Hoax within a Hoax within a Hoax?



  • I don't think Michael wants to be president.
    A rebel would never win the elections anyway.

    I agree, however; Michael could serve on some panels as a board member (which he has done in the past) on various causes and give directions and insight.

    Love you Michael!
    I agree, but we need something big to happen, because we don't reach enough people, we need him in this.

    I agree. People would listen to MJ in person. We are just supporters.

    People would listen to him only if he plays the right part... you know people are afraid of changes and revolutions....

    Oh, Michael's destiny was to not be understood and believed. I am shoked to see how many people in U.S. still think he's a pedo. Why you think people would listen to him now?
    I don't think Michael wants to be president.
    A rebel would never win the elections anyway.

    I agree, however; Michael could serve on some panels as a board member (which he has done in the past) on various causes and give directions and insight.

    Love you Michael!

    I think Michael can be what he wants to be if he decides so.
    I think he can play the part of a president if he wants so. But I don't think an artist would involve himself in it.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media.

    The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch).

    BlackJack, on the background you stated, I would be reluctant in calling the hoax a mind control experiment, and an experiment being directed by Michael.

    The word "control" implies a steady process of having power over something happening (or not happening).
    June 25 was a one-time "incident" that - as you correctly stated - by its unpredictable sudden appearance traumatized many people around the world. You may say "the earth stood still and held its breath" - of course this is not true as this did not occur - but it was rather the feeling of many people facing the loss situation.

    Now you may add that the shock was predictable - you beat and the other one is hurting.
    Is that control? It is a momentum of control.
    Is it mind control? It is a momentum of emotional control.
    Michael executing emotional control?
    In every concert, every gig, every recording he manages this - it is one aspect of his profession and professionalism. But emotions are not steady, they are having an escapist character.

    After June 25, the conditioning began, the feeding of opinion inventors, opinion leaders and opinion followers. Conditioning is a teaching activity aiming to achieve repetitive constant and equal reactions to the same incentive. Repeated death news with more (contradicting and strange) details was on one hand casting the loss, the resulting traumatism and the need to heal somehow. It was also repeated "beating and hurting" and some people got really sick and impacted in their life. On the other hand, the "clever bunch" as you called it pricked their ears and started questioning what someone wanted to feed them.

    Is that mind control? No. It is the contrary. A conditioned mouse questioning the experiment's structure is not a conditioned mouse, it is no longer under any control and the conditioning failed 100%.

    An experiment is available either in a laboratory case study or as a field study.
    In laboratory the environment conditions for an experiment must be exactly the same every time the experiment is being repeated - if not, the results are not measurable, not comparable and the experiment thus is in vain.
    A field study demands a clear concept, clear expections on certain results and the results must be measurable to be able to lead to conclusions to be drawn from the study. How would we define the objectives to such a field study? How would we define the measures to determine whether the objectives of the study concept have been achieved? Quantity of people questioning? Clicks to TMZ articles? Counting members on web forums, the ones leaving comments to web articles, the ones signing petitions, the ones opening a blog, the ones following the family on twitter?
    Does hurt play a role in measures for emotional involvement? The number of tears? The nights not slept? The number of persons that had to go to hospital? The allegedly reported suicides?
    The make.believe measured in quantity of those typing "beLIEve" under their posts?
    Measured at which moment? Every 7 days? Every day at 12 a.m.?

    So is this an experiment?
    It is an inducing stream of activities of executing influence and manipulation, but the outcome is not 100% predictable and the results are not measurable.
    This is comparable to a politician's candidature. It is like a proposal of reaction (desired by the candidate) but even the projection may never tell the true actual votes. In addition, nobody knows whether the ones typing "beLIEve" under their posts do really "beLIEve". This is all speculation.

    Michael the director of an "experiment"? Well, this answer is up to him only.
    If he decided to hurt millions of people for the better, so be it.
    If the hurting had to be included as a "colateral" damage for the better, so be it.
    If it was only for "playing a little with them", I would consider seriously getting mad at him.
    Not for me but for those people I met in the last months that were really, really broken over his disappearance.

    Reaching out to the masses bears a huge responsibility.
    I believe Michael knows this very well - other than some folks in powerful positions.
    Traumatizing others is risky and makes them vulnerable and - like you said - "receptive" - but unfortunately not only to Michael's message.
    This is the critical no-fun factor in this "study".
    It requires an outstanding trust in God and the better to decide in favor of the path chosen.
    It speaks of the quality of a gardener to cut only the branches that do not lead to good fruit.

    Hi Grace, Very astute observations and ideas. I, too, think it is more than an unconventional open-premise experiment on a mad genius' whim. It may be that MJ, being the expert he is in Manipulative Psychology, is finally going to formalize his education and get official lifetime experience credit, and perhaps using this ARG to obtain his doctorate. He must have a formal education and sheepskin to prove it, in order to work in Government. I am thinking something along the lines of Sociological Engineering....

    The participants in experiments historically (yeah, in AMERICA, too), were almost never volunteers, and there were always physical casualties. At least this isn't physical, and, as the conditioned mouse was supplied with the main question the first day("WTH??"), and is now on a roll of questioning, no real harm was done... it could be "All for love".

    I think MJ got and will get a few surprises himself...more than he bargained for, HA! as, if there is one thing predictable about an autonomous being, it is that their wildcard propensity has no limit. (He seems to discount the fact that, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned", for example; or perhaps he has some cure for that <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . He may come back to us looking like Moses, all white haired, when he came back down the mountain, from speaking with God!)
    Yep.... you all got my drift. I think it is fitting that MJ is ultimately using the hoax as a subtle form of mind control on the very nerve centre of information control itself--- the mass media.

    The events of 25 June, 2009 traumatised people on a global scale and therefore made them receptive to the suggestion that MJ had in fact died despite there being evidence to the contrary. The media presented the so called facts (organised by the man himself) and by and large the world beLIEved it without question (except this clever bunch).

    I think a "subtle form of mind control" is different from a mind control experiment. It sounds bad when it is called an experiment.
    As far as my english allows me to understand, I think BlackJack is talking about a form of mind control on the mass media ?! From the beginning we assumed that one of the reasons of the hoax was to prove the media presents a lie like it's the truth and people believe it without questioning.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I don't think Michael wants to be president.
    A rebel would never win the elections anyway.

    I don't think MJ wants to be president either, unless he's lost his mind.

    Why step down from the all powerful position of Independent Ambassador of Love, where he has been monstrously and respectably successful, into the cesspool of money-grubbing rats climbing on each other, repeatedly vying for top position so that they may float like dead fish, on their constituents' dime? Why subject his genius solutions and proposals to the idiot opinions and veto powers of the hundreds of fools in the House and Senate?

    He could win an election, though, sadly. All politicians are, is just big liars. The winner is the one telling the biggest, juiciest and best lies. Who is Big Daddy in that department, as of June 25?

    TPTB stalked him all over the world once they saw his power and ability to focus great seas of people. It was never to offer him the right hand of Fellowship. It was to take him out, the moment he went for control, giving directives to his "followers". If he hadn't perfected that "harmless" act, he'd be six feet under for real, right now.

    Better get those T shirts ready, just in case, though. The ones with a bullseye on the back and newspaper headline on the front, saying, "King of Pop---Popped".

    How soon we forget...American PTB assassinate men who take leadership, trying to right wrongs and change things, here, remember? Does anyone think he's coming back to die, now, so stupidly, and for nothing??? Did it ever occur to anyone that he was, maybe, "asked" to tone down that massive fame and consequently his power of influence, "or else"? Seems like he did, and all for Love...hmmm.

    Revolution comes from Ideas burning in the hearts of many men--never just some leader. A single leader gets eliminated to scatter simple followers. The World doesn't need more followers rallying around a great leader. This has never worked. We need a few billion bonafide leaders, who will Occupy and confound TPTB in every country and state and city on earth. Unfortunately, it is easier to pick someone to kinda sorta follow....
  • miriam34miriam34 Posts: 146
    "How soon we forget...American PTB assassinate men who take leadership, trying to right wrongs and change things, here, remember? Does anyone think he's coming back to die, now, so stupidly, and for nothing??? Did it ever occur to anyone that he was, maybe, "asked" to tone down that massive fame and consequently his power of influence, "or else"? Seems like he did, and all for Love...hmmm."
    Yeah...this have sense...<!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    The system is so corrupt that it is very unlikely, see impossible, that someone not part of the so cold "Elite" can become a President... and not only in the USA. What is the force of the NWO powers? They act in the dark and the vast majority of people do not know. So what we have to do is to act in the light and let everyone know.
    The system is so corrupt that it is very unlikely, see impossible, that someone not part of the so cold "Elite" can become a President... and not only in the USA. What is the force of the NWO powers? They act in the dark and the vast majority of people do not know. So what we have to do is to act in the light and let everyone know.

    interesting idea...
    It's Her - I like your post. Just like Jesus - Michael is far more powerful dead than alive.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    It's Her - I like your post. Just like Jesus - Michael is far more powerful dead than alive.

    Thank you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I know you mean, "...more powerful (fake) "dead" , behind the scenes, than out in the open, alive"---right?

    (Scared myself for a second there. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Whew. My brain needs rest.)
    It's Her - I like your post. Just like Jesus - Michael is far more powerful dead than alive.

    Thank you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I know you mean, "...more powerful (fake) "dead" , behind the scenes, than out in the open, alive"---right?

    (Scared myself for a second there. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Whew. My brain needs rest.)

  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    It's Her - I like your post. Just like Jesus - Michael is far more powerful dead than alive.

    Thank you. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I know you mean, "...more powerful (fake) "dead" , behind the scenes, than out in the open, alive"---right?

    (Scared myself for a second there. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Whew. My brain needs rest.)

    Still, my God, what a statement.. ! He could and still can have tremendous influence any time he wants, he doesn't have to be dead.. even if it's fake..
    I hate the fact I am not a native english speaker right now....
    It's a bit difficult for me to explain what I mean sometimes.
    They feared him alive, they wanted him dead, but now that he's "dead" they fear him even more, because now the whole world (except for a few retarded haters) aknowledges his true value.
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Still, my God, what a statement.. ! He could and still can have tremendous influence any time he wants, he doesn't have to be dead.. even if it's fake..
    Before this, have you ever seen at least one single article like the one that appeared this week about "American people must demand justice in journalism"? I didn't. Not even one. That article is amazing and it happened only now, when people start to realise this man is completely innocent. Jordan Chandler finally spoke and said publicly that Michael didn't do anything, that it was all a lie to grab money. At least a percentage of the blind people who still didn't believe him to be innocent, realised it. Also, the name uncover at the school; his name was covered and probably it would have never been uncovered if people didn't gather together in order to defend him more than ever. Have you seen people doing that so far? No, people were keeping it for themselves, crying over it to themselves but not moving a finger. If this could be done before too without all this situation, then why didn't it happen, then?

    Because people are too asleep and needed something to awaken them.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Jordan Chandler finally spoke and said publicly that Michael didn't do anything, that it was all a lie to grab money.

    Where can I find info on that? When did that happen?

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739
    Jordan Chandler finally spoke and said publicly that Michael didn't do anything, that it was all a lie to grab money.

    Where can I find info on that? When did that happen?
    Oh my god, i don't think I would find it. I didn't see but read it. It could be an article or on a site....I believe. Not a video. At least it was true.I stumbled upon that in 2009, after June, anyway.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I hate the fact I am not a native english speaker right now....
    It's a bit difficult for me to explain what I mean sometimes.
    They feared him alive, they wanted him dead, but now that he's "dead" they fear him even more, because now the whole world (except for a few retarded haters) aknowledges his true value.

    Retarded haters----ROTFL <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> You just spoke my language with this phrase! Your English is great. We know what we are talking about. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Jordan Chandler finally spoke and said publicly that Michael didn't do anything, that it was all a lie to grab money.

    Where can I find info on that? When did that happen?
    Oh my god, i don't think I would find it. I didn't see but read it. It could be an article or on a site....I believe. Not a video. At least it was true.I stumbled upon that in 2009, after June, anyway.

    Me too. I remember that article.
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Jordan Chandler finally spoke and said publicly that Michael didn't do anything, that it was all a lie to grab money.

    Where can I find info on that? When did that happen?
    Oh my god, i don't think I would find it. I didn't see but read it. It could be an article or on a site....I believe. Not a video. At least it was true.I stumbled upon that in 2009, after June, anyway.

    Me too. I remember that article.

    I remember that too, but I want to see it coming out of his mouth.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I don´t remember seeing video with him making a public call. It was all written and spreaded all over the net.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I don´t remember seeing video with him making a public call. It was all written and spreaded all over the net.

    Nor do I, it was all written and it didn't really made much noise IMO. Now I am wondering if it was even true... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Jordan Chandler finally spoke and said publicly that Michael didn't do anything, that it was all a lie to grab money.

    Where can I find info on that? When did that happen?
    Oh my god, i don't think I would find it. I didn't see but read it. It could be an article or on a site....I believe. Not a video. At least it was true.I stumbled upon that in 2009, after June, anyway.

    Me too. I remember that article.

    I remember that too, but ]I want to see it coming out of his mouth

    that would be great. but how could it happen? wouldn't it be dangerous for this guy to make himself known after what has happened?

  • Here's one of those articles which are discussed here. A simple google search for "Jordan Chandler admitting" will give you more results, but I'm just pasting one of them.

    Jordan Chandler Admits He Lied about Michael Jackson
    June 29, 2009 by antonio

    Finally, Jordan Chandler admits he lied about Michael Jackson of indecency, which became the pilot to the court case against the “King of Pop”. Jordan Chandler the child that accused Michael for misbehaving with him finally came forward to tell that the case was based on lies. Evan Chandler was the father of the kid, he never approved the friendship between Jordan and Michael Jackson, and he is the one who accused “King of Pop” for having an unnatural relationship with his son.

    Michael and Jordan were friends but Jordan’s father never approved their friendship, encouraged by his father Jordan charged “MJ” for the indecency in their relation. The case hit the streets, newspapers and tabloids and the only names people knew back then were Michael Jackson, Jordan and Evan Chandler, and media and law firms are hounding Michael Jackson.

    It would be better if I do not make it all in favor of Michael Jackson, but it seems like we might never be able to know the truth. It is very much possible that Michael or his family have used their money to bribe or buy Even and Jordan and they have changed their statements, but who knows.

    Anyway, these are the rumors I have heard over the internet and decided to write about it. After Michael Jackson’s death, Chandler has come forward and said that he made up the story just to insult the “King of Pop” for the money.
    Now it is your turn to leave the comments and tell that according to you what can be the correct possibility.

    <!-- m -->http://www.makli.com/jordan-chandler-ad ... on-003762/<!-- m -->

      [li]Don't you think that this would have made major headlines had Jordan indeed admitting he lied..?[/li] [li]Non of the articles on the internet about this lists a source.[/li] [li]There have been no confirmed reports of Jordan Chandler admitting to the statement.[/li]

    Jordan Chandler has been silent about Michael Jackson for years, and has remained silent until this very day. It's my opinion that unless Jordan and/or Gavin Arvizo speak up, it will be very difficult to changes the minds of the general public who still think Mike is guilty of molesting children. I don't think we will ever hear from Arvizo, I still have my hopes on Jordan.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    The problem are the corrupted media. Of course it would be of a great help if they admitted the truth publicly but with or without them the truth will unfurl I am confident about that. I mean that the truth is there it's just that it is not known, it's hidden on purpose already. If they were to speak and that nobody hears a word about it, it wouldn't really make a change. The truth isn't waiting to be found it's waiting to be known and believed. If anyone were to know how the trial happened any sane person would understand quickly. Vivement 2012....

  • Here's one of those articles which are discussed here. A simple google search for "Jordan Chandler admitting" will give you more results, but I'm just pasting one of them.

    Jordan Chandler Admits He Lied about Michael Jackson
    June 29, 2009 by antonio

    Finally, Jordan Chandler admits he lied about Michael Jackson of indecency, which became the pilot to the court case against the “King of Pop”. Jordan Chandler the child that accused Michael for misbehaving with him finally came forward to tell that the case was based on lies. Evan Chandler was the father of the kid, he never approved the friendship between Jordan and Michael Jackson, and he is the one who accused “King of Pop” for having an unnatural relationship with his son.

    Michael and Jordan were friends but Jordan’s father never approved their friendship, encouraged by his father Jordan charged “MJ” for the indecency in their relation. The case hit the streets, newspapers and tabloids and the only names people knew back then were Michael Jackson, Jordan and Evan Chandler, and media and law firms are hounding Michael Jackson.

    It would be better if I do not make it all in favor of Michael Jackson, but it seems like we might never be able to know the truth. It is very much possible that Michael or his family have used their money to bribe or buy Even and Jordan and they have changed their statements, but who knows.

    Anyway, these are the rumors I have heard over the internet and decided to write about it. After Michael Jackson’s death, Chandler has come forward and said that he made up the story just to insult the “King of Pop” for the money.
    Now it is your turn to leave the comments and tell that according to you what can be the correct possibility.

    <!-- m -->http://www.makli.com/jordan-chandler-ad ... on-003762/<!-- m -->

      [li]Don't you think that this would have made major headlines had Jordan indeed admitting he lied..?[/li] [li]Non of the articles on the internet about this lists a source.[/li] [li]There have been no confirmed reports of Jordan Chandler admitting to the statement.[/li]

    Jordan Chandler has been silent about Michael Jackson for years, and has remained silent until this very day. It's my opinion that unless Jordan and/or Gavin Arvizo speak up, it will be very difficult to changes the minds of the general public who still think Mike is guilty of molesting children. I don't think we will ever hear from Arvizo, I still have my hopes on Jordan.

    @ MO ---> In total agreement with Points 1 (Answer: YES), 2 & 3 above, I came to the same conclusions a while back.

    What I would really like to see, is Jordan Chandler or Gavin Arvizo (Though I think the latter is a lost cause!) live on Oprah (By phone to preserve his/their identity) and admitting that it was all a lie! This would really make BIG news and it would be the right way to do it... I hope this will happen!

    With L.O.V.E
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