Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    There are many layers in the hoax, you are correct. I wonder if Michael feels things are going according to plan? If this hoax is progressing at the rate he thought? It can't be rushed, things have to play out and naturally occur if they are to be believed. That's why letting it simmer is a good thing. He asked for patience, endurance and our all in this adventure. For the millions who are a part of the hoax unknowingly, that patience comes easy. Those are the millions that believe he died. I think it's ironic that the very people who believe he is alive, are the ones with the most stress. It is stressful to think about the hoax. It's time consuming, it's frustrating, it's a challenge of belief and a wonder of ideals. That being said, it's a great adventure! I hope we are doing Michael proud!
    It is wise said, wishingstar.
    Indeed, Michael probably needs patience and endurance, because it surely puts a lot of stress on him like on us. It can't be rushed, everything has to be assimilated. This is what I feel. That as long as people won't get the message of it all, nothing will happen. Although for sure there will be the millions who won't try to understand, but in a way I think it's for the good and not for the bad. Because this way, those people who vehemently refuse to listen to anything will feel so fooled by the media, so manipulated and brainwashed that it will create a whole revolution in their minds. I used to think that because of those millions that don't want to listen nothing will happen, but now I start to change my mind. Maybe it's for the best. Some people see the hole beneath only when they hit their heads on the above.

    Hi Anna!
    Thank you for the reply.......I think you are indeed correct when you write this hoax could trigger a whole new revolution of thought. There is so much to it....not just the planning and implementation, but the upkeep (for lack of better expression). It can't be easy for Michael and all involved to maintain all that has happened so far. I am sure there is a whole team somewhere running this, The Greatest Show On Earth.
    I hope people realize they need to learn for themselves. They do seem just move about the day in utter carelessness at times......no wonder they bump their heads <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    BTW.......welcome to the forum! I see you joined in early Oct. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Blessings Always!
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Thank yoy for the welcoming! Yes, I joined in October after almost 1 year of reading in silence, but I really wanted to get into discussions with you guys, there is a bunch of clever people here and it is really useful to talk on such important subjects like the ones proposed here.They are not discussed anywhere else. I do enjoy it, it's what i want.
    Anna you are right, it feel great to be allowed to discuss here whatever you like and feel it's important without being acused of calling Michael a liar or worse only because you believe he might be alive.
    I belive in freedom of speaking for everybody.
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Thank You!

    The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners.
    .... People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    I hope I am not offending Michael by saying many fans were fooled by his soft voice and good manners <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Behind it there is an iron will, in my opinion.
    I've seen that kind of man before <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and maybe that helped me to understand Michael better I hope.
  • This is why i like to be here, because we have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. Here we can say what we think, without the non-believers calling us crazy, or calling Michael a liar and thinking that he would never do that to his family & friends...to his fans.But what if his family knew everything before, he did do this with a lot of help but i truly believe is Michael's idea about all this, he is a genius. I'm amazed about his intelligence and I'm sure he did this because he had to do it.A lot of his female fans are crazy about MJ the entertainer and they don't see behind that , but I, like many of us here, we see the man, the business man, the father, the friend, and this is more important than the golden pants.I must admit that he is sexy <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> but i see more than this in him and I'm so glad that i opened my eyes .God bless him, he has a beautiful soul.
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners.
    .... People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    I hope I am not offending Michael by saying many fans were fooled by his soft voice and good manners <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Behind it there is an iron will, in my opinion.
    I've seen that kind of man before <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and maybe that helped me to understand Michael better I hope.
    So have I. I'm sometimes surprised by how underestimated and vulnerable and mushy he is assumed to be by people who admire and respect him- their intentions are good, and I guess 21bq4ok.jpg i image he kept on reinforcing again and again didn't help..
    Yeah some fans were too much in a hurry to "cast" Michael in the part of the victim who needs protection.
    Well, in my opinion, a man who took his destiny in his own hands since he was 21 and did what he did is not a victim.

    And yes, I've seen the kind before and .... I failed his test because I didn't understand at that time the way he really was. Now I realize why I had to go through all the pain he caused me.... It was just free training <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> which prove sto be so useful now <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Yeah some fans were too much in a hurry to "cast" Michael in the part of the victim who needs protection.
    Well, in my opinion, a man who took his destiny in his own hands since he was 21 and did what he did is not a victim.

    And yes, I've seen the kind before and .... I failed his test because I didn't understand at that time the way he really was. Now I realize why I had to go through all the pain he caused me.... It was just free training <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Now I'm grateful that happened to me <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    In bold: Yes, exactly! I don't want to be judgmental because for the few months that I admired him before the hoax I was on the way into thinking of him like that, too. Thing is that's subconscious, almost- women's nurturing instincts, even when you don't think of it that way or realize that you have them somewhere down there. Maybe that's why he didn't realize that he shouldn't push the victim image so much, he doesn't understand all of these hordes of intricate womenfolk! ^O^ Seriously though, I do think he sometimes made things a little tougher for himself sometimes by not presenting himself as a little tougher. Because like you say, he's always known what he's doing. Right, MJ?
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Yeah some fans were too much in a hurry to "cast" Michael in the part of the victim who needs protection.
    Well, in my opinion, a man who took his destiny in his own hands since he was 21 and did what he did is not a victim.

    And yes, I've seen the kind before and .... I failed his test because I didn't understand at that time the way he really was. Now I realize why I had to go through all the pain he caused me.... It was just free training <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Now I'm grateful that happened to me <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    In bold: Yes, exactly! I don't want to be judgmental because for the few months that I admired him before the hoax I was on the way into thinking of him like that, too. Thing is that's subconscious, almost- women's nurturing instincts, even when you don't think of it that way or realize that you have them somewhere down there. Maybe that's why he didn't realize that he shouldn't push the victim image so much, he doesn't understand all of these hordes of intricate womenfolk! ^O^ Seriously though, I do think he sometimes made things a little tougher for himself sometimes by not presenting himself as a little tougher. Because like you say, he's always known what he's doing. Right, MJ?

    Another great down to earth, myth-busting post by BlackJack! I'd love for some of the still grieving, heartbroken 'fans' to consider this 'strong and in control' reality. They are stuck with the 'pathetic victim' image.

    PinkTopaz, I think when MJ was 'tough', it was perceived as diva superstar acting above his station. How dare he know his own mind, and not allow everyone to push him around! Soft voice and good manners must be SO unnerving in the loud, agressive world of big business! Go MJ!! You Rock!!
    Yeah some fans were too much in a hurry to "cast" Michael in the part of the victim who needs protection.
    Well, in my opinion, a man who took his destiny in his own hands since he was 21 and did what he did is not a victim.

    And yes, I've seen the kind before and .... I failed his test because I didn't understand at that time the way he really was. Now I realize why I had to go through all the pain he caused me.... It was just free training <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Now I'm grateful that happened to me <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    In bold: Yes, exactly! I don't want to be judgmental because for the few months that I admired him before the hoax I was on the way into thinking of him like that, too. Thing is that's subconscious, almost- women's nurturing instincts, even when you don't think of it that way or realize that you have them somewhere down there. Maybe that's why he didn't realize that he shouldn't push the victim image so much, he doesn't understand all of these hordes of intricate womenfolk! ^O^ Seriously though, I do think he sometimes made things a little tougher for himself sometimes by not presenting himself as a little tougher. Because like you say, he's always known what he's doing. Right, MJ?
    I totally agree, women have that instinct and Michael knew what he was doing when he pushed the victime image too much...women felt compeled to defend him at any cost <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    So who are the victims here <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
    I am not 100% sure I'm right but...who knows....only Michael can tell.
    Michael <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> scared yet of your crazy hoaxers <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it. [/color]

    Souza, totally agree! What would it take for those with the 'Bambi image' to make that step forward to considering the other option? That he's strong, intelligent and in control.

    From other sites I visit, they are well aware of MJ's businesses, his charitable and humanitarian efforts, his messages about the state of the world, governments and the media. They are aware of pretty much everything we know about the man, yet they don't make the connection that such a man could not be a 'fragile little deer' - he'd never have lasted 50 years, he'd have broken long before June 2009 with all he'd been through.
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above.

    I have been scratching my head about this many times... No offense towards you Blackjack, because your post is great and points out many things Souza and I have repeatedly posted. Many times we got bashed, merely because we said it, our arguments were completely ignored and what we said was rejected.

    The best example is the "Twin/double theory". We received many 'beatings' because of that, yet when a new poster popped up out of the blue, basically saying the exact same things as we wrote down in our theories, he was widely praised for his ideas.

    Another good example was the Dog Theory part 2. Part 1 was instantly ridiculed and torpedoed, obviously without reading the blog, and we were dragged through the mud for publishing it. It actually was a very well researched theory. Because of part 1 being ridiculed and torpedoed, hardly anyone took the time and effort to read part 2. When Souza posted part 2 as a thread here on the forum a few weeks ago (leaving out the things that referred to part 1) people were enthusiastic about it and replied that it was very interesting.

    To me it actually doesn't matter who is posting the information, as long as it's posted, and I'm glad that the nay sayers are finally paying attention to important issues in the hoax.

    Just be careful not to get sucked into mass hysteria and therefor reject things because they are posted by certain people...
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners.
    .... People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    I hope I am not offending Michael by saying many fans were fooled by his soft voice and good manners <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Behind it there is an iron will, in my opinion.
    I've seen that kind of man before <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> and maybe that helped me to understand Michael better I hope.
    I want to say to not mistake a soft voice and kind personality with naivety or even stupidity. Many people I believe they have this wrong opinion. Probably that's why they believed they can fool him.
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above.

    I have been scratching my head about this many times... No offense towards you Blackjack, because your post is great and points out many things Souza and I have repeatedly posted. Many times we got bashed, merely because we said it, our arguments were completely ignored and what we said was rejected.

    The best example is the "Twin/double theory". We received many 'beatings' because of that, yet when a new poster popped up out of the blue, basically saying the exact same things as we wrote down in our theories, he was widely praised for his ideas.

    Another good example was the Dog Theory part 2. Part 1 was instantly ridiculed and torpedoed, obviously without reading the blog, and we were dragged through the mud for publishing it. It actually was a very well researched theory. Because of part 1 being ridiculed and torpedoed, hardly anyone took the time and effort to read part 2. When Souza posted part 2 as a thread here on the forum a few weeks ago (leaving out the things that referred to part 1) people were enthusiastic about it and replied that it was very interesting.

    To me it actually doesn't matter who is posting the information, as long as it's posted, and I'm glad that the nay sayers are finally paying attention to important issues in the hoax.

    Just be careful not to get sucked into mass hysteria and therefor reject things because they are posted by certain people...

    I think it's a case of the more people reinforcing it, the more impact it will have and eventually reach a larger audience. Conditioning is hard to break, we've got to keep chipping away at it, that's why I keep on about re-education. It all comes down to being able to stay impartial and objective, assess information and 'think' for ourselves.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!
    I've been thinking about this for quite some time. My opinion is that if Sony is involved, they're not because they are some cute little lambs out to help him with no reward. In my head there are 2 versions that I've thought about:

    1. SONY is involved indirectly; I mean they are automatically involved without their knowledge of it, being part of it without being literarily IN the know of the hoax.

    2. SONY is involved (or forced to be involved because that would bring them billions), all directed by Michael himself.Probably SONY knows that the company without the artist is nothing, that the artist brings them millions, and without them they will mean zero.

    I still don't know wether SONY is involved and directly being in the hoax or they are used behind the scenes.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!
    ABSOLUTELY. I am absolutely sure of that. Whenever I tell people that just because Michael is a kind person and with extremelly good manners and a childlike heart that doesn't mean he is naive, stupid or easy to fool, on the contrary, and people act like I offend him. Many people confuse his way of acting with people,fans, with the way he is acting "behind the scenes" in his own bussiness, where he is surrounded at every step by vultures and leeches.
    A lot of his fans act like they own the absolute truth when in fact they don't even think about the fact that indeed, they DO NOT know the Man. They, many of them, think he is just a puppet in the vulture's hands, too kind and too good for them, with a too good heart that they took advantage of. I've read many non-believers opinions and many of them think he is just naive, that he has no clue who is around him, that his enormously good heart (which he has) blinded him to see the blood suckers around him that manipulated him as if he was a puppet.That he was doing whatever they wanted him to do without saying a word, that they demanded him to do that and that and that and he, as a scared lamb, did it, knowing they wanted to exploit the crap out of him.
    They never KNEW the Man. They always think "Michael wouldn't do that...", "Michael would never allow that..". He must correspond to their exact idea of "He would". What if he must not?

    Do people think that he reached to be who he is by being an idiot? By being a doe?
    You know there is a saying that says "deep waters are turbid".
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?

    I remember that, and to me nothing is far-fetched, this even sounds very plausible. I think he would make a good potus too. Well, I really hope he has that political aspiration now, it's 'what the world needs now'.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • It is ironic you should bring up the POTUS remarks.....as I had recently emailed a friend with the very same comment! Whew! At any rate, I cannot think of a better man for the job. What a platform in which to "change the world". If anyone can do it it would be Michael. He is a man of brilliance, innovation, integrity, compassion and great insight to the workings of the world. Could this, by chance, have any relationship to Michael's statement in TII.....that we have 4 years to get it right??????

    Michael, we want you to be the next PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (2012)!!!!

    2012: BeLIEve
    we could even recycle Obama's old campaign signs "change we believe in"!
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above.

    I have been scratching my head about this many times... No offense towards you Blackjack, because your post is great and points out many things Souza and I have repeatedly posted. Many times we got bashed, merely because we said it, our arguments were completely ignored and what we said was rejected.

    The best example is the "Twin/double theory". We received many 'beatings' because of that, yet when a new poster popped up out of the blue, basically saying the exact same things as we wrote down in our theories, he was widely praised for his ideas.

    Another good example was the Dog Theory part 2. Part 1 was instantly ridiculed and torpedoed, obviously without reading the blog, and we were dragged through the mud for publishing it. It actually was a very well researched theory. Because of part 1 being ridiculed and torpedoed, hardly anyone took the time and effort to read part 2. When Souza posted part 2 as a thread here on the forum a few weeks ago (leaving out the things that referred to part 1) people were enthusiastic about it and replied that it was very interesting.

    To me it actually doesn't matter who is posting the information, as long as it's posted, and I'm glad that the nay sayers are finally paying attention to important issues in the hoax.

    Just be careful not to get sucked into mass hysteria and therefor reject things because they are posted by certain people...

    Hmm <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    That is a very familiar feeling for me as well.
    I get accused of not being very loving. My Introduce myself thread has no welcome comments at ALL.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=2&t=11196<!-- l -->
    Has anyone stopped to consider how that would make someone feel?
    Not everyone posts the same way.

    I feel the same way about this: "To me it actually doesn't matter who is posting the information, as long as it's posted, and I'm glad that the nay sayers are finally paying attention to important issues in the hoax."

    It is a strange thing how the same info goes unpopular by some because of "who" posted and then suddenly becomes "GREAT" because of "who" now posts the same stuff.

    I feel it is Human Nature to be resistant of harsh things like what BlackJack stated and at the time Mo, Souza or myself posts, it may not be the right time for people to be open to it.
    The point is the seed was planted by someone.

    The idea just needed to "simmer"


    P.S. My coherent theory thread has limited views and comments as well. hmmm <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=107&t=14289&start=0<!-- l -->
    Thank you to the ones who did post a comment. Much appreciated.
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