Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    The mind control behind the hoax has been used to do something GOOD for humanity and has exposed the extent of human conditioning in our society. I am more concerned that the SYSTEM uses it everyday to deceive the public. It is confronting to not feel as "free" as you think you are but knowledge is power and can affect change for a better world. Resistance to the idea that we are constantly being manipulated by TPTB shows just how entrenched the conditioning is.... I guess "some things in life they just don't wanna see". MJ is helping us to see the light and using himself as the test subject. Personally I think he is doing a world-wide community service and should be applauded.

    Oh, well, yes...."The mind control behind the hoax has been used".

    The following post of mine is just a little resume of how I have been seeing the whole hoax context since it started up to today, in a total. Some of the points may not apply to every person in the full, but picking from here and there, looks like, as "The mind control behind the hoax has been used", of course <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> and also operated as a cult, may be? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> but, what are we going to achieve?
    We know mind control has been there, this forum is full of mind control posts, researches and opinions...but,
    -Have we been awared that we have also been "mind controlled" somehow? (I posted this somewhere else as well some months ago..)
    -Do we know if MJ was?
    -Do we think that we are inmune to mind control and be catch in to a cult of some sort?

    If the answer to this last question is no, then, I believe that more "awareness" must be accomplished.

    Cults use sophisticated mind control techniques that will work on anyone, given the right circumstances. Those who think they are immune are only making themselves more vulnerable. Remember the assult is on your emotions, not on your intellect.
    The two basic principles of psychological coercion are:

    1. If you can make a person BEHAVE the way you want, you can make that person BELIEVE the way you want.
    2. Sudden, drastic changes in environment lead to heightened suggestibility and to drastic changes in attitudes and beliefs.

    Who Do Cults Recruit?
    Cults want people who are:

    * Intelligent.
    * Idealistic.
    * Well educated.

    * Economically advantaged.
    * Intellectually or Spiritually curious.
    * Any age.

    Mind Control techniques include:

    Inducing a state of high suggestibility by hypnosis, often thinly disguised as relaxation or meditation.

    Peer Group Pressure
    Suppressing doubt and resistance to new ideas by exploiting the need to belong.

    Love Bombing
    Creating a sense of family and belonging through hugging, kissing, touching and flattery.

    Rejection of Old Values
    Accelerating acceptance of new life style by constantly denouncing former values and beliefs.

    Confusing Doctrine
    Encouraging blind acceptance and rejection of logic through complex lectures on an incomprehensible doctrine.

    Implanting subliminal messages by stressing certain key words or phrases in long, confusing lectures.

    Removal of Privacy
    Achieving loss of ability to evaluate logically by preventing private contemplation.

    Time Sense Deprivation
    Destroying ability to evaluate information, personal reactions, and body functions in relation to passage of time by removing all clocks and watches.

    Encouraging child-like obedience by orchestrating child-like behaviour.

    Uncompromising Rules
    Inducing regression and disorientation by soliciting agreement to seemingly simple rules which regulate mealtimes, bathroom breaks and use of medications.

    Verbal Abuse
    Desensitizing through bombardment with foul and abusive language.

    Sleep Deprivation and Fatigue
    Creating disorientation and vulnerability by prolonging mental an physical activity and withholding adequate rest and sleep.

    Dress Codes
    Removing individuality by demanding conformity to the group dress code.

    Chanting and Singing
    Eliminanting non-cult ideas through group repetition of mind-narrowing chants or phrases.

    Encouraging the destruction of individual ego through confession of personal weaknesses and innermost feelings of doubt.

    Financial Commitment
    Achieving increased dependence on the group by 'burning bridges' to the past, through the donation of assets.

    Finger Pointing
    Creating a false sense of righteousness by pointing to the shortcomings of the outside world and other cults.

    Flaunting Hierarch
    Promoting acceptance of cult authority by promising advancement, power and salvation.

    Inducing loss of reality by physical separation from family, friends, society and rational references.

    Controlled Approval
    Maintaining vulnerability and confusion by alternately rewarding and punishing similar actions.

    Change of Diet
    Creating disorientation and increased susceptibility to emotional arousal by depriving the nervous system of necessary nutrients through the use of special diets and/or fasting.

    Inducing dependence on the group by introducing games with obscure rules.

    No Questions
    Accomplishing automatic acceptance of beliefs by discouraging questions.

    Reinforcing the need for 'salvation' by exaggerating the sins of the former lifestyles.

    Maintaining loyalty and obedience to the group by threatening soul, life or limb for the slightest 'negative' thought, word or deed.

    Replacement of Relationships
    Destroying pre-cult families by arranging cult marriages and 'families'.

    <!-- m -->http://www.cultinformation.org.uk/quest ... cruit.html<!-- m -->

    Just some of my little notes...

    Mind control and Cults. Contributions of psychiatry.

    Dr. John Hochman, professor of psychiatry at the School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, in 1990 published the results of their investigations, which offers a definition of cults. Returning to the central concept of Lifton, added: "Cults are groups that use methods of" thought reform "to recruit and control their members and use as a tool triad" (Hochman, 1990:180).

    The three points of the triad that defines what is a cult for Hochman are:

    The miracle.
    Magical thinking about the leader and / or leadership activities.

    The secrecy that hides the practice, actual beliefs and agenda of the group.

    Authoritarian and absolutist regime that uses people to meet the needs of the group.

    Synergistic triad

    When this triad is present in a group, religious or otherwise, its components have a synergistic effect, that is, each element reinforcing the other on a reciprocal basis to create a very dangerous atmosphere that can lead to damage to the operating processes in the minds of people, with consequent effects on health in general. Dr. Hochman believes that to classify an organization as a cult from the perspective of psychiatric care is essential to satisfy the three points outlined above.

    One of the most significant contributions Hochman study is the importance played by the secrecy order to manipulate the collective psyche. In the secrecy of mystery there is a deliberate concealment of information that people are entitled to know to determine, freely, what type of pool you are entering. When there is secrecy, it deteriorates the perception of indoctrinated followers of the reality and true nature of the group. This makes them particularly vulnerable.

    In this case, people will not consent to participate in the organization with full knowledge. Is the victim of a species of fraud which becomes the subject of techniques that alter brain chemistry to inhibit critical thinking and become passive and capable of being exploited and damaged.

    Finally, we can not ignore medical Hochman reflection on the meaning of that destructive cults pose a public health problem by the social impact. Hochman The definition of what constitutes a cult, even beyond the medical field, to enhance legal ethics. Lets analyze the phrase with full knowledge and consent will come to the conclusion that the very spirit of this principle is that, when violated, leads to a crime of fraud in any rule of law.

    Steve Hassan: the empirical approach

    Steve Hassan, a teacher in psychology from Cambridge College, was a member of the Moonies for long. Currently has years of experience as an international consultant and advisor on the subject of destructive cults.

    Hassan combines empirical evidence, from his past experience in the Moonies, his extensive experience in treating patients from extremist religious movements, and criteria of the social sciences and clinical psychology as a destructive cult to define any group (religious or not ) to use psychological control techniques to suppress the personality and inhibit critical thinking and freedom of decision. Establishes four criteria for identifying mental manipulation.

    1) Control of behavior.

    2) Control of information (much of that that people are entitled to know before joining a group, as "information abroad."

    3) Control of ideas.

    4) Control of emotions (Hasan 1997:2).

    Contributions of clinical psychology

    For his part, Dr. Margaret Singer, a clinical psychologist and professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley, offers a definition quite similar to Langone. It is also based on the behavior, not beliefs of a group. In his classic work, looks pretty sophisticated six points to define the persuasive techniques used by cults psychophysiological (Ofshe and Singer, 1986).

    A new and valuable contribution of Dr. Singer is that the sect itself is basically formed by the hierarchical structure and power of the organization, not necessarily by fans or other regular members.

    Definitions of medical science

    Dr. Robert Lifton, a prominent psychiatrist and sociologist, has defined in his work The thought reform and the psychology of totalitarianism eight criteria to detect the legendary brainwashing that immortalized some war films. His initial research is based on the techniques used on political prisoners during the dictatorship of Mao in China, to convert under duress to communist ideology (Lifton, 1989).

    Currently, many doctors, clinical psychologists and sociologists, taking these criteria as a reference to identify whether a religious or other nature, instrumented coercive measures to manipulate the behavior of his followers through a progressive strategy of "thought reform." The use of these techniques of psychological coercion is for many experts today, the key criterion for calling a particular sect group. Sect, that is, from the perspective of medical sociology.

    Lifton's eight criteria

    The following are abstract and exemplify the criteria of Dr. Lifton, applied to the field of religious groups:

    1. Control of the social atmosphere and human communication. This involves restricting the communication between human beings who want to control. Hamper communication includes the individual himself (eg, to prevent it have free time for personal reflection.)

    2. Mystical manipulation. Are built-mind atmosphere premeditated "spiritual" that seem spontaneous, but in reality are artificial and are planned and studied to produce an effect. People interpret this effect as a "spiritual experience", ignoring that it was a manufactured situation.

    3. Redefining language. Check the words used to control people's ideas. Being indoctrinated with simplistic concepts. For example, clichés that tend to discourage rather than encourage the use of reason. (Vg "nobody can use your right to attain enlightenment," "Only the chosen can understand what is happening within our group.")

    4. The doctrine is more important than the individual. No matter what a man is experiencing in reality, the belief in the doctrine is most important. The belief of the group exceeds the individual conscience and integrity, as to verify results. An example is when a group proclaims that God has performed miracles of healing, but refuses to make the relevant scientific verification. It may even be that a person is seriously ill and ensure that no matter what you see, is now healthy. It is more important to uphold the dogma that the welfare of people and address indicating the reality.

    5. The Holy Science. Doctrine with the scientific and moral absolute. The dogma is unquestionable.

    6. The cult of confession. Manipulation of public confession to break personal boundaries. Restrictions or bans on personal privacy. For example, the confession of faults or problems have well-defined uses and constraints both in the therapeutic field and in the church. In this case, abused its use to denigrate and control people through the information obtained. Try to remove the individuality to control the people en masse.

    7. Demands for unattainable purity. Unattainable standard of perfection to create guilt and shame on the fans. People are punished and taught to self-punishment for failing to reach an ideal that is impossible to reach home.

    8. Dispensing of existence. The group decides who has right to exist and who does not. There is no legitimate alternative, but only belong to that particular organization. In totalitarian government regimes, this idea is what "justifies" the execution of political dissidents.

    Handling the above mechanisms are well studied effects, both psychological and brain biochemistry in order to create state of inhibition and high suggestibility reasoning to control the behavior of individuals and communities.

    Should we go back to Skinner? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    With some more reflection about the situation we are on, it looks more like an attempt of mind control, meaning that this is not real mind control with evil purposes....and I say that because clues have been left by Michael for people to realize that something wrong is going on, while the dark side will not do this kind of things, they will try by all means possible to encircle us with darkeness, with no clue as to what can be truth at all. So here we can say that this is more a mind control attempt for educative purposes or maybe that we can just say that it's an alternate reality game. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    So here we can say that this is more a mind control attempt for educative purposes

    Looks like that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    IMO, whatever the end is, the truth, "no matter what happens"..there is education of some sort at the end, but the most is about learning about ourselves <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • So here we can say that this is more a mind control attempt for educative purposes

    Looks like that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    IMO, whatever the end is, the truth, "no matter what happens"..there is education of some sort at the end, but the most is about learning about ourselves <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Yes! The media plays an important role in "educating" people and for a better society, we need a trustworthy media that does no longer enslave people using lies.

    I understand that the "mind control" element of the Hoax just means that the information fed to the media in relation to this Hoax is controlled by MJ.

    What we are faced with as individuals is the constant brainwashing by the media to serve TPTB, this is in itself "mind control" in the grand scale and this is what should stop! I believe this is however a big challenge as different country governments impose their rules on the use of information and national media; one needs to be realistic about what can be achieved in the short term. Awareness is one thing, action is an other!
    It is my humble opinion that MJ can raise awareness of those matters but actions lie with the people if they choose to do something about it... Happy to be corrected on this one!

    With L.O.V.E <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media. Using a mind control experiment to expose the fact that mind control is going on everyday in this medium is ingenious to say the least! [Please understand that when I say "mind control" it by no means is intending to belittle the horrific brutality of MK Ultra or other psychological warfare]. The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch). People might say that they simply weren't interested enough to care about what was reported and sadly social apathy is one of the true evils of the world. However, when the hoax is revealed hopefully these people will realise they were duped and see that their freedom of thought had been manipulated and that they are already too conditioned to see it for themselves. MJ has outsmarted his antagonists by beating them at their own game using their tactics..... poetic justice in motion. With regards to this hoax, when you hear people say that MJ "would never do this" remind them that he grew up in an industry where you could spend the whole day pulling knives out of your back and he has learnt a few tricks!!

    I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way but, I have read all your posts and they have a familiar vibe to them. I have discussed your many theories with someone recently, lol

    I am not saying you are them but, these ideas "Topic Starters" and thinking project is dejavu for me.

    I want to address the theory of "Media Mind Control" and how to desensitize the "mass public" by slowing feeding them clues through Movies!

    <!-- m -->http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=3571<!-- m -->

    In the past, when changes were imposed on populations, they would take to the streets, protest and even riot. The main reason for this clash was due to the fact that the change was clearly announced by the rulers and understood by the population. It was sudden and its effects could clearly be analyzed and evaluated. Today, when the elite needs a part of its agenda to be accepted by the public, it is done through desensitization. The agenda, which might go against the public best interests, is slowly, gradually and repetitively introduced to the world through movies (by involving it within the plot), music videos (who make it cool and sexy) or the news (who present it as a solution to today’s problems). After several years of exposing the masses to a particular agenda, the elite openly presents the concept the world and, due to mental programming, it is greeted with general indifference and is passively accepted. This technique originates from psychotherapy.

    “The techniques of psychotherapy, widely practiced and accepted as a means of curing psychological disorders, are also methods of controlling people. They can be used systematically to influence attitudes and behavior. Systematic desensitization is a method used to dissolve anxiety so the the patient (public) is no longer troubled by a specific fear, a fear of violence for example. [...] People adapt to frightening situations if they are exposed to them enough”.
    - Steven Jacobson, Mind Control in the United States

    Predictive programming is often found in the science fiction genre. It presents a specific image of the future – the one that is desired by the elite – and ultimately becomes in the minds of men an inevitability. A decade ago, the public was being desensitized to war against the Arab world. Today, the population is gradually being exposed to the existence of mind control, of transhumanism and of an Illuminati elite. Emerging from the shadows, those concepts are now everywhere in popular culture. This is what Alice Bailey describes as the “externalization of the hierarchy”: the hidden rulers slowly revealing themselves.

    So in keeping with that thought the last movie I saw was SALT. Knowing what I do now and viewing this movie through different eyes...my mouth was like <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    That movie is telling us exactly or close to what the next 9/11 is going to be.
    The whole movie is about Manchurian canidate children being raised by a mind control handler like Hitler only they are Russian in the movie.

    It is a good movie but, OMG did it do exactly what the above info on desensitizing through movies is about.

    There are alot of youtube videos describing the movies from way before 9/11 and the fact that the "elite" were putting it in our faces through movies and subtle clues. It is mind blowing when you do a 20/20 hindsight view.

    I read what you wrote about Mike using this "hoax" ( media mind control ) for the Good.
    I agree and he has been doing this forever. Look at all his videos and concert footage.
    He has been "In Control" for a LONG TIME. hee hee <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I agree with this also:
    MJ has outsmarted his antagonists by beating them at their own game using their tactics..... poetic justice in motion. With regards to this hoax, when you hear people say that MJ "would never do this" remind them that he grew up in an industry where you could spend the whole day pulling knives out of your back and he has learnt a few tricks!!

    <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    Never underestimate "Sweet" Mike.
    I have said it before.
  • Running girl, Sarahli, Gema and I'm_convinced........................you really are fantastic members of the Army X X X X
  • Running girl, Sarahli, Gema and I'm_convinced........................you really are fantastic members of the Army X X X X

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Thank You BlackJack --- You are GREAT --- Being on my own sabbatical, I am always ready to mobilise --- <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->


    With L.O.V.E
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Running girl, Sarahli, Gema and I'm_convinced........................you really are fantastic members of the Army X X X X

    Thank you. I am really proud to be part of this Army. God bless you.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Michael Jackson hoax was 'experiment,' broadcaster says

    A hoax video purporting to show Michael Jackson hopping out of a coroner's van alive was produced by a German television station as an experiment, the broadcaster told CNN Monday.

    It was made to show how easy it is to spread rumors online, said Heike Schultz, a spokeswoman for RTL, the leading private broadcaster in Germany.

    "We sent out a press release before we did the video to alert everyone that it was fake, but once posted it spread really fast," she said.

    <!-- m -->http://articles.cnn.com/2009-08-31/ente ... PM:SHOWBIZ<!-- m -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Michael Jackson hoax was 'experiment,' broadcaster says

    A hoax video purporting to show Michael Jackson hopping out of a coroner's van alive was produced by a German television station as an experiment, the broadcaster told CNN Monday.

    It was made to show how easy it is to spread rumors online, said Heike Schultz, a spokeswoman for RTL, the leading private broadcaster in Germany.

    "We sent out a press release before we did the video to alert everyone that it was fake, but once posted it spread really fast," she said.

    <!-- m -->http://articles.cnn.com/2009-08-31/ente ... PM:SHOWBIZ<!-- m -->

    Thanks for this 2good2btrue! Yes it's an experiment, a mind control attempt, a simulation, an ARG, a HOOOOAXXXX..................... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ...for educational purposes, awakening, awareness, freedom, LOVE.........
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Running girl, Sarahli, Gema and I'm_convinced........................you really are fantastic members of the Army X X X X

    As I present myself to people...I am one honorary member of the MJ cult <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    And, as long as is the army of L.O.V.E and not other army what you meant <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Thanks.
  • Running girl, Sarahli, Gema and I'm_convinced........................you really are fantastic members of the Army X X X X

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I read what you wrote about Mike using this "hoax" ( media mind control ) for the Good.
    I agree and he has been doing this forever. Look at all his videos and concert footage.
    He has been "In Control" for a LONG TIME. hee hee

    Friendly reminder. Something to think about as you view the video.
    Commands an Army of L.O.V.E.
  • I thought I'd share some thoughts in general about this whole situation that all of us on this forum are voluntarily participating in. We already understand that MJ knows all about how to use the Power of Mystery : holding back, keeping things hidden and not giving EVERYTHING away, makes people WANT IT more. This is just a simple fact of Human Nature, no magic involved...... yet it creates magic! It stimulates people's minds and they conjure up all sorts of ideas as to what they think is going on. I beLIEve that's what MJ wants to SEE -- people interacting and what types of theories they come up with. It's as much a human experiment in observation as anything else, and if it raises people's awareness in other areas of global importance, then that's a terrific by - product bonus.
    Howard Hughes also knew how to make the public interested in him... ring any bells! It was interesting how the hoax involving the writing of Howard Hughes' autobiography played out. It's food for thought.
    I think we would all agree that MJ has earned the right to observe the world away from the spotlight for a while, given that he has been on public display for a lifetime with people scrutinizing his every move and judging him without even knowing him personally. Despite all of the trials and tribulations he has handled himself with a lot of grace considering the ordeals he has been subjected to. There has been a lot of fantastic investigating and examination of information going on over the last 15 months but we still need to focus on the man and his messages as I don't think that speculation on which way his chest hair grows is what he meant when he asked that we "discover the man you never knew".

    I have always believed that this hoax is Michael's life being told to us through him. We are being given puzzle pieces to fit together to make the final picture. Through the media, friends and family we have been told the pain(s) of his life and the depths to which some people will go just to make a buck.

    He asked us to give him our endurance and patience and as you say BlackJack he knows how to use the Power of Mystery. Just feeding us enough to ask questions and to think what the answer could possibly be and because no two people are alike, there will be a multitude of answers to make one think which will only take you on another journey which will lead you somewhere else. The cycle will continue until Dead Reckoning is upon us.

    I have thought before that we were being shown how it felt to be Michael at times. With the fans being divided the 'believers' got a taste of the hostility from the 'non-believers' just as Michael was constantly hounded without merit by the press. Of course this is for comparison reasons only and nothing could ever come close to what Michael endured and yes he is a remarkable human being.

    I for one am glad that I came along for the ride, it has opened my eyes to many things.

    Love you Michael!
    BlackJack I think you are reading Michael's mind <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    And you're funny too <!-- s:smile: -->:smile:<!-- s:smile: -->

    "....as I don't think that speculation on which way his chest hair grows is what he meant when he asked that we "discover the man you never knew". " <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    So if I put all together - I LOVE your posts <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Ginafelicia, I'm glad you enjoy reading them........ having some humour is a good idea as well as the serious side. I imagine MJ is having lots of fun directing his many projects. The hoax is multi-layered and it must be allowed to evolve in its own time; something that has been many years in the planning/making cannot just materialise in the blink of an eye and be fully appreciated/understood. Hang in there and take a look BACK as often as you need to......................
    Ginafelicia, I'm glad you enjoy reading them........ having some humour is a good idea as well as the serious side. I imagine MJ is having lots of fun directing his many projects. The hoax is multi-layered and it must be allowed to evolve in its own time; something that has been many years in the planning/making cannot just materialise in the blink of an eye and be fully appreciated/understood. Hang in there and take a look BACK as often as you need to......................

    I can't argue a single word of yours BlackJack. Everything you say has so much sense.......always.
    It's like you put my own thoughts in order for me and I am grateful for this favour.
    I''ll hang in there as long as it takes.... and now that you say it I'll definitely take a look BACK ..................... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thank you (for being here for the ones who need a helping hand to go on)
  • Ginafelicia, I'm glad you enjoy reading them........ having some humour is a good idea as well as the serious side. I imagine MJ is having lots of fun directing his many projects. The hoax is multi-layered and it must be allowed to evolve in its own time; something that has been many years in the planning/making cannot just materialise in the blink of an eye and be fully appreciated/understood. Hang in there and take a look BACK as often as you need to......................

    I can't argue a single word of yours BlackJack. Everything you say has so much sense.......always.
    It's like you put my own thoughts in order for me and I am grateful for this favour.
    I''ll hang in there as long as it takes.... and now that you say it I'll definitely take a look BACK ..................... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Thank you (for being here for the ones who need a helping hand to go on)

    ... And Today's Vision is....


    With L.O.V.E
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    BlackJack said, "The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatized people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary."

    BlackJack... I can't help but relate your words to the ugly accusations Michael had to face in the past. The world was indeed traumatized also, when the beloved King of Pop was accused of the most hideous of crimes: crimes against children. I think you are incredibly perceptive when you say it makes them receptive to the lies. TMZ's recent video talking about zero evidence is particularly poignant to this. There was zero evidence, yet the world had already turned it's back for the most part. I can't imagine the pain Michael felt when he realized people actually believed he was capable of such acts. There is no preparing one's self for that sort of rejection. The cruelty of the world must have been so very harsh.

    Relating this back to the fact that trauma has immense power. People are willing to latch onto anything when trauma sets in, positive or negative. It's almost a race between the two. Unfortunately, the world needs to be a better place. People are ready to believe the negative over the positive. Thus, I believe it wasn't that difficult to make people believe Michael had died. The world had to be shown certain things....the ambulance, the hospital, the death announcement, the helicopter, the memorial, the funeral, TII.....all pieces of a gigantic hoax puzzle. For the world, it was all but certain that the King of Pop had died June 25, 2009.

    There are many layers in the hoax, you are correct. I wonder if Michael feels things are going according to plan? If this hoax is progressing at the rate he thought? It can't be rushed, things have to play out and naturally occur if they are to be believed. That's why letting it simmer is a good thing. He asked for patience, endurance and our all in this adventure. For the millions who are a part of the hoax unknowingly, that patience comes easy. Those are the millions that believe he died. I think it's ironic that the very people who believe he is alive, are the ones with the most stress. It is stressful to think about the hoax. It's time consuming, it's frustrating, it's a challenge of belief and a wonder of ideals. That being said, it's a great adventure! I hope we are doing Michael proud!

    Thank you again BlackJack for your keen thoughts and wonderful insights to this adventure. Thank you forum family for allowing me to ramble at will........we should all have a nice cup of tea and relax <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Blessings Always!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    ... And Today's Vision is....


    With L.O.V.E

    What? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    ... And Today's Vision is....


    With L.O.V.E

    What? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> TheRunningGirl some explanations are needed here! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Is this a "vision" that you had or what?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Looks like food for thouth <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • ... And Today's Vision is....

    ...I first saw MJ preparing various ingredients of what looked like a pie ... I think he called those projects! He appeared rather busy but looked as if he was really enjoying himself.

    ...I then saw him dressed as a teacher, he was showing students how to flip pancakes.... it must have been lunchtime, not sure, but some of the students seemed very Hungry and really wanted the pancakes rather than learning how to flip them... and he was just teasing them saying that they had to be patient...!

    With L.O.V.E

    What? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> TheRunningGirl some explanations are needed here! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Is this a "vision" that you had or what?

    Hello! Sarahli and Gema!
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I shall explain this one vision! Blink ---> look above!

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    With L.O.V.E
    ... And Today's Vision is....

    ...I first saw MJ preparing various ingredients of what looked like a pie ... I think he called those projects! He appeared rather busy but looked as if he was really enjoying himself.

    ...I then saw him dressed as a teacher, he was showing students how to flip pancakes.... it must have been lunchtime, not sure, but some of the students seemed very Hungry and really wanted the pancakes rather than learning how to flip them... and he was just teasing them saying that they had to be patient...!

    With L.O.V.E

    What? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> TheRunningGirl some explanations are needed here! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Is this a "vision" that you had or what?

    Hello! Sarahli and Gema!
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I shall explain this one vision! Blink ---> look above!

    <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    With L.O.V.E
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    The RunningGirl - seems there's no limit for your imagination <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    Einstein would be so proud of you <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Good point <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    There are many layers in the hoax, you are correct. I wonder if Michael feels things are going according to plan? If this hoax is progressing at the rate he thought? It can't be rushed, things have to play out and naturally occur if they are to be believed. That's why letting it simmer is a good thing. He asked for patience, endurance and our all in this adventure. For the millions who are a part of the hoax unknowingly, that patience comes easy. Those are the millions that believe he died. I think it's ironic that the very people who believe he is alive, are the ones with the most stress. It is stressful to think about the hoax. It's time consuming, it's frustrating, it's a challenge of belief and a wonder of ideals. That being said, it's a great adventure! I hope we are doing Michael proud!
    It is wise said, wishingstar.
    Indeed, Michael probably needs patience and endurance, because it surely puts a lot of stress on him like on us. It can't be rushed, everything has to be assimilated. This is what I feel. That as long as people won't get the message of it all, nothing will happen. Although for sure there will be the millions who won't try to understand, but in a way I think it's for the good and not for the bad. Because this way, those people who vehemently refuse to listen to anything will feel so fooled by the media, so manipulated and brainwashed that it will create a whole revolution in their minds. I used to think that because of those millions that don't want to listen nothing will happen, but now I start to change my mind. Maybe it's for the best. Some people see the hole beneath only when they hit their heads on the above.
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