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    As the investigation progresses and the authorities close in on the chain of events that led to Michael’s death, Dr Conrad Murray, the man at the centre of the investigation into Michael’s death, was charged with involuntary manslaughter on February 8, 2010.

    Murray pleaded not guilty to the charge and was released on $75,000 bail. The judge told him he was allowed to keep practicing medicine but was not allowed to sedate anyone.

    So far, the investigation has revealed holes in both Murray’s statements and in the timeline surrounding Michael’s death.

    The question everyone is now asking is: is Dr Conrad Murray covering up evidence and lying about what really happened?

    Police are now saying that Murray, after administering that final dose of the powerful sedative Propofol to Michael, most likely left him alone for approximately 73 minutes, and not the two minutes he has claimed.

    Let’s have a look at what we know about the timeline:

    10.50am: Murray administers Propofol to Michael, then leaves him alone to go to the bathroom.

    At some point, Murray returns to Michael’s room and finds him not breathing. He begins CPR. Murray claims he left Michael alone for 2 minutes.

    11:54am: Murray leaves a voicemail for another patient, Bob Russell. In the voicemail, Murray sounds calm and collected.

    12.00pm: It has been reported that Murray made another call, this time to his girlfriend in Houston shortly after noon, but this call has not been confirmed as yet.

    12:21pm: Murray calls 911

    Given the discrepancies in the timeline, it is now being said that Dr. Conrad Murray may have hidden and tried to cover up the means by which Michael died.

    Let’s have a look at what is said to have happened:

    Michael received his final, fatal dose of Propofol through an IV in his leg, and Murray told police he only administered 2.5ml, which is a very small amount.

    But Dr. John Dombrowski, a noted anesthesiologist who reviewed the LAPD file for detectives, has stated that 2.5ml would not be enough to even put someone to sleep, let alone kill them.

    The autopsy report, however, notes the level of Propofol found in Michael was equivalent to what is found in “general anesthesia for major surgery.”

    A small, empty, 20 ml bottle of Propofol was found in the bedroom, but a secret compartment was found in a nearby closet which contained numerous bottles of Propofol.

    Amongst them, a large, empty, 100ml bottle with a large tear in the rubber stopper was found. A tear in the stopper is made in order to connect an entire bottle of Propofol to an IV.

    If this is done, the doctor must use an infusion pump to regulate the flow of Propofol, in order to prevent the patient from overdosing. There was no infusion pump found.

    The police believe Dr. Murray may have used the 100ml bottle, then either tried regulating the flow either by just watching it, or letting it flow by itself.

    Either way, Dr. Murray admitted to leaving Michael unattended by going to the bathroom at some point.

    If Dr. Murray did indeed put the full 100ml bottle into Michael’s bloodstream, that would be 40 times more Propofol than he told authorities he administered.

    Murray is due to return to court on April 5 for a preliminary hearing which will reveal for the first time the evidence the prosecution believes will demonstrate how his “gross negligence” was the direct cause of the Michael’s death. If convicted, he could face up to four years in prison.

    Here are the court papers outlining the complaint against Murray: Dr. Conrad Murray complaint court papers

    listen to the voice mail he sent to a person - when mike was there - in what ever state

    <!-- m --> ... -911-lapd/<!-- m -->

    News of the World published the voicemail, in which Dr. Murray informed Bob Russell about his heart scan.

    Dr. Murray left the voicemail at 11:54 AM.

    TMZ broke the true timeline story -- that Dr. Murray called his girlfriend from Houston at 12:03 PM the day Jackson died -- 9 minutes after he left the voicemail for Russell.

    Sources tell TMZ the girlfriend told cops ... approximately 5 minutes into the call, Dr. Murray abruptly dropped the phone and she then heard him administering CPR. Dr. Murray never came back to the phone and the call ended at 12:13 PM.

    Jackson's bodyguard called 911 at 12:21 PM, approximately 13 minutes after Dr. Murray dropped the phone.

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... z0k8Z12d01<!-- m -->
  • @ the arabian nights: I'd really like to know why you ignore my replies time after time, and then jump to another topic.
    well i was speaking from memory, maybe from another source

    Correct, another source. That's exactly what I mean. Sources sources sources...many unnamed sources, sources 'close to the family', sources 'close to the DA', sources 'close to the defense team', sources 'close to the LAPD'. Yet NOT ONCE one of these 'sources' stepped forward and identified himself.

    TRIAL BY MEDIA is a phrase popular in the late 20th century and early 21st century to describe the impact of television and newspaper coverage on a person's reputation by creating a widespread perception of guilt regardless of any verdict in a court of law.

    Didn't we learn from Mike's trial..? Why are people jumping to conclusions now, just based on 'information' provided by 'unnamed sources'? HIStory is repeating itself...
  • RavenRaven Posts: 709
    well i was speaking from memory, maybe from another source

    Correct, another source. That's exactly what I mean. Sources sources sources...many unnamed sources, sources 'close to the family', sources 'close to the DA', sources 'close to the defense team', sources 'close to the LAPD'. Yet NOT ONCE one of these 'sources' stepped forward and identified himself.

    TRIAL BY MEDIA is a phrase popular in the late 20th century and early 21st century to describe the impact of television and newspaper coverage on a person's reputation by creating a widespread perception of guilt regardless of any verdict in a court of law.

    Didn't we learn from Mike's trial..? Why are people jumping to conclusions now, just based on 'information' provided by 'unnamed sources'? HIStory is repeating itself...
    You're absolutely right about that Mo. A lot of 'sources' are just not reliable, but their message will linger on in people's minds to a point where facts are not seperated from fiction.
    I would like to bring the following to everybody's attention. It's an open-source interactive schematic overview of everything concerning the MJ Death Investigation. It can serve as an aid to look up and note down sources and facts, but also to debate scenario's and arguments for and against with others:

    Michael Jackson Death Investigation @ Debategraph

    Everybody is welcome to contribute
  • @ the arabian nights: I'd really like to know why you ignore my replies time after time, and then jump to another topic.
    well i was speaking from memory, maybe from another source

    Correct, another source. That's exactly what I mean. Sources sources sources...many unnamed sources, sources 'close to the family', sources 'close to the DA', sources 'close to the defense team', sources 'close to the LAPD'. Yet NOT ONCE one of these 'sources' stepped forward and identified himself.

    TRIAL BY MEDIA is a phrase popular in the late 20th century and early 21st century to describe the impact of television and newspaper coverage on a person's reputation by creating a widespread perception of guilt regardless of any verdict in a court of law.

    Didn't we learn from Mike's trial..? Why are people jumping to conclusions now, just based on 'information' provided by 'unnamed sources'? HIStory is repeating itself...

    sorry i am a bit busy today and cooking and going out - i think the topics today are interesting and i want to contribute but time short with things and pp - if you know what i mean - will get back to you
  • mjaliveomgmjaliveomg Posts: 178
    "As one source said, Jackson liked the sensation of Propofol being administered by IV, adding, "Michael liked to push it."

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • Yes Michael Joe Jackson kill Michael Joseph Jackson and huh

    did you vote? WTH is that? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    stop beLIEving the MEDIA LIE commmmmmmmmmme onnnnnnnn !

    Just because you read it in a magazine Or see it on the TV screen Don't make it factual See, but everybody wants to beLIEve all about it
  • unny how Harve let's the public rate his articles <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • perhaps what this means is......THE SINGER MICHEAL JACKSON IS DEAD....but actually MICHEAL the person IS ALIVE .....if you get me...!!!!!

    That would make, what Tito said in the last episode of the Dynasty series ring true. He said something to the affect that if we could have Michael back, he wouldn't have to sing another note, as long as we could have him back. much as MJ loves the stage and music, would he really retire and never perform again? I can't see it, but I guess it's possible.
  • UNBELIEVABLE!!! So it just so happens Murray has decided one day before the trial he is going to say Michael killed himself.

    When we have this statement here...
    Dr. Murray, who could face up to four years in prison if convicted, acknowledged on Feb. 8 giving the anesthetic propofol to Jackson following the singer's "repeated demands and requests" for the drug

    Nothing like 8 months later huh Murray!!! Then we had last week that he was alive at the hospital. These people are so screwed their stories all all BS

    Michael Jackson's doctor to argue singer killed himself - report
    LINK: <!-- m --> ... 5849660881<!-- m -->
  • IdéaloIdéalo Posts: 104
    After all he had lived he kill himself because he could not sleep .. well, though here is no joke lol !!
  • [b]So Michael woke up, and injected the prop. into the I.V.?[/b]where was the I.V.? In hand, which hand? In arm, which arm? Michael was very right handed, remember! It is not all that easy to perform this procedure by oneself. In the beginning of this hoax it was said Murray would go free, because he might have been in on the hoax. This is the best way to get him free. Still, no doctor should leave such medicine and needles near the patient.
  • taniahytaniahy Posts: 17
    Indeed, he loved life. He is not dead people.
    This is a play, he will return within 2-3 years.
    I believe in it.
    Michael owes money to the people
  • Ain’t the pictures enough, why do you go through so much
    To get the story you need, so you can bury me
    You’ve got the people confused, you tell the stories you choose
    You try to get me to lose the man I really am

    You keep on stalking me, invading my privacy
    won’t you just let me be
    ‘cause you cameras can’t control, the minds of those who know
    That you’ll even sell your soul just to get a story sold

    Now there’s a lesson to learn, stories are twisted and turned
    Stop maliciously attacking my integrity

    -Privacy- Michael Jackson
  • MJsFan4EverMJsFan4Ever Posts: 334
    This is so CRAZY....BS! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • He has too much to live for to even think about doing that. He was making plans and commitments. Someone that wants to die does not make plans.
  • rasyterasyte Posts: 484
    love this song.. perfect for this situation.. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
    Ain’t the pictures enough, why do you go through so much
    To get the story you need, so you can bury me
    You’ve got the people confused, you tell the stories you choose
    You try to get me to lose the man I really am

    You keep on stalking me, invading my privacy
    won’t you just let me be
    ‘cause you cameras can’t control, the minds of those who know
    That you’ll even sell your soul just to get a story sold

    Now there’s a lesson to learn, stories are twisted and turned
    Stop maliciously attacking my integrity

    -Privacy- Michael Jackson
  • AvaMarieAvaMarie Posts: 714
    Murray goes to the bathroom decides to call his girlfriend while in the bathroom. At the sametime Michael suddenly awakes from the anesthesia, manages to put aside all the grogginess, realize that Murray is missing doesn't call for murray he takes matter into his own hands, finds the propofol and the needle. He's able to inject himself all in a span of 2 mintues. Wow Michael was dam near superman. How dumb do they think we are?
  • Well, first of all they will have to PROVE Michael was a Propofol addict! How will they do that? Then they will have to take the damned propofol bottle and syringe and verify if MJ's fingerprints are there. Maybe he did touch the bottle and syringe, but that doesn't prove he committed suicide, either. Anyways, this story is crazy. He grabs the bottle, fills the needle and injects it on his system err while sitting I suppose (he had the IV on his leg, right?), and DIES in precisely the two minutes that Murray leaves to the bathroom? Now thats what I call bad luck and timing...

    Edit**AvaMarie...same line of thoughts, didnt see your comment <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • jessicakthxjessicakthx Posts: 460
    [b]So Michael woke up, and injected the prop. into the I.V.?[/b]where was the I.V.? In hand, which hand? In arm, which arm? Michael was very right handed, remember! It is not all that easy to perform this procedure by oneself. In the beginning of this hoax it was said Murray would go free, because he might have been in on the hoax. This is the best way to get him free. Still, no doctor should leave such medicine and needles near the patient.

    The IV was in the left leg. (supposedly) Also..
    It is unknown where the Propofol physically came from.It would have been difficult for the patient to administer the drugs(others besides Propofol were administered) to himself,given the configuration of the IV set up. The IV catheter was in the left leg.The injection portof the IV tubing was 13.5 cm from the tip in the catheter.He would have had to bend his knee sharply or sit up to reach the injection port and push the syringe barrel,an awkward situation,especially if sleep was the goal.If only bolus injections via a syringe were used,sleep woul have not been mantained,due to the short action of Propofol.Someone with medical knowledgeor experience would have started the IV.Anyone could have drawn up and administered the medication after the IV was started.
    Selma Calmes MD
    Anesthesiology Consultant
  • teine21teine21 Posts: 898
    What's funny is, there's no mention of this on CNN or any major news channel or site. TMZ again...hmm, how do they know what the defense it going to say BEFORE the actual trial? Are they BFF's with CM & his lawyers now or something? In fact, I haven't heard or read anything from anywhere BUT TMZ regarding MJ & CM's trial in a LONG time <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    According to this: <!-- m --><!-- m --> it's not possible to get an overdose from 20ml with his weight <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Edit: 17,5 ml, he already had 2,5ml.

    When will people see that those stories are BS? This can't go to trial, the DA would make a fool out of himself with the 20ml propofol.

    Besides that, propofol works VERY quick, I wonder if someone would be able to administer 20ml himself... Does anyone know?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • CoffeBeanCoffeBean Posts: 134
    What means BS?
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    BULLSHIT.......I.E........ RUBBISH,NONSENSE,.......O.K. XXXX
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Don't know why but when I saw the title I couldn't prevent from smiling...the picture of Michael next to the article is well chosen.
    This story is definitely false of course.

    "- At around noon, Dr. Murray left the room for approximately two minutes to go to the bathroom. While he was gone, the defense believes Jackson suddenly awakened and was frustrated he had spent nearly 9 hours trying in vain to sleep. The defense theory -- Jackson took the 20 ml bottle of Propofol and self-injected the remaining contents through the IV, causing a massive overdose that stopped his heart.

    Read more: <!-- m --> ... z0k9T6WezZ<!-- m -->

    You cannot built a defense based on beliefs and theories...seriously.
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