


  • hesouttamylifehesouttamylife Posts: 5,393
  • whosbadmjsbadwhosbadmjsbad Posts: 240
    Why are they presenting all these hoax tributes??
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    Why are they presenting all these hoax tributes??

    To make us all angry. I bugs the heck out of me..
  • Why are they presenting all these hoax tributes??

    To make us all angry. I bugs the heck out of me..

    I can only speak for myself, but it doesn't make me angry. I feel they are trying to give us comfort in confirming that everything is a hoax. The Still The King Tour in my view was clearly Michael's way of letting us know that This Is It was never going to be a tour. There is overwhelming evidence that it was never going to be tour, but The Still The King Tour was just put out as comfort food, IMO. The website domain was purchased on the same day TII came out on DVD and Travis Payne and the TII dancers appeared in the video for the fake tour. There are so many details one has to pay attention to get the overall full picture, but I have always found the fake tributes comforting. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • randyjackson8 Second, the coordinator is telling fans that my brother is alive & will be there in disguise.... That deeply disturbs me.


    To answer my own question.. Samantha Zoller.

    Big emphasis on The Coordinator, IMO. Samantha Zoller. Has anyone heard of her before? Is Randy dangling a carrot in front of us? Maybe it's nothing...
  • Randy is talking quite a lot tonite. He seems truly hurt. I kinda feel bad for him. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Randy is just playin his role. Not everyone can be skipper and all smiles like K.O. and Janet. Or confused like Joe or slip up left and right like Latoya and Jermaine. Someone has to be geuninely sad for this to be believable. Watchin Latoya and Janet fight back laughter @ the Memorial doesnt help.
  • jilljill Posts: 917
    You would think the brothers would at least communicate with each other before they announce another tribute. If for no other reason but to get their stories straight! It seems to be constant confusion in that family.

    It was interesting that Randy asked in one of his tweets "where are the profits going?" If Michael is alive, the profits can't go to the family or they could be prosecuted once it is revealed he is alive. It's illegal to fake one's death for profit. If the profits go to charity I don't think it would be a problem. This statement could be another clue for the hoax people.
  • DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
    I just dont know anymore.. the Jackson family seem to be in chaos.

    Arguing.. and doing it publicly on twitter.

    Tribute concerts organized and cancelled.. seems a bit of a shambles to me.

    The TMZ story that MJs kids could be going into care could be true.. they dont seem to communicate with each other or seem capable of sorting anything out. Maybe it is chaos in that house.

    Im just shaking my head right now at all of this.
  • I just dont know anymore.. the Jackson family seem to be in chaos.

    Arguing.. and doing it publicly on twitter.

    Tribute concerts organized and cancelled.. seems a bit of a shambles to me.

    The TMZ story that MJs kids could be going into care could be true.. they dont seem to communicate with each other or seem capable of sorting anything out. Maybe it is chaos in that house.

    Im just shaking my head right now at all of this.

    I feel that the kids are doing well and that Katherine is doing well with them After all, MJ's kids were raised to be polite, well mannered, upstanding individuals. Plus, Prince and Paris are older now. I highly doubt they would be creating any chaos to create a need for them to be displaced into another person's care. If this were to happen it would be sensationalized (naturally by the media) but would benefit Michael because it would be a form of distraction as I feel the kids would be transitioning to Michael's full care elsewhere.

    I feel the tribute concerts are a means to keep MJ's name and spirit alive until BAMS day. Michael, inevitably, will decide where and when-but his brothers are acting the part, mostly because that behavior is expected of them. I suppose people would be questioning them if they weren't doing any of this too.
  • IWantYouBackIWantYouBack Posts: 208
    I think he could mean that MJ might be coming back that day therefore there is no need for a tribute! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • deedee75deedee75 Posts: 192
    The brothers need to get it together...one's on the roof asking for hugs, another is crying about the Rome tribute saying promoters are making false promises that MJ will be there, and lastly another one announced the tribute whose promoters are making those proclamations. This is strange to say the least. UNLESS <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> he's sad because he'd really rather be there instead of at Forest Lawn.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> this has been a very confusing day
  • Randy only tweets every once in a while, but when he does, he sure has something to say.

    well he definitely had something to say in the tweets posted may 11
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    He talked only about June 25. Not about May 11. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • sorry, i meant those posted on may 11...just kinda made me go "whooaa" <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • popisdeadpopisdead Posts: 205
    And lastly, My family has plans to be at Forest Lawn on the 25th of June...
    about 7 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    Third, I fired Brian Oxman, but he is still under attorney-client restriction with me and cannot speak publicly.
    about 7 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    Second, the coordinator is telling fans that my brother is alive & will be there in disguise.... That deeply disturbs me.
    about 7 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®


    I have 4 concerns... First, where are the proceeds from ticket sales going...??
    about 7 hours ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®
    Reply Retweet

    I have some serious concerns about this tribute to my brother on the 25th of June in Rome...
    about 7 hours ago via mobile web
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Wow, this is just unbelievable. The adventure continues. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • His tweets were very strange indeed.
    He talks about a coordinator of the Rome tribute that is telling all the fans that Michael is alive and will be there in disguise???
    He fired Brian Oxman?? Why?? Isn't Brian Joe's lawyer, can Randy fire him?
  • randyjackson8 Second, the coordinator is telling fans that my brother is alive & will be there in disguise.... That deeply disturbs me.


    To answer my own question.. Samantha Zoller.

    Big emphasis on The Coordinator, IMO. Samantha Zoller. Has anyone heard of her before? Is Randy dangling a carrot in front of us? Maybe it's nothing...

    All I can find is that they both attended the same school but not during the sametime period!
    Am still researching will add more if found. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    <!-- m -->http://www.classmates.com/directory/sch ... p?org=2792<!-- m -->
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Yeah Randy is the odd ball in the bunch. He seem to always go against what the other brothers are doing. I really believe that he has MJ's best interest at heart. Maybe he's concerned now about every move the other brothers make because we're getting closer to the truth coming out. Randy is probably one of the people protecting MJ right now. He and MJ seem really close in recent years compared to the rest of the siblings. Maybe he wants his brothers to be cautious about the things they are doing for a reason. I believe something is going to come out soon. At least before this year is out I hope. Also notice that Randy say the coordinator says his brother is still alive and will be in disguise. He only said that this statement disturbs him but he doesn't deny it as being true. Why doesn't he just say this is ridiculous of course my brother died but he doesn't. Another reason to believe MJ is still around.
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Exactly! I mean why doesn't someone in the Jackson family come out to us and say enough is enough MICHAEL IS DEAD and that is that. If Michael was really gone it seems like they would be beside themselves with anger that we have this site to discuss this here and they would want it shut down. But that is not happening and the vague, smoke screens continue.....and I feel like we're stuck in a labyrinth, a mind maze.....like BEN the rat!!!
    OK, I never expected Randy to bring this "alive" story on twitter. This is a shock for me.
    During almost one year of hoax theories all over internet not the media, not the family said a word about it. Now all of a sudden they all start to bring it to public attention.
    If we are not mistaken and Michael is realy alive this means only one thing: he's preparing the return, "promoting" the "alive" idea step by step so it won't be a complete shock if it happends for real.

    I hope we are not wrong and we are not only following an illusion.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Maybe it's just a round about way of telling us MJ's alive and is going to be in disguise that day, so we should look. It's called reverse psychology.
  • Lady JLady J Posts: 455
    What I don´t understand is that Randy says the family will be visiting Forrest Lawn on 25 th june. This is not good at all. NOT GOOD.
  • mumof3mumof3 Posts: 1,973
    We have not heard much from k o. At first he tweeter all the time now very quiet the family are in shock it is understandable but you would think one of them would step forward as the organizer of the tribiutes and get it all going without a hitch not like allthe hitches that have happened still can't work out why poor mum has so many children to care for it is not fair on her the who's thing seems to be a mess for them
    About this tribute - I don't understand - don't they need a consent from the family or from the estate?
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