Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



    Well, I always believed Michael is a man in control, not the victim. But couldn't discuss it on other forums ... all the fans get offended by such statements.
    This is the first place where I can say what I believe without being called a hater or accused I don't even love Michael.
    I am really greateful for this. I need to say what i think of Michael and I'm glad to see there are many people who think the same.
    I am only sorry I wasn't here from the very beginning.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I should have been in another galaxy because I thought that the "doggie theory" was accepeted by most of the forums members <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    And yes, MJ is a business man, obviously but i am sure he is also having help fro a good team.
    BTW, have anyone heard anything about Tohmé Tohmé?
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I should have been in another galaxy because I thought that the "doggie theory" was accepeted by most of the forums members <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Not by far, it has always been an argument not to believe anything we posted after that. Either that or I have been in another galaxy... <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Well, people can disagree with theories, but in order to disagree with them one must read them first to come to the conclusion.
    At least, people read it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->....I assume.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Well, people can disagree with theories, but in order to disagree with them one must read them first to come to the conclusion.
    At least, people read it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->....I assume.

    No, that was exactly the point, people didn't <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Someone had decided it was BS and spread that opinion over the internet, and people followed. Many that told me everything I said was BS because we posted the ridiculous doggie-theory, couldn't even tell me what was in it, all they came up with was that we said that the autopsy was done on a dog, but they never read it because none of them knew it was mostly about the meds. That is why I could post part 2 without anyone recognizing it. That's the problem in this world right now, people form an opinion on nothing, on rumors and they are too lazy to read and think for themselves.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    That theory, to me, was more about euthanasia with the dog as a decoy. I remember writing a long post about Euthanasia and the correlations of the drugs you posted about...but look slike it also went unnoticed....
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    That theory, to me, was more about euthanasia with the dog as a decoy. I remember writing a long post about Euthanasia and the correlations of the drugs you posted about...but look slike it also went unnoticed....

    Not by me, but by most it did, yes. Exactly my point. But hey, we must focus on the hoaxclues, because we are still not sure he's alive right? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I have not seen him but he seems to be making too much noise <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I have not seen him but he seems to be making too much noise <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    Yeah, he's barking but not biting yet.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?

    I remember that, and to me nothing is far-fetched, this even sounds very plausible. I think he would make a good potus too. Well, I really hope he has that political aspiration now, it's 'what the world needs now'.

    Far-fetched or not, would being a President (as we know them) really be fit for a King? Matter of opinion! Matter of aspirations!
    The World need leadership, I agree! But the political systems are so corrupts and inefficient, that making change in our World may have to happen despite of the "politicians"... MJ as the Planet President? Hum! He may be slightly over qualified but gets my vote! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?

    I remember that, and to me nothing is far-fetched, this even sounds very plausible. I think he would make a good potus too. Well, I really hope he has that political aspiration now, it's 'what the world needs now'.

    Far-fetched or not, would being a President (as we know them) really be fit for a King? Matter of opinion! Matter of aspirations!
    The World need leadership, I agree! But the political systems are so corrupts and inefficient, that making change in our World may have to happen despite of the "politicians"... MJ as the Planet President? Hum! He may be slightly over qualified but gets my vote! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    I agree, that without being in world-wide revolutionary mode, this would be tantamount to signing his own death warrant (for real this time). Extremely influential people with a political agenda that cannot be controlled by TPTB are 'forced' into permanent retirement, if you know what I mean!! It has been a long time since I have thought that the people actually vote their Presidents into power............ it's just a formality to 'play nice' while those atop the pyramid exercise their will. For those still thinking that this type of talk is just pure BS what does this look like:
    - a nationalized banking system
    - taking over auto manufacturing
    - so called private health insurance "reform"
    These are all steps towards a Totalitarian Government that will lead to eventual bankruptcy and economic collapse, leaving the public at the mercy of corrupt bureaucracy. A public overrun by fear = a public easily controlled. This is why we need to WAKE UP because these things have already started..... lets keep heading towards a REVOLUTION.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?

    I remember that, and to me nothing is far-fetched, this even sounds very plausible. I think he would make a good potus too. Well, I really hope he has that political aspiration now, it's 'what the world needs now'.

    Far-fetched or not, would being a President (as we know them) really be fit for a King? Matter of opinion! Matter of aspirations!
    The World need leadership, I agree! But the political systems are so corrupts and inefficient, that making change in our World may have to happen despite of the "politicians"... MJ as the Planet President? Hum! He may be slightly over qualified but gets my vote! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    I agree, that without being in world-wide revolutionary mode, this would be tantamount to signing his own death warrant (for real this time). Extremely influential people with a political agenda that cannot be controlled by TPTB are 'forced' into permanent retirement, if you know what I mean!! It has been a long time since I have thought that the people actually vote their Presidents into power............ it's just a formality to 'play nice' while those atop the pyramid exercise their will. For those still thinking that this type of talk is just pure BS what does this look like:
    - a nationalized banking system
    - taking over auto manufacturing
    - so called private health insurance "reform"
    These are all steps towards a Totalitarian Government that will lead to eventual bankruptcy and economic collapse, leaving the public at the mercy of corrupt bureaucracy. A public overrun by fear = a public easily controlled. This is why we need to WAKE UP because these things have already started..... lets keep heading towards a REVOLUTION.

    I agree, but we need something big to happen, because we don't reach enough people, we need him in this.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above.

    I have been scratching my head about this many times... No offense towards you Blackjack, because your post is great and points out many things Souza and I have repeatedly posted. Many times we got bashed, merely because we said it, our arguments were completely ignored and what we said was rejected.

    The best example is the "Twin/double theory". We received many 'beatings' because of that, yet when a new poster popped up out of the blue, basically saying the exact same things as we wrote down in our theories, he was widely praised for his ideas.

    Another good example was the Dog Theory part 2. Part 1 was instantly ridiculed and torpedoed, obviously without reading the blog, and we were dragged through the mud for publishing it. It actually was a very well researched theory. Because of part 1 being ridiculed and torpedoed, hardly anyone took the time and effort to read part 2. When Souza posted part 2 as a thread here on the forum a few weeks ago (leaving out the things that referred to part 1) people were enthusiastic about it and replied that it was very interesting.

    To me it actually doesn't matter who is posting the information, as long as it's posted, and I'm glad that the nay sayers are finally paying attention to important issues in the hoax.

    Just be careful not to get sucked into mass hysteria and therefor reject things because they are posted by certain people...
    Sometimes people really manage to post exactly what I think..! Great posts, Mo and Souza. Let me just tell you two that I get so frustrated when you speak about the way you're thought of sometimes. You two are almost the sole reasons I was convinced of a death hoax, and I used to really look forward to all of your blog and forum posts. Y'all have done so much to be proud of in this last year!

    It would have been amazing if he had had political aspirations in the past. He really should have, I've thought before that he would do the most amazing job. He can do anything he wants, who knows if he'll try that next.. or something. We could so use him..!
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?

    I remember that, and to me nothing is far-fetched, this even sounds very plausible. I think he would make a good potus too. Well, I really hope he has that political aspiration now, it's 'what the world needs now'.

    Far-fetched or not, would being a President (as we know them) really be fit for a King? Matter of opinion! Matter of aspirations!
    The World need leadership, I agree! But the political systems are so corrupts and inefficient, that making change in our World may have to happen despite of the "politicians"... MJ as the Planet President? Hum! He may be slightly over qualified but gets my vote! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    I agree, that without being in world-wide revolutionary mode, this would be tantamount to signing his own death warrant (for real this time). Extremely influential people with a political agenda that cannot be controlled by TPTB are 'forced' into permanent retirement, if you know what I mean!! It has been a long time since I have thought that the people actually vote their Presidents into power............ it's just a formality to 'play nice' while those atop the pyramid exercise their will. For those still thinking that this type of talk is just pure BS what does this look like:
    - a nationalized banking system
    - taking over auto manufacturing
    - so called private health insurance "reform"
    These are all steps towards a Totalitarian Government that will lead to eventual bankruptcy and economic collapse, leaving the public at the mercy of corrupt bureaucracy. A public overrun by fear = a public easily controlled. This is why we need to WAKE UP because these things have already started..... lets keep heading towards a REVOLUTION.

    So true, Black Jack...oddly enough, I've had the song, "Revolution" by the Beatles in my head all night long and then I just read your post here....spooky....we need a Revolution alright...a Revolution based on L.O.V.E....All You Need Is Love....Love Is All You Need...
    Very interesting
    I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?

    I remember that, and to me nothing is far-fetched, this even sounds very plausible. I think he would make a good potus too. Well, I really hope he has that political aspiration now, it's 'what the world needs now'.

    Far-fetched or not, would being a President (as we know them) really be fit for a King? Matter of opinion! Matter of aspirations!
    The World need leadership, I agree! But the political systems are so corrupts and inefficient, that making change in our World may have to happen despite of the "politicians"... MJ as the Planet President? Hum! He may be slightly over qualified but gets my vote! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    I agree, that without being in world-wide revolutionary mode, this would be tantamount to signing his own death warrant (for real this time). Extremely influential people with a political agenda that cannot be controlled by TPTB are 'forced' into permanent retirement, if you know what I mean!! It has been a long time since I have thought that the people actually vote their Presidents into power............ it's just a formality to 'play nice' while those atop the pyramid exercise their will. For those still thinking that this type of talk is just pure BS what does this look like:
    - a nationalized banking system
    - taking over auto manufacturing
    - so called private health insurance "reform"
    These are all steps towards a Totalitarian Government that will lead to eventual bankruptcy and economic collapse, leaving the public at the mercy of corrupt bureaucracy. A public overrun by fear = a public easily controlled. This is why we need to WAKE UP because these things have already started..... lets keep heading towards a REVOLUTION.

    The comunists called this Imperialism and saw it coming years ago. In my country we learned about this in school but we never really cared.
    But now we're living it, not only learning about it. There's very difficult to fight it.
    But isn't this the natural evolution of a race - to grow and develop to the point of self-distruction maybe?
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    To have only justice and truth in this world is something so hard to achieve that it deffinitely won't happen if something huge won't take place.As long as we stay in the shade nothing will happen, nothing will change, no matter how we want and no matter how we try. We are too little comparing with the brainwashed community.
    If something huge is not revealed, our struggle is in vain because it will fall on deaf ears. How many bright minds have tried this and it fell on deaf ears? Because nothing of enormous importance happened. War leads to war and hate leads to more hate. If a REVOLUTION should happen, that should be out of love and not hate or violence. And as long as the people are not given a STRONG reason do join the "army" by a STRONG person of worldwide importance, then we'll find ourselves walking on the same unending path, while the majority will stay aside having no idea of anything, because both sides(believers and non-believers) hold tight on their beliefs.

    We can't do it alone. HE can't do it alone. Only together.
  • To have only justice and truth in this world is something so hard to achieve that it deffinitely won't happen if something huge won't take place.As long as we stay in the shade nothing will happen, nothing will change, no matter how we want and no matter how we try. We are too little comparing with the brainwashed community.
    If something huge is not revealed, our struggle is in vain because it will fall on deaf ears. How many bright minds have tried this and it fell on deaf ears? Because nothing of enormous importance happened. War leads to war and hate leads to more hate. If a REVOLUTION should happen, that should be out of love and not hate or violence. And as long as the people are not given a STRONG reason do join the "army" by a STRONG person of worldwide importance, then we'll find ourselves walking on the same unending path, while the majority will stay aside having no idea of anything, because both sides(believers and non-believers) hold tight on their beliefs.

    We can't do it alone. HE can't do it alone. Only together.

    Our struggle is NEVER in vain. More and more people are waking up, and these people are becoming more vocal by the day. Passing on information and educating other people will result in more awakened ones, because not everybody is deaf to what we have to tell.

    It would definitely take a strong person of worldwide importance to wake up the entire world population, but we are doing preparatory work to be able to take the "newbies" in and explain them what it's all about, because those people will have a lot of questions after MJ has told his story.

    Indeed - we can't do it alone, he can't do it alone, we can only do this together. We're all in this together, and together we can make it work.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Michael Jackson for President!!!!
    I don't think Michael wants to be president.
    A rebel would never win the elections anyway.
  • I think one of the important things that differentiates the beLIEvers in the hoax from the non-believers is that we here on this forum have totally opened up our minds to 'discover the man we never knew'. The non-believers have this image of MJ which is out of line with reality : we've heard things like this........ he would never do this to his family and fans, he would never have allowed Sony to have anything to do with TII after they fell out. Really? Well first and foremost MJ is a BUSINESSMAN, a businessman with a good heart (unlike some of the corrupt vultures), but a businessman just the same. He is no shrinking violet just because he speaks in a soft voice most of the time and has good manners. Having endured a lifetime of ridicule has made him tough and he knows how to do GOOD BUSINESS. We are all familiar with the public dressing-down of Mottola and the debacle over the rights to his Masters (when the rights to his own songs would revert to him) however, MJ is an artist who generates billions of dollars. Imagine this scenario: once Mottola was dumped, maybe TPTB at Sony were like "how do we make it up to you Mike"........ maybe Mike says: "well there is this project I've been planning for some time"......BINGO. It shouldn't be any surprise to anyone that Sony is up to its neck in it and it's fully sanctioned by MJ. People or fans that almost drop dead at this suggestion do not know the real MJ ..... it's just another part of the hoax, doing what most people think he wouldn't do..... unless you have 'discovered the man'. So in essence, the hoax will dispel some of the other ridiculous notions that people have about him and finally see that he really is the architect of his own business. MJ is no push-over!!

    No push-over... I have no problems whatsoever believing the above. It is obvious Sony is in on this up to its neck. Sometimes I get remarks from fans that I want to mock Mike and make him look bad, because of suggestions like Blackjack's above. That is not the purpose at all. I simply believe that he is a good businessman who knows exactly how to get what he wants, that includes manipulation of the public/fans and the media when needed. That doesn't make him a bad person, that makes him an intelligent man. I am sure he's lovely as well, let there be no mistake about that. You can be a good businessman and a great human being at the same time, it's just that people need to let go of that Bambi-image. He's not a fragile little deer that breaks easily, not by far. And he knows what he wants and how he can get it.

    'More POWER to him' I say

    He should run for president, I am sure he can win it. Now THAT would be a take-over! More power to him means more "Power to the People".

    I think that was EXACTLY the reason behind the 1993 allegations. TPTB saw how popular he was....... he certainly had the numbers required and had the public's best interests at heart being the humanitarian that he IS.... (not who TPTB would want running the nation). If he had of had political aspirations before that time it would've happened. Adored by the voting public and the next generation of voters...... the sky would have been the limit, the world would've been a better place, but TPTB could not let that EVER happen..... better to cut him down there and then. Do you remember what Marlon Brando jokingly said when it made news that President Reagan had telephoned MJ? Brando said that "perhaps he wanted Mike's advice on how to run the planet"..... not so far-fetched really, is it?

    I remember that, and to me nothing is far-fetched, this even sounds very plausible. I think he would make a good potus too. Well, I really hope he has that political aspiration now, it's 'what the world needs now'.

    Far-fetched or not, would being a President (as we know them) really be fit for a King? Matter of opinion! Matter of aspirations!
    The World need leadership, I agree! But the political systems are so corrupts and inefficient, that making change in our World may have to happen despite of the "politicians"... MJ as the Planet President? Hum! He may be slightly over qualified but gets my vote! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E

    I agree, that without being in world-wide revolutionary mode, this would be tantamount to signing his own death warrant (for real this time). Extremely influential people with a political agenda that cannot be controlled by TPTB are 'forced' into permanent retirement, if you know what I mean!! It has been a long time since I have thought that the people actually vote their Presidents into power............ it's just a formality to 'play nice' while those atop the pyramid exercise their will. For those still thinking that this type of talk is just pure BS what does this look like:
    - a nationalized banking system
    - taking over auto manufacturing
    - so called private health insurance "reform"
    These are all steps towards a Totalitarian Government that will lead to eventual bankruptcy and economic collapse, leaving the public at the mercy of corrupt bureaucracy. A public overrun by fear = a public easily controlled. This is why we need to WAKE UP because these things have already started..... lets keep heading towards a REVOLUTION.

    I agree, but we need something big to happen, because we don't reach enough people, we need him in this.

    I agree 100% with you BlackJack on every single point you made and I would add that it is time for radical global change - yes, lets call it REVOLUTION! And yes! Souza, it will take something big to awaken people... and maybe even bigger to get them to move in the same direction!

    It saddens me to see that our World is governed by international Bankers, mere money changers such as the Rothschilds and the RockFellers and power hungry super-rich who have gradually created a system to control the global economy and by definition the World. They are behind the creation of the IMF, the World Bank and the World Trade Organisation (WTO), they control the majority of Newspapers, magazines and media channels and act as an invisible global government to drive their own greed fuelled agenda. They use the columns of these papers to club into submission or drive out of office public figures who are seen as a risk to or refuse to do the bidding of the powerful corrupt cliques which compose this invisible global government....

    Those are only interested in driving their own greed fuelled agenda, and they really don't care about people! They really don't care about us!

    With L.O.V.E
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I remember the dog theory and thought it plausibe at the time. The point is that there were many people especially in the beginning when we had less hoax information available, just putting out their theories and going to incredible work. And there's many here who put in long hours and expertise. I spent(d) effort putting out my own ideas. If we don't allow our egos to get in the way we should all just be happy that the information will go forward, and be useful for everybody. Obviously everyone should try hard to give credit where it's due, but sometimes it's hard to remember where, with sometimes vague ideas. Where do we all get our thinking and ideas from; are they not processed results of accumulated reading, education, tidbits of info? Some people just know how to put it all together in a nice package like Mo and Souza have done with all TS's posts and hoax info.

    Blackjack, I like your thoughts too, and believe whole-heartedly that MJ is not the total victim that we think. He has always had to survive and contend and resist, to be wary of everyone around him and their motives, and yet has kept his integrity and love for all people.

    MJ for any kind or level of leadership would be wonderful, but if we're talking of the planet, and the righting of wrongs, and changing of the status quo, eliminating poverty, racism, war and on and on, that is absolutely impossible on a human level, and can only be done on a supernatural level IMO. But of course that is precisely the level I believe is going on right now, and I know most are uncomfortable going to that level. I believe MJ is a one-of-a-kind, and is the chosen one to do the job. History is full of individuals who changed one aspect of injustice and were very brave. But then no sooner did that problem get solved, then another problem of a new nature pops up somewhere else. And there's also the expression, "absolute power--corrupts absolutely." Bad things can happen when one person can have that much power. We can be idealistic all we want and talk about revolution but we all know where the other revolutions ended up. Utopia ain't gonna happen till that grand time-table says it's time, and there's the right "man" for the job. IMO that time is coming soon!
  • I thought I'd share some thoughts in general about this whole situation that all of us on this forum are voluntarily participating in. We already understand that MJ knows all about how to use the Power of Mystery : holding back, keeping things hidden and not giving EVERYTHING away, makes people WANT IT more. This is just a simple fact of Human Nature, no magic involved...... yet it creates magic! It stimulates people's minds and they conjure up all sorts of ideas as to what they think is going on. I beLIEve that's what MJ wants to SEE -- people interacting and what types of theories they come up with. It's as much a human experiment in observation as anything else, and if it raises people's awareness in other areas of global importance, then that's a terrific by - product bonus.
    Howard Hughes also knew how to make the public interested in him... ring any bells! It was interesting how the hoax involving the writing of Howard Hughes' autobiography played out. It's food for thought.
    I think we would all agree that MJ has earned the right to observe the world away from the spotlight for a while, given that he has been on public display for a lifetime with people scrutinizing his every move and judging him without even knowing him personally. Despite all of the trials and tribulations he has handled himself with a lot of grace considering the ordeals he has been subjected to. There has been a lot of fantastic investigating and examination of information going on over the last 15 months but we still need to focus on the man and his messages as I don't think that speculation on which way his chest hair grows is what he meant when he asked that we "discover the man you never knew".

    I have just watched TII again and thought that I would go back to the original posting from BlackJack and after reading it I couldn't put the movie and the post together, entirely.

    I do agree however that part of this hoax is for Michael to 'become himself' once again and to be away from the public eye to do this but if you think about it he would not have had to create an elaborate escape such as he did if all he wanted to do was to be out of the spotlight. He could have moved far, far away to some little country and been able to accomplish that. It has been said that Michael wasn't broke so financially this was feasable. So if that isn't it, then what is it?

    Well, I am a 100% believer that the movie tells us exactly what we need to know on why this happened. If you listen closely to the songs that were picked and what lines are sung you will hear what he went through in his career, both professionally and privately. For instance Beat It, Billie Jean, Man in the Mirror and of course the music to Threatened at the end of Thriller and Vincent Price speaking during Thriller. Beat it has no one wants to be defeated, in Billie Jean the words the lie becomes the truth were never spoken, Man in the Mirror talks about one person making a change (Michael) and with Threatened since there are no words that are spoken you only have the music and the title to the song. Thriller itself (when Price is speaking) talks about someone having a grip on you and being in a crypt.

    Of course Michael has many sides to him and yes this is what 'the man you never knew' is all about. He does want us to carry on his message but this hoax is much bigger than that. I think Michael was at a point of possibly no return - I do look at different angles but none of those ever seem to end up making sense so I always end up back to my original belief of Michael being in trouble both physically and emotionally. He gave us his all during his lifetime but yet was still able to give us one more piece of himself with the movie....for the fans.......He always said he loves us more and he proved it one more time.

    And too keep in mind the good doctor Murray in all of this. The court system would not be going through all of this for just some hoax, at least not for this length of time. We are talking tax payers money, so I believe that there really is going to be a trial but of course Murray won't be going to jail, but the ones he represent will be.

    I of course can be totally wrong with what I believe but I always seem to come back to that belief, not because I don't want to believe anything else, but because this is what the evidence that I have found says it to be.

    I honestly don't care why this was done, I just want Michael safe and ok.

    Love you Michael!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    It stimulates people's minds and they conjure up all sorts of ideas as to what they think is going on. I beLIEve that's what MJ wants to SEE -- people

    We always mention the "stright jackets" needed to hold on following the "hoax". After just re-reading some posts this quote made me think of Jack London and The jacket (Star-Rover). what an interesting book ...just read it recently..and movie....

    A collection of short stories, connected by the narrative of a prisoner serving a life sentence in San Quentin where officials torture him with a jacket device. The prisoner learns to mentally escape his circumstances by entering into a trance and experiencing past lives. The lives of others constitute the short chapters.

    The London novel may have served as inspiration for the 2005 film The Jacket with Adrien Brody.

    Accused of murdering a police officer, Jack Starks is found not guilty by reason of insanity, and is incarcerated in a mental institution. Starks becomes subject to the experiments of Dr. Thomas Becker , a psychiatrist. Starks is injected with an experimental drug and put into a straitjacket; he is then locked in a morgue drawer. While in this condition, Jack's mind sends him into the future of late December 2007, where he discovers, amongst other things, that he is destined to die in four days from his first incarceration in the drawer in 1993.

    Off topic, but I find all of this planned, also as a part to base some of the hoax developments, including literature.

    Yes, I am hoaxsessed <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I agree, but we need something big to happen, because we don't reach enough people, we need him in this.

    I agree. People would listen to MJ in person. We are just supporters.
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