Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • *****News update on why there is no other footage of the actual show********

    The Jermaine tribute show in Planet Hollywood October 2nd 2010 was being filmed for pay per view tv like most performance/shows in Vegas.It is quite normal.I did say this earlier on in the thread.There would be a no recording policy in place because what would be the point in paying for it on tv when someone is going to be uploading it in a few hours on youtube FOR FREE...
    If you record when it is it unauthorized in the venue by the venue or artist and you upload it on to the internet you can be sued for illigally uploading content that you have no rights to,be made to remove it etc.Anyone at that show probably had their camera taken off them.This leaves phone...but the rules still video footage would be allowed to be uploaded.

    This seems to also explain the 02 Conference...kinda....Nah...that's still fucked up lol!sorry

    This 'Ken Rolling' who myself and a few other members are trying to hunt down and find out about,is the strangest character and nothing makes sense so far.There are a few links that lead to nowhere around summer 2008..and then nothing until 2010.

    To me, it appears he is definitley up on some sort of balcony area which is usually VIP thus appearing so far away when filming and also filming illegally but getting away with it as no one could see him do it.

    The plot thickens....
    will keep y'all up to speed.

    Sin xo

    So I wonder, how come this guy's video has not been removed, nor was his account suspended??

    WELL....This is strange also,and I only picked up on it late last night.I watched all 5videos from Mr Ken Rolling,although not very long,each video is a Jackson 5 song,there are NO Michael songs recorded.
    Not strange you may say...he is just a Jackson 5 fan...but...the day after the tribute show, TMZ released an article which was put up by Dejavu in a seperate thread "Jermaine Commands Michael Jackson's Army" stating if any other recorded footage was taken apart from the pay per view footage he could face legal action.Jermaine is legally allowed to cover the MJ songs in concert, but if he uses the pay per view recorded footage or any other footage to create and then sell a DVD, album or extra TV special he would need to go through the Michael Jackson estate to secure permission.

    Seems odd to me that this person avoided recording ANY Michael Jackson songs at a Michael Jackson tribute event and only get the Jackson 5 performances which...wouldn't get JJ into trouble with the estate....The article from TMZ did not come out until the following day so how did this person know not to record MJ tracks and only J5 ones?

    This together with the joining on June 25th,only having uploaded Michael Jackon tribute related vids up in the whole 2years he has had the account and he is the most obscure man possibly ever....can't all be coinsidence.

    It isn't even like he might have deleted previous videos because the only 5 subscriptions he has on his channel are from MJ fans and obviously came when he uploaded those videos last week.

    That is why his videos have not been removed...they aren't breaching JJ's rights to perform and video record his OWN songs.

    I am Ken Rollings worst nightmare as of now.

    Got you. But hear this:
    Leaving aside the fact that this guy might actually be breaching a whole bunch of other people's rights, including, of course, the rights to make the footage of the show public, whatever songs are being played there, how come he managed to shoot anything at all?? Know what I mean? Nobody noticed anything, he just went and did it? What I'm implying here is that this guy isn't afraid about his own ass, he doesn't want to get JJ into trouble by recording and releasing music which JJ's got no rights to? How strange...
    This, combined with the fact that: TMZ pointed out the implications explicitly, we can't seem to be able to track this guy down (plus all the weird circumstances concerning his account), PLUS the actual video of the Vegas gig and JJ's antics and everyone else's too...Hmmmmm!!!

    I feel like a hunting dog now <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    P.S. Great job, Sin
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    well done sinderella,,clever girl.!!!! should be working for the CIA....KGB....FBI.... ha ha ...........keep it up its brilliant work....xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Ahhh thank youuu!!Just doing my bit =]
    Haha!That'd be so awesome...I would totally suit flashing one of those badges at people.
    *****News update on why there is no other footage of the actual show********
    I am Ken Rollings worst nightmare as of now.

    Got you. But hear this:
    Leaving aside the fact that this guy might actually be breaching a whole bunch of other people's rights, including, of course, the rights to make the footage of the show public, whatever songs are being played there, how come he managed to shoot anything at all?? Know what I mean? Nobody noticed anything, he just went and did it? What I'm implying here is that this guy isn't afraid about his own ass, he doesn't want to get JJ into trouble by recording and releasing music which JJ's got no rights to? How strange...
    This, combined with the fact that: TMZ pointed out the implications explicitly, we can't seem to be able to track this guy down (plus all the weird circumstances concerning his account), PLUS the actual video of the Vegas gig and JJ's antics and everyone else's too...Hmmmmm!!!

    I feel like a hunting dog now <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    P.S. Great job, Sin

    First,thank you =]

    Second,totally spot on.I need to go look through every comment left under each vid to see if anyone knows him or said they were there...because I don't think I have seen one saying I was was awesome/shit/mediocre/how did you take this...
    The only comments i can see are...why is it so blurry and why is there no other video of this on the net.Which we know the answer to,and why no one has got at him to remove it from either PH or JJ's camp.WEIRD.

    Thirdly,This guy is off the radar.Everything he has signed up to..has either been deleted,been unused between 08-10, has no friends on the list,no picture,or has pictures that are full of ego and bling and cars ???everysite has a different agenda and talks about either super geeky stuff and vegas..but you cant comment on his posts or is about not letting your boss get rich....
    When I say this guy is strange and obscure I mean he is STRANGE and OBSCURE to the max.
    He has multiple places of residence noted down
    He has different birth dates December 1st then somewhere saying he is capricorn...which Michael is..btw.
    Nothing makes sense or links up with the next find.

    I honestly don't think it is a real person.It can't be...
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    WELL....This is strange also,and I only picked up on it late last night.I watched all 5videos from Mr Ken Rolling,although not very long,each video is a Jackson 5 song,there are NO Michael songs recorded.
    Not strange you may say...he is just a Jackson 5 fan...but...the day after the tribute show, TMZ released an article which was put up by Dejavu in a seperate thread "Jermaine Commands Michael Jackson's Army" stating if any other recorded footage was taken apart from the pay per view footage he could face legal action.Jermaine is legally allowed to cover the MJ songs in concert, but if he uses the pay per view recorded footage or any other footage to create and then sell a DVD, album or extra TV special he would need to go through the Michael Jackson estate to secure permission.

    Seems odd to me that this person avoided recording ANY Michael Jackson songs at a Michael Jackson tribute event and only get the Jackson 5 performances which...wouldn't get JJ into trouble with the estate....The article from TMZ did not come out until the following day so how did this person know not to record MJ tracks and only J5 ones?

    This together with the joining on June 25th,only having uploaded Michael Jackon tribute related vids up in the whole 2years he has had the account and he is the most obscure man possibly ever....can't all be coinsidence.

    It isn't even like he might have deleted previous videos because the only 5 subscriptions he has on his channel are from MJ fans and obviously came when he uploaded those videos last week.

    That is why his videos have not been removed...they aren't breaching JJ's rights to perform and video record his OWN songs.

    I am Ken Rollings worst nightmare as of now.
    This is so set up, TMZ specifically posting the rules of not using MJ music, and the one day foreknowledge by Rolling is huge. Someone should save the videos in case they are deleted. Also could you post the comments you mentioned, and the info about this Ken Rolling?(sounds like the camera is "rolling", Kenny Ortega?) Sounds like when TS was trying to prove his authenticity he used proof like that, preknowledge of what TMZ would post like the next day.
    by angelwings
    I know further down this page someone pointed out this is Lane....but two questions in my mind. Why in Lane's pics does he not show himself out of costume? And you pointed out in this impersonator in red shirt closely at 11 seconds. He calls a body guard over and tells him something and the body guard looks to tell someone to put their camera away. Why would an impersonator not want his pic taken? At least that's how it looks to me.
    I never noticed this, but you're totally right. Why would a mere impersonator be able to tell a body-gaurd what to do? And not take footage--maybe because he knows Mr. Rolling will be doing it. Seems like its a clue from MJ to us watchers. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> This guy is wearing black gloves and then in the pic with JJ, and the one showing his "back" is bare-black handed?? This is all starting to get very entertaining, a lot more than JJ's performance. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Great work guys!!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    This is so set up, TMZ specifically posting the rules of not using MJ music, and the one day foreknowledge by Rolling is huge. Someone should save the videos in case they are deleted. Also could you post the comments you mentioned, and the info about this Ken Rolling?(sounds like the camera is "rolling", Kenny Ortega?) Sounds like when TS was trying to prove his authenticity he used proof like that, preknowledge of what TMZ would post like the next day

    Well the title of the article was about commanding MJ's army but the article was actually about JJ not being able to use MJ's music for profit and how he might have pissed off the estate/sony.
    There was no need for the public to know that.It's just a pointless story..
    I'm glad I picked up on this 'Ken Rolling' because he is somehow linked i'm positive.
    You want me to post my previous comments or the ones on youtube under the videos?
    The info about him is throughout my previous comments,I am not going to post his myspace until I get more on him-I don't want to be responsible for whoever it is getting harassed just yet.
    His website which is random is and really isn't very does not match the persona he seems to have on other sites.Bling,cars,sunglasses,all about the $$$.This seems quite geeky to me.
    His myspace has a few pics,no friends apart from Tom myspace,no comments,and hasn't been logged into ...well's a pointless everything else attached to his name seems to be.

    I am trying my best to find some sort of link to SOMEONE involved in this is it or something but if it is a fake name,birthday,city of's going to be a while.

    I'll check youtube comments tonight though.
    Hope this answeres your questions?
    Thanks,if we continue to work as a team we shall be triumphant
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Thanks! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • This is so set up, TMZ specifically posting the rules of not using MJ music, and the one day foreknowledge by Rolling is huge. Someone should save the videos in case they are deleted. Also could you post the comments you mentioned, and the info about this Ken Rolling?(sounds like the camera is "rolling", Kenny Ortega?) Sounds like when TS was trying to prove his authenticity he used proof like that, preknowledge of what TMZ would post like the next day

    Well the title of the article was about commanding MJ's army but the article was actually about JJ not being able to use MJ's music for profit and how he might have pissed off the estate/sony.
    There was no need for the public to know that.It's just a pointless story..
    I'm glad I picked up on this 'Ken Rolling' because he is somehow linked i'm positive.
    You want me to post my previous comments or the ones on youtube under the videos?
    The info about him is throughout my previous comments,I am not going to post his myspace until I get more on him-I don't want to be responsible for whoever it is getting harassed just yet.
    His website which is random is and really isn't very does not match the persona he seems to have on other sites.Bling,cars,sunglasses,all about the $$$.This seems quite geeky to me.
    His myspace has a few pics,no friends apart from Tom myspace,no comments,and hasn't been logged into ...well's a pointless everything else attached to his name seems to be.

    I am trying my best to find some sort of link to SOMEONE involved in this is it or something but if it is a fake name,birthday,city of's going to be a while.

    I'll check youtube comments tonight though.
    Hope this answeres your questions?
    Thanks,if we continue to work as a team we shall be triumphant

    Absolutely! I love team work <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Gotta go get some sleep but I'll be back to dig into this again <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> Seems like we might be on to something.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    No problem,didn't imagine it to be an easy mission haha
  • well done sinderella,,clever girl.!!!! should be working for the CIA....KGB....FBI.... ha ha ...........keep it up its brilliant work....xxxxxxxxxxxxx

    Ahhh thank youuu!!Just doing my bit =]
    Haha!That'd be so awesome...I would totally suit flashing one of those badges at people.
    *****News update on why there is no other footage of the actual show********
    I am Ken Rollings worst nightmare as of now.

    Got you. But hear this:
    Leaving aside the fact that this guy might actually be breaching a whole bunch of other people's rights, including, of course, the rights to make the footage of the show public, whatever songs are being played there, how come he managed to shoot anything at all?? Know what I mean? Nobody noticed anything, he just went and did it? What I'm implying here is that this guy isn't afraid about his own ass, he doesn't want to get JJ into trouble by recording and releasing music which JJ's got no rights to? How strange...
    This, combined with the fact that: TMZ pointed out the implications explicitly, we can't seem to be able to track this guy down (plus all the weird circumstances concerning his account), PLUS the actual video of the Vegas gig and JJ's antics and everyone else's too...Hmmmmm!!!

    I feel like a hunting dog now <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->

    P.S. Great job, Sin

    First,thank you =]

    Second,totally spot on.I need to go look through every comment left under each vid to see if anyone knows him or said they were there...because I don't think I have seen one saying I was was awesome/shit/mediocre/how did you take this...
    The only comments i can see are...why is it so blurry and why is there no other video of this on the net.Which we know the answer to,and why no one has got at him to remove it from either PH or JJ's camp.WEIRD.

    Thirdly,This guy is off the radar.Everything he has signed up to..has either been deleted,been unused between 08-10, has no friends on the list,no picture,or has pictures that are full of ego and bling and cars ???everysite has a different agenda and talks about either super geeky stuff and vegas..but you cant comment on his posts or is about not letting your boss get rich....
    When I say this guy is strange and obscure I mean he is STRANGE and OBSCURE to the max.
    He has multiple places of residence noted down
    He has different birth dates December 1st then somewhere saying he is capricorn...which Michael is..btw.
    Nothing makes sense or links up with the next find.

    I honestly don't think it is a real person.It can't be...

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.Perhaps another alias?????
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I hope it isnt a 'new identity' or this is gonna be a long night lol!
  • Something in my gut feeling always told me that he was alive from day one 'it' happened. I ended up always referring him in present tense (like his family members <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> ) without even realizing that i did. I denied it because i thought well maybe because I'm not over his 'death' yet and I'm having a hard time of some sort. But i gave myself the chance and i ended up on this page <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . I had this dream and I was in shock when i woke up <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> .
    i dreamt that he came back and this page was going crazy <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> . We were all in celebration and apparently the majority of the non-believers were angry at Michael Jackson for doing that <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> . the world was in shock too. cant' remember the rest of them though.. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    Anyways back to the topic. The guy in the red and black coat has something fishy about him. OK so assuming that is an impersonator, this person is really creepy then because it is too much to imitate. i understand the look, and certain things but that is just too Michael Jackson to copy. Anybody also noticed him avoiding the camera with the guard standing in front of him? if he is an impersonator why avoid the camera? i mean the others around him are enjoying it <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->. The one in the picture with JJ has a shorter face with a thicker neck and the one in the video has a thinner neck and a leaner face like our MJ. I hope we are all right on this one. Who knew he would disguise himself as an impersonator <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> only Michael Jackson will do that.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    just a note about mj being a capricorn...................thats december/january brthdays.?????????????????
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    It seem a little creepy that Jermaine would take a photo with an impersonator that look alot like his brother. I've seen Lane Lassiter MJ look alike on his myspace. It's freaky because this dude really look alot like him but you can tell he is dark skin black obviously by his hand on the photo with However, I wouldn't rule out the fact that MJ would do something like Impersonate himself at a party. That would actually be halarious.
  • just a note about mj being a capricorn...................thats december/january brthdays.?????????????????

    Dec 22 - Jan 20
  • I hope it isnt a 'new identity' or this is gonna be a long night lol!

    I did little search too, and I really think the name Ken Rolling is just a nick, it's not a real name, IMO. And if that's the case then I'm sure the name stands for something, cause nicks always have some hidden meaning.
    I also think there isn't much point in following the other "Kens" since they probably got nothing to do with our youtube Ken who apparently disappeared into thin air for now. But we need to keep an eye on his account and see if he maybe uploads another video?? If he uploaded two, why stop there? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    Michael is a Virgo same as Barry Gibb
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Michael is a Virgo same as Barry Gibb
    just a note about mj being a capricorn...................thats december/january brthdays.???????

    Quite right, my mistake,whatever website i googled had Aug 22nd>September 21st.

    I don't know any other Virgo's so know nothing about that sign,google failed
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I hope it isnt a 'new identity' or this is gonna be a long night lol!

    I did little search too, and I really think the name Ken Rolling is just a nick, it's not a real name, IMO. And if that's the case then I'm sure the name stands for something, cause nicks always have some hidden meaning.
    I also think there isn't much point in following the other "Kens" since they probably got nothing to do with our youtube Ken who apparently disappeared into thin air for now. But we need to keep an eye on his account and see if he maybe uploads another video?? If he uploaded two, why stop there? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is too.The whole person is fake.As I said nothing links up with anything.It is like he is 2 or 3 different personalities.
    One thinks he is the next Donald Trump and goes on about not letting your boss get rich wearing all his bling and sungless while on a mobile phone...another seems geeky and into movies and has a totally pointless website about superman and movie reviews,no picture up on his youtube account,no friends on myspace or any other vids up as we know,there is only one facebook account for a KR that also has no picture and like...39friends who all look random(why be friends with someone who doesn't even have a photo up?lol) and on twitter he is flashing his big car talking about marketing and search engines.That as i said all added to his multiple residence,different dates of birth......only leaves a huge ?

    I am a very frustrated Sinderella.

    He IS thin air lol..It is quite rare for a person in 2010 to have no solid online presence even if it's just the one myspace,facebook or twitter.
    He uploaded FIVE!! lmao not two...or 3...5!In one go after nothing for 2years.

    Also,if he was up on a balcony,which USUALLY is the VIP area so you don't get squished,and was being a naughty boy filming when he shouldn't have been why didn't he make his way into this aftershow and film some more,he is clearly a JJ you said he isn't bothered about taking a bit of a risk or being thrown out for filming a show with a policy so why not go the party and meet the guy?...Thats what most people would be doing haha

    I don't want to make out like this guy might play a bigger part in all this incase he isn't as important as we hope he is...but so far with what I have seen,there are too many questions to not stay on his ass for the time being.
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    Wow Sinderella you're a good investigator <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I hope it isnt a 'new identity' or this is gonna be a long night lol!

    I did little search too, and I really think the name Ken Rolling is just a nick, it's not a real name, IMO. And if that's the case then I'm sure the name stands for something, cause nicks always have some hidden meaning.
    I also think there isn't much point in following the other "Kens" since they probably got nothing to do with our youtube Ken who apparently disappeared into thin air for now. But we need to keep an eye on his account and see if he maybe uploads another video?? If he uploaded two, why stop there? <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    I think it is too.The whole person is fake.As I said nothing links up with anything.It is like he is 2 or 3 different personalities.
    One thinks he is the next Donald Trump and goes on about not letting your boss get rich wearing all his bling and sungless while on a mobile phone...another seems geeky and into movies and has a totally pointless website about superman and movie reviews,no picture up on his youtube account,no friends on myspace or any other vids up as we know,there is only one facebook account for a KR that also has no picture and like...39friends who all look random(why be friends with someone who doesn't even have a photo up?lol) and on twitter he is flashing his big car talking about marketing and search engines.That as i said all added to his multiple residence,different dates of birth......only leaves a huge ?

    I am a very frustrated Sinderella.

    He IS thin air lol..It is quite rare for a person in 2010 to have no solid online presence even if it's just the one myspace,facebook or twitter.
    He uploaded FIVE!! lmao not two...or 3...5!In one go after nothing for 2years.

    Also,if he was up on a balcony,which USUALLY is the VIP area so you don't get squished,and was being a naughty boy filming when he shouldn't have been why didn't he make his way into this aftershow and film some more,he is clearly a JJ you said he isn't bothered about taking a bit of a risk or being thrown out for filming a show with a policy so why not go the party and meet the guy?...Thats what most people would be doing haha

    I don't want to make out like this guy might play a bigger part in all this incase he isn't as important as we hope he is...but so far with what I have seen,there are too many questions to not stay on his ass for the time being.

    Oh, crap, where did I get 2? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Nevermind <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    He visited his account 2 days ago, I wonder why. And I wonder if he's following this forum.
    Btw, we agree the videos must have been taken by a cellphone, obviously. It's really crap sound and all and it doesn't really have much of a value, you can barely hear what songs they're singing. My ears hurt just trying to figure what song that is. My point - he opened his account two years ago just to upload 5 crap videos?? If he's a fan of JJ I'd expect him to attend all kinds of shows/tributes/concerts whatever and try to get a few shots here and there of JJ and post it on his myspace,youtube whatever account. I don't get it. I suppose the only purpose of him sitting so far and away from the stage is to be able to record it, unseen, although I'm sure someone must have seen him/his shining cellphone screen, right. But given the bad quality of the videos, I really doubt anyone would bother going after him. Not really sure how important this guy is...he might be a distraction of some kind, just to lead us off the way.

    I also thought of the video from the afterparty - what struck me as weird is that although the pics are supposed to be stills taken from the video, something doesn't add up. If you look at the pic with this person standing with his back turned on us and the white hand...I didn't see that in the actual video. There is nobody behind those two girls posing for a pic. I mean, there must either be a longer video which we haven't seen and someone took the still from there, or it's photoshopped or someone took the pic independent of the video. Whatever case, it is STRANGE. I think we need to go after the person that uploaded the video. Who took it and why nobody paid any attention to him/her?? Something's off with those hands: gloves/black hand/white hand/...I hope someone's not playing nasty games with us <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Wow Sinderella you're a good investigator <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    I'm definitley gonna change career's and go for a job at the FBI like Loyalfan suggested haha <3
    Oh, crap, where did I get 2? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Nevermind <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    He visited his account 2 days ago, I wonder why. And I wonder if he's following this forum.
    Btw, we agree the videos must have been taken by a cellphone, obviously. It's really crap sound and all and it doesn't really have much of a value, you can barely hear what songs they're singing. My ears hurt just trying to figure what song that is. My point - he opened his account two years ago just to upload 5 crap videos?? If he's a fan of JJ I'd expect him to attend all kinds of shows/tributes/concerts whatever and try to get a few shots here and there of JJ and post it on his myspace,youtube whatever account. I don't get it. I suppose the only purpose of him sitting so far and away from the stage is to be able to record it, unseen, although I'm sure someone must have seen him/his shining cellphone screen, right. But given the bad quality of the videos, I really doubt anyone would bother going after him. Not really sure how important this guy is...he might be a distraction of some kind, just to lead us off the way.

    I also thought of the video from the afterparty - what struck me as weird is that although the pics are supposed to be stills taken from the video, something doesn't add up. If you look at the pic with this person standing with his back turned on us and the white hand...I didn't see that in the actual video. There is nobody behind those two girls posing for a pic. I mean, there must either be a longer video which we haven't seen and someone took the still from there, or it's photoshopped or someone took the pic independent of the video. Whatever case, it is STRANGE. I think we need to go after the person that uploaded the video. Who took it and why nobody paid any attention to him/her?? Something's off with those hands: gloves/black hand/white hand/...I hope someone's not playing nasty games with us <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    Something is 'off' with the entire show,start to the party.
    This just came to me too,don't know about you,but if i was pay per viewing to watch JJ's tribute show at home,and i was comfy,sat with some wine, know...getting prepared for this thing i'd just paid for to start so I could belt out a few tunes in my living room...and i'm waiting....and waiting...and my wine has run out....and i'm waiting...Doritos have gone..and it started an HOUR LATER!!I think someone would be issuing me a refund and another bottle of wine.
    That is the people at home...not mentioning the people who paid to be at the thing and who might have travelled to Vegas to see it.Thee was no apology or explanation as far as I know that was given either.
    Then you have this guy,filming when NO ONE else is, on a phone with awful quality..and it is the only visual evidence )apart from the payper view footage LF got earlier) that it even happened..but the catch is this guy isn't even really a real person?
    And exactly...the videos aren't even amazing.It wouldn't be such a weird thing if everything else had a connection...but it doesn't.June 25th and the Jackson tribute connection grabbed me straight away but since then...this 'person' is off the charts weird.

    Pause it at 2.34 exactly there is the 3women an just at the side you can see a white hand positioned like in the photo.I'm looking at it now,don't know how to do a still though..someone tell me and I will get on to it immidiatley.
    I agree....this susan person...need to get hold of her.Who is that blonde woman who thinks she is a supermodel and wants to just be on everyones face and in every shot?find her too lol.

  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    ***** 2.31 on the video sorry and you see his hand just at the side then the photo is at 2.34

  • ***** 2.31 on the video sorry and you see his hand just at the side then the photo is at 2.34


    Yea I know but you see the hand for just a split-second. I hate it. And we wouldn't notice unless someone took the effort and included this still where you can see it nice and clear. You get my point? I want to see the full video, dammit. This is like just a taste of it, I'm sure much more was taken.

    Let's hunt down this girl what's her name <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    It's actually at 2.34 Its just out of shot,but the photo does not match the video unless he was standing there with hand up on that rail for a while and the camera man was filming and taking photos on a digital as well..
    It does look like a still shot from the video but an edited out part because the 3rd woman on the end is missing off the photo..when she is clearly in shot on the video at 2.34 when you can first see the white hand.So why chop your friend off the end of your picture or tell her to get off it while you pose and have a white handed man in the background instead?

    Do you see what I mean...?

    Susan Benante is who uploaded that video.Hide and Seek time...
  • It's actually at 2.34 Its just out of shot,but the photo does not match the video unless he was standing there with hand up on that rail for a while and the camera man was filming and taking photos on a digital as well..
    It does look like a still shot from the video but an edited out part because the 3rd woman on the end is missing off the photo..when she is clearly in shot on the video at 2.34 when you can first see the white hand.So why chop your friend off the end of your picture or tell her to get off it while you pose and have a white handed man in the background instead?

    Do you see what I mean...?

    Susan Benante is who uploaded that video.Hide and Seek time...

    Yeah, Susan B., I just couldn't remember the name that moment...

    I know exactly what you mean...that's what I was saying before. The still doesn't match the video <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->
    So like I said, either the video was cut and the still is taken from the part which had been cut off, or there are stills (pics) AND a video. Either way, I'm starting to think that we see what we see because we ARE SUPPOSED to see and NOTICE exactly that (that the hands don't match, I guess?).

    I like our co-op <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    I got her.
    She is British,Susan Patricia
    I got her facebook and a group she started herself with only her as a member LOL....shame.

    Strange her name is Susie since that was MJ's seemingly faveourite name to use in his songs..but anyway... that is her group and she clearly thinks she is hysterical/a supermodel

    and if you go down to admins she is 'susie knows best'.

    Ok...i have more haha
    I super searched..found this group she is part of and had commented on
    Susie Knows-Best I think the best place to start is for the Jackson family to go over and over those so called 100+ hours of tapes which were cleverly edited for the This Is It film...there must be something in there which shows something untoward. I've watched this film a few times and it saddens me to say that he looked frail and and very unlike the Michael Jackson I saw in concert 20 years before. Of course age sets in, but that's not my point, he was often slurring words when talking. I don't think his true fans, myself included, will ever get over the loss.
    See More
    May 14 at 12:58am · Flag

    So it would appear she is in on it..
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