Strong Evidence of TS's Authenticity



  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Candy, all your questions have been answered many many times. Please search the forum.

    And to make a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong story short, I undoubtedly, fully, 100% think Mike is still alive.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Looks like registered members since loooong ago are new posters "out of the blue"....
    If MJ would be alive, do you really believe he would allow that to happen?

    Ask him.......
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Looks like registered members since loooong ago are new posters "out of the blue"....
    Ah, you noticed that too? <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Yes, and i think that their questions are a reminder to question ourselves on our beliefs or opinions, just to shake the foundation built in this 15 months.

    Fear and doubt mixed with morality and what could be socially accepted is what i see as this quizzes.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Help me understand ... let's assume it's indeed Marlon the guy with the redirects, how does this prove in anyway that Mike is alive !?!??!

    Please don't tell me about that numerology stuff, I am sorry but if there is something I don't believe, than it's that.
    You can make up numbers out of everything, there will ALWAYS be a combination to fit. If you can get along well with numbers, you'll find a way.

    And now that the summer is over, and there was no Elvis bum, what's up next?

    Do you guys really, and honestly still believe that Mike is alive?

    I mean I wish above everything that he would still be with us, but you know ... time is unfortunately telling a different story <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Have just found this - an interview with Aphrodite Jones (she's also addressing the hoax subject at a certain point) - you better take the time and listen to it. <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    And what about Mike's kids being pushed all over the place (take Jermain's last Las Vegas show or whatever it was- for ex) - I really feel so sorry for them already! Sounds to me like "look, MJ's kids are there, let's go see!"
    If MJ would be alive, do you really believe he would allow that to happen?


    Help me understand ... let's assume it's indeed Marlon the guy with the redirects, how does this prove in anyway that Mike is alive !?!??!

    Let's assume that it's wouldn't prove that Michael is alive you are right because this is not in what we base our judgement on. It is obvioulsy a good thing that TS' identity is not known. And would we be 100% sure/convinced that it's indeed Marlon in the first place? It's not possible to know that information or there would be no hoax if TS revealed himself publicly...nevertheless we can say that he his legit because of the information he provided and this information proves/consolidates the fact that Michael is still alive. Also, we must not forget what brought us here in the first place. There's a huge amount of inconsistencies to back up the 'MJ is still alive' claim.
    Please don't tell me about that numerology stuff, I am sorry but if there is something I don't believe, than it's that.
    You can make up numbers out of everything, there will ALWAYS be a combination to fit. If you can get along well with numbers, you'll find a way.

    I'm sorry that you've not been able to see the numerology pattern inter-locking the elements of this hoax. The numerology is not just about a set of combination to fit in, it's a little more complicated than that but still comprehensible for common people (not versed into maths). There are still $999 to win if you are interested <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> to show us that coincidences can happen frequently.
    And now that the summer is over, and there was no Elvis bum, what's up next?

    Do you guys really, and honestly still believe that Mike is alive?

    Yes summer is over and autumn is here (beautiful season by the way). The Elvis bam is connected to Eliza Presley's case and as you may have read in this forum there is a date set on October if my memory is correct. Delays of the judicial system are not manageable so we have to cope with that. We musn't lose faith Eliza's evidences are strong and DNA is still there. Eliza's case is not a hoax. We just have to be patient.

    Yes candy, I stongly believe that Michael is still alive.

    Fo the video I'm sorry I don''t feel good right now to correctly understand what is said and it's a little long. Maybe I'll watch later.
    And what about Mike's kids being pushed all over the place (take Jermain's last Las Vegas show or whatever it was- for ex) - I really feel so sorry for them already! Sounds to me like "look, MJ's kids are there, let's go see!"
    If MJ would be alive, do you really believe he would allow that to happen?

    The kids are surrounded by their family, they are well taken care of, no worries to have about that in my opinion. They can perfectly go watch their Uncle doing a performance, I don't see what's wrong with that. Michael's kids are famous kids I think it's difficult to not have paparazzi around them and photos would have been taken even they were just sitting on a bank eating sandwiches...when they are with the family it's like if they were with Michael, and maybe that Michael was there <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> .

    Keep the faith candy. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    You mean it's testing time again? And Sarahli so ably stepped up to the plate. I guess you never can tell who some of these supposed doubters are.
    anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    It's the first time I see this. When were they written, do you know?
  • Wow too many tweets to answer. Lol. Guess I've been gone too long. I promise I'll be back within days. Study Peace - Mar Mar 6:47 PM Aug 7th via TweetDeck

    This tweet reminds me of the new song we were talking about this past week.

    Watch Life As We Know It Online Free
  • anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Reading through those notes again makes me laugh... It always gives me this vision of Michael on a hideaway island! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • candycandy Posts: 20
    Yes, and i think that their questions are a reminder to question ourselves on our beliefs or opinions, just to shake the foundation built in this 15 months.

    Fear and doubt mixed with morality and what could be socially accepted is what i see as this quizzes.

    And what if the "foundation" is based on an illusion?
    You know that as long as we want to believe in something, we search for explanations and "clues" that fit within that nice story we have fabricated for ourselves ...

    It is a comfortable way for people to cope with a huge loss, but does it help find the truth?
    And does it help get justice?

    What I am saying is keep an open mind and explore ALL possibilities. The ones that fit within your "image of what happened" and the ones that speak against it ...

    Only by objectively analyzing ALL these arguments, you will get closer to the truth.

    I don't give a damn about what is "socially accepted", I just happen to be aware that a big "monster" (read corporations mafia) through its payed servants is working hard to manipulate people's minds. And they do ALWAYS cover and feed both "pro" and "against" theories, as in that way, they "have them all" in their pockets.

    I hope you do understand what I mean by that, I really do ...

    You should honestly ask yourselves a question: do you want justice and the truth (even if what comes out in the end might be extremely painful to accept and will deeply hurt for a long time to come) or you want to be stuck forever in a bubble of illusions?

    Is Michael still alive? God help he is - I'd really have no questions to him and would not care as of why this had to happen, I'd just be soooo happy for him and wish him all the best and happiness in the world! And I'd not care at all if the "entertainer" will choose not to make a come back, all I'd care about would be for Michael the man to find his peace and happiness, to be respected and loved for the extraordinary human being he is.

    Is he dead? If this is tragically true, I wanna see all those responsible (no matter if their contribution was small or big) cornered, punished, destroyed!

    What is what you want?
    Focus on finding the truth?
    Or waste your life looking for clues ?

    Just give it an honest thought ...

    Yes, I do believe that doubting and questioning are the ways that will eventually lead us to the truth.
  • It is a comfortable way for people to cope with a huge loss, but does it help find the truth?
    And does it help get justice?

    @Candy - Yes it is indeed a comfortable way for people to cope with a huge lost... However, not everybody is on here to cope with a huge loss! There are plenty of members who are just "everyday people", people like me who were not MJ fans when he died and found the whole "circus" surrounding his death questionable (And I am not talking about the PT Barnum appearance on memorial day!), the inconsistencies, the conflicting stories ...etc just incredible!
    I have grown a huge amount of Respect, Admiration and Love for Michael over this past year and based on what my eyes see, my choice is to beLIEve and help him with his undertaking. Showing the World the Man and his message and ridiculing those who persecuted him is indeed Justice!

    Would undeniable evidence(s) of his death be put in front of me, I would reconsider my position and indeed fight for Justice in a different way.

    enough said...

    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    ....please <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> it's not because we are "fans" (definitely this word has to be changed finally, why not "supporter"?) that we are here because we cannot get over Michael's supposed death. Really this is not it and not all the "fans" are here questionning what happened may I remember you. I know what death is and I don't fear death or don't accept it, believe me. Candy you definitely are giving good advises, maybe that we have misinterpreted some things we obviously cannot have it right all along. I join you when you say that finding clues is not necessary anymore, there is an unshakeable truth that I have reached already, it is the fact that Michael is still alive. This is the perspective in which I am looking at things, the murder theory does not make sense to me because it would include the family as 'participants'. Now if it appeared that it was finally all an extra-super-big-giant-dupra-supra very well elaborated illusion I am one who accepts to have been wrong, this is not a problem for me, I only want justice and the truth. But Michael is still, still alive.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Err...........but candy really seems to be a "normal" poster. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    We are not survival food? Are we?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Yes, and i think that their questions are a reminder to question ourselves on our beliefs or opinions, just to shake the foundation built in this 15 months.

    Fear and doubt mixed with morality and what could be socially accepted is what i see as this quizzes.
    And what if the "foundation" is based on an illusion?
    You know that as long as we want to believe in something, we search for explanations and "clues" that fit within that nice story we have fabricated for ourselves ...

    It is a comfortable way for people to cope with a huge loss, but does it help find the truth?
    And does it help get justice?

    What I am saying is keep an open mind and explore ALL possibilities. The ones that fit within your "image of what happened" and the ones that speak against it ...

    Only by objectively analyzing ALL these arguments, you will get closer to the truth.

    I see it the same way than you.

    I hope you do understand what I mean by that, I really do ...
    I do
    You should honestly ask yourselves a question: do you want justice and the truth (even if what comes out in the end might be extremely painful to accept and will deeply hurt for a long time to come) or you want to be stuck forever in a bubble of illusions?
    Each one will decide the answer to that question when they are prepeared to give it.
    What is what you want?
    Focus on finding the truth?
    Or waste your life looking for clues ?

    Different people will have a different approach in order to answer your questions.
    What for you is "to waste a life" for others is not.
    Just give it an honest thought ...
    Have you?
    Yes, I do believe that doubting and questioning are the ways that will eventually lead us to the truth.

    As I expressed already <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Err...........but candy really seems to be a "normal" poster. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    We are not survival food? Are we?

    I wasn't posting this as having anything to do with the member using the screen name "candy" , it was in response to suspicious mind's question. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Err...........but candy really seems to be a "normal" poster. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    We are not survival food? Are we?

    I wasn't posting this as having anything to do with the member using the screen name "candy" , it was in response to suspicious mind's question. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Okayy I thought that a link was being implied.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I feel stupid now <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • Okayy I thought that a link was being implied.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I feel stupid now <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    awww, don't feel stupid. I should have explained my post better, it was easy to misunderstand. We all make mistakes and it's nothing to feel bad about at all.
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    I think if there were not so many inconsistencies and the events were a little more plausible and believable then I dont think many of us would have the many doubts in our minds that Michael was dead. It is obvious that something is not right at least many things do not add up. My parents past years ago and I can up to this day tell you where I was what I was doing and exactly what happened. So all we want is to get to the bottom of this and find the truth and right up to now its not leading to the possibility that Michael died on 25/06/09. There are too many different accounts from family members and others as to what happened, what they were doing where they were and also what exactly happened in that house on that day and until then we will continue on this journey. I was not a big fan of Michael I loved his music but as far as his personal life was concerned I hardly knew anything about him. I never met him or been to any of his concerts. Until 25/06/09 I really had little interest or knowledge of what Michael was doing in his life but I was led to read up on him and what happened for some strange reason and I felt compelled to learn about this man and after that I am amazed at this human being I mean truly amazed and I felt the need to fight for him and support him and do whatever in my power to let him know that we care.
  • candycandy Posts: 20
    ....please <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> it's not because we are "fans" (definitely this word has to be changed finally, why not "supporter"?) that we are here because we cannot get over Michael's supposed death. Really this is not it and not all the "fans" are here questionning what happened may I remember you. I know what death is and I don't fear death or don't accept it, believe me. Candy you definitely are giving good advises, maybe that we have misinterpreted some things we obviously cannot have it right all along. I join you when you say that finding clues is not necessary anymore, there is an unshakeable truth that I have reached already, it is the fact that Michael is still alive. This is the perspective in which I am looking at things, the murder theory does not make sense to me because it would include the family as 'participants'. Now if it appeared that it was finally all an extra-super-big-giant-dupra-supra very well elaborated illusion I am one who accepts to have been wrong, this is not a problem for me, I only want justice and the truth. But Michael is still, still alive.

    God help you are right ... <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->
  • candycandy Posts: 20
    anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Okayy I thought that a link was being implied.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I feel stupid now <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Hi Hi, what do you know actually? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    anyone remember the list of supplies michael wanted candy to get?
    or was it candy that was on the list? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Okayy I thought that a link was being implied.... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I feel stupid now <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    Hi Hi, what do you know actually? <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Oh nothing I just thought that the candy on Michael's notes was maybe you...crazy thought <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • candycandy Posts: 20
    Oh nothing I just thought that the candy on Michael's notes was maybe you...crazy thought <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Well, now that you brought that into light .... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Oh nothing I just thought that the candy on Michael's notes was maybe you...crazy thought <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Well, now that you brought that into light .... <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    If you're trying to say you're Candy the errand girl please just say that.

    But since you say you don't know if he's alive or not and don't understand TS I'm not sure that it matters except for conversation sake.
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