Expectations versus Reality

I'm interested to know what people are expecting with the re-appearance of MJ as it relates to him personally (as opposed to the other issues that are of a global nature). Expectations can be Dangerous as they do create pressure. To put pressure on yourself is one thing, but to have pressure created by what others EXPECT of you, magnifies the intensity. What others WANT from you is a major part of the problems in all of THIS. As you all are aware, everybody wants a piece of the action whether it's the record industry who think they OWN their artists, right down to the people who jump on the gravy train and want you for their meal ticket. Fabrication and corruption is unfortunately everywhere and Trust becomes impossible! You've heard many times that without Trust, life is lonely.
I think it's important to remember that MJ is over 50 and did not want to be touring past the age of 40, (HIStory was IT). He did not want to end up like Sammy Davis Jr doing Vegas night after night and he said that he wished James Brown would've taken the time to slow down and enjoy his success instead of working himself into the ground.
He can still sing, there is no doubt, but if Big Business or the fans expect a tour can you see how this is unrealistic and creates pressure. MJ doesn't do what he doesn't want to do! Just because the touring phase of his life is over doesn't mean that's IT of coarse. He has never stopped dabbling in the arts as he's a creative force of nature that must channel itself through some form of medium....... just look at the hoax production that's going on now. BAM is a return on his OWN terms, not a continuation of things as they were - like a tour or even necessarily a concert , one-off or otherwise.
Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?


  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Well, y'all don't be looking at me, I never expect anything from the man! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    Well, my thoughts are.
    Michael has been hunted all of his life.
    And if he is really going to bam.
    You all must realize that he will be hunted more then ever before by media and fans.
    So he must really have a damned good reason for coming back into this crazy world.
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    When I look at the people who have passed recently--Eddie Fisher and Tony Curtis, for example--I can understand why Michael chose to go the way he did. He went out in glory, rather than in a whimper. Tony Curtis was a MAJOR film star, yet he was all but forgotten when he passed. According to an old saying, "He got out while the 'gittin' was good." So I am not totally convinced Michael will come back. Perhaps he is being persuaded by the legions of fans who want him back. However, I think it would cause him too many problems.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    It'd be absolutely enough just to have him back! And by that I mean for the world to learn that he's alive and that his death hoax has been his biggest performance of his life! For me personally there wouldn't even need to be a physical re-appearance. But this isn't about me - it's about MJ, and a physical re-appearance would be a natural ending to this 'hoax production' for him, and would surely take away what must be immense pressure for MJ to remain 'dead' and hidden (and for his family and others in the know). I don't for a second imagine this has all been a picnic for them.

    The man has given us an incomparable collection of music, video and short film at great cost to himself. He owes us nothing and we should expect nothing. The way I see it, Jermaine told the world the King of Pop died on 25th June 2009, and I think that speaks volumes about the reasons and background to this hoax. Whatever Michael Jackson, the man, wants to do next, whether it's anything to do with music, art, film or sitting with his pipe and slippers, he has earned the right to in my book!

    I'm expecting nothing. I remember once telling my son in a situation when he was anxious to please me that it didn't matter what I wanted, what my expectations may have been, it was him being true to himself and what he really wanted that was important, and seeing him do that was what would really please me. Pretty much the same applies to my thoughts about MJ!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I feel confident MJ will BAM, but I have no idea as to how it will look. It will be something no one has thought of him doing. However I feel it will be in such a way that he will be inaccessible to the media, enemies or fans, and forever after that as well. Conversing here on this forum possibly with MJ unknowingly, may be the closest we'll ever be to him, and we should cherish this time.
  • I think he will do great things behind the scenes so he can be with his loved ones. He has nothing more to prove to himself, so now it's all about being creative and making a difference where he can.....and making lots of money working smarter, not harder. I think his "death" was to the scandals, gossip, touring and entertaining phase of his life.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    I do not expect him to be "back" in the public eye as I have him with me already being present in my life every day since a long time. I have met him daily in the web on many occasions in his many appearances and I do not need any more or closer contact as he is not my "bread" I need to eat but a companion on his road as I am on my road. He's my brother-in-thought that I respect and admire for his thorough dedication and ability of endurance and so many other qualities - without neglecting the "not so comfortable (for me)" parts of his presence. I have days when I am really mad at him. I have days I am just fine with him and agree to what is happening. I am not giving in or up. I am not a fan, not fainting, not screaming, I am a respectful companion, blessed to have been called in on this education and spiritual growth journey.

    So if expectations - which are undoubtly building up pressure - are playing a role for Michael, it should be known by him that there are some folks like you and me, deeply caring about the man but not expecting anything at all. We are rich and blessed already and he can safely stay where he is - unless HE wants to come out because he's missing the public eye.

    This whole morning an unknown dove is lingering around my house and is causing a huge smile on my face. Michael can stay in his comfort zone as long as he wants. He should not set himself under pressure due to "so-thought" expectations of anybody (MJ included). JMHO
    God bless you, BlackJack, I enjoy you being with us.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I still believe he will continue to entertain his fans, as this is what he was born to do...

    but, not the way he used to. Technology has advanced alot since the 80s and 90's.

    He will take us to a new medium, a new adventure.

    The internet is a fantastic way to communicate to his fans, and show all new videos and music through this new medium......

    Somehow, he will let it be known why he had to hoax his death......but I still don't believe he should come back into this crazy unstable world...

    He can achieve more behind the curtains, where nobody can touch him or use him.. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Just my thoughts....its all for love xox
  • I believe that if Michael is waiting for people to have reasonable expectations of him so that he can come back peacefully, he's gonna have to wait a long time and he's gonna be disappointed and pressured. People WILL and DO have expectations, as he ( like all celebrities) is viewed by some like a man of service, if you know what I mean. Of course that not all people expect something from him or put pressure on him, but there are still those that do and will continue to do so even when he returns ( if he will ). It's something he will either have to accept and learn not to let it get to him ( we always have a choice on how we let other's actions or words affect how we feel) or be firm about what he wants and what he will do, so that fans who expect him to tour will know not to demand it from him. Like the re-education of the public you mentioned earlier.
    With that out of the way, I think most fans don;t care weather or not he will sing or dance again, as long as he is happy and ...back. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> We already have so much from him as a musician to last us a life time ( and still not get tired of it). But being the amazing artist he is and because he got the public used to masterpiece after masterpiece, I'm sure that we would all like to see m ore form him. Whatever that may be. It doesn't have to be music; I'm sure he has more up his sleeve that we think. But that shouldn't be a pressure for him. It's human nature I guess, to want more and always expect the best from someone who always gave the best.
    I think that if Michael doesn't want to sing and tour he should just say so, explain his side of it and move on and live life the way he wants to. I'm sure fans will understand and back him up no matter what he chooses to do, and for those who don't, tough luck for them. After all, this man wasn't born to live up to other people's expectations. Just his own, whatever they are <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Personally, I don't expect anything. If he returns and lives the rest of life raising his kids and grandkids, It's fine by me. I have already received so much from a man I don;t even know; I don;t have any right to expect anything from him and he doesn't OWE the world anything.

    On the same note, it would be interesting to know what MJ's exceptions are of his fans. After all, he gave so much...he deserve such much in return...
    What do you think he expects form his fans?
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I think he is already back and IS doing things behind the scenes, probably as we speak. I think he may have laid low for a few months until the 'heat' died down and then, when he felt it was right for him, he quietly started going about his normal business again - this time away from public view.
  • I don't expect him to ever perform again. There are alot of reasons I believe that the "King of pop" was buried, metaphorically. Now that doesn't necessarily mean he won't make music anymore, or movies, or something.. but I would expect most of it to be behind the scenes, perhaps even under a different name. I think it depends on a lot of factors. The shift in human consciousness that is starting to happen in the world is very important, and I would suspect that the more people who become aware of what is really going on in the world, the more likely it is for more people to be receptive to his plans and any work he wishes to do or not do. I truly believe in this factor although I can't prove it, only time will tell. As far as others having expectations, my advice would be to just relax and let go of any preconceived notions about Mike and about reality itself because I think magic can only happen when you're not expecting it. Just be "in the moment", every moment <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Michael has already given so much and with this hoax he is giving again, I am thankful for that...I presume that he must already be under pressure so I am really not going to add to it. I think that Michael's return will not be about "entertainement" as if nothing happened. I really believe that it will be a new Michael Jackson but I don't want to make expectations and I don't really have, I am so caught up in the why of all this that...I will just accept anything Michael chooses to do. I will just respect his choice. I will still love him no matter what happens next.
  • Expectations will differ from person to person I guess, as people create their own "vision" of his "come-back" based on what they do/will understand to be the rational for MJ faking his death.

    When attempting to pull together the various elements of the Hoax into one coherent theory a few days ago (http://michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/phpbb2/viewtopic.php?f=107&t=14487#p241910), I found that "the rational" for the hoax shaped my perception of MJ's return, and no doubt (consciously or unconsciously) did create some expectations in my mind ... in this specific case of MJ coming back to take some active lead in charitable efforts. One could argue that he has always done so, and therefore this may just be switching the projectors from MJ the artist to MJ the Man... My expectations for MJ return are no more than a logical way to justify the Hoax in my mind based on my understanding of MJ's reasons for faking his death! It is just one in many theories and a little drop in the Ocean; I Respect MJ very very much and I am enjoying being entertained. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    On a much broader level, the majority of the World and MJ fans, beLIEve that MJ died on the 25th June 2009 and it is unlikely that those will have any expectations on the return as yet; I strongly doubt that MJ would have undertaken such a Hoax without thinking in depth about the return and how to manage expectations of both fans and key stakeholders (e.g. Music industry players, Media...etc). This is simply unconceivable unless he had no plan to comeback which in itself contradicts the Hoax evidences! Why would he place unnecessary additional pressure on himself? Hasn't he got more than his share of it already? More than anybody else, he will know, how much pressure and which type of pressure, he is prepared to deal with...

    MJ has got the Time HE wants before his returns to shape expectations the way HE wants, nothing is REAL until HE says it is. The "Return" will be what MJ wants it to be, he can define it the way HE wants. A ray of Sun is filtering through the London clouds as I am writing those last few lines...

    God Bless you BlackJack, I enjoy those discussions.

    With L.O.V.E
  • i have wondered for a while now how it would be if things were not as people here expected it to be. the thread will you still be there was an attempt on my part to touch on the issue. responses only seemed to come from people who would accept anything that michael had to offer .
    wow my own personal expectations. it may take more than one post to get there. i can say that i don't expect him to come back and show his nail scarred hands <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . i have to believe that if is still capable of singing that that will never stop. i hope that through all of this he will be able to as the little song goes go to the enemies camp and take back what they stole from him. i expect that since he has done this he is full ready to accept any consequences such as loss of some fans. (that may turn out to be a blessing in disguise <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) i have no doubt that that fan base has been easily replaced by new ones. as for his reasons only he knows for sure. some have talked about the king of pop being who died on june 25th. in a sense i kind of agree that he may have abdicated his throne. but i can't see it as a move to simply go on and live a "normal" life. there is no such thing for michael. i think we are gonna see that he is a man now. that he has been set free from the things that held him he made a statement in this is it . "i feel so blessed to be able to give to the world back." please understand i don't mean this fictitious poster back. ( he just tends to speak a little differently from most imo). anyway i think that was his way of saying that all his career in his eyes was him getting the love he so needed from the fans and that now he is ready to do what in his mind is giving back. do i know what to him that is ? not at all. but whatever it is i believe he is at a place where you accept it or you don't it really doesn't matter.
    blackjack raises points about how the fans create so many issues for celebrity. i do think that without so much as saying it he has been pointing this out for a while. i sometimes wonder if that is where the parallels to elvis come in. almost makes me wonder about how he would be able to pull something of this nature off without "the memphas mafia" as he lived his life during his career with these people spending night and day with them (or at least that is the way the story goes).the isolation ect. as far as michaels career goes i am thinking he will be in a position to call the shots.
    well i guess that is all i have for now. with this one note i personally was not a fan of the man before june 25th. now i will just say that i have developed much admiration. the word fan for me seems to hold the same problem as the term religious.
    please excuse my babble mode
  • Just to know that he is breathing and in good health is all I need. If he dos decide to return publicly I think it will be a different Michael that will stand before us; one who has had his life play out in the public and in the media who has learned to ignore the rhetoric and defy others expectations and who will fly by the seat of his own pants. I do believe that this time away from the public where the public is still very much about him and his every movement has taught him how to see through different eyes. He has watched from a distance and is aware of how people work at any and all levels, from his multitude of fans to his family and friends, to his haters including the media and all of this has allowed him to know how and why he should respond to or ignore completely. For that reason, I believe he will be alright and that he will be able to do what ever HE feels is best for him. I don't expect a bam. I never have. As mentioned he was ready to be through with all the hype and live a normal life what ever that might encompass. I think his life will consist of still something to entertain his fans yes, but that his will be a bigger cause. Perhaps something ecological in nature. I don't know, but I feel he will make an even bigger impact on real life in following his dream to heal the world. Perhaps as a world class speaker, a serious speaker, who can impact the masses with the things he has to say. When Michael talks, the world listens. I see him doing something like that. I've even dreamed about it. He is calm and self assured and not afraid. And he is still beautiful <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> Maybe this is just my dream, but I'll take it if it means the bad vibes in the universe will finally just leave him alone and let him be free just to be. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> I love you, Michael. I always will.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?

    Yes of course. MJ the song and dance man IS dead.

    MJ the director and film maker is not.

    No one does film like Michael, no one. They all know it but soon they're gonna have to admit it... loud and publicly.

    These are my only expectations; that MJ gets his respect back that he deserves, and that MJ gets the last laugh on those assholes that tried to destroy him.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I'm interested to know what people are expecting with the re-appearance of MJ as it relates to him personally

    As I see it. Michael Jackson was "hiding" when he was alive, and what now? is he going to continue hiding "after dead"?
    Does not look like a "normal" way of living imo. Pretty sad, isn´t it?

    He gave music in advance for decades to come, is not his creativity what is missing really, there will not be another Michael Jackson "the artist" ever and I am ok with that.
    Is just the thought of a man living hiding, in disguise or not able to "come back" what breaks my heart.

    I believe that is his right to live like a free man and it will be at the end his decision to "come back" or to stay dead, but literally talking, d.e.a.d, because to live a life in hiding or disguise is not to live a life at all.

    I wish him to come back in to "civilization" as a normal human being using his rights of freedom of speech and, right to space.

    I guess that "we, fans, followers,supporters etc" have been a pure example of "The Sword of Damocles".
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    This is the million dollar question isn't it? Why did he do it
    and is this all a massive production or something more sinister? I get really confused trying to figure it all out. Why if he faked his death to protect himself from assasination would so many blatant clues be placed by himself and the family? They'd keep quiet and out of the way to avoid slipping up and placing him in danger. To assume he's alive but not coming back as he wants peace is also debatable as he was out of the limelight from the end of the Arviso trial till 2009, supposedly in Bahrain and Ireland. Do we know for sure he was ever in either of those places?
  • I started this post this morning and had to stop and do a check on the thoughts and intents of my heart to make sure I was speaking honestly. I am back now and starting over to share truthfully. Please, kindly respect my answers if you don't agree.

    What am I expecting with the re-appearance of MJ as it relates to him personally?

    Isn't it enough to just have him back, "even if he never sings another note" as brother Tito mentioned?

    I can only give you my hope, prayer, and what would bring a smile to my face.

    1) I would love to see his face and see for myself that he really is alright. Not what the media says, but actually from Michael's own mouth. Truthfully.
    a) I don't want to listen to a sit down interview or a press conference - I would love for Michael to be alone talking from his heart. Just him. Nobody there distracting or interrupting his thoughts. Let him speak as long as he would like. No time restraints. No expectations. No fear of rejection because he is loved.

    2) I would love to be able to see him walk in public without disguise or without a multitude of bodyguards - hopefully because people have learned to respect his space and privacy. Let him enjoy himself in public. He does deserve this, after all.

    3) I would love to see him be involved in areas that really interest him.
    a) I would be totally disappointed if he lived in seclusion.
    b)I would be totally disappointed if he quit being in the public eye. I could go into this more but will just say his influence on the people around the world is massive and if anyone can move mountains for the better it would be Michael.
    c) I would be totally disappointed if the hoax doesn't have an end at some point. I need my life back too, honestly.

    4) I hope that Michael's fans will support him in any of his endeavors even outside of music - and that he feels that support. I know that I will.

    5) I would love to know that Michael no longer feels the need to change his appearance in any way. He's extremely handsome, yes. But what sets him apart from the Brad Pitts of the world is his spirit. And that is what draws the masses, not the plastic surgery.

    6) I would love for this to bring a public apology from the media and tabloids at the destruction they've caused in Michael's life. And along with that I would love for the media to apologize for their abhorrent behavior during the 2005 court proceedings.

    7) I would love to see him out in public freely with the love of his life. The fans can't keep you warm in the cold of the night and a true fan will totally understand.

    8) Finally, I would love for Michael to return to Neverland if that is what he wishes to do. If he wants 777 Ferris Wheels, so be it. Let him develop his passion and vision for the children of the world without fear of others destroying his dream.

    Bottom line, my expectation is that Michael will settle down, live in peace and joy with his friends, family, and loved ones, doing the things in life that he enjoys the most. That he will be able to live his life amongst the rest of us as a human being that lives, breathes, and feels like we all do, without disguise, barriers, or fear of attack. And that he will be able to live where ever he wishes, with whomever he wishes, and for as long as he wishes. No fear. Only love.

    Michael - if you read this, we love you more. Really, we do. Blessings.
  • i have wondered for a while now how it would be if things were not as people here expected it to be. the thread will you still be there was an attempt on my part to touch on the issue. responses only seemed to come from people who would accept anything that michael had to offer .
    wow my own personal expectations. it may take more than one post to get there. i can say that i don't expect him to come back and show his nail scarred hands <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . i have to believe that if is still capable of singing that that will never stop. i hope that through all of this he will be able to as the little song goes go to the enemies camp and take back what they stole from him. i expect that since he has done this he is full ready to accept any consequences such as loss of some fans. (that may turn out to be a blessing in disguise <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) i have no doubt that that fan base has been easily replaced by new ones. as for his reasons only he knows for sure. some have talked about the king of pop being who died on june 25th. in a sense i kind of agree that he may have abdicated his throne. but i can't see it as a move to simply go on and live a "normal" life. there is no such thing for michael. i think we are gonna see that he is a man now. that he has been set free from the things that held him he made a statement in this is it . "i feel so blessed to be able to give to the world back." please understand i don't mean this fictitious poster back. ( he just tends to speak a little differently from most imo). anyway i think that was his way of saying that all his career in his eyes was him getting the love he so needed from the fans and that now he is ready to do what in his mind is giving back. do i know what to him that is ? not at all. but whatever it is i believe he is at a place where you accept it or you don't it really doesn't matter.
    blackjack raises points about how the fans create so many issues for celebrity. i do think that without so much as saying it he has been pointing this out for a while. i sometimes wonder if that is where the parallels to elvis come in. almost makes me wonder about how he would be able to pull something of this nature off without "the memphas mafia" as he lived his life during his career with these people spending night and day with them (or at least that is the way the story goes).the isolation ect. as far as michaels career goes i am thinking he will be in a position to call the shots.
    well i guess that is all i have for now. with this one note i personally was not a fan of the man before june 25th. now i will just say that i have developed much admiration. the word fan for me seems to hold the same problem as the term religious.
    please excuse my babble mode

    i feel a need to clarify this statement. i mean that exceptional people live exceptional lives.
  • Again, all comments greatly appreciated.
    I honestly beLIEve that the best thing we all can do is to spread his messages and try to reach as many people as we can. He has been trying to do this for so many years and it has been falling on deaf ears. Obvious changes need to be made in the world and the hoax has provided the platform for discussion of these issues and put it squarely in the hands of his biggest asset to start with: the fans. From there I beLIEve that this event has branched out to include other interested parties and non fans, just everyday people who watched the "news" and thought "this doesn't look right, what's going on - it's like a circus; lack of evidence and conflicting stories. Even without knowing MJ's love of illusion, magic and showmanship there was enough there to warrant a second look at what was being delivered as TRUTH. If every member on this forum tells one extra person in an effort to get them to consider the possibility that the media has reported a fabrication, the number automatically doubles. The flow - on effect is that the numbers will grow exponentially and the "awakening" will snowball. The result will be more and more people coming to the realisation that you can't always TRUST the media. The message here is : that if people can be deceived about this event (the death of an albeit isolated but "much loved"celebrity) with all of the clues suggesting that IT didn't happen, then how easy is it for the population to be deceived about things of a global nature where there are NO clues being left as it is conveniently covered up!
    Just to mention a few things posted in the responses:
    a "shift in the human consciousness"........ we hope so
    to "take back what has been stolen from him"........ab-so-lute-ly; this includes industry respect, repairing the damage to his reputation and image.
    MJ has said before that he is 'resilient' and I beLIEve this to be 100% accurate.
    To unveil the corruption within the media by demonstrating that they HIDE the TRUTH, DISTORT the TRUTH, and purely make up tabloid junk for the sake of greed and profit, it will be mighty fitting that the industry that sought to bring him down, break his spirit and send him to the cleaners are the ones that will be EXPOSED and questioned. THAT IS poetic justice, don't you think?
    P.S. love the idea of 777 ferris wheels!
  • it is kind of funny but it seems lately that the media have been doing a pretty good job at exposing themselves by exposing each other. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    same with the politicions
  • Again, all comments greatly appreciated.
    I honestly beLIEve that the best thing we all can do is to spread his messages and try to reach as many people as we can. He has been trying to do this for so many years and it has been falling on deaf ears. Obvious changes need to be made in the world and the hoax has provided the platform for discussion of these issues and put it squarely in the hands of his biggest asset to start with: the fans. From there I beLIEve that this event has branched out to include other interested parties and non fans, just everyday people who watched the "news" and thought "this doesn't look right, what's going on - it's like a circus; lack of evidence and conflicting stories. Even without knowing MJ's love of illusion, magic and showmanship there was enough there to warrant a second look at what was being delivered as TRUTH. If every member on this forum tells one extra person in an effort to get them to consider the possibility that the media has reported a fabrication, the number automatically doubles. The flow - on effect is that the numbers will grow exponentially and the "awakening" will snowball. The result will be more and more people coming to the realisation that you can't always TRUST the media. The message here is : that if people can be deceived about this event (the death of an albeit isolated but "much loved"celebrity) with all of the clues suggesting that IT didn't happen, then how easy is it for the population to be deceived about things of a global nature where there are NO clues being left as it is conveniently covered up!
    Just to mention a few things posted in the responses:
    a "shift in the human consciousness"........ we hope so
    to "take back what has been stolen from him"........ab-so-lute-ly; this includes industry respect, repairing the damage to his reputation and image.
    MJ has said before that he is 'resilient' and I beLIEve this to be 100% accurate.
    To unveil the corruption within the media by demonstrating that they HIDE the TRUTH, DISTORT the TRUTH, and purely make up tabloid junk for the sake of greed and profit, it will be mighty fitting that the industry that sought to bring him down, break his spirit and send him to the cleaners are the ones that will be EXPOSED and questioned. THAT IS poetic justice, don't you think?
    P.S. love the idea of 777 ferris wheels!

    I couldn't agree more! I AM one of those "every day people" you mentioned above, pushed here by the prodding of the Holy Spirit. There is an awakening of sorts going on and Michael is being used by God in a mighty way to wake up the minds of people who have fallen asleep, those who listen and believe everything they see, hear, and read. I have been telling those closest to me but I am willing to increase my circle in an effort to get people questioning the media. I shouldn't be excited in the misfortune of another but this is one party I won't want to miss, when the media is exposed for what they are. Thank you for sharing your insights. You've repackaged old conversations and conveniently brought new life back into them. Blessings to you.
  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I expect to enjoy come back live concert finally.... :D
  • Thank you for this topic, BlackJack.

    I've thought about this a great deal and I've searched my heart.
    I believe that I love Michael with ever fiber of my being, but all
    I've ever expected is the TRUTH.

    I would love to know what happened and why related to 6/25/09, but I expect for Michael to share his truth in whatever way he's most comfortable doing that. When it comes to expectations of Michael, I WANT WHAT HE WANTS.
    And, I expect the beauty of his core message to live forever. For instance,
    the Oxford Speech is love, pure and simple, and I pray we take heed.

    "whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things
    are honest, whatsoever things are true..."

    I expect Michael to "treat himself to all the pretty spaces in his head." And, if he chooses
    to share that with us, oh, what a glorious time this will be.

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