Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • Hoax within a hoax within a hoax reminds us of .... what?

    Yes - THRILLER ... remember the storyline / dramaturgy?

    Story in a story in a story = HIS story?
  • [center:390vknxo]"a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma" — whose denouement has yet to be revealed.[/center:390vknxo]
  • Opinion: The Power of Mystery - Creating That 'Just One More' Feeling
    by Brandon Sheffield

    <!-- m -->http://www.gamasutra.com/view/news/3020 ... eeling.php<!-- m -->

    September 22, 2010

    [In this editorial, originally printed in Game Developer magazine's September 2010 issue, editor-in-chief Brandon Sheffield discusses the importance of mystery in games, and how the unknown gives players the urge to see what lies around the corner.]

    “Nothing is so frightening as what’s behind the closed door. The audience holds its breath along with the protagonist as she/he (more often she) approaches that door.” So writes Stephen King in his non-fiction book on horror, Danse Macabre.

    King was not the first to make this point, nor will he be the last—with the right setting, the closed door, with all its possibilities, can be a frightening thing. Contrast that with an open door with light streaming through it, a traditional symbol of hope.

    But the closed door nags at you—don’t you want to know what’s on the other side? The real power of the closed door is the mystery behind it. So long as it’s closed, the possibilities remain infinite.

    That constant barrage of mystery is incredibly enticing to players, and is often directly responsible for that “just one more ...” feeling that many games aspire to.

    This idea has been used in games for years, occasionally in ways that are analogous to the one King discusses, such as the simple build of tension you might see in the Silent Hill series. As the player approaches a locked door, disconcerting noises increase in intensity, and maybe the world begins to erode, as happens in the series.

    The player has to go through the door, there’s no other way—but they almost don’t want to. The player is complicit in the act of approaching the door, which by turns increases or decreases the horror, depending on how much the player already knows. In film, the viewer is less likely to have advance knowledge of what lies beyond—but in games, we might have gone through the same scenario a few times, diminishing the effect.

    Unrealized Dreams

    Unfortunately, the payoff is usually not as exciting as that anticipation of terror. Essentially, the imagination usually cooks up something far more exciting than anything we can deliver as developers.

    The concept is similar to the classic “Pavlov’s Dog” experiment, in which researcher Ivan Pavlov rang a bell (or gave some sort of other stimulus) every time a dog was given some food—over time, the dog would start salivating as soon as it heard the bell, regardless of whether it got any food, because it associated the sound with a reward. In games, as long as there are constantly new things to anticipate, the mind can continue to invent new potential rewards.
    This is basically the way we condition players with things like treasure chests and monster drops. They know there’s something in there, so they’ll fight through hell and back to get to it, even if (in the case of JRPGs especially, but also in Western stalwarts like Diablo) it could be a trap, or a monster in disguise, or have some other sort of ill effect.

    Over the years, we’ve come up with a pretty well-accepted formula for this, used (with some variation) by games from World of Warcraft to Persona to Borderlands. Chests will generally have something good in them—the excitement is in not knowing just how good it’ll be. This keeps players digging for more chests to get that epic loot. The same applies to items grabbed from felled monsters.

    Taking it further, this idea of mystery applies to dialog-heavy RPGs like Dragon Age or the Persona series. Whenever the player is given a set of response choices in a dialog scenario, there is an air of mystery—how will the other character respond?

    You generally have some sense of it—choices generally yield semi-predictable responses—but again, you don’t know just how it will affect your relationship with this character in the long term. Therein lies the mystery.

    This not only helps strengthen the illusion that you’re building a relationship with a character (alongside positive and negative feedback, which both aforementioned games provide), it also keeps players digging to see what will happen. The “just one more” idea returns.

    Mystery Versus Luck

    This sort of mystery I’m talking about is a subset of luck. It’s far more specific, and as a result is easier to control. It can be frustrating in a game like Puzzle Quest to have your opponent hit you with a huge chain of “random” attacks, or to have your weapon randomly break in an RPG. That sort of luck can be frustrating. With the mystery of a treasure chest that may drop an epic weapon though, the outcome is always positive, which makes for higher engagement and less frustration.

    Mystery isn’t always good though—choosing a difficulty level before you’ve started the game, for example, tends to lead to frustration.

    Genres other than RPGs seem less able to use the more straightforward tricks. Borderlands is an exception with its randomly generated weapons found in treasure chests, but by and large FPS games have to rely on a set group of weapon drops from downed enemies.

    So how do we get this “just one more” phenomenon in other genres? It’s a very “gamey” sort of interaction, which potentially goes against the realism many games strive for, but MMOs and some online FPS use the anticipation of leveling up in a similar way, and fighting and racing games often use unlockable characters or outfits. These are far less of an addictive gameplay element than they are a bonus, but the concept is similar.

    In all, I think most games would be well served by including some element of mystery. It adds stickiness, and keeps players playing long after they might otherwise have stopped. It forms a strong link with the player, so that they keep playing “without knowing why.” Games that don’t do this tend to fall by the wayside. Seems an obvious choice to me!

    [The September 2010 issue of Game Developer magazine, the sister print publication to Gamasutra and the leading U.S. trade publication for the video game industry, has shipped to print and digital subscribers and is available to potential readers in both physica/digital subscription and single-issue formats.]
  • ElsaElsa Posts: 341
    Hoax within a hoax within a hoax reminds us of .... what?

    Yes - THRILLER ... remember the storyline / dramaturgy?

    Story in a story in a story = HIS story?

    <!-- s:idea: -->:idea:<!-- s:idea: --> Yes !!!
  • Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media. Using a mind control experiment to expose the fact that mind control is going on everyday in this medium is ingenious to say the least! [Please understand that when I say "mind control" it by no means is intending to belittle the horrific brutality of MK Ultra or other psychological warfare]. The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch). People might say that they simply weren't interested enough to care about what was reported and sadly social apathy is one of the true evils of the world. However, when the hoax is revealed hopefully these people will realise they were duped and see that their freedom of thought had been manipulated and that they are already too conditioned to see it for themselves. MJ has outsmarted his antagonists by beating them at their own game using their tactics..... poetic justice in motion. With regards to this hoax, when you hear people say that MJ "would never do this" remind them that he grew up in an industry where you could spend the whole day pulling knives out of your back and he has learnt a few tricks!!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media. Using a mind control experiment to expose the fact that mind control is going on everyday in this medium is ingenious to say the least! [Please understand that when I say "mind control" it by no means is intending to belittle the horrific brutality of MK Ultra or other psychological warfare]. The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch). People might say that they simply weren't interested enough to care about what was reported and sadly social apathy is one of the true evils of the world. However, when the hoax is revealed hopefully these people will realise they were duped and see that their freedom of thought had been manipulated and that they are already too conditioned to see it for themselves. MJ has outsmarted his antagonists by beating them at their own game using their tactics..... poetic justice in motion. With regards to this hoax, when you hear people say that MJ "would never do this" remind them that he grew up in an industry where you could spend the whole day pulling knives out of your back and he has learnt a few tricks!!

    I agree, and amen to your last sentence.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    "Your cameras can't control the minds of those who know that you'll even sell your soul just to get the story soooold"! Hopefully.

    They are digging their own grave. The big thing that I realized is the degree of manipulation the enslaved evil-owned mass media are capable of and have succeeded in. I mean this is...huge. This brainwashing process has begun since very early . They have taken away people's ability to think for themselves and have managed to make the so called News be "the gospel" for many. And I am not praising myself, it is not that long since I've begun to really question everything for issues such as politics/environment/medicine etc. to realize what's behind. Internet is a great tool it really is, thank you Lord.

    This hoax will permit to trigger the necessary bell-ringing people need to make a choice, I mean it's like if they were in the dark with no fixed point to rely on. At the same time as you said BlackJack Michael just kicked them in the ass, really they deserve it. What an excellent way to outsmart them by beating them at their own game, it's fair-play isn't it? Truly genius! Thanks Michael for what you're doing! Love you more.
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media.

    The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch).

    BlackJack, on the background you stated, I would be reluctant in calling the hoax a mind control experiment, and an experiment being directed by Michael.

    The word "control" implies a steady process of having power over something happening (or not happening).
    June 25 was a one-time "incident" that - as you correctly stated - by its unpredictable sudden appearance traumatized many people around the world. You may say "the earth stood still and held its breath" - of course this is not true as this did not occur - but it was rather the feeling of many people facing the loss situation.

    Now you may add that the shock was predictable - you beat and the other one is hurting.
    Is that control? It is a momentum of control.
    Is it mind control? It is a momentum of emotional control.
    Michael executing emotional control?
    In every concert, every gig, every recording he manages this - it is one aspect of his profession and professionalism. But emotions are not steady, they are having an escapist character.

    After June 25, the conditioning began, the feeding of opinion inventors, opinion leaders and opinion followers. Conditioning is a teaching activity aiming to achieve repetitive constant and equal reactions to the same incentive. Repeated death news with more (contradicting and strange) details was on one hand casting the loss, the resulting traumatism and the need to heal somehow. It was also repeated "beating and hurting" and some people got really sick and impacted in their life. On the other hand, the "clever bunch" as you called it pricked their ears and started questioning what someone wanted to feed them.

    Is that mind control? No. It is the contrary. A conditioned mouse questioning the experiment's structure is not a conditioned mouse, it is no longer under any control and the conditioning failed 100%.

    An experiment is available either in a laboratory case study or as a field study.
    In laboratory the environment conditions for an experiment must be exactly the same every time the experiment is being repeated - if not, the results are not measurable, not comparable and the experiment thus is in vain.
    A field study demands a clear concept, clear expections on certain results and the results must be measurable to be able to lead to conclusions to be drawn from the study. How would we define the objectives to such a field study? How would we define the measures to determine whether the objectives of the study concept have been achieved? Quantity of people questioning? Clicks to TMZ articles? Counting members on web forums, the ones leaving comments to web articles, the ones signing petitions, the ones opening a blog, the ones following the family on twitter?
    Does hurt play a role in measures for emotional involvement? The number of tears? The nights not slept? The number of persons that had to go to hospital? The allegedly reported suicides?
    The make.believe measured in quantity of those typing "beLIEve" under their posts?
    Measured at which moment? Every 7 days? Every day at 12 a.m.?

    So is this an experiment?
    It is an inducing stream of activities of executing influence and manipulation, but the outcome is not 100% predictable and the results are not measurable.
    This is comparable to a politician's candidature. It is like a proposal of reaction (desired by the candidate) but even the projection may never tell the true actual votes. In addition, nobody knows whether the ones typing "beLIEve" under their posts do really "beLIEve". This is all speculation.

    Michael the director of an "experiment"? Well, this answer is up to him only.
    If he decided to hurt millions of people for the better, so be it.
    If the hurting had to be included as a "colateral" damage for the better, so be it.
    If it was only for "playing a little with them", I would consider seriously getting mad at him.
    Not for me but for those people I met in the last months that were really, really broken over his disappearance.

    Reaching out to the masses bears a huge responsibility.
    I believe Michael knows this very well - other than some folks in powerful positions.
    Traumatizing others is risky and makes them vulnerable and - like you said - "receptive" - but unfortunately not only to Michael's message.
    This is the critical no-fun factor in this "study".
    It requires an outstanding trust in God and the better to decide in favor of the path chosen.
    It speaks of the quality of a gardener to cut only the branches that do not lead to good fruit.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    When Kenny Ortega said of Light Man 'and piece by piece by piece’ he can’t have meant a literal revealing in the TII concerts. The meaning has to be figurative because Light Man could never have happened the way Kenny Ortega describes in the TII DVD. If he had said Light Man was going to be raised at elevator speed to appear on the stage I would have believed that, but not that it was going to rise up from under the ramp and fly over the stage. First, if you look at the structures above the stage, there wasn’t anything in place to allow for such a Peter Pan (cable assisted) adventure. Kenny Ortega was concerned about the cherry picker, can you imagine the potential dangers and complications in flying the Star of their show above the stage in a nine foot suit of light! Michael couldn't have gone into it from underneath after it landed because the stance of the Light Man doesn't allow for that.

    So if Peter Pan has flown over the 'stage' in disguise, then we see the glimpses and flashes, including the sunflowers, then the piece by piece by piece starts. What did Kenny say in his tweet about Peter Pan? Don’t look for hidden messages? Cause it's not a hidden message...?

    Excellent observation Elsa.
  • @Grace

    I understood BlackJack to say that the "mind control was on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media. "

    I don't think this implies that MJ is conducting mind control on the public. The difference in focus may seem subtle but it's an important distinction. If the control group is the media, it's feasible to control and manipulate because it's a clearly defined entity. The public would be the non-control group reacting to a controlled stimulus which is the media reacting to an external source -- MJ. You would expect to see variations in the non-control group reaction and you would expect to see particular subgroups of the non-control group that you could identify as reacting the same way or differently, (patterns) You would then be able to see which subgroup is larger or growing and how many subgroups you actually have. At some point, it could be possible to see the non-controlled subgroups respond similarly or the same (depending on how well the control group is handled.)
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media.
    Or the other way around <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> The media using a hoax (i.e MJ faked his dead) to make us believe that a hoax is happening and that MJ is alive.
    A blog, a forum, is "media" as well.

    Michael said: "media lies"
    The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch).

    Some were in denial, some were suspicious.
    Speaking for myself, the 1st "proff" I saw was the pic of MJ in the ambulance and my words were "FAKE". From that very moment I "felt" something was not fitting <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> went on the internet and googled MJ hoax death......I guess that this reaction of mine was part of the equation in this "experiment".

    I do not have a pre setted "conspiracy mind", but always took what the news presented with a pich of salt <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    To me were both, intuition and "denial" (because even if i knew MJ was mortal, I could not believe that he would be gone so soon) what made me think that the event per se, was not fitting in the way that was reported.
    However, when the hoax is revealed hopefully these people will realise they were duped and see that their freedom of thought had been manipulated and that they are already too conditioned to see it for themselves. MJ has outsmarted his antagonists by beating them at their own game using their tactics..... poetic justice in motion

    MJ´s family was an active part of the event. Morality and ethics were part of it. Paris Jacksons speech was heart breaking. How can people pretend to have freedom of thought when the event has been exposed in such a painful and dramatical way? Would not that be considered extremely cruel?

    This procedure made me think of Plato and his theory:

    Traditionally interpreted The Theory Of Ideas as follows: Plato distinguishes between two modes of reality, one he calls intelligible, and another that called sensitive. Intelligible reality, which he calls the "Idea" has the characteristics of being immaterial, eternal, (ingenerada and indestructible, so), being, therefore, unaware of the change, and is the model or archetype of the other reality, the sensitive, consisting of what we ordinarily call 'things', and has the characteristics of being material, corruptible, (subject to change, that is, the creation and destruction) and that it not be more than one copy of intelligible reality.

    The first form of reality, made up of ideas, represent the true self, while the second form of reality, the material realities or "things" are in constant evolution, can never be said of them truly are. Also, only the Idea is capable of true knowledge or episteme, while the sensible reality, things are only likely to opinion or doxa.

    If I am on the right path, this hoax did not come from day to night and a group of people, experts, must be behind it as well.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Hi Grace, even if your post is not directed to me, let me join the conversation and participate as well in some of your questions <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    BlackJack, on the background you stated, I would be reluctant in calling the hoax a mind control experiment, and an experiment being directed by Michael.

    The word "control" implies a steady process of having power over something happening (or not happening).
    Something happening is the hoax and we are being lead. Food for thought.
    June 25 was a one-time "incident" that - as you correctly stated - by its unpredictable sudden appearance traumatized many people around the world. You may say "the earth stood still and held its breath" - of course this is not true as this did not occur - but it was rather the feeling of many people facing the loss situation.
    By statistics, if MJ had "trillions" of fans and considering his media impact previously. Surely the earth stood still that day for those who got to know the news.
    Media, any type, reported it world wide.
    Now you may add that the shock was predictable - you beat and the other one is hurting.
    Is that control? It is a momentum of control.
    Is it mind control? It is a momentum of emotional control.
    Michael executing emotional control?
    In every concert, every gig, every recording he manages this - it is one aspect of his profession and professionalism. But emotions are not steady, they are having an escapist character.
    Still is control.
    Is that mind control? No. It is the contrary. A conditioned mouse questioning the experiment's structure is not a conditioned mouse, it is no longer under any control and the conditioning failed 100%.

    I still see a conditioning.
    There is a trigger ( a clue, TS´s post or a TMZ article i.e )that trigger makes us to start questioning, investigating "pressing the botton" to get the reward and the reward in this case is the next clue or post or BAM.
    An experiment is available either in a laboratory case study or as a field study.
    In laboratory the environment conditions for an experiment must be exactly the same every time the experiment is being repeated - if not, the results are not measurable, not comparable and the experiment thus is in vain.
    Should emotions, reactions, behaviour in general, be valued within the same enviroment to learn about them?
    Once the 1st stage is solved, we move to another level, get in to the situation and learn how to solve it and so on.
    If this experiment is based on more parameters of behaviour, emotions and reactions and how the interactions within each other evolute within the same, then, we don´t neccesarely need the same enviroment conditions.

    The Laboratory, is this forum (or twitter, or chats, youtube..), were we gather together and are being "tested".

    A field study demands a clear concept, clear expections on certain results and the results must be measurable to be able to lead to conclusions to be drawn from the study. How would we define the objectives to such a field study? How would we define the measures to determine whether the objectives of the study concept have been achieved? Quantity of people questioning? Clicks to TMZ articles? Counting members on web forums, the ones leaving comments to web articles, the ones signing petitions, the ones opening a blog, the ones following the family on twitter?
    Does hurt play a role in measures for emotional involvement? The number of tears? The nights not slept? The number of persons that had to go to hospital? The allegedly reported suicides?
    The make.believe measured in quantity of those typing "beLIEve" under their posts?
    Measured at which moment? Every 7 days? Every day at 12 a.m.?

    We don´t know what, at the end, the "study" is about so can´t really determinate how to measure and what.

    Can be based on how gullible we are?, on how much we know MJ?, on how much faith we have within ourselves?, what kind of people are atracted to conspiracy forums?.....who knows?
    those people I met in the last months that were really, really broken over his disappearance.

    I can include myself in one of those people <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> but the only responsable for my feelings is ME <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Reaching out to the masses bears a huge responsibility.
    I believe Michael knows this very well - other than some folks in powerful positions.
    Traumatizing others is risky and makes them vulnerable and - like you said - "receptive" - but unfortunately not only to Michael's message.
    Agree 110% with you on this.
    It requires an outstanding trust in God and the better to decide in favor of the path chosen.

    I think MJ had a quote that goes something like : "they don´t believe it because they don´t see it"
  • Winston Churchill once said "There is not such a thing as public opinion, there is only published opinion"

    There is not doubting that the majority of the population just believe what they are told, they are conditioned to do so and can no longer see the wood from the trees; this is NOT a new concept, this is simply an established fact!
    Said differently, the majority of the World population is "mind controlled" through the mass media.
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media. Using a mind control experiment to expose the fact that mind control is going on everyday in this medium is ingenious to say the least!
    I understand that BlackJack is stating that an element of the Hoax is about packaging/controlling the information given to the media and that this in itself accounts for a subtle form of mind control (over the mass media). This makes the focus group for the mind control experiment, the mass media and not the public. It is indeed ironical that the mass media will be caught at their own game! The mind controllers being mind controlled! Genius!

    The more I visualise how big this Hoax is, the more I am hoping that Elvis is alive and makes a "come-back' (Read---> publicly acknowledges he is alive) so that the limelight is shared with MJ and MJ is seen as the hero, not the villain on his return... MJ must have given this a lot of thoughts... and has a few tricks to pull out of the bag.

    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    You guys are torturing my mind... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I was carefully reading and all that became so "official social experiment study" government like kind of things...will they publish a report? Sorry. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Maybe that it is more simple than that....or more complicated <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> My take is that people are so brainwashed that this experiment is the only way to wake them up, to hit hard enough on a global scale is what is absolutely needed. How long will this giant masquerade still last? I'm tired of the lie illusion we live in. Everyone is Responsible to a certain degree. This is also I think a lesson that has to learned. If I cried because Michael "died" it is my fault not his, I am responsible. Why did I "engage" myself in this "relation" in the first place when I perfectly know that Michael does not even suspect my existence? Why didn't I just listened to his music without involving myself emotionally? And as Grace mentionned maybe controlled damages were necessary but here it's not a question of life or death for the people emotionally involved, their reactions to Michael's "death" will make them realize to what extent they were gullible in front of the News channels, they will realize that they have been duped, especially if Michael himself explains it plainly and clearly. If they still don't get it than I really don't know what will.

    It may seem that I am excluding myself from the gullible masses but I don't discard the possibility that I in fact am part of it. If it appears that I was wrong all along, that I have been mind controlled in this experiment and that something will be done so that I realize it, then I would really be thankful because what is worse that being mind controlled without having a clue? I would be thanfkul to have been thought a great lesson. Really.

    The mass media better be prepared to get a taste of their own medecine.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I agree Sarahli, after many years of trying to convince us how we are controlled by the media I think it's entirely plausible that Michael decided to not only prove it once and for all but to bring THEM down the way they tried so viciously to bring HIM down. To change the media forever and to show us how we are all basically their puppets.

    After the accusations against him in the Chandler farce the press led us to believe he was arrogant, that the songs he wrote in the aftermath (DS, Money, Tabloid Junkie etc) were the bleatings of someone with a persecution complex, who couldn't accept he was responsible for his own downfall. It's like they were saying "this guy thought he was untouchable because he's so famous - we showed him". Again when he spoke out about Sony and Tommy Mottola. He's spaced out on drugs, he's paranoid delusional. Can't cope with the fact that music's moved on and he's not on top anymore. Total BS.

    Michael was NOT paranoid, he was AWARE . Who would be best placed to observe the machinations of the industry? Anyone who thought he was naive and gullible will get what they deserve IMO, and not in the next life but in this one.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    "Your cameras can't control the minds of those who know that you'll even sell your soul just to get the story soooold"! Hopefully.

    They are digging their own grave. The big thing that I realized is the degree of manipulation the enslaved evil-owned mass media are capable of and have succeeded in. I mean this is...huge. This brainwashing process has begun since very early . They have taken away people's ability to think for themselves and have managed to make the so called News be "the gospel" for many. And I am not praising myself, it is not that long since I've begun to really question everything for issues such as politics/environment/medicine etc. to realize what's behind. Internet is a great tool it really is, thank you Lord.

    This hoax will permit to trigger the necessary bell-ringing people need to make a choice, I mean it's like if they were in the dark with no fixed point to rely on. At the same time as you said BlackJack Michael just kicked them in the ass, really they deserve it. What an excellent way to outsmart them by beating them at their own game, it's fair-play isn't it? Truly genius! Thanks Michael for what you're doing! Love you more.

    I was talking about the mass media of course. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Thanks trustno1 (only God) <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media.

    The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch).

    BlackJack, on the background you stated, I would be reluctant in calling the hoax a mind control experiment, and an experiment being directed by Michael.

    The word "control" implies a steady process of having power over something happening (or not happening).
    June 25 was a one-time "incident" that - as you correctly stated - by its unpredictable sudden appearance traumatized many people around the world. You may say "the earth stood still and held its breath" - of course this is not true as this did not occur - but it was rather the feeling of many people facing the loss situation.

    Now you may add that the shock was predictable - you beat and the other one is hurting.
    Is that control? It is a momentum of control.
    Is it mind control? It is a momentum of emotional control.
    Michael executing emotional control?
    In every concert, every gig, every recording he manages this - it is one aspect of his profession and professionalism. But emotions are not steady, they are having an escapist character.

    After June 25, the conditioning began, the feeding of opinion inventors, opinion leaders and opinion followers. Conditioning is a teaching activity aiming to achieve repetitive constant and equal reactions to the same incentive. Repeated death news with more (contradicting and strange) details was on one hand casting the loss, the resulting traumatism and the need to heal somehow. It was also repeated "beating and hurting" and some people got really sick and impacted in their life. On the other hand, the "clever bunch" as you called it pricked their ears and started questioning what someone wanted to feed them.

    Is that mind control? No. It is the contrary. A conditioned mouse questioning the experiment's structure is not a conditioned mouse, it is no longer under any control and the conditioning failed 100%.

    An experiment is available either in a laboratory case study or as a field study.
    In laboratory the environment conditions for an experiment must be exactly the same every time the experiment is being repeated - if not, the results are not measurable, not comparable and the experiment thus is in vain.
    A field study demands a clear concept, clear expections on certain results and the results must be measurable to be able to lead to conclusions to be drawn from the study. How would we define the objectives to such a field study? How would we define the measures to determine whether the objectives of the study concept have been achieved? Quantity of people questioning? Clicks to TMZ articles? Counting members on web forums, the ones leaving comments to web articles, the ones signing petitions, the ones opening a blog, the ones following the family on twitter?
    Does hurt play a role in measures for emotional involvement? The number of tears? The nights not slept? The number of persons that had to go to hospital? The allegedly reported suicides?
    The make.believe measured in quantity of those typing "beLIEve" under their posts?
    Measured at which moment? Every 7 days? Every day at 12 a.m.?

    So is this an experiment?
    It is an inducing stream of activities of executing influence and manipulation, but the outcome is not 100% predictable and the results are not measurable.
    This is comparable to a politician's candidature. It is like a proposal of reaction (desired by the candidate) but even the projection may never tell the true actual votes. In addition, nobody knows whether the ones typing "beLIEve" under their posts do really "beLIEve". This is all speculation.

    Michael the director of an "experiment"? Well, this answer is up to him only.
    If he decided to hurt millions of people for the better, so be it.
    If the hurting had to be included as a "colateral" damage for the better, so be it.
    If it was only for "playing a little with them", I would consider seriously getting mad at him.
    Not for me but for those people I met in the last months that were really, really broken over his disappearance.

    Reaching out to the masses bears a huge responsibility.
    I believe Michael knows this very well - other than some folks in powerful positions.
    Traumatizing others is risky and makes them vulnerable and - like you said - "receptive" - but unfortunately not only to Michael's message.
    This is the critical no-fun factor in this "study".
    It requires an outstanding trust in God and the better to decide in favor of the path chosen.
    It speaks of the quality of a gardener to cut only the branches that do not lead to good fruit.
    Thank you for this post, G. I, too, know some people, young ones in particular, that were just sobbing and sobbing even after June 25th..And then I see people on the board here saying that it's like a giant lab experiment and we're- everyone- are the little mice stuck in mazes.. I know they didn't mean anything like this, but even so, after all the sickening stuff I read about "control" and lab experiments, I just feel weird reading that.. You write in such a unique way.
  • Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media.

    The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch).

    BlackJack, on the background you stated, I would be reluctant in calling the hoax a mind control experiment, and an experiment being directed by Michael.

    The word "control" implies a steady process of having power over something happening (or not happening).
    June 25 was a one-time "incident" that - as you correctly stated - by its unpredictable sudden appearance traumatized many people around the world. You may say "the earth stood still and held its breath" - of course this is not true as this did not occur - but it was rather the feeling of many people facing the loss situation.

    Now you may add that the shock was predictable - you beat and the other one is hurting.
    Is that control? It is a momentum of control.
    Is it mind control? It is a momentum of emotional control.
    Michael executing emotional control?
    In every concert, every gig, every recording he manages this - it is one aspect of his profession and professionalism. But emotions are not steady, they are having an escapist character.

    After June 25, the conditioning began, the feeding of opinion inventors, opinion leaders and opinion followers. Conditioning is a teaching activity aiming to achieve repetitive constant and equal reactions to the same incentive. Repeated death news with more (contradicting and strange) details was on one hand casting the loss, the resulting traumatism and the need to heal somehow. It was also repeated "beating and hurting" and some people got really sick and impacted in their life. On the other hand, the "clever bunch" as you called it pricked their ears and started questioning what someone wanted to feed them.

    Is that mind control? No. It is the contrary. A conditioned mouse questioning the experiment's structure is not a conditioned mouse, it is no longer under any control and the conditioning failed 100%.

    An experiment is available either in a laboratory case study or as a field study.
    In laboratory the environment conditions for an experiment must be exactly the same every time the experiment is being repeated - if not, the results are not measurable, not comparable and the experiment thus is in vain.
    A field study demands a clear concept, clear expections on certain results and the results must be measurable to be able to lead to conclusions to be drawn from the study. How would we define the objectives to such a field study? How would we define the measures to determine whether the objectives of the study concept have been achieved? Quantity of people questioning? Clicks to TMZ articles? Counting members on web forums, the ones leaving comments to web articles, the ones signing petitions, the ones opening a blog, the ones following the family on twitter?
    Does hurt play a role in measures for emotional involvement? The number of tears? The nights not slept? The number of persons that had to go to hospital? The allegedly reported suicides?
    The make.believe measured in quantity of those typing "beLIEve" under their posts?
    Measured at which moment? Every 7 days? Every day at 12 a.m.?

    So is this an experiment?
    It is an inducing stream of activities of executing influence and manipulation, but the outcome is not 100% predictable and the results are not measurable.
    This is comparable to a politician's candidature. It is like a proposal of reaction (desired by the candidate) but even the projection may never tell the true actual votes. In addition, nobody knows whether the ones typing "beLIEve" under their posts do really "beLIEve". This is all speculation.

    Michael the director of an "experiment"? Well, this answer is up to him only.
    If he decided to hurt millions of people for the better, so be it.
    If the hurting had to be included as a "colateral" damage for the better, so be it.
    If it was only for "playing a little with them", I would consider seriously getting mad at him.
    Not for me but for those people I met in the last months that were really, really broken over his disappearance.

    Reaching out to the masses bears a huge responsibility.
    I believe Michael knows this very well - other than some folks in powerful positions.
    Traumatizing others is risky and makes them vulnerable and - like you said - "receptive" - but unfortunately not only to Michael's message.
    This is the critical no-fun factor in this "study".
    It requires an outstanding trust in God and the better to decide in favor of the path chosen.
    It speaks of the quality of a gardener to cut only the branches that do not lead to good fruit.
    Thank you for this post, G. I, too, know some people, young ones in particular, that were just sobbing and sobbing even after June 25th..And then I see people on the board here saying that it's like a giant lab experiment and we're- everyone- are the little mice stuck in mazes.. I know they didn't mean anything like this, but even so, after all the sickening stuff I read about "control" and lab experiments, I just feel weird reading that.. You write in such a unique way.

    Grace and Pink Topaz, I first of all want to say I totally respect your perspectives and totally agree that there is a human factor not to be underestimated in all of this - Time indeed stood still for Millions on the 25th June 2009 and many are still hurting.
    I compare this World Pain to what many felt when Princess Diana died - it was in a way, a feeling of "Deja vu", a vision of history repeating itself! Princess Diana however will not come back and the World continues as before...

    Mike went through so much in its life, that most accepted his early death as an inevitability; had he not been a real fighter, who really believed in changing things for the better, it may well have been!
    He could have disappeared without a trace, faked his death and that's it! That would have been an easy option; but he is telling us he is coming back! I see this as real COURAGE, I see this as LOVE!

    Doing what Mike is doing, in many ways is an "experiment", as nothing of this scale as ever been attempted before but the word "experiment" need to be taken in the right context I believe:
    - An experiment with the media on the use of information and propagation of news
    - Testing some assumptions, understanding the reactions of those who believe Mike's is still alive (i.e the Hoaxers) and "working with them (I mean US <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) to reveal the Hoax.
    This is my understanding of the word "experiment" - maybe the word is a bit sensitive as it has a much stronger connotation in scientific/medical medium?

    With L.O.V.E
  • The mind control behind the hoax has been used to do something GOOD for humanity and has exposed the extent of human conditioning in our society. I am more concerned that the SYSTEM uses it everyday to deceive the public. It is confronting to not feel as "free" as you think you are but knowledge is power and can affect change for a better world. Resistance to the idea that we are constantly being manipulated by TPTB shows just how entrenched the conditioning is.... I guess "some things in life they just don't wanna see". MJ is helping us to see the light and using himself as the test subject. Personally I think he is doing a world-wide community service and should be applauded.
  • The mind control behind the hoax has been used to do something GOOD for humanity and has exposed the extent of human conditioning in our society. I am more concerned that the SYSTEM uses it everyday to deceive the public. It is confronting to not feel as "free" as you think you are but knowledge is power and can affect change for a better world. Resistance to the idea that we are constantly being manipulated by TPTB shows just how entrenched the conditioning is.... I guess "some things in life they just don't wanna see". MJ is helping us to see the light and using himself as the test subject. Personally I think he is doing a world-wide community service and should be applauded.

    I couldn't agree more, BlackJack. Your explanations are so precise, as though you have first hand knowledge into Michael's mind. This thread continues to give me much to think about. Thank you.

    I am a little concerned about how angry and vengeful the media will be when they do find out. I know that Michael is a strong individual but I wonder if he's taken careful consideration into how that will be dealt with when the time comes. He and his family have been in my prayers. May we continue...with him leading the way!
  • The mind control behind the hoax has been used to do something GOOD for humanity and has exposed the extent of human conditioning in our society. I am more concerned that the SYSTEM uses it everyday to deceive the public. It is confronting to not feel as "free" as you think you are but knowledge is power and can affect change for a better world. Resistance to the idea that we are constantly being manipulated by TPTB shows just how entrenched the conditioning is.... I guess "some things in life they just don't wanna see". MJ is helping us to see the light and using himself as the test subject. Personally I think he is doing a world-wide community service and should be applauded.

    I couldn't agree more, BlackJack. Your explanations are so precise, as though you have first hand knowledge into Michael's mind. This thread continues to give me much to think about. Thank you.

    I am a little concerned about how angry and vengeful the media will be when they do find out. I know that Michael is a strong individual but I wonder if he's taken careful consideration into how that will be dealt with when the time comes. He and his family have been in my prayers. May we continue...with him leading the way!

    A Big Big applaud to MJ for doing it ---> The question is how big a bang it will need to be for people to wake-up from millennia of conditioning, and really see the light!
    TPTB are unlikely to be willing parties in what they may see as the start of their own demise - Knowledge is power - you are very right BlackJack!

    Voicefortheresilient, like you I am very sincerely hoping that all implications have been carefully considered... even so, I do have plenty of toys I can use to distract enemies attentions when taking my front line row in the Army of Love! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Regarding TPTB, the conditioning of the public and the media, from my own daily interactions with people, I think many are already very close to working it out for themselves. I hear comments such as, 'We're even told what to think these days', 'Where has all the common sense gone?', 'There's too much celebrity, and other mind-numbing rubbish on tv', just as a few random examples. I don't think it'd take much to open their eyes fully to how much control (and with it responsibility) we've lost as individuals. Many people are ripe for MJ's message.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Totally agree BlackJack. I mean that what is being done is just as huge as the level of changes that have to be made. Applauds to Michael. Really.

    The vast majority of people has been duped on many things, the truth is hidden, we are being fed up lies continuously and it has to be changed if we really want to make this world a better place. The dark side has become too arrogant and self-confident.
    I think that we must well consider, ponder and balance the level of lies and corruption of the illusion this world has become to better understand and evaluate the real importance of the task.
    The media of course gets all the attention because they are the means by which the dark side conveys its "message", it is the tool by which they mind control us and made the illusion/the lies become a reality/the truth.
    It really is I feel a wake up call for humanity...before it's too late. This experiment or hoax is being done for the good of us all.

    The dark side will not stop until it is stopped...and what a better way than stopping them by raising awareness to counteract their attempt (they seem to be successful but not for so long) to make each one of us a dark-minded-controlled slave. To top it all of it is done borrowing/using their own tools (no more trash created). Genius.

    Yes curls there are more and more people sensing that something is off I can see it here too. Michael really has not to be worried I think that most people feel that something is wrong they just need the trigger and I pray God to make as many people as possible to take heed and support Michael when necessary God bless him.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    The mind control behind the hoax has been used to do something GOOD for humanity and has exposed the extent of human conditioning in our society. I am more concerned that the SYSTEM uses it everyday to deceive the public. It is confronting to not feel as "free" as you think you are but knowledge is power and can affect change for a better world. Resistance to the idea that we are constantly being manipulated by TPTB shows just how entrenched the conditioning is.... I guess "some things in life they just don't wanna see". MJ is helping us to see the light and using himself as the test subject. Personally I think he is doing a world-wide community service and should be applauded.

    I couldn't agree more, BlackJack. Your explanations are so precise, as though you have first hand knowledge into Michael's mind. This thread continues to give me much to think about. Thank you.

    I am a little concerned about how angry and vengeful the media will be when they do find out. I know that Michael is a strong individual but I wonder if he's taken careful consideration into how that will be dealt with when the time comes. He and his family have been in my prayers. May we continue...with him leading the way!

    A Big Big applaud to MJ for doing it ---> The question is how big a bang it will need to be for people to wake-up from millennia of conditioning, and really see the light!
    TPTB are unlikely to be willing parties in what they may see as the start of their own demise - Knowledge is power - you are very right BlackJack!

    Voicefortheresilient, like you I am very sincerely hoping that all implications have been carefully considered... even so, I do have plenty of toys I can use to distract enemies attentions when taking my front line row in the Army of Love! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
    I'm always wrong, aren't I..? BlackJack, if you were addressing Grace and I as TheRunningGirl was, I didn't mean to say I was "resistant to the idea", I only meant that I just don't really like thinking of the hoax the way others here refer to it. This is just my own probably nutty quirk, but the hoax kind of sounds cold and intimidating (to me) when expressed certain ways, because of just the point you're trying to make- I'm just very, very weary of being manipulated by TPTB, the very words, like "mind control", you know?
    Regarding TPTB, the conditioning of the public and the media, from my own daily interactions with people, I think many are already very close to working it out for themselves. I hear comments such as, 'We're even told what to think these days', 'Where has all the common sense gone?', 'There's too much celebrity, and other mind-numbing rubbish on tv', just as a few random examples. I don't think it'd take much to open their eyes fully to how much control (and with it responsibility) we've lost as individuals. Many people are ripe for MJ's message.
    Thank you for this, Curls. Most people I know have also said something like that. People underestimate MJ all the time, I think the general public is also underestimated a lot, and there's some hope that there are not nearly as many "sheeple" as thought...
  • GraceGrace Posts: 2,864
    If we would draw conclusions on a midway stop, we would notice that the disappearance of Michael has touched many, disturbed several and induced a few only.
    There is a spill in and a spill out into and from forums, blogs and comment spaces.
    However the number of the really questioning persons is relatively small.
    The rest of the world is moving on like before.

    The issues addressed by this investigation case do concern directly industrialized countries first and the U.S. and then Western Europe in particular. The rest of the world will not consider they are concerned. Why is that? Political and economical systems do depend on the cultural heritage of a people. There is not one system but many systems on planet earth. Some patterns will occur repeatedly as they have their source in human nature and one part of it is exaggeration. Some negative outcome of this is corruption, greed and suppression. However the details of systems vary and the foundations on which they are constructed do vary as well.

    Much of what the U.S. face today and want to "spread" to the world derive from how the U.S. were founded and what happened ever since. There are a lot of chances, there are a lot of disasters on the path of the U.S. TV, the media and entertainment as well as financial and political forces seem to be bending to the disaster side of the coin since quite a while.
    Many of the issues the world is facing do have their origin in U.S. wishes.
    It is clear that whoever is seeking as much attention and business in the world AND in addition wants to transport his ideals into foreign countries and cultures as the U.S. will find himself in the focus of diverse and controverse discussions. We should not forget how the U.S. were founded in order to understand what is happening today. Don't blame the "Little Big Horns" on the ones that "should" live the American way or leave.

    I think it is very helpful to wake up America first.
    In our country, there are 100,000s of folks on the streets protesting against the works of those in parliament, lobbyism, industry. There are lots of people who are not asleep.
    They may not be eager to find out about Michael and to be on his side but they are there.
    I like to take a look outside of this MJ tank once in a while and it is only helpful.
    This does not diminish at all the importance of Michael to the world.
    Michael is one of the most impressive light workers. But there are many, many more out there - which is just wonderful and great. It is the start of an awareness movement of educated, enlightened individuals, blessed to have been called in. It can be noticed everywhere on the street if we just open our eyes. And this awakening has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with "mind control" for the better. This expression has a purely negative connotation and I don't see any reason why it should even be mentioned in the context of Michael's disappearance.

    If you like to see "mind control" being executed on the media in terms of "paying them back" because they copy-pasted without questioning - I don't see the use here either. The subject of "change information at its roots" is much more complex than a simple revenge. Putting the media in front of a mirror can be only one small step. Much more effective is the democratization of information - which takes place e.g. on the web (with the side effect of even more crap sources to sort out than before btw).

    "Good for humanity" means nothing if it does not start with "good for myself" and attention to what I hear, see, listen to, digest, touch, move, in short: attention to myself first and to what surrounds me. It's about this little squareyard.
    In this corner of (web) space we may say:
    Michael ignited a light of attention for each one of us and he keeps its flame up.
    He started something and left the baton to us. He cannot do it himself.
    He said it million times: Change the world.
    He changed his life.
    He gave us four years.
    Did we start our personal change yet?
    Just a question.
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