Jermaine Jackson After Party - Planet Hollywood October 2 20



  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    and the children would have seen daddy they would know what he was doing.....and being made up to look like a lookalike .they would not have been worried,it would have been explained to
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    and its interesting that the photo of micheals just that...A PHOTO...........was it added deliberately to tell us....................i mean,why is there some footage .and some still shots..........the one with his hand showing,is it done on purpose....................????????????????was he even standing there in that shot,or was it added to the shot.........................oh dear time for my straightjacket......
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Am I the only curious 1 to know who the women are? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • and its interesting that the photo of micheals just that...A PHOTO...........was it added deliberately to tell us....................i mean,why is there some footage .and some still shots..........the one with his hand showing,is it done on purpose....................????????????????was he even standing there in that shot,or was it added to the shot.........................oh dear time for my straightjacket......

    Good point, actually. The stills appeared out of nowhere?? We started questioning the redshirt guy, all of a sudden a pic was thrown at us with him hugging Jermaine and we could see his black hand. Now we got another pic with someone standing with his back turned on us, his hand visible again... Suspicious, if you ask me...
  • Am I the only curious 1 to know who the women are? <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    rebbies daughter and i dont know who's the other woman is
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    Can you post a link to the still pics? Thank you!
  • @sprint911

    Can you post a link to the still pics? Thank you!
    what pics?
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125

    Can you post a link to the still pics? Thank you!
    what pics?

    The pic above...or is that from the video? Sorry...I'm a little slow today... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • mac5kmac5k Posts: 338
    Yes at the end of the video ... I started another topic on this photo because nobody replied to my question in this initial one. Too focus on the guy with the red shirt at the beginning of this discussion <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> To me this photo is included in this video for A reason !
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    *****News update on why there is no other footage of the actual show********

    The Jermaine tribute show in Planet Hollywood October 2nd 2010 was being filmed for pay per view tv like most performance/shows in Vegas.It is quite normal.I did say this earlier on in the thread.There would be a no recording policy in place because what would be the point in paying for it on tv when someone is going to be uploading it in a few hours on youtube FOR FREE...
    If you record when it is it unauthorized in the venue by the venue or artist and you upload it on to the internet you can be sued for illigally uploading content that you have no rights to,be made to remove it etc.Anyone at that show probably had their camera taken off them.This leaves phone...but the rules still video footage would be allowed to be uploaded.

    This seems to also explain the 02 Conference...kinda....Nah...that's still fucked up lol!sorry

    This 'Ken Rolling' who myself and a few other members are trying to hunt down and find out about,is the strangest character and nothing makes sense so far.There are a few links that lead to nowwhere around summer 2008..and then nothing until 2010.

    To me, it appears he is definitley up on some sort of balcony area which is usually VIP thus appearing so far away when filming and also filming illegally but getting away with it as no one could see him do it.

    The plot thickens....
    will keep y'all up to speed.

    Sin xo
  • @sprint911

    Can you post a link to the still pics? Thank you!
    what pics?

    The pic above...or is that from the video? Sorry...I'm a little slow today... <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
    yes, its from the video
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    <!-- m --> ...<!-- m --> i see this vid on the other forum...wth is this then.clear footage...who took it...???
  • someonesthere.jpg

    Did anyone else find it odd that the woman with the blonde hair kept throwing up the baphomet sign in the photos? It wasn't like it was a rock concert where many people may throw it up without knowing what they're doing. Just another odd thing amongst many odd and possibly disturbing things (if MJ is really dead) about this event.
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    i see this vid on the other forum...wth is this then.clear footage...who took it...???

    They are possibly the ugliest lookalikes I have ever had to look at,all at the same time...

    and in answer to the question it looks to me like it came from someone doing proper filming ie not on a phone or digital cam so maybe the pay per view footage?It is clear and close enough
  • All I can say is................

    Gosh golly, Michael, I love ya!!!!!!
  • I think, Lane Lassiter did not know what to do he looked lost, out of his depth and he did not know which way to go. To be fair if he had seen Michael's children you would be a bit strange. No one with a heart would dress like the kids dead father and parade around in front of them.

    No one with a heart would take these kids somewhere they'd see a bunch of impersonators of their "dead" Dad. How sick is that of Jermaine? Unless, of course, the Dad isn't dead and is maybe even around, himself. That's what we're trying to figure out now.
    Lane Lassiter might have felt a bit uneasy being around the kids (he did Tweet about it after all, well..if that's not part of the hoax too) but the behaviour of the guy in the video doesn't add up with the pic where that guy seems confident and all. Also, like others pointed out, the bodyguards were behaving strange. So either way, the whole scene feels off to the guts.

    Btw, have we thought about WHY THERE WERE SO MANY IMPERSONATORS at the afterparty show??? What was the point?? Unless you wanna distract people from the real thing...Heh? Real thing meaning the REAL GUY??
    Just my thoughts...

    Love to all.

    In normality no no one would do that. But MJ was a celebrity. It's something they can't escape, they might go somewhere and just happen to see an impersonator. I'm sure growing up Lisa Marie came in contact or seen several Elvis impersonator. I see it as the kids get to see how much fans loved and admired their father.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    and its interesting that the photo of micheals just that...A PHOTO...........was it added deliberately to tell us....................i mean,why is there some footage .and some still shots..........the one with his hand showing,is it done on purpose....................????????????????was he even standing there in that shot,or was it added to the shot.........................oh dear time for my straightjacket......

    Good point, actually. The stills appeared out of nowhere?? We started questioning the redshirt guy, all of a sudden a pic was thrown at us with him hugging Jermaine and we could see his black hand. Now we got another pic with someone standing with his back turned on us, his hand visible again... Suspicious, if you ask me...

    It's interesting that we have his "Back" to us, just like in the pic of MJ in the Wrap looking at earth (the Sphinx).
    If it is truly MJ, maybe like in the video Ghosts, he is saying to us, "Game time, anybody like games? Hello!" <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> We have to guess which ones are impersators and which one is the real thing.

    Just a thought about Ken Rolling, could he be Michael the camera man, maybe none of the impersonators was Michael? Just another option.
  • *****News update on why there is no other footage of the actual show********

    The Jermaine tribute show in Planet Hollywood October 2nd 2010 was being filmed for pay per view tv like most performance/shows in Vegas.It is quite normal.I did say this earlier on in the thread.There would be a no recording policy in place because what would be the point in paying for it on tv when someone is going to be uploading it in a few hours on youtube FOR FREE...
    If you record when it is it unauthorized in the venue by the venue or artist and you upload it on to the internet you can be sued for illigally uploading content that you have no rights to,be made to remove it etc.Anyone at that show probably had their camera taken off them.This leaves phone...but the rules still video footage would be allowed to be uploaded.

    This seems to also explain the 02 Conference...kinda....Nah...that's still fucked up lol!sorry

    This 'Ken Rolling' who myself and a few other members are trying to hunt down and find out about,is the strangest character and nothing makes sense so far.There are a few links that lead to nowwhere around summer 2008..and then nothing until 2010.

    To me, it appears he is definitley up on some sort of balcony area which is usually VIP thus appearing so far away when filming and also filming illegally but getting away with it as no one could see him do it.

    The plot thickens....
    will keep y'all up to speed.

    Sin xo

    So I wonder, how come this guy's video has not been removed, nor was his account suspended??
  • I just have to say this as I find it rather peculiar. I realize that there are MJ impersonators here with Jermaine at his after party at Planet Hollywood. However, does anything at all look suspicious to any of you??????

    This is what looks peculiar to me: Observe the Michael wearing the red shirt under the black suit coat. Yes, the one you see first at the very beginning of the video. Yes, he is standing behind Jermaine....and continues to stay there, coincidentally being flanked by the body guards for Jermaine. Watch him closely, watch his body language. He appears nervous. Why???? Plus, he is not standing with the other impersonators. To me, this is out of place.....and not in keeping with the behavior of the other impersonators who clearly are composed and appear to enjoy the attention.

    I may be wrong....but ya know, I may be right?!?!?!

    I know further down this page someone pointed out this is Lane....but two questions in my mind. Why in Lane's pics does he not show himself out of costume? And you pointed out in this impersonator in red shirt closely at 11 seconds. He calls a body guard over and tells him something and the body guard looks to tell someone to put their camera away. Why would an impersonator not want his pic taken? At least that's how it looks to me.
  • In addition Lane Lassiter wrotre on his myspace page : " Paris almost made me cry last nite she just stared into my eyes after Prince told here to look , it was kind of sad but sweet also "

    More info : <!-- m --><!-- m -->

    I mean no disrespect, but even as I study the pic vs. the video I distinctly see differences between these two men wearing the red shirt. The video Mike clearly has collar bones the create that boney prominence at the bottom of the neck. Lane's close up pic doesn't, but almost gives the illusion of minor rolls.

    Also, I personally think that Prince made Paris look into the eyes of the video Michael
    because the eyes are the windows to the soul and clearly delineate one person from another. I feel, with all my heart, that Paris was looking into the eyes of her father and not Lane. However, Lane needs to maintain the illusion. Also, I don't think Paris' older brother would be cruel enough to tell her do something such as this without a good reason.

    That, of course, is my opinion. But my intuition is really telling me that the behavior here of the video Michael and that of the family, in general, is distinctly off.

    That post was also made at 11:11a very spiritual and awakening number.
  • [youtube:3t5opq4h]
    Hmm... something else I've noticed. I dunno if anyone else has. but the song chosen for this video The lyrics

    "... But someone picked you from the bunch... One look was all it took....."
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    Hmm... something else I've noticed. I dunno if anyone else has. but the song chosen for this video The lyrics

    "... But someone picked you from the bunch... One look was all it took....."
    <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    Nice catch!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> It does seem to tie in perfectly with what's being talked about on this thread...
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    *****News update on why there is no other footage of the actual show********

    The Jermaine tribute show in Planet Hollywood October 2nd 2010 was being filmed for pay per view tv like most performance/shows in Vegas.It is quite normal.I did say this earlier on in the thread.There would be a no recording policy in place because what would be the point in paying for it on tv when someone is going to be uploading it in a few hours on youtube FOR FREE...
    If you record when it is it unauthorized in the venue by the venue or artist and you upload it on to the internet you can be sued for illigally uploading content that you have no rights to,be made to remove it etc.Anyone at that show probably had their camera taken off them.This leaves phone...but the rules still video footage would be allowed to be uploaded.

    This seems to also explain the 02 Conference...kinda....Nah...that's still fucked up lol!sorry

    This 'Ken Rolling' who myself and a few other members are trying to hunt down and find out about,is the strangest character and nothing makes sense so far.There are a few links that lead to nowhere around summer 2008..and then nothing until 2010.

    To me, it appears he is definitley up on some sort of balcony area which is usually VIP thus appearing so far away when filming and also filming illegally but getting away with it as no one could see him do it.

    The plot thickens....
    will keep y'all up to speed.

    Sin xo

    So I wonder, how come this guy's video has not been removed, nor was his account suspended??

    WELL....This is strange also,and I only picked up on it late last night.I watched all 5videos from Mr Ken Rolling,although not very long,each video is a Jackson 5 song,there are NO Michael songs recorded.
    Not strange you may say...he is just a Jackson 5 fan...but...the day after the tribute show, TMZ released an article which was put up by Dejavu in a seperate thread "Jermaine Commands Michael Jackson's Army" stating if any other recorded footage was taken apart from the pay per view footage he could face legal action.Jermaine is legally allowed to cover the MJ songs in concert, but if he uses the pay per view recorded footage or any other footage to create and then sell a DVD, album or extra TV special he would need to go through the Michael Jackson estate to secure permission.

    Seems odd to me that this person avoided recording ANY Michael Jackson songs at a Michael Jackson tribute event and only get the Jackson 5 performances which...wouldn't get JJ into trouble with the estate....The article from TMZ did not come out until the following day so how did this person know not to record MJ tracks and only J5 ones?

    This together with the joining on June 25th,only having uploaded Michael Jackon tribute related vids up in the whole 2years he has had the account and he is the most obscure man possibly ever....can't all be coinsidence.

    It isn't even like he might have deleted previous videos because the only 5 subscriptions he has on his channel are from MJ fans and obviously came when he uploaded those videos last week.

    That is why his videos have not been removed...they aren't breaching JJ's rights to perform and video record his OWN songs.

    I am Ken Rollings worst nightmare as of now.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    well done sinderella,,clever girl.!!!! should be working for the CIA....KGB....FBI.... ha ha ...........keep it up its brilliant work....xxxxxxxxxxxxx
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