Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • No the impersonators were not part of the performance.
  • ok guys well with all due respect, this is a position I did not expect nor want to be in when I posted my videos. I just got overwhelmed by all of the attention - a lot was nice - some not so nice and wanted to set it straight. So I will be leaving the forum now and wish you guys well with whatever endeavors you seek.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    ok guys well with all due respect, this is a position I did not expect nor want to be in when I posted my videos. I just got overwhelmed by all of the attention - a lot was nice - some not so nice and wanted to set it straight. So I will be leaving the forum now and wish you guys well with whatever endeavors you seek.

    Take care!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Wowsers, interesting drama or what!
    by susanbenante
    YOU find it suspicious? How do you think I FEEL after being contacted by hundreds and hundreds of people out of nowhere questioning me left right and center for something I thought would just make other people happy? I don't know why I'm the only one with a video. It was a very small gathering inside. Most of the crowd was outside. It was pandemonium outside of there. Like I said, because the footage I posted was very short and for purposes of people who were with me there that night and for my family back home, I edited it to make it short. I placed a longer piece of footage online last night and then got overwhelmed with people messaging me again and over the last few days have been linked to various sites mentioning my name, my video and last night...THIS. I find it too much to be honest. I'm just clearing up basic points that's all.

    How do you know I do not help? How do you know that I don't do some kind of part? How do you think I got into that party? Do you think maybe I knew somebody? Does it enter your head that maybe I did do something positive and that was my end result? I am more than happy to post a short clip of my other footage if you walk me through the steps. I will not divulge who I know, what I do, what I did, but just for proof I am happy to give a few seconds of my other footage because I really am tired of all this. My feelings have been incredibly hurt and not at any stage did I ever say England was better than America or that we didn't have problems. But I DO think it's a serious problem when I see kids going to court for traffic tickets and being fined hundreds of dollars and a girl who nearly killed me walked off scot free and not a dime out of her pocket. So maybe, just in my small way, maybe I am trying to highlight OTHER problems outside of Jackson issues because being 42 years old and English, I come from a different time and place, so I do not understand this. It's a huge culture shock, if that offends someone then oh well, but I'm sorry I do NOT see the justice.

    No I did not see Michael's children, other people have told me that they did, I do not see how they saw them because I sat in the row directly behind the Jackson family and as you probably saw in my video I had a picture to prove that. Michael's kids did not turn up to the after party and neither did Mr or Mrs Jackson or Tito and Sonia. However Autumn Jackson did and I had a blast with her, she's a very very nice and humble person as well as incredibly beautiful. There was a professional photo shoot done on the night and I was in that. I do remember the guy in the red shirt of course I do. I was standing beside him for quite a long time and he has contacted me via youtube to say what his name is and you are all free to view my comments. I came to this board because people, like I say, have been bombarding me in the hundreds with questions and demanding answers. I did not speak to the guy in the red shirt. Someone else did that I know very very well and according to them he said he came from Australia, however it was very loud in there and he could have misheard. Now I read it's Aruba. You are free to read how I felt about that also on my YouTube page. I saw him in the concert and being probably amongst the first 10 people to arrive inside the concert and having front row seats, I did notice a lot of clicking of cameras when the Michael Jackson impersonators came in. I saw all of them up close in the concert and also at the after party as they seemed to be part of an entourage. None of them stuck out to me, apart from the guy in the red shirt. I have said and I quote again, as I seem to have been quoted in various other sources, that my stomach was churning over and over when I was next to him. Other than that, I don't know what you want me to say.

    There were a lot of odd things that night. I really don't want to say because I have an acquaintance of mine who is a close friend of one of the Jacksons and I am very loyal in not divulging information. The concert started very late. There were a lot of discrepancies. My camera was confiscated and security was on me like white on rice for most of the night. I was very fortunate that Tito and Jermaine were entirely gracious throughout by allowing me my moments with them. Jermaine made time to meet as many people in the party as humanly possible, and we were given a lot of let's say 'miscommunication'. I do not say that any of that was down to the Jackson family but the security was so tight it was almost unbearable. I did want to speak to the guy in the red shirt and it took a couple of drinks before I was able to loosen up but I wasn't quite at that stage where I could approach him. Of course something did not sit right with me as far as he was concerned, I was standing about a foot away from him a lot of the time as I am sure future photoshoots will show. There is going to be a pay per view for the concert as far as I am aware and the Jackson impersonators including the guy you are talking about were taking photo shoots. Did I wonder? Well of course I did and then at the same time I felt incredibly guilty at being handed such a huge opportunity to think maybe it WAS him. It was a great night, I could not flaw any of the Jackson family they are extremely beautiful and wonderful in person and if you tell me how, I will upload a small excerpt to a video and after that I am never going to show any of my videos again. This has been way over my head.

    Like I told you, things got really out of hand last night for me and I took down all of my videos I have hundreds of little excerpts of the night but I am happy to put one back up for a very short time and then I am going to remove it for good

    Ok I have no idea what has happened here but my YouTube account has been completely hacked and removed. I only removed the videos not the account, so I have had to make a new account. The video will show some of my earlier excerpts and some new ones but YouTube is not allowing me on under my former account and I don't know why so bear with me and you guys can see it in a few minutes, then I am going to remove the video for good. Fair enough?

    My camera battery got removed at the start of the concert even though I had been given prior permission to take it. Pictures during the concert were taken via a cellphone with security guards watching me heavily making sure I had no videos of the actual concert. I was given back the battery and when I was in the after party I was then able to take video footage myself and most of it by someone else. This all belongs to me and I am the only one who has it. I hope that answers your questions. Like I said I wanted those who were with me that night and got lost in the excitement to have a recording of it and to share with other fans, this has blown way out of proportion and some of the emails and messages I get! So if that's just a LITTLE of what the Jacksons have to go through in their every day life, I am glad it's not me. I hope I have answered your questions, I have removed the video but for those who saw it, I think I have proved beyond doubt who I am.

    No the impersonators were not part of the performance.

    k guys well with all due respect, this is a position I did not expect nor want to be in when I posted my videos. I just got overwhelmed by all of the attention - a lot was nice - some not so nice and wanted to set it straight. So I will be leaving the forum now and wish you guys well with whatever endeavors you seek.

    She must be a believer because she says her stomache was churning a lot when standing next to the impersonator with the red shirt, and she thought maybe it ''WAS" him (MJ). The impersonators were not part of the show, and so they had no real purpose other than entertainment, reminding people of Michael, and what we are speculating that is--to hide MJ impersonating himself.

    Her having a close friend who is a friend of the Jacksons, is I guess, how she got such a good seat, right behind the Jacksons, and a ticket to the small inside group in the after party, when there were loud massive crowds outside. Was she selected by them for some purpose? She may be telling us the truth, but I also believe she is not telling us everything. She said she was loyal in not divulging information, what could she have divulged? What kind of discrepancies did she see? Very strange. Why does she have to get so upset that she removes everything, almost seems like clues given quickly and then gone (makes for a challenge for us).

    I can understand security being tight because of MJ's kids being there, but she didn't see the kids where she was, and the security can't have been so tight for Jermaine, or maybe I'm just not aware of him having crazy fan problems like MJ. Was security tight because MJ WAS there??

    There's lots here (and her site) to examine more closely. I know you guys are going to get to the bottom of this!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • So MJ's 'back'...............hiding in plain sight....................hoax within a hoax............?
  • Wowsers, interesting drama or what!
    by susanbenante
    YOU find it suspicious? How do you think I FEEL after being contacted by hundreds and hundreds of people out of nowhere questioning me left right and center for something I thought would just make other people happy? I don't know why I'm the only one with a video. It was a very small gathering inside. Most of the crowd was outside. It was pandemonium outside of there. Like I said, because the footage I posted was very short and for purposes of people who were with me there that night and for my family back home, I edited it to make it short. I placed a longer piece of footage online last night and then got overwhelmed with people messaging me again and over the last few days have been linked to various sites mentioning my name, my video and last night...THIS. I find it too much to be honest. I'm just clearing up basic points that's all.

    How do you know I do not help? How do you know that I don't do some kind of part? How do you think I got into that party? Do you think maybe I knew somebody? Does it enter your head that maybe I did do something positive and that was my end result? I am more than happy to post a short clip of my other footage if you walk me through the steps. I will not divulge who I know, what I do, what I did, but just for proof I am happy to give a few seconds of my other footage because I really am tired of all this. My feelings have been incredibly hurt and not at any stage did I ever say England was better than America or that we didn't have problems. But I DO think it's a serious problem when I see kids going to court for traffic tickets and being fined hundreds of dollars and a girl who nearly killed me walked off scot free and not a dime out of her pocket. So maybe, just in my small way, maybe I am trying to highlight OTHER problems outside of Jackson issues because being 42 years old and English, I come from a different time and place, so I do not understand this. It's a huge culture shock, if that offends someone then oh well, but I'm sorry I do NOT see the justice.

    No I did not see Michael's children, other people have told me that they did, I do not see how they saw them because I sat in the row directly behind the Jackson family and as you probably saw in my video I had a picture to prove that. Michael's kids did not turn up to the after party and neither did Mr or Mrs Jackson or Tito and Sonia. However Autumn Jackson did and I had a blast with her, she's a very very nice and humble person as well as incredibly beautiful. There was a professional photo shoot done on the night and I was in that. I do remember the guy in the red shirt of course I do. I was standing beside him for quite a long time and he has contacted me via youtube to say what his name is and you are all free to view my comments. I came to this board because people, like I say, have been bombarding me in the hundreds with questions and demanding answers. I did not speak to the guy in the red shirt. Someone else did that I know very very well and according to them he said he came from Australia, however it was very loud in there and he could have misheard. Now I read it's Aruba. You are free to read how I felt about that also on my YouTube page. I saw him in the concert and being probably amongst the first 10 people to arrive inside the concert and having front row seats, I did notice a lot of clicking of cameras when the Michael Jackson impersonators came in. I saw all of them up close in the concert and also at the after party as they seemed to be part of an entourage. None of them stuck out to me, apart from the guy in the red shirt. I have said and I quote again, as I seem to have been quoted in various other sources, that my stomach was churning over and over when I was next to him. Other than that, I don't know what you want me to say.

    There were a lot of odd things that night. I really don't want to say because I have an acquaintance of mine who is a close friend of one of the Jacksons and I am very loyal in not divulging information. The concert started very late. There were a lot of discrepancies. My camera was confiscated and security was on me like white on rice for most of the night. I was very fortunate that Tito and Jermaine were entirely gracious throughout by allowing me my moments with them. Jermaine made time to meet as many people in the party as humanly possible, and we were given a lot of let's say 'miscommunication'. I do not say that any of that was down to the Jackson family but the security was so tight it was almost unbearable. I did want to speak to the guy in the red shirt and it took a couple of drinks before I was able to loosen up but I wasn't quite at that stage where I could approach him. Of course something did not sit right with me as far as he was concerned, I was standing about a foot away from him a lot of the time as I am sure future photoshoots will show. There is going to be a pay per view for the concert as far as I am aware and the Jackson impersonators including the guy you are talking about were taking photo shoots. Did I wonder? Well of course I did and then at the same time I felt incredibly guilty at being handed such a huge opportunity to think maybe it WAS him. It was a great night, I could not flaw any of the Jackson family they are extremely beautiful and wonderful in person and if you tell me how, I will upload a small excerpt to a video and after that I am never going to show any of my videos again. This has been way over my head.

    Like I told you, things got really out of hand last night for me and I took down all of my videos I have hundreds of little excerpts of the night but I am happy to put one back up for a very short time and then I am going to remove it for good

    Ok I have no idea what has happened here but my YouTube account has been completely hacked and removed. I only removed the videos not the account, so I have had to make a new account. The video will show some of my earlier excerpts and some new ones but YouTube is not allowing me on under my former account and I don't know why so bear with me and you guys can see it in a few minutes, then I am going to remove the video for good. Fair enough?

    My camera battery got removed at the start of the concert even though I had been given prior permission to take it. Pictures during the concert were taken via a cellphone with security guards watching me heavily making sure I had no videos of the actual concert. I was given back the battery and when I was in the after party I was then able to take video footage myself and most of it by someone else. This all belongs to me and I am the only one who has it. I hope that answers your questions. Like I said I wanted those who were with me that night and got lost in the excitement to have a recording of it and to share with other fans, this has blown way out of proportion and some of the emails and messages I get! So if that's just a LITTLE of what the Jacksons have to go through in their every day life, I am glad it's not me. I hope I have answered your questions, I have removed the video but for those who saw it, I think I have proved beyond doubt who I am.

    No the impersonators were not part of the performance.

    k guys well with all due respect, this is a position I did not expect nor want to be in when I posted my videos. I just got overwhelmed by all of the attention - a lot was nice - some not so nice and wanted to set it straight. So I will be leaving the forum now and wish you guys well with whatever endeavors you seek.

    She must be a believer because she says her stomache was churning a lot when standing next to the impersonator with the red shirt, and she thought maybe it ''WAS" him (MJ). The impersonators were not part of the show, and so they had no real purpose other than entertainment, reminding people of Michael, and what we are speculating that is--to hide MJ impersonating himself.

    Her having a close friend who is a friend of the Jacksons, is I guess, how she got such a good seat, right behind the Jacksons, and a ticket to the small inside group in the after party, when there were loud massive crowds outside. Was she selected by them for some purpose? She may be telling us the truth, but I also believe she is not telling us everything. She said she was loyal in not divulging information, what could she have divulged? What kind of discrepancies did she see? Very strange. Why does she have to get so upset that she removes everything, almost seems like clues given quickly and then gone (makes for a challenge for us).

    I can understand security being tight because of MJ's kids being there, but she didn't see the kids where she was, and the security can't have been so tight for Jermaine, or maybe I'm just not aware of him having crazy fan problems like MJ. Was security tight because MJ WAS there??

    There's lots here (and her site) to examine more closely. I know you guys are going to get to the bottom of this!! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    This is getting weirder and weirder...My guess is we are onto something with the red shirt guy and Susan basically confirmed it...Well but she implied that she knows something more that she, unforunately, can't share with us for confidentiality reasons. Now what could that possibly be...??

    Btw I don't believe she won't be coming back to the forum. I think she'll want to linger around and see how we proceed with the investigation <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> I bet it's exciting to know something (or pretend to know something??) that so many people want to one could resist the temptation to build the tension, huh?
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    well we will get there when we have the proof we need.....WOW ...xxxx
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    I noticed Susan back here reading a few minutes ago.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @Susan, thanks for your reply <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I came onto the forum because it said I had a personal message and not using it long I went to the forum and then realized it was a PM. That's why you saw me here. Please do not misconstrue my words or twist them. I did not say that I thought there was any conspiracy with regard to the guy in the red shirt, I merely suggested that he's the best impersonator I've ever seen in my life, so much so that I actually felt quite sick that's all. Ok I gotta go.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I am finding this rather strange!

    I mean , so she's 'proven' who she is, she was at the after party, standing next to the dude who we all thought looked like Michael Jackson and she thought it could be him?? It can't be that other guy in the red shirt then who looks nothing like Michael..even my mother who couldn't care less about MJ could tell you it's not him...

    The plot thickens..

    By the way, what is her youtube account?
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Susan benante
    None of them stuck out to me, apart from the guy in the red shirt. I have said and I quote again, as I seem to have been quoted in various other sources, that my stomach was churning over and over when I was next to him....
    the Jackson impersonators including the guy you are talking about were taking photo shoots. Did I wonder? Well of course I did and then at the same time I felt incredibly guilty at being handed such a huge opportunity to think maybe it WAS him.
    I don't know how I twisted your words.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    well we will get there anyways.... ...xxxx
    Of course we will LF some of us believe no matter what and do put effort into validating things

    I was only gone
    Wish I could say I was impressed but I'm not.
    I think it would be better if I hold my tongue and put my time into the investigation for Michael's sake instead but then...I wouldn't be being myself...and as life has taught me that is something you should always be.
    People swap and change sides on here with a blow of the wind.When presented with ONE piece of information they swing one soon as another comes along...they blow the other.
    Yes,we were looking for confirmation but I am not about to believe a story that I see holes in and until I/we find another atendee to validate I stick to my initial thoughts on the subject.
    If you want reasons I will happily supply them to you.

    Regarding this
    She must be a believer

    I have nothing against you Susan.Really.There is no malice or nasty tone intented to what I say. At all.I am not a mean or rude person but I am honest,real and value my ability to have an opinion and freedom of speech.
    You are a person on earth,as am I and we are linked by this thread..that is it.I am not investigating you.I had to google you to find a way to contact you,I'm sure that is quite normal in 2010 as most people use facebook before email.

    No one on here called you a lunatic,just need to clear that up.
    No one said you were not entitled to have a good time at a party.It's a party...we're stoked you had a ball.
    You were not dispurged, they were personal opinions based on your actions you made public property when you uploaded the video on to youtube/put your fbgroup up which I'm sure has also been deleted by now.

    So,now i've said that.... back to the ...oh's gone.
    You're all thanking someone for coming on here and answering...nothing much at all,sharing her experience with the forum... when you should be annoyed as f*&@ that now the only video of the event this forum was using to get evidence and clues from had been removed...yeah...really helpful that (Y)
    To believe uploading the only video evidence of that party would not lead to thousands of questions and messages from people on both sides and all around the world is beyond my comprehension.I get questions about it and it's not even my video...

    You may not like the tone of this thread but tbh I don't like that you have joined and come on here giving out like the entire thread has been named after you and we're all talking about you,giving you a hard time,slagging you off and using you as a topic of conversation.
    I also don't like that you are using that as part of the reason you removed your footage.
    The members of this forum have partly been responsible for your video becoming famous, and being seen globally by thousands of people who I'm sure were very grateful to you for it.
    Do you think if there had of been another version from someone else for them to compare and analyse you would of ended up here?Your video was important not just for MJ fans,believers,non believers but for Jermaine fans..which you know because you have said it here yourself.So I really do question your true reasons for removing it.
    I find it strange that you were informed of this particular forum when I know 100% for a FACT your video and so on are also on the other main hoax forum,it is in blogs,other websites and so...why only join this forum?Did you join the other one and tell them who you are and why the video has gone?I think your 'informer' needs to do better research.

    You have come on,told your story,and created an opportunity for all attention to be solely directed at you by doing so...when you come across like thats the last thing in the world you want??
    This entire thread has become about you...when that is what you came on to stop.
    We have all seen your video,why remove it?If you are having issues with other entertainment people and media outlets I suggest you speak to them about crediting you and paying you if they intend to post it out further.I agree that is out of order since it is your personal footage.

    I am not going to comment on anything you have said about your experience,as I said above,I see holes in it.That is my own personal decision and has nothing to do with you as a person or me being difficult towards you.
    It is unfortunate this all came about this way,but that's obviously how fate decided to deal with it.

    If you have left,you probably won't read this,if you do I hope you take what I have said as my honest and professional opinion and NOT as dragging your name through anything.
    Goodbye and Yes,you are extremley lucky to have escaped your accident.Good luck with any recovery you have left, if any.

    I am leaving this here.

    Now..I don't know about ahyone else here,but I am going back to work on this and back to being awesome

    Sin xo
  • I came onto the forum because it said I had a personal message and not using it long I went to the forum and then realized it was a PM. That's why you saw me here. Please do not misconstrue my words or twist them. I did not say that I thought there was any conspiracy with regard to the guy in the red shirt, I merely suggested that he's the best impersonator I've ever seen in my life, so much so that I actually felt quite sick that's all. Ok I gotta go.

    Ok...wait a minute...You had what? You got a PM before you even introduced yourself to anyone here? Sounds more like you've had an account on this forum for some time already..."it said I had a PM and that's why I came here". Does that mean you got a notification on your cellphone that you have a msg on a forum you have never visited before??

    Did I miss something... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Thank you Sinder, proclaimed Thread Official Voice of Reason.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    shall we move on now people................??????
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Thank you Sinder, proclaimed Thread Official Voice of Reason.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    I came onto the forum because it said I had a personal message and not using it long I went to the forum and then realized it was a PM. That's why you saw me here. Please do not misconstrue my words or twist them. I did not say that I thought there was any conspiracy with regard to the guy in the red shirt, I merely suggested that he's the best impersonator I've ever seen in my life, so much so that I actually felt quite sick that's all. Ok I gotta go.

    Ok...wait a minute...You had what? You got a PM before you even introduced yourself to anyone here? Sounds more like you've had an account on this forum for some time already..."it said I had a PM and that's why I came here". Does that mean you got a notification on your cellphone that you have a msg on a forum you have never visited before??

    Did I miss something... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I think it was in response to RKs statement:
    I noticed Susan back here reading a few minutes ago.
  • I came onto the forum because it said I had a personal message and not using it long I went to the forum and then realized it was a PM. That's why you saw me here. Please do not misconstrue my words or twist them. I did not say that I thought there was any conspiracy with regard to the guy in the red shirt, I merely suggested that he's the best impersonator I've ever seen in my life, so much so that I actually felt quite sick that's all. Ok I gotta go.

    Ok...wait a minute...You had what? You got a PM before you even introduced yourself to anyone here? Sounds more like you've had an account on this forum for some time already..."it said I had a PM and that's why I came here". Does that mean you got a notification on your cellphone that you have a msg on a forum you have never visited before??

    Did I miss something... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    I think it was in response to RKs statement:
    I noticed Susan back here reading a few minutes ago.

    Could be...thanks for reminding me, trublu <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    But I still think there's something very odd about this whole issue...
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    But I still think there's something very odd about this whole issue...

    That my dear,is an understatement...
  • the video has been removed
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    the video has been removed

    Yah we know.Nice of her wasn't my previous post,I have given my opinion on it.

    However,and I did tell her this was up all over the net so it was pointless removing her's...this is still up.Not SB's full version...but the most important part is there.
    And since it belongs to someone else,who have credited Susan at the end and Susan has herself commented on it I don't have to be sorry for linking y'all to it.. so here you go

  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334

    Susan,have you got over your shock of 'finding' this thread and put your video back up with pt2 or is your youtube account still 'hacked'?
  • Thanks Sinderella.

    Susan - why haven't you responded to my PM from a week or so ago? I thought you were answering our questions? I feel a little slighted at the moment as I respond to everyone who asks simple questions from me. Thank you for your time in responding.
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