Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Thanks Sinderella.

    Susan - why haven't you responded to my PM from a week or so ago? I thought you were answering our questions? I feel a little slighted at the moment as I respond to everyone who asks simple questions from me. Thank you for your time in responding.

    Not a problem doll...needed to be done.
    Everyone got carried away with the Oprah LMP thread and then BJ's education thread so before Oprah strikes back part 2 with her disgusting back to back shows on child molestation with Michael's children squished in the middle...for ratings and god knows what other dispicable purposes...I'm getting this revived.
    It is still relevant and since Ms B declared she was uploading her video and pt2 again...i'm just making a point of it.

    Also,Chloe is still waiting on a reply.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    well done sinderella,too many people just want their 15 mins of lets see if susan is yet another one of them.............................
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    well done sinderella,too many people just want their 15 mins of lets see if susan is yet another one of them.............................

    ****still waiting.....
    She is on twitter arguing with Jackson 5 fanatics and teenagers...might be waiting a while
  • Oh she real?

    She didn't bother to answer my PM either. And now she's all over twitter? Didn't she say she didn't want any of this? Seems to me she's bathing in the attention, rather than trying to avoid it. Probably we aren't treating her like a queen enough => she doesn't bother...
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    She is a Jackson 5 fan. I don´t think she is so interested in Michael. Also, she thinks he is dead.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I don't care who or what she is,after giving a story on here and saying she was done with as she couldn't hand the fame coming from her video,removig it and ignoring my rather long but well structured comment to her....she comes back a few days later and opens up a thread in the new members area introducing herself....AFTER being on that not slightly backwards?
    She then said she'd answer PM's and questions...she hasn't
    She also claimed that she was putting not 1 but both parts of her video back up...she hasn't

    If she isn't real then I want to know who it is
    and if she is,what the big deal is about putting her videos back up for the world to see since she is clearly over the fame of it.

    She pretty much blamed the forum and it's members in this thread for her removing it which I am still angry about since we're the ones who gave it most of it's views on youtube and decided it was of some sort of relevance.

    I know she is a J5 fan,that is obvious but regardless of that fact,she still remains to be the only person who attended that aftershow with footage.

    Still waiting on how and why.
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