MJ would return by TMZ, nobody will believe it - except those that swallow no matter what. Would that be the public that MJ would search? I cannot imagine.

    Remember the Sony contract was published by AP press agency in New York.
    Serious news don't bother about TMZ. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I KNEW this was going to be the defense.. there was no other argument that Murray could make.

    Remember this video that was leaked a few days ago?? Out of no-where, this unseen footage of the Bashir interview emerges....

    What sticks out to you now??

    Thank you for mentioning. There are some new evolutions, indeed.

    "The" string drawers are recently even taking care of the french speaking public.

    I pointed that language barrier issue out once and it seems I got heard. LOL
    (Hoax in french TV, now youtube leakage with french subtitles...)
    Thanks to the "string team"! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    If there is a global project, some critical issue is to
    1) get heard
    2) get a message across
    3) get understood.

    A marketing strategy says AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action).
    This can only be achieved when at least the language is understood.

    There are several languages that are very important for a global project:
    Language Native speakers Total speakers
    English 328 M 1800 M
    Spanish (Castilian) 329 M 495 M
    Russian 144 M 275 M
    Portuguese 178 M 230 M
    French 68 M 200 M

    Other source:
    The most commonly used language in the world is Mandarin.
    Over one billion people speak Mandarin as their mother tongue.
    The next most common languages are:
    English 500 million
    Hindustani 497 million
    Spanish 390 million
    Russian 280 million
    Arabic 250 million
    Bengali 210 million
    Portugese 190 million
    Malay-Indonesian 160 million

    Who of all these folks are important for an MJ project of any scope?
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • This is the best news ever for the hoax....

    Really just need to read between the lines, as with everything else.

    "Michael Jackson killed himself"....... well, he did didn't he?

    By faking his death, he chose to "kill" himself.

    It's really not that hard to understand.

    The defense timeline and logic behind aspects of what happened are completely ridiculous.

    There's no way this isn't a hoax. I couldn't be more convinced.

    Also, we were waiting for something to happen on Easter right? A lot of us thought it would be a significant day. Well I think this is the clue we were waiting for.
    If this were really the case and this was all real, they wouldn't wait until the day before trial to claim that Michael killed himself. That would be absurd.

    Let the show continue....
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    without a death, there can't be a resurrection.
  • trishatrisha Posts: 58
    if this is a hoax then c.m will never be convicted n there would be no point of hoax if he is convicted ... well god n mj n his family only knows y he hoaxed his death.... what exactly he is trying to show us n prove us... mj if u r alive this is really enough ... <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    For all those still thinking that the prop-of-fool could have been the reason for MJ's disappearance, I am reposting this.

    I bet you will join me in laughing.

    A cat can take a one-time injection of up to 8 mg / kg (translating in a total body weight of 25 kg / 55 lbs that could be injected with the content of a 20 ml ampule containing 10 mg/ml of the drug (=200 mg)).

    A cat can take a constant infusion of 0.1 - 0.8 mg/kg/min (translating into a 5 or 40 mg infusion per minute given MJ's body weight of 117 lbs / 50 kg thus an infusion duration of 40 or 5 minutes.

    So if MJ was first injected with 25 mg, this would have been sufficient for putting a kitten of 3.1 kg / 6.9 lbs. to sleep. Injection of the remaining 175 mg in one shot would have been sufficient to put a dog of 21.9 kg / 48.2 lbs to sleep.

    MJ was reported to have weighed 50 lbs. / 117 kg.

    The veterinarian dosage advice translates for me into this conclusion:
    even one full bottle could not have been a letal dosis to a human being but put only a dog to sleep
    (to be confirmed by a phycisian).

    We discussed Propofol many times - this is a veterinary point of view on dosage:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
  • @ GRACE!!


    I am referring to your language list..... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I a mamong those 210 million people who speak bengali!
  • MJ_FactsMJ_Facts Posts: 183
    Hi guys,

    I just found this article on a German website:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Google translator:

    (Hgm) Michael Jackson's "doctor death" Dr. Conrad Murray has now put his defense in court open. He claims that the King of Pop had killed himself! Dr. Michael Murray had given only a very small dose of propofol (25mg), which was only enough for 5 to 10 minutes of anesthesia. But the music star also took other drugs, which resulted in a prolongation of anesthesia.

    The next hour the doctor would be spent on Michael's side. Around noon, he left the room for two minutes to go to the bathroom and just during that time was Michael woke up and had almost 20ml propofol self administered through a drip - a massive overdose. Dr. Murray said, Jackson found with open eyes and dilated pupils on the bed and started immediately with a cardio-pulmonary resuscitation to. But the amount of propofol, the heart of the musician would have been completely halted. Michael should have been for some time-dependent propofol. Whether this version of Dr. Murray is believed? Michael's family is still based on murder.

    Now the defending Michael Jackson in court physician Dr. Murray Kaliforien. MJ would have killed himself.

    1. It reads Michael was a propofol addicted. This is not true because you cannot be addicted of this kind kind of drug! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
    2. They found more than 45 ml in his system. The autopsy said it was the dosage for a "big surgery" (400 ml).
    3. Besides, I read in another article hat Mike could neve have given himself the drug - he would have had to move and bent his knee to do so.
  • But how will Murray prove that, if MJ is (?) dead???? A dead person cannot testify against this accusation.........As always with L.O.V.E xox

    (Sorry if someone else mentioned this)

    A simple way would be to fingerprint the empty bottle of propofol that was left under the table. If its got MJs fingerprints on it, then that would prove at least that he picked it up at some point. Also.. if his fingerprints were on the syringe and plunger on the IV.

    That empty bottle has made me think.. If Dr Murray did panick and started to hide the propofol bottles.. and he missed this one.. was this the reason he fessed up two days later?

    But then why hide them.. we have been told Dr Murray returned to the house to retrieve the "special" cream.. why not take all the propofol out of the house at this point and dispose of it?

    Nothing makes sense right now

    panic and trying to be too smart - he had to leave something - his get out of jail card
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    If Murray was gone 2 minutes, and Michael injected himself, why would his eyes be open when Murray walked back in? Wouldn't his eyes be closed? And if sleep was your goal, why have cartoons blaring on TV?

    This story is ridiculous. First of all if Murray went to the bathroom for only 2 minutes there's no way that MJ would have enough time to self inject himself with propofol and be out of it by the time Murray comes back. They even did a demonstration on tv of how propofol works and puts people out and it take a few minutes to kick in. There's no way that happened. I don't believe that. Of course this story comes out the day before the trial.
  • For all those still thinking that the prop-of-fool could have been the reason for MJ's disappearance, I am reposting this.

    I bet you will join me in laughing.

    A cat can take a one-time injection of up to 8 mg / kg (translating in a total body weight of 25 kg / 55 lbs that could be injected with the content of a 20 ml ampule containing 10 mg/ml of the drug (=200 mg)).

    A cat can take a constant infusion of 0.1 - 0.8 mg/kg/min (translating into a 5 or 40 mg infusion per minute given MJ's body weight of 117 lbs / 50 kg thus an infusion duration of 40 or 5 minutes.

    So if MJ was first injected with 25 mg, this would have been sufficient for putting a kitten of 3.1 kg / 6.9 lbs. to sleep. Injection of the remaining 175 mg in one shot would have been sufficient to put a dog of 21.9 kg / 48.2 lbs to sleep.

    MJ was reported to have weighed 50 lbs. / 117 kg.


    i completely get your point. But what bout MJ s weight? 50 lbs would be round 20 kilos...and 117 kilos would be at least twice our MJ...well this i didnt get...sorry
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    Agree with u jecilovesmichael, IMO this story is a perfect defense for Murray considering the possibility if Michael is not going to come back, it's very possible that during the trial they will find Michael' s fingerprints on the bottle and that will "confirm" that Michael selfinjected propofol and murray is not guilty. thus Michael will not have to come back and prove Murray's innocense, however it's just my theory, and the way how i see it, this is considered only if Michael doesnt want to come back.
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    ugggg. sometimes TMZ (which I think should be called The Media Zone) should just stop messing with us <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> makes me wanna gag <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> ... but on the other hand, they are helping us, I think <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
    i refer them as ''The Michael Zone'' TMZ <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->

    yeah, me too. wouldn't surprise me if he owned the joint! <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    For all those still thinking that the prop-of-fool could have been the reason for MJ's disappearance, I am reposting this.

    I bet you will join me in laughing.

    A cat can take a one-time injection of up to 8 mg / kg (translating in a total body weight of 25 kg / 55 lbs that could be injected with the content of a 20 ml ampule containing 10 mg/ml of the drug (=200 mg)).

    A cat can take a constant infusion of 0.1 - 0.8 mg/kg/min (translating into a 5 or 40 mg infusion per minute given MJ's body weight of 117 lbs / 50 kg thus an infusion duration of 40 or 5 minutes.

    So if MJ was first injected with 25 mg, this would have been sufficient for putting a kitten of 3.1 kg / 6.9 lbs. to sleep. Injection of the remaining 175 mg in one shot would have been sufficient to put a dog of 21.9 kg / 48.2 lbs to sleep.

    MJ was reported to have weighed 50 lbs. / 117 kg.


    i completely get your point. But what bout MJ s weight? 50 lbs would be round 20 kilos...and 117 kilos would be at least twice our MJ...well this i didnt get...sorry

    it's just mixed up: 50 kilos/ 117 lbs...but i read 60 kilos/ 125 lbs. but still, the point is that the amount wouldn't have even put him to sleep, let go kill.

    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • oh ok *feels dumb* lol

  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Hi guys,

    I just found this article on a German website:

    <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    Google translator:

    (Hgm) Michael Jackson's "doctor death" Dr. Conrad Murray has now put his defense in court open. He claims that the King of Pop had killed himself! Dr. Michael Murray had given only a very small dose of propofol (25mg), which was only enough for 5 to 10 minutes of anesthesia. But the music star also took other drugs, which resulted in a prolongation of anesthesia.

    The next hour the doctor would be spent on Michael's side. Around noon, he left the room for two minutes to go to the bathroom and just during that time was Michael woke up and had almost 20ml propofol self administered through a drip - a massive overdose. Dr. Murray said, Jackson found with open eyes and dilated pupils on the bed and started immediately with a cardio-pulmonary resuscitation to. But the amount of propofol, the heart of the musician would have been completely halted. Michael should have been for some time-dependent propofol. Whether this version of Dr. Murray is believed? Michael's family is still based on murder.

    Now the defending Michael Jackson in court physician Dr. Murray Kaliforien. MJ would have killed himself.

    1. It reads Michael was a propofol addicted. This is not true because you cannot be addicted of this kind kind of drug! <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
    2. They found more than 45 ml in his system. The autopsy said it was the dosage for a "big surgery" (400 ml).
    3. Besides, I read in another article hat Mike could neve have given himself the drug - he would have had to move and bent his knee to do so.

    i'm german, the translation is fairly correct from the article, just funny wording. if anyone needs a thorough translation, lemme know. i can post it here then.

    the whole thing with the 'eyes and mouth open' just don't fit in the picture here. as we all know (or anyone who had surgery), the first thing that happens is that you CANNOT keep your eyes open after administration and once they're closed, i don't think they'll open again when your heart stops while you sleep. the first and main effect from anaesthetics is that you CANNOT move a muscle anymore, THEN you go to sleep. then they say, the dosage was to put him out 'for only 5 or 10 minutes'. you're gonna administer such a powerful anaesthetic in such a little dose that it would only work for 5 minutes? plus the fact that mj was supposed to be at a rehearsal that afternoon? that don't make sense at all! unbelievable nonsense to me.

    i have an old saying for what's going on from my american family: if you throw enough sh!t against the wall, some of it has got to stick.
    seems like it all came down so far, so they keep tryin'.

    that's what this is... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • tabloidburntabloidburn Posts: 1,621
    Agree with u jecilovesmichael, IMO this story is a perfect defense for Murray considering the possibility if Michael is not going to come back, it's very possible that during the trial they will find Michael' s fingerprints on the bottle and that will "confirm" that Michael selfinjected propofol and murray is not guilty. thus Michael will not have to come back and prove Murray's innocense, however it's just my theory, and the way how i see it, this is considered only if Michael doesnt want to come back.

    you didn't seriously think that murray would go to jail, did you? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    i personally dont think that he will go to jail, absolutely not, i think that he will be justified, i'm almost sure <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> i was just considering the possibility IF he goes to jail <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • so if he gets off that will be it
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